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Gain Clarity with Your 2025 New Year Goals by choosing a word of the year

It’s hard to believe another year has gone by! As we welcome in a new calendar year it’s important to choose your word of the year! If you haven’t already chosen a word of the year now is the time to do it! Choosing a word of the year allows you to look back on your hopes and dreams for the year. You have the chance to set the stage for the year to come and focus on what you need most in your life right now. Your word of the year can help you set goals that share a common theme. Ideally, your word of the year should be something that inspires you to reach your goals, chase your dreams, and drives you to live a fuller life. I truly believe that choosing a word of the year can be one of the most powerful things you can do in terms of goal setting , manifestation, and personal growth when the new year comes around each time.

Why choose a word of the year?

In life, you can’t just wish for your dreams to come true. You need to commit to them, create a plan, and implement a system to make your goals a success. There are countless ways to do this. One that I find to be incredibly useful is to include a New Year’s word to constantly remind me of them and keep them at the forefront of my mind. Choosing a Word of the Year is like picking a theme or central idea you want to focus on for the whole year. It’s a simple way to remind yourself of what’s important and what you want to achieve or change in your life—like having a personal motto or slogan.

When you choose a word, it is usually what you need more of, what you want to focus on, or what you need to improve on. A lot of the time, my word has been blaringly obvious. It helps me gain clarity on my goals, my personal development plan, and stay committed to my goals all year long. This method I have been using for years has now become a cornerstone to the foundation of all my goal setting and manifestation work for each year to come. If all that’s not enough reasons to set a word of the year, I don’t know what is!

How do you choose your word of the year?

Choosing a word of the year doesn’t have to be hard. Your word of the year just needs to provide you with inspiration for the direction you desire this next year to go!

First step is to, reflect on the past year and on the next year ahead. Make sure you look at the highs and the lows of from the past year. Look at what worked and what didn’t. Be authentic and honest with yourself about how the past year truly made you feel. Don’t hide from yourself to try and make yourself feel more accomplished then maybe the last year went as well. But, also don’t let yourself get fixated on the things that didn’t come to fruition through manifestation. Instead be willing to see through your eyes with clarity, the lessons they have taught you as this chapter comes to a close. Below are some of the questions I have used from year to year to pick out my word of the year. Use any of them that speak out to your soul or come up with your very own!

  • What do you want to do or accomplish the most in the next year?
  • What was the overall feel of last year?
  • Is there something you want more of or don’t want in teh next year?
  • How do you want to feel by the end of next year?
  • Is there something important you want more of from the past year?
  • Is there something you cherish you want more of from the past year?
  • What skills did you learn in the past year you want to use in the next one? What new ones would you like to learn?
  • What was the biggest lesson you learned in 2024?
  • What is the biggest lesson you wish to learn in 2025?
  • What core value of yours do yo wish to focus on this next year?
  • What feeling fits the goals of every area of your life?
  • What is the biggest blockage you need to remove in 2025 to manifest your dream life?
  • How do you want to describe your life by the end of 2025?
  • How would you describe the year 2024 in one word by the end of it?
  • What was the best things you manifested in 2024?
  • What is the biggest thing you need in your life to meet all your goals in 2025?
  • What major life changes happened in 2024? What ones do you wish to happen in 2025?
  • What was the greatest challenge you had to overcome in 2024?

Once we have taken the time to sit and reflect with our feelings and thoughts for the past year and then how we want to create the year unfolding ahead. It’s time to sit down and start to get a rough picture of how you want your goals to take shape in the year ahead. This step is crucial. If you don’t know what you want to accomplish, it’s going to be extremely difficult to reflect on your accomplishments and assess if you were successful. While you are doing this make sure to take a close look at each of your goals and try to find any connections between them. If you start to see a link now you may start to see your word of the year start to take form and reveal itself to you. Take a look at some of the categories below to help you start to brainstorm your goals. If you need help to learn more about what goals are you can read my guide about them here.

  • Finance
  • Parenting
  • Relationship(s)
  • Travel
  • Home Improvement
  • Self-Care/ self-love
  • Health
  • Career
  • Self-Development
  • Mental health
  • Healing journey
  • business
  • hobbies
  • political activism
  • Spiritual well being
  • Learning/knowledge/education
  • family
  • fun
  • cleaning/organization
  • pets

Now that you reflected on your past year, what you want in the next one ahead, and started to shape your goals for the new year. It is time a create a list . Create a list of one words that fit the feeling of the things you have written down. I like to do this brain dump style. How I do this is I read my answers to the question from above. Then without judgement, fear, or trying to control what comes I pick up my pen and just let the words come. I write down every single one that comes. Now, it is time for you to do the same. Don’t judge any of them that come, you never know which one may sneak up and surprise you. Below you will find a list of ALOT but, certainly not all of the words I have had come to me throughout the years. If any of them are glittering to you on this new day as an unknown year unfolds take them and add them to your list as well.

  • balance
  • compassion
  • commitment
  • acceptance
  • release
  • heal
  • Focus
  • Clarity
  • growth
  • perspective
  • integrate
  • magic
  • learn
  • dream
  • cultivate
  • prosper
  • shine
  • conquer
  • embrace
  • peace
  • simplify
  • create
  • accept
  • explore
  • adventure
  • expand
  • evolve
  • hustle
  • Cherish
  • rest
  • reflect
  • bloom
  • confidence
  • self love
  • thrive
  • elevate
  • inspire
  • persevere
  • forgive
  • encourage
  • connect
  • consistency
  • renew
  • enough
  • alignment
  • boundaries
  • pause
  • seek
  • gratitude
  • speak
  • wander
  • ground
  • allow
  • be
  • believe
  • authenticity
  • honesty
  • success
  • softness
  • family
  • me
  • build
  • devoted
  • Fight
  • Flexibility
  • fulfill
  • fun
  • habit
  • health
  • home
  • imagine
  • divinity
  • illuminate
  • indulge
  • lift
  • no
  • now
  • observe
  • progress
  • sparkle
  • trust
  • surrender
  • rebuild
  • teach
  • together
  • fight
  • unfold
  • wild
  • accepting
  • aware
  • justice
  • brave
  • curious
  • Disciplined
  • Empowered
  • Happy
  • Intuitive
  • invested
  • Wealthy
  • nourishing
  • motivated

Now that you have this long list of words in front of you it time to narrow down your favorites. However you choose to do this is up to you. Whether you meditate, use a pendulum, simply sit and reflect on them or something else. Narrow it down to a few or handful of your favorites to choose from.

