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6 spells to balance the scales of justice and enact retribution

Revenge, karma, justice whatever word you use to dish it out , are all powerful tools that can help you reclaim your power when you have been wronged. They can help you restore balance in your life and maybe even the collective by invoking the universal energetic law of karma, which in a nutshell states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. While some may teach you that to take revenge on others or speed up the wheel of karma to get your own justice is wrong; I won’t ever tell you that. Because, the desire for revenge is a natural human emotion, trust me! We all feel it from time to time it can be a valid and justified thing for us even. It can be deeply rooted in feelings of anger, hurt, sadness, disgust, and betrayal. When we are wronged, we often feel powerless, helpless, and alone. It can cause us to feel depressed, disconnected from others, and like nothing we want in life will ever make it’s way to us. We can ruminate and become obsessive about the person who has wronged. Allowing it to narrow our vision leading us away from our destined purpose and path. Casting a revenge, karma, or justice spell can be a potent and powerful way to help with that. Nothing helps you feel more powerful then taking matters magical into your hands. During his unstable, unpredictable, and oppressive political place the country is in right now. Take your power back and pick up your swords of powerful resistance with these spells and the energy of revenge and justice.

Forget the threefold law

Before we kickstart some karma and hex our way into dishing up justice that is well deserved on a cold platter, we have to address the pesky threefold law. Whether you are new to the world of witchcraft or a seasoned practioner you most likely have heard of the threefold law. I am sure you have had some witch tell you to never hex or curse and only cast love and light spells because, everything you do will come back to you three times over. If this is part of your personal practice then this post isn’t for you. If you are willing to question and ask yourself why you agree with such an imbalanced law instead of looking at the simple balance of give and take? If you are willing to ask yourself how can we truly spread love and light and be able to heal others and the collective; if we don’t also know how to inflict pain, cause illness, and use our power to protect ourselves? If you are willing to question all of that with your magical workings and spells, then keep reading because this blogpost will be for you! I live in a magical world where balance is what I seek to maintain and each one of my spells is aimed to do just that. I don’t listen to a rule that gatekeeps what I do that is from a religion I don’t practice; Wicca. Instead I use my magic to create the reality I wish to shape and sometimes that means karma is what I wield to do that. So, toss the threefold law in the trash and let’s see what a little magical justice can do for you. Especially with this unstable, unpredictable, and oppressive political place the country is in right now. Take your power back and pick up your swords of powerful resistance with these spells and the energy of revenge and justice.

How do Justice or revenge spells work?

Revenge or justice spells work by harnessing the power of intention, energy, and the law of karma to create outcomes in another’s life. When you cast a revenge or justice spell, you are essentially directing your energy towards the person who hurt you, with the intention of causing them harm, illness, pain, or misfortune.

Justice spells for legal matters and court cases

Legal matters have been historically challenging for many individuals, often leaving them feeling helpless. This is why one of the most common ways you can use justice or revenge spells are to help you in those kind of matters. The concept of using spells for legal success and justice has roots that date back to ancient civilizations even especially with the Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks. Most of these spells and rituals are intended to protect the innocent and ensure fair judgments.

Justice spells and political activism

Another way we can use justice spells is when we need to mobilize and fight for the rights of those within our community and even for ourselves politically. Justice is something we can not only seek through the legal system but, also through political means. Honestly both of the two are intimately connected which is why the spells can translate to either. Especially now while we are in such turbulent political times on the verge of so much about to collapse. As we watch groups of people after people being targeted politically and rights disappearing by the swish of a pen. When we vote on politicians or choose to sit out of the political process ,we are adding our weight to the scales of justice whether or not we are aware. When we want to make a difference politically and are putting our boots on the ground with protests, door knocking, and calling our representatives. Why not add a boost with some magical justice adding fuel to your political activism and movement. I encourage you as an act of defiance to use any of these spells below in your politcal activism. Don’t waste your magic, don’t shrug your energetic responsibility to the collective. When we choose to tap into the essence of magic and learn how to manipulate reality with energy it is up to us to use it to shape our politcal reality. This political reality dictates the experience of soo many within the collective. The collective which it is our duty to protect and be the ones to enact justice when needed. Being a witch is political period and justice spells are some of the best to use for such matters.

Ways to cast revenge and justice spells

Each one of us will develop our own relationship with revenge and justice. We will sit with ourselves alone in silence and determine our ethics related to these kinds of spells. Then we will develop our own way to work with them as we listen to the clanging of chains as the scales of justice tip. Stepping in to get them back to a fair, just, and balanced place. Remember; it’s important to approach every single energy we worth with respect, reverence, and gratitude to build a relationship with it an use it to reshape reality. Follow your intuition and work with justice and revenge however you feel pulled to but, here are some ideas to get you started on ways to get magical retribution and justice in your life, for others, and in the collective.

  • Cutting cords: This spell is used to sever the energetic ties between you and the person who hurt you.
  • Justice binding: This spell is used to bind the person who hurt you to justice.
  • Using candles and herbs: Candles and herbs have long been associated with magic and ritual. You can use candles and herbs to create a symbolic representation of the person you want to revenge, and then use this representation to focus your energy.
  • Shielding Spell for Retribution Protection: Protecting oneself from retribution while fighting for justice in contentious cases.
  • Writing down your intentions: Writing down your intentions can be a powerful way to manifest your desires. When you write down your intentions, you are essentially creating a roadmap for your energy to follow.
  • Guilty Conscience Spell: A spell intended to prick the conscience of those who have acted unjustly. You can use my let them see karma spell HERE
  • Visualizing the outcome: Visualization is another powerful tool for manifesting your desires. When you visualize the outcome you want, you are sending a clear message to your subconscious mind about what you want to happen.
  • Karma mirror: This spell is used to reflect the negative energy of the person who hurt you back onto them.
  • Call on deities of retribution in your spells: You can do this many ways by invoking the, casting a circle with them invited, using their sigils, or saying prayers to them to enact justice . Some of these include; Sekhmet, Lilith, Eris, Medusa
  • Invoke the sacred number 35: The number 35, is considered sacred and powerful in some magical systems, symbolizing invoking assistance from higher powers or the universe itself to guide legal proceedings towards a favorable outcome.
  • create amulets or talisman for justice and keep them on you or wear them when you heading into court or going to defend yourself against injustice
  • add justice sigils to your body or protest posters when seeking justice for yourself or communities who are being oppressed right now
  • Sealing Lips Spell: To prevent lying, a spell which symbolically seals the lips of those who would speak deceit
  • Cast spells for clarity, justice, and clear communication to expose corruption
  • Banishing Spell for Unfair Situations: Banishing negative energies, unjust or unfair circumstances
  • Jury Persuasion Spell: Subtly influencing the energy around a jury to perceive the truth and act justly
  • Freeze spells: Freeze those who have caused you injustice in the same injustice they caused you until you decide to unthaw them.
  • Create a simmer pot to bring fairness, truth, and justice to your home before you have a conversation that could get confrontational
  • Use justice and revenge hexes or curse to cause misfortune, illness, pain, or suffering to those who have earned your justice
  • Create a spell jar to bring you fairness, justice, and truth in an upcoming court case
  • Add a scale to your altar to bring justice into your life and magical practices
  • Read stories, myths, and legends of justice, retribution, and revenge to help you connect to the energy and magic of it

When to cast revenge and justice spells

When it comes to casting spells I will always tell you it is up to you when you cast them. Sometimes you can’t sit here and wait for the right moon phase, the right day, or the right hour of the day. So, follow your intuition and cast them when you need too. But, if you want to add some boosted potency to them try and cast them during a libra moon phase or Libra season, on a Saturday, or during the twilight hours. Other then that what types of situations and circumstances would a justice or revenge spell be able to give a much needed kick of magic to your acts of retribution to tips the scales of justice in your favor. Below are some but, not all of the circumstances you could pick up your magical energetic sword of justice for. Always remember to follow your intuition.

  • Someone has been bullying your, your family, or your children
  • before you head out to attend a protest for a cause near and dear to your heart
  • You have a court case you will be going to court for soon
  • You need to sue someone who owes you money
  • When someone is restricting or oppressing your free will or the will of others
  • When you may not know where the harm is coming from
  • Before you are about to be around someone who means you harm or will be confrontational
  • Using them to help make a difference in court cases that affect the country politically
  • use them to completely remove legal troubles you have in your life
  • Bring someone to justice who has wronged you in the past
  • You can use them to get justice for others who can’t get justice for themselves
  • restore fairness and balance
  • Use them to reveal truth and corruption
  • getting revenge for a toxic relationship or a bad break up
  • Stopping the scales of justice from tipping in someone’s favor who doesn’t deserve it
  • Using them to speed up the wheel of karma for someone who has harmed you with physical, verbal, or sexual attacks
  • reveal to another person who is unware of their harm they have caused you and allow them to see themselves with clarity
  • Use them to gain freedom
  • use them as a means to protect yourself from further harm by making others think twice about attacking you
  • use them towards someone who was abusive towards you in life
  • Use them to remove unwanted, negative, or harmful energy from your life
  • get back something that was stolen from you

Ethics before you cast

If you are going to dish out some well earned justice or speed up the flow of karma in someone’s life you have to first take the time to think about the ethics of the spell you are about to cast. I know it may seem boring but, this is a step to not overlook. When you are casting a spell for revenge or justice you need to be doing so from a place that isn’t conflicted, that is set in it’s intention, and isn’t anchored in an unjustified emotion. It is important; I feel that revenge or justice spells should not be the first spell you cast and your first line of defense. But instead should be spells saved for those you really need them for. It is important to ask yourself if there is another way to resolve the situation first. That means looking at both magical and mundane solutions as well. These kind of spells take up a lot of energy and sometimes even leave me energetically depleted for days. So, it’s not only ethically important to think about these things before you use them but, energetically as well. If you have tried everything else and you are still feeling desperate for revenge and in need of justice, then one of these spells may be the right option for you.

How to prepare for unintended consequences

When it comes to casting spells to get revenge, retribution, or justice we not only need to think about the ethics. Make sure that we have tried other means to solve our issues and get justice. But, we also need to prepare for unintended consequences. What does this mean? This means we need to stop and take a moment, take a breath and think about what could potentially be the opposite reaction to the spell we are about to cast. Because, that opposite action could potentially come back on us. Especially if we are not set in our intention or sending out justice that was not indeed earned. When you are taking justice into your own hands and deciding to speed up the wheel of karma you need to be willing to have what you are doing to others come right back to you. You never know what protections others have up, or if you have justice you have earned coming back yo you as well. So, make sure to take the time and decide if consequences that could result from your justice will be worth it in the end if they happen to you.

Jar of Justice for court spell jar

I can’t do a post about spells without breaking out a spell jar! They are versatile after all and we have the ability to make them for whatever intention we need them for. So, if you have a court case coming up that is really important to you and you are unsure if the scales of justice will weigh out in your favor, this spell jar is for you. This multipurpose justice spell is designed to bring fairness and truth to light during legal proceedings. Fill a jar with items like bay leaves for protection, black mustard seeds for confusion to the opposition, and a written petition stating your case. Once you have created and sealed the jar come back to it and charge it every day until your case is over. Then dispose of away from your home to make sure no appeal can be won and your decision be reversed.

Sweeten the opposition court case honey jar

Next up, this spell takes it’s inspiration from hoo doo honey jars. You often see them in love spells. I have even written about them in that capacity . But, why not use a honey jar to sweeten up the judge, jury, and opposition toward you in legal matters. to ensure you win your court cases. Make sure with this one to take the time and research hoo doo and honey jars. Some consider hoo doo a closed practice and therefore won’t work with them in their own practices. That is up for you to decide though not me. Sweetening spells like this one aim to soften the opposition and attract positive verdicts. How to do this spell, write your grievances or case details on parchment and submerge it in honey along with herbs like licorice root. Leave it until your court case is over and you have won.

Binding Justice spell

This spell is one that is really simple to do as long as you have something that can represent and connect you energetically to the person you need to get justice against. I love binding spells because they are really potent and restrict their ability to harm you further even from things you have yet to think of they could inflict upon you. To cast this spell make sure that you get into a grounded state while you visualize the person or entity being bound in place and no longer able to harm you and justice being served against them finally. Then grab your chord ( I like to use twine ) and your representation of the unjust party like a poppet you made, a court document, or an image of them. Then wrap the chord around the representation as tightly as you can. Use the entire chord and when you get to the end use a knot to tie it off and bind the unjust party.

Return to sender justice spell

At the heart of a justice spell we are looking for protection from injustice often through invoking karma. Sometimes that may even mean that we don’t know where exactly that injustice, ill intent, and harm is coming from. It could be because we simply are unware of it or because there is so much of it overflowing in the collective now. You are getting targeted by some because of a group you belong to or a community you identify with. Return to sender spells are meant to be used when you are being targeted by magical forces and to then reflect ill intent, injustice, and misfortune back to them. For this spell all you will need is a big clove of garlic, a pen, a zip lock bag or spell bag, and some salt. Grab your clove and pen then draw an evil eye on one side of the garlic clove while focusing on the energy of justice. Take the clove and place it in your spell bag or zip lock. Fill the bag with salt until you can no longer see your engraved clove. Seal the bag shut as you visualize all of the injustice leaving your life. Take this bag or spell pouch and place it under your bed for 7 days aka one week. After the 7 days remove it and throw it away somewhere not on your property in the trash. Watch as those around you who have been wishing you ill, harm, and injustice physically begin to become ill around you.

A bite of karmic justice spell

This next one has a return to sender kind of vibe to it but, using the stinging sour bite of lemon to help you get some justice in your life. I love working with lemons in baneful or protective spells and most justice or revenge spells are both of those. Adding the purifying and protective power of lemons to a justice spell gives it a cleansing boost with some much needed clarity. Plus I love the sour bite it adds to each of my justice spells. Usually resulting in some interesting things I hadn’t seen coming but, were well deserved.

What you will need:

  • A lemon
  • a knife
  • a black candle
  • some twine
  • 8 cloves

How to perform spell:

Before you cast this spell make sure to cleanse all your tools especially your lemon of all unwanted energies. Light your black candle to symbolize protection. Grab your lemon and hold it in your hand as you visualize what justice means to you. When you have that image set in your mind take a deep breath and breathe out that vision of justice into your lemon. Grab your knife and cut the lemon in half. Take your 8 cloves and stick 4 of them into each of the lemon halves. Now take a moment and focus on that justice again and what it looks and feels like to you. Look into the candle light as you hold your two lemon halves and recite ” Justice is here, I am no longer fighting alone. All of the pain you have ever caused me is now your own.” repeat this 4 times. Once done put the two lemon halves back together and take the twine and wrap the lemon in binding. Let your black candle of protection burn out until it goes out on its own. Once it goes out take your lemon and throw it away outside your home.

Burning justice Candle spell

The last spell I am bringing to you in this post about revenge, retribution, and justice spells is combining the power of protection in the flame of the candle and the destruction of releasing the injustice in the flames. The purpose of this spell is to help you see the truth, get justice from those who have already harmed you, and protect you from future possible harm. So, grab some candles and a pen/paper and let’s get some justice with the burning power of fire.

What you need:

  • Rosemary
  • a white candle
  • a black candle
  • a blue candle
  • oil
  • A piece of paper and pen

How to cast:

Begin by cleansing your workspace with rosemary. Burn it or sprinkle it around your ritual area to clear any unwanted energy. Next, it’s time to prep your candles. Do this by; Carving the word “Justice” into the white candle. Carving “Truth” into the blue candle. Carving “Protection” into the black candle. Then anoint the candles with oil and sprinkle dried rosemary on them to imbue them with your intentions. On the piece of paper, write a clear and concise statement of your desire for justice. Be specific. Focus on revealing the truth and ensuring fairness. Next, it’s time to light your candles.

