Working with the Practical, Productive and Nurturing Virgo Full Moon

We have entered a new lunar phase today, the full moon and this full moon in February is bringing us into the practical, productive and nurturing energy of Virgo. This Virgo full moon arrives to bring a balance of order, logic, and grounding. The Virgo Full Moon makes you aware of the state of your […]

Working With The Full Moon

The Sacred Meaning of the Moon Over the centuries, the Moon has played a significant role in different cultures and traditions. The Moon moves quickly through the Zodiac, spending about two and a half days in each sign. It passes through all twelve signs in about 28 days. Some nights, at the time of the […]

The Magic of Self love and how to maintain it thru self care

With Valentine’s Day just behind us and love in the air and on almost everyone’s mind and hearts I want to talk about a type of love that I feel is overlooked, self love. Don’t get me wrong I am very guilty of this in my life and often. Having those moments, days, weeks, months, […]

What is personal Development?

For me it’s anything that encompasses growth for yourself and your life. It’s the intentional acts and/or reflection you are doing to grow as a person to better yourself, your soul, your community, your family, and your life. This is what we do to be happy, feel whole, and to help us both uncover our […]

Chiron who is he and how can he help us heal

Who is Chiron? In Greek Mythology, it was Chiron who taught humanity the constellations. That’s huge. Chiron is our celestial teacher. In Greek mythology, Chiron is a Centaur: half man, half horse. While most Centaurs were considered menacing, Chiron was “famous for his wisdom and knowledge of medicine.”  Chiron is a centaur, and the myth goes […]

Who Am I as a Witch and what is my path

Before we get into any of the extensive topics and knowledge I have to share with you on magic, witchcraft, paganism, esoteric studies, occultism, ancient religions and cultures and more. If you want to know more about the journey I had to get to here you can read about it here in a previous blog […]

Lupercalia and Valentine’s Day; how to celebrate both as a Pagan and/or Witch

It’s February the month all about love, romance, sex, and fertility and we have two major holidays that focus on that for us to celebrate. Most people know about one of them; Valentine’s Day but, do you know where that holiday originates from? Lupercalia, an Ancient Roman festival for fertility and purification. Some even call […]

Year of the Dragon; celebrating the Chinese New Year

Of all the traditional Chinese festivals, the new Year was perhaps the most elaborate, colourful, and important. This was a time for the Chinese to congratulate each other and themselves on having passed through another year, a time to finish out the old, and to welcome in the new year. First, What is the Chinese […]

New Moon in Aquarius; a time for awakening, great change and creativity

This month’s new moon comes to us in the very creative, life changing and airy energy that is Aquarius. This new moon is super strong now that Pluto is in Aquarius for this New Moon, and we’re entering a whole new era. This is a huge time for change, but this isn’t small change. It’s […]