We are entering a new lunar phase on December 1st; the New moon. As the Moon changes signs approximately every 2-3 days, we feel the influence over our moods and intuition shift. This month we find the moon in the adventurous, optimistic, expansive, philosophical, independent, authentic, creative, generous, and freeing fire sign of the archer; Sagittarius. As we welcome the fire driven, Jupiter ruled New Moon in Sagittarius we connect with the philosopher, truth seeker, and the adventurer of the zodiac and within each one of us. As the moon begins their journey in this optimistic fire sign, we feel called to plant seeds related to expanding our knowledge, pursuing travel and higher learning, and embarking on quests to discover truth. Under the silvery rays of the new moon in Sagittarius we are encouraged to expand our minds, explore our beliefs and views of the world we live on, and are given an amazing opportunity to reexamine what we believe to be true. We will feel a need to pull back the curtains and remove any masks to uncover the truth within the lies we are told about ourselves and the world we live in.
We spend much of our time “what if-ing” ourselves and envisioning the worst-case scenario; but during a Sagittarius new moon your mind will start considering all the possibilities of a situation rather than just focusing on the potential roadblocks. Guiding you towards a new path and journey to get the life you truly want. Let me show you in this post the flames of the new moon in the fire sign Sagittarius. And how to connect to this adventurous, expansive, visionary, idealistic and freeing energy. You can use it to pull the arrows of intention back and shoot them without fear to manifest a life full of happiness, knowledge, and adventure today!
New moon what it is and why we honor it
Every month, the New Moon carries us over the threshold of a new beginning. So, let’s talk about the new moon in general before we run off in joy on a brand new adventure with the Sagittarius new mon.. The new moon is the time to reflect and cleanse your energy. It is a time to set your intentions for what you wish to attract this lunar cycle. But, remember every intention set requires action and energy from your part as well. You can’t just set an intention and miraculously it is yours. You must also put the movement of energy behind it with action steps.
The new moon energy is there to support you in manifesting what you want. The new moon is a time to allow new ideas and energy to flow with you. It is a time to honor new beginnings, and the turning over of a cycle. Think of these intentions as seeds you are planting for this lunar cycle to be ready to harvest by the full moon. Use this time to rest, reflect, and plant what you will grow just as your ancestors across many cultures did while there was little light in the night sky for them to use.
Each New Moon is unique, offering its own magic within each month. To learn more about the foundations of working with the new moon, and how it affects you, read more here in my previous blog post. And to learn more about the moon in general and lunar magic you can read my comprehensive guide on the topic here. You can also watch my class on YouTube with Divination Academy here!

So, who is Sagittarius?
Sagittarius, represented by the Archer, is known for its optimistic, enthusiastic, and adventurous spirit. Sagittarius is represented by the symbol of the archer, who aims far, and the mythological creature, centaur, who is half man and half horse. It bridges the gap between the Earth and Heaven because the centaur is the learned healer whose higher intelligence forms a bridge between Earth and Heaven. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, Sagittarius brings the energy of growth, exploration, and optimism into everything it touches.
As the mutable (adaptable) Fire sign of the Zodiac, Sagittarius rules over communication, action, and passion. Fire is all about passion and inner motivation, and Sagittarius sparks that inner drive within us to learn, experience, grow and inspire. It can be a good time to pick back up an old idea, an old big plan, or to reconnect with the big picture in ways we have before. This can be a good time to redo and revise.
Sagittarius was the one who would leave the zodiac, and wander far to obtain new wisdom, and perspective to bring back and teach others what they learned. They are driven by a constant search for knowledge, wisdom, and the meaning of life. They are the natural students and teachers of life. Purpose is a big theme for Sagittarius. It is not only about obtaining knowledge, it is about understanding the purpose of what life even means.