Drum roll…. Now is the time we have been waiting for. It is time to choose the word that you can commit to as the next year unfolds. As you choose your word you need to make sure you have a strong pull to it so, you feel you can truly commit to it. If you can’t commit to focusing on your word, then you won’t live up to your goals for the new year. You won’t make changes or put the effort forward Make sure .that your word just feels like it fits. Some years you’ll need a more active word because you’re in a season of growing. While others will be more quiet and slow as you are in a season of reflection and introspection. So, make sure the one it is you choose sings to your soul and is one you can really commit to in the long year ahead.

My 2025 word of the year

After I sat down and did this for 2025 myself , the word that was singing to my soul for 2025 is Consistency. What is Consistency? It is the quality of always behaving or performing in a similar way, or of always happening in a similar way. Consistency also means that we’re making sure we’re doing the things we tend to avoid. There are many benefits to implementing consistency in our life to help us achieve our biggest dreams and reach our highest goals. I’ll list a few of them below.

  • Builds trust- Being consistent in your actions and words helps others perceive you as reliable and dependable.
  • Helps achieve goals- Consistency is a critical driver for success, and it involves dedicating yourself to your goals and staying focused on what you need to do to achieve them.
  • Makes lasting change- Consistency is key to making lasting change serving as a catalyst. it can also increase your productivity and motivation.
  • Helps you overcome procrastination- Consistency can help you let go of fear and procrastination, and take action regardless of how you feel. Which in turn helps with emotional regulation.
  • Helps you build habits- The more consistently you do something, the easier it becomes, and eventually it becomes a habit.
  • Consistency enables us to develop the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in our chosen field and become a master as well.
  • Reducing stress-Consistency can provide stability and reduce uncertainty.
  • Building resilience- Consistent effort can help you persevere, overcome challenges, adapt to change, and stay motivated in the face of adversity.

Why I chose the word Consistency

Now, to be honest, I’m pretty determined and I achieve most of my goals (at least 80%) but when I reflect on those that I don’t achieve, it almost always comes down to consistency. I would probably describe myself as someone who likes to start stuff and likes the sense of achievement of finishing stuff but ,I don’t enjoy the middle. when you can struggle. When you may have days that you don’t hit all of your goals, check off the whole to do list, or be focused on your goals at all. Those days when I don’t do anything to work towards my goals, manifestation, and growth are the ones that can derail my progress and even my entire year. It starts a shame spiral I really struggle to get myself out of off and it holds on very tight. But, as I sit here now and reflect on those moments they also are some throughout the past year that I learned the most about myself.

I n those moments of being inconsistent I have learned so much about myself in the past few years but, especially the past one. From how to love myself more, trust in my gifts and magic, and learn how I can truly help the collective in this life around. My confidence grew and I learned how to use my voice in a more efficient way, and that my number one gift is my authenticity. I learned that my artistic and creative self has been hiding just waiting for the right way to express itself and be let out. 2024 taught me a lot about flexibility and slowing down. Reminding me that amongst a chaotic year and life I can eventually find peace amongst the anxiety of the unknown and be able to cherish the little moments when I go back to my roots , surround myself in silence and be still.

I also learned that I have a lot more healing to go to keep myself in wise mind which allows me to be consistent with the way I want to live my life every single day. I need to be more committed to working through dysfunction, tough times, and hiccups in life (especially with technology) to be more consistent in showing up in my life. I need to be more focused on not being perfect in my progression every single day. But, to instead be willing to just be consistent to see long lasting change. Where my life, my business, my growth, my learning, and my evolution have been blocked and stopped is with me, myself, and I not being consistent with the things I want in life .With not being consistent with the things I know I need to do in life, to reach the highest peaks and bring my dreams into reality. With allowing perfectionism and a need to control block my sight. So, for 2025 I commit to being consistent with myself in an honest and authentic way.

What does being consistent in this year look like to me?

It means showing up for myself and my goals each and every day. Taking action regardless of how I feel on any given day. It means that this year will be the year I build upon the work I have been doing over the last five years to evolve, grow, and alchemize my suffering. I build upon the last year of work I have put in to build my business(this sacred container) and acknowledging the vast amount of progress I have made so far. I will keep doing the things that work and I won’t worry about the rest. I believe that being consistent will help me both personally, spiritually, and NOW professionally. Being consistent will help me let go of the fear of the unknown, of the self-doubt as to whether I can achieve my goal as well as all that procrastination and excuses. Why? because when you choose to be consistent none of that matters, you just keep doing what you’re doing. It makes you accountable to yourself, to your plan. It will also help me be my authentic self, practice what I preach, and let go of the need to be perfect and in control at all times with myself and my world. So, for 2025 I commit to being consistent with myself in an honest and authentic way.

How to use your word of the year?

Now, that you have gone through the steps and reflection to get to your word of the year what do you do? How do you incorporate this word into your life, manifestation and goal setting for the new year waiting to unfold. How do you take this one little word and have it be the corner stone of your dreams coming true, goals being met, and lasting change taking root? That is really truly going to depend on you and what you need. Think about what works best for you. Below are some of the things I have done in the past years you can try. Just listen to that little voice in your head and heart telling you which way to go.

