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The magic of Wednesday; Amplify your spells with the energy of the day

Every day of the week has it’s own magic and energy you can harness to influence your life and magical practices and in this blog series we are going to talk about them all. Next up, we are going to talk about the energy and magic you can align with on Wednesday. Wednesday is the third day of the week in most cultures and calendars. Others view it as the fourth day of the week while in some Muslim cultures it’s the fifth day.

The word Wednesday comes from the Old English Wēdnesdæg, which literally means “Woden’s day”. Woden was the name of the chief god of the Germanic people in ancient northern Europe, who are now usually referred to as Odin. Wednesday is also sometimes called “hump day” because it’s in the middle of the work week. This term originated around 1965 and implies that once Wednesday is over, the weekend is in sight

Wednesday is ruled by the planet Mercury

For pagans and witches, every single day of the week is ruled by a planet and Wednesday is ruled by the planet mercury. Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system and the closest to the sun. Mercury is named after the swift Roman god because it moves very quickly around the sun. In most depictions the planet, appears as a light gray color with some brownish-red streaks. Mercury is the planet that rules communication. All forms of communication from thought, speech, writing, networking, looking for information, divination, and communication thru art. Not only does it rule communication but, its very quick in it’s thinking as well and how it affects us. Mercury is also a unique planet and energy for us to connect to, as it is one of only two gender neutral planets in the solar system.

Magic and Witchcraft themes

When it comes to magic and witchcraft you can certainly cast spells whenever you need them. But, if you want a little extra oomph, and when you want to amplify your results, aligning your spell casting with the correct day of the week is one way to do that. Since, Wednesday is associated with Mercury, it is the ideal day for spells to enhance communication, learning, travel, business success, boosting memory, gaining clarity, seeking wisdom, and decision-making. Cast a spell for improved communication and clarity of thought today for a much more focused mind the rest of the week. Other spells you can do today would be to Boost memory and mental clarity and to assist with aiding in study and focused tasks.

This day also can be great to use for luck and good fortune, specifically for a business, You can also cast spells for travel and wisdom. This day is the perfect day to network, to advertise for your business and to start working on some new ideas you want to get out into the world. If you love to study, write, and read today is the day to hunker down and get it all done! This day is the perfect day to look at how you present communication and how you receive it. Today is a day to reflect and take a deep inner look and really think about if you are a good listener to those in your life.

Correspondences for Wednesday

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently in or a day of the week like, Wednesday. I will give you some ideas below for you to use. Remember to follow your intuition with the correspondences you choose to work with and that you can always use any that correspond that calls to you for the energies of the day.

  • Element- Air, Earth
  • planet-mercury
  • Chakra- Throat chakra
  • Gender- gender neutral
  • colors- yellow, purple, grey, orange
  • Herbs/flowers- lily of the valley, fern, lavender, rosemary, dill, mandrake
  • Stones/crystals- agate, aventurine, citrine, Jasmine, lapis lazuli, quartz, hematite, sodalite ,bloodstone,
  • Deities- Thoth, Hermes, Odin, Woden, Athena, Hekate, Iris
  • Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo

Ways to work with the energy of Wednesday

We’ve talked a lot about all the different themes connected to the magic and energy Wednesday has and gives us access to work with. So, how can you specifically connect to those energies and perform magic aligned with it? In your everyday life you can make sure your affirmations, intentions, and manifestations set today align with the energies of enhancing communication, learning, travel, business success, boosting memory, gaining clarity, seeking wisdom, decision-making and aligning with Mercury.

Below you will find some ideas for spells, rituals, and magical workings you can do to align with Wednesday as well. Use the magic of this day to help you connect to how you communicate, your memory, protect yourself during travels, and enhance your focus. Don’t forget to check out my Pinterest page and Facebook page as well for more spell ideas every week! I have a lot of reels and videos for Wednesday to check out!

Wednesday spell to increase focus for study and research

Remember, Wednesday is ruled by the planet Mercury which makes it a day where we can connect to communication, and clarity which means not only communication through language and speech but, also through the exchange of knowledge and information. Use this spell to help increase focus and clarity and allow knowledge to flow to you and be absorbed today!
What you will need: peppermint leaves, lavender, eucalyptus, yellow candle, and blue candle
How to perform:
Get yourself into sacred container. Take your candles and anoint them with oil thinking about the topic you wish to study. Once done take your herbs and mix them together. Once mixed roll your candles in them. Set your candles down and light them. Once lit again visualize and focus on the topic you use to study and chant this spell:
“May magick support my study
May magick boost my potential
May magick support my growth
May magick boost my understanding
By the power of the universe and the magic within me let my mind be clear and free.
Let my focus be sharp and all distractions fade away. Let the knowledge I seek flow to me with ease
amen aho so mote it be”

Work with and balance your throat chakra

Like stated many times above Wednesday is a day steeped in the energy of communication. How do we communicate? Where in our energy system do we get the ability to speak? The throat chakra! This makes Wednesday the best day to work with and balance your throat chakra. But, first what is your throat chakra.

Your throat chakra is located over your throat in the middle of your neck. It’s blue in color and governs how you speak to others and how you speak of yourself. Communication is the key aspect of the throat chakra and relates to ALL forms of communication including writing and music. It’s how you express (or don’t) express your truth. If your throat chakra is functioning well, you communicate your feelings and needs with others in a healthy manner AND express your true self.

The Vishuddha, or throat chakra, gives voice to the heart chakra and controls our ability to communicate our personal power. When it’s functioning at full capacity, it allows us to express ourselves truly and clearly. Someone with a blocked throat chakra will feel like they have trouble finding the words to say how they truly feel.

To learn more about the chakra system, the throat chakra and energy work in general click the link below to read my extensive guide!

Focus Study Spell Jar
Make this spell jar to help you study for a test or for a personal study and research session. Place this spell jar on your desk where you study or at your altar. This Jar is recommended to work for one topic or test and if possible try to create a week before the test! Don’t forget to go back and feed your spell jar!
To learn more about spell jars you can purchase my eBook all about them in the shop!

Clear Communication Spell bag for Wednesday

Remember, Wednesday is ruled by the planet Mercury which is centered around communication. This makes it the perfect day to preform magic that can help you approach someone in your life to fix a previous miscommunication issue or to have a hard conversation you need to have. This spell bag will help you get your point across clearly and affectively. Try making this clear communication spell bag today and carrying it with you throughout the rest of the week to aid in clear communication with others. Make sure to have it on you if you need to confront anyone or have a hard conversation.

Spell bag to enhance focus while studying

Remember, Mercury is the planet that rules Wednesday which makes today a great day to do spellcasting to help enhance your focus while you study and research whether it’s for pleasure or for an exam.
Create the spell bag below today and keep it on you while you study or place it in the drawer at your desk or study area.

Clear Communication Candle spell for Wednesday

Today is a great day to resolve issues with those you love by having a conversation. This even includes those you may have no communication with at all. When repairing relationships that are so damaged in terms of communication, it can be nice to get a little extra help. Use this spell to make a person get in contact with you or to allow healthy, clear communication with another to resolve an issue or conflict. I recommend doing this spell at least one day prior to the having the conversation if that is possible.

How to perform:

Use a blue candle to bring in calmness and clarity. roll your candle in honey while visualizing your intention of clear and healthy communication.

Grind and mix the herb blend and roll your candle coated in honey in the blend continuing to hold your intention.

Yellow rose, cinnamon, spearmint, lavender.

Use a marker to write the person’s name and the issue you wish to talk to. Than light the bay leaf with the flame of the candle visualizing your intention of clear, healthy communication and the issue to be resolved.

Other ways to work with Wednesday

  • elemental magic with the element of Air or Earth
  • Shadow work to recover memories
  • Study a topic you love
  • Learn a new skill
  • Create a spell jar to call good luck and fortune to your business
  • Write a letter to someone you need to get something off your chest too
  • Perform divination
  • Whisper your secrets and release them on the wind
  • Do solar plexus work to boost your confidence in yourself and your words
  • Write a short story
  • Do some networking
  • take notes on a topic or copy notes you already
  • Make a simmer pot for communication in the home or a relationship
  • call on your guides for clarity, and wisdom
  • ask for messages from the multiverse
  • wear orange, yellow, or purple for color magic today
  • If you have a decision you have been putting off making today is the day to decide

If you want more information or to go deeper on any topics covered in this blogpost; you can check out any of the links throughout. They will bring you to classes I have taught for free on YouTube with Divination Academy or to previous posts and guides I’ve written on that topic. You can also check out any of the links below to YouTube videos not linked above!

Happy Casting this Wednesday!

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The Magic of Tuesday; Amplify your spells with the energy of the day

Every day of the week has it’s own magic and energy you can harness to influence your life and magical practices and in this blog series we are going to talk about them all. Next up, we are going to talk about the energy and magic you can align with on Tuesday. Tuesday is the second day of the week in most cultures and calendars. Others view it as the third day of the week while in some Muslim cultures it’s the fourth day.

The word “Tuesday” comes from the Old English word tīwesdæg, which literally means “day of Tiw”. Tiw was the name of a Germanic war god that the ancient northern Europeans worshiped. The word “Tuesday” may also have come from the Latin phrase dies Marti, which means “day of Mars”. In Old English, the Roman god Mars was replaced by Tiw, the Anglo-Saxon war god.

Tuesday is ruled by the planet Mars

For pagans and witches, every single day of the week is ruled by a planet and Tuesday is ruled by Mars. Mars is located directly next to Earth and in most depictions it is shown as being a reddish orange color. Within the solar system Mars purpose is to control and counter Venus which makes it a very masculine planet and energy. While the sun is the paternal side of the divine masculine, mars is the powerful, very virile, and aggressive side of the divine masculine.

The Unique energy of the planet mars is oozing with passion, strength, and a will to fight. Mars is associated with courage, physical energy, protection, conflict resolution, passion, power, strength, war, and assertiveness. Mars is the planet to help you prepare for any uncomfortable situation you may find yourself in.

Magic and Witchcraft themes

When it comes to magic and witchcraft you can certainly cast spells whenever you need them. But, if you want a little extra oomph, and when you want to amplify your results, aligning your spell casting with the correct day of the week is one way to do that. Since, Tuesday is associated with Mars, it is the ideal day for spells of courage, strength, protection, and assertiveness. To empower courage and confidence by envisioning yourself as strong and assertive. It is the day to ignite your inner fire, gather your strength you didn’t know you had, and call on your courage to help you face any challenge or advisory.

Tuesday is a unique day in magic as you can really cast spells to have success in all areas of your life. I would caution with doing love spells today though, as Mars can be a little aggressive with its energy. Which can led to some unwanted results like obsession. I do recommend using the passion, and fire of Mars for sex magic tonight though. It can really heat up the pleasure in the bedroom.

Correspondences for Tuesday

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently in or a day of the week like, Tuesday. I will give you some ideas below for you to use. Remember to follow your intuition with the correspondences you choose to work with and that you can always use any that correspond that calls to you for the energies of the day.

  • Element- Fire
  • planet-mars
  • Chakra- sacral chakra
  • Gender- Masculine
  • colors- red, black, silver
  • Herbs/flowers-rose, nettle, thistle, cactus, basil, rue, chickweed, coriander, thyme, tarragon, holly
  • Stones/crystals- ruby, garnet, bloodstone, carnelian, red jasper, moldavite, sapphire, hematite, rhodonite,
  • Deities- Tyr, Ares, Mars, the morrigan, horus, kali, Diana, danu, Eris, Tiwaz, Lilith
  • Zodiac: Aries & Scorpio

Ways to work with the energy of Tuesday

We’ve talked a lot about all the different themes connected to the magic and energy Tuesday has and gives us access to work with. So, how can you specifically connect to those energies and perform magic aligned with it? In your everyday life you can make sure your affirmations, intentions, and manifestations set today align with the energies of courage, strength, protection, conflict resolution, overcoming obstacles, assertiveness, sexual pleasure, the divine masculine, and Mars. Don’t forget you can focus on success in all areas of your life except love.

In some practices like wicca many witches will caution you from casting on Tuesday at all, as they see it to be too aggressive of an energy they are willing to work with. I myself don’t agree with this and cast often on Tuesday. I do recommend to make sure you are cleansing the Monday prior and adding a little extra protection to any casting and rituals you do on a Tuesday to make sure you can direct the brute force of this days energy.

Below you will find some ideas for spells, rituals, and magical workings you can do to align with Tuesday as well. Use the magic of this day to help you connect to your emotions, intuition, psyche, and our deepest shadows. Don’t forget to check out my Pinterest page and Facebook page as well for more spell ideas every week! I have a lot of reels and videos for Tuesday to check out!

Spell to remove a bully from your life

Unfortunately many of us have to deal with bullies and unkind humans who are trying to do us harm. It’s important to protect ourselves from them and stand up to them. One way we can do that is magically using this spell I created. This spell is inspired from traditional witches bottles across the world in history.
Casting this spell today will be even more potent as well as your connect to the fiery, warrior, protective energy of the planet who rules Tuesday; Mars.
What you will need:
A jar with a lid
Lemon Juice
Rusty Nails
How to perform:
Take the glass jar and hold it between your hands. Visualize the person leaving you in peace and doing no harm to you. Say out loud:
“(Person’s name), you will bully and intimidate me no more!”
Next, take all your ingredients and add them to the jar visualize yourself no longer being harmed. Place the lid on your jar and shake as you repeat this spell 4 times, “ Malice, Hate, and harm you will forever be gone.”
Than take your jar outside and bury it near your threshold while reciting. “ (person’s name ), your power over me is gone. I am now always protected from your ill intent and harm. I am free from your malice, harm, and hate. no more will you be able to try and affect my fate

Tuesday Anti-Procrastination spell bag

We all have times we struggle to light a fire in our soul to push us to action to accomplish our goals and live a life where we are thriving. Like everything else in life we can use magic to help us with that.
Create this anti- procrastination spell bag on Tuesday to harness the energy of Mars and light a fire in your soul to conquer anything and get anything done in your life!

Personal Power spell jar

Since, Tuesday is ruled by the planet Mars, which is all about connecting to passion. That includes passion for ourselves. That passion leads to self confidence and personal power. We can use this personal power the rest of the week to stand in our own power, to know our worth, and use our motivation to meet our goals. One spell we can do to harness this passion and personal power is creating a spell jar you can add to your altar or anywhere in your home. See how to create one below!
If you need to learn more about spell jars you can purchase my eBook in the shop today!

Tuesday Threshold protection powder

Since, Tuesday is ruled by the planet Mars which makes it a day connected to passion, standing your ground, winning any battle, its a great day to add some extra protection to your home. Protection magic should be a staple to each and every witch. We all need protection and that includes our home. Our home is to many of us one of our most sacred places to be. Take the time today to protect your home with this threshold protection powder today! This protection powder will stop any unwanted energies or entities to enter your home. I refresh my powder on my threshold every Tuesday and whenever I will have many people entering my home as well.

How to make and use this protection powder:
Mix together sage, salt, eggshells, rosemary, dill, thyme and mugroot.
As you mix them recite: “I call upon the elements, and guides, to protect and seal us. This home and family are safe and shielded by you. “
Than take the mixture and sprinkle across your doorways and window sills to protect and seal your home and family.
Blessed Home to you!

Uncrossing Ritual

A common protection ritual you can do is an uncrossing spell. ‘Uncrossing’ means getting rid of all unwanted and stale energies and attachments. If you believe you may be suffering from a hex-related illness or a run of misfortune, try an uncrossing ritual. There are many different ways to do an uncrossing spell. Almost all cultures have a version of this ritual, which is mainly for removing unwanted energies.

Perform this spell today with a boost from your passion and strength and feel all unwanted energies including hexes to be removed from your life!
How to perform:
Get yourself into sacred container, by taking a few deep breaths and centering. You can even cast a circle here if you would like to
Light your white candle
Add your bay leaves to your dish
Next take your cinnamon and sprinkle it over top your bay leaves in the dish and recite this spell below;
In the name of all the elements and their guardians. In the name of the ancients who have passed, in the name of energies of the cosmos. I invoke you. To crush, burn, and remove all unwanted entities, forces, energetic attachments, curses, hexes, and crosses. Break them, dissolve them, release them. Bless myself and set me free.
Amen aho so mote it be
Cross the two sticks of incense on the dish and light them.
Let the incense and the candles burn completely. Don’t let candles burn unattended!