The Sagittarius Constellation
Sagittarius is located between Capricornus and Scorpius, and is easiest to see in mid-summer when looking south and following the Milky Way. The constellation’s most prominent feature is the Teapot asterism, which is made up of three stars that form the bow, four stars that form the arrow, and stars for the archer’s hand. The constellation’s association with an archer dates back to ancient civilizations, with the Babylonians identifying it as a mounted archer as early as the 11th century BCE. Another interpretation is that Sagittarius represents Crotus, the son of Pan and Eupheme. Crotus was a skilled hunter and lover of the arts who was raised by the Muses. In one myth, the Muses asked Zeus to place Crotus in the sky to demonstrate archery. in yet another myth, some Mesopotamian civilizations associated Sagittarius with their god of war, Nergal, an archer god. The constellation’s drawn-out bow and arrow may have originated from this association

Sagittarius the archer and its connection to Chiron
,In Greek mythology, Sagittarius is a centaur, aiming an arrow at Scorpius. The Sagittarius sign is represented by a special centaur named Chiron. First, what is a Centaur? Centaur’s were creatures in Greek Mythology that had the upper body of a human man and the lower body, including all four hooves, of a horse. Many Centaurs were wild and boisterous creatures known to allow their animal nature to have control. The Centaur is a great representation for Sagittarius because of it’s balance between the passionate, wild animal nature and the soul searching, purpose driven nature of humans. The most famous Centaur Chiron, from later Greek Mythology, was known to be a wise man and a healer. In Greek Mythology, it was Chiron who taught humanity the constellations. That’s huge. Chiron is our celestial teacher. On top of that, Many well known Greek gods and goddesses looked to him for spiritual advice, most will know him through the hero Hercules. All of this is why he became associated with the sign Sagittarius. To learn more about his tragic story from beginning to end, who he is, and how the wounded healer can help you heal; you can read about him in my previous blog post here.
Themes for the Sagittarius new moon
Every New Moon contains its own themes, which are related to the sign that it falls under. This time, we experience the New Moon in the adventurous, optimistic, expansive, independent, authentic, creative, generous, and freeing fire sign of the archer; Sagittarius. The Sagittarius new moon is all about stampeding forward down a new adventurous path in life seeking new skills, knowledge and questioning our understanding of life. This Sagittarius new moon is an opportunity to pull the arrows of intention back and shoot them without fear to manifest a life full of happiness, knowledge, and adventure that serves the greater good for all of man. Let’s explore some of the themes of the Sagittarius new moon below.
- Expansion
- Freedom
- Education
- Independence
- Travel
- Adventure
- Optimism
- Athleticism
- Humor
- Spontaneity
- Intelligence
- Enthusiasm
- Honesty
- Exploration
- The Outdoors
- Searching
- Questioning
- Restlessness
- Ambition
- Generosity
- Challenges
- Higher Learning
- Entertainment
- Congeniality

Sagittarius The Sign Of Adventure
A Sagittarius new Moon will renew your sense of adventure, and you could have the desire to start something new up during this time. Sagittarius loves the idea of traveling and expanding their horizon. This can be something physical like traveling to a faraway place, or taking their mind on a trip with an education pursuit. The energy of Sagittarius is very expansive, free, and visionary. Cast your mind back and check in with any dreams you’ve had percolating to travel, or begin a new adventure. Sagittarius is the happy sign, the sign of opportunity and expansion, and wants to get out into the world and have new experiences, follow that.
Sagittarius The Ruler Of Higher Learning
Sagittarius is the ruler of higher learning, during this time we can be more passionate about learning, teaching, writing, and speaking. Sagittarius is the thinking sign associated with the quest for freedom from all restriction as well as idealism, religion and philosophy. At the highest level, Sagittarius is concerned with understanding, perception, and mental activity in the service of their high ideals for the benefit of mankind. This is a great time to pickup that book you have been putting off to read, or start learning a new skill. Take the time to follow that curiosity and soak up all it is that you can learn. Because, Sagittarius reminds you wisdom doesn’t just fall into your lap; it’s something you chase after,. right now, the chase could lead you to exciting knowledge you never knew existed. You’re like a sponge right now under this new moon, absorbing lessons that are hidden in the day-to-day experiences.
