In the beginning of it all there was nothing, a swirling void of darkness and energy. This energy itself was chaos a void or gap in existence. It was all there was. It’s from this intangible nothingness and this void that you have Nyx emerging within the Greek mythology. Greek mythology consists of several different generations of deities. The most well-known and most commonly worshiped historically were the Olympians. Before these came the Titans and before even them were the; Protogenoi. The Protogenoi were the primordial gods like Nyx. According to Greek mythology these primordial gods each represented a different aspect of existence, together they formed the building blocks of the early universe. Nyx represented the darkness, night, and chaos and she played an essential role in shaping the universe and birthing several other important primordial gods. Her power was almost unmatchable and even Zeus the father of the Olympian gods cowered in fear of her. Nyx is the gentle queen of the night, the guardian of shadows, the mother of all that is hidden and sacred. She teaches us to embrace the darkness, not as something to fear, but as a space where we can find ourselves, where we can discover the deepest truths, and where we awaken the collective to the power of chaos and the night. Come join me as we walk in the shadows towards the primordial void of wisdom to learn more about Nyx in this blogpost.
Who is Nyx?
When darkness falls and envelops us in the velvety blackness of night and we hear a women whisper calling our name. That is the goddess Nyx there to give us comfort. wisdom, and pull us into the energy of chaos weaving existence into reality all around us. Nyx is an illusive, mysterious deity associated with the Night, darkness, chaos, creation, destruction, divination (particularly oracular trance and prophecy), love, motherhood, and the mysteries. She held dominion over the shadowy realms and everything that occurred under her dark veil. She was known to govern dreams, prophecies, and the passage of time during night creating the cycle of time in life. She plays an integral role to each one of our lives as the mother of many gods and beings. Each child she birthed holds sway over fundamental human experiences. Since she is a primordial deity, arising from Chaos at the beginning of time she holds a unique place among the gods. She gets to have complete independence and autonomy. She is not subservient to the will of other gods but holds her own unique place in the cosmos. We see this in her stories as she doesn’t interact with many deities outside of her family. Hades, the underworld ruler, was the only other god who used to have rare conversations with her.
Nyx the goddess of Night
Nyx is the very personification of night in Greek mythology and a formidable goddess in her own right. Her name itself literally even translates to mean night. It comes from the Ancient Greek word Nýx, which means “night”. As the first goddess of the night, she existed before creation, representing the shadowy veil that enveloped the universe in its infancy. Nyx is said to have mastered darkness manipulation, which gives her control over the veil of darkness that covers the world at night by controlling the speed and rotation of the planets. As the goddess of night and darkness, she represents the unseen and hidden aspects of existence, embodying the enigma of the night sky and the mysteries of the subconscious.
Nyx the primordial goddess of creation
Although Nyx is the goddess of chaos and destruction she’s also THE goddess of creation. I mean she is the ancestress of every deity. Let me say it again, she is the mother of every deity, the source they all go back to. Since she was there before creation, existing in the weaving energies of chaos. She existed long before Gaia became Mother Earth and Uranus became the sky even. Naturally since she is the primordial mother, Nyx has a very nurturing, comforting and caring side. We see her many times depicted as a motherly figure, offering comfort and protection to favored heroes and those who seek her aid during the night. She was also particularly close to her own children as we see her ask for their assistance with different types of tasks as well, like the story with her son deceit.

