New Year’s Eve is a liminal time exploding with the energy of renewal, transformation, and change. Marking the end of one calendar year and the beginning of another, it offers a secular reason for people to celebrate together. As we look upon a new calendar year full of possibilities and opportunities, it is important to start off the right way. Along with making resolutions, I like to ring in the New Year with a bit of magic aimed at accomplishing my goals. removing obstacles over the next twelve months, calling in abundance, and protection. This is a time for celebrating the changing seasons by incorporating spells into your New Year’s Eve festivities. Doing this can set the tone for a vibrant, abundant, and magical calendar year ahead.
What is the new year?
The new year is a symbolic time to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new. The new year is the beginning of a new calendar year. The new year is celebrated on January 1st in most countries that use the Gregorian calendar, including the United States. However, the new year is celebrated on different dates in other calendars, such as the Chinese, Jewish, and Islamic calendars.
History of the New year
While it seems secular now, New Year’s is actually very much tied to ancient pagan celebrations. Many of our modern traditions are passed down to us from the ancients cultures and peoples. New year celebrations go back at least to the Babylonians. The Romans took these celebrations to the next level with copious amounts of drinking, feasting, and partying.
The new year hasn’t always been celebrated on December 31st/ January 1st. In 2000 B.C. the new year was celebrated around the time of the vernal equinox, in mid-March, in Mesopotamia. Today, most New Year’s celebrations start on New Year’s Eve, December 31, the final day of the year on the Gregorian calendar, and continue through New Year’s Day on January first.

The New Year a Liminal Time
As the old year fades away and the new one begins, we find ourselves in a liminal space. This is a time of transition and transformation, when anything is possible. It’s a time when we sit on the edge of one calendar year turning a page for another one to begin. The liminal space between one year ending and another beginning is a special time that should be embraced fully!
The New Year a time of abundance
When the calendar new year comes again it opens up a portal of abundance and wealth. The transition from one year to the next is seen as a chance to “clean the slate” and start anew, creating an optimistic outlook for the future. This includes the abundance of having all our needs met in life. This is a time when we set our intentions for the year ahead and what we all want to manifest. So, on this new years eve we do our best to have our life look like what we wish to manifest in the year ahead. We surround ourselves with an abundance of feasting, drinking, being around community, and loved ones as we ring in the new year ahead. We show the universe and the gods and goddesses all we wish for them to give us in the year ahead.
The New Year a time of reset
The calendar New year is the closing of one new year and the opening of another opening of a new one. This new start comes with a naturally feeling of renewal and reset. It is a chance to press the reset button on our lives, a chance to get it right this time. This is a time to relook at all the past year and reset for something brand new you have never seen before to unfold in front of you. If you want to learn how do to reset your entire life this new year’s eve check our my guide here.