Spell to enhance Sex

Since Tuesday is a day all about passion today is a great day to spice up your sex life by enhancing your sexual pleasure, experience and connection with your partner. I also love to use sex magick to redirect the aggressive bit in the energy of this day. Check out this spell and perform tonight for a much more enhanced and pleasurable sexual experience! Trust me it works!

Other ideas to work with Tuesday

  • take action and start working on some work project that’s currently on hold.
  • plan your next move to create your dream life.
  • cast success spells or rituals
  • Goal set and plan
  • perform sex magick
  • Wear red clothing for color magic
  • Do something therapeutic to let out your aggression or pent up anger
  • go to war against someone you need to defend yourself from
  • spells to increase passion
  • light a red candle for courage and strength
  • Meditate with the color red to call on courage and strength
  • create an altar to a deity of war for courage in your life
  • balance your sacral chakra
  • Eat peppers at a meal
  • Work out to move your body and energy
  • Elemental magic with the element of fire

If you want more information or to go deeper on any topics covered in this blogpost; you can check out any of the links throughout. They will bring you to classes I have taught for free on YouTube with Divination Academy or to previous posts and guides I’ve written on that topic. You can also check out any of the links below to YouTube videos not linked above!

Happy Casting this Tuesday!

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The Magic of Monday; Amplify your spells with the energy of the day

Every day of the week has it’s own magic and energy you can harness to influence your life and magical practices and in this blog series we are going to talk about them all. Next up, we are going to talk about the energy and magic you can align with on Monday. For many Monday is the first day of their work week, and a day they dread feeling they are forced back into being productive. But, Monday is one of my favorite days when it comes to energy and magic we can align with, as it’s the day we really have the ability to go deep within ourselves and connect to our emotions, intuition, and psyche.

Monday is ruled by the moon

For pagans and witches, every single day of the week is ruled by a planet and Monday is ruled by the moon.The powers of the moon are vast and varied across cultures and the earth. They range from being used for healing, love, prosperity, protection, fertility, death, rebirth, and more. This connection makes it the perfect day to connect to our intuition, our emotions, and our psyche.

With this day being connected to the moon it is also deeply connected to your divine feminine energy in most cultures and practices. Which makes it a great day to perform spells and workings associated with the divine feminine including shadow work and womb healing. Monday is also connected to the many lunar deities across the earth, cultures, and times. Some deities you can work with to connect to the magic of Monday and the Moon are ;Thoth, the man on the moon, Sin and more. You also have many goddesses you can work with today as well like; Selene, Artemis, Diana, La Luna and more.

Magic and Witchcraft themes

When it comes to magic and witchcraft you can certainly cast spells whenever you need them. But, if you want a little extra oomph, and when you want to amplify your results, aligning your spell casting with the correct day of the week is one way to do that. Monday is the best day to perform magic that has to do with your dreams, emotional healing, fertility, spirit work, enhancing your intuition, nurturing, matters of the home and family, and cleansing. Some of the most potent spell workings to do today are; performing an emotional healing spell to achieve emotional balance and inner peace. Enhance your intuition by focusing on receiving insights and guidance from your guides. Develop your psychic abilities with spells aimed at expanding and sharpening your psychic senses. Perform cleansing spells to remove negativity, and dream recall spells to help make dreams vivid and memorable.

Correspondences For Monday

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently in or a day of the week like, Monday. I will give you some ideas below for you to use. Remember to follow your intuition with the correspondences you choose to work with and that you can always use any that correspond to the moon itself as well.

  • Element- water
  • planet-The moon
  • Chakra-Sacral Chakra
  • Animal-owls, rabbits, wolves, deer, cats, moths, bats, spiders, raccoons, opossum, cows, frogs, dogs, crabs, whippoorwill, panther
  • Gender- Feminine ( in most cultures and practices but not all)
  • colors- silver, white, blues
  • Herbs/flowers- vervain, moonflower, jasmine, lemon balm, cabbage, camellia, camphor, chickweed, moonwort, gardenia, grape, lemon, passion flower, turnip, potato, pea, cucumber, pear, peach, willow, poppy, mountain ash, mango, wallflower, rowan, cactus
  • Stones/crystals-moonstone, selenite, obsidian, silver, mother-of-pearl, aquamarine, gold beryl, topaz, emerald, clear quartz, coral, pearls
  • Deities-Selene, Sophia, Thoth, Artemis, Diana, Luna, Blodeuwedd, Man in the Moon, Rabbit in the Moon, Khonsu, Inanna, Hecate, Cerridwen, Coyolxauhqui, Sina, Gabriel, Mani, Morgan Le Fay, Cliodhna, Sin
  • Zodiac: Cancer

Ways to work with the energy of Monday

We’ve talked a lot about all the different themes connected to the magic and energy Monday has and gives us access to work with. So, how can you specifically connect to those energies and perform magic aligned with it? In your everyday life you can make sure your affirmations, intentions, and manifestations set today align with the energies of emotional healing, matters of the home, our family, intuition, psychic development, the divine feminine, fertility, new beginnings, and the moon. Below you will find some ideas for spells, rituals, and magical workings you can do to align with Monday as well. Use the magic of this day to help you connect to your emotions, intuition, psyche, and our deepest shadows. Don’t forget to check out my Pinterest page and Facebook page as well for more spell ideas every week!

Work with and balance your Sacral chakra

Your sacral chakra is the wheel of energy located between your navel and coccyx. It spins in the area of your reproductive organs and is the color orange. The sacral chakra represents sexual health and creativity. When it’s unblocked, you express your sexuality in a healthy way AND creativity flows into all aspects of your life. The Swadhisthana, or sacral chakra, helps inform how we relate to our emotions and the emotions of others. It also governs creativity and sexual energy. Those with a blocked sacral chakra could feel a lack of control in their lives. Below are some ideas on how you can balance your sacral chakra today. To learn more about the chakra system as a whole click the link below to read my extensive guide all about energy and energy work!

Perform Lunar magic

Some of the most potent magic you can perform on Monday is lunar magic! The moon has been linked to various magical practices throughout history and cultures and one of these is called lunar magic or moon magic. Lunar magic involves using the phases of the moon to cast spells. Each phase of the moon has it’s own unique energy and properties and using those energies and properties in our spells and rituals is what lunar magic is.

The ways to use lunar magic are vast and varied and differ depending on the phase the moon is in. They range from being used for healing, love, prosperityprotectionfertility, death, rebirth, and more. To learn about the moon phases and lunar magic you can perform today you can read my extensive guide all about it here or if you’d rather listen than read you can watch my free class with Divination Academy on youtube below!

Spell bag for sweet dreams

With Monday being ruled by the moon it allows us the ability to connect to our dreams and allows us access into the dream realm. Monday is a great day to do some magic involving your dreams and to help aid in your sleep. This spell bag is meant to help induce sweet dreams and open you up to the dream realm. Take the time to make it today and place under your pillow when you go to bed tonight! Keep in mind everyone’s experience may vary depending on their dreamscape, how they dream and much more.

Spell for emotional healing

 Monday is perfect for healing and connecting to our innermost emotions.
Use this emotional healing spell today or tonight to allow you to heal and release a wound from the past that has been showing up lately and causing some unwanted effects on your life.
How to perform:

1.Get yourself into sacred container by calling pink healing energy to you and into your sacred container
2. Grab your herbs and grind them together into a powder
3. Take your pink candle and anoint it with your oil
4. Take your candle and roll it in the herbal mixture towards you while envisioning yourself healing from the emotional wounds that are affecting you right now
5.Next, hold your piece of rhodochrosite in your hand as you light your candle
6. Once it is lit focus on the pink energy again and recite the following spell
“Emotional healing to me please send. Soothe my heart and help me mend. Heal my heart, release the past allow my inner scars to close up fast.”
7. Let the candle burn until it goes out on it’s own. Take the crystal and place on your altar for you to back to whenever you need support or healing throughout the week

Spell for Wisdom, Clarity, and Guidance with Cerridwen

Since, Monday is ruled by the moon and connects us to our emotions, intuition, and the energy of wisdom clarity and guidance. This makes Monday a great day to work with the Welsh deity Cerridwen.
As Keeper of the Cauldron, Cerridwen brings inspiration, wisdom and the gifts of prophecy to those that work with Her. Cerridwen’s areas of influence are Magic, fertility, wisdom, poetry, creativity, herbalism, and the harvest.
Below is a spell for you to do with her today to ask for some clarity, wisdom, and guidance!

What you will need:
A white candle
A cauldron, bowl, dish, or vessel of water
Chamomile, sage, catnip
Something sharp to carve into a candle like a pin

How to do spell:
Dress a white candle in Cerridwen’s name.
Than take your candle and roll it towards you in oil and a mix of chamomile, sage, and catnip.
Fill your cauldron with water.
Next light your white candle that now has Cerridwen’s name carved into it and is anointed with correspondences to Monday, her, the moon, wisdom, and clarity.
Look into your cauldron of water and intentionally gaze into the reflection. Doing boxed breathing, and opening your mind, and clares to receive any guidance, clarity, and messages cerridwen has to give.
Than respectfully ask Cerridwen for guidance and interpret what your cauldron tells you. You may receive her message in the form of symbols or images in the water.
When you are done blow out your candle and read any images and message you may see in the wax as well.
You can dispose of your cauldron water outside or into a water source.
For the next 3 nights keep a dream journal in case she happens to contact you in the dream realm.

Other spells and rituals for Monday

  • Divination like tarot, runes, or water gazing
  • Energy work like clearing and cleansing
  • Shadow work
  • Intention setting
  • Release work
  • Abundance work
  • Elemental magic with the element of water
  • Charging your tools under moonlight like crystals, herbs, vessels, athame, wands, etc.
  • Meditation and Visualization work
  • Reflection and journaling
  • Ritual baths and/or showers
  • Bath in the moonlight nude
  • Connect to a deity of the moon
  • Recite affirmations or prayers
  • fertility magic
  • Make a spell jar to connect to the moon
  • Make a simmer pot that corresponds to the energy of the current moon phase
  • Perform protection spells or rituals
  • Dreamwork
  • Lucid dreaming
  • Cast spells for family matters and the home
  • Moon gazing
  • Make moon water

If you want more information or to go deeper on any topics covered in this blogpost; you can check out any of the links throughout. They will bring you to classes I have taught for free on YouTube with Divination Academy or to previous posts and guides I’ve written on that topic. You can also check out any of the links below to YouTube videos not linked above!

Happy Casting this Monday!

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A Letter looking up From Rock Bottom

As I felt the life shattering affect of the impact when you hit rock bottom recently; I was reminded of many things. These things I’d Like to write in this letter for myself to remember when I most likely will hit the bottom again and for you. To let you know, you are not alone, to help you shift perspective for survival, and to introduce you to what I believe is your soul.

As I write this, I am still sitting at the bottom of the mountain, after being violently shoved down it. As I tumbled down the slope hitting boulders, ledges, and shrubbery along the way adding more damage with each shocking impact. I sank deeper and deeper into the feelings of despair, hopelessness, and defeat.

When my body, heart, and spirit felt like it quite literally couldn’t take anymore I landed at the bottom of the mountain as a shattered mess, barely breathing, with what I thought was no will left to survive.

When my breathing was ragged, my body was bruised, bones were broken, and my spirit was shattered laying in the dirt with a river of tears streaming by I came face to face with the best part of myself.

The part of myself that is the foundation of who I am. The core of who I am. The tiny bit of myself that has nothing left but the will to fight and survive. The part of myself that can’t be broken down any further. No matter the amount of pressure applied. The part of myself that will drag myself back up no matter how much I am hurt. The part of myself that will adapt to any environment I’m thrown in.

And this tiny bit of myself that I get to be face to face with as I lay broken down, shattered, barely breathing at the bottom of the mountain; I believe may just really be my soul.

Sitting there face to face with my soul at the bottom of the mountain battered, bruised, and broken gave me the companion and the ability to go within and shift my perspective.

A shifting perspective when I landed and got over the shock of the impact was one of the only ways that allowed me to survive and attempt to climb that mountain again.

My soul guiding me to shift my perspective allowed me to truly see my circumstances clearly for what they were.
While I couldn’t change my circumstances. I was hurt, barely breathing, short on hope at the bottom of a mountain, nothing was going to change that anytime soon. But….

I could change my view on them.
I could change how I felt about them.
I could change how I was going to let them affect me.
I could change the lesson they would teach me.
I could change my entire perspective on the path I was going to climb once I was healed and ready to try again
I could take it in and remember that when life seems like its just completely falling apart.

When it feels like you won’t be able to take in one more painful, ragged breath. This mountain you fell down, that shove you were given, every bruise and broken bone you collected as you fell, is just life and the multiverse breaking you to rebuild you into what you were always meant to be.

It’s life showing you another path you should have taken up the mountain instead.

When I shifted my perspective it allowed me to see the potential for growth instead of only the damage I had taken on the fall down.

It gave me the ability to grab the hand of my soul, go deep within and allow the mirror of my shadow to replay the path I had previously attempted and where the fall down the mountain had begun.

Once, my perspective was able to shift the tiny ember of fight, fire, and passion that I didn’t realize had still survived the fall was lit by the warmth of my soul and used to start to rebuild the foundation of who I will be once I completely heal.

That tiny ember of fire being held and cared for by my soul would be the thing that allowed me to survive. And survival was all I could focus on as I looked up laying at the bottom of the mountain. The next breath, the next minute, the next hour, and the next day was what my body, heart, and soul could promise to live for.

I reminded myself that when you are broken, and struggling to breath through the pain it’s okay if survival is all you can focus on. It’s okay if the pain is all you can feel and see. Pain means you are still alive.

It’s okay if survival mode is where you need to be right now, to make sure you keep taking your next breath. Survival mode exists for these times and moments to push us to keep going after we take so much damage we aren’t sure how we will continue on.

Use this time laying at the bottom of the mountain bruised and broken with your soul to shift your perspective, look for a different path you can take on the next climb up, and to allow yourself to heal itself in a whole new way.

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The Magic of Sunday; Amplify your spells with the energy of the day

Every day of the week has it’s own magic and energy you can harness to influence your life and magical practices and in this blog series we are going to talk about them all. First, we are going to start with the energy and magic you can align with on Sunday. For many, Sunday sets the tone for the work week that starts tomorrow. It’s a day full of energy and vitality, that can be all about prepping and planning for the week ahead. While also being a day to reflect on who we are, call on our inner strengths, and rest our energetic batteries.

Sunday for some, like many Americans is the first day of the week while for most other cultures and calendars it is the last day of the week. To Christians Sunday is considered their holy day, and the day Jesus was resurrected. In 321 Emperor Constantine even declared Sunday Rome’s official day of rest.

Sunday is ruled by the Sun

For pagans and witches, every single day of the week is ruled by a planet and you guessed it, Sunday is ruled by the planet it is named after; the sun. The sun is the vital life energy. It is the representation and connection to your ego, identity and the dominate traits of your personality both your strengths and your weaknesses. Due to this Sunday becomes the perfect day to focus on who you truly are and harnessing the vital energy of life to actively shape your life to be the brightest shining success it can be.

With Sunday being ruled by the Sun it makes it a day also connected to the many solar deities across the earth, cultures, and times. In many cultures the sun is viewed as masculine energy which makes it a great day to perform spells and workings associated with the divine masculine including shadow work. Some deities you can work with to connect to the magic of Sunday and the sun are; Apollo, Sol, Inti, Helios, Ra and more. You also have a handful of goddesses you can work with today as well like; Brigid, Amaterasu, and Aine.

Magic and Witchcraft themes

When it comes to magic and witchcraft you can certainly cast spells whenever you need them. But, if you want a little extra oomph, and when you want to amplify your results, aligning your spell casting with the correct day of the week is one way to do that. Sunday is a great day to perform magic related to growth, advancement, enlightenment, identity, self esteem, confidence, self worth, healing and general health, money, growing business, earning a promotion, success in politics, popularity, prosperity, hope, and anything related to the growing of plants/gardening (agriculture) and any undertaking supported by the energy of the sun.

Correspondences for Sunday

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently in or a day of the week like, Sunday. I will list below for you to use. Remember to follow your intuition with the correspondences you choose to work with and that you can always use any that correspond to the moon itself as well.