Family and Origin
According to Hesiod’s Theogony, Nyx is the daughter of Chaos who prior to her birth was the only being in existence, the initial void that existed before the creation of the universe. She emerged alongside her brother Erebus (Darkness) and played a crucial role in shaping the early cosmogony and everything that we know in the universe. Some even say that Nyx and Erebus hatched an egg that created the Earth, sky, and sea as well. (Orphic beliefs/ tradition) So, really we have the two of them to thank for everything in existence.
Nyx had multiple consorts and was associated with different deities in various traditions. One of her most well-known consorts was her brother, Erebus, who personified the masculine half of darkness and shadow. Nyx and Erebus were considered to be the parents of several significant deities, including Aether (the god of the upper atmosphere), Hemera (the goddess of day), and Charon (the ferryman of the Underworld), Eufrosine, Philotes, Eleos, Styx, and many more. However, like other goddesses, she created multiple descendants on her own and she had many other consorts as well. Her other known children are; Moros, Apate, Dolos, Nemesis, the Keres, the Moirai (the fates), the Hesperides, the Erinyes, Oizys, Momus, Oneiros, Hypnos, Thanatos, Geras, and Eris the goddess of discord and strife.
Myths and legends
Nyx’s appearances in myths varied but were significant and she pops up repeatedly throughout time. She was involved in both benevolent and malevolent events, emphasizing her dual nature and the importance of duality in life and the multiverse. Stories depicted her shielding favored heroes under her veil of darkness while also aiding vengeful acts or initiating treacherous schemes against others. Let’s talk about some of them below.
In Hesiod’s Theogony, Nyx is born as the personification of Night, emerging from Chaos. She couples with the personification of Darkness (Erebus) and gives birth to Doom (Moros), Death (Thanatos), Destruction (Keres), the Fate(s) (The Moirai), Retribution (Nemesis), and more. Hesiod also claims that Nyx lives in Tartarus, the Hell that exists below Hades.
In some versions of Greek mythology, Nyx protected the infant Zeus when he was being hidden from his father Cronus, who intended to devour him. Nyx shielded Zeus under the cover of darkness, allowing him to grow safely until he could eventually overthrow his father and become the ruler of the gods. We see them interact again in Homer’s Iliad, Zeus the all mighty king of the gods, fears Nyx and allows her son Hypnos to go free.
Nyx has shown up a few more times as well, in ancient poems like the Orphic Hymns: once as an Oracle and another time she’s gives birth to the Furies (Erinyes) with Hades, god of the Underworld. In addition to the Greek poems and mythos, Roman writers recorded hymns as offerings to Nyx Goddess of Night.
Nyx also has a prominent role in one version of the story of Echo, a nymph who is cursed to only repeat the words of others. According to the myth, Echo was punished by Hera after she discovered that Echo had distracted Zeus so he couldn’t catch her engaging in an extramarital affair. Nyx is said to have played a role in the curse that befell Echo, providing her with a dark and eerie echo as punishment.
Another legend I found is some say that during the Trojan War, it was Nyx who protected the spies; in fact, fugitives and thieves who run away or who move under the cover of night are her proteges. Some say they work directly for HER while others say they worship her similarly to a protective saint.

Worship of Nyx
When we look at her worship in ancient greece it seemed to go hand-in-hand with other deities. For instance, scholars and historians believe there was no central temple dedicated to Nyx at all but, we do have evidence of a cult existing being dedicated to her. But she may have been honored alongside Artemis in Ephesus, and also Diana and Proserpina in Benevento. We see her statue being found in the citadel of Megara, also known as present day Caria. The statue there is referred to as the “Oracle Nyx” standing alongside temples dedicated to Aphrodite and Dionysus. There is some speculation that referencing her as an “oracle” ties her to the power of prophesying. Whether that means the oracles called on her when they would go into their trances or not is unclear.
What does Nyx look like
When the day ends, the moon rises, and all around you is the blackness; that is Nyx in her most natural form. She is the presence and energy weaving the darkness enveloping you. There are times when Nyx will manifest in a physical, more corporeal form. When she chooses to do this, she typically resembles a large, black bird or a woman with black bird wings. Some sources claim Nyx will appear as a goth-looking woman wearing a black veil studded with stars and a torch in her lefthand.
In other depictions, she often rides a chariot of black horses or dark bulls. She rides it during nighttime with her cloak painting the sky with stars. In some depictions, two of her children, Hypnos and Thanatos, accompany her during the ride. While at other times she is depicted shown as a floating figure in a long black robe, carrying her sons Hypnos and Thanatos in her arms. For me, when she appears typically she appears as a concentrated ethereal, misty, darkness with stars swirling for her eyes and silver bands around her wrist to represent the moon.
Nyx and Tartarus
Nyx lives in the depths of Tartarus, one of the darkest areas of the underworld. Some sources even suggest that the dark misty air around Tartarus is Erebus himself, her husband and brother. Some other deities also live in the same region of the underworld like her children Hemera and Aether where they made the changing from day to night possible.
Every night Nyx would emerge out of the cave with Erebus and block out the light emitted from Aether, which brings night and darkness into the world. In the morning, Hemera would come out from Tartarus and blow away the darkness of the night. But, the mother and daughter can’t be seen together at the same time with one being night and the other being daylight. So, in other words, as soon as the darkness fades away, Nyx would return to her abode and leave her daughter there to shine.