Common folklore traditions
There are many different folklore and traditions around the world for how to celebrate New Year’s Eve. New Year’s Eve is usually celebrated by most with gathering alongside friends and family. Popular rituals include serving food that symbolizes good fortune and making resolutions focused on what one hopes to accomplish in the next year. Along side doing things to draw in good fortune and to protect yourself and the home from unwanted spirits to come into your home. Let’s take a look at some of the many but, certainly not all, of the ancient traditions and folklore from across the earthly realm I have found below.
- Ancient Babylonians celebrated the new year with feasts and returning farm equipment that had been borrowed from others.
- In Norse traditions, Yule celebrations ended around the new year. The last feasts of the Winter Solstice were huge on this final night to celebrate the turning of the wheel.
- In both Ancient Egyptian and Greek societies they paraded a baby around to symbolize the beginning of the new year.
- The romans would kiss each other at midnight to bring love and prosperity into the next year plus to also ward off unwanted and malevolent spirits.
- For the Aztecs, this was a time to sacrifice children by drowning in order to buy the favor of the rain gods.
- DON’T do any laundry on New Years Day. In china it’s thought if you do laundry on New years you are setting up your next year to be full of cleaning
- Do NOT cry, crying on January 1st instills a sad and negative mood throughout the next 12 months.
- Make sure you wake up at dawn. In fact, according to a Polish tradition, getting up early on New Year’s Eve will make you wake up to the crowing of the rooster (and without the slightest effort) for the rest of the year.
- If your dream for the next year is to travel the world on New Year’s Eve in Colombia, people go around with an empty suitcase which, according to ancient superstition, would ensure a nice trip within the year.
- Eat 12 grapes (one after the other) just like they do in Spain, where they are said to bring good luck.
- Have black cabbage and lentils be apart of your new years feast like the do in the southern United states to call in good luck, prosperity, and wealth
- According to the ancient Chinese tradition, on New Year’s Day, you should not clean the house, as removing the dust or sweeping the floor would literally “sweep” away the good luck and the good vibes that would have been attracted by the celebrations and decorations dedicated to the new year.
- Observe the weather in the very early hours of January 1st; if the wind blows from the south, the new year will be rich and prosperous; if instead, it comes from the north, then the new year will be problematic and turbulent, so better fasten your seat belts. The wind from the east also brings famines and calamities, while the wind from the west means that the new year will be rich and lush.
- According to an Italian tradition, men and women should wear red underwear on New Year’s Eve if they want to find love, passion, good sex, and good luck in the next year to come.
- If you live or are celebrating near a lake or ocean, try out this Brazilian ritual on New Year’s Eve, which involves jumping seven waves. With each jump, you make a wish for the upcoming year.
- An ancient Persian New year’s tradition that is still celebrated by some in Iran is to light a bonfire and once you do you jump over it twice. On the first jump you say a blessing releasing your past years pain into the flame and then on the jump back. You say a blessing asking for the health of the flame to bless your life in the coming year ahead.
- Eat round foods. In many cultures, eating round foods on New Year’s Eve is believed to bring prosperity and abundance in the new year. In Europe and the United States, people eat 12 round fruits to represent each month of the year. In the Philippines, people eat 13, which is considered a lucky number.
- Smash pomegranates. In Ancient Greece, pomegranates were viewed as a symbol of abundance and luck. On new years eve people were seen smashing pomegranates outside their doors to bring good luck to the new year. The more pomegranate seeds spilled in the smash, the more luck you’ll have for the new year.
- In Denmark, they break plates this tradition is done to ward off malevolent spirits and is symbolic of a fresh start to the new year.
- Preparing mochi, which is a Japanese rice cake, on New Year’s is symbolic of renewal and is seen to bring about blessings for the year.
- Grab some bread and bang the bread against the walls. The Irish believe that doing so wards off malevolent spirits and brings abundance to the coming year.
- Danish tradition includes standing on the chair and “jumping” into the new year at midnight. It’s also believed that if you forget, it’s bad luck. ( I do this one every year)

The New Year and Duality
Since, I am a grey witch I look for the duality in every single energy I work with including sacred times like New year’s eve. I have always loved New Year’s Eve for it’s duality. It’s a time of reflection for me and a time to set my intentions for the new year. It’s a time to reflect on the past while looking towards the hope of the future ahead. It’s a time to not just look at what I want to change and let go of but, to congratulate myself for the all the mountains I climbed. It’s a time when I take a look at what worked from the past year and what didn’t. I am reminded of the constant ebb and flow in life, the constant change, and how to live in the balance of liminal transformation as one chapter ends and a new one begins.
Correspondences for the New year’s
First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for A holiday or sacred time like the calendar New year. I will list below for you to use. Remember this is not an all encompassing list and there may be other correspondences to use. Just follow your intuition and use what calls to you.
- Planet-Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Saturn
- Animal-Deer, opossums, whichever Chinese zodiac we are in that Chinese New year
- Element- All elements
- symbol-sparkles, babies, fireworks, glitter, the clock, the Gregorian calendar, father time
- colors-Silver, gold, red, white, black
- Herbs/flowers- rosemary, clover, thyme, pine, cinnamon, Lavender, Basil, Oregano, Spearmint, Patchouli, bay leaves, sage, fennel, rose, Cardamom, mugwort, orange, apple
- Stones/ crystals- carnelian, rose quartz, lapis lazuli, citrine, amethyst, malachite, tourmaline, clear quartz, smokey quartz, onyx, black jet, jasper, fluorite, moonstone, sunstone, pyrite, jade, amazonite, tigers eye
- Deities-Janus, Celtic Holly King, Cronus, Strenua, Marduk, Tiamat, Hotei, Nehebkau, Osiris, Ganesha, Amun-Re, Odin, Frigg
- Food/drinks- wines, beer, mead, collards, lentils, black cabbage, pork, soba noodles, mochi, rice cakes, fruits, round shaped foods, NO CHICKEN