Sagittarius Ruler Of Our Beliefs
Sagittarius rules our beliefs, so we can be more passionate about what we believe in and stand up for ourselves and others. The Sagittarius new moon tells us now is the time for deep reflection and personal growth. It’s also a moment to ponder the stories we’ve been telling ourselves about who we are and the world we live in. The Sagittarius new moon signals to us that some of our philosophies and beliefs may need revisiting. During the new moon in Sagittarius, the moon illuminates hidden truths, creating space for self-discovery which can allow our beliefs to either deepen or to shift and change. The new moon in Sagittarius, is the perfect time to rethink the beliefs and philosophies passed down by older generations and see how you might want to do things differently.

What To Be Cautious Of This Sagittarius New Moon
Since Sagittarius is the sign that rules our beliefs and we can get really passionate about that. This can lead to fights if we don’t keep an open mind with others in our lives. So, we need to make sure we’re listening properly. If we are, this can improve communications and we can feel more understood. With Sagittarius also being the happy sign of the zodiac we need to be careful that we don’t get too lost in feeling happy that we choose to not face reality and end up making situations worse than they need to be. The last thing to really be cautious of this new moon is the rabbit hole that questioning your beliefs and seeking knowledge can send you down. When you really start to look at your own belief system and how you view society, the government, and your world it can cause anger for being lied to come up along with sadness and depression. So, be careful to not over do how much you question and look at and if you decide to really follow the archer down that hole take breaks to be mindful and present so you don’t get overwhelmed.
Sagittarius new moon and duality
Since, I am a grey witch every single energy I work with I look for the duality in that energy and how I can connect to it. First, the new moon itself is all about duality and illuminating the night sky in both light and shadows. The new moon is all about rebirth, renewal, and the beginning of a new cycle, which puts you in a transitional liminal space, energy, and time. In order for you to be in a space to begin again, to transition, and be reborn you had to just come from and ending and death.
Second, the energy of Sagittarius many would think is all just a positive, jovial, and optimistic energy. But, Sagittarius is also about adventure and expansion which isn’t always a happy, optimistic thing. In order to actually truly go on an adventure we have to let go of any fear, and expectations, to allow us to just aimlessly wander, be present and experience the adventure. To let go of fears and expectations we must first acknowledge them which can be a rough and fiery thing for us do.
Correspondences for the Sagittarius new moon
First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like Sagittarius, that I will list below for you to use. Remember this is not an all encompassing list and there may be other correspondences to use. Just follow your intuition and use what calls to you.
- planet-Jupiter
- Element- Fire
- Symbol- The archer, Centaur, Chiron, the arrow
- Modality- Mutable
- Day- Tuesday or Thursday
- Animal-Horses, centaurs, lion, jaguar
- Body part- liver, hips, thighs
- colors- purples, oranges, pinks, browns, greens
- Phrase/motto- ” I see” or ” I aim”
- Chakra- Sacral
- Herbs/flowers- carnation, holly, narcissus, dandelion, pimpernel, pink clover, rush, sage, wallflower, mulberry, chestnut, juniper, Anise, cinnamon, mint, rose
- Trees- birch, Oak, Mulberry
- Stones/crystals- turquoise, topaz, sapphire, amethyst, diamond, citrine, lapis lazuli, blue agate, labradorite, smokey quartz, malachite, black obsidian,
- Metal-Tin
- Deities- Kali, Flora, Pan, Cerrenous, Bast, Venus, Artemis, Lord Vishnu, Crotus, Dionysus, Athena, Pele, Diana, Apollo, Zeus
- tarot- temperance
- Ruling House- 9th

How to connect to the Sagittarius new moon
Now, that we have talked about the themes of this Sagittarius new moon and how it is going to affect you let’s talk about how you can specifically connect to and work with this moon. First, make sure to do all of your staples that your learned in the previous blog post on the new moon and the moon in general like, charging your crystals, making moon water, and resetting your altar.
With this moon there are certain spells and rituals that will help connect you this moon in the most effective way. This Sagittarius new moon is a time to focus on expanding your knowledge, seeking adventure thru new things and places, and being able to plant new seeds of belief. You can cast spells and do rituals focused on knowledge, adventure, trying new things or skills, and tapping into your optimism and happiness. Remember these are just some of the many ideas. Follow your intuition and the energy of this moon. Below is a list of ideas on how to connect to and work with the Sagittarius new moon. You can find more ways to connect to the moon and more information on many of these forms of magic on my Pinterest page here and my Facebook here. Or you can join my Patreon here for exclusive spells.
