Loki, The Norse God Of Chaos, Destruction And Paradoxical Magic

Loki is a very complicated, controversial, and charismatic Germanic and Norse deity. Just saying his name turns heads and invokes lengthy conversations full of debate. This may be because in modern times, Loki has often been compared to the figure of Satan. Though this is incorrect since he is still interested in preserving the cosmic […]

A Guide To The Five Elements and Elemental Witchcraft

The basis of life is in the five elements. We only live and survive because of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. The earth is beneath us, provides us shelter, stability, and nourishment. A place to call home. We breathe the air around us, it fills our lungs and our blood with life-giving oxygen. Fire […]

How To Manage a Moon Hangover

Full moons are intense, emotional, and deeply connected to our subconscious and our psyche which can have a profound affect on us as humans. The moon’s soft light has the ability to shine some clarity on our more hidden caverns, those emotional realms we may not consciously choose to explore. This exploration can be overwhelming, […]

Working With The Basics of Life and Magic; Energy

Energy! Nothing is solid; Everything is made up of energy.  Me. You. Your family. The chair you’re sitting on. Your bed. The ground you walk on. That’s why energy work is so important. The language of our higher self is spoken to us through our intuition and intuition communicates with us through the language of […]

Pan; The shepherding Greek God of the untamed wilderness

Pan, the horned – and horny – furry little half man half goat god of Greek mythology speaks to such basic instincts and has so many names and attributes that he is probably one of the most ancient Greek gods – perhaps even predating Greek religion as we think of it. This is due the […]

Shintoism; The Way Of The Kami

Shintoism, the enduring belief system that has shaped the Japanese way of life for centuries. Shintoism is an Ancient religion of Japan. Shinto (literally “the way of the Kami/gods”) is Japan’s native belief system and predates historical records. It is thought to have started at least as long ago as 1000 B.C.E. but is still […]

Sekhmet The Egyptian Lioness Goddess Of War, Healing, The Sun, and Plagues

Sekhmet, lioness goddess of Ancient Egypt, is the powerful precursor to the more docile, fun-loving Bastet. She’s known as the Lady of Terror, Mistress Dread, and Lady of Flame. Yes, she’s fierce and a goddess of war. But she also has a protective, healing side that many sources don’t tap into. Like a lioness, Sekhmet […]