Ways to work with the energy of New years
However you choose to work with the New year’s eve magic and energies make sure to follow your intuition where it leads you. Make sure you tap into the energies of abundance, renewal, and the closing of one chapter, and the opening of a new one. In your everyday life, you can work with any affirmations, mantras, and visualization work for abundance, new beginnings, endings, reflection, and the changing of the calendar year. Let’s take a look at some of the many different ways you can magical work with the energy of New year’s eve.
Imagine and set your New year SMART goals
One of the number one ways to celebrate new years eve is to sit down, let your imagination run wild and think of all the biggest and wildest goals you wish to set for the year ahead. This is the eve when you are observing the calendar year that you can really think big, let the walls down and don’t think about what you can’t have but, come from a mindset of abundance and focus on what you can have. But, don’t forget to not only let your imagination run with your goals but take the time to set them in a specific way by making them SMART goals. If you have been with me the last year I have written about SMART goals many times, but I do so because using this method changed how I was able to take those goals in my imagination and bring them to life. To learn all about SMART goals and how to set them this New Year’s eve head over to my guide here now!
Visualization is great way to set intentions for the new year. This is going to be the practice I am really intentionally committing to this New years eve and all 2025 long. I’ve come to learn with my manifestation work in the past year just speaking things out loud is not enough. I must see myself already having what I want in my hands. So, close your eyes and imagine yourself surrounded by all of the things you want to manifest in the new year. Picture yourself living out your dreams, achieving success, and feeling fulfilled by all that you have accomplished. Hold onto this image as you move forward into the new year, knowing that it will come true if you put in the effort and stay focused on your goals.
Cast protection spells
New Year’s Eve is a liminal time where the energies around us are more susceptible to change. As we look upon a new year full of possibilities and opportunities, it is important to start off the right way. Protecting ourselves, our family, and our space is something essential to do before we commence into the new year. A New Year’s Eve Protection Spell can be a powerful tool to keep us safe and supported as we let go of the old year and prepare for the future. So cast those protection spells this New Year’s eve to protect you home, your family, and your life all year long. Ps. don’t forget to cleanse yourself, your tools, and your space as well before you cast your protection spells.

Reflection through Shadow work
Remember how New years eve is a liminal time. It is time when we are sitting on the edge of change and transformation. In order to move onto the next stage of evolution and change that we are greeting in the new year ahead we must first look back. We must look at the highest heights we reached and lowest depths we sank to down deep. We must decide what we want take from one chapter into the next and what we wish to leave behind. The best way to do this for me is through shadow work. If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.
Release work spells
As we go into the new year ahead with hope for a bright future we have to make sure we have left the things we no longer need in the past. One way to do this is to make sure we energetically and magically release the things from the past year. One of my favorite ways to do this on New year’s eve is to write down the things I wish to release. The patterns in the past year that no longer serve me and I no longer wish to repeat. Along with the blockages I met during the past year to align with the correct energies to manifest all of my goals being met. Once I write them down I wait until the clock strikes 12 then I read them out loud and burn them in fire to release the blockage from life. To no longer carry any of that into my new chapter of life.
Abundance and good luck spells
With a New calendar year unfolding before us on New Year’s Eve this is a day we can set ourselves up for a long and prosperous year ahead. We can tap into that unlimited potential this magical unknown year has for us. There are countless different traditions you can do like some we talked about above from around the earthy realm that will bring in abundance and good luck. Along with just as many spells. One really poplar one I like is to place a bowl of coins outside my threshold. When you return home for the first time in the new year (perhaps after a late-night party),bless them for everything you want in the new year to come. To get more ideas for abundance and good luck spells head over to my Pinterest where I have many or check out my abundance guide and my guide all about Thursdays magic.