Light the black candle first, saying:
“By the flame of protection, may those who seek to deceive be revealed.”
Light the white candle, saying:
“By the flame of justice, may fairness and balance be restored.”
Light the blue candle, saying:
“By the flame of truth, may clarity shine and lies be banished.”

Close your eyes and visualize the scales of justice being balanced and the truth of corruption being uncovered. See the person responsible being held accountable, whether through legal channels, public acknowledgment, or karmic forces.
Feel the energy of justice and truth surrounding you in a shield of protection. Send out your intention clearly and with conviction. Take your pen and write it all down onto your piece of paper. Don’t forget to write down what the injustices are they have caused you, your community, your loved ones, or this country. When you feel centered in this conviction of justice and grounded in the injustices they need to pay for. Recite this spell out loud as you burn your paper in the flame of the black candle. “May what is hidden be revealed. May balance be restored. And may those who seek to avoid justice be brought to their knees. No longer able to avoid the harm they cause the greater good and community.” Allow the candles to burn out naturally (or, if you must extinguish them, do so by snuffing them out, not blowing). Take your candles and place them on your altar or freeze them. Come back and relight them if the person is in need of more justice to be served to them or new actions need to be revealed.

Final thoughts

Revenge or justice spells can be a powerful tool for reclaiming your power and balancing the collective scales of justice when you have been wronged. However, it is important to use them responsibly and to be aware of the risks and potential unintended consequences that could come your way. If you are seeking justice and yearning for karma to take its course revenge and justice spells are the way to go. In a world where fairness often feels elusive, the need for justice and truth becomes ever more pressing. Whether you’re seeking to uncover hidden truths, protect yourself from deception, or restore balance in a challenging situation, these powerful justice spells can help.

In this new special 6 month shadow work program I will help you realign your inner world, discover all the versions of you in the shadows, and show you how to integrate your shadows into your own authentic identity. When you purchase and register for this 6 month course you will get pre-recorded lessons, eBooks, journal prompt workbooks, weekly guided sessions, ( with one week off for integration) one womb healing session, and access to a discord chat for all those who are taking the course with you. We begin the last Monday of February for orientation week and then session for courses start the first Monday of March! There will be limited spots so hurry and register today.

About Me : I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years. First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration, and re-enchantment of Magic in society, across this realm, and in each and every soul I come across in life! I am here to create a container that promotes healing, duality, and raw authenticity. I do this by guiding you on your personal journey to understanding your unique magic and sacred contracts. I facilitate this for you through embracing your shadow, duality and learning to live in energetic balance while not wearing a mask. When you work and learn from me you do so from your “darkness” as much as your “light” and in a way to truly harness and accept it not to just go thru it on the way to your light. But, I teach you how to truly embrace it, work with it, and use it alongside your light as a partner. I hold up a mirror for you to be able to see your authentic reflection looking back. Then have the courage to take the next step and do the uncomfortable but vital inner work to completely remove your mask. By facing all of your past wounds, traumas, and hurts. Allowing you to see both the dark and light within your story and take each chapter and alchemize it into something that is so powerful. your unique internal flame will shine so bright you will always be able to go within and find it on a dark cold night. You will learn how to truly live in duality and energetic balance to allow growth, and alignment with your sacred contracts and purposes. to finally move on and truly let the things that hold you back in this life from healing and manifesting go. To see everything I offer; like personalized shadow work sessions, womb healing, eBooks for you to work through on your own, Tarot sessions for guidance and more! Go to my shop!

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Trust the unseen, embrace the flow, and create your dream life with the Pisces new moon

The second new moon of 2025 graces the skies with its sliver of light on February 27th. This time we find the moon under the creative, spiritual, compassionate, empathetic, and dreamy sign of Pisces. Pisces is the clairvoyant of the zodiac. It is a sign with a deep sensitivity to those around them and heightened sense of intuition. New Moons are always a time of new beginnings, and the New Moon in Pisces inspires us to imagine the future we want deep down we are afraid to let rise to the surface. But, this new moon is the time when we overcome our fears so that we can begin manifesting the things we’ve fantasized about. The things our heart is almost too afraid to reach for. A new moon in Pisces is a time for emotional intensity, spiritual growth, and reflection. It is also a time to dream big, be creative, and leap without fear into new beginnings. This new moon in Pisces inspires us to attune to our intuition and strengthen our capacity to flow with life. This new moon along side the ethereal two fishes is all about connecting with your intuition and setting intentions aligned with your highest self. Pisces energy encourages us to trust the unseen, embrace flow, and water seeds that align with our dream life. This new moon is a time for deep introspection and renewal, marking a new beginning with a focus on your inner world and dreams. Allowing us to plant seeds of infinite potential within our inner temples to cultivate our most spiritual and dreamy life.

New moon what it is and why we honor it

Every month, the New Moon carries us over the threshold of a new beginning. So, let’s talk about the new moon in general before we dive into the depths of our dreams with the Pisces fishes. The new moon is the time to reflect and cleanse your energy. It is a time to set your intentions for what you wish to attract this lunar cycle. But, remember every intention set requires action and energy from your part as well. You can’t just set an intention and miraculously it is yours. You must also put the movement of energy behind it with action steps.

The new moon energy is there to support you in manifesting what you want. The new moon is a time to allow new ideas and energy to flow with you. It is a time to honor new beginnings, and the turning over of a cycle. Think of these intentions as seeds you are planting for this lunar cycle to be ready to harvest by the full moon. Use this time to rest, reflect, and plant what you will grow just as your ancestors across many cultures did while there was little light in the night sky for them to use.

Each New Moon is unique, offering its own magic within each month. To learn more about the foundations of working with the new moon, and how it affects you, read more here in my previous blog post.  And to learn more about the moon in general and lunar magic you can read my comprehensive guide on the topic here. You can also watch my class on YouTube with Divination Academy here!

Who is Pisces?

Pisces is a water sign, ruled by the planet Neptune, and is the 12th and final sign of the zodiac. People born between February 19 and March 20 are Pisces. It’s symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, representing the constant division of Pisces’ attention between fantasy and reality. As the final sign, Pisces has absorbed every lesson—the joys and the pains, the hopes and the fears—learned by all of the other signs. This makes these fish the most psychic, empathetic, and compassionate creatures of the astrological wheel.

Since, Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet that governs creativity and dreams; these ethereal fish adore exploring their boundless imaginations. But, Neptune also oversees illusion and escapism. Neptune’s energy is like the energy of the ocean: magical, mysterious, and often scary. When the fog is thick on the water, the horizon is obstructed and there is no differentiation between the sea and the sky.

Pisces the Constellation

The Pisces constellation is one of the largest northern sky constellations. Pisces lies between Aries constellation to the east and Aquarius to the west. . According to legend the constellation is composed of two fish who are connected together by a ribbon. The fish are the goddess Aphrodite and her son Eros (Roman: Venus and Cupid). They turned themselves into fish in order to escape from the monster Typhon. They then connected themselves together with a ribbon in order not to be separated. There is also a different origin tale that Hyginus preserved in another work. According to this, an egg rolled into the Euphrates, and some fishes nudged this to the shore, after which the doves sat on the egg until Aphrodite (thereafter called the Syrian Goddess) hatched out of it. The fishes were then rewarded by being placed in the skies as a constellation.

Pisces The Most Potent Time To Manifest

Pisces is the last Zodiac sign, so we may also take some time to clear things out and make room for anything new to come. The new Moon in Pisces is a time of healing, a time of magic, and most importantly, one of the most potent times to practice manifestation work. That’s because Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of imagination and mysticism, which means you’ll not only be more connected to your creativity but also your spiritual center. You have the opportunity to slip into the flow and waters of life now. When that happens, you want what is happening and what is happening is what you want. Your manifesting is working perfectly and you are able to create new things and new dreams you have never imagined before now. Get prepared because the flow of abundance, creativity, and realized dreams is coming your way under this new moon light.

Pisces The Sign of Creativity

The Pisces new Moon can be a great time for creativity since Pisces rules imagination and fantasy, and we can get lost in daydreams. This can be channeled into creative projects and ventures, and we can get inspired more easily. The energy of Pisces guides us to go with the flow, to be less concerned with planning and plotting, and instead, to bring ourselves into the present moment. While we may not have all the answers and be in a state of unknowing, this new Moon reminds us that this is where our true creative powers lie. Allow the energy of the two fishes to let your creativity naturally flow from you in ways you have never experienced before.

Pisces The Sign of Compassion and Empathy

Pisces is a compassionate sign, so empathy and understanding can also be strong with this new Moon. We may want to be of help in new ways, and focus on trying to help those who can’t help themselves. At the center of the Pisces new Moon lie themes of healing, kindness, and sensitivity. This lunar phase invites us to nurture our emotional well-being, cultivate compassion for ourselves and others, and embrace the healing power of love and forgiveness. You can utilize the energy of this new moon to heal relationships by starting some new ones and bringing the energy of new beginnings through forgiveness . You can look into the depths of your soul to face past hurts in a relationship and heal deep wounds that may still be lingering causing resentment and friction.

Pisces The Sign of Spirituality

Pisces is the sign of spirituality, so this can be a time to start new spiritual ventures. We can make more time to connect with our intuition and subconscious mind, and we can feel more in tune with the subtle energies all around us. It is an energetic frequency that dissolves boundaries, allowing us to tap into the collective consciousness and access deeper layers of intuition. This new moon ask you to dive deep into your unconsciousness, let go of fear, and embrace the unknown of starting new things . Allow the waves of Pisces to push you forward onto the next chapter unfolding now in front of you.

Pisces The Ruler of What’s Hidden

Pisces rules what’s hidden, so we may become aware of something that has been hidden, some sort of secret, whether its being kept from us by others or ourselves. We can also find we do our best on our own, in the background, and behind the scenes. It reminds us that while being authentic and open with others is great to do, we don’t always need to tell everyone our WHOLE truth. It encourages us to tap into the realm of dreams and imagination, including things we never think we could see. To envision a future aligned with our soul’s purpose and our wildest dreams. Pisces inspires us to imagine things we have yet to even know our soul has dreamed.

Themes for the Pisces New moon

Every single new moon we experience will have it’s own themes that align with the sign it is in. This time, we experience the new Moon in the dreamy, creative, innovative, ethereal, physic, and spiritual Water sign Pisces. Pisces is also a Mutable sign, the most adaptable and flexible of the signs. The new Moon in Pisces invites us into the magic of infinite possibility. It also reminds us of a profound truth we are energetic beings, connected to everything in the Universe. From the stars above to the deepest oceans, we share the same cosmic essence. Our dreams and visions exist in this vast field of potential, already alive within us just waiting for us to bring them to life. Use this new moon in Pisces to find creative solutions to any challenges or issues you’ve been facing because you’ll feel both more creative and better able to go with the flow. If the Pisces fish can teach us anything, it’s that there are no wrong paths. The two fish of Pisces swim in opposite directions, and yet, their journey is a circle meaning they will eventually both land in the same place.

  • Creative
  • Dreamy
  • Emotional
  • Sensitive
  • Innovative
  • kind
  • Supportive
  • Imaginative
  • Intuitive
  • Psychic
  • Romantic
  • Compassionate
  • Empathetic
  • Artistic
  • Adventure
  • Duality
  • healing deep emotional wounds
  • Balance
  • Releasing Karmic cycles
  • Closing a chapter
  • Unity
  • Adaptability
  • Idealize
  • Carefree

Things to look out for with the Pisces new moon

Amidst the beauty of this lunar energy, there may also be feelings of emotional overwhelm. Pisces energy can easily blur the boundaries between fantasy and reality, leading to confusion and escapism, including a lot of time spent getting lost in daydreaming. It is essential during this time to stay grounded, to honor our emotions without becoming overwhelmed by them, and to cultivate practices that promote inner peace and clarity. You also might be more susceptible to absorbing others’ negativity or taking things personally, so set clear boundaries and practice self-care. Practicing self care will allow you to build up self worth and use it to not blur the lines between your emotions and others. Lastly don’t forget the dreamy nature of Pisces can lead to unclear thinking, so avoid making major life choices without careful consideration.

Pisces and duality

Since, I am a grey witch every single energy I work with I look for the duality in that energy and how I can connect to it. This includes the new moon and the energy of the zodiac sign it currently is in like Pisces. First, let’s look at the duality of Pisces itself. First, we see it in the representation of the two fishes in it’s symbol. It shows us that the two fish even though they may be swimming different directions. They will always eventually meet with each other at the same spot to complete their cosmic circle. We also see the essence of duality in the way Pisces calls us into the deep to look at our deepest emotions, and wounds guiding us to release them. This is a needed thing for healing and change but, the depths of the emotions can also feel like they are drowning us amongst their rough waves.

Second, the new moon itself is all about duality and illuminating the night sky in both light and shadows. The new moon is all about rebirth, renewal, and the beginning of a new cycle, which puts you in a transitional liminal space, energy, and time. In order for you to be in a space to begin again, to transition, and be reborn you had to just come from an ending and death.

Correspondences for the Pisces new moon

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like for Pisces, I will list below for you to use. Remember to follow your intuition with the correspondences you choose to work with and that you can always use any that correspond to the moon itself as well.

  • planet-Neptune
  • Animal-Fish/dolphin
  • Element- water
  • Sex- Feminine
  • Modality- mutable
  • Symbol- the fishes
  • colors- Sea green, blue, lavender
  • Phrase/motto- I Believe
  • Chakra- Sacral/
  • Herbs- seaweed, Irish moss, Jasmine, Gardenia, Lotus, chamomile
  • Stones/ crystals- Aquamarine, Amethyst, Pearl, moonstone, Ruby, Ocean Jasper, blue lace agate
  • tarot- the moon
  • Deities- Aphrodite, Eros, Isis, Neptune, Poseidon

How to connect to the Pisces new moon

Now, that we have talked about the themes of this dreamy, creative, innovative, ethereal, physic, and spiritual Water Pisces; new moon and how it is going to affect you let’s talk about how you can specifically connect to and work with this moon. First, make sure to do all of your staples that your learned in the previous blog post on the new moon and the moon in general like, charging your crystals, making moon water, and resetting your altar.