Nyx and her relationship to Hecate/Hekate
Hecate is often invoked alongside Nyx in modern worship, with the two goddesses of darkness seen as powerful allies and companions in the world of the night. While they are companions of the darkness they do still have very distinct and separate roles. Nyx, is the primordial goddess of night, emerging from Chaos at the beginning of time. She is the personification of the night and holds power over darkness, dreams, and the mysteries of the unseen. While Hecate, on the other hand, is younger and according to some even Nyx’s daughter. She is often associated with magic, witchcraft, and the crossroads. She is considered a liminal deity, bridging the realms of the living, the dead, and the divine. To learn more about Hecate/Hekate check out my class with DiviNation Academy about her here.
Nyx and duality
Since I am a grey witch every single energy I work with I look at how it can help me maintain balance and how it can represent the cosmic energy of duality. Nyx’s dual nature as both nurturing and formidable is the first thing that comes to mind when working with her. She is deeply nurturing to her many children and you feel that in the darkness she envelopes you in it as you look into the mysteries of your own soul and the wisdom of the cosmos. While on the other hand she is such a primordial and formidable power you are in nothing but awe as she guides you into the void of ancient cosmic wisdom. This wisdom is so primordial it takes you back to the heart of the collective where you are reminded of how small you are in the fabric of existence. She represents the duality of light and dark, creation and destruction, and peace and fear. Reminding us that darkness is both a source of fear and the unknown, but also a time for rest and renewal.
Correspondences To Connect To Nyx
First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently, or a deity, like I will list below for you to use .Follow your intuition and use what speaks to you!
- Animal- Owl, bats, black horses, black cat, nocturnal creatures
- Planet-The moon
- Element- all elements
- Sex- Feminine
- Symbol- Night sky/ darkness, mist, stars, the moon, chariot, black veil
- colors- black, dark blue, silver, white
- Themes-darkness, hidden secrets, mysteries, chaos, wisdom, transformation, Cyclicality, creation, destruction, motherhood, fertility, divine feminine, night, dreams, protection
- Herbs- moonflower, cinnamon, peppermint, mugwort, lavender, poppy, jasmine, honeysuckle, nightshade ,Queen of the Night, Ref Flare Water Lily, Dragon Fruit Cactus, Evening Primrose
- Stones/ crystals- labradorite, lapis lazuli, moonstone, agate, snowflake obsidian, black tourmaline, onyx, selenite
- Tarot card- the moon, the chariot, the star, the priestess

How To Know Nyx Is Calling To Work With You
I get asked this question every time I write or teach about a goddess and even though some consider her a monster, for many witches and pagans, myself included she comes to them as a goddess. Remember, signs and messages appear in many different ways and are unique to the individual. It’s ultimately up to you to discern by opening up your clares, paying attention and listening to your intuition. Also, remember you can choose to work with her as well even if you don’t feel her calling to you. You can be the one to begin building that relationship by reaching out. Below is a list of some ways that you may know she is reaching out to you.
- If you work best at night or are a night owl
- You find yourself going and gazing up at the black starry night often
- You feel a pull to work with darkness and chaos
- Chaos magic is part of your path and practice
- You are interested in working with deities of death
- You feel drawn to any of her children in your life and practice like the three fates, Thanatos, nemesis, moros, Hypnos, etc.
- You hear a feminine whisper calling your name in the night, the dark, or the shadows
- She appears to you in a vision, dream, meditation, or prayer
- You start to see her symbols like the moon, or chariot popping up in your life often like in media, books, or your daily life
- You get gifted something that is related to her
- You hear her name randomly throughout the day or think of her often
- If you experience an awakening under the moonlight in the darkness of night
- You are an old soul
- You are a mystic seeking ancient primordial cosmic knowlege
- You are seeking to understand duality and balance your life
- You are feeling the pull of shadow work
Ways To Work With and Connect To Nyx
Everyone’s relationship with deities is different and we all work with and believe in them differently. You might believe in multiple gods and goddesses and work with them each as though they are close, personal friends. Or maybe you believe the old gods are reflections of Universal energy and simply archetype energies that you can learn a lesson from. However you incorporate deities in your practice is up to you. If you need help to figure this out you can purchase my eBook here on the Introduction to working with pagan deities.
But here are some ideas to get you started on ways to work with Nyx. Remember; it’s important to approach her with respect, reverence, gratitude and by building a relationship with her. Every time you work with a deity it is an even energetic exchange; which means what you put into your intention when working with them and building your relationship to them is what you get back.
Study, get to know her
As with every deity I have ever written about or taught about, The first way to get to know a deity, specifically a goddess like Nyx is to study all you can about her. Look at the different versions of her origin, and how she is the mother to so many deities that are integral to our human experience. Try to grasp and understand how truly old she is and the power she had over others. Including the fear she instilled in deities like Zeus himself. You can even, study the culture, region, and worship of the people of Greece where she is from. The more you study and learn the better! When working with a deity it is all about building a true relationship with them and you do this first by getting to know who they are.
Call on Nyx during shadow work
Just like with every other deity I have ever written or taught about shadow work is a phenomenal way to connect to and work with the goddess Nyx. Nyx’s association with night and darkness is seen as a representation of the mysteries of the unseen and the hidden aspects of the self. She is the mother of mysteries, of all that is hidden and profound. Ask Nyx to help you explore your own shadows, embrace your inner darkness, and gain insights from your subconscious through the practice of shadow work.
If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here. And don’t forget to register for new 6 week workshop series Embracing your shadow here!
Working with Dreams and aid in sleep
As the deity governing dreams, Nyx is often called upon in dream-related spell work and divination. It is said she can help you have some really prophetic dreams. I can’t attest to this as I don’t have access to the dream world ever so, I don’t work with dream magic. But, you can still ask for her guidance to interpret dreams, enhance dream recall, or even induce lucid dreaming for spiritual exploration. You can add her sigil to a spell bag to assist with dream recall, having sweet dreams, and helping you go to sleep and then place it under your bed or pillow welcoming her into your dream realm. In addition, ask Nyx to visit you in your dreams and teach you lessons that you currently need to learn. Then record every encounter with her in your journal, book of shadows, or grimoire.
Dedicate Altar Space
Set aside some space in honor of Nyx. This can be an elaborate large altar or as simple as a small shelf or corner of a counter. Place a representation of Nyx there; be sure to cleanse the space before you invite her in. Include all of her colors, her symbols, and representations of the night and any of her other correspondences you can use to connect to her. This will be a container that reminds you to connect with her and her energy. To allow you a container of primordial chaotic and creative energy to connect too.