  • My personal favorite, . If you haven’t learned how to create one to transform you year completely check out my guide here.
  • A lot of people like to call them vision boards but, I prefer to use goal boards. Using this term creates a much more urgent sense to complete what is on them instead of making them a some day dream. So, make sure when you create yours for this year your new word of the year you just chose inspires everything on it and is in the center of the board.
  • Are you a bullet journal fanatic like I am? Do you live your life on the pages of that journal? Why not put your world all over it? I do. I add it to the front o f the page and across every single margin so I see it every year.
  • Don’t use a bullet journal then write it on your planner, your calendar, or put on the notepad on your phone or lock screen as a home screen saver.
  • Use your word of the year to be the center of your goal setting mind map. This is one I love to do year after year. I take the word I choose then in the center of a page I write how can I…fill in this years word.. this years number. So for this year it said How can I have consistency in 2025? Then around that question I make boxes for each categories of goals and answer the question for each one. This helps me guide with clarity the goals I should focus on in 2025.
  • Let your word of the year be the guide and center focus of the SMART goals you set for 2025. To learn more about SMART goals and how to set them check out my guide here.
  • , you use for the next year.
  • Another great idea is to create a list of books to read that support your word of the year. If you aren’t a book person then do a list of podcasts, YouTube videos, or documentaries instead.
  • That bullet journal we talked about earlier why not go and pick out 12 monthly quotes that align with your word of the year. use one each month and write it in your bullet journal , on your bathroom mirror, create a phone lock screen, or write it on your monthly calendar page. You can find daily motivation quotes on my Pinterest page to sift through.
  • Are you ready to do some extra introspection and reflection with the new year? Use your word of year to create journal prompts or as you focus with shadow work . If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here;  you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.
  • Write your word on multiple pieces of small paper and seal them in a jar you decorate to pull out on days when you need to remember your focus for the year.
  • Take your word of the year and write it on sticky notes and place them all over your home to remind you of what is when you need it and you can’t forget it. You could even write it in the inside of your wrist. I have done that from time to time. I suggest don’t use permanent marker or sharpie. I have had it end up on my face by the morning while I sleep through transference. Not fun to try and wash off!
  • Are you more of a person who lives their life using their phone? Then why not take your word and have it on reminders, alarms, or calendar events to go off and be a consistent reminder for you.
  • Write your word down over and over and over again somewhere. Putting your goals which this word is tied to, in writing enhances their tangibility and strengthens your commitment to achieving them.
  • Share your word of the year with friends and loved ones. You can do this in anyway you like. When you Share your goals with trusted friends, family, or a mentor you gain encouragement and accountability. If you need a community to share your word with comment below, comment on facebook, or in my patreon.
  • Lastly, make sure to spend some time in a quiet, calm, and sacred container so you can meditate and visualize what living your life focused on your word of the year will look like, and feel like in the year to come.

Final thoughts

When it comes to choosing your own word of the year, there is no right or wrong way to do it. It’s about choosing one word (you may or may not want to choose a mantra/affirmation/quote instead or to go alongside) that will encompass your intentions for the year ahead. You want it to be your focus, your reminder to be your best self for the year. Your reminder to walk your own unique destined path to help heal the collective and the souls you find on your travels. Perhaps your word will come to you in a flash of inspiration or maybe you keep seeing it pop up as you go about your day. It might come to you quickly or it might be more slowly – you will know when you know. Just follow that intuition, trust yourself, and choose YOUR word. Then set your goals and reach for the stars! Just remember that 2025 can only be better if you choose to make it better. You have to put in the effort to make this year the most magical, and best one yet! What is your new word of the year? Come join me on Facebook or patreon and let me know or comment below!

Come join me the first Saturday of January to revolutionize how you set your goals for 2025. Let me show you hand in hand how to create my personal development plan. You will leave with your entire years worth of SMART goals planned, a way to keep yourself accountable, and have a clear path on how you meet every goal you set.

Have you been feeling stuck, emotionally unstable, missing joy in your life, or having a hard time connecting to yourself and your magic? Do you want to start the new year from a different headspace? I have the answer for you to start out this new year from a place feeling grounded, present, and ready to manifest your dream life. Come join me for this special one time only two day event teaching you how to integrate the practice of Mindfulness to your magic and life!

What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the practice of purposely bringing one’s attention to the present moment without judgment. It allows you to move from just existing in life to thriving, get back to wise mind, create a place to heal and grow in, and most important of all, align you with joy while creating a life where you truly thrive! This skill is a core skill in DBT, the therapy that changed my life! To register for this special two day event visit the link below!

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Working With The Prosperous, Stable, Physical, And Present Energy Of The Taurus New Moon

We are entering a new lunar phase this week; the New moon. As the Moon changes signs approximately every 2-3 days, we feel her influence over our moods and intuition shift. As the moon begins her next cycle aligned with the steadfast bull, we feel called to ground ourselves in the realm of the earthly and tangible. Under the taurus new moon, our intentions manifest through sensual delights, pragmatic actions, and diligent cultivation of resources over time. The sign of Taurus favors the arrival of good fortune and prosperity. So when you combine the New Moon’s allure, and the sacred Bull’s prosperity it’s a supernaturally potent mix.

The Moon in Taurus also calls us to inhabit the grounded beauty of the present moment.
Taurus brings in the anchor of deep stability. The energy this earth sign brings is anchored and aware. We’re able to put away the cares and fears about the past, present, and future and be here now. This is the rock around which all that wonderful and messy life is spinning. The new moon in Taurus represents a time of renewed intention setting focused on abundance, pleasure, and material stability rooted in our deepest desires and passions without hesitation or fear.

This new moon in Taurus is asking us to dig down to the bedrock of our lives. To re-discover what’s lost, what’s buried, and what’s forgotten. And bring those submerged pieces back to life. Reminding us when we are rooted to the earth we get to be truly who we are and manifest a life full of abundance and pleasure.

This new moon begins a lunar month centered around rebuilding our lives from the ground up, reassessing our values, and strengthening our relationship with ourselves, our physical bodies, and the Earth. Keep reading to learn all about this Taurus new moon, how it will affect you, and how you can harness it in your life and magical practices. By aligning with the Taurus new moon

New Moon What Is It And Why We Honor It?