With this moon there are certain spells and rituals that will help connect you to this moon in the most effective way. With the Moon in Pisces, magic associated with dreams, emotional healing, relationships, creativity, and your psychic intuition will be extra potent right now. You can also perform magic associated with the energy of the snake and the lunar new year we are in now. Remember these are just some of the many ideas, follow your intuition and the energy of this moon. You can find more ways to connect to the moon and more information on many of these forms of magic on my Pinterest page here

  • Dream work
  • Water therapy or make some Worry water
  • water Scrying
  • Get in touch with your intuition and work on developing your psychic clares; my favorite book to start I have linked here;
  • Spirit work
  • Any rituals to open up and express creativity
  • create a vision board for your biggest dreams you want to create
  • Ground yourself to make sure you don’t get lost in your daydreams and escape reality to much
  • Astral work
  • visit an art museum
  • hang out with your higher self
  • start a dream journal
  • express yourself in an artistic way, through writing, painting, drawing, sculpting whatever makes your heart sing
  • Create a spell bag for sweet dreams and place under your bed or pillow
  • listen to music
  • allow yourself to feel and express yourself through crying
  • Vision Work
  • Auto Scripting
  • start therapy or a new healing practice
  • Cleansing
  • Daydream and then journal about what it was like afterwards
  • Rest
  • Lunar magic
  • Ritual moon bath
  • Work with the two fishes in meditations and spell work
  • work with shells in your spell workings
  • Cast spells of love, and emotional healing
  • Manifest your dream life with some sex magic
  • Connect to your sacral chakra
  • Focus on abundance
  • Shadow work based on creativity, emotional healing, expression, and your biggest dreams. If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here;  you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; or you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.
  • Elemental magic with the element of water
  • Meditation and visualization work
  • Self love and self care rituals
  • set intentions and SMART goals for this lunar cycle, then take intentional actions steps towards those goals
  • Perform some snow and ice magic for cleansing and purification
  • Work with the energy of the snake
  • moonlight bathe in the nude
  • plant seeds of intentions to be sown
  • be willing to ask for help
  • Connect to a deity of February
  • Use affirmations to reset your self talk to be positive
  • set boundaries in your relationships to create new healthy ones
  • work with your third eye
  • Increase your intuition- you can start with my ebook here
  • Make a simmer pot to bring in creativity, release past hurts from a relationship, or to increase psychic abilities
  • Create a spell jar to bring emotional healing, creativity, or to increase your psychic abilities
  • start a new creative project or learn a new creative skill
  • Do candle magic with blue candles. To learn more about candle magic you can purchase my downloadable grimoire pages HERE
  • escape into a book
  • sit near water
  • Work with forgiveness
  • go stargazing
  • surrender and let go where you need to emotionally in life
  • connect to your spirits guides for the first time or reach out to meet some new ones
  • Refresh your altar
  • Be vulnerable and express your emotions no matter how you will look

Shadow work questions for the Pisces new moon

Like, we have talked about a lot in this post Pisces is a sign all about surrendering to our emotions and lettign go to the flow of life. This makes it a really potent time to do some reflective work with shadow work and ride the waves into the depths of the emotions we have kept hidden all this time. This is the new moon to sit in the silent introspection of winter still left and get connected with your wildest dreams nd authentic about the goals you really want to set. Imagine this new moon as your personal catalyst for change, reaching your dreams, and prompting you to plant the seeds of intention to help you become the highest version of yourself with a life bigger then you had ever dreamed of. We can take the time to reflect, do shadow work, and visualize the intentions we are about to set. Use the prompts and questions below in whatever way that feels right to free for your soul.

 If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here;  you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.

  • How can I foster more creativity in my daily life?
  • What type of artistic talents do I have that I can use in my life to express my emotions?
  • What do my boundaries look like right now? What boundaries do i need to adjust?
  • What past hurt or wound is coming to the surface for me most right now?
  • What emotions do I avoid most and how do I escape them?
  • What areas of my life do I need to surrender my emotions to more?
  • What are the biggest dreams I want to create?
  • Is there anyone in my life I need to more compassionate towards including myself?
  • Where in my life do I need to release my expectations and control to allow me to flow with life to create my dreams?
  • What has been coming up in my dreams lately? What are they trying to tell me?
  • What illusions are you allowing to block your view of reality?
  • How are you working on emotionally healing in all areas of your life?
  • Have I been taking on emotions that are not mine?
  • How can I strengthen my connection to my higher self and the divine spirit?
  • What emotional patterns do you keep repeating that are holding you back from achieving your dreams that you need to release?
  • What new things do you need to take a leap of faith on in your life right now?
  • What seeds in your inner temple do you want to plant this new moon?
  • What is your favorite spiritual practice ? How does it nourish your spiritual side? How can you get more of it in your life?
  • What dreams do you have for yourself? How do you envision manifesting your dreams and desires?
  • What is your spiritual side asking for and how can you honor those dreams and desires?
  • How can you incorporate working with the divine in your life every single day?

Final Thoughts

February the month of love comes to a close with a New Moon in the sign of Pisces, a sign deeply connected to intuition and emotional connection. The New Moon is often a time of rest and retreat as we look inward in the darkness. The Pisces new moon is a time of dreaminess, imagination, fluidity, mystery, and beauty. This moon symbolizes a mystical and spiritual journey. We can use this time to dream new dreams and focus on what we want to grow with the flowing energy of the Pisces fishes. During this new moon don’t ignore the pull to dive beneath the depths into your spirituality as the intuitive forces of Pisces mix with the fresh beginnings of the New Moon. Take the time during this new moon to remove all distractions and focus on visualizing your goals – dream big right now! Anything is possible with a Pisces New Moon – if you can dream it, you can do it.

In this new special 6 month shadow work program I will help you realign your inner world, discover all the versions of you in the shadows, and show you how to integrate your shadows into your own authentic identity. When you purchase and register for this 6 month course you will get pre-recorded lessons, eBooks, journal prompt workbooks, weekly guided sessions, ( with one week off for integration) one womb healing session, and access to a discord chat for all those who are taking the course with you. We begin the last Monday of February for orientation week and then session for courses start the first Monday of March! There will be limited spots so hurry and register today.

About Me : I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years. First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration, and re-enchantment of Magic in society, across this realm, and in each and every soul I come across in life! I am here to create a container that promotes healing, duality, and raw authenticity. I do this by guiding you on your personal journey to understanding your unique magic and sacred contracts. I facilitate this for you through embracing your shadow, duality and learning to live in energetic balance while not wearing a mask. When you work and learn from me you do so from your “darkness” as much as your “light” and in a way to truly harness and accept it not to just go thru it on the way to your light. But, I teach you how to truly embrace it, work with it, and use it alongside your light as a partner. I hold up a mirror for you to be able to see your authentic reflection looking back. Then have the courage to take the next step and do the uncomfortable but vital inner work to completely remove your mask. By facing all of your past wounds, traumas, and hurts. Allowing you to see both the dark and light within your story and take each chapter and alchemize it into something that is so powerful. your unique internal flame will shine so bright you will always be able to go within and find it on a dark cold night. You will learn how to truly live in duality and energetic balance to allow growth, and alignment with your sacred contracts and purposes. to finally move on and truly let the things that hold you back in this life from healing and manifesting go. To see everything I offer; like personalized shadow work sessions, womb healing, eBooks for you to work through on your own, Tarot sessions for guidance and more! Go to my shop!

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Hestia; Invite peace, generosity, and harmony into your hearth with the keeper of the eternal flame

Our ancestors needed fire to stay alive. They needed it for warmth, to cook their food and brew their medicinal remedies. They needed a fireplace or hearth to light and keep that fire burning for all these much needed things to survive. Even today living in Minnesota your hearth is an important place for our long , harsh, and cold winter months we experience here. We light them to heat up our homes, connect us to hope, and create a festive environment for the holidays with their dancing lights. Our hearth is a sacred and magical space for us to meet at as we light up our homes with it’s creative, protective, purifying, and generous energy. When we are at this sacred space within our home we have the ability to connect to one of the most compassionate, generous, forgiving, and peaceful Greek goddesses we can work with; Hestia. Hestia is the sole attendant to the celestial hearth of the gods. As the goddess of the hearth, she personified the fire burning in the hearths of every home in Greece. Plus she was at the heart of the each city burning bright in the communal hearth at the center of town. On a very tangible level, Hestia rules the domain of fire. This means that she is directly responsible, at least according to the Greeks, for the fire, the stove, and the heat in your home. Which means she has a great impact on our family matters as well. Come join me as the fire is dancing in your hearth filling your home with protection, peace, and gentleness as we learn about Hestia in this blog post.

Who is Hestia?

Hestia’s presence fills a room with her wise, grounded energy, and her emotional maternal warmth is open, eternal, and strong. Hestia knows who she is and what she wants. She knows what is most important in her life and that’s what she centers her life around. She is calm, wise, and mature. She represents our spiritual core, and our connection with something deeper. That feeds us from the inside out like the eternal divine flame that she keeps. Hestia exemplifies the calm at the core of one’s being. When you need some quiet time alone, you long for her embrace as you sit next to the eternal flame. She is one of the original 12 Olympians in the Greek pantheon. But, later on in myths, Hestia gave up her throne for Dionysus. This is why some today consider her the secret 13th god of mount Olympus. Not only that alongside Artemis and Athena she is considered one of only three virginal goddesses putting her in a place of modesty, purity, and innocence in many myths and stories. Her most important role she is referred to in a Homeric hymn as “chief among goddesses”. Hestia was a very important goddess in the everyday life of the Greeks. Hestia is the Goddess of the Hearth Fire, Goddess of the Home, First and Last, Goddess of Domestic Order, Goddess of the state, and Goddess of Service and Devotion.

Hestia the keeper of the eternal flame

Hestia is known as the keeper of the sacred flame. This comes from Socrates when he describes his view of the cosmos. He saw it as ten divine celestial bodies [planets] that rhythmically rotated” around a Divine Fire, which was the center of the cosmos. That Divine Fire was Hestia, she was the hearth of the universe. Her flame symbolizes the continuity of life, community, and the divine spark within each person. You will also often see her referenced as the goddess of the sacrificial flame as which meant she received a share of every sacrifice to the gods. In many homes and public temples, the first sacrifice was given to Hestia before all other deities. It was said if you wanted your hearth to be lit all winter long you needed to give her the first piece of the best meat of every meal and especially on sacred festivals and holidays. Some say this is due to her being the eternal flame. While others say it’s because of her commitment to being chaste. So, Zeus made this a decree as a reward for all to honor her dedication.

Hestia the goddess of the hearth

Hestia is goddess of the hearth and this is the primary place she prefers to reside. Actually, her name itself means “hearth” or “altar.” This was a very prominent place in the life of every Greek to hold. In both the “Iliad” and the “Odyssey,” the hearth is more than a source of warmth and nourishment; it is the heart of the household. A sacred space where gods are honored and familial bonds are reinforced. This reverence for the hearth reflects Hestia’s domain. Highlighting the significance of her role in fostering the bonds of kinship and hospitality from the hearth of each and every home. As the goddess of the hearth; Hestia also symbolizes the importance of creating sacred space within one’s home by honoring the fire that turns wood to ashes and re –kindles itself, resurrecting what was once dead.

Hestia the goddess of home

As the goddess of the family and hearth she watches over the home as a protective matriarch. She also presided over the cooking of bread and the preparation of the family meal. Her commitment to family and community is unbreakable. As the goddess of the home, she fosters connections and ensures that bonds remain strong. She has the unique gift of fostering unity. She symbolized the family and community bond. Her presence at the hearth ensured peace and harmony, causing families to come together and strangers to become friends around the warmth of the fireplace of every home.

Hestia the goddess of the state

Many Greek cities and states had their own patron god. For example, Athens had Athena. However, Hestia was the goddess of the state in general. Her domain tied back to the role of the hearth in public life and the idea of a city as an extended family. Each city had a sacred fire dedicated to Hestia for use during festivals. The fire of this public hearth was also used for all state sacrifices and offerings. The maintenance of the hearth was an important duty, as an extinguished fire was a bad omen for the city. I also feel she was given this role to honor her significance as the chieftain goddess among the gods and goddesses. Plus her ability to stay calm, and neutral l in all matters of conflict among the gods is a great quality for the state to have and want to embody as well.

Family and Origin

As with every other deity I have written about her origin and family history is shrouded in a bit of smoky history with different versions to be found. Most agree that Hestia was the eldest daughter of the Titans Rhea and Cronus. She was sister to Demeter, Hades, Hera, Poseidon, and Zeus. Because of her commitment to be chaste unlike other goddesses she has no consorts, no lovers, no husband and no children.

Myths and legends

During one of the most important myths of Greek culture; the Titanomachy; when Zeus over throws his father Cronus to become the king of the Olympian Greek pantheon. Hestia is directly mentioned as well. She is listed as the first of the siblings Cronus swallowed and the last to emerge again from the depths of his belly. So, technically she is not only the eldest and first born of the Olympians but, also the youngest and the last to be born as well. Placing her in a very dualistic place within the Olympic pantheon. While also tying her to the creative and destructive force that is the element of fire.

Her Vow of Virginity
She was pursued by both Poseidon and Apollo, who desired to marry her. Despite their advances, she chose to remain a virgin goddess. She made a solemn vow to Zeus, promising to remain chaste and dedicate herself to the service of mankind and the gods. Her vow symbolized her commitment to her role as the goddess of the hearth and her focus on community and family.

Giving Up Her Seat on Mount Olympus
In a selfless act that underscores the goddess’s gentle nature, she gave up her seat on Mount Olympus to Dionysus when he was accepted as one of the Twelve Olympians. This act wasn’t about relinquishing power but about ensuring harmony and balance among the gods. She continued to tend the sacred hearth in Olympus, maintaining her important role solo.

Her aid to Prometheus

Hestia secretly helped Prometheus steal fire from the Olympian hearth to give to humans. She did this by simply turning a blind eye to his actions. Allowing him to steal the eternal flame as she tended to it and gift it to all of us humans. Her aid wasn’t just about lighting hearths; it was a game-changer for humanity. With fire, people could cook, stay warm, and forge tools; essentially kickstarting civilization.

Her attempted rape
The Roman poet Ovid recounted one story in which the vegetation god Priapus tried to rape the virgin Hestia. Finding Hestia sleeping in the woods, Priapus approached her stealthily with the intention of having his way with her. But a donkey suddenly brayed nearby, waking the goddess. When the other gods learned of Priapus’ intentions, they banished him from their gatherings. He was sent to live in the forest with the woodland gods, far from Mount Olympus.

Worship of Hestia

Hestia’s worship was widespread and mainly upheld within the home. Within them families would honor her at their central hearth, at the very heart of each home. Unfortunately, we don’t have a lot of references showing entire temples in her dedication or priesthoods like we find with many of the Greek goddesses. Although there is a vague mention of a Hestia priestess in one ancient source. The most I can find really documented about her is connected to her roman counter part Vesta, the temple of vesta, the vestal virgins, and the festival Vestalia, which I talk about below. Plus mentioning’s of sacrifices being left for her at the hearth in the central of town. I bet she was worshipped in almost every single temple though. Typically, every main temple had its own hearth which meant Hestia presided and ruled there as well. Essentially she was worshipped all over the city where she received many of the cities’ sacrifices. Her job was crucial to the survival of the entire community. Her loving, peaceful embrace was present and was felt by every citizen in every home.


Her own festival for her counter part in Rome was known as the Vestalia. The Vestalia, was celebrated from June 7 to 15. During the festival, violets and bread were hung in garlands on donkeys. As the hearth is used to bake, the bread was representative of the goddess. The donkeys symbolized the story of the god Priapus, who attempted to rape the goddess but was frightened by the braying of a donkey and scared away . At the end of the festival, on the 15th of June, the Temple of Vesta was cleaned. On the 9th it is said, the matrons of the town walked barefooted in procession to her temple, to ask for the blessing of the goddess for their households, and to offer sacrifice to her in rude dishes, in remembrance of the time when the hearth served generally for the baking of bread.

Who is Vesta and the Vestal virgins?

Hestia’s Roman counterpart is known as Vesta and has very similar qualities as keeper of the flame. She was just as prominent in Roman culture as Hestia was in Greece. Maybe even more so with one of the most important temples in the city being dedicated to her; the temple of Vesta. With the largest temple comes some of the most important priestesses tending it; they were known as the vestal virgins. I honestly can’t talk about Hestia without talking about these badass women of Rome. I say badass because, I really respect their devotion to make a different path for themselves as women and create their own fate through service. These women were some of the most sought often women who had their very OWN fortunes of wealth. Which was almost unheard-of for women in ancient Rome.

So, who were the Vestal virgins?