  • planet-The Sun
  • Element-Fire
  • astrological sign- Leo
  • gender-Masculine (in most cultures and practices but not all)
  • Animal- Lion, Dragon,
  • colors-gold, yellow, white, orange
  • Chakra-Solar Plexus
  • Herbs/flowers- marigold, calendula, sunflower, heliotrope, buttercup, cinnamon, lemon grass, bay leaf, st. johns wort, oranges
  • Trees-Oak
  • Stones/crystals- Citrine, Amber, Diamond, red agate, sunstone, carnelian, tiger’s eye, quartz, lava stone, garnet
  • Deities-Mithra, Sol, Brigid, Amaterasu, Aine, Apollo, Ra, Inti, Helios,

Ways to work with the energy of Sunday

We’ve talked a lot about all the different themes connected to the magic and energy Sunday has and gives us access to work with. So, how can you specifically connect to those energies and perform magic aligned with it? In your everyday life you can make sure your affirmations, intentions, and manifestations set today align with the energies of personal power, motivation, joy, purpose, prepping, planning, identity, ego, self esteem, self worth, confidence, creativity, abundance, agriculture, and the sun. Below you will find some ideas for spells, rituals, and magical workings you can do to align with Sunday as well. Use the magic of this day to help brighten your day, bring joy, build confidence, and so much more!

Work with and balance your solar plexus

Your solar plexus IMO is one of the most important chakras in your body and Sunday is one of the best days to work with it. It’s located between the bottom of the sternum and above the belly button. The solar plexus is a yellow color and connects us to the divine energy of the sun and the light. It is your energy zone that supports self esteem, courage, and your personal power. If your solar plexus is healthy, you exude confidence and tackle goals with clarity and fervor. People may see you as vivacious and lively. Below are some ideas on how you can balance your solar plexus today. To learn more about the chakra system as a whole click the link below to read my extensive guide all about energy and energy work!

Perform Solar magic

One of the most potent types of magic and spells you can perform on a Sunday is solar magic. Solar magic harnesses the power of the sun to bring about positive change in one’s life. This could involve anything from casting spells, or making sun water, to meditating in the rays of the sun and focusing on your desired outcome. Whether asking for protection or blessings, developing confidence, getting grounded and centered in your self image and who you are, or encouraging growth; solar magic can bring peace, vitality, strength, movement, and harmony into your life.

The sun’s potent energy is known to amplify the effects of magical workings, strengthening the intentions set during rituals and spells. Witches and Pagans may utilize the sun’s energy to increase the effectiveness of a wide range of spells, from love and protection rituals to manifestation and abundance incantations. The infusion of the sun’s energy into these workings can lead to more powerful and impactful results.

The Sun is the energy we can connect to for joy, happiness, playfulness, and the things that truly make our souls sing with happiness, contentment, and allow us to feel as if we are thriving. The sun is seen as the archetypal joyful, and healing energy of the solar system.

Click the link below to read all about solar magic in my extensive guide!

Spell bag to bring happiness into your life

Since Sunday is ruled by the sun it is an ideal day to do some magic to add happiness, and joy to your life. To call on the bright, shining rays of the Sun to illuminate your life. To bring you endless joy, happiness, and blessings to your life. To bring you the energy you need to call on when times get dark, and allow you to smile and find the rays of light you need to keep going. Try making this spell bag today to carry with you this week to bring added happiness, joy, and the rays of the sun to you all this week!

Spell Jar to attract Joy

Create this spell jar to attract joy to you, your life, and your home today to help you connect to the energy of this day and the vibrant and lively sun. Spell jars might look simple, but the magic they hold is powerful. And they’ve never been more popular in the world of magic and witchcraft. Spell jars have been a part of various spiritual practices for centuries. They serve as a powerful tool for manifesting intentions and desires. To learn more about spell jars and how to create them you can purchase my eBook for a super low price here;

Make Sun water

Sunday is an extra potent day to make some sun water to use in your spells, magical workings, and life! Making sun water is a fairly simple practice yet very powerful and can have a big impact on your life and magic when you use it. This magical water has so many different ways to use it; from banishing spells, for amplification, protection, happiness, joy and so much!To learn how to make sun water today you can click the link below to read my guide all about it.

Other ways to connect to the energy and magic of Sunday

  • Greet the sun at sunrise
  • Perform a Sun salutation
  • Do mirror magic With Amaterasu
  • Study and learn about solar deities
  • Create an altar to the sun or a solar deity
  • Create a flower bouquet
  • Pick sunflowers if they are in season
  • Call down the sun at noon
  • Charge your crystals in the sun
  • Cast confidence spells
  • Do shadow work focused on your ego, self esteem, personal power
  • Use a mirror to amplify your sun water
  • Have a bonfire
  • Perform elemental magic with the element of fire
  • create a simmer pot for creativity
  • Work with the energy of Leo
  • Wear yellow, gold, or orange clothing for color magic
  • Light an orange candle for confidence
  • Plant new plants in your garden or work with
  • Use the sun to amplify abundance spells
  • Observe the suns phases throughout the day in spell timing
  • Use the power of the sun in protection magic and spells or call on Sekhmet
  • Meditate with the color yellow to bring your joy and happiness
  • sunbathe

If you want more information or to go deeper on any topics covered in this blogpost; you can check out any of the links throughout. They will bring you to classes I have taught for free on YouTube with Divination Academy or to previous posts and guides I’ve written on that topic. You can also check out any of the links below to YouTube videos not linked above!

Happy Casting this Sunday!

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Working With The Ambitious, grounded, And Fertile Capricorn Buck Full Moon

We will be entering a new lunar phase this week; the full moon on Sunday July 21st. The full buck moon in capricorn graces our skies amongst the bounty of nature, the longer days of summer and the masculine fertility flourishing around us. This full moon is special as it is the second consecutive Full Moon in Capricorn as the June Full Moon was also in this grounded earth sign. This creates a continuation of the energy during the June Full Moon during this full moon in July. This means the intentions and manifestations set last month are going to be a continued focus this month for even greater success and accomplishment.

During this Full moon we will be focused on achievement, responsibilities and success. But, we may end up putting too much on our shoulders as a result, which leads to a crushing weight overwhelming us with burn out. We have to be realistic and rational about it all, and not demand more from ourselves or others than is actually possible right now. This full moon under Capricorn calls for a deeper connection to our nurturing environments and listening to the messages we are getting from our heart. If you’re feeling called to slow down, receive the message.

A Capricorn Full Moon is all about success, progress, achievement, and never taking “no” for an answer. We can see results from the work we’ve put in, we can hit new heights, make what we want happen, get recognition, and make progress on our path. We can feel connected to the path we’re on, and like we’re going in the right direction. We get clarity of our sacred contracts and purposes and how we will live in accordance with them. Join me in this guide to learn all about; Working with the Ambitious, grounding, And fertile Capricorn Buck Full Moon.

First, What is the Full Moon

Over the centuries, the Moon has played a significant role in different cultures and traditions. The full moon simply put is when the moon is completely illuminated in the sky and it has reached it’s peak in this lunar cycle in the sky. When the moon is completely illuminated it’s time for all to reach full expression. The full moon is the most powerful and potent time of the entire lunar cycle.

A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). The full moon greatly affects humans and it’s no wonder it does because, there’s a scientific reason for this – we are made up of 60% or more of water. Full Moons are the peak point of the lunar cycle: at this time of the month, the light of the Sun is fully illuminating the Moon, and the luminaries are exactly opposing one another from our perspective on Earth. This potent alignment offers us opportunities to gain more awareness about what is moving in our inner and emotional world, and information previously uncertain or hidden could be revealed at this time.

With the moon being fully illuminated it creates this portal to some of the most potent energy to connect to for us to manifest our desires and dream life. This portal creates a connection to our peak creative energy and the deep seated creative passions we all have within us. This creative energy and power is the energy we need to actually do and create the things and lifestyle we need to manifest what we desire. With the new moon phase being about planting the seeds of what you want to manifest, the full moon is about actually doing the work and moving the energy to make your manifesting happen. The full moon allows you to bridge the connection between these energies and themes and bring them into your life while reminding you how important it is to have them in your life not only when the moon is illuminated in the sky for you to see.

There are so many ways to work with the full moon, to learn more about the basics of working with the full moon energy check out my blog post here and you can watch my class all about lunar magic. But, remember each full moon will be slightly different and have different practices to add and different ways to do it based on which zodiac sign the full moon is currently in at the time.

The Buck Moon

July’s Buck Moon name and spiritual meaning are connected to the male deer also called a buck. During the Buck Moon season, male deer have grown their velvety antlers nad have emerged to attract potential mates. As the size and strength of their antlers are signs of fertility to the females. They will fight other males to assert their dominance, show motivation, and win over females. The Buck Moon’s energy can bring passion, courage and a desire for action which can result in positive changes and surprises in our lives. This energy also brings with it a sense of increased ambition, motivation, and fertility to our lives this season.

As with most pagan names there will be different ones for each culture so below I listed any of the other names for the buck moon I could find across the Earth. The common theme among them is focusing on the bounty and fertility of nature right now.

  • Wyrt Moon (Celtic) Wyrt is an Old English word that means plant or herb. This is why you may sometimes see July’s Full Moon referred to as the Herb Moon.
  • Thunderstorm Moon (Hiyeswa Tiriri Nuti ) Catawba Indian Nation
  • Sólmánuður (Norse) means Sun Month (source: Nordic Culture – Skjalden)
  • Mid-Summer Moon (ameku) Kalapuya, Pacific Northwest, Oregon
  • Claiming Moon (Celtic)
  • Raspberry Moon (Miskomini-giizis) Anishinaabe, Great Lakes
  • Hay Moon (Anglo-Saxon)
  • Time of Much Ripening (ohiari) Mohawk Eastern Woodlands
  • Meerkat Moon (South African origins) (source: Centre for Astronomical Heritage)
  • Rose Moon (Neo-Pagan)
  • Limbs are Broken by Fruit (dayamcho yachunne) Zuni Southwest, New Mexico

So, Who is Capricorn?

As a cardinal earth sign, Capricorn is about initiating and building. Capricorn is steadfast, hard-working, goal-orientated and relentlessly responsible. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is the planet of bounds, borders, barriers, constraints and confinements. Saturn, is also the planet associated with time. This makes Capricorn also connected with history and tradition, and asks us to reflect on the environment we’re living in and the systems and structures that are in place.

Capricorn is the height of the Zodiac, the highest point, and this is why it relates to our goals, our aspirations, what we strive for, and the heights we reach in life. We see this in the mountain goat thriving in the peaks of mountains. Capricorn is an ambitious energy with grand ideals; full of potential and a feeling of self importance. Capricorn knows it is meant for something special and expresses itself in pursuit of that. But, unlike the other earth sign Taurus who measures their successes in money and wealth, Capricorn seeks power and control.

With it being a full moon as well it becomes a time of culmination and results. The Capricorn Full Moon is usually a time when we see the results of hard and smart work, and we can reach new heights, achieve, and succeed. That is; if we’ve done things the right way and for the right reasons.

This moon focus on where you’re feeling insecure, lack support, or are having challenges with resources, and work to find a way around, tackle core issues, or find wiggle room. With this first Full Moon in Capricorn, it is a time to be honest with ourselves as well, and recognise where we have not yet mastered aspects of our selves or lives, then take aligned action to rectify that.

Capricorn The Sea goat

Capricorns are symbolized by the sea goat, a mythological creature with the body of a goat and tail of a fish. We often think of Capricorns as high achievers or business-oriented workhorses. This speaks to the goat aspect of their sea-goat symbol. Goats are scrappy, and some of them are capable of climbing to great heights. The fishtail portion of the sea-goat, on the other hand, holds the ocean and the vast, almost spiritual world that lies beneath it. This imagery speaks to Capricorn’s ability to navigate both the material and emotional realms. It’s the job of the Capricorn to strike a balance between these two realms of earthly achievements and spiritual truth.

Capricorn The Constellation Capricornus

In Greek mythology, Capricorn is linked to the god Pan, who is often depicted as partially goat-like. Pan is said to have the upper body of a human and the lower body of a goat. In one story, Pan dived into a river to escape the monster Typhon, but only transformed part of himself, becoming half goat and half fish. Zeus was amused by this and placed the image among the stars as the constellation Capricornus.

Capricorn The Ruler of Responsibilities

The hard-working sign values service, honor and public duty. Career, professionalism and reputation are extremely important to Capricorn, so the Moon here spotlights our need to succeed .Now is time to prioritize what you truly want to be remembered for and the work you’d like to contribute to the world. Capricorn is a sign that means business! Instead of being concerned with short-term satisfaction, you’ll be more inclined to dig in and focus on your long-term goals. Just like the mountain goat resides on top of the mountain, Capricorn energy feels its natural place is that of a leader, taking charge from the top. Because of this, during this full moon, you may feel empowered to take accountability for your actions or to simply step up and take charge somewhere in your life.

Capricorn The Sign of progress

The full moon in Capricorn always coincides with a moment of recognition and accomplishment. This is an aligned time to celebrate yourself and how far you’ve come. To take a look at all the progress you have already made. To stand up tall on your very own mountain, you have climbed to the top of and bask in your hard work to get there. It’s a time reflect on what worked on your climb up and what didn’t as well so, you can use that knowledge on your next climb up a mountain. To allow you a clear path and a greater chance of success going forward.

The Grounding Energy Of Capricorn

Capricorns is said to have a grounded, practical spirit. It is a sign associated with stability, groundedness, determination, hard work, and ambition. Capricorns are the last earth sign of the zodiac, and are said to embody the stable and nurturing qualities of their element. When the moon is in Capricorn it becomes a time to really ground into who you are, the direction you want to go, the path you will take, and duty to the world around you.

Themes Of Capricorn

We have talked a lot about who Capricorn is and how Capricorn can affect you and benefit you. Now let’s list all the topics to consider that correspond to the full Moon in Capricorn. Keep in mind that the full Moon relates to the continuation of your journey to manifest your desires and dreams.And this is especially strong this full moon with that continuation from the June moon and it being the second consecutive full moon in Capricorn. It is also a time to release all the things that no longer serve us and create blockage to our manifesting. It is the time to really truly nurture the seeds of intention you had planted during the new moon so, they can bloom and thrive. So, try and have any of your workings based on these topics be grounded in those seeds of intention you had planted on the new moon.

Also remember you have the abundance, and fertile energy of summer, the month of July, and the energy of the young buck looking for it’s mate to connect to as well.

  • Committed
  • Patient
  • Goal-oriented
  • Persevering
  • Responsible
  • Dependable
  • Rational
  • Trustworthy
  • Industrious
  • Persistent
  • Creative
  • Honest
  • Reflective
  • Protective
  • Pragmatic
  • Proud
  • Ambitious
  • Perfectionism
  • hard working
  • conservative
  • Duty bound
  • Grounded
  • determined

Things To Look Out For With Capricorn

We may feel easily overwhelmed by responsibilities we have right now. We can feel the weight of them pushing us down, and we need to work on managing them better. We may need to work on saying no more, and leaving room for small breaks where we can.

We also need to be aware of stubbornness right now. Persistence can often becomes a double-edged sword and turn into stubbornness. While it empowers us to stand our ground it may make us resistant to alternative viewpoints or new directions. Capricorns’ unwavering commitment to high standards may also force us to be over critical, making it challenging for us to accept imperfections in ourselves and others right now.

Capricorn energy can sometimes be overprotective of itself as well. Being cautious with expression of words or emotions, in fear of moving away from the perfect ideal image of the all powerful leader that it deeply craves to embody. So, be cautious of that coming up right now and remember that a true leader is authentic in who they are and not in an image they want others to see.

Capricorn And Duality

Since, I am a grey witch every single energy I work with I look for the duality in that energy and how I can connect to it. This includes the full moon and the energy of the zodiac sign it currently is in. First, the full moon itself is all about duality as it is another time of transformation, transition, and rebirth. During this time we are pushed into a liminal space that forces us to look at the things, people, and places that have been obstacles or holding us back. This can be a thing of beauty and hope as well as a thing of pain and darkness which forces us into duality. Second, the energy of Capricorn we see duality not only in it’s symbol the sea goat but, also in one of the main themes Capricorn represents; ambition. The sea goat like we talked about earlier is a mythical being that literally represents the duality of the material realm and the emotional or mythical realm. Others even believe the sea goat represents the duality of human existence through evolution, starting in the sea and than moving upwards onto land. Than there is the duality of ambition. While ambition is a very wanted thing. It is pivotal to our motivation, getting things done, and thriving in our life. But, on the other hand it also can cloud our mind, narrow our view/vision, damage our relationships, and lead to burn out by not caring for ourselves properly.