Every month, the New Moons carry us over the threshold of a new beginning. So, let’s talk about the new moon in general before we dig into the depths of what a Taurus moon can do for you and your life. The new moon is the time to reflect and cleanse your energy. It is a time to set your intentions for what you wish to attract this lunar cycle. Every intention set requires action and energy from your part as well.

The new moon energy is there to support you in manifesting what you want. The new moon is a time to allow new ideas and energy to flow with you. It is a time to honor new beginnings, and the turning over of a cycle. Think of these intentions as seeds you are planting for this lunar cycle to be ready to harvest by the full moon.

Use this time to rest, reflect, and plant what you will grow just as your ancestors across many cultures did while there was little light in the night sky for them to use. Each New Moon is unique, offering its own magic within each month.

To learn more about the foundations of working with the new moon, and how it affects you, read more here in my previous blog post.

Themes For The Taurus New Moon

Every New Moon contains its own themes, which are related to the sign that it falls under. This time, we experience the New Moon in the purposeful, prosperous, stable, relaxing, anchored, earth sign of Taurus the bull. Let’s explore some of the themes and energies of Taurus deeper below.

Taurus The Sign Calling You To Be Present

Taurus is a fixed sign. It roots into presence, and sustains what’s here and now. The Taurus New Moon is often a time to relax, indulge, and take it easy. No doubt life has been spinning SO fast around you recently? It’s because, we’re coming out of a high energy, intense, passionate period with the previous Moons, and this is now a time to pull back. We can take a break, chill out, and don’t want to fill up every moment of our lives with something to do. By standing still and taking time to rest during this New Moon, presence will form. And in that presence; you’ll find what matters and maybe even some answers to questions you have been pondering recently. Taurus has all the time in the world. Not to mention the tenacity to stick with the search to firstly find out the answers, and secondly, figure out how to bring them to life.

Taurus The Sign Of Money

Taurus has a reputation for abundance, in all its earthly delights. Taurus is a money ruler, so we can focus on opportunities to improve our financial situations and plan for the future. We can maximize resources we have, and get our hands on new resources. This can help improve stability and security in our lives, and as we improve stability and security, we can get more opportunities for money and resources.

Taurus The Time To Anchor

Taurus brings in the anchor of deep stability. This is the rock around which all the duality of life is spinning. Taurus as an archetype is earthy, fortified like a mountain, and all about the sensations of nature around us. It often asks us to connect to our bodies and to the tangible, material parts of our life experience. On our journey there, Taurus also asks us to backtrack. To go back to the foundation and core of who we are and the intentions we are setting. Before setting any intentions for change, this Moon wants us to first look to our core truths, values, and motivations. To make sure we are planting seeds of intentions we truly desire to be sown.

Taurus The Sign Of The Body

Taurus is a fixed earth sign because of this; it is one of the most body-centered (and centering) signs of the zodiac. When the New Moon is in the sign of Taurus we are reminded of the sacredness of our physical form. Taurus asks us to sit with ourselves fully. Not in an intellectual way, or spiritual way but, in a physical way. It asks us to take time to notice the breath entering our lungs, the beating of our hearts, the movement in our blood, the tension in our muscles, pressure on our bones, and sensations from our senses. When the moon is in Taurus, we are encouraged to revel in our physicalness and the pleasure of what we can experience with our sense of touch especially in the realm of sex. Taurus puts an emphasis on creature comforts reminding us to slow down, savor deeply, and reconnect with our physicality by simply enjoying life’s pleasures.

Taurus New Moon and Duality

Since, I am a grey witch every single energy I work with I look for the duality in that energy and how I can connect to it. This includes the new moon and the sign it currently is in. First, the new moon itself is all about duality and illuminating the night sky in both light and shadows. The new moon is all about rebirth, renewal, and the beginning of a new cycle, which puts you in a transitional liminal space and energy. In order for you to be in a space to begin again, to transition, and be reborn you had to just come from and ending and death. Second, the sign of Taurus while it may be all about abundance, security, stability, and going deep within to be rooted and anchored. That isn’t a light process, or an easy process. To truly fully receive abundance, and be rooted in our sacred contacts and soul purposes. To truly manifest all of our deepest desires, passions, and intentions; we have to face the depths of our pasts, who we really are, and where we have honestly been. In order to have the space and ability to receive it all and most importantly be willing to receive by knowing we are worthy and it is meant to be ours. Doing this opens you to a very liminal space steeped in duality for you to truly do the work needed to benefit from this new moon to its fullest potential.

What To Be Cautious Of This Taurus New Moon

Our confidence can be high with the Taurus New Moon if we feel secure and take it easy. If we don’t, we may become stubborn about something, and insecurity can lead to lashing out erratically. Be careful with being stubborn as well to not try and move immovable objects and start unneeded conflict. The other thing to be careful of with this moon; is the pull to rest, relax and go inward. It can be very potent and alluring. While taking to time rest and replenish our bodies is important don’t let it go so far you start to avoid responsibilities.

Ways To Work With The Taurus New Moon

Now, that we have talked about the themes of this Taurus new moon and how it is going to affect you let’s talk about how you can specifically connect to and work with this moon.

First, make sure to do all of your staples that your learned in the previous blog post linked here for you like, charging your crystals, making moon water, and resetting your altar.

With this moon there are certain spells and rituals that will help connect you this moon in the most effective way. Remember these are just some of the many ideas follow your intuition and the energy of this moon.

Correspondences For The Taurus New Moon

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like Taurus that I will list below for you to use.