They were the priestesses who lived in and served the temple of vesta. The women chosen for the great privilege and responsibility of tending the Temple of Vesta were typically selected from the daughters of Rome’s most noble families. There were 6 Vestals at any one time, and the group of girls eligible for the role was chosen by the Pontifex Maximus when they were between 6 and 10 years old. When they started their service they were contracted for 30 years in total commitment to not only the goddess and temple but, to all the people of Rome. During those 30 years they were required to remain chaste while performing their duties. If they were to have an infraction of any of their vows or duties the punishment was brutal. In his account of the Chief Vestal Cornelia being subjected to this punishment under the emperor Domitian, Pliny the Younger describes how the condemned Vestal was led into an underground chamber, given a small amount of bread and water, and then sealed up forever, condemned to a horrible death by suffocation or dehydration in the pitch dark. But, if they were being dutiful they got a lot of perks. one of the favorites being; having prominent seats at sporting events at the Coliseum. Most importantly, however, was the fact that the Vestals were not under the supervision of their fathers like other Roman women, and had the right to own property as well as disbursing their estates (their access to the wealthy allowed them to amass was another perk) as they saw fit in their wills. This was huge for a woman in ancient Rome! This is why I call them badasses! After their 30 years of service had expired, the Vestals retired from their role and were given a pension too. Allowing them to continue to build even more wealth. She was then even permitted to marry a suitable noblemen that the Pontifex Maximus found for her. This meant she was able to get out of the control of her family and father forever while also moving up in social status through marriage AND her own fortune she had amassed.

So what were their duties? Their primary and most important duty was to keep the communal flame in the hearth of the temple lit. This duty placed them in high regards among the people of the city making them some of the most prominent women in all of society. Rome even allowed them to give legal testimony and evidence in a court of law without ever having to swear a legal Oath either. Since their word has held in such high esteem. It was even said if you injured a Vestal virgin you were sentenced to death. This was because if the fire was extinguished for any reason at any time, it was a harbinger of trouble for the ENTIRE city. Not only did they keep the fire lit, they also performed other duties around the temple and they helped lead at least 9 major religious festivals throughout the year for the city. The Vestals also performed other important tasks within the space of the Temple itself. One of the most mysterious of these was their custodianship of the storeroom known as the penus vestae, a sacred symbolic space whose secret contents were said to be related to Rome’s origins. The Vestals were also tasked with the production of a ritual substance known as the mola salsa, used in various purification ceremonies, as well as safeguarding the wills of important Romans, including those of Julius Caesar, Mark Anthony and the Emperor Augustus.

What does Hestia look like?

Hestia is a personification of the hearth and the fire within, so many who work with her reference her manifesting in that way. However, there are some ancient pieces of pottery and sculptures that depict Hestia as a beautiful young woman, usually with long brunette tresses, dressed modestly with a veil. In some depictions I see her holding a kettle or cauldron to sit over the hearth. I myself have seen her presented as versions of both. Her beautiful young woman form usually is present when I am doing inner child work or blessing my home with kitchen magic for my family guiding my hands in recipes.

Summary facts about Hestia

  • She was a sibling to Demeter, Hades, Poseidon, Hera, and Zeus.
  • She was primarily known as the Goddess of the Hearth.
  • Of all the gods and goddesses, she was considered the gentlest, mildest and most modest.
  • Each city had a public hearth that was sacred to Hestia; the fire kindled there was never allowed to go out unless put out ritually
  • New colonies took fire from the hearth in the prytaneion (also known as the town hall) and kept the fires going in those new locations.
  • She never took part in conflicts
  • She was rarely depicted in art unlike other deities
  • Every meal began and ended with an offering to Hestia at the hearth including pouring wine out
  • Like Athena and Artemis, Hestia was referred to as one of the three virgin goddesses.
  • Unlike many other Greek gods, she had no major love affairs or romantic entanglements. Her vow of chastity set her apart and underscored her devotion to her divine duties. Both Poseidon and Apollo wanted to marry her, but she refused.
  • She was one of only twelve Olympian deities.
  • She was the first sibling to be swallowed by Cronus and the last to be released from his belly.
  • Her name literally means “hearth”
  • Vesta is her Roman counter part she had a major temple in Rome called the temple of Vesta where her Priestess called the Vestal virgins lived and served
  • Children were accepted into the family by being presented at Hestia’s hearth. This observed first step ensured the goddess’s blessing on the new addition to the family and the home.

Hestia and duality

Since I am a grey witch every single energy I work with I look at how it can help me maintain balance and how it can represent the cosmic energy of duality. When it comes to the duality of Hestia I personally had struggled to see what it was. Until I went on my journey with her. Until I read about her and worked with her in shadow work and within my home. Especially, once I had my little family to care for and protect within it’s walls. But, Hestia is burning with duality from the embers glowing within the crackling wood, to the tips of the flames reaching for the divine heavens. While most of her traits can be described as calm, gentle, and supportive and she was a constant presence in the daily lives of ancient Greeks. This means she also has a resilience, fortitude, and dedication to her service and commitment that is unwavering and full of so much strength. This means that while she can hold you in a peaceful, harmonious, and loving embrace, she can also lash out and protect with a fierceness of fire to burn those who would dare to disrupt your peaceful home. She is the keeper of the eternal flame and personification of fire itself so she shines insanely brightly. While also being comfortable to be in the darkness where she brings things into her warm light. Lastly, the duality of her connection to others while being perfectly fine standing alone. The hearth is where we gather for meals, celebrations, and even community rituals. Making it a place of deep human connections and celebrating community. But, remember Hestia is the SOLE attendant of the eternal flame. Even giving up her place on mount Olympus to stay by her fire alone. She is perfectly fine being on her own and understands the importance of loving ourselves in order to connect with and serve others with grace.

Correspondences To Connect To Hestia

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently, or a deity, like I will list below for you to use with Hestia .Follow your intuition and use what speaks to you!

  • Planet- Jupiter
  • Animal- pig, cow, donkey
  • Element- fire
  • Zodiac-Taurus
  • Sex-feminine
  • Symbol-flame, hearth, cauldron, kettle, veil, chaste branch
  • colors-yellow, orange, red
  • Herbs- goldenrod, angelica, yarrow, poppy, angel’s trumpet, lavender, iris, myrrh, chamomile
  • Stones/ crystals- amber, carnelian, amethyst, garnet, ruby, quartz
  • Foods-grains, breads, sweet cakes, fresh fruit, the first meat pieces of burnt meat from each offering
  • Tarot card- temperance or strength

How To Know Hestia Is Calling To Work With You

I get asked this question every time I write or teach about a goddess. Remember, signs and messages appear in many different ways and are unique to the individual. It’s ultimately up to you to discern by opening up your clares, paying attention and listening to your intuition. Also, remember you can choose to work with her as well even if you don’t feel her calling to you. You can be the one to begin building that relationship by reaching out. Below is a list of some ways that you may know she is reaching out to you.

  • You’re a kitchen witch or are learning to be one
  • Baking bread is your forte
  • You keep seeing her symbols everywhere: hearth/fireplace or fire
  • you work in foster care or volunteer with children
  • Your home and family need protection and guidance
  • You are drawn to working with fire in your spell workings
  • You avoid conflict at all costs
  • The kitchen is your happy place
  • You live your life by the same values as her of kindness, forgiveness, and contentment
  • You may hear her name repeatedly in passing conversations or in your dreams
  • You see her name on TV, in books, online, etc.
  • You don’t like to leave your home much
  • You have taken a temporary or permanent vow of celibacy/ Chasity
  • You’ve always felt drawn to her
  • Your home is the home your family gathers at for holidays
  • You enjoy bonfires
  • You have a job working with the community and need help or guidance
  • You feel a strong urge to learn more about Hestia
  • Chasteberry is an herb you’re currently taking as regimen or working with in your practice
  • You brew and drink magical teas every day or often
  • You’re focused on going within to uncover your own sacred flame
  • You keep seeing pigs everywhere
  • You feel drawn to practice religious / spiritual veiling
  • You feel a deep desire to burn candles often in your home
  • You are drawn to her depiction in art
  • You might start feeling an inexplicable sense of warmth and comfort, especially when you’re at home

A fundamental pillar of Paganism is working with the deities that one believes in. While all practicing Pagans have varying beliefs about the gods and goddesses, most agree that honoring their deities is a great way to connect with them and further their spiritual goals. But, again remember not every pagan works with deities. Also remember there are literally thousands of different deities out there in the multiverse and which ones you choose to honor will often depend significantly upon what pantheon your spiritual path follows. This eBook will walk you thru the different ways to view deities, what a deity can be, and the basics to start building a deep meaningful relationship with one.

Ways To Work With and Connect To Hestia

Everyone’s relationship with deities is different and we all work with and believe in them differently. You might believe in multiple gods and goddesses and work with them each as though they are close, personal friends. Or maybe you believe the old gods are reflections of Universal energy and simply archetype energies that you can learn a lesson from. However you incorporate deities in your practice is up to you. If you need help to figure this out you can purchase my eBook here on the Introduction to working with pagan deities.

As the Goddess of the Hearth Fire, Hestia also rules over the Home (protection and love in the home), Food (nourishment and sustainment), and Service (caring for others and yourself). Hestia can be called upon for all matters involving the home, feeling safe, self care, food and nourishment, and learning to serve others with compassion. Remember however you feel called to work with her; it’s important to approach her with respect, reverence, gratitude and by building a relationship with her. Every time you work with a deity it is an even energetic exchange; which means what you put into your intention when working with them and building your relationship to them is what you get back.

Study, get to know her

As with every deity I have ever written about or taught about, The first way to get to know a deity, specifically a goddess like Hestia; is to study all you can about her. Look at the different versions of her origin, and how she is both the eldest and youngest of all the siblings in the Olympian Pantheon . Try to understand all the different versions of her you can connect to through the element of fire. You can even, study the culture, region, and worship of the people of Greece where she is from. Plus the influence she had over the entire city with the communal hearth. The more you study and learn the better! When working with a deity it is all about building a true relationship with them and you do this first by getting to know who they are.

Work with the element of fire

Hestia is the personification of fire itself both within and without. Which means any fire ritual or working with fire in spells will appease and connect you to the goddess Hestia. So keep a fire going in your fireplace this Winter in honor of Hestia. Get outside in the winter landscape and sit next to a sacred bonfire. You can even grab some candles, light them, and add them to any of your magical workings like during kitchen magic, sitting on your altar as you prayer or meditate, and as you create protection sigils. Call in the element of fire to connect to the very essence of Hestia during your spells for protection, purification, warmth, and more. Traditionally, Hestia’s fire should never be allowed to burn out or be blown out. Only during ritual may it be extinguished and then ritually relit. PS. if you need to learn more about how to work with the element of fire you can read my guide HERE!

Meditation and visualization

One of the best ways to channel divine energy and tap into goddesses like Hestia is through meditation and visualization. These practices allow you to open up and receive/ connect to divine energy in a very intuitive, clear, and transformative way. You will find a plethora of guided meditations on YouTube that will lead you to your spirit guide or god/goddess. Try those if you have a hard time meditating on your own. I have many classes on YouTube as well on previous deities you can watch where I even summon and guide you to them in sacred container.

Cooking and kitchen magic

Hestia is the goddess of the home and hearth which means one of her favorite places to hang out in modern homes is in the kitchen. So of course she presides over all cooking and will aid you in creating magical recipes like simmer pots. She will even be standing next to you guiding your hands while you work hearth-side. Every time you cook, you honor her and bring her essence into your home. This is probably the easiest way to work with Hestia. Don’t forget she’s associated with pigs so pork is great to work with. Plus bread; especially some with fresh herbs for protection like thyme, rosemary, and garlic! She loves it when you dedicate the first loaf/slice to Her. So, roll up your sleeves, grab some herbs, light your oven, knead your dough, and work with Hestia in your kitchen today.


Everyone loves receiving gifts, and that includes deities like Hestia. You don’t have to give her offerings every day, but when you feel it is appropriate. I highly recommend gifting them to her during the long winter months and when you have big family feasts to leave her the best piece of the meat. You can place these offerings at your altar or at the mantle of the hearth in your home. You can also give her offerings when performing any work to connect to her like meditation, prayer, visualization, and spell work. Below I will list some of the best offerings you can give her, but keep in mind these are just some ideas from my own personal experience with her and her corresponding energies. Just follow your intuition.

  • When cooking or baking, give Hestia the first bite or sip of whatever you’re making
  • first bites of fresh fruits
  • olive oil
  • Wine
  • water
  • cakes shaped like a calf
  • freshly baked bread
  • Candles
  • herbs
  • incense
  • homemade crafts
  • Acts of hospitality, like welcoming guests warmly
  • A cup of tea or hot cider
  • Pottery
  • Knitted items
  • Woven tapestries
  • Flowers from your garden
  • A small piece of wood
  • music
  • Baked cookies
  • milk
  • barley

Dedicate Altar Space

Set aside some space in honor of Hestia. This can be an elaborate large altar or as simple as a small shelf or corner of a counter. Place a representation of Hestia there like a candle. Be sure to cleanse the space before you invite her in. Include all of her colors, her symbols, and representations of the element of fire, the essence of home, family, and hearth. Plus add any of her other correspondences you can use to connect to her. This will be a container that reminds you to connect with her and her energy. To allow you a container of maternal protective, peaceful, and purifying energy to connect to in your life.

Volunteer in your community

Hestia wasn’t only just the goddess of the hearth in your home but, she presided over the hearth of the entire city. Which means she is present within the community as a whole. Her fire dancing in the souls of each and every person who passed through the center of the town. To honor Hestia, consider volunteering at a local domestic violence shelter or at a Youth shelter home. Or better yet, fill the bellies of those in your community at a local soup kitchen!


One very powerful way to connect to a deity is through prayer. Things to Pray for; protection, homes blessings, family, fertility, purification, creativity, peace, modesty, and purity. Below are a few prayers I like to use but, you can find many across texts and the internet plus you can always create your own.

Homeric Hymn 24 to Hestia
“Hestia, in the high dwellings of all, both deathless gods and men who walk on earth, you have gained an everlasting abode and highest honor: glorious is your portion and your right. For without you mortals hold no banquet,–where one does not duly pour sweet wine in offering to Hestia both first and last. And you, Argeiphontes [Hermes], son of Zeus and Maia, . . . be favorable and help us, you and Hestia, the worshipful and dear. Come and dwell in this glorious house in friendship together; for you two, well knowing the noble actions of men, aid on their wisdom and their strength. Hail, Daughter of Kronos (Cronus), and you also, Hermes.”

Homeric Hymn

“Hestia, you who tend the holy house of the lord Apollo, the Far-shooter at goodly Pytho, with soft oil dripping ever from your locks, come now into this house, come, having one mind with Zeus the all-wise — draw near, and withal bestow grace upon my song.”

Home spells and blessings

Since Hestia is the goddess of not only the hearth but the home as well of course she would love to help you with any spells or blessings associated with your home. Ask her to help you ward and protect your home with the fierceness of a mother’s love. Or you can do my favorite home workings with her during the winter asking her to bring warmth to your home for the cold winter months. You can also do rituals and create charms with her sigil to protect the home and cleanse the home with purifying energy.

