The Importance of Experimenting with your magic

This is something I have been wanting to find the time to touch on for a little while after I became a professor and stepped out of solitary practice and entered the more public world of magic, witchcraft, and paganism that has sprouted up.

I am thrilled we now have public facebook groups, and blogs like this one and others, podcasts and youtubes videos for us to learn from and be able to expand our path and practices.

But, one thing I am coming across often from those who claim to have practiced for a long time and from those new coming to the path.

Is one; gatekeeping and trying to state there is one way, one path, and universal rules to all pagans, and witches.

And two

New witches and pagans seem to be looking for an exact blueprint and manual of how to walk this path and how to practice magic and witchcraft.

In this post I want to address both of those issues and tell you why you should do your best to shatter them.

Click the link below to read the full blog post!