  • planet-venus, moon
  • Animal- The bull
  • Element- Earth
  • Sex- Feminine
  • Modality- Fixed
  • Symbol- The bull, the goddess
  • colors- green,gold, brown
  • Motto- I have, or I possess
  • Chakra-Root chakra
  • Herbs- mint, thyme, sage, mallow, catnip, honeysuckle, saffron, rose, lavender, bergamot,
  • Stones/ crystals- emerald, jade. moss agate, green aventurine, Pyrite, peach moonstone, malachite, rose quartz, amazonite, amber, carnelian
  • Deities-Aphrodite/Venus Hera/Juno, Ishtar, Isis, Freyja, and Frigg and the gods Pan, Dionysus/Bacchus, Xolotl, and Quetzalcoatl
  • Themes-Stability, Security, Sensualality, Abundance,Fertility,Peaceful,Rest,Reflection,Love,Self worth,Grounded, Rooted, Strength, Patience, Determination, Fortitude, Physical body
  • tarot- The hierophant
  • House- Second house

Root Meditation For Taurus New Moon

The purpose of this meditation is to help you feel grounded and stable to the earth, and who you are while also replenishing your energy and strength. It also creates a circular current of energy from the earth’s core, through your energetic body, and the celestial body the moon.

How to do:

Find a comfortable position to be in somewhere that you can be alone and be left uninterrupted for a small amount of time. If you want to do this outside under the moon or connecting to the earth you can as well!

Begin by taking four centering breaths in and continue to box breath:

How to box breathe:

Breathe in to the count of four (I measure my count with my heartbeat).
Hold your breath for four counts.
Breathe out for four counts.
Pause for four counts before taking another breath.
This breathing technique helps to quiet the mind and center your focus. I use this not only for meditation, guided work, and magical purposes but, for mental health coping skills as well!

Continuing to breathe gently into the softness of your belly, you are going to begin to visualize yourself within yourself. Visualize yourself pulling back from the edges of your body. Draw your consciousness inwards so that you feel yourself inside of your body as if it were a sacred container/ temple that you can draw back into. Feel yourself growing smaller in the powerful space of your body, drifting down into the sacred portal of energy in your belly, down into your pelvic space. The sacred portal of energy many know as the root chakra or the cauldron of warming.

Remaining within yourself, visualize a root extending from inner-you down deep into the earth. Breathe into this root as it extends downwards into the floor beneath you, and than into the soil. Feel as it expands and grows moving throwing the soil. Past roots of plants and other trees, past rocks, and decaying remains and debris, past critters, and creatures that wiggle in the dirt. You breathe in and on the exhale your root extends even further into the soil stretching as far as it can until you reach the burning hot, molten core at the center of the earth. And you feel the energy of the earth pulsating there ready for you to absorb.

With every out-breath your root extends and with every in-breath you pull up green energy through your roots back into inner-you from that molten hot core in the center of the earth pulsating in front of you. The green energy stretches up into all parts of inner-you until you are completely filled with it from your toes to fingertips to the very top of your head. The energy extends out of the crown of your head skywards in the form of branches, sprouting leaves, and maybe even blooming buds or fruit. With every out-breath your branches extend upwards and with every in-breath your branches pull celestial, lunar, and solar energy into inner-you. Let the currents of green and celestial energy mingle throughout your body creating a circle current from the celestial energy, through you, and into the core of the earth and back again.

When you feel sufficiently charged-up, begin to pull back your roots and branches until they have formed a small but powerful sphere of centered energy in the belly of inner-you. This is a continuous conductor of energy that you can connect to for abundance, growth, and the divine connection between you, the earth, and the celestial body the moon. You can go within yourself, to your sacred container/temple of your body, to access it at any time, including repeating this simple ritual to continue to revitalize your inner energy.

Whenever you are ready you can open your eyes and come fully back to your body by giving yourself a self-massage or squeezing your feet connecting to the energy current you just were connected too.

If you would like more ideas for rituals you can check out my Pinterest page, my Facebook page, and watch any of my previous moon celebrations here;  or at the top of the Divination facebook page, and you can read more in a previous blog post here

However you choose to connect to this new moon and work with its energy be prepared to experience the steadfast bull, and feel called to ground yourself in the realm of the earthly and tangible. Under the taurus new moon, your intentions will manifest through sensual delights, pragmatic actions, and diligent cultivation of resources over time. Listen to Taurus who is asking you to dig down to the bedrock of your life. To re-discover what’s lost, what’s buried, and what’s forgotten. And bring those submerged pieces back to life. Reminding you that when you are rooted to the earth you get to be truly who you are and manifest a life full of abundance and pleasure.

To connect with the moon more you can join me for a FREE celebration and ritual with Divination on May 7th @ 8:00 pm CST in Facebook live!

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Use SMART Goals To Up-level Your Life Today!

I have been feeling this strong pull to talk about goals all week now. Maybe it’s because we entered March this month and by now at least 43% of us who set goals around the New Year have already given up on them or hit huge obstacles to deter us. Maybe it’s because, I have had to do so much adjusting to my own goals already this year because, of life changing, my family needing different levels of my time and support now, and honestly I really was unprepared for what my new goals were actually going to entail and how much my life was going change with it all. I have had to rewrite, and re-evaluate my goals and personal development plan many times already this year to make sure they are still SMART goals for me.

Goals have many benefits to having them intentionally in your life. I know some people reading this blogpost will know what goals are and already use them intentionally pretty often in their lives by using things like bullet journals, vision boards, and creating 5 year plans. While others reading this post will know what goals are but, loosely use them by having goals; as in some day dreams, like some day I want to own my own business or own a home etc. And others even yet may not use goals at all. That can happen for many reasons, not knowing what you even want, mental health issues, etc.

No matter what your current relationship is with goals this will benefit you. I was a person who did all the things like bullet journaling, setting goals for the day, week, month, year, etc, having a goal board. I loved having goals in my life but, even than I would have a lower success rate than I would like and lower follow through than I was proud of. Than I was taught this skill in DBT and all of that changed! My life completely up leveled. ( I Still have some major set backs I am navigating through) but, I set over 150+ goals last year and I met all, but about 20 of them by the end of last year. Continue reading to learn all about this skill and how to have it do the same for and your life!

First, What Are The Benefits of Goals

I touched on it earlier that there are many benefits to setting goals so what are they? First, the benefits really can be endless. Because, each goal you choose to set is going to have it’s unique set of benefits it will bring you personally when you achieve it. There, are some overarching benefits you can experience every time you set and achieve a goal we can take a look at next.