Correspondences For Capricorn

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like I will list below for you to use. Remember to follow your intuition with the correspondences you choose to work with and that you can always use any that correspond to the moon itself as well.

  • planet-saturn
  • Element-Earth
  • Symbol- seagoat,Makara
  • Modality-cardinal
  • gender-feminine
  • Day-saturday
  • Animal- goat , donkey, clove hooved animals
  • Body part-bones, joints, knees
  • colors-black, brown, purple, dark green,
  • Phrase/motto-“I use”
  • Chakra-Root chakra
  • Herbs/flowers-carnation, ivy, Rosemary, Red beets, Tarragon, Caraway, Chamomile, Marjoram belladonna, yew pansy, skullcap, poppy, Cinnamon, Sage, Turmeric, Nettle, thyme, basil, rue, snowdrop,
  • Trees-pine, elm, poplar,
  • Stones/crystals-garnet, black onyx, selenite, moonstone, bloodstone, peacock ore, howlite, agate, emerald, carnelian, labradorite, malachite, smokey quartz, galena, diamond, rose quartz,
  • Deities-Pan, Amalthea, Zeus, persephone, enki, kronos, Horus, Odin, ganga, Narmada, Varuna, lord shani,
  • tarot-devil
  • Ruling House-10th house of career, public image, and duty

How To Connect To The Capricorn Full Moon

Now, that we have talked about the themes of this hard working, goal orientated, committed, responsible, duty driven, fertile, Capricorn buck full moon and how it is going to affect you let’s talk about how you can specifically connect to and work with this moon.

First, make sure to do all of your staples that your learned in the previous blog post linked here for you like, charging your crystals, making moon water, and resetting your altar.

With this moon there are certain spells and rituals that will help connect you to this moon in the most effective way. With the Moon in Capricorn, magic associated with career, ambition, abundance, goals, grounding and politics is highlighted now. You can also perform magic associated with abundance, vitality, fertility, and divine masculinity with the king of the forest the buck to amplify those workings right now. Remember these are just some of the many ideas, follow your intuition and the energy of this moon. You can find more ways to connect to the moon and more information on many of these forms of magic on my Pinterest page here and my Facebook here.

  • Lunar magic
  • Ritual moon bath
  • Work with the animal the buck and deer in meditations and spellwork
  • Add antlers to spellworkings or give as offerings
  • Work with the divine masculine energy
  • Perform fertility magic with the divine masculine
  • Connect to your Root chakra
  • Shadow work based on ambition, goals, direction, success,and releasing perfectionism. If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here;  you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; or you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.
  • Elemental magic with the element of earth
  • Divination like tarot and runes or bone casting
  • Focus on abundance
  • Meditation and visualization work
  • Reflect on the past 6 months and what worked and what didn’t
  • Write down and release all things that no longer serve you into flames or the earth
  • moonlight bathe in the nude
  • Celebrate all your recent successes
  • Connect to a deity of July
  • Make a simmer pot to bring in ambition, hard work, and focus
  • Get outside, do some grounding and/or earthing
  • Create a spell jar to bring success to your life, career, or business
  • Do candle magic with green candles
  • Perform love spells
  • Have some fun with sex magic tonight!
  • Organize your life and schedule
  • Do things to further your career like apply for a promotion or new job, update your resume, or create your business plan
  • Ask for others feedback on your leadership skills
  • Refresh your altar
  • Create a list of every single success so far this year no matter how small to celebrate how far you have come
  • Be vulnerable and express your emotions no matter how you will look
  • Define your ambitions, goals, and dreams

Reflection Topics For The Capricorn Buck Full Moon

Every full moon is a great time for reflecting on those seeds you had planted during the new moon and how they are doing now at the end of the lunar cycle and how you can celebrate your success and adjust the future for even greater success. Whether you do it thru meditation, shadow work, or divination like tarot; below is a list of prompts and topics to connect with the energy of the Capricorn full moon.

  • What are my long term goals?
  • What parts of my life, my day, and my schedule do I need to change to reach my goals?
  • What do I need to continue doing from last month to achieve success?
  • What do I need am I doing that is getting in the way of my success and achievements do I need to let go of?
  • Where in your life can the king of the forest guide you in strength?
  • What are the last habits, thought patterns,and feelings I need to release to take my success to the next level?
  • What direction and path am I walking in life?
  • Where in my life do I need to let go of my stubbornness and perfectionism?
  • How can I balance my emotional realm and my material realm better?
  • How can I motivate myself and others around me to work towards their goals?
  • Where in my life do I need to take the role of a leader more?
  • What are my deepest ambitions, dreams, and goals? How will I make them come to life?
  • Am I shining and thriving in life like I am meant to be? How can I get there if not?
  • How do my visions, goals and dreams—the seeds I’m planting—FEED and NOURISH my larger purpose as a spiritual being?
  • Where do I have the power to choose to align with my larger purpose and values?

Full Moon Prayers or Affirmations

Some prayers or affirmations you can state with the full moon are:

I release all that does not serve my highest good.
I illuminate the things blocking my path to my desires.
I release all negative energy, feelings and thoughts that are not serving me.
I release the belief that I am not worthy or capable of manifesting anything that I want.
I call in the energy of the full moon to cleanse my field of anything that is not aligned with my higher purpose.

Some prayers or affirmations you can state with the capricorn full moon are:

I don’t have to be perfect to meet my goals.

I am capable of climbing any mountain.

I am connected to both the material realm and the emotional realm.

I am allow myself to dream of world that’s better for everyone.

Everything is always working out in my favor.

Ritual To attract Abundance During a Capricorn Full Moon

For this simple full moon abundance ritual, you will need a green candle, a small dish, a coin, a bill, a stick of cinnamon and a piece of paper.

How to perform spell:

  • Create a sacred container for your ritual by lighting the green candle and focusing on the energy of the full moon.
  • On the piece of paper, write a list of financial blessings and abundance you wish to attract.
  • Place the coin, the bill, the stick of cinnamon in the small dish, symbolizing the wealth you wish to manifest.
  • Read your list of financial blessings out loud, and visualize each one manifesting in your life.
  • As you do this, hold the coin, and bill infusing them with the energy of your intentions.
  • Once you’ve completed your visualization, place the coin, the bill and the list of financial blessings, and cinnamon stick in a dish on your altar or in a special place where you can see them regularly.

Spell To get your dream job with the Buck full moon

This buck full moon is all about power, strength, going after what you want, and the abundance of nature. Use this spell to connect to your personal power and the abundance of nature through the king of the forest the buck.

What you will need:

  • A gold candle
  • bay leaves
  • A pen
  • A picture of a buck or a set of antlers if possible

How to perform:

Set your image of the buck or antlers in the center of your work space in front of your gold candle. Next, get yourself into sacred container. While taking deep breaths visualize bright, vital, fertile, strong, masculine golden energy filling your sacred container in the shape of a buck, the vital strong king of the forest. Once you feel grounded and centered in the energy the golden buck is brining to you, visualize your dream job. What it is, what it feels like having it, what your day looks like, what your title is, how much you make, what your responsibilities are, who your coworkers are. Once you can visualize it all clearly in a few words write what you see and feel on your bay leaves. What you intend your dream job to be. Take your bay leaves with written intentions and hold them in your hand as your recite or chant the spell below

” By the power of the buck moon, with its antlers sprouted in strength and full. May the king of the forest bring this job to me in the name of his abundance and vitality.” Than light your bay leaves on fire releasing your intention and vision of your dream job coming to you by the end of this lunar cycle.

Full Buck Moon Release Blockage Ritual

Light a gold, white, and green candle on your altar. If you don’t have gold, yellow works. If you don’t have any colored candles, 3 white candles will do just fine! Think about the past 6 months of the year and think about where you started at. Get into sacred container, as you focus on each individual candle; think about where you are at now and how far you have come. And then think about where you want to be in the next 6 months. Now, think about all the things that are and are not working for you/working in your best interest. Think about and focus on the things that are working in your life becoming more abundant and focus on the things that are not working being removed and no longer there. Once you feel them being removed and no longer blocking you blow out the candles one at a time and go journal your action plan to remove unwanted things, people, or habits from your life to thrive and have an life of true abundance.

Full Moon Ritual Bath Purification Prayer

This bath will cleanse the body, mind, emotions, of anything unwanted and blocking your intentions, success, and desires. It will also remove stagnant energy and/or energy that is not yours, that may be causing you difficulties on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. For three consecutive nights (the day before, the day of, and the day after the full moon) create this bath to wash, cleanse and purify your body in.

While you are drawing your bath, and after you have created your sacred container by adding candles (preferably white) music or anything else you would like to add, bring this herbal mixture to a boil on the stovetop. Rue (or rosemary), white sage, Lavender, rose buds, pink salt, and basil. Once your mixture has turned into a tea on the stove top take it and head to your tub. As you pour the mixture in recite this purification prayer below.

“I release the unforgivable, and all the things that cause me deep seeded fear and hold me back. The things that hold me back from being my true self, accomplishing my goals, and having endless success. I release the emotional pain that I carry with me each and every day. Affecting my heart, my actions, and my reactions. I release and heal the wounds that prevent me from feeling love, worth, and anything but trauma and the sting of karma. I release these things not only from this life but all past lives, and dimensions. I release all blocks keeping me tied to karma and trauma. I release all resentments, and unwanted thoughts I keep on a loop in my mind towards myself and others. I release all beliefs sabotaging myself and not allowing me to connect authentically to my higher self. With the passing of this powerful, fertile, and grounded full moon my life is renewed. I am purified, cleansed, and whole. I am free from stagnation and pain. I am able love purely and unconditionally on this eve I am I am renewed.”

Get into your tub; cleanse and wash your body from head to toe as you visualize that cleansing energy go over every inch of your body. Soak in the tub for at least 15 minutes. If you do not have a tub: Pour the herbal water over your head and body in the shower and do your best to ensure that the water touches all parts of your body, including private parts. Do not rinse. It is best not to towel dry and instead let the body air dry as much as possible.


However you choose to work with, connect to, or celebrate, the full moon in the ambitious, hard working, responsible, grounded, and determined Capricorn. Follow your intuition, and ambitious, determined spirit to guide you the rest of this lunar cycle to finish growing your seeds of manifestation and continuing your success from last month. Allow the king of the forest, the buck to guide you in his strength and bring you abundance through his vitality and fertility. Under the Capricorn full moon your fears, doubts, and obstacles will be released and given back to the abundant earth. Follow the sea goat up the mountain for a clear path to meet all your goals and ambitions’ with determination.

Don’t forget to make preparations for your full moon hangover you may experience after this lumination. If you don’t know what a full moon hangover is or how to deal with one you can read all about it in my previous blog post here!

To learn more about the moon and lunar magic don’t forget to read my extensive guide about it here and watch my class with Divination Academy on YouTube here. You can also join me for a FREE celebration and ritual to connect to this moon on Facebook live with Divination Academy on Sunday July 21st @ 7:00pm CST here!

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Working With The Emotional, Sensitive, and Foundational Cancer New moon

We are entering a new lunar phase this week; the New moon. As the Moon changes signs approximately every 2-3 days, we feel her influence over our moods and intuition shift.As the moon begins her cycle in Cancer we are pushed to dive deep into the depths and waves of our emotions. Cancer is one of the most sensitive and intuitive signs of the zodiac. It’s ruled by the moon so when the moon is in the sign of Cancer at any time, you can be sure you’ll be feeling more emotional than normal. The overall energy of this lunation highlights our ongoing struggle to strive for emotional freedom and independence against all odds.

With a new moon in Cancer, you can focus on manifesting a better connection to your feelings. Cancer rules emotions, and you can work on any emotional issues. You can work on manifesting a stronger internal foundation for your feelings, and for who you are as a person. You can work on manifesting being more open with your feelings, walking in other people’s shoes, having improved memory, or focusing on happier memories.

The Cancer new moon connects us with the feeling of home within ourselves, pushes us to develop a new awareness of our emotional nature, and establish a new relationship with our sensitivity and vulnerability. It represents our foundation in life, our home, our roots, and our family of origin or our motherland. So our manifestations can focus on things like our home, and family life as well. The stronger our foundation, the more we can accomplish in the outside world.In this blogpost let’s dive into the depths of what the Cancer new moon can do for you, your life, and your magic.

New Moon What Is It And Why We Honor It?

Every month, the New Moons carry us over the threshold of a new beginning. So, let’s talk about the new moon in general before we go gusting through what the Gemini moon can do for you and your life. The new moon is the time to reflect and cleanse your energy. It is a time to set your intentions for what you wish to attract this lunar cycle. But, remember every intention set requires action and energy from your part as well. You can’t just set an intention and miraculously it is yours. You must also put the movement of energy behind it with action steps.

The new moon energy is there to support you in manifesting what you want. The new moon is a time to allow new ideas and energy to flow with you. It is a time to honor new beginnings, and the turning over of a cycle. Think of these intentions as seeds you are planting for this lunar cycle to be ready to harvest by the full moon. Use this time to rest, reflect, and plant what you will grow just as your ancestors across many cultures did while there was little light in the night sky for them to use.

Each New Moon is unique, offering its own magic within each month. To learn more about the foundations of working with the new moon, and how it affects you, read more here in my previous blog post.  And to learn more about the moon in general and lunar magic you can read my comprehensive guide on the topic here. You can also watch my class on Youtube with Divination Academy below!

Themes For The Cancer New Moon

Every New Moon contains its own themes, which are related to the sign that it falls under. This time, we experience the New Moon in the emotional, sensitive, loving, caring, forgiving, compassionate, foundational, sign of the crab; Cancer. The crab is also the sign that represents our family, our childhood, our ancestral line, and our past. When diving into the depths of your soul, with not only the moon as your guide but the crab as well. You are most likely to see themes focused on these topics as you swim among your emotions. The Cancer New Moon is going to bring the spotlight on your personal life, your inner life, your emotional life, as well as on home and family dynamics that we need to address or take care of, maybe in a completely new way. The New Moon in her home sign invites us to strengthen our ability to tap into our intuition and reminds us of the value of giving space to our emotions. Let’s explore some of the themes and energies of Cancer deeper below.

Cancer The sign to nurture your emotions

Cancer is a water sign associated with nurturing, intuition, and empathy. The Moon is at home in Cancer and illuminates our innate desire to focus on our deepest emotional needs. The cancer moon reminds us of the importance of letting our emotions flow, of sitting with our emotions without judging them, without rationalizing them, and without attaching a story to them.The Cancer new moon infuses us with its energy. Making it a powerful time for emotional healing, enhancing psychic abilities, and nurturing relationships. It’s also an excellent time for enhancing empathy, and deepening your intuitive abilities by working with your clairs.

Cancer The Ruler Of Home And Family

Cancer is the ruler of the home and family, so we can focus more on home and family matters. This can be a time to work on projects at home, plan for family gatherings, visit family, or redefine the dynamics in your home by making shift inside of it. When the new moon is in Cancer this is a time to go back to our roots, who we are, where we came from, and work on releasing anything holding us back emotionally that is connected to our generational lineage, our childhood, and our upbringing. Now is a great time to begin looking into childhood wounds and working to start to healing them. Cancer is also the sign of mothering energy, so during this Moon you’ll feel a stronger urge to nurture and care for not only your own family more deeply, but everyone as if everyone was one of your children.

Cancer the sign of Foundations

Cancer is the very bottom of the Zodiac, so it relates to internal foundations. The Cancer New Moon can help us strengthen ourselves internally, and we can naturally feel more secure. It can be a time when we dig deep into the foundation of who we are and are able to use that security to start new things in our life. Especially if we are working on building something from the ground up.

The Cancer Constellation

Cancer, the crab, is the dimmest of the 12 zodiac constellations, yet it contains one of the brightest star clusters, the Beehive Cluster. In Greek mythology, the constellation Cancer represents a giant crab named Carcinos that attacked Hercules during one of his 12 labors. The goddess Hera sent the crab to distract Hercules while he fought the Hydra of Lerna, a water serpent. Cancer was able to grab Hercules’s toes with its claws, but Hercules killed it with a kick before it could cause more damage. Hera felt sorry for the crab and rewarded it for its efforts by placing it among the stars as the constellation Cancer.

Cancer New Moon and Duality

Since, I am a grey witch every single energy I work with I look for the duality in that energy and how I can connect to it.