This spell is my favorite one to do every single New Year’s Eve. It masters the liminal space and energy of change on the night, the magic and mastery of time to bring in a very abundant, vibrant, and magical life in 2025.
Shortly before midnight on New year’s eve Grab 12 candles, I prefer to use white or green, 12 coins, and an herb bundle made of rosemary, thyme, sage, and bay leaves. Take your candles and set them on the floor in front of in a circle to mimic a clock and place one coin under each candle. Then get yourself into sacred container while you focus on what it is you want to manifest in the next year ahead. Once you feel you have a clear vision in your head and your intent is set, sit with it until the clock strikes midnight. Once the you hear the clock chime, start lighting each candle in your circle starting at the top aka 12 o’clock and going clockwise until all 12 candles are lit. Don’t forget to focus on your intention you are setting for the year ahead as you light each candle in your magical clock. Once this is done go around your entire home and smoke cleanse your space bringing in your most abundant year yet. Let the candles burn until they go out on their own or if you are not comfortable with that for safety reasons burn them for 12 minutes for each candle and then blow them out by 1 as the time is met.
Other ways to work with New Year’s Eve
- Divination-pull some cards or do some mirror scrying. Ps. don’t forget you can always book me for a reading in the shop
- Create a new year altar
- Perform a gratitude ritual like writing a list of all the things you are grateful for and reading them out loud to the multiverse
- Cast fertility spells to speed up your manifestation work done on new years eve night
- Do a chord cutting or uncrossing ritual for ties you no longer need in your life ( you can find both on my pinterest page)
- Stay up until the stroke of midnight and jump over a fire to release the pain of the past year and welcome in the health of the new year
- Work with snow magic for your manifestation and intention set his year
- Place coins on your window seal, and/or throw them threw your front door, and/or bury them outside your threshold for a constant money flow all year long
- Tie a bulb of garlic to a red string and hang it above your front door to ward off any ill will for the new year and break hexes from the past year
- self care rituals and spells to promote self worth
- Open your front door at midnight and make a lot of noise to keep unwanted spirits away.
- Write a wish or resolution on a piece of paper and burn it on New Year’s Eve, ideally at midnight.
- Open all of your windows and doors to help reset and cleanse for the year ahead
- Right before midnight switch off the lights in your home then right at midnight flip them back on to bring in new light and to symbolize the changing moment of the year
- DO NOT eat chicken or you will bring in bad luck all year
- Meditation focused on reflection and new beginnings
- Open your front door right at midnight to greet and welcome the new year into your home
- Hang a horseshoe above your front door to bring good luck into your home
- Make sure your wallet is full of money and maybe even add a herb of abundance in there as well like bay leaves or clover
- Do dream work or travel to the astral realm for guidance in the new year
- Start a dream journal and a bullet journal
- Declutter and cleanse your technology like your apps, email, social media
- Create a good luck talisman or spell bag to carry with you throughout the year to come
- walk a labyrinth
- Make a spell jar to harness the manifestation, abundance, and renewal energy of the new year
- Wish magic
- Create a simmer pot to cleanse, purify, and protect your home
- Write a letter to your future self to open at a later date when you need it during the year
- Start a gratitude jar
- Go on an intentional and mindful nature walk
- Have a bonfire with friends and family until dawn then release our wishes and blockages into the fire
- drink, dance, feast, and be merry
- Do some sex magic either solo or with a partner to manifest your goals for the new year

Final thoughts
The New Year has long been used as a time to purge the old and add new meaning to life. In witchcraft, this is done by focusing our energy towards personal goals and intentions. No matter what type of witchcraft practice we choose, the New Year is a great time to reflect on the past and set intentions for the future. Set your eyes high on your highest goals, reflect on the past year to release blockages, reset your life, and protect your family, yourself, and your home. The new year comes with this magical potential in the air swirling all around us, that anything is imaginable in the coming year. With the start of a new cycle upon us, we have a portal of possibility to start fresh, redefine our lives, and cast our vision for the life we choose to live this coming year.
Don’t forget to check out my New year’s blog from 2024 here as well!

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