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The Magic Of March

Every single month has it’s own energy, and frequencies we can connect to that is unique. When we connect to the month’s energy and frequencies we can find ourselves living a much more aligned, and magical life. We have the ability to amplify our magical workings, intentions, and manifesting. Let’s talk about March, March is named after the Roman God Mars. It is the 3rd month of the Gregorian calendar and was the first month of the Roman Calendar year. This month is tied to the coming of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere during the Spring Equinox.

With this month being named after Mars and connected to the coming of Spring, this month is packed full of magic. It Is a time to focus on renewal, rebirth, fertility, growth, prosperity, and fruitfulness. This time is also a very liminal time which makes it a great time for cleansing, purifying, and protection magic and work. This is the most fertile time of the year to plant seeds of intention for manifestation for the rest of the year. Let’s spring into March and look at all the ways you can connect to the energy of March to allow yourself, your magic, and your intentions to really bloom and blossom this year.

History In The Month Of March

The month of March is the 3rd month of the Julian and Gregorian Calendars but was originally the first month of the Roman calendar year, called Martius named for Mars, one of the most important Gods of the Roman state. This month later took on a little more significance in history when it became known for the Ides of March. Also known as March 15th, the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44BC and than became considered an unlucky day by many and for some still today it is considered an unlucky day.

The month of March later became even more significant with the arrival of St. Patrick’s Day in 461 BC. St. Patrick’s day is on March 17 which refers to the anniversary of Saint Patrick ‘s death in the year 461. Still considered Ireland’s patron saint to this day, Saint Patrick was born in the 4th century in Great Britain. Now, this holiday is packed with parades, good luck charms, and all things green. The event started as a religious holiday, but over time it’s become a celebration of Irish culture.

Prior to this for 1000s of years in antiquity the month of March was a time that was honored by humans and a time they looked forward to. They could welcome the first rays of sunshine of the spring months and begin to feel the harsh Winter start to dissipate. They would begin to prepare for planting their crops, and honoring the Spring equinox and the return of their beloved Sun and Spring. March has always had a place of special significance for humans.

March Magical & Witchcraft Themes

In magic and witchcraft, March is often associated with themes of rebirth, renewal, and transition to name a few. As the month marks the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, it symbolizes the awakening of the earth from its winter slumber and the emergence of new life. With March being named after and associated with the planet mars it is deeply connected to vitality, fertility, and the movement of energy in getting things done.

With March being the bringer of spring, the bringer of new life, and the time for us to literally plant seeds in the ground for us to harvest in the fall to feed our families through the long harsh winter. This month is ripe with the energy of fertility, new beginnings, and possibilities. This energy of new beginnings also comes with a sense of cleanliness, the need to purify and amplified protection. Channel into this energy when setting intentions, doing manifestation work, and your magical workings this month and watch them bloom like never before.

Another key theme with spring and the point of the wheel of the year we are tuning our energies into with the month of March is renewal, rebirth, and transition. These themes make it a very key time to be willing to go deep within yourself to find any hidden truths, to figure out how to maintain balance, and to work with your duality and shadow. When doing this you allow yourself to be open to the massive amount of transformative and transitional energy this time has to offer.

The Gods And Goddesses Of March

With every season and month there are certain themes, magic, and energies we have the ability to connect to including deities. Everyone works with and views deity energy a little differently. Whether you view them as archetypes of the human consciousness, representations of the source energy, or as being entities on their own, there are certain deities that now is the time to connect to and honor them in the most sacred and amplified way.

During this month a few deities take center stage because they have festivals or sacred days during this month to help you connect with them in a very intimate way. The deities that are going to be the best for you to connect to right now are going to be those who represent spring and the changing of the seasons, like Persephone and Demeter as this is the time of the year those two are together on Earth. Deities that can connect you to fertility, fruitfulness, and growth are also great to call to this time as well.