One of the many benefits goals can bring to you and your life is providing you with a sense of direction, and something to actually strive and work for. In a way our goals guide our sense of purpose and being and fuel our motivation for life in general. For myself, personally when I don’t intentionally have goals I am working on, and I have a plan on how I will achieve them my depression, my bpd. and my overall mood stability is honestly, just shit. When I don’t have a goal/s I am working on actively, is one of the times when I will completely disappear and sink into the depths my emotions can at times drown me in. If you have nothing you are striving for it can make it hard to want to be an active participant in your life.

Another benefit you can experience by intentionally having and using goals in your life is the mental health benefits you get from achieving a goal like the sense of building mastery. Building Mastery is when you do something that causes you to feel a rush of pride and a sense of accomplishment. You are doing something completely, fully and that you are literally able to master as you are doing this. I get this sense of feeling every time I achieve a goal I have set and honestly it can get quite addictive at times and it really does help keep my emotions stable.

The last benefit I will talk about is how setting goals and having them be an intentional part of your life is how you create a life worth living, how you get anything you want, and how you find happiness. If you want to get anything in life you have to actually do something to obtain it or achieve it. This is just simply how the universe we exist in works. It is how energy works and its one of the keys to manifestation I feel many miss. We can’t just put the energy out into the universe with our thoughts, You can dream, and tell yourself some day you will have the life that makes you feel fulfilled and is your soul purpose. But, how you actually make that happen is by deciding what you want to achieve, making a plan how to use them using SMART goals and than you follow thru with your plan.

What are SMART Goals?

We have spent some time talking about the benefits of using goals in general and what they can possibly bring to your life. Now, let’s talk about what are SMART goals specifically. First, SMART is an acronym that stands for S-specific, M-measurable, A-Attainable, R-Relevant, and T-Timely, but, we are going to break down what each of those means in a just a little bit.

SMART goals are a very detailed, layered, and specific way to set your goals so that you can attain them with ease and have a much higher chance of success. I really look at SMART goals as goals on steroids with purpose and intention. When you set your goals using this method you are creating a very clear image of what your goals are, how you are going to achieve them, when you will achieve them and how you will keep yourself accountable and motivated. Now, let’s look at what each step in SMART goals stands for and how to do it to achieve your goals.

S Stands For Specific- Be As Specific As You Can Be

The S stands for specific. When it says be specific it means be as specific as you possibly can be. You need to be very clear about what it is that you want to accomplish and achieve. Every part of the goal you need to be able to visualize, know in and out, and know what it is you want out of it. The clearer you are about what it is you truly want to achieve the more you will be able to plan, the more you be able to manifest and the more motivated you be to follow through with your plan to achieve your goals to build a life worth living. It really just is easier to achieve and accomplish your goals when you are specific when you set them.

M Stands for Measurable- Make Your Goal Trackable

The second letter in SMART for SMART goals stands for Measurable. What this means is making your goal when you are setting it measurable in some way. Giving yourself a way to know when you have actually accomplished. This also is a way to add urgency behind your goals and takes them out of a place of being a some day goal, a dream, or wish and makes them actually become reality. It keeps you accountable to yourself as well knowing you will be coming back to your goal at that time to take stock and see what you have been able to accomplish.

A Stands for Attainable-Make Your Goal Realistic

The third letter in SMART for SMART goals stands for Attainable. I personally really need this letter in the acronym and I feel most of us overlook this letter too often when we are setting goals both intentionally and unintentionally. There are times I use to set goals I knew there was most likely no way I was going to achieve them and set way too many at once for many reasons; perfectionism, my OCD, and I simply always have a million and one things I want to get done. When you get to this letter though it is to make sure you are being intentional with setting your goals to set yourself up for success to achieve them. Remember one of the main reasons to set goals is to achieve them and create a life worth living for. Why wouldn’t we want to make sure we are setting ourselves up for the highest level of success by making sure it is something we can actually realistically do.

R Stands For Relevant- Make Sure This Goal Is Something You Should Be Working On

The fourth letter in SMART for SMART goals stands for Relevant. This step in goal setting is when you take a moment and you reflect on the goal you are setting and working towards. You reflect to determine if this goal is currently relevant to your life right now. For example, if one of your goals for the year is to start a garden in your backyard but, you live in Minnesota like I do and the ground is frozen still. This may not be the relevant and right time to be setting and working towards this goal. Some other things to reflect on with your goals to make sure they are relevant are.

T Stands For Timely- Set A Time You Will Achieve It By

The fifth and final letter in SMART for SMART goals stands for Timely. This letter is all about putting urgency into achieving your goals. This is when you set a very clear and specific time you will meet your goal by. Whether you set a specific date or you state you will achieve this goal within 30 days, 90 days or whatever it is you choose. But, it needs to be a very clear and specific timeframe you pick. When you set a specific and clear timeframe you will achieve your goals by, you are putting energy into your manifestation and making it a priority for you brain to focus on accomplishing it. This also creates a sense of accountability for your goals as well you will either be coming back to it in celebration or to reevaluate your plan, make adjustments and keep working towards your goal if needed.

What Does A SMART Goal Look like put all together?

Now that you know what SMART stands for and you have a detailed break down of what each letter means and how it can really impact your goal setting. Let’s take a look at what this looks like when you actually set a goal using the SMART goals method. Below I will list some of my own personal smart goals I had set this last year in my personal development plan and you can see how specific and detailed it is when you write your goals out this way.