Other ways to work with her

  • ask for her assistance to help find a new home or apartment when you need to move
  • call on her to assist with domestic issues in the home and help with family strife
  • call on her when casting circles of warding and protection for your home and property
  • always offer her the first slice of any loaf of bread you make or buy to eat
  • Learn how to sew, knit, or crochet
  • consecrate your cooking tools and utensils with her sigil to bless all of your recipes
  • Call on her to be a soft, comforting, glowing light to guide you during shadow work to find your inner sacred flame and stoke it. If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here. Plus don’t forget to head to the shop and register for my new course that is beginning at the end of this month!
  • Work with herbs and learn some herbal magic
  • Brew a magical tea
  • bake Hestia’s sigils into bread as you are baking loaves with her
  • Light as many candles as you can around your entire home to welcome her and purify it with the element of fire
  • learn and perform candle magic
  • cast peace and harmony spells
  • Invite her to your table for a meal by setting a place for her and leaving it empty for her to sit there and join you
  • take a cooking or baking class
  • create an altar just for your kitchen magic
  • Call relatives you don’t see often
  • remove yourself from conflict
  • learn how to make fires on your own
  • create a powder to use as a protective magical barrier for your home especially around your threshold ( I have a recipe for one on my Pinterest page )
  • Divination like fire gazing
  • ask her to join in family traditions you already have or create new ones with her
  • decorate your home
  • Plant and grow a kitchen garden
  • Ask for her maternal protective energy to embrace you as you do inner child work and healing
  • Pray, sing, or chant to Hestia whenever you’re working on something related to the home
  • Creativity spells
  • Share stories, traditions, and family histories
  • dedicate your stove, fire pit, and hearth to her by placing a statue or image of her near by or draw her sigils on them
  • ask for her help and guidance to create a balance between your home/family life and your work/volunteer life
  • invite her into your home when you first purchase it to bring in harmony, peace, and meaningful connections within the four walls
  • use a gratitude challenge or practice to cultivate gratitude
  • take all your recipes and put them together into a cook book
  • Create a spell jar for self love, peace, harmony, friendship, inner flame
  • wear her sigil on your skin or as jewelry during the cold winter months to help you always be warm
  • take either a temporary or permanent vow of celibacy
  • Welcome guests into your home
  • Use her fire and flame to burn away and release things we no longer need
  • prioritize self-care and boost your the height and strength of your eternal flame with self worth
  • decide to do a set timeframe like 30 days of spiritual/ religious veiling
  • spend time with your family and host a meal or gathering in your home
  • practice generosity and donate clothing or food to those in need and others

Why work with Hestia?

Flame is heat and passion. Flame is purifying and renewing. Hestia chose not to claim a realm to rule over mortals and earth in some way, and instead chose to simply tend the fires for the good of mankind and the Gods. Making sure that our hearth fire remains lit always so we can find our way to food, warmth, protection, transformation, or healing whenever we may need it. This is why she chose a role of service rather than dominion to be here as a protective yet comforting and warm maternal embrace helping us survive. Her duty to maintain this eternal fire symbolizes purity, devotion, and a connection to the divine. It’s a task she undertakes with solemn grace. She is also Known for inducing calmness, her presence brings peace and serenity. Her calming influence extends to both the divine and mortal realms, making her a beacon of stability in a world often feels like it is nothing but chaotic Especially, in a pantheon filled with conflict, her gentle and steadfast nature stands as a comforting constant to shelter with. Working with her will show you a goddess who is a gentle and caring figure, one who welcomes all into her presence. Her warmth is not just physical but emotional, offering comfort to those in need.

Hestia forever kneels next to the eternal hearth as a figure in Greek mythology, one whose powers are not of conquest or ego like the rest but of harmony, warmth, and stability. She is the reason the flames never go out in the universal heart. She is the connections we make, the homes we build, and the love we share,. All the things that are central to our human experience. Her eternal flame invites us to gather around, to celebrate our common bonds, and to reflect on the simple yet profound joys of being together. Her story serves as a warm invitation to reflect on the connections that make us human. While also teaching us how to be okay with being alone by truly loving ourselves and tending to our own eternal flame. Hestia teaches us how to go within to find our own sacred spark. This is the essence of self that makes us confident in who we are and sure of our own beliefs. While many of the other deities I write and teach about, will show us how to change our outer world, Hestia shows us that real change comes from within. She helps us uncover that flame that has been oppressed within ourselves in order to see our true essence. Finally letting it shine for all to see and be a place of warmth and security for you to call on.

In this new special 6 month shadow work program I will help you realign your inner world, discover all the versions of you in the shadows, and show you how to integrate your shadows into your own authentic identity. When you purchase and register for this 6 month course you will get pre-recorded lessons, eBooks, journal prompt workbooks, weekly guided sessions, ( with one week off for integration) one womb healing session, and access to a discord chat for all those who are taking the course with you. We begin the last Monday of February for orientation week and then session for courses start the first Monday of March! There will be limited spots so hurry and register today.

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A week of simmer pots; fill your home with magic every day of the week

I love simmer pots! They are one of my favorite spells to do! They are magical spells to create an enchanted energetic container within your home. The essence of your spell is able to be carried to every single nook and cranny of your home. This is the main reason I love them so much! Our homes are so important to imbue with our magical energy and the essence of the intention we want to create in our life. Because, they are our home base, our safe zone, and one of most sacred temples we retreat to. We use them to build our families, create connections with the divine , and perform our magic in. They are also simple to create and cast and incredibly versatile. You can make them for endless intentions and energies it just depends what type of magical atmosphere you want to bring into your home. Because, I love them so much and have created so many of them throughout the years I have decided to create this post to give you a week of simmer pots to imbue magic into your own home!

What are simmer pots?

Simmer pots are basically potpourri in a pot! You choose your ingredients, put them in a pot with water, bring to a boil, then turn down to a simmer and let it do its thing. They couldn’t be any easier, just be sure you don’t let your pot boil dry! If you want to keep the pot going simply add more water when it gets low. And obviously never leave it going when you are not home. Simmer pots also lack the harsh toxins that are packed into conventional air freshener sprays and many scented candles. Just fresh ingredients from your kitchen! No fake fragrances or toxic chemicals needed. One more benefit, they can likely be crafted with things you already have in your kitchen making them a convenient and inexpensive solution. If you want to learn more about simmer pots and learn how to create your own check out my guide HERE!

What makes a simmer pot magical?

Aside from making your house smell divine, one of the ways simmer pots are magical is they incorporate all of the natural elements – making it a fun way to bring a connection with nature and the environment to your home. You do this simply by creating it.

  • EARTH-The first step to creating a simmer pot is to choose the herbs, spices, plants and other foods that will go into your concoction
  • WATER-Once you’ve put all of your botanical ingredients in the pot, you will fill the pot 2/3 with water.
  • FIRE/HEAT-The fire element is added when you turn on your stove top burner and start heating up your simmer pot. You’ll want to bring it to gentle simmer
  • AIR-The steam from your simmer pot will circulate the scent and magic of your simmer pot throughout your space. And sending the energy of your spell, intention, manifestation, or ritual into the air, your sacred space and the multiverse.

This is my favorite part and why I find them so magical. The amount of magical energy being released into your space out into the multiverse and than inhaled back into your soul through your lungs is astounding and intoxicating. Simmer pots also leverage the magical and mysterious properties of herbs and other plants making it great way to practice kitchen witchcraft even if cooking or baking isn’t really your thing. Ps. if you need to learn ore about the elements and the energy they are bringing to your simmer pots read my guide HERE!


Monday is connected to the moon. This connection makes it the perfect day to connect to our intuition, our emotions, and our psyche. With this day being connected to the moon it is also deeply connected to your divine feminine energy. To learn more about the magic that rules this day read my guide about it here.

Since, Monday is ruled by the moon which connects us to our divine feminine energy, peace, harmony, and aspects of family life. This simmer pot to help inspire a peaceful and blessed home would be perfect to add to your magical routine tonight!

Since, Monday is ruled by the moon which makes it a day to really connect to our intuition, our clares, and to work on enhancing our psychic abilities and connections today! Don’t forget to grab my eBook all about your working with your own clares HERE! Plus join the Patreon Community to get access to the bibliotherapy book club where we are currently working on an amazing book that helps you really understand your clares and build up your intuition.



From time to time in life we need a little more strength in our lives. Whether it be because, we have an enemy attacking us and trying to harm our lives. Maybe we have a cause we need to pick up our swords to fight for. Sometimes, we have a past situation we need to be brave and have the courage to stand up for ourselves in. Maybe we are weak and our physical body may be hurt or breaking down right now. My favorite reason to pull this one out personally is when life just hits me with something unexpected that will be difficult to get through. Whatever the reason for you needing to ignite your inner power, strength, and courage in your life this simmer pot for Tuesday will help with just that. Plus making it on Tuesday allows you to call on that powerful and courageous energy of Mars that is all about having the strength to win any battle or war.


Wednesday is connected to the planet mercury. Which makes it a day centered around communication. All forms of communication from thought, speech, writing, networking, looking for information, divination, and communication thru art. This day also can be great to use for luck, good fortune, travel and wisdom. This day is the perfect day to network, to advertise for your business and to start working on some new ideas you want to get out into the world. If you love to study, write, and read today is the day to hunker down and get it all done! To learn more about the magic that rules this day read my guide about it HERE!

Our homes are the place we go to for comfort, protection, and rest. They are the place we go to with our family and friends for special moments and times of celebration. They are the place we rest our head next to our loved ones. Which means a lot of our important conversations within our relationships take place in our home. Why not, do our best to set our home up to be a safe, loving, and peaceful place to communicate clearly with others especially our loved ones? One of my favorite ways to do this is by using this simmer pot for clear communication below!


Thursday is a day ruled by Jupiter, masculine energy and is all about the practical aspects of your life. This day is all about connecting to the energy of finances, legal matters, success, wealth and fame. This day is about big energy connecting you to the actions you need to take to meet your goal. This energy is all about thriving and is one of the best days and times to work with the energy of abundance, prosperity, and wealth! To learn more about the magic that rules this day read my guide about it HERE.

Since, Thursday is ruled by Jupiter which is the day all about abundance, money, and wealth. This makes it a perfect day to make a simmer pot to bring a flow of money magic into your home life. Use this recipe today and watch the money overflow into your life!


Friday is the day connected to the planet Venus and is all about wrapping you up in the embrace and energy of love. This day is perfect for focusing on your love life in a romantic sense and your friendships since this day is very social. This day connects you to your most powerful love of all; self love. The energy of this days invites you to retreat into the warmth, love, and compassion at the end of the work week. Making it the perfect time to relax and recharge. Whether that is with self love altars, spells, rituals baths, or beauty and glamor magic do what is calling to you. Use the energy of Friday to connect you to all that love can open for you. To learn more about the magic that rules this day read my guide about it HERE!

Our homes for us are one of most sacred places we have to retreat into. This is why it is so important to create a home that is full of harmony, love, and a deep sense of comfort in ourselves and who we are. Simmer pots are spells really designed for the home. They fill up the space with its magical aroma and energy. So, why not use the one below to do just that! This simmer pot is meant to boost your sense of self love, create harmony, and foster deep loving connections in your home.


This day of the week got it’s name from the god of karma and time, Saturn and therefore is associated with this planet. This planet connects us to Capricorn as well. This day connects us to some very potent, protective, intuitive and intelligent energy. This day is great for all kinds of protection, meditation, self discipline, and expanding your wisdom. To learn more about the magic that rules this day read my guide about it HERE!

Saturday is ruled by the planet Saturn which makes this day a great day to do some protection magic including protection magic for your home! This could mean you need protection from someone you are aware of who is harming you and/or the loved ones in your home. Or from unwarted spirits or forces that can enter your private space. Use this recipe to bring protection into your home and banish any unwanted energy on Saturday.


Sunday is all about the energy from the sun. The sun is the vital life energy. It is the representation and connection to your ego, identity and the dominates traits of your personality both your strengths and your weaknesses. Due to this Sunday becomes the perfect day to focus on who you truly are and harnessing the vital energy of life to actively shape your life to be the brightest shining success it can be. To learn more about the magic that rules this day read my guide about it HERE!

Since, Sunday is ruled by the Sun and the vital energy of creation. Sundays are great days to work on connecting to the power of creation that is essential for us to manifest our dream life. We need the vital energy of creation to weave and shape our reality to be all that we want it to be. Use this simmer pot below to fill your home with the vital energy of creation connected to t he Sun to manifest your reality.

In this new special 6 month shadow work program I will help you realign your inner world, discover all the versions of you in the shadows, and show you how to integrate your shadows into your own authentic identity. When you purchase and register for this 6 month course you will get pre-recorded lessons, eBooks, journal prompt workbooks, weekly guided sessions, ( with one week off for integration) one womb healing session, and access to a discord chat for all those who are taking the course with you. We begin the last Monday of February for orientation week and then session for courses start the first Monday of March! There will be limited spots so hurry and register today.

About Me : I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years. First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration, and re-enchantment of Magic in society, across this realm, and in each and every soul I come across in life! I am here to create a container that promotes healing, duality, and raw authenticity. I do this by guiding you on your personal journey to understanding your unique magic and sacred contracts. I facilitate this for you through embracing your shadow, duality and learning to live in energetic balance while not wearing a mask. When you work and learn from me you do so from your “darkness” as much as your “light” and in a way to truly harness and accept it not to just go thru it on the way to your light. But, I teach you how to truly embrace it, work with it, and use it alongside your light as a partner. I hold up a mirror for you to be able to see your authentic reflection looking back. Then have the courage to take the next step and do the uncomfortable but vital inner work to completely remove your mask. By facing all of your past wounds, traumas, and hurts. Allowing you to see both the dark and light within your story and take each chapter and alchemize it into something that is so powerful. your unique internal flame will shine so bright you will always be able to go within and find it on a dark cold night. You will learn how to truly live in duality and energetic balance to allow growth, and alignment with your sacred contracts and purposes. to finally move on and truly let the things that hold you back in this life from healing and manifesting go. To see everything I offer; like personalized shadow work sessions, womb healing, eBooks for you to work through on your own, Tarot sessions for guidance and more! Go to my shop!

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Roar with your authentic, unique, confident voice as you gain clarity under the snow full moon in Leo

The February full moon of 2025 roars into the skies with a fiery burst of passion, to ignite our hearts desires amongst the frozen winter landscape. This full moon we find under the sign of Leo on February 12th. Despite the nickname for the February being the Snow Moon, this full moon is sure to bring the heat as it radiates Leo energy and shines a bright flame on our true “heart’s desires.” This Full snow Moon in February 2025 strips everything down to bare bones, just like Winter. It shows up in our life with the same energy of February itself; forcing us to see reality with harsh, cold clarity while getting a burst of fiery hope for spring with Leo. When the full moon is in Leo you’re able to celebrate your wins and let go of anything holding you back. With the Full Moon in Leo, the bold and fiery energy of this fixed fire sign takes center stage. Leo is all about creative self-expression, leadership, and generosity. Come join me in this blog post on a frozen winter walk under the fiery full moon light as Leo roars into the skies with me.

First, What is the Full Moon

Over the centuries, the Moon has played a significant role in different cultures and traditions. The full moon simply put is when the moon is completely illuminated in the sky and it has reached it’s peak in this lunar cycle in the sky. When the moon is completely illuminated it’s time for all to reach full expression. The full moon is the most powerful and potent time of the entire lunar cycle.

A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). The full moon greatly affects humans and it’s no wonder it does because, there’s a scientific reason for this – we are made up of 60% or more of water. Full Moons are the peak point of the lunar cycle: at this time of the month, the light of the Sun is fully illuminating the Moon, and the luminaries are exactly opposing one another from our perspective on Earth. This potent alignment offers us opportunities to gain more awareness about what is moving in our inner and emotional world, and information previously uncertain or hidden could be revealed at this time.

With the moon being fully illuminated it creates this portal to some of the most potent energy to connect to for us to manifest our desires and dream life. This portal creates a connection to our peak creative energy and the deep seated creative passions we all have within us. This creative energy and power is the energy we need to actually do and create the things and lifestyle we need to manifest what we desire. With the new moon phase being about planting the seeds of what you want to manifest, the full moon is about actually doing the work and moving the energy to make your manifesting happen. The full moon allows you to bridge the connection between these energies and themes and bring them into your life while reminding you how important it is to have them in your life not only when the moon is illuminated in the sky for you to see.

There are so many ways to work with the full moon, to learn more about the basics of working with the full moon energy check out my blog post here and you can watch my class all about lunar magic. But, remember each full moon will be slightly different and have different practices to add and different ways to do it based on which zodiac sign the full moon is currently in at the time.