First, let’s talk about the sign Cancer. The zodiac sign Cancer is known for its duality, which is represented by the crab’s hard shell and soft underbelly. Cancer energy is said to be tough and protective on the outside, but nurturing and emotional on the inside. Like the crab this energy allows us to retreat into our shell and home we carry on our back and be grounded safely in it. But, when we need to we can stand our ground and defend the home we carry on our backs and protect it until the end. Even though we will feel protective, this energy also allows us to feel, be sensitive, and to nurture not only others but, ourselves. We may feel resilient and hard on the outside right now, but on the inside the waves of emotions are crashing all around us and we internally don’t feel strong and protected.

Second; the new moon itself is all about duality and illuminating the night sky in both light and shadows. The new moon is all about rebirth, renewal, and the beginning of a new cycle, which puts you in a transitional liminal space and energy. In order for you to be in a space to begin again, to transition, and be reborn you had to just come from and ending and death.

If you want to know more about duality and being a grey witch you can watch my class with Divination Academy about it here.

What To Be Cautious Of This Cancer New Moon

When it comes to the Cancer new moon emotions will be heightened during the Cancer Moon, and it’s easy to become moody if you don’t express how you’re feeling. So make sure to express those hidden feelings that you have allowed to sink to the depths. Another thing to be cautious of with the new moon in Cancer is not allow yourself to build up stronger defense walls. The crab likes to retreat behind the walls of it’s castle to remain safe and protected as the waves of emotions crash upon the shore of your soul. But, don’t let yourself do that by lashing out in passive aggressive ways to those you love and care about. Allow the walls of your castle to soften and come down this lunar cycle instead of allowing them to be reinforced. The last thing to keep in mind is to make sure you don’t allow the nurturing pull of the crab to overcome you. It’s great to care for others and nurture others but, not at your own expense.

Correspondences For The Cancer New Moon

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like cancer that I will list below for you to use. Remember this is not an all encompassing list and there may be other correspondences to use. Just follow your intuition and use what calls to you.

  • planet- The Moon
  • Animal- crab, lobster, crayfish
  • Element-Water
  • Sex-Feminine
  • Modality-cardinal
  • Symbol- Crab
  • colors- sea green, blue, silver
  • Motto- “I feel”
  • Chakra- Heart
  • Herbs- water lily, aloe, passionflower, lemon balm, lotus, sandalwood, lavender, rosemary, ginger, Geraniums, daisy, honeysuckle, chickweed, peppermint, jasmine, hyssop, morning glory, parsley, verbena
  • Stones/ crystals- pearl, moonstone, aquamarine, turquoise,Rhodochrosite, rose quartz, ruby, opal, Chrysoprase
  • Deities- luna, diana, artemis, lord krishna, deities of the moon
  • Themes-Emotional, Family-oriented, Protective, Devoted, Caring, Maternal/Paternal, Intuitive, Domestic, Sentimental
  • tarot- The chariot
  • House- 4th
  • Day- Monday

Ways To Work With The Cancer New Moon

Now, that we have talked about the themes of this cancer new moon and how it is going to affect you let’s talk about how you can specifically connect to and work with this moon. In magical practices, cancer

First, make sure to do all of your staples that your learned in the previous blog post on the new moon and the moon in general like, charging your crystals, making moon water, and resetting your altar. Make sure to make moon water this lunar cycle. The moon rules Cancer, so its energy is particularly strong and potent during this time. This makes Cancer moon water incredibly powerful for spells and rituals involving emotions, intuition, and home and family.

With this moon there are certain spells and rituals that will help connect you this moon in the most effective way. The cancer moon Remember these are just some of the many ideas. Follow your intuition and the energy of this moon. Below is a more extensive list of ideas on how to connect to and work with the Cancer new moon.

  • Clean, redecorate, or start projects around the home
  • Reestablish a relationship with a relative
  • Do inner child work
  • Do something nostalgic or sentimental
  • Set goals using Smart goals– To learn more about what SMART goals are and how to use them you can read about here in my previous blog post.
  • Abundance spells-You can learn how to connect to abundance with my in depth guide here
  • Meditation and Visualization
  • Heart Chakra Energy Work
  • immerse yourself in water
  • Spend time with your mother and connect to maternal energy
  • Set intentions and Manifestation work-new projects/ ideas, communication, shifting your perspective, learning something new, creating new connections with others
  • Divination– Try divination associated with the element water; one of my favorite is by practicing water scrying.
  • Self reflection– You can do this through mirror magic. To learn more on how to do this you can read about it here, watch my previous class taught with Divination here
  • Cleansing
  • Ritual bath
  • Womb healing– To learn more about this practice you can watch my class all about here and book me for 1:1 guided sessions here
  • Protection magic and spells– To learn more about how to do protection magic you can watch part 1 and part 2 of my classes with Divination academy on YouTube
  • Burn Bay leaves with intentions written on them
  • Work with your intuition– sit with your intuition, listen to your intuition, work on developing your psychic clares. To learn more about how to do that you can purchase my ebook here
  • Hydrate
  • Make a spell jar-to connect to Cancer. To learn how to make spell jars you can purchase my ebook here
  • Work with the element water in your magical workings and spells- You can learn more about how to do that here
  • Connect to the energy of July– You can learn all about the magic of July in my previous blogpost here.
  • Shadow work– If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.
  • Make a simmer pot-for peace, calmness, emotional healing or clarity
  • Journal– focus on your emotions, emotional healing, family life, family dynamics, childhood, ancestors
  • Affirmations

I go with the flow of my emotions

I let my emotions guide me

I trust my intution

I am clear on my needs

I allow myself to feel vulnerable

My sensitivity and empathy are strengths not weaknesses

Meditation for an improved home

Our home is not only where our hearts live but, it’s our homebase and physical container we come back to. At times it can become hectic, or unstable for all kinds of reasons. Use this meditation below to bring more peace, harmony, and stability into your home with the crab, the ruler of our home and foundation.

Get into sacred container while focusing your intentions and energy on visualizing exactly what you want your home environment to be like with a clear quartz in your hand.

Next, light a white candle for purity, peace, and cleansing energy. Continue to focus on visualizing everything about your home, from what it looks like, what it feels like to be in it, who is in it etc. Once you feel set in that image take a pen or paper and either write out your intentions for your home or draw out your home if you can.

Once you are done putting your intentions down on paper, hold your crystal in both hands visualizing all unwanted energy and things not written on that paper leaving your home and being sucked into your crystal. When you feel all unwanted energy and things have entered your crystal, blow out your candle and take it outside and bury it in the earth away from the threshold of your home. Take your list of intentions written or drawings and place on your altar to be seen until the next new moon.

Spell for emotional healing

Cancer is the sign of emotions and nurturing which makes it a very potent time to go within and do some emotional healing. Especially with family wounds, childhood wounds, and scars from the past. Use the spell below during the cancer new moon to bring emotional healing to your life.

What you will need:

  • a bowl of water
  • pink candle
  • oil
  • Lavender, pink rose petals, rosemary, cinnamon
  • rose quartz

How to perform spell:

Get into sacred container by taking some deep breaths and visualizing pink, loving, and nurturing energy surrounding you. Once you feel set in sacred container take the herbs and grind or mix them together. Once done take your oil and anoint your pink candle with it focusing on loving pink energy open you up to emotional healing. Next, take your candle and roll it in the herbal blend you mixed. Next set it next to your bowl of water asking to connect to the energy of the crab and the depths of your soul. Once your items are set light your candle. Take your rose quartz and hold it in your hands while reciting the spell below staring deep into your bowl of water.

” Water wash over my heart and soul to soothe what needs to mend, healing energy to me please send. Heal the inner scars and wounds you touch and I wish to longer carry. Heal my heart, and soul so here on out I can be merry.”

Repeat the spell as many times as you feel you need to. Until you feel your emotional wounds mend, heal, and be released. Leave the candle to burn until it goes out on it’s own. Take your bowl of water and give it to the earth outside thanking it for absorbing your emotional wounds as you do so. Carry your rose quartz with you for as long as you need to bring you love and emotional healing throughout the day.

Wrap up

However you choose to connect to this new moon and work with its energy be prepared to experience the sensitive, emotional, and nurturing energy of the crab. The New Moon in her home sign invites us to strengthen our ability to tap into our intuition and reminds us of the value of giving space to our emotions. Under the cancer new moon, your intentions will manifest through emotional healing, enhancing psychic abilities, and nurturing relationships. Listen to cancer this New Moon and focus on manifesting those seeds you have been sitting on in the depths of your soul for a long time now. This is a sign of foundation and the time to start and build something brand new from the ground up!

To connect with the moon more you can join me for a FREE celebration and ritual with Divination on July 5th at 5:30 pm CST in Facebook live;

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Working With the Joyous, Motivating, and Vibrant Magic Of July

In July, Summer is at its peak in the Northern Hemisphere. The Summer Solstice aka Litha; has passed last month in June. Weaving its energy all around us. This month we are celebrating the bounty the earth has to offer. The earth is awake and in full growth mode: the trees, plants, and animals teeming with life. Flowers are blooming everywhere, fruit is growing on the trees, and our gardens are bursting with life to begin to pick and harvest. The skies are blue without a cloud in sight and the rays of the sun are blazing as they soak into our skin. You spend your days on the lakes and floating down rivers, immersing yourself deep into the flow of nature. Your nights are full of festivals, connections and the lighting of bonfires. From time to time we even have storms roll through to supercharge our lives. This month we also experience energy shifts and transformations with the days getting shorter and harvest coming closer to prepare for the winter and darker days to come. Overall, July is a month of abundance, harvest, and gratitude marked by the festival of Lammas and the first harvest of the year. Connecting us to the abundance and life of the Earth, while also preparing us for the darker, shorter days quickly approaching us.

History Of July

July is the seventh month in the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The Roman Senate named July after Roman general Julius Caesar in 44 B.C. to honor his birth month. Before then, it was called Quintilis, which means “fifth month” because it was the fifth month in the calendar that started in March prior to the Julian Calendar. Other names for the month include the Anglo-Saxon names Haymonath and Maedmonath. The old Japanese calendar (before 1185) called July minazuki; also known as The month of No water.

Zodiac Signs For The Month Of July

People born in July are either Cancers (June 21–July 22) or Leo (July 22 to August 23).

Cancers are represented by the Crab, Cancers are said to be intuitive, caring, protective, and empathetic. They are also said to be able to exist in both emotional and material realms, and are willing to do whatever it takes to protect themselves emotionally.

Leos are represented by the lion, Leos are known for being confident, loyal, generous, and big-hearted. They are also natural leaders who enjoy being the center of attention and taking on projects. Leos are often described as theatrical, passionate, and dramatic, and they may enjoy cultivating creative friendships and romances.

Sacred Days And Celebrations In July

Every Single month has sacred and important days and celebrations to help you connect to the energies of the month. Plus they usually are a lot of fun to take part in! Let’s talk about a couple of the sacred days and celebrations for the month of July.

  • Poplifugia
  • Gwyl o Cerridwen
  • Ludi Apollinares
  • Day of Unn the Wise Person
  • Caprotinia
  • The Day of Bad Omens
  • Lucaria
  • Neptunalia
  • Furinalia
  • Stikklestad Day
  • Feast day of Mary Magdalene
  • Nonae Caprotinae Juno

Lammas (August 1)

Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, is a pagan and witchcraft festival celebrated on August 1st, marking the first harvest of the year. It’s still summer in the Northern Hemisphere, but the nights are getting longer. On August 1, we celebrate this sacred holiday and give thanks for the abundance of the growing season.

The meaning of this word is “The marriage of Lugh”, because this is the time to celebrate the union of Lugh, the sun god, with the Earth Mother. Lammas seems to have been a celebratory event involving games and contests among the common folk as the haying season ended and the sheep were brought in.

Summer is turning to fall, though the hottest days are still coming. Lammas is a signal to all that we must enjoy the warmth while we have it. While we begin to plan for the winter to come.

Join me to celebrate and connect to this sacred day for a free online event with Divination Academy. Click the link below for details!

Magical And Witchcraft Themes For July

In witchcraft, July is a time of vitality, abundance, and connection with the natural world. As the peak of summer unfolds in the Northern Hemisphere, witches and pagans soak up the energy of the sun and they immerse themselves into the abundance of the earth. July is associated with the energy of growth and fruition, as crops ripen, the land teems with life and we prepare for the first harvest coming soon. Witches may engage in rituals and spells focused on abundance, prosperity, and gratitude, harnessing the energy of the sun to empower their intentions. They may also work with herbs, flowers, and crystals associated with the sun and the element of fire. We also see this month as a time of transition and transformation as well, with it being the last month before we have our first harvest and begin to focus on the long, cold winter nights ahead. Because, of this spells and rituals focused on transformation, transition, and change are very potent right now especially focused on your identity and goals for the dark half of the year soon to be upon us.

The gods and goddesses of July

With every season and month there are certain themes, magic, and energies we have the ability to connect to including deities. Everyone works with and views deity energy a little differently. Whether you view them as archetypes of the human consciousness, representations of the source energy, or as being entities on their own, there are certain deities that now is the time to connect to and honor them in the most sacred and amplified way.

During this month a few deities take center stage because they have festivals or sacred days during this month to help you connect with them in a very intimate way. The deities that are going to be the best for you to connect to right now are deities connected to the sun, fertility, growth, abundance, gratitude, wisdom, the harvest, the land, transformation, transition, personal power, nature, ambition, and motivation to work on your goals.You can also choose to work with the energy of Litha still lingering and the deities associated with it. As well as those associated with Lammas coming up. Below we will talk about some of the deities you can work with this month.


Lugh is the Irish god of the sun and he is often celebrated during both Litha and Lammas. Lugh, the Celtic God, holds a prominent position in ancient Celtic mythology. Known as a solar deity and fierce warrior, Lugh is associated with storms and possesses powerful mystical weapons. Lugh, played a significant role in Celtic mythology, his exploits intertwined with the rich tapestry of ancient legends.

He is often invoked for protection and blessings of abundance. Lugh is a powerful deity said to have brought learning and knowledge to man. He is an Irish God of the Tuatha De Dannan, associated with the summer season. As the Celtic solar deity, Lugh has power over life, light and law. Lugh’s expertise in all arts earned him the title of Samildánach His traditional symbols represent energy and creativity, from a shining sun held aloft in his hands to fiery arrows that stand for passion and lust.


Venus was the Roman goddess of love, beauty, sexuality, maternal care, sexual reproduction, and erotic desire. The loveliest of all deities, Venus desired,and was desired by, mortals and gods alike. Venus was born in the sea, emerging from an oyster. The goddess of love Venus was widely worshipped in the Roman Empire because she was thought to be the mother of Aeneas, the mythical founder of Rome. As such, she was considered the mother of the entire Roman nation. As the goddess of love, Venus was thought to have the power to arouse passion in men. She was also the guardian of lovers and prostitutes. Venus is thought to be adapted from the Greek goddess Aphrodite, with whom she shares a mythological tradition. Work with Venus this month to connect to the energy of love when making connections with others this month. Along with the energy of the beauty of the earth and within yourself.


Cerridwen is considered a goddess from the Welsh Celtic tradition today, but according to the Mabinogion and other Welsh legends, she is referred to as a Sorceress. Or a witch. Cerridwen is the Keeper of the Cauldron, the mother of transformation and change. Cerridwen is a goddess of “Awen” which is the source of Divine Inspiration. She brings inspiration, wisdom and the gifts of prophecy to those that work with her. She is seen in Welsh legend as being a crone Goddess.Cerridwen is also to some worshipped as a triple goddess, representing the Maid, Mother, and Crone, and can shape shift between life and death. Cerridwen’s areas of influence are Magic, fertility, wisdom, poetry, creativity, herbalism, the harvest, and more! Honor Cerridwen this month by celebrating her on July 3rd her sacred feast day known as; Gwyl o Cerridwen. To celebrate this holiday I can’t find any sources that talk about it, but since the sow or pig is sacred to her from my personal experience having a feast centered on the pig and pork dishes to honor her and give as offerings has been how I have celebrated this day. Along with giving her offerings of poetry and inner musings at my altar. To learn more about Cerridwen and to meet her check out my class with Divination Academy about her on youtube today!


Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage, the family, and childbirth was a paramount figure embodying the sanctity and power of matrimonial union and the family. The Roman goddess Juno is among the first gods and goddesses of ancient Rome who is in charge of the women’s lives in the state. Juno’s symbol, which is a peacock, represents her watchful vigilance and her role as the protector of the community. It is assumed that the term “Juno” meant “the young one” because of her association as the goddess of the new and waxing moon. This celestial connection perhaps implying the idea of growth and beginnings, aligns with her domains.