- Lunar magic
- Ritual moon bath
- Connect to your Sacral chakra
- Elemental magic with the element of fire, some examples are candle magic or having a bonfire
- Divination like tarot , Fire gazing, apple peel reading, pumpkin scrying
- Focus on abundance
- Meditation and visualization work focused on the life you desire to create
- Go someplace new, wander, have an adventure
- Learn a new skill or start a new project
- moonlight bathe in the nude
- Dance
- Express yourself freely
- Embrace your inner child-To learn more about your inner child you can purchase my eBook here
- Legal magic and attend to legal matters
- Contemplate your beliefs and philosophies about life
- Teach others about a topic you are passionate about
- Take time to learn, study, and expand your understanding of the world, read books, watch YouTube videos and documentaries, and listen to podcasts
- Do some creative writing
- Take a risk and do something to step outside of your comfort zone
- Do things that allow you to feel joy maybe create an optimism spell jar
- Make a simmer pot to bring in adventure, optimism, and expansion
- Try a new recipe in you meal plan
- Set smart goals and intentions
- Do things that set your soul on fire or bring you joy
- Bring more positivity to your life though gratitude
- laughter therapy
- Volunteer your time and be generous to others
- Deepen your connection to astrology and the stars or go star gazing
- Cast spells focused on learning, helping humanity, expanding our minds, adventures, and optimism
- Step outside of your comfort zone, face your fears, and take a risk

Shadow work questions for the Sagittarius new moon
Like we have talked about a lot in this post, this new moon is a very freeing one allowing us to open up without fear more than we ever have before. Sagittarius, is all about seeking truth, wisdom, and those expansive experiences that tug at your soul’s longing for adventure. Under this new moon we are able to really let ourselves think big with our intentions and goals. Allowing us to look at the big picture of what we really want in life to be happy. In order to do that we need to be willing to step outside of our comfort zones, take risks, and be willing to adventure onto a new path with these intentions of true happiness set. This period is ripe for introspection, giving you an opportunity to reflect on what changes you wish to bring into your life. Imagine the new moon as your personal catalyst for change, prompting you to plant the seeds of intention to be bloom by the full moon. We can take the time to reflect, do shadow work, and visualize the intentions we are about to set. Use the prompts and questions below in whatever way that feels right to free for your soul.
If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.
- What New adventure am I ready to go on?
- What fears, or roadblocks are stopping me from taking a leap of faith anywhere in my life?
- What successes have I had recently I need to celebrate?
- What part of my authentic self do I need to express more?
- Where does my soul want to adventure to?
- What is your relationship like with purpose and what is your unique purpose?
- What areas of your life do you need to open your mind and broaden your horizons?
- What topic or thing does your soul want to learn and study about right now?
- What areas or situations in my life do I need to be more optimistic about?
- What aspects of my life do I desire to improve?
- What are my biggest dreams? How can i get there?
- What values and principles do I want my life to align with to live my dreams?
- What actions am i willing to take to make my dreams come true?
- How can I explore myself, my life, and the world around me better?
- What does it mean to expand the vision of my life?
- How can I shift my perspective to see the bigger picture of life?
- How can I step outside of my comfort zone, face my fears, and take a risk in my life?

Fire Gazing Ritual
Fire gazing is a powerful ritual that will connect you to the energy of Sagittarius with clarity and intention. It can be used as a form of meditation, contemplation, manifestation, or simply to clear the mind. Fire gazing involves looking into the flames of a fire and allowing yourself to connect with your inner wisdom. It can help you gain clarity on what you want to manifest in the coming months, and look at the successes you have to celebrate from past months. What you see in the flames will guide you through your journey. Fire gazing also helps to bring harmony and balance into your life, allowing you to stay connected with yourself and those around you. Additionally, it can be used as a form of meditation, allowing for deeper levels of concentration and relaxation.
How to do fire gazing
First get yourself into sacred container and set up whatever form of a flame you are using whether it be a candle, fireplace, or bonfire. While setting up your source of fire and flame focus on the intention and goal you have for this fire gazing session.