The snow moon

During February we can experience some of the biggest snow falls, harshest days, and coldest nights of Winter. This is something I have learned throughout my life living in Minnesota. You never judge a winter until you get through February and see what that month has in store for. So, you can imagine that in ancient times this month was a rough one when resources were running low in storages, there was nothing really to hunt and gather yet, and the weather made it impossible for maybe days to even leave your shelter. This month the snow really determined at times if you and your family would make it through the rest of Winter to the Spring. This is why this month’s full moon gets it name as the snow moon. The amount of snow we get or don’t during this month determines if we have the resilience to survive until Spring. When the world offers nothing but ice, bitter cold, and hunger, you either give up or push forward and learn how to live with less.

The Snow Moon is brutal, relentless, and demanding. It doesn’t care about comfort. It asks, How bad do you want it? It forces you to look into the unyielding white of the snow and ice with a harsh clarity about your reality. Look at what feels frozen and stuck in your life with patience and understanding its resilience, instead of frustration. Remember, some things take time, they must go through cycles of no movement because change cannot be forced. Use this time of stillness to your advantage. Sit with your thoughts and be open to taking in the harsh clarity it offers with acceptance. Strengthen your spirit but, don’t forget how much strength its had to make it through winter this far. Prepare for what’s blossoming next in Spring because, the best plans take shape in quiet, clear, and still moments.

As with most pagan names there will be different ones for each culture so below I listed any of the other names for the cold moon I could find across the Earth. The common themes for these moons are, stillness, introspection, community, resilience, wisdom, rest, clarity, strength, snow, ice, and the coldness of winter.

  • Hungry Month (Kagali) Cherokee Native American origins
  • Storm Moon, Ice Moon, and Snow Moon-Celtic and Old English origins
  • Thorri (Þorri) Norse origins- Nordic Culture
  • Frost Sparkling in the Sun Arapaho Native American origins
  • Moon of Purification and Renewal Hopi Native American origins
  • First Flower Moon (Siwekure Araskehe Nuti ) Catawba Native American origins
  • Dassie Moon South African origins
  • Bear Moon-Ojibwe
  • Bald Eagle Moon-Cree

Who is Leo?

Like, I said before each full moon will be amplified and influenced by the zodiac sign we find it in and this time the full moon is in the sign of Leo. So who is Leo? As the fifth sign of the zodiac ruled by the sun, Leo is the Zodiac sign shining a spotlight on your life with bold roaring, radiant, and confident energy. Leo is all about stepping into the spotlight and owning your own power. Claiming what is yours with courage, bravery, and conviction. Being ruled by the fifth house Leo connects you to what makes you feel good, such as attention, orgasms, or the fulfillment of a creative project. It’s the sign that shines a bright light on your inner talents, your leadership abilities, and the courage you have to playfully create.

Leo constellation

The Leo constellation sits between Cancer the crab to the west and Virgo the maiden to the east. It is located south of the Big Dipper. It is one of the brightest constellations located in the Northern celestial hemisphere. This may be due to the fact that one of the brightest stars in the night sky sits in the heart of this constellation; Regulus. What’s unique about the Leo constellation is it contains many bright stars, many of which were individually identified by the ancients. It’s also one of the few constellations that is visible from pretty much anywhere on Earth, except for Antarctica.

Leo is one of the oldest known and recognized constellations in the sky with many different myths surrounding it. Archaeological evidence suggests that Mesopotamians had a constellation similar to Leo as early as 4000 BC. The Persians knew the constellation as Shir or Ser, Babylonians called it UR.GU.LA (“the great lion”), Syrians knew it as Aryo, and the Turks as Artan. In Sumeria, Leo may have represented the monster Humbaba, who was killed by Gilgamesh. The ancient Egyptians associated Leo with the flooding of the Nile, which occurred during the hottest time of year, when the sun entered Leo. Maybe that’s why the sphinx overlooks the Nile and is half lion?

The most commonly known myth about it’s placement among the stars would have to come from the Greeks. The Greeks associated Leo with the Nemean lion, the beast defeated by Heracles during the first of his twelve labors. Man Hercules is responsible for quite a few constellations being placed in the sky. Anyway, the Nemean lion lived in a cave in Nemea, a town located to the south-west of Corinth. It was terrorizing the local people who could not defeat it because, of it’s impenetrable skin. Heracles could not defeat the lion with arrows, so he trapped it in its cave, grappled with the beast and eventually defeated it by strangling it with his bare hands. He used the lion’s claws to cut off its pelt, and then wore the pelt as a cloak, complete with the lion’s head. From that day forward Hercules wore the pelt as his armor. The cloak both protected Heracles and made him appear even more fearsome. Leo was placed in the sky by Zeus as a reminder of Hercules’ heroism and bravery.

There is another Greek myth about this constellation though, which may be the inspiration for Romeo and Juliet. The poet Ovid’s tale of Pyramus and Thisbe. Both sets of parents of this young couple considered them too young to marry and stopped them seeing each other. However, the pair made arrangements to meet secretly by a mulberry tree with white berries. When Thisbe arrived at the appointed place, a lion sprang out from some bushes and she ran away in fright. Unfortunately, her veil fluttered to the ground as she ran and the lion, bloody from its latest kill, pounced on it. A short time later Pyramus arrived, saw his beloved’s bloody veil and believed that she had been killed. Totally distraught, and unable to face life without her, he threw himself on his sword. As he lay dying, Thisbe returned, took his sword and killed herself. The blood of the tragic pair colored the berries of the mulberry tree red, and so they remain to this day. Some suggest that Zeus placed Thisbe’s veil in the heavens as Coma Berenices.

Magical Themes for the Leo full moon

Every full Moon contains its own themes, which are related to the sign that it falls under. This time, we experience the full Moon in the fiery, confident, creative, loyal, courageous, passionate, playful, headstrong, sign of the lion; Leo. You are most likely to see themes focused on these topics as you ignite a fire in your soul to shine brightly on your talents, strengths, and unique voice. The Leo full Moon is going to bring the spotlight on your leadership roles in life, your sense of self worth, and creative projects coming to life. As well as on career and your leadership dynamics that we need to address or take care of, confront, and finally release and let go. Keep in mind that the full Moon relates to the continuation of your journey to manifest your desires and dreams. So, make sure your release work helps you make those happen. Let’s shine a light on some of the themes and energies of Leo more brightly below.

  • Confidence
  • self worth
  • passion
  • Courage
  • playfulness
  • creativity
  • leadership
  • loyalty
  • ambition
  • protection
  • strength
  • Generosity
  • Independence
  • Strong willed
  • Friendly
  • faithful
  • Bravery
  • big-heartedness
  • Charismatic
  • determination
  • sovereignty
  • rulership

Magical Themes for the snow full moon

  • Responsibility
  • Personal Development
  • Growth
  • Re-evaluation
  • Hearth or Home Workings
  • Meditation
  • Astral Travel
  • Dreamwork
  • Scarcity
  • Seed Magic/Working with seeds

Leo the sign of radiant self worth and burning confidence

The Full Moon in Leo invites you to embrace your inner power, your immense worth, and ignite your confidence. Leo pushes you to assess your sense of self-worth. To have the courage to ask yourself and answer with honesty; are you truly valuing yourself? This is the time to step fully into your authentic self and understand your true worth. This is the time to ignite your confidence into an inferno blazing so brightly, no one or anything can extinguish your light. This full moon reminds you to express who you truly are without holding back. Let go of any lingering self-doubt or fear of judgment that’s been keeping you small. Let that fiery light inside of you shine as brightly and bold as it was meant to. Leo’s energy encourages you to not only shine bright but, to have the courage to stand in your truth. Making it the perfect moment to own your unique voice and talents. Let that voice out with a resounding roar under the moon’s bright silvery light.

Leo Embrace your inner courage and leadership with conviction

Leo’s energy ignites the fire inside of us that fuels the courage to take charge and be a leader in our lives. Leo’s leadership isn’t just about power; it’s about leading from the heart with courage and conviction. During this Full Moon, align your personal power with a purpose that serves both yourself and others. Lead with passion, kindness, and courage, knowing that true leadership comes from inspiring and uplifting those around you. Use this fiery energy to fuel your goals and have courage in life, but keep your heart at the center of your actions and how you treat others.

Leo the sign of youthful creativity

Leo wants to find the zest in life and creative inspiration. Leo craves to find that unexplainable and mystical reason that makes us want to be alive. That reminds us that no matter where we are and what we’re surrounded by we can find beauty around us. Leo reminds us that we matter and our own individuality deserves its spotlight through our creative expression. That our inner light has the ability to inspire oneself and others too, when we use it to fuel our creative passion. It’s an excellent time to reconnect with our playfulness and creativity, allowing ourselves to follow our passions without being weighed down by ego-driven distractions and self doubt.

Uranus is active

Let’s talk about another energy in play right now; Uranus is active. When Uranus gets together with the Full Moon, it can bring all sorts of surprises and clashing energies, but it’s not called the planet of awakening for nothing. Sometimes, we need these shake-ups so we can see what is no longer stable and relevant to our journey forward. Uranus joining the Full Moon indicates that we may need to shake free from something in our lives. Uranus wants us to think outside the box and stretch the possibilities that we have been looking at. Stay open-minded under this Full Moon, as you never know what new inspirations and brain waves may find you. Uranus shakes us to awaken us, so if you are feeling the winds of change or the ground shaking beneath you, ask yourself- How am I being called to awaken to something bigger?

Chiron the wounded healer is active

Chiron, the asteroid of the wounded healer, is also active under this Full Moon, holding the promise that whatever wounds or challenges we face will eventually lead us to a brighter place. Chiron is one of my favorite energies to work with and I feel he is overlooked so much when he is active. So, who is he? He is the most famous centaur, from later Greek Mythology, and he was known to be a wise man and a healer. In Greek Mythology, it was Chiron who taught humanity the constellations. That’s huge! Chiron is our celestial teacher. On top of that, many well known Greek gods and goddesses looked to him for spiritual advice, most will know him nowadays through the hero Hercules. All of this is why Chiron is the one who reminds us that our wounds and troubles don’t disqualify us from being able to find beauty, purpose, and meaning in our lives. Chiron wants us to acknowledge our wounds as a part of the fabric of our destiny, and something that can make us stronger, wiser, and more compassionate. When Chiron is active some of the most profound healing can happen. To learn more about him check out my guide HERE!

What to be cautious of this Leo full moon

During the Full Moon in Leo, it’s important to avoid impulsivity, getting swept up in drama, or seeking excessive validation from others. Leo energy can be intense, and it can burn bright and hot as hell at times, just like the sun whole rules this sign. It is vital to take the time to balance it and not let it burn too hot, by staying grounded and focused on your authentic self. Be mindful of not letting your pride get the better of you and being overly focused on your own achievements or image. Tapping into Leo’s fire to ignite our self confidence is something our soul needs but, don’t let your fire get so hot and bright that you burn others around you. Avoid the temptation to act out of ego or let others’ opinions steer your path. Be open to constructive criticism and don’t dismiss feedback as personal attacks. Control the fire of Leo burning around you and keep it’s focus on self-love, playfulness, and creative empowerment.

Leo and duality

Since, I am a grey witch every single energy I work with I look for the duality in that energy and how I can connect to it. First, let’s talk about the sign Leo. Leo energy is bright, bold, and full of fiery burst of confidence. Which is something we all need to build ourselves up, honor our talents, and be a courageous leader. But, it can burn really hot at times and let our ego get out of control and our flames of confidence can do unintentional harm to those we love around us. Second, the full moon itself is all about duality as it is another time of transformation, transition, and rebirth. During this time we are pushed into a liminal space that forces us to look at the things, people, and places that have been obstacles or holding us back. This can be a thing of beauty and hope as well as a thing of pain and darkness which forces us into duality.

Correspondences for the snow full moon in Leo

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like for Leo, I will list below for you to use. Remember to follow your intuition with the correspondences you choose to work with and that you can always use any that correspond to the moon itself as well.

  • planet-Sun
  • Animal-Lion
  • Element-Fire
  • Sex-Masculine
  • Modality- fixed
  • Symbol- the lion, snowflakes, bare branches, fire
  • colors-orange, gold, yellow
  • Motto-“I will”
  • Chakra-Heart
  • Herbs- marigolds, sunflowers, nutmeg, chamomile, calendula, Frankincense, Bergamot, Lemon balm, rue, rosehips, sage, lavender, mugwort,
  • Stones/ crystals-tiger’s eye, carnelian, amber, sunstone, citrine, onyx, peridot, pyrite, lapis lazuli, moonstone, selenite, clear quartz, amethyst, Labradorite, rose quartz
  • Deities-Helios, Amaterasu, Sekhmet, Surya, Sol, Kali, Durga, Apollo, Xihe, Ra, Arinna, Aphrodite, Brigid, Juno, Mars
  • Themes-Confidence, self worth, passion, Courage, playfulness, creativity, leadership, loyalty, ambition, protection, strength, Generosity, Independence, Strong willed, Friendly, faithful, Bravery, big-heartedness, Charismatic, determination, sovereignty, rulership
  • House-5th house
  • Day-Sunday

How to connect to the snow full moon in Leo

Now, that we have talked about the themes of this snow Leo full moon and how it is going to affect you let’s talk about how you can specifically connect to and work with this moon. In magical practices, under a Leo full moon we can focus our spells on things like self love, creativity, confidence, leadership, courage, and honoring your authenticity.

First, make sure to do all of your staples that your learned in the previous blog post on the full moon and the moon in general like, charging your crystals, making moon water, and resetting your altar. Make sure to make moon water this lunar cycle. Moon water is great for release work and can be used to help tame the flames of Leo to not burn to hot and burn you.

With this moon there are certain spells and rituals that will help connect you this moon in the most effective way. It’s a wonderful time for truth spells, shadow work, cord-cutting rituals, and clearing out those tasks you never quite seem to finish. Spells and rituals focused on creativity, authenticity, Finding your courage, enjoying the pleasure in life, Remember these are just some of the many ideas. Follow your intuition and the energy of this moon. Below is a more extensive list of ideas on how to connect to and work with the snow full moon in Leo.

  • self care rituals and things to build your self worth
  • Abundance spells-You can learn how to connect to abundance with my in depth guide here
  • Meditation and Visualization with the lion
  • release and heal wounds no longer serving you
  • Spells to increase courage, bravery, and strength
  • Perform solar magic
  • Heart Chakra Energy Work
  • Spend time with your mother and/or connect to maternal energy
  • Divination– Try divination associated with the element fire like fire gazing or ice with cryomancy.
  • Self reflection– You can do this through mirror magic. To learn more on how to do this you can read about it here
  • Cleansing
  • Candle magic
  • create a gratitude and joy list, read it out loud, then burn it in a fire for thanks
  • Ritual bath
  • Ask for the promotion into a leadership role you have been wanting at work
  • Get creative and express yourself with art in whatever modality sings to your soul
  • Connect with your inner child. To learn more about how to do this you can purchase my eBook HERE
  • Practice lunar magic
  • Protection magic and spells– To learn more about how to do protection magic you can watch part 1 and part 2 of my classes with Divination academy on YouTube
  • Burn Bay leaves with things you would like to release on them
  • Show how to lead from your heart space by volunteering in your community
  • add the Lion to your altar
  • Visit the winter woods to ground and connect to nature and keep your ego in check
  • snow magic or fire magic for release work
  • Work with the energy of the snake since it’s the year of the snake
  • Buy yourself a gift to love yourself, like flowers or chocolates
  • experience pleasure with orgasms’ in sex magic
  • Celebrate Lupercalia starting today
  • do a ritual bonfire release
  • Work with the lioness goddess of Egypt Sekhmet
  • Release unhealthy patterns and wounds related to your mother
  • Cast truth spells
  • Make a spell jar-to connect to the zodiac Leo. To learn how to make spell jars you can purchase my ebook here
  • Work with the element Fire in your magical workings and spells- You can learn more about how to do that here
  • Connect to the energy of February. You can read my extensive guide here
  • Make a simmer pot-clarity, warmth for the home, creativity, fun, courage, self love
  • Journal– focus on your self worth, creativity, clarity on your goals, leadership skills, situations or people you need to have courage with in your life
  • Dance, move your body, open your hips
  • Show off some of your creative piece of work to others
  • Speak up and use your own authentic voice
  • Go to a social event

Reflection questions and topics for snow full moon in Leo

During the Full Moon in Leo, your focus should be on assessing your self worth, Embracing your courage, igniting creativity, and stepping into leadership roles with conviction This is an ideal time to tune into your inner fire, and acknowledge any emotions that have been burning beneath the surface, and create a safe space for your inner child to feel heard. Whether you do it thru meditation, shadow work, or divination like tarot; below is a list of prompts and topics to connect with the energy of the snow full moon in Leo . If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here;  you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through DiviNation here.