Include her in Lunar Magic
The night is intimately linked with the moon, and Nyx’s connection to the nocturnal sky aligns her with lunar energies. lunar magic plays a crucial role, and Nyx is sometimes invoked during Full Moon rituals for heightened intuition, spiritual growth, and transformation. While on the other hand she is also invoked during the new moon for creativity, manifestation, and helping you connect to chaos from which you were born from. To learn all about Lunar magic and how you can add her to it, you can read my guide all about here and take a look at the entire page all about the moon as well!
Divination and Prophecy
As the goddess of night and the unknown, Nyx is associated with divination and the ability to gain insights into the future. In witchcraft practices, she may be invoked when performing divination rituals, seeking guidance from the higher realms, or exploring one’s destiny.
Meditation and visualization
One of the best ways to channel divine energy and tap into goddesses like Nyx is through meditation and visualization. These practices allow you to open up and receive/ connect to divine energy in a very intuitive, clear, and transformative way. You will find a plethora of guided meditations on YouTube that will lead you to your spirit guide or god/goddess.. Try those if you have a hard time meditating on your own. I have many classes on YouTube as well on previous deities you can watch where I even summon and guide you to them in sacred container.
Everyone loves receiving gifts, and that includes deities like Nyx. You don’t have to give her offerings every day, but when you feel it is appropriate. You can place these offerings at your altar or simply leave them for her outside in the dark under the moonlight. Even better leave it at the mouth of dark cave as well. You can also give her offerings when performing any work to connect to her like meditation, prayer, visualization, and spell work. Below I will list some of the best offerings you can give her, but keep in mind these are just some ideas from my own personal experience with her and her corresponding energies. Just follow your intuition.
- Milk
- Items with stars on it
- Moonwater
- Owl figurines
- things you have created like poems, pieces, of art
- red wine
- Coffee beans
- Dark chocolate
- Eggs
- Dark colored feathers
- things with the symbol of the moon on it
- poppy seeds
- black mirror
- black veil
- Images of her or statues of her
- moon cakes
- black and blue candles