Today, it is accepted that the Roman goddess Juno has the title “Regina” meaning Queen which gives her the title of the “Queen of the Gods.” Juno, being a multifaceted deity, was also the wife and sister of Jupiter, the King of all the Roman gods. She was often represented as the female counterpart to Mars the god of war, highlighting her influence in both the domestic and political spheres. Although the Roman goddess Juno had dominion over family, marriage, and childbirth, she is often depicted to be in a warlike stance, an illustration that is often favored upon by Roman soldiers. Work with Juno this month to connect to the fertility and bounty of nature around you. Along with the connection to family as you celebrate this season of joy amongst them under the rays of the sun.


Athena, the renowned deity of Greek mythology, represents wisdom, warfare, and art. She is celebrated for her strategic prowess and association with rationality. Wisdom is one of Athena’s primary domains, and she stands as a paragon of intellectual prowess. She embodies strategic thinking, rationality, and cleverness. Known as the patron goddess of wisdom, Athena guides and inspires mortals in their pursuit of knowledge and understanding. Unlike Ares, the god of unbridled war, Athena represents disciplined warfare and emphasizes intelligent tactics. Athena also holds a special place as the patroness of arts and crafts. She embodies creativity, craftsmanship, and skillful artistry. Throughout Greece, there were numerous cults and temples exclusively devoted to Athena. The most prominent and notable temple was the Parthenon, located atop the Acropolis in Athens as she is seen as the deity of the city due to her role in the trojan war. Work with Athena this month to help connect you to the motivation this month brings to you and to allow you to plan and prep for the harvest beginning next month.

Lady Hel

The ruler of Helheim. Hel Goddess of the Dead, daughter of Loki, is much more than a mysterious name and looming, shadowy presence. She is a deity of immense complexity, but one that is worth learning from.
Hel, also called Hella and Hela, is the daughter of the trickster god Loki and the witch-giantess Angrboda in Norse mythology. Along with her brothers, the wolf Fenrir and the snake Jörmungandr, she was raised by her mother in a place called Járnviðr, the Iron Wood.
She rules over the land of the dead, under one of the 3 roots of Yggdrasil, called Helheim. Yes, she is terrifying to behold, as the legends go, yet she brings transformation and paves the way for creation after destruction. When she manifests, she appears as a half-dead half-alive woman, showing the paradox between life and death. The polarity, that is, that is needed for the Universe to continue on. Work with her to learn more about ancestors, shadow work, and to explore your fears about death and the afterlife.
Hel’s spiritual powers include death (physical and metaphorical), the afterlife, protection, transformation, omens, wisdom, mystery and ancestral connection. Hel’s presence serves as a reminder of the inevitability of death and the impermanence of existence, which emphasizes the cyclical nature of life in Norse mythology. Hel represents both the end of life and the beginning of a new journey beyond the mortal realm. Working with Lady Hel this month helps you to remember that even though we are celebrating the sun and it’s longer warmer days. The days have already begun to shorten and we must also begin to prepare for the winter to come. To learn more about Lady Hel and to meet her check out my class with Divination Academy on youtube below!

Correspondences For The Month Of July

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for time of the year like a month, which I will list below for you to use. Remember this is just a start to the list for you. You can use any correspondences that connect the magical themes and energies of July. Just follow your intuition on what you choose to work with!

  • Planet- sun
  • Animal- crab, turtle, dolphin, whale, lion, swallow
  • Element- water, fire
  • colors- silver, blue, grey, greens,
  • Chakra- solar plexus or sacral chakra
  • Herbs- gardenia, water lily, lotus, Jasmine, Myrrh, sandalwood, chamomile, honeysuckle, lemon balm, calamus, hyssop
  • Stones/ crystals- Ruby, carnelian, citrine, moonstone, opals, fire agate, peacock ore, pearl, green calcite, malachite,
  • Deities- Lugh, Hera, Juno, Amaterasu, Aphrodite, Venus, Apollo, Aine, Cerridwen, Athena, Lady hel
  • Zodiac- Cancer, Leo
  • Trees- Oak, Ash
  • Themes- love, fertility, family, abundance, passion, expression, creativity, joy, duality, balance, motivation, fruition, harvest, fairy magic, wisdom, success, Energy, self esteem, goals, movement, vitality, strength, expansion, transformation, rebirth, renewal, organization, preparation, gratitude, connection, the cycles of nature

How to connect to the magic of July

We’ve talked a lot about all the different types of energies the month of July has and gives us access to work with. So, how can you specifically connect to those energies? In your everyday life you can make sure your affirmations , intentions, and manifestations align with the energies of personal power, motivation, gratitude, the coming harvest, unity, joy, purpose, prepping, planning, and the sun. You can celebrate and honor any of the sacred days and holidays and connect to the lingering energies of Litha and work with the season of summer. You can also begin to focus on the first harvest coming next month and connecting to the sacred day of Lammas.

Some Rituals and spell workings during this time that will be really intensified will be based on the bounty of the Earth all around us and fertility. You can do things like create a lucky money bag, a prosperity bowl, or perform some spells using egg magic. July is a time of the year where many witches are able to really connect to the Sun and all of nature around us. We can use this time to physically reconnect with nature through all kinds of nature magic, earthing, grounding, weather magic and elemental magic.

With Litha and the longest day of the year behind us and Lammas the first harvest going to shortly be upon us, this is one of my favorite times to perform solar magic. These spells will be really potent for you right now and allow you to do things increase energy, add protection to your home and family, and work on your self esteem. This time is a time also ripe with the energy to connect with others so spells all about family, connection, and networking will be potent during this month as well. Make sure you take the time to express gratitude to the earth for bounty all around us right now as well.

With July being in between Litha and Lammas and the turning point of the year Another way you can access the energy of expansion is through the expression of transformation and the element of water. To access this expression you can do things like journal, do an auto scripting session, water release work, work with your sacred contracts, and perform spells that help boost your confidence and self esteem to help you transform. You can also focus on transformation, rebirth, and renewal through shadow work this month as well allowing the sun in to illuminate your shadows. If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here;  you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.

Lastly, during the month of July we are in the month I would argue is connected to our sense of motivation the most. With the sun at it’s peak during the year and it’s rays shining down on us the strongest during this month. Our sense of purpose and motivation is ignited by the fire and passion of the burning of the sun. Use this month to cast spells to help you with your sense of motivation, purpose, goals, planning, and organizing.

Spells and Ritual Ideas

  • Create a spell jar for the month of July
  • Refresh your altar
  • Connect to any deities of the month
  • Cast a spell for family, connection or networking
  • Perform flower magic, garden magic, any nature magic
  • Fertility Spells
  • Chakra balancing– the solar plexus and sacral chakra
  • Perform Green witchcraft
  • Make a simmer pot to call in motivation, purpose, gratitude, or a plentiful harvest
  • Add symbols of the sun, the bounty of earth, and motivation to your altar
  • Add a separate altar for your goals for the rest of the year and your motivation
  • Make sun water
  • Spend time in Nature grounding and/or earthing
  • Do elemental magic with the element earth and water
  • Shadow work based on; true passion and desire, self worth, manifestation, motivation, planning, and abundance
  • Work with both the divine feminine and divine masculine
  • Dance, move and open up your hips
  • Have bonfires to connect to the passion of fire and the sun
  • Perform solar magic
  • Perform divination like tarot to connect to new ideas and projects
  • Greet the sun through prayers, or the sun salutation greeting
  • Rest
  • Cast spells or do rituals that help you on your personal growth and development
  • Create a vision/goal board
  • Sun bathe
  • Perform storm magic when a thunderstorm rolls through

Duality and the month of July

Since, I am a grey witch I look for the duality in every single energy I work with including sacred times like a month of the year like July. In the month of July I end up in a very Liminal space as do all of us. During this month I am both focused on soaking up the sun, being outdoors as much as I can, and spending time with my loved ones as much as possible. But, even as I do this I am also focused on the future knowing that this time of sunshine, and joy, will be short lived especially where I live. So, I need to also make sure I am preparing for the future. Focusing on my goals, and setting myself up with a plan to make it through the long winter nights in a healthy way.

Allow the Joyous, Motivating, and vibrant rays of the sun to shine on you this July

We talked about many things in this blogpost including the history, some celebrations, the different energies and magical themes we can work with during this month, how to connect to those energies, deities we can honor and worship, and how to work with the magic of July. No matter how you choose to work with the energies and magic of July make sure to be focused on continuing your rebirth for this year. Make sure to use those energies and themes to nourish your seeds planted in March, that you watered in April, you Nourished in May, and grew with love in June. Focus on making sure you are allowing the joyous, motivating and Vital rays of the sun to shine onto your manifestations, intentions, and goals for the year. Allow them to soak up those rays so they can flourish, and grow even bigger than you ever imagined during the brightest, most motivating and the most vibrant month of the year.

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Working With The Ambitious, grounded, And Responsible Capricorn Full Moon

We will be entering a new lunar phase this week; the full moon. The Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn graces the skies amidst the ripened fruits of our labors and fertility of nature. The strawberry Moon is a time to celebrate your blessings and indulge in life’s sweetness. It’s a time to prepare for the ripening of your intentions and make way for abundance.

This full moon is even more special coming right after the peak of the sun’s energy yesterday with the celebration of Litha and the summer solstice. Plus, what is extra, extra special about this Full Moon is that it’s the first of two Full Moons in the sign of Capricorn, the second, trickier one will be a month later. All these energies combined are creating a unique, potent, portal for manifesting our biggest goals into fruition in our life and creating a life where we thrive at the top of the mountain.

A Capricorn Full Moon is all about success, progress, achievement, and never taking “no” for an answer. We can see results from the work we’ve put in, we can hit new heights, make what we want happen, get recognition, and make progress on our path. We can feel connected to the path we’re on, and like we’re going in the right direction. We get clarity of our sacred contracts and purposes and how we will live in accordance with them. Join me in this guide to learn all about; Working with the Ambitious, grounding, And Responsible Capricorn Full Moon.

First, What is the Full Moon

Over the centuries, the Moon has played a significant role in different cultures and traditions. The full moon simply put is when the moon is completely illuminated in the sky and it has reached it’s peak in this lunar cycle in the sky. When the moon is completely illuminated it’s time for all to reach full expression. The full moon is the most powerful and potent time of the entire lunar cycle.

A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). The full moon greatly affects humans and it’s no wonder it does because, there’s a scientific reason for this – we are made up of 60% or more of water. Full Moons are the peak point of the lunar cycle: at this time of the month, the light of the Sun is fully illuminating the Moon, and the luminaries are exactly opposing one another from our perspective on Earth. This potent alignment offers us opportunities to gain more awareness about what is moving in our inner and emotional world, and information previously uncertain or hidden could be revealed at this time.

With the moon being fully illuminated it creates this portal to some of the most potent energy to connect to for us to manifest our desires and dream life. This portal creates a connection to our peak creative energy and the deep seated creative passions we all have within us. This creative energy and power is the energy we need to actually do and create the things and lifestyle we need to manifest what we desire. With the new moon phase being about planting the seeds of what you want to manifest, the full moon is about actually doing the work and moving the energy to make your manifesting happen. The full moon allows you to bridge the connection between these energies and themes and bring them into your life while reminding you how important it is to have them in your life not only when the moon is illuminated in the sky for you to see.

There are so many ways to work with the full moon, to learn more about the basics of working with the full moon energy check out my blog post here. But, remember each full moon will be slightly different and have different practices to add and different ways to do it based on which zodiac sign the full moon is currently in at the time.

The Strawberry Moon

This Full Moon is also called the Strawberry Moon because it’s the last moon of Spring and the first moon of the summer solstice. Some indigenous tribes and cultures also gave the Strawberry Moon its name to signal the best time of the year to pick fruit and berries when they were the ripest and juiciest.

So, Who is Capricorn?

As a cardinal earth sign, Capricorn is about initiating and building. Capricorn is steadfast, hard-working, goal-orientated and relentlessly responsible. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is the planet of bounds, borders, barriers, constraints and confinements. Saturn, is also the planet associated with time. This makes Capricorn also connected with history and tradition, and asks us to reflect on the environment we’re living in and the systems and structures that are in place.

Capricorn is the height of the Zodiac, the highest point, and this is why it relates to our goals, our aspirations, what we strive for, and the heights we reach in life. We see this in the mountain goat thriving in the peaks of mountains. Capricorn is an ambitious energy with grand ideals; full of potential and a feeling of self importance. Capricorn knows it is meant for something special and expresses itself in pursuit of that. But, unlike the other earth sign Taurus who measures their successes in money and wealth, Capricorn seeks power and control.

With it being a full moon as well it becomes a time of culmination and results. The Capricorn Full Moon is usually a time when we see the results of hard and smart work, and we can reach new heights, achieve, and succeed. That is; if we’ve done things the right way and for the right reasons.

This moon focus on where you’re feeling insecure, lack support, or are having challenges with resources, and work to find a way around, tackle core issues, or find wiggle room. With this first Full Moon in Capricorn, it is a time to be honest with ourselves as well, and recognise where we have not yet mastered aspects of our selves or lives, then take aligned action to rectify that.

Capricorn The Sea goat

Capricorns are symbolized by the sea goat, a mythological creature with the body of a goat and tail of a fish. We often think of Capricorns as high achievers or business-oriented workhorses. This speaks to the goat aspect of their sea-goat symbol. Goats are scrappy, and some of them are capable of climbing to great heights. The fishtail portion of the sea-goat, on the other hand, holds the ocean and the vast, almost spiritual world that lies beneath it. This imagery speaks to Capricorn’s ability to navigate both the material and emotional realms. It’s the job of the Capricorn to strike a balance between these two realms of earthly achievements and spiritual truth.

Capricorn The Constellation Capricornus

In Greek mythology, Capricorn is linked to the god Pan, who is often depicted as partially goat-like. Pan is said to have the upper body of a human and the lower body of a goat. In one story, Pan dived into a river to escape the monster Typhon, but only transformed part of himself, becoming half goat and half fish. Zeus was amused by this and placed the image among the stars as the constellation Capricornus.

Capricorn The Ruler of Responsibilities

The hard-working sign values service, honor and public duty. Career, professionalism and reputation are extremely important to Capricorn, so the Moon here spotlights our need to succeed .Now is time to prioritize what you truly want to be remembered for and the work you’d like to contribute to the world. Capricorn is a sign that means business! Instead of being concerned with short-term satisfaction, you’ll be more inclined to dig in and focus on your long-term goals. Just like the mountain goat resides on top of the mountain, Capricorn energy feels its natural place is that of a leader, taking charge from the top. Because of this, during this full moon, you may feel empowered to take accountability for your actions or to simply step up and take charge somewhere in your life.

Capricorn The Sign of progress

The full moon in Capricorn always coincides with a moment of recognition and accomplishment. This is an aligned time to celebrate yourself and how far you’ve come. To take a look at all the progress you have already made. To stand up tall on your very own mountain, you have climbed to the top of and bask in your hard work to get there. It’s a time reflect on what worked on your climb up and what didn’t as well so, you can use that knowledge on your next climb up a mountain. To allow you a clear path and a greater chance of success going forward.

The Grounding Energy Of Capricorn

Capricorns is said to have a grounded, practical spirit. It is a sign associated with stability, groundedness, determination, hard work, and ambition. Capricorns are the last earth sign of the zodiac, and are said to embody the stable and nurturing qualities of their element. When the moon is in Capricorn it becomes a time to really ground into who you are, the direction you want to go, the path you will take, and duty to the world around you.

Themes Of Capricorn

We have talked a lot about who Capricorn is and how Capricorn can affect you and benefit you. Now let’s list all the topics to consider that correspond to the full Moon in Capricorn. Keep in mind that the full Moon relates to the continuation of your journey to manifest your desires and dreams. To release all the things that no longer serve us and create blockage to our manifesting. It is the time to really truly nurture the seeds of intention you had planted during the new moon so, they can bloom and thrive. So, try and have any of your workings based on these topics be grounded in those seeds of intention you had planted on the new moon.

  • Committed
  • Patient
  • Goal-oriented
  • Persevering
  • Responsible
  • Dependable
  • Rational
  • Trustworthy
  • Industrious
  • Persistent
  • Creative
  • Honest
  • Reflective
  • Protective
  • Pragmatic
  • Proud
  • Ambitious
  • Perfectionism
  • hard working
  • conservative
  • Duty bound
  • Grounded
  • determined

Things To Look Out For With Capricorn

We may feel easily overwhelmed by responsibilities we have right now. We can feel the weight of them pushing us down, and we need to work on managing them better. We may need to work on saying no more, and leaving room for small breaks where we can.