  • What does having confidence look like, sound like, and feel like to you?
  • How is your relationship with confidence currently?
  • What would it feel like to trust myself more and doubt myself less?
  • Where in my life do I need to step forward and be seen?
  • How can I use my authentic voice to speak up for myself now?
  • What can I do to control my fire and not let it burn too hot and out of control?
  • What can I do to stay out of drama in my life?
  • How can I be a leader in my own story more?
  • How can I stoke my internal fire?
  • What area of my life needs the most growth?
  • How can I best set myself up for long-term success?
  • What passions have been rising in me and how can I feed the flame?
  • What makes me feel powerful? How can I get more of it in my life?
  • How do I align with my true heart’s desire daily in my life?
  • What is the snow moon bringing me clarity about in my life right now?
  • How do you feel frozen and stuck in life right now?
  • How are you going to unthaw the things that are frozen in your life right now?
  • What are my unique gifts and talents? How can I share them with the world?
  • What creative project do I need to focus on and finish right now?
  • What is holding me back from claiming my power?
  • How do I express myself in a way that is uniquely and creatively mine?
  • What activities and things bring me joy? How can I have more of them in my life?
  • Where in my life is my ego harming me?

Final thoughts

Remember this full Moon in Leo offers an opportunity to explore self-love and authentic expression. This full Moon is a powerful time for transformation. The full Moon in Leo illuminates anything that’s lowering your vibration, helping you identify thoughts, feelings, and words that may be blocking your manifestations. It carries the power to help you break free from anything that dims your light. Use this Leo energy to help you align more fully with your authentic self and highest potential. This full Moon in Leo tune into your heart’s wisdom. But don’t forget this is also the snow moon. That bright flame from Leo is also going to come with a bite of harsh, cold clarity and reality. The Snow Moon is a time to reflect on one’s innermost thoughts and feelings. It is said to bring clarity to emotional issues and provide insight into parts of ourselves that we frequently neglect or ignore. Taking the time to reflect deeply on our lives, relationships, and goals can help us make better decisions in the future and effect positive changes in our lives. This snow moon in Leo appears to help you clear away anything that no longer serves you and burn it all away.

In this new special 6 month shadow work program I will help you realign your inner world, discover all the versions of you in the shadows, and show you how to integrate your shadows into your own authentic identity. When you purchase and register for this 6 month course you will get pre-recorded lessons, eBooks, journal prompt workbooks, weekly guided sessions, ( with one week off for integration) one womb healing session, and access to a discord chat for all those who are taking the course with you. We begin the last Monday of February for orientation week and then session for courses start the first Monday of March! There will be limited spots so hurry and register today.

About Me : I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years. First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration, and re-enchantment of Magic in society, across this realm, and in each and every soul I come across in life! I am here to create a container that promotes healing, duality, and raw authenticity. I do this by guiding you on your personal journey to understanding your unique magic and sacred contracts. I facilitate this for you through embracing your shadow, duality and learning to live in energetic balance while not wearing a mask. When you work and learn from me you do so from your “darkness” as much as your “light” and in a way to truly harness and accept it not to just go thru it on the way to your light. But, I teach you how to truly embrace it, work with it, and use it alongside your light as a partner. I hold up a mirror for you to be able to see your authentic reflection looking back. Then have the courage to take the next step and do the uncomfortable but vital inner work to completely remove your mask. By facing all of your past wounds, traumas, and hurts. Allowing you to see both the dark and light within your story and take each chapter and alchemize it into something that is so powerful. your unique internal flame will shine so bright you will always be able to go within and find it on a dark cold night. You will learn how to truly live in duality and energetic balance to allow growth, and alignment with your sacred contracts and purposes. to finally move on and truly let the things that hold you back in this life from healing and manifesting go. To see everything I offer; like personalized shadow work sessions, womb healing, eBooks for you to work through on your own, Tarot sessions for guidance and more! Go to my shop!

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The gods and goddesses of Winter to work with as the snow falls and nature rests

As the snow begin to fall and the air becomes bitter and harshly cold, the festivals like, Yule, the new year, and Lupercalia it beckons us into it’s embrace of introspection, silence, and prepping for new beginnings to blossom in the Spring. During these festivals its common for many witches and pagans to work with and celebrate deities that connect to and represent the energies central to the introspective and transitional celebrations. I do! This season for me is a very feminine one. I hardly ever have gods and the divine masculine calling out to me now. This a season when I want to go into the womb of mother Earth. When the dark goddess and her healing, justice, empowerment, harsh clarity on reality, magic, and darkness beckons me to sit in her embrace. To listen to the past, root myself in introspection, and hear the healing whispers from my womb in the stillness and silence of winter. During this month a few deities take center stage because they have festivals or sacred days during this month to help you connect with them in a very intimate way. This season and it’s celebrations are full of magic, fertility, purification, introspection and there are many gods and goddesses who embody its transitional, silent, and restful energy. Winter season specifically the months of December, January, and February is a really important time in pagan culture and there are plenty of chilly gods and goddesses to work with or worship, depending on your practice, festivals, and celebrations. Let’s take a walk through the Winter landscape blanketed with snow and frozen waterways. To take the time to pause, reflect, and truly connect to the cyclical rhythm of nature while we meet SOME of those deities together in this post today.

Skaði (Skadi / Skathi) – Norse goddess

Skaði is a Norse goddess, often called the “Winter Queen,” associated with the mountains, hunting, skiing, and the wild, primarily known as a giantess (jötunn) who married the sea god Njörðr. Daughter of a fallen giant, Skadi walks the windswept mountains, a huntress sculpted from ice and legend. Her eyes, sharp as glaciers, scan the frozen realm. Bow in hand, she glides through the snow on swift skis, a predator born of the wilderness. Tales paint her as fierce, her spirit forged in the fires of vengeance and tempered by the unforgiving cold. She is mistress of the mountains, where the sun dances on glacial edges and the howl of the wolf echoes through empty valleys. But beneath the hardened exterior lies a yearning for connection. A goddess caught between two worlds – Asgard, home of the gods, and the wild embrace of the giants. Skadi’s place in Norse mythology is multifaceted and we see this as she is featured in stories with Odin, Loki, and Njordr among others. She’s even associated with snowshoes, and in later stories is said to have married Odin and bore him many children. She is the embodiment of both the untamed wild and a yearning for understanding. She is a warrior queen, a skilled hunter, and a goddess who walks the line between two worlds. Her story reminds us of the power of resilience in the face of loss, the importance of honoring our true nature, and the ever-present tension and duality between harmony and conflict.

Odin-Norse god

Odin is a Norse god who rules over wisdom, war, magic, and sovereignty. Odin is known by many many names. Wodan, Wotan, All Father, One-Eyed Seeker are but just a few. He is the ruler of the Aesir and steward of Asgard. In Germanic lore, it is said during Yule, which takes place during winter, he leads the Wild Hunt while being seated upon Sleipnirs back. This hunt is a spiritual parade of sorts that flies through the sky on Winter nights. Sometimes the Wild Hunt collects lost souls and sometimes a person joins the Wild Hunt in their sleep. In Nordic countries, the people gave sacrifices to Odin in the Winter months to ensure safety from them and prosperity. Including the children leaving hay in their boots by the hearth for Sleipnir to snack on as he flew by. Does this sound familiar to you at all? A white bearded old man, riding across the sky with a stead bringing blessings to those as he goes by? Many believe Odin is the actual inspiration for modern day Santa Claus? Check out my blog all about Santa HERE and decide for yourself.


Kuraokami is a legendary Japanese dragon and Shinto deity of rain and snow. The name Kuraokami translates to “Ravine Rain Serpent. Kuraokami is said to have been created from the blood of Kagutsuchi, the fire deity. In some versions of the myths surrounding Kuraokami, Watatsumi, and Mizuhanome, Izanami created them to tame Kagutsuchi’s fire if he ever got out of control.

Hestia– Greek goddess

The next deity I want to talk about I personally feel is overlooked far too often especially during the cold winter months. This season is the time of year that solidifies us in the bitter cold and harshness of nature. Which means we need warmth and heat for us to survive and thrive. Which is why I always feel pulled to her during this time. Especially living in Minnesota I need her to bless my hearth with continuous heat during the long winter months. Not only that, but she can make your home extra cozy during this month while you spend more quality time alone. Hestia is the sole attendant to the celestial hearth of the gods. As the goddess of the hearth, she personified the fire burning in the hearths of every home in Greece. On a very tangible level, Hestia rules the domain of fire. This means that she is directly responsible, at least according to the Greeks, for the fire, the stove, and the heat in your home. Honoring her during the winter season, when the harsh chill solidifies itself in our bones is a great idea right now. She will bless your hearth as she stokes and fuels the flames all winter long. Don’t forget all month long to present her and your hearth with the first offering sacrificed to keep those flames burning strong.

Boreas-Greek God
Boreas is the Greek God of the North wind, winter and ice. He’s also known as The Devouring One. He is the spirit of Winter and can be both violent and benevolent. Depending on the person and situation. The Greeks believed he came from the North, being the North Wind, and because of this was considered Thracian in origin. He is often depicted as a powerful, bearded man with wings, with two faces – one in front and one in back. He is the son of the Titan Astraeus and Eos, the goddess of the dawn, and brother to Zephyrus (the West Wind) and Notus (the South Wind). He is said to be the one who brings cold winter weather and is known for his violent temper, most famously abducting the Athenian princess Oreithyia to become his wife.


The next deity I am going to talk about is because she takes central stage during Imbolc the festival that marks the midwinter point. A Goddess in Irish tradition, Brigid is one of the most well-known because, she is the Goddess of fertility and spring. To many she is also known as the Great Mother Goddess of Ireland, and to Christians as a Saint Brigid. With this energy, Brigid brings the remembrance of our Oneness and of the Eternal Essence of the Divine Feminine. She is the daughter of the Celtic God Dagda, a Fae leader of the Tuatha dè Danann.She’s often depicted with fiery hair and a sunbeam cloak. She was born at sunrise with rays of sunlight radiating around her head. She is associated with many things; Poetry, Healing, Midwinter/Imbolc, Flames/fire, Fertility, and Motherhood.

Brigid is considered a Triple Goddess, yet many references distinguish Brigit differently than the traditional Triple Goddess aspects of Maiden, Mother and Crone. Rather Brigid is frequently referenced having three sister selves with three distinct roles, Lady of Healing Waters, Goddess of the Sacred Flame and Goddess of the Fertile Earth.


Cailleach stands as a prominent figure in Celtic mythology, embodying the essence of wisdom, transformation, and the cycles of nature. Her presence is deeply rooted in the folklore and traditions of Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man.. Since, the ancient Celts celebrated two seasons only, her reign bringing cold all over the land began on Samhain and ended with Ostara/spring when she handed it back to Brigid. On Imbolc which is the first of February, Cailleach, the Goddess of Winter, heads out into the world to gather firewood to keep her warm for the rest of winter. If the weather is bright and sunny, Cailleach is out gathering the wood and will be able to gather enough to make winter last a good bit longer. However, if the weather is bad and cold, Cailleach is still asleep and will soon run out of firewood, and spring will come sooner.

Cailleach is often depicted as a powerful, crone-like figure who embodies the harshness and stillness of winter. When she appears to me she also has a blue aurora about her, and her mythical staff in hand. This staff is said to have mystical powers for when she slams it on the ground winter will freeze all the land. She represents the embodiment of winter, sovereignty, and the primal forces of the natural world. As the guardian of the cold, she is said to control the storms, the winds, and the snow that blanket the earth during the winter months. She is a symbol of death and decay but also of transformation and the wisdom that comes with age and experience. While Brigid heralds the coming of spring and new life, Cailleach represents the slowing down and rest that winter brings, urging us to pause and reflect. On Imbolc, Cailleach’s presence is especially poignant as it marks the shift from the deep, inward-focused energies of winter toward the budding life of spring. Cailleach holds the power to either prolong winter or usher in the first signs of spring, depending on whether she decides to create a fierce storm or allow the warmth to return.

If you really want to learn more about her and read my personal experiences with her this winter come join the alchemist paid tier of the Patreon community or higher and get access to my anthology all about her.

Baba Yaga

The next goddess we have gives me a very similar energy and feel when I work with her as the goddess we just talked about above; Calileach. To modern witches and Slavic pagans, Baba Yaga is a witch goddess who lives deep in a birch forest moving from place to place among the trees in her hut she calls home on top of giant chicken legs. From time to time when she needs to gather more supplies you might catch a glimpse of her flying by up in the sky from her magical mortar and pestle. She’s a wild and untamed old woman, often seen as a hag or crone, but can transform herself into a beautiful woman to manipulate or trick someone if she desires. Baba Yaga is a goddess of wisdom, healing, transformation, death, rebirth, renewal and autumn/winter. When healing is needed, whether it’s from colds/flu or emotional healing, Baba Yaga can offer healing often in the form of herbal teas brewed by herself. Calling on her during this Winter season can lead you through the forest now frozen and blanketed in snow, to her skull fenced lined home. To peer into the darkness of her cauldron and gain the most ancient wisdom from the darkness of the cosmos that she guards. To learn more about her you can read my previous post here.


In Bohemia and Moravia, the goddess of winter, death and dreams is Morana, who covers the fields in a funeral shroud of ice and snow. She reigns from the winter solstice to the spring equinox. Then Vesna, the goddess of spring and rebirth, takes over. Morena is a Slavic goddess of winter, death, and rebirth. She is also known by many other names, including Marzanna, Mara, Morana, and Marena. She is feared as the bringer of its chill in most areas. This is only amplified by her connection to the Zmora/Mora/Kikimora – a demon of nightmares. She is sometimes pictured in a form similar to those demons.

The most popular myth involving her is that of her marriage with Jaryło/Yarilo/Gerovit – her twin brother and a spring, war, and agriculture god. It was said that she was a daughter of Perun, god of thunder, and Mokosz/Mokosh, the Great Mother. In this story, she was once a nature goddess. When she was young, Jaryło was stolen by the god Weles and taken to the underworld of Nawia/Nav. When he returned, the twins did not know they were related, so they fell in love and were married. This marriage between Morena’s nature and Jaryło’s agriculture brought balance in nature and also peace (temporarily) between Perun and Weles. But then Jaryło committed adultery. So, she killed him for his betrayal, turning her bitter and making her the winter deity we know today. This split is the reason for the seasons, as Morena kills Jaryło in autumn, and he along with a spring goddess (usually either Dziewanna or Żywia/Vesna) kills her in the spring. The cycle continues annually, and neither can exist for long while the other survives.

This story shows a bit of tragedy that is often lacking in many mythological stories. While Maorena is feared, she has a human element of desiring revenge and having her heart broken. An important note is that most gods in Slavic mythology had a fear and a worship element to them. Morena is feared for the death and disease she brings, but she is also a crucial part of the world’s cycle.