This time is also a very liminal time. This month gives us access to one of the two times during the year the veil is the thinnest, and we can have access to other realms and the crossroads with much more ease. Deities that have the ability to bring you wisdom, guidance, and access to you shadow shelf like Hecate, the Morrigan, and Persephone are amazing to call to and work with during this time.

The Correspondences For March

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for time of the year like a month, like I will list below for you to use.

  • Planet-Mars & Neptune
  • Animal-Rabbit, Hedgehog, Cougar, Crow, Lamb, Fish, deer, birds
  • Element- water & Fire
  • colors- Light greens, Lights blues, Light pinks, pastels
  • Chakra- Solar plexus/ root
  • Herbs- clover, Chamomile, Daffodil, dogwood, violet, honeysuckle, Irish moss
  • Stones/ crystals- Aquamarine, Amethyst, Opal, Carnelian, Bloodstone, Diamond
  • Deities- Mars, Tyr, Hecate, Persephone, Demeter, Isis, Athena, The Morrigan, Ostara, Minerva
  • Symbols- Leprechaun, Pot of Gold, rainbow
  • Zodiac- Aries & Pisces
  • Celebrations- St. Patrick’s Day, The Ides of March, Pi Day, Mothering Sunday, Ostara, Spring Equinox
  • Trees- Alder & Ashe

How To Connect To The Magic Of March

We’ve talked a lot about all the different types of energies the month of March has and gives us access to work with. So, how can you specifically connect to those energies? In your every day life you can make sure your affirmations and manifestation work align with the energies of growth, prosperity, and fruitfulness. You can celebrate and honor any of the sacred days and holidays like Ostara, and the spring equinox with renewal rituals and welcoming in the season of spring.

You can connect to the liminal energies of March by doing shadow work based on duality, balance, and your inner child. Remember you can amplify this energy and the benefits of the work by calling on deities that are available to you during this month like, Persephone and Hecate.

Witches can connect to the magic of March by centering their rituals, and spell workings around the themes of cleansing and purifying by taking a ritual bath, doing a cleansing floor wash, or smoke cleansing your home with an herb bundle. Rituals and spell workings during this time that will be really intensified will be based on prosperity, wealth, growth, and rebirth. You can do things like create a lucky money bag, a prosperity bowl, or perform some spells using egg magic.

Other Ways To Celebrate And Connect To March

When we want to use the energy around us to affect our magical practices and rituals we can amplify that by doing things in our every day life to align with the energy as well. You can align with the energy of abundance, wealth, and prosperity with affirmations, mantras, intention goal setting and going on a hunt for a four leaf clover. You can do things like making sure you get yourself outside breathing the fresh air and getting in touch with the earth. You can do things to express your creativity like dying eggs for Ostara.

This month is so full of rebirth, and renewal energy it is a perfect time to refresh your home with spring cleaning, reorganizing and changing up your home decorations if you feel the pull this can extend to your altar as well. You can also make sure you connect to the energy of spring, and rebirth by either planning your upcoming gardens or starting to plant your first seeds you can harvest in the fall.

Spring Forward With March To Bloom The Rest Of The Year

We talked about the history of the month of March, celebration days, the energies you have access to connect to, deities you can call to and honor, how you can connect to the energies, rituals you can do and how to make the month of March apart of your every day alignment in life. However you choose to connect to the many energies March has to offer you; from rebirth, fertility, growth, fruitfulness, cleansing and wealth enjoy how the refreshing energy of spring will bring a new sense of life to you and your magic. And watch things bloom throughout the year like they never have before.

2 thoughts on “The Magic Of March

  1. […] Every season and every pagan holiday has certain concepts and magical themes. Which means, depending on your tradition and needs, you can weave one or more of these themes into your personal celebrations. On the Spring Equinox also called Ostara, we see the following magical rituals and spells below. To learn more about the how to work with Spring and the month of march in general you can check out my previous blogpost here; […]

  2. […] about really feeding and giving those seeds of intention, growth, and transformation you planted in March the nutrients they need to bloom and flourish for harvest in the fall. April is also a time for […]

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