A Letter looking up From Rock Bottom

As I felt the life shattering affect of the impact when you hit rock bottom recently; I was reminded of many things. These things I’d Like to write in this letter for myself to remember when I most likely will hit the bottom again and for you. To let you know, you are not alone, […]

Working With The Loving, Bright, Vital, And Balancing Energy Of June

Every single month has its own energy, and frequencies we can connect to that are unique. When we connect to the month’s energy and frequencies we can find ourselves living a much more aligned, and magical life. We have the ability to amplify our magical workings, intentions, and manifesting. Let’s talk about how to do that […]

Embrace The Transformation, Renewal, and Wealth of the 5/5 portal

Certain dates hold a special significance in the terms of celestial alignment and they create a portal through which we can access heightened energies, spiritual insights, and opportunities for growth. The 5th of May is a really important date as it is the 5th day of the 5th month of the year. This is known […]

Working With The Basics of Life and Magic; Energy

Energy! Nothing is solid; Everything is made up of energy.  Me. You. Your family. The chair you’re sitting on. Your bed. The ground you walk on. That’s why energy work is so important. The language of our higher self is spoken to us through our intuition and intuition communicates with us through the language of […]

The Magic Of March

Every single month has it’s own energy, and frequencies we can connect to that is unique. When we connect to the month’s energy and frequencies we can find ourselves living a much more aligned, and magical life. We have the ability to amplify our magical workings, intentions, and manifesting. Let’s talk about March, March is […]

Use SMART Goals To Up-level Your Life Today!

I have been feeling this strong pull to talk about goals all week now. Maybe it’s because we entered March this month and by now at least 43% of us who set goals around the New Year have already given up on them or hit huge obstacles to deter us. Maybe it’s because, I have […]

How to reset your life completely with this monthly guide!

There are so many reasons your life, your home, or you could need a complete reset. It could be simply because it’s the end of or beginning of the month. I personally do one of these at the beginning of every month and am even writing this blog post for all of you as I […]

Leap Into The Rest of 2024 with the Magic of the Leap Year

It’s a day that comes around once every four years so of course there is going to be some boosted magical energy for us to harness for ourselves and our lives. Leap Year is a rare moment to step out of the ordinary flow of time. It’s an opportunity to recalibrate, reflect, and realign with […]

Marriage and/or a partnership aren’t meant to be equal or 50/50

I Know right away some of you have clicked on this to come at me with guns blazing ready to argue with me. To let me know how wrong I am, how young I am so how could I possibly know, and to tell me how I am anti feminist or in an unhealthy marriage.

I am going to tell you that you are wrong.

I am going to stick to the statement I made in this blog post title.

And I am going to ask that you hear me out. Read this until the very end and than tell me you don’t think and feel the same way.