We also need to be aware of stubbornness right now. Persistence can often becomes a double-edged sword and turn into stubbornness. While it empowers us to stand our ground it may make us resistant to alternative viewpoints or new directions. Capricorns’ unwavering commitment to high standards may also force us to be over critical, making it challenging for us to accept imperfections in ourselves and others right now.

Capricorn energy can sometimes be overprotective of itself as well. Being cautious with expression of words or emotions, in fear of moving away from the perfect ideal image of the all powerful leader that it deeply craves to embody. So, be cautious of that coming up right now and remember that a true leader is authentic in who they are and not in an image they want others to see.

Capricorn And Duality

Since, I am a grey witch every single energy I work with I look for the duality in that energy and how I can connect to it. This includes the full moon and the energy of the zodiac sign it currently is in. First, the full moon itself is all about duality as it is another time of transformation, transition, and rebirth. During this time we are pushed into a liminal space that forces us to look at the things, people, and places that have been obstacles or holding us back. This can be a thing of beauty and hope as well as a thing of pain and darkness which forces us into duality. Second, the energy of Capricorn we see duality not only in it’s symbol the sea goat but, also in one of the main themes Capricorn represents; ambition. The sea goat like we talked about earlier is a mythical being that literally represents the duality of the material realm and the emotional or mythical realm. Others even believe the sea goat represents the duality of human existence through evolution, starting in the sea and than moving upwards on to land. Than there is the duality of ambition. While ambition is a very wanted thing. It is pivotal to our motivation, getting things done, and thriving in our life. But, on the other hand it also can cloud our mind, narrow our view/vision, damage our relationships, and lead to burn out by not caring for ourselves properly.

Correspondences For Capricorn

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like I will list below for you to use. Remember to follow your intuition with the correspondences you choose to work with and that you can always use any that correspond to the moon itself as well.

  • planet-saturn
  • Element-Earth
  • Symbol- seagoat,Makara
  • Modality-cardinal
  • gender-feminine
  • Day-saturday
  • Animal- goat , donkey, clove hooved animals
  • Body part-bones, joints, knees
  • colors-black, brown, purple, dark green,
  • Phrase/motto-“I use”
  • Chakra-Root chakra
  • Herbs/flowers-carnation, ivy, Rosemary, Red beets, Tarragon, Caraway, Chamomile, Marjoram belladonna, yew pansy, skullcap, poppy, Cinnamon, Sage, Turmeric, Nettle, thyme, basil, rue, snowdrop,
  • Trees-pine, elm, poplar,
  • Stones/crystals-garnet, black onyx, selenite, moonstone, bloodstone, peacock ore, howlite, agate, emerald, carnelian, labradorite, malachite, smokey quartz, galena, diamond, rose quartz,
  • Deities-Pan, Amalthea, Zeus, persephone, enki, kronos, Horus, Odin, ganga, Narmada, Varuna, lord shani,
  • tarot-devil
  • Ruling House-10th house of career, public image, and duty

How To Connect To The Capricorn Full Moon

Now, that we have talked about the themes of this hard working, goal orientated, committed, responsible, duty driven Capricorn full moon and how it is going to affect you let’s talk about how you can specifically connect to and work with this moon.

First, make sure to do all of your staples that your learned in the previous blog post linked here for you like, charging your crystals, making moon water, and resetting your altar.

With this moon there are certain spells and rituals that will help connect you to this moon in the most effective way. With the Moon in Capricorn, magic associated with career, ambition, abundance, goals, grounding and politics is highlighted now. Remember these are just some of the many ideas, follow your intuition and the energy of this moon. You can find more ways to connect to the moon and more information on many of these forms of magic on my Pinterest page here and my Facebook here.

  • Lunar magic
  • Ritual moon bath
  • Connect to your Root chakra
  • Shadow work based on ambition, goals, direction, success,and releasing perfectionism. If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here;  you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; or you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.
  • Elemental magic with the element of earth
  • Divination like tarot and runes or bone casting
  • Focus on abundance
  • Meditation and visualization work
  • Reflect on the past 6 months and what worked and what didn’t
  • Write down and release all things that no longer serve you into flames or the earth
  • moonlight bathe in the nude
  • connect to Litha still lingering around
  • Celebrate all your recent successes
  • Give strawberries as offerings or add them to spell workings
  • Connect to a deity of June
  • Make a simmer pot to bring in ambition, hard work, and focus
  • Get outside, do some grounding and/or earthing
  • Create a spell jar to bring success to your life, career, or business
  • Do candle magic with red or pink candles
  • Perform love spells
  • Have some fun with sex magic tonight!
  • Organize your life and schedule
  • Do things to further your career like apply for a promotion or new job, update your resume, or create your business plan
  • Ask for others feedback on your leadership skills
  • Refresh your altar
  • Create a list of every single success so far this year no matter how small to celebrate how far you have come
  • Be vulnerable and express your emotions no matter how you will look
  • Define your ambitions, goals, and dreams

Reflection Topics For Capricorn Full Moon

Every full moon is a great time for reflecting on those seeds you had planted during the new moon and how they are doing now at the end of the lunar cycle and how you can celebrate your success and adjust the future for even greater success. Whether you do it thru meditation, shadow work, or divination like tarot; below is a list of prompts and topics to connect with the energy of the Capricorn full moon.

  • What are my long term goals?
  • What parts of my life, my day, and my schedule do I need to change to reach my goals?
  • What direction and path am I walking in life?
  • Where in my life do I need to let go of my stubbornness and perfectionism?
  • How can I balance my emotional realm and my material realm better?
  • How can I motivate myself and others around me to work towards their goals?
  • Where in my life do I need to take the role of a leader more?
  • What are my deepest ambitions, dreams, and goals? How will I make them come to life?
  • Am I shining and thriving in life like I am meant to be? How can I get there if not?
  • How do my visions, goals and dreams—the seeds I’m planting—FEED and NOURISH my larger purpose as a spiritual being?
  • Where do I have the power to choose to align with my larger purpose and values?

Full Moon Prayers or Affirmations

Some prayers or affirmations you can state with the full moon are:

I release all that does not serve my highest good.
I illuminate the things blocking my path to my desires.
I release all negative energy, feelings and thoughts that are not serving me.
I release the belief that I am not worthy or capable of manifesting anything that I want.
I call in the energy of the full moon to cleanse my field of anything that is not aligned with my higher purpose.

Some prayers or affirmations you can state with the capricorn full moon are:

I don’t have to be perfect to meet my goals.

I am capable of climbing any mountain.

I am connected to both the material realm and the emotional realm.

I am allow myself to dream of world that’s better for everyone.

Everything is always working out in my favor.

Capricorn Full moon Letter Writing Ritual

Write a manifestation letter
On the night of the full moon, write a heartfelt letter to the multiverse, expressing your deepest goals, ambitions, and things you’d like to achieve. Be specific and clear about this including your career, your goals, and what being successful will look like and feel like to you. Once you have finished, read the letter out loud to the moon, infusing each word with intention and belief. Once you are done burn the letter, while imaging it being released to the multiverse. Than take the ashes of that letter and give them to sign of Capricorn by burying them in the earth or sprinkling them into your garden.

Spell For Good Luck Under The Capricorn Full Moon

To perform this easy luck ritual gather a dish, some grounded cinnamon, eggshells, and bay leaves. For added potency you can also add crystals for abundance like green aventurine.

How to perform this spell:

Place the small dish in the center of your workspace or altar.
Arrange the coins and bills around the dish in a clockwise direction, representing the flow of abundance and wealth.Next add some grounded cinnamon in the same clockwise direction. After that repeat with your eggshells.
Light your bay leaves and use the smoke to cleanse the coins, crystals,. (if you added them), cinnamon and dish.
As you do this, say a simple affirmation such as, “I am open to receiving abundance and wealth.”
Leave the arrangement in place during the Capricorn moon, and spend a few moments each day visualizing financial abundance flowing into your life until the next new moon.

Ritual To attract Abundance During a Capricorn Full Moon

For this simple full moon abundance ritual, you will need a green candle, a small dish, a coin, a bill, a stick of cinnamon and a piece of paper.

How to perform spell:

  • Create a sacred container for your ritual by lighting the green candle and focusing on the energy of the full moon.
  • On the piece of paper, write a list of financial blessings and abundance you wish to attract.
  • Place the coin, the bill, the stick of cinnamon in the small dish, symbolizing the wealth you wish to manifest.
  • Read your list of financial blessings out loud, and visualize each one manifesting in your life.
  • As you do this, hold the coin, and bill infusing them with the energy of your intentions.
  • Once you’ve completed your visualization, place the coin, the bill and the list of financial blessings, and cinnamon stick in a dish on your altar or in a special place where you can see them regularly.

Fertility Spell For Strawberry Full moon

For this simple fertility spell to connect you to the sweetness and ripeness of the strawberry full moon. What you will need are a hard boiled egg, ground cinnamon, a couple strawberries, and a marker.

How to perform spell:

Go outside somewhere you can connect to the earth and bury your spell ingredients. Once there, create a sacred container. Than dig a small hole, as you dig focus and visualize fertility coming into all areas of your life and the energy of ripeness and sweet things coming into your life. Once it is dug take your egg and marker and write or draw symbols/sigils/words/images of fertility. Next, take your egg and place it in the hole thanking it for all the fertility it is about to bring you. After that grab your strawberries and focus your energy on the sweetness they can bring into your life. In all your goals, ambitions, and intentions. Than place them in the hole next to your egg thanking them for the sweetness they will bring to your life. Your next step is to take your ground cinnamon and sprinkle it clockwise over top everything in your hole to add the energy of abundance and to speed up your spell. Once done cover your hole back up with your soil you had removed and thank the earth for it’s assistance and fertility it is going to bring into your life.


However you choose to work with, connect to, or celebrate, the full moon in the ambitious, hard working, responsible, grounded, and determined Capricorn. Follow your intuition, and ambitious, determined spirit to guide you the rest of this lunar cycle to finish growing your seeds of manifestation. Under the Capricorn full moon your fears, doubts, and obstacles will be released and given back to the abundant earth. Follow the sea goat up the mountain for a clear path to meet all your goals and ambitions’ with determination.

Don’t forget to make preparations for your full moon hangover you may experience after this lumination. If you don’t know what a full moon hangover is or how to deal with one you can read all about it in my previous blog post here!

To learn more about the moon and lunar magic don’t forget to read my extensive guide about it here and watch my class with Divination Academy on YouTube here.

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Litha; Connecting To The Vibrant, And Life Giving Energy Of The Longest Day Of The Year

The Summer Solstice; the longest day of the year! This pagan holiday, also known as Litha, is all about celebrating the light in our lives the sun! As the days grow longer and the sun shines brighter, the world around us begins to come alive in a vibrant display of color and warmth. As we look around us and see in nature; our gardens are sprouting, flowers blooming, the birds flying around, the bees zooming about pollinating, and the grass coming back from winter; we know we have the warm, bright, and vibrant sun to thank for it. Litha is a time to celebrate the abundance and beauty of the Earth. It’s a time to celebrate the warmth of the sun’s rays on us and its nourishing effect on the Earth. It truly is the celebration of the fullness of nature and the strength and power of the sun. It’s the time the goddess is heavy with child and the god is preparing to help with the birth.

It’s a fire festival where we both, celebrate the Sun while also remembering that darker days are coming. With the realization that the days will steadily begin to grow shorter; and this is a fire festival. It becomes another sabbatt when we get to connect to our passions, desires, and the things that truly bring us joy in life. With the sun also being the planet that is the keeper of our ego, pride, and identity this holiday is a time to allow the sun’s rays to shine a light on who you truly are and allow them reconnect you to that version of yourself. Let’s follow the rays of the sun to have litha illuminated to us in this blogpost.

The History Of Litha

Litha AKA, Midsummers Night is the longest day of the year, now known as the summer solstice and has been celebrated in some fashion since ancient times. Litha is a pagan holiday and also one of Wicca’s eight sabbats that takes place on the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. It’s also known as Midsummer and is celebrated around June 21 in the Northern Hemisphere. The word “Litha” comes from the Anglo-Saxon word for “midsummer”. It has roots in ancient agricultural societies that relied on the sun for their livelihoods. It’s celebrated by many cultures around the world, including Pagans, Celts, and Norse people, and has its roots in ancient agricultural societies.

Historical evidence shows that Litha celebrations date back thousands of years and as far as the Neolithic period though they may be called by different names and worship different deities in each culture. Many agricultural societies used the period to indicate a time for planting and harvesting. Many ancient monuments like Stonehenge, the Egyptian pyramids, and the Temple of Kukulcan, were built to align with the sun’s position during the Summer solstice and thought to not only be used as a calendar but, places of worship to honor this day as well.

Litha is believed to be an ancient Germanic word for the months of June and July as well. The Anglo-Saxons (germanic)brought Aerra Litha with them to the British Isles when they settled there in the 5th and 6th centuries AD.

In Celtic culture and mythology Litha was a celebration of the Celtic goddess Danu (Anu) who represents earth and fruitfulness. According to Irish mythology Danu was the Universal Mother of Tuatha De Danaan – a tribe of ancient people in Ireland believed to have invaded Ireland and ruled until being defeated in war on midsummer’s day, after which they retreated to the hills and eventually became the Faerie folk.

In ancient Rome, this celebration was known as Vestalia which was the celebration of Vesta, the goddess of virginity, chastity and the sacred flame. Women would visit the temple of Vesta and make offerings to this goddess.

In many Neopaganism and Wiccan traditions, Litha marked the end of the Oak King’s reign and the rise of the Holly King, who oversees the world as the days gradually get shorter as the world descends into the cold dark of winter. The Oak King is associated with strength, growth, and vitality, while the Holly King is associated with rest, reflection, and regeneration. Together, they represent the cyclical nature of the seasons and the constant flow of life, death, and rebirth in the natural world. They are in fact, in many traditions, two faces of the Horned God, representing the polarity that exists in all things. In the Wiccan practice, it’s a bit deeper with an added layer as well. The Oak King(The God) and The Goddess are at the height of their power, and the Goddess is heavily pregnant and it is the oak king who will help her give birth. She is filled with the life of her coming son just as the earth is sown with seeds that will soon come to harvest.

Later in history as Christianity swept across Europe in the early middle ages, Litha / Midsummer Night was adopted by the Catholic church as St. John’s Day, celebrating John the Baptist.

When Is Litha?

Litha, or the Midsummer sabbat, is celebrated as a lesser sabbat in modern paganism and also one of the main fire festivals in the Celtic calendar. Litha happens at the summer solstice, when the day is longest and the night shortest. It is celebrated around June 21st, usually falling on any day from June 20th to June 23rd in the Northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, it falls around December 21st to December 22nd. The changes in the dates depend on the shifting earth’s rotation around the sun. Litha marks the longest day of the year, the end of spring, and the start of summer astronomically.

The Fires Of Litha

First and foremost, Litha was and is a fire festival. Fire holds a significant role during Litha, symbolizing purification, transformation, and the height of solar energy. It was common to build bonfires and make wishes on Litha across cultures. Though it is thought this tradition may have originated with Celtic, Slavic, and Germanic people in Neolithic cultures in Northern and Central Europe, who lit bonfires to strengthen the sun’s power for the rest of the growing season. Family, friends, loved ones, and neighbors would gather and sit around the bonfire all night long waiting to greet the sun as it rises on its longest day. Catching the very first glimpse and energies of the first rays of the day. Some believe that fire symbolizes the sun and wards off unwanted entities. Others think that lighting and jumping over bonfires on the solstice brings good luck to lovers and keeps demons away.

A Celebration of The Sun

It is the height of celebration, as the triumphant sun shines bright and majestic, full of passion and success. Litha is a symbol of light, love and happiness, as well as, warmth and the power of the sun. At the heart of Litha celebrations, is the recognition and reverence for the sun’s life-giving energy. We rejoice in the seasons and the source of the light that is the basis of life. The sun is seen as a powerful symbol of vitality, strength, and for many the masculine aspect of divinity.