  • I will complete my Diary card for DBT treatment every day at 10 pm as part of my night time routine for 30 days in a row. After 30 days I will do so until I graduate DBT
  • I will take my prescribed medications every morning as part of my morning routine for the next 30 days. After 30 days I will continue to do so until they are no longer prescribed.
  • I will create a detailed smart goal board by January 1st in my office based on my completed personal development plan.
  • Every Sunday I will either find or create affirmations for me to use every day of the week. After creating my affirmations I will recite and/or write my affirmations every day as part of both my morning and night routine.
  • I will meditate daily during Olyver’s nap as part of my daily routine.
  • I will cleanse, and purify our entire home every single Sunday as part of my weekly cleaning reset routine
  • I will eat three meals a day for 7 days in a row when my body tells me I am hungry. I will track this in my bullet journal. After 7 days in a row I will eat three meals a day for 3 weeks in a row, than 30 days.
  • I will track my family’s spending daily in our budget planner workbook as part of my nightly routine before bed.
  • I will particpate and observe in every new moon and full moon of the year as part of my biweekly routine and my spiritual practice. I will do this by following all the steps in my book of shadows.
  • I will read from a book for at least 30 minutes every single day after I put Olyver to bed.
  • I will update and create this year’s family binder by the end of January.
  • I will write in my gratitude log twice daily as part of my morning and nightly routine.
  • I will participate in all required sessions for my DBT program weekly until I graduate the treatment program.
  • I will go back and re-evaluate, and update or modify my goal board and personal development plan to make sure my goals still are current SMART goals for me.

Ways To Implement SMART Skills

We have talked about the benefits of SMART goals, what they actually are, how to set them, and what they look like so, now let’s talk about how we can take SMART goals and implement them in different way and different skills in our life to be able to really specifically assist us with our mental health and our lives as a whole.

Accumulating Positive Emotions; Long Term

There is a core DBT skill we can use to help us make sure we are working towards creating a life worth living and maintaining our values and goals while doing so, and it is called Accumulating positive emotions for the long term. This skill is really about making changes in your life so that positive events will occur in the future. This skill implements your SMART goals and the values and morals you used to create your smart goals. I personally use this skill whenever I am feeling like life is becoming to much and I can’t catch a break. Or when I am just having a hard time with a sense of direction due to overwhelm. Let’s walk thru how to implement your SMART goals while using this skill.

  • Avoid avoiding- Start now to do what is needed to build the life you want. If you are not sure what to do than you follow all the steps below
  • Identify Values that are currently important to you- Ask yourself what Values currently mean the most to you in your life right now?
  • Identify ONE value to work on NOW- What is really important to me, right now to work. This one is important for me and a huge reason why I use this skill. It really allows my focus and get myself into a positive and productive state.
  • Identify a few goals related to this value- This is where you will come back to your smart goals you created earlier and identify what goals you have created that are related to this value.
  • Choose one goal to work on now- Do a pros and cons list or a priority ranking if necessary to select which goal it is you want to work on.
  • Identify small actions steps towards your goal- Ask yourself what small steps can you take to get to your goal?
  • Take one action step now- It is exactly what it says. Pick one of those small action steps you brainstormed and go and do that action step.

Below I have a blank example of the DBT worksheet to use when using this skill and an example of me using this skill as well

Create A Personal Development Plan

The second way that you can take your SMART goals and implement them in your life to help you up-level your life is by creating a personal development plan. A personal development plan is something I came up with while in DBT treatment and learning how to set SMART goals and the accumulating positive emotions for the long term skill. As I have touched on many times before I have OCD so I get obsessive, I plan all the time, and I over do it with the amount of tasks I take on which leads to massive burn out and often. It had become common for me to have so many goals and so many projects I was working on I never could fully finish or get things to my vision because I wasn’t setting clear enough goals. I also loved how much joy, building mastery, and productivity in peace it brought me.

So, I sat down for a month straight every single night and every moment I had to create this personal development plan which combines those two skills SMART goals and getting from values to specific actions steps ( the breakdown of Accumulating positive emotions for the long term) and I took it and amplified it and wrote out a breakdown of every single goal I wanted to meet last year. Every single one. I created every step it would take to meet the goal, ranked its priority and made sure they fit the values and pillars of my life I wanted to focus on and that were important to me. My overall goal while creating this one was to completely overturn my life and create a life I wanted to stay alive for.

When creating your personal development plan there are some questions you want to focus on as you create it with your SMART goals. These questions help you create the plan as a whole and they help you make sure it truly is created based on your SMART goals. Below is the list of questions to use when creating your personal development plan with SMART goals.

Once you have those questions in the forefront of your mind and you feel ready to really plan with SMART goals its time to create your personal development plan. Let’s talk about how we do that, the steps to do that and what each step looks like. I will even show you some pages of each step of my own personal development plan as we go.

Step 1- Decide on your Values/Pillars of you plan. The first step to creating a personal development plan is to help create focus and guidance with your plan and to make sure your SMART goals are in alignment with your core values. What you do here is decide on the core values/pillars/categories you want to focus on and your goals to be based on. The amount of this can be whatever it is you would like it to be from 3- 19, mine had the later. Do whatever is going to work for you that doesn’t lead to any unwanted feelings like overwhelm, shame, or judgement. Below is the list of the values/pillars/categories I focused on last year.

Step 2- Brain dump. This step for me is honestly the hardest because, I want to control the amount of the things on it, or to make it even and sometimes it can be difficult for me to release the judgement as I am brain dumping and letting things come to as they come. What you do here is you let your mind run wild, you let go, and you intuitively write any and all goals you could think of you would want to accomplish that fit into those values you had picked out just before this.

Step 3- Evaluate your brain dump. The third step to creating your personal development plan is taking a look at your brain dump and simply eliminating anything that may not be realistic or just doesn’t fit your priorities or values. There is no need to judge yourself for having written it down just simply acknowledge it and decide to save it for a different time or that it doesn’t fit your values and that’s okay.

Step 4- SMART goals. The next step in creating your personal development plan is either adding in SMART goals you had previously written out and created or you create them now. Don’t forget to follow all of the steps to create SMART goals we talked about above.

Step 5- Priority Rankings. This step helps you create some order to your SMART goals. In this step you will literally go through and rank the order of priority each goal has to me of importance to complete. When it comes to importance that can mean different things; so think about whether it is more urgent because of time and season, the level of happiness it could bring you, or if there would be negative consequences if you do not achieve that goal. You can even use pros and cons lists if you need here to help you rank them.