Ritual for when you feel lost or stuck
You can call on Nyx for rituals when you feel lost or stuck in life with no light to guide you. Let Nyx grab your hand and guide you through the darkness and illuminate the way. This ritual is meant to bring inner peace and clarity regarding your problems through the goddess of night. To perform this ritual, you have to start meditating with Nyx while enhancing the clarity of your thoughts.
- Use light incense like Sandalwood or Rosemary
- Keep the room dark and quiet and perform the ritual at night, preferably under the full moon.
- Close your eyes and focus on breathing.
- Call for Nyx and start explaining your situation.
- Listen to her as she illuminates the way
One very powerful way to connect to a deity is through prayer. Things to Pray for: protection, power, understanding and unlocking your own personal power, fertility, transformation, shedding an identity, fertility, creativity, the darkness, chaos, time, accessing the unknown, truth, motherhood, and connecting to your soul.
“Nyx, mother of the night, mother of sleep, mother of death:
Might your darkness embrace me
Might your energy caress me
Might you be mine and Might I be yours
Blessed be.“
“Lady of the Night, Nyx of Shadow and Mystery,
We honor you and ask for your presence in this sacred space.
May your wisdom guide us in the darkness,
Your intuition lead us to hidden truths,
And your power protect us from all that would harm us.
Nyx of the Night, be with us now and always.
Hail and blessed be.”

Other ways to work with Nyx
- Call on her to aid in fertility magic
- Make works of art, write poetry or sing songs as an offering to Nyx
- Go stargazing
- Take a midnight stroll and listen to what you hear
- Learn astrology
- Call on her to aid in protection magic
- call on her in chaos magic or transformation magic
- Have a moon garden
- Moonlight bathing
- Auto scripting
- Astral projection
- Create a spell jar to connect to her and add it to your bedroom or altar
- Create a simmer pot for peaceful and restful sleep and add her sigil to the front of the pot
- Invoke her during Samhain
- Ask her to guide you into the underworld
- Ancestral magic and generational healing
Why work with Nyx
So, after all we have talked about why should you work with Nyx? Picture the very fabric of the universe in its infancy. Before there was anything and anyone. The multiverse a blank canvas waiting to be created. Here you find Nyx, an elemental, primordial, divine force personifying darkness and night. She emerges from Chaos, the swirling void of nothingness, as one of the first beings in existence, making her a primordial goddess of immense power. Now, ask yourself why wouldn’t you want to work with her? Why wouldn’t you want to call to the very beginning of time, the universe and the existence of everything in reality including the personification of your very own soul? On top of her connection to chaos, her connection to night and darkness is something worth working with. Remember, night is more than just the absence of light. It is a realm all of it’s own. A container where mysteries dwell and where wisdom is born. In the heart of darkness, Nyx reigns. Her domain is not one of fear, but of profound possibility, growth, and transformation. There is so much wisdom that comes only when we allow ourselves to sink into the quiet places of our soul. Nyx teaches us that there is beauty in the unseen, that there is power in what we do not yet know.

A fundamental pillar of Paganism is working with the deities that one believes in. While all practicing Pagans have varying beliefs about the gods and goddesses, most agree that honoring their deities is a great way to connect with them and further their spiritual goals. But, again remember not every pagan works with deities. Also remember there are literally thousands of different deities out there in the multiverse and which ones you choose to honor will often depend significantly upon what pantheon your spiritual path follows. This eBook will walk you thru the different ways to view deities, what a deity can be, and the basics to start building a deep meaningful relationship with one.

About Me : I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years. First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration, and re-enchantment of Magic in society, across this realm, and in each and every soul I come across in life! I am here to create a container that promotes healing, duality, and raw authenticity. I do this by guiding you on your personal journey to understanding your unique magic and sacred contracts. I facilitate this for you through embracing your shadow, duality and learning to live in energetic balance while not wearing a mask. When you work and learn from me you do so from your “darkness” as much as your “light” and in a way to truly harness and accept it not to just go thru it on the way to your light. But, I teach you how to truly embrace it, work with it, and use it alongside your light as a partner. I hold up a mirror for you to be able to see your authentic reflection looking back. Then have the courage to take the next step and do the uncomfortable but vital inner work to completely remove your mask. By facing all of your past wounds, traumas, and hurts. Allowing you to see both the dark and light within your story and take each chapter and alchemize it into something that is so powerful. your unique internal flame will shine so bright you will always be able to go within and find it on a dark cold night. You will learn how to truly live in duality and energetic balance to allow growth, and alignment with your sacred contracts and purposes. to finally move on and truly let the things that hold you back in this life from healing and manifesting go. To see everything I offer; like personalized shadow work sessions, womb healing, eBooks for you to work through on your own, Tarot sessions for guidance and more! Go to my shop!