Next, you should focus your attention on the natural light of the fire and allow yourself to enter into an altered state of consciousness as you gaze into the flames while engaging in rhythmic breathing techniques like boxed breathing for example.
Once you feel your attention is focused on the light of the flames. Then, you can relax yourself and stare into the flames. Allow your intuition and mind’s eye to find images and omens, and allow yourself to be open to the messages that come through.
You can also energetically toss your worries from the past month into the flame, letting them burn away and be released.

Sagittarius Intention setting ritual
A New Moon symbolizes fresh starts and planting seeds of intentions. Under Sagittarius, these beginnings are laced with adventure, letting go of our fears, and taking risks by stepping into the unknown. This New Moon’s energy invites you to chase after your dreams with a bow full of aspiration arrows, ready to launch. When setting intentions under this new moon, dream big. Sagittarius is all about grand plans and stretching beyond your current limits. Use this ritual to zero in on new intentions and set them under the adventurous and fearless Sagittarius new moon.
What you need:
- a piece of paper
- Something to write with
- some bay leaves
- a candle ( I recommend using either of these colors; white-moon and new beginnings, green- manifestation and abundance, or purple-wisdom and intuition )
How do perform this ritual:
First, go ahead and get yourself into sacred container. You can do this anyway that you like. If possible try to do this ritual outside under the light of the moon and the starry night sky. Because, this sign is attached to Chiron. The one who taught us the stories of the constellations and their places among the stars. Once, you feel centered in who you are and your energy has come back to you. Take a deep breath and call to the moon. Ask the bright, optimistic, adventurous, Sagittarius moonlight to guide you on the intentions you set tonight. To allow you to see the bigger picture of what it is you truly desire to be happy. Under the glittering starry sky let your eyes be opened to see a world that expands farther then we ever dreamed. Each one of those stars burning with white hot wisdom inside. Let the dark moon show you the new way you need to go to serve the greater good in your own authentic way. When you feel the energy of the optimistic, adventurous, and fearless Sagittarius new moon rays enter your heart space grab your pen and take to the page. As you focus on the life you truly want to make. Think about; What does it look like? Where do you want to go? what things do you want to learn and know? How do you want your beliefs to be shaped? What is the purpose you were meant to do to serve the collective? How is it that you can get there? Once, you feel you have written all you can on that page and you have a clear image of the future you want to create, decide which ones you can focus on first. Then write each one on a bay leaf. Then with your intention now set for the life that will make you truly deeply happy. Take each leaf and connecting to the fiery energy residing within the fearless archer burn it in the flame of your candle as you visualize your intention giving it to the moon, Sagittarius and the universe knowing it all will come to you.
Final thoughts
We have talked a lot about how a Sagittarius new moon is about expansion of our knowledge to new ideas, adventuring without fear, and authentically embracing freedom. But, there is another energy that may affect how we experience that, at the same time as this new moon Mercury is retrograde in Sagittarius too. Since Mercury is retrograde in the same sign as this New Moon, we may not be focused on anything new, and instead, want to take second chances. Retrogrades are times for do overs, and when we have a New Moon alongside one, this is an excellent time to take a second chance and do things over again. We can focus on something we tried but failed at, we started but didn’t finish, or we didn’t get off of the ground for some reason. With Sagittarius, this might be a big idea, something that would expand some part of our lives, or an experience we had that we can pursue again and learn more from. This is a great time to relearn something we’ve forgotten or to go back and review something we have taught before. Remember the new moon in Sagittarius represents the start of an exciting new lunar cycle centered around the themes of exploration, adventure, luck, and abundance. As the moon begins her journey in this optimistic fire sign, we feel called to plant seeds related to expanding our knowledge, pursuing travel and higher learning, and embarking on quests to discover truth.
Come join me and Divination Academy to connect to the adventurous and free spirited Sagittarius new moon. On Sunday November 1st @ 8:00pm CST https://www.facebook.com/share/15KFzm3XJ2/
Come join my Patreon community to get access to an exclusive manifestation spell using the precision of the archer on the day of the new moon. Plus an exclusive mediation to release the our fears manifesting as a need to control. So we can adventure out further into the world then we have ever gone before.