Step 6- SMART GOAL action steps. The sixth step in creating a personal development plan is writing out and planning all of the action steps you will need to take to achieve and meet your SMART goals. It really is that simple, you will write out every single action step you will have to take to meet your goal. This helps you in so many ways. It helps eliminate overwhelm, creates structure, and sets you up for success by having a clear vision of what to do.

Step 7- Plan when you achieve your goals. The final and last step of creating your personal development plan is planning when you will achieve them. This step gives you a sense of urgency, a deadline, and a schedule for your plans. I also personally love this step because, it helps me remember that my personal development plan is all about getting the life I want by the end of the year. It is about progress and not perfection and building things one day at a time. When it comes to planning it will be up to you what that schedule looks like. If you are only planning for 1 month, 3 months, or 6 months that is totally fine. I just did a year because that was the purpose of my personal development plan.

Those are all the steps to creating your personal development! Now you can use this help you up-level your life and create a life that is worth living for you. Here are a few other extra tips to help make creating your personal development plan a little easier. Use a bullet journal or something that is durable and that you can come back to over and over again. When you are creating your plan color coordinate your plan through each step by categories. Having things color coordinated just makes it easier and quicker when you are sorting through all the information and creating each step of your plan.

Create A Goal Board

If you don’t want to get as detailed as a personal development or if you want a visual representation of your personal development plan for you to see in your physical space often; you can create a goal board. Some people like to also refer to these as vision boards and other names as well. For me, I just do not vibe with calling it a vision board. A vision board doesn’t have the energy of action behind it. It feels like a lofty someday dream. And when I goal set and plan I want to do so in conviction, determination and with active movement of energy behind it. Creating a goal board can look quite literally whatever you can come up with that motivates you, draws your eye to it and that works with the space you have. Do whatever is going to work best for you to serve as visually reminder of your SMART goals. I personally love being able to visually see when they checked off or are moved to they accomplished section it definitely gives you a special kind of rush!

Things To Be Cautious About With SMART Goals

We have spent a lot of time talking about the many benefits and positive aspects to SMART goals. Well because, they really truly are an amazing thing to do and a great way to really up-level your life and create one that is worth living for. With that being said there are some things to keep in mind when you are using SMART goals intentionally in your life and when you are creating them.

Be aware of Tunnel vision. What I mean by this is when you are working very intentionally with SMART goals in your life sometimes they become all you can see. They become your focus, and the main thing you care about. You can become obsessed. Which can lead to some damaged interpersonal relationships, missed opportunities, failed responsibilities, and neglecting some of your other values.

Be aware of Inflexibility. When working with SMART goals sometimes you can get rigid, and very set with sticking to the plan you created to meet it. I mean why wouldn’t we want to? We took the time to actively plan ahead and create a way we are pretty confident will help us achieve our goals. One of the main points of creating SMART goals is this very thing. Even with that being the case sometimes things just don’t work as well as we thought they would, or our lifestyle changes, or there are things going on in the world that change how we have to function in it. Whatever it is don’t allow yourself to be unwilling to change and adapt your SMART goals and how you will achieve them instead of being so loyal to them you choose to not meet or achieve them at all.

Be aware of Perfectionism. This one is really one I personally have to make sure I check in on often. I really struggle with this one and the cycle it can cause, especially with goals. When working with SMART goals intentionally in your life, it may be very hard to work on goals at all if you aren’t perfect and if you make mistakes. For example, if you do really well working towards a goal every single day for two weeks and than for some reason like mental health, or your schedule you miss one day and the shame spiral begins. For me if it gets bad enough I will walk away from a SMART goal completely. Be aware of this need and desire for perfectionism and remember it is all about progress not perfection. It’s about creating a life worth living by the end of your SMART goal not the entire time you are working on it.

Using SMART Goals Can Shift Your Alignment And Manifestation

We have talked a lot about SMART goals the many mental health benefits and how they can help you create a life worth living by creating very specific and detailed goals. Let’s talk about one last and final reason you really should start using SMART goals in your life today and that’s the benefits it can bring to your manifestation and alignment. Using smart goals will automatically shift you into a more aligned mindset to connect to the energies and frequencies you are seeking to connect to. When you are aligned with those frequencies your ability to manifest a life worth living and your dreams becomes much easier to do.

When you use smart goals you also put the movement and energy needed to make your manifestations come to fruition. SMART goals help you ensure that you are not missing the crucial part of your manifestation which is active movement of energy behind your manifestation. You can not only align your thoughts and words for manifestation through shadow work, and/or affirmations but, you still have to do the actions, put in the work and move the energy. SMART goals really just forces you to do that. You can’t achieve your SMART goal if you don’t follow through with your steps and plan.

Start Using SMART Goals Today

I have walked you through many reasons why you should use SMART goals in your life, What a SMART goal is, how to use them in your life, and the benefits using them can bring to you. SMART goals have literally changed my life in more ways than I can even begin to list. They have helped me bottom line shift my perspective and my life to one that I find worth living each and every day and that is the best reason of all to add SMART goals to your life today. Now that you know how to from this article you can go and do the same! Intentionally live with smart goals to create a life worth living!

Come join me the first Saturday of January to revolutionize how you set your goals for 2025. Let me show you hand in hand how to create my personal development plan. You will leave with your entire years worth of SMART goals planned, a way to keep yourself accountable, and have a clear path on how you meet every goal you set.

Have you been feeling stuck, emotionally unstable, missing joy in your life, or having a hard time connecting to yourself and your magic? Do you want to start the new year from a different headspace? I have the answer for you to start out this new year from a place feeling grounded, present, and ready to manifest your dream life. Come join me for this special one time only two day event teaching you how to integrate the practice of Mindfulness to your magic and life!

What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the practice of purposely bringing one’s attention to the present moment without judgment. It allows you to move from just existing in life to thriving, get back to wise mind, create a place to heal and grow in, and most important of all, align you with joy while creating a life where you truly thrive! This skill is a core skill in DBT, the therapy that changed my life! To register for this special two day event visit the link below!