A Time To Connect To Yourself and Nature Around You

There are many ways to celebrate and connect to Litha. At the heart of these festivities, they are about getting in tune and connecting with the world around you and your place in it. Litha is a time to connect deeply with nature and embrace its abundance. The earth is in full bloom, with vibrant colors, fragrant flowers, and bountiful harvests. Humanity is busy with festivals, bbqs, and family gatherings almost every weekend. It’s a time when fertile energy is at its peak, and all around us, new life is rapidly growing. Litha celebrates the growing crops, the Sun, abundance, and the first day of Summer. Litha is your time to connect to and honor nature’s incredible fertile energy at this time of year, and to connect with our natural world on a deeper, more meaningful level.

Litha And Duality

Since, I am a grey witch I look for the duality in every single energy I work with including sacred days and/or holidays like Litha. We see the duality in Litha in the reason for why we celebrate it; for being the longest day of the year, and preparing us for the days to begin to shorten. We must embrace the good days before the darker days arrive. If we don’t celebrate our abundance, our fertility, and our success, then the darker days become even more bleak and unbearable.

Common Traditions

Since Litha is a fire festival in honor of the sun and it’s power, one of the most common ways to celebrate it was by lighting a bonfire on the top of a hillside. Using the bonfire to connect to the strength of the sun to carry them through the upcoming harvest season and long winter to follow. Another common practice was setting large wheels on fire and rolling them down into bodies of water.

Romans celebrated Juno during this time, which meant this month was often filled with many marriages. Vesta was also another celebrated goddess, and was often given offerings of salted meat for eight days in exchange for blessings upon the home. Along with lighting the fire in your hearths. In Norse traditions, the solstice was celebrated with feasts dedicated to Freyr, the fertility god.

Litha Deities

In many mythologies, and pantheons, gods and goddesses of Litha play a vital role in the seasonal cycle, symbolizing fertility, abundance, the earth, the sun, fire, and our personal power. They remind us to be grateful for all the sun has provided us with this yearly cycle and to begin to prepare for the winter to come. Working with deities is one of my favorite things to do. You can honor them during their festivals for them and by bringing them into any of your prayers, rituals, and spells you want to in order to celebrate and connect to this holiday. Let’s take a look at some of the Deities that can be worshipped during this sacred time and holiday.If you need to learn more about working with deities in your practice you can purchase my ebook on the topic here.


Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage, the family, and childbirth was a paramount figure embodying the sanctity and power of matrimonial union and the family. The Roman goddess Juno is among the first gods and goddesses of ancient Rome who is in charge of the women’s lives in the state. Juno’s symbol, which is a peacock, represents her watchful vigilance and her role as the protector of the community. It is assumed that the term “Juno” meant “the young one” because of her association as the goddess of the new and waxing moon. This celestial connection perhaps implying the idea of growth and beginnings, aligns with her domains.

Today, it is accepted that the Roman goddess Juno has the title “Regina” meaning Queen which gives her the title of the “Queen of the Gods.” Juno, being a multifaceted deity, was also the wife and sister of Jupiter, the King of all the Roman gods. She was often represented as the female counterpart to Mars the god of war, highlighting her influence in both the domestic and political spheres. Although the Roman goddess Juno had dominion over family, marriage, and childbirth, she is often depicted to be in a warlike stance, an illustration that is often favored upon by Roman soldiers.


Part man and part goat, Pan was the Greek god who was patron of shepherds and hunters, who watched their flocks. Pan was the Greek god of nature and the untamed wilderness. PAN was the god of the meadows and forests of the mountain wilds. His unseen presence aroused panic in those who traversed his realm. He was even thought to be the cause of the musical sound of the wind through the trees. He was Associated with music, fertility, and spring. In ancient Greek art, he was often depicted as a horned man with the legs of a goat; he was the chief of the satyrs, who were similar in appearance and character to Pan.

Pan, ruled over nature and pasturelands. Pan is essentially the father of the wild things. He is frequently depicted in literature and artworks. Although he is not one of the major gods of Ancient Greece, he is one of most often referenced figures in Greek mythology. Pan has come to represent the unstoppable power of nature throughout the ages and still today. To learn more about pan and how to connect to him you can do so in my previous blog post here.


The Irish god of the sun, Lugh is a powerful deity associated with Litha. He is often invoked for protection and blessings of abundance. Lugh is a powerful deity said to have brought learning and knowledge to man. He is an Irish God of the Tuatha De Dannan, associated with Litha and the summer season. As the Celtic solar deity, Lugh has hegemony over life, light and law. His traditional symbols represent energy and creativity, from a shining sun held aloft in his hands to fiery arrows that stand for passion and lust.


Of the many different gods and goddesses that were worshipped in ancient Egypt, Hathor is considered one of the most important. Hathor is the Egyptian goddess of love and beauty and her history is quite intriguing among the many that are around in the Egyptian pantheon. The Egyptian goddess of beauty and love is the daughter of the sky goddess Nut and the god of the sun and creation, Ra. Hathor is not only the daughter of Egypt’s main deities for she is also the ‘eye of Ra,’ the most powerful force in the world. This makes her one of the most significant deities in Egyptian mythology. The Egyptian goddess of love and beauty is also the goddess of the underworld. She welcomes the dead as they reach the underworld and serves them food and drinks. She is thought to be later connected with the Greek goddess Aphrodite this is why she is a great deity to work with this month to help you with self love, nourishment, and fertility workings.


Danu a celtic goddess, also known as Anu or Dana, she represents the divine maternal figure and her influence spread throughout Eastern Europe to Ireland. Danu was worshipped as a goddess of fertility, wisdom, and the wind. She nurtured the gods and she adopted became known as; the Tuatha Dé Danann, the Irish pantheon associated with the fairy folk.

Danu played a vital role in Celtic cosmology, embodying the nurturing and fertile aspects of femininity. As a goddess of fertility, she was associated with the abundance of the land and the growth of crops. Danu was also revered for her wisdom and connection to the wind. It was believed that she possessed profound knowledge, acting as a guide for the gods and the mortal inhabitants of the Celtic world. According to ancient Celtic beliefs, Danu not only nurtured the gods but also served as a protector and sustainer of life.


The sun god Ra was ancient Egypt’s most revered and sacred deity, who they worshipped as king of the gods and father of creation. King of the deities and father of creation, he was the most sacred of all the gods, a solar deity who embodied the sheer power of the sun and gave life to the universe. As such, he symbolized the great reverence ancient Egyptians had for the sun as an agricultural society in the desert whose lives revolved around growth and regeneration. According to many Egyptian myths, sun god Ra was responsible for the creation of all life. Out of eternal darkness, an entity called Atum called forth the beginning of creation. An island slowly emerged out of the Primeval Ocean, which turned into Ra, the sun god and than Ra spawned the first gods. As creator of the universe, Ra became father and king to all gods, humans and living creatures. Egyptians believed that it was Ra’s duty to travel across the sky every day, bringing light and life to the world. As the sun set, Ra would descend into the underworld, where he battled against forces of darkness, including the evil serpent Apopis, in order to ensure the sun could rise again in the morning. Egyptians likened this daily pattern of light and darkness to the entire cycle of life, in which humans live, die and rise again in the afterlife.


Amaterasu is the primary deity of the Shinto religion in Japanese mythology, revered as the goddess of the sun, universe, and creation itself, and considered the highest manifestation of the spirit of the universe. Amaterasu was born from the left eye of her father, Izanagi, when he purified himself after visiting the underworld. Her birth gave her the unique status of being the only deity born from Izanagi alone. As the source of all light, life, and creation, the sun goddess sustains heaven and earth with a light so compelling that her father appointed her ruler of the universe when he first laid eyes on her. Amaterasu is also known for her role as the ruler of the Higher Celestial Plane. In this realm, she was responsible for bringing light to the world through the sun that she embodied. Amaterasu is the rising and setting sun: without her, all forms of life would cease to exist. As ruler of the heavens, she governs over all spirits (kami), and her divine powers brought about the cultivation of rice and wheat: she is also credited with first using silkworms and looms for weaving. Amaterasu’s role as the ruler of heaven is to ensure the continuity of life by maintaining order. As the embodiment of the sun, she assimilates all of its qualities and provides comfort and assurance to all those who look to her for guidance and protection. Having served as the mother of the imperial family she is revered as the goddess of the state, and is both nurturing and maternal. To learn more about her you can both read my blogpost about her here and watch my class with Divination here.

Magical Themes Of Litha

Every season and every pagan holiday has certain concepts and magical themes. Which means, depending on your tradition and needs, you can weave one or more of these themes into your personal celebrations. Litha is a great time for empowering spell work. Spells for healing, self-growth, self-love, love, and protection are all great choices. On Litha, we see the following magical rituals and spells below as well. Remember these are just some of the themes and energies you can connect to and work with on Litha.

  • abundance
  • cleansing
  • creativity
  • divination
  • fertility
  • fire
  • growth
  • healing
  • inspiration
  • love
  • motherhood
  • opportunity
  • power
  • success
  • sun god
  • warmth
  • empowerment
  • energy
  • fertility
  • growth
  • health
  • increase light (longest day of the year)

Correspondences To Connect To Litha

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for A holiday or sacred time like Litha, I will list below for you to use.Remember this is not an all encompassing list and there may be other correspondences to use. Just follow your intuition and use what calls to you.

  • Planet-The sun
  • Animal-bees, butterflies, cattle, horses, wren, robin, sea creatures, snake
  • Element-Fire
  • colors-gold, green , yellow, orange, sky blue, red
  • Herbs/flowers- sunflower, chamomile, lavender, daisy, peonies, yarrow, elder flowers, ivy, marigolds, honeysuckle, frankincense, myrrh, sage, oak, st.johns wort, calendula, lemon, orange, cloves
  • Stones/ crystals- Carnelian, Yellow Topaz, Tigers Eye, Citrine, Sunstone, Green Aventurine, Emerald, Jade, Peridot, Rose Quartz, fire agate,
  • Deities- juno, brigid, ra, Hestia, vesta, Amaterasu, sol, lugh. sulis minerva, surya, apollo, helios, freyja, hathor, bast, Sekhmet, the oak king, pan, cernunnos, bel, the green man, holly king, astarte, aphrodite, llew,Danu (Anu)
  • Symbols- sunwheel, bonfires, the sun, bees, flowers, seashells, the fae, oak leaves, dragonflies, butterflies

Ways To Celebrate Litha

We have talked about many different themes, and energies you can connect to during this time from fertility, abundance, joy, passion, connecting to nature, empowerment, transformation, and more. Let’s talk about how we can connect to and celebrate those themes and energies now. First, you can participate and honor any of the deities listed above or that are associated with Summer or the sun. You can work with any affirmations, mantras, and visualization work for manifestation, passion, abundance, fertility, joy, empowerment, and transformation. Check out below more ways to work with and celebrate this holiday and time of year.

Have a bonfire

As we talked about above, first and foremost beltane was celebrated as fire festival and the ancient celts used to pass their cattle through two of them to purify and cleanse them. So, what better way to connect to Litha and celebrate it than to build, lit, and enjoy a bonfire of your own! It’s common to do this with others, have some drinks, and leap over the flames for good luck and prosperity. Just be safe!

Perform a burning release

You already have the fire burning so why not use it for some release magic? One of my favorite ways to release unwanted habits, energies, people, and things from my life is to burn it away with fire. Take a piece of paper, focus on what it is you want to release from your life, write it on that piece of paper than walk up to your bonfire and as you let the paper fall and be burned in the flames visualize what you wrote being burned to ashes in your life as well.

Perform Solar magic

At the heart of Litha celebrations is the recognition and reverence for the sun’s life-giving energy. Which makes it one or if not the most potent day to perform solar magic. There are so many different ways to work with solar magic and the sun from meditating under its bright rays, making sun water, drawing down the sun and more. To learn all about solar magic and connecting to the sun and how to do so you can read about it here in my previous blog post.


Litha is a very fertile time full of energy, passion, and abundance, so what better way to connect to that energy than to move with it. We can do this by moving our hips, our womb spaces and moving our body through dance. Dancing allows us to move energy around, connect to the movements of energy around us in a dynamic way, and opens up our womb space to connect to sexual energy. So, get up move your body through dance and maybe even do so around a bonfire!

Wild Flower Crafting
Wild flowers have always been a big part of the Litha celebrations. In ancient times, it was common to pick flowers like sunflowers and create crown wreaths out of them to wear or place on an altar. Or to take them and create a beautiful handfasting basket for a couple whose getting married.So go and pick wildflowers, Litha is the perfect day for it! Then return home and make a bouquet. Or if you’re feeling really crafty, make flower wreaths, crowns or garland to decorate yourself, your home, to place on your altar, or gift to a couple.

Refresh Your Altar
Another way to connect to a holiday and/or sacred day I always recommend is to cleanse and refresh your altar and/or sacred space. Use water or fire to cleanse, then decorate with wildflowers, images of the fae, Litha deities, and any of the litha correspondences we talked about earlier.

Simmer pot for beltane

Whether you consider yourself a Kitchen Witch, are vaguely interested in Kitchen Magic or just want to bring some good vibes and good smells into your home, simmer pots are an easy, accessible and fun ritual for any time of year! Simmer pots are easy to create and customize to your liking, so you can make your kitchen a sacred space whenever you want! So, why not make one specifically to call in and honor the energy of Litha.

What are simmer pots? Simmer pots are basically potpourri in a pot! You choose your ingredients, put them in a pot with water, bring to a boil, then turn down to a simmer and let it do its thing. They couldn’t be any easier, just be sure you don’t let your pot boil dry! If you want to keep the pot going simply add more water when it gets low. And obviously never leave it going when you are not home. To learn more about how about this magical practice you can check out my previous blogpost on the topic here.

Perform Fae Magic
In ancient times, and up to the modern era, the Celtic people believed strongly in the Fae, also called the faery folk. Litha, the Summer Solstice, is one of the three annual Feasts of Faeries, the Fae. The day of the Summer Solstice is when access to their realm is the easiest and the Faes’ powers, strongest. They frolic about bonfires, joyously singing and dancing. This makes it a great day and time to connect to the fae by performing fae magic.To learn more about the fae you can check out Divination’s class series on it here

Five Senses Nature Walk

Litha is all about the cycle and movement of nature and marking the most fertile time of the year. Connecting to the blooming and buzzing of nature all around us. So why not take the time to connect to nature itself? Soak in all the fertility and abundance in nature right now. You can do this by going on a five sense nature walk. After you have engaged all your senses, walk back to your home. Reflect on your experience by writing it down in a journal

Make a Litha Spell Jar

Spell Jars are one of my most favorite spells to create and tools to use in my magical practice and life. Spell jars are great to create a container of energy for you to harness and come back to over and over again when you need it! A quick run down on how to create a spell jar. Pick your items, and add them to your jar after you wash, cleanse and charger your jar. As you add your items focus on visualizing the energy of abundance and what it is you very specifically want to call into your life with that energy. Once you feel the intention and energy is set inside the jar you can take your lid and seal it shut. To add more power to your jar you can add sigils to the outside or seal the lid with wax even. Place the jar on your altar or anywhere in your home, office, or car where you can see it and come back to it when you need to call on the energy and spell again. You can shake the jar to activate the magic whenever you come back to it as well. Keep an eye out for more spell jars on my Pinterest or Facebook page and to learn more about all about them purchase my ebook here.

Other Ways to celebrate Litha

  • Wear the colors
  • Watch the sunrise and/or sunset
  • Feast with friends and family
  • Have a garden party or BBQ
  • Meditate outside
  • Sun bathe (safely!)
  • Express gratitude for the light
  • Perform Abundance spells
  • Practice sun salutations
  • Celebrate abundance
  • Take action on goals
  • Make a flower crown
  • Ground your energy / connect with the earth
  • Solar charge your crystals (know which ones you won’t destroy doing this)
  • Connect with your solar plexus chakra
  • Have a bonfire
  • Burn any charms from Yule to release the energy
  • Burn wishes
  • Create charms for the next half of the year
  • Cleanse your home
  • shadow work based on duality, empowerment, true joy.If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here;  and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here. And don’t forget to register for new 6 week workshop series Embracing your shadow here!

Wrap Up

Litha invites us to immerse ourselves in the radiant energy of the sun and the abundance of nature. As the Wheel of the Year turns, Litha stands as a reminder of the interconnectedness between humanity and the natural world. By coming together in celebration, gratitude, and reflection, we honor the sun’s life-giving energy and reaffirm our commitment to living in harmony with the cycles of nature. Recognize that that the power of Summer is the gift of attaining all that you want to manifest, through the grace of the Divine, and it is yours to bring into fruition now.