Before we get into any of the extensive topics and knowledge I have to share with you on magic, witchcraft, paganism, esoteric studies, occultism, ancient religions and cultures and more.
If you want to know more about the journey I had to get to here you can read about it here in a previous blog post.
I know right away you are going to say, whoa she is young how can she be teaching anyone.
First check out my about me page, or my review page and go and vet me. I have many students who love learning from me and my perspective, I am very detailed, I know MANY paths, and I teach even things I do not personally agree with so my students can truly pick their own path. I also am teaching alongside amazing, knowledgeable and credible professors as well at Divination Academy.
Second go and watch any of my classes and/or rituals on youtube and read any of my study guides!
They are FREE to all and I encourage you to watch every one on by every professor there but, I have many there for you to use as a resource and to check out who I am!
Now, that we got that out of the way!
Who am I as a practitioner?
I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years.
First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I study from many different sources, paths, pantheons, religions, cultures, teachers and practices. Two of my main patron deities were keepers of the schools of mysteries ( hades & Persephone).
And I am dedicated to becoming one with the multiverse through all esoteric and occult knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration and re-enchantment of magic into this realm, our lives, and society.
I have practiced and studied from many different teachers and masters in areas such as shamanism, magic(k), witchcraft, religion and spiritual practices.
I focus my studies on being as accurate to the culture and religion as possible throughout history and representing things across many different paths and practices. I study and create my path from the mix of all the things I study thru discernment, intuition, and guidance.
I am a grey magic practitioner.
Which means I work with both dark and light energy and strive to maintain constant duality in my practice and life. I live and thrive in the grey.
I do not view things in the terms of “good” vs “evil” I view everything as energy and as either wanted or unwanted energy. What one person may view as good and evil is subjective to each and everyone of us.
I believe in sacred contracts, and have discovered many of mine and strive to live in a way to fulfill it this lifetime. I’ve done a lot of past live regression and work and continue to do more to this day to unlock more of my past lives and knowledge I have gained through each incarnation. I do this through many way like currently working with a mentor on past life regression therapy, Ive done Akashic record work, studying and worked with auto writing, and astral travel and work as well.
I work with all the dark goddesses and have the ability to channel and invoke deities. I Love the connections I have with many deities and the energy they allow me access to connect to through a different perspective but, I also understand I myself am a goddess and divine being in my own right as well.
My magic is very folk, ceremonial, energy based and elemental based with some chaos magic mixed in and some others. I really do dabble in large variety.
I write every single prayer, spell, invocation, and circle casting personally I use.
I work with many divination tools and practices such as all forms of scrying, tarot, runes, etc.
I work with deity energy, archetype energy, chakras, the collective uncounscious, all forms of nature, other entities such as demons, the fae, and all supernatural entities.
I focus heavily on moon energy in practice and in my daily life and home.
My knowledge is extensive across many practices, topics and paths.
My energy and magick is naturally very healing, purifying and cleansing and I love to provide that to others as it is a key part to my soul contract.
I cant wait to teach you on so many topics from basics in magic(k), to different pagan religions, different paths, and how to fulfill your responsibility of duality as a magic(k) practitioner and pagan.
[…] Can it be used for malicious intent? Sure, it can. But, any magic and practice can be. Just like mirror magic can be used for really useful, helpful and beneficial intent as well. It all is up to the practitioner ; how they are using it, and their intent each time they use it. It also depends on your view on good and evil. For a practitioner like myself who doesn’t believe in that viewpoint the answer is of course no; always. To read more about my viewpoint you check out a previous post here. and here […]