La befana

The next deity or as some call her a folklore legend we are going to talk about it la befana. She is a grandmotherly woman who resembles a kindly witch that is connected to Christmas. She brings gifts to good little children, depositing them in stockings hung above the hearth. Some even claim she sweeps the floor before she leaves as a symbol to sweep away the previous year’s problems. Even though she has roots all the way back to ancient Roman festivals, she is most well known for her role in Christian stories and legends. I personally believe this is because the church needed a much more acceptable and tamer version of the Germanic winter witch Berchta.

In Italian folklore and legend La befana delivers gifts to children throughout Italy on Epiphany Eve (the night of January 5) in a similar way to Santa Claus or the Three Magi. Another Christian legend takes a slightly darker tone as La Befana was an ordinary woman with a child whom she greatly loved. However, her child died, and her resulting grief maddened her. Upon hearing news of Jesus being born, she set out to see him, delusional that he was her son. She eventually met Jesus and presented him with gifts to make him happy. The infant Jesus was delighted, and he gave La Befana a gift in return; she would be the mother of every child in Italy.


This next deity comes to us from Inuit Mythology. In Inuit religious beliefs, Nanook (the Polar Bear) is the master of bears. He is the one who decides if a hunter is worthy of their kill and whether or not they will be successful. Revered for his strength and wisdom, Nanook symbolizes the profound connection between the Inuit and their natural environment. As a spiritual leader, Nanook not only embodies the qualities necessary for survival in this harsh terrain but also represents the delicate balance between humans and nature in Inuit belief. In Inuit mythology, Nanook is not just an individual deity but an integral part of the pantheon’s familial structure. Revered as a father figure, Nanook is said to have many cubs, each inheriting his strength and resilience. His companion, Sedna, goddess of the sea and marine life, complements Nanook’s domain over land and ice by ruling the ocean depths. Together, they embody the harmonious balance of the Arctic environment, where land and sea intertwine in a crucial interplay of survival and sustenance.

Nanook, a powerful deity in Inuit mythology, exerts profound influence over the Arctic environment through various domains. Known as the master of bears, Nanook controls the movements and availability of bears, crucial for successful hunts where hunters perform rituals and offerings to appease him. Beyond land, Nanook extends his sway over the Arctic seas, believed to calm or stir waters that affect the hunt for seals and walruses. Legends attribute Nanook with control over Arctic weather, where blizzards and storms are seen as expressions of his will or a test for hunters. In the realm of the afterlife, Nanook plays a role in Inuit beliefs, with the souls of hunted bears returning to him, potentially to be reborn or serve as spirit guides.


The next deity I am going to talk about many only consider her to be a folklore legend similar to La befena. While Krampus gets most of the attention during this time of the year as the terrifying side of the holiday season Pertcha is just as terrifying. If not more so in my eyes. In the Alps of Upper Germany, Austria, and Slovenia, you will find stories of Perchta, a goddess connected to Winter and snow. Sources say she has two different appearances: a beautiful woman as white as snow or as elderly and haggard woman. As the crone she is often depicted with a beaked nose made of iron, dressed in rags, perhaps carrying a cane, and generally resembles a decrepit old crone. But this old crone packs a mighty wallop…. and carries a long knife hidden under her skirt. She is said to roam the countryside during the twelve days between Christmas and Epiphany to enter the houses of those she encountered. If your house is neat and tidy and all your spinning for the winter season was done by the twelfth night she would leave you a silver coin. If it wasn’t well…there are many stories of what she would do to you some involving that knife under her skirt even. Some stories say she may slit your belly open, rip out your innards, and stuff you with straw, rocks, and bits of glass. She also disembowels lazy children. Other legends equate Frau Perchta with the legend of the Wild Hunt, and say that she flies through the night sky attended by an army of lost souls, including the demonic-looking Perchten, her army of servants who are visually nearly indistinguishable from Krampus.


Tengliu,is a Goddess of Snow in Chinese mythology. In Chinese mythology, Tengliu is the goddess of winter. She is said to live in the Kunlun Mountains, where she controls the weather. Tengliu first appeared in the Tang dynasty and later became a popular cultural figure in the Ming dynasty through the development in the Song dynasty. Other then her appearance in many songs throughout the Song dynasty not much else is really known about her.


Yuki-onna is a Japanese deity or really a spirit associated with winter and snowstorms. I say this because, she isn’t referenced too as a Kami but, instead usually as a yokai. She is also known as the snow woman. In some legends, Yuki-onna is a manifestation of winter, representing its harshness. Some legends say the Yuki-onna, being associated with winter and snowstorms, is the spirit of someone who perished in the snow. She is at the same time beautiful and serene, yet ruthless in killing unsuspecting mortals. In some stories, Yuki-onna is vengeful and freezes travelers with her icy breath. In other stories, she is kind and helps people in the mountains. She personifies the duality and contrast of Winter. Showing us the harness, bitterness, and coldness of the season. Along with highlighting the peacefulness, beauty, ands stillness of the season.


The last deity I am going to talk about I think far too many forget is connected to winter. I feel this happens because, too many forget Valentine’s day in February is right in the middle of Winter. In Greek mythology, Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty, and desire. She is also associated with sexuality, fertility, and pleasure. While best known as the goddess of love, she was also the ancient Greek goddess of fertility, physical pleasure (particularly sexual), eternal youth, grace, and beauty. Additionally, she played roles in commerce, war, and politics. Plus let’s not forget her crucial role, as one of the causes of the Trojan War. Her origins though, are shrouded in mystery. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, she emerged from the sea foam in the waters of Paphos, on the island of Cyprus, born from the severed genitals of Uranus. She supposedly arose from the foam when the Titan Cronus slew his father Uranus and threw his genitals into the sea. However, according to Homer, in Iliad, Aphrodite may instead be the daughter of Zeus and Dione.

Call on her this Winter season to work with the energy of love and deepening your connection to others. Don’t forget to reflect on your relationships as well and find love with those you can. Especially if you are forced into a situation just as she was. Remember, Aphrodite is about so much more than love, beauty and lust though. You can always call on her for those reasons but, Aphrodite is about the passion of creation. Which is why she can be called on for creative expression, and living your passion. She is a great goddess to use for self love, emotional balance and healing as well.

How to connect to and work with these deities

Everyone’s relationship with deities is different and we all work with and believe in them differently. You might believe in multiple gods and goddesses and work with them each as though they are close, personal friends. Or maybe you believe the gods are reflections of Universal energy and simply archetype energies that you can learn a lesson from. However you incorporate deities in your practice is up to you. But here are some ideas to get you started on ways to work with any or all of these deities of the Winter. Remember; it’s important to approach them with respect, reverence, gratitude and by building a relationship with them. Every time you work with a deity it is an even energetic exchange; which means what you put into your intention when working with them and building your relationship to them is what you get back. Don’t forget to check out my shop and for an eBook to help you explore how you view deities more and you can also purchase my deep deity devotionals workshop course HERE!

  • Research, study and read about who they are, where they come from, and their myths and legends
  • Refresh your altar and add any of them to it. Or create a new one. Use any of the correspondences connected to them that speak to you
  • Cast spells to help with personal transition or transformation allowing the deities of the transitional season to guide you through the process
  • Call on them to assist you with different types of divination like, tarot, pendulum readings, runes, fire scrying or cryomancy
  • Use their correspondences and energies in protection spells especially for ones for your home
  • Create a spell jar for them and add them to your altars or place them somewhere in your home
  • Shadow work focusing on inner work, the cold, resilience, strength, and resting.  If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here;  you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.
  • Invite them to your circle and castings when performing rituals tied to the cycles of nature
  • Include them in your celebrations for any festivals like Yule, the new year, Lupercalia, and Valentine’s day
  • Use snow and ice magic
  • Go on a mindful walk in nature to connect to the energies of the land the winter deities rule
  • Invoke their name when creating simmer pots to cleanse and purify your home from unwanted energies
  • Herbal magic-brew teas especially, or add herbs to your hot drinks
  • Carve their sigils into candles for fire magic for release work and to keep your home warm and your hearth lit during the cold dark winter months
  • Purification and cleansing rituals and spells using snow and ice
  • carving their sigils into the ice for binding and banishing spells
  • Make some rose water and use in your spells and leave as offerings for deities
  • Use oil with their correspondences and blessed with their prayers in self love rituals
  • Bake treats and add their sigils to them for love, family, and relationships
  • Give them offerings they enjoy for manifestation and building a relationship
  • Add their sigils and correspondences like herbs to spell bags, talismans, and charms
  • Leave them offerings of milk to connect to fertility, abundance, and prosperity during winter
  • carve their sigils into your fire wood before you burn it in your hearth to welcome them into your home and bring you blessings
  • invoke them during your commitment ceremonies
  • Draw their sigils on your mirror before doing mirror magic and/or mirror work
  • Use their prayers during sex magic rituals and spells
  • Ask them to join you on astral travels, meditations, and inner healing work sessions
  • Wear their colors during the day and use color magic to connect to them
  • Journal about signs you in your life during your days that are connected to them
  • Use their images as inspiration in glamor and beauty spells
  • Divination like fire gazing, snow scrying, melt snow and use the water in scrying, or Cryomancy
  • create Brigid’s crosses for Imbolc
  • Add their sigils, names, correspondences, and images to your holiday and festival celebrations
  • leave a plate and place for them at your festival dinners so they can join you
  • meditate as the snow falls and listen for their words of wisdom and them call to you
  • call to them in prayers to ignite and guide your creativity in creativity spells
  • Volunteer and serve at places in your community that align with deities you wish to work with this season
  • Use their sigils on your spells to help aid in your rest during winter
  • go on a shamanic journey with their animal companions to connect with them
  • invoke them, use their prayers, use their correspondences, or sigils to bless your magical tools
  • daily prayers, affirmations, poems, or songs to honor and venerate them
  • Live your life in accordance with their own personal philosophies and energies
  • Make them part of your new year goals and resolutions
  • If possible take a trip or spend your vacation at places sacred to them like their temples or countries of origin
  • add their images, symbols, and sigils to your gift wrappings or Valentine’s cards
  • wear jewelry with their image, symbol, name, or sigil on it
  • draw or tattoo their sigils onto your body
  • Perform a dedication rite or ritual to dedicate yourself to them during their season and most potent time of the year

A fundamental pillar of Paganism is working with the deities that one believes in. While all practicing Pagans have varying beliefs about the gods and goddesses, most agree that honoring their deities is a great way to connect with them and further their spiritual goals. But, again remember not every pagan works with deities. Also remember there are literally thousands of different deities out there in the multiverse and which ones you choose to honor will often depend significantly upon what pantheon your spiritual path follows. This eBook will walk you thru the different ways to view deities, what a deity can be, and the basics to start building a deep meaningful relationship with one.

In this new special 6 month shadow work program I will help you realign your inner world, discover all the versions of you in the shadows, and show you how to integrate your shadows into your own authentic identity. When you purchase and register for this 6 month course you will get pre-recorded lessons, eBooks, journal prompt workbooks, weekly guided sessions, ( with one week off for integration) one womb healing session, and access to a discord chat for all those who are taking the course with you. We begin the last Monday of February for orientation week and then session for courses start the first Monday of March! There will be limited spots so hurry and register today.

About Me : I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years. First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration, and re-enchantment of Magic in society, across this realm, and in each and every soul I come across in life! I am here to create a container that promotes healing, duality, and raw authenticity. I do this by guiding you on your personal journey to understanding your unique magic and sacred contracts. I facilitate this for you through embracing your shadow, duality and learning to live in energetic balance while not wearing a mask. When you work and learn from me you do so from your “darkness” as much as your “light” and in a way to truly harness and accept it not to just go thru it on the way to your light. But, I teach you how to truly embrace it, work with it, and use it alongside your light as a partner. I hold up a mirror for you to be able to see your authentic reflection looking back. Then have the courage to take the next step and do the uncomfortable but vital inner work to completely remove your mask. By facing all of your past wounds, traumas, and hurts. Allowing you to see both the dark and light within your story and take each chapter and alchemize it into something that is so powerful. your unique internal flame will shine so bright you will always be able to go within and find it on a dark cold night. You will learn how to truly live in duality and energetic balance to allow growth, and alignment with your sacred contracts and purposes. to finally move on and truly let the things that hold you back in this life from healing and manifesting go. To see everything I offer; like personalized shadow work sessions, womb healing, eBooks for you to work through on your own, Tarot sessions for guidance and more! Go to my shop!

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Working with the magic of February; Love, creation, and transition

The air is still cold, snow is covering the branches of the trees, and nature is still and quiet. Yet if we look closely around we will see hints of green starting to break through the white snow covered landscape. Every now and then the silence is interrupted by the flapping of wings and the chirping of birds beginning their mating dances for the coming spring season. This is the contrasting energy of February, a month marking the mid point of winter and the awakening of spring. February is often seen as a time of transition and preparation. As the last month of winter it signifies the final phase of introspection and hibernation before the arrival of spring. February is the month when we hunker down and use this time for deep inner work, reflection, and planning for the coming seasons with the hope of warmer days beginning to peak through the cold winter snow. Come with me in this blog post on a walk through the midwinter woods.

History of February

February is the second month of the year according to the modern Julian Calendar and the Gregorian Calendar and it is the shortest month of the year, having only 28 days in most of them and 29 days in a leap year. Prior to the Gregorian calendar being invented this was the 12th and final month of the year. since the calendar was more pagan by following the natural cycles of the two seasons and began in March. The name February comes from the ancient Roman Februarius. The name Februarius comes from Februa, meaning “to cleanse”.

What is a leap year?

It’s a day that comes around once every four years so of course there is going to be some boosted magical energy for us to harness for ourselves and our lives. Leap Year is a rare moment to step out of the ordinary flow of time. It’s an opportunity to recalibrate, reflect, and realign with the Earth’s natural cycles. With its extra day, Leap Year is a way of syncing our calendar with Earth’s orbit around the sun. It’s like the universe’s version of a time-out, giving us a moment to align more closely with celestial rhythms. Leap Year happens because our calendar year (365 days) is shorter than a solar year (about 365.24 days). Julius Caesar, back in 46 BCE, introduced the leap year as part of the new Julian calendar. Leap Year is a potent day for deep magic and transformation since it’s a day out of time, offering a powerful energy boost for spells and rituals. If you want a change in your life this year, then there’s no better time for doing spell work than on February 29th. If you want to read more about the magic of a leap year and how to use it, so you are ready for the next one in 2028; read my guide HERE

Zodiac signs for the month of February

Those born in January are said to be born under either the sign of the ethereal water bearer Aquarius or the sign of the two fishes Pisces.

Those under the sign Aquarius are typically born between January 20th and February 18th. Aquarius an air sign is represented by the water bearer bringing Earth it’s vital nutrients. Aquarius is said to be innovative, progressive, and revolutionary while spreading wisdom to the world. Aquarius has a vision for themselves and the world, and they’ll work towards it no matter what others say. They can be seen as resilient, holding onto their hopes and dreams long after others have given up.

Those under the sign Pisces are typically born between February 18th and March 20th. Pisces is, fittingly, a water sign, represented by the sign of the two fishes. They’re all known for being emotionally fluid, vacillating between feelings, and being very in tune with their feelings and those of others. Pisces are typically loyal, intuitive, and creative, and they are very sociable.

Sacred Days And Celebrations In February

Every Single month has sacred and important days and celebrations to help you connect to the energies of the month. Plus they usually are a lot of fun to take part in! Below you will find a list of the sacred days and celebrations for the month of February! The common themes you will find are love, passion, creation, romance, commitment, friendship, and self love. Also take note how this month has a lot of holiday energy packed into the shortest month of the year. But, first we are going to talk about a few that take centerstage during this month like the purification of Lupercalia, the love of Valentine’s day, and the awakening of creation with Imbolc!


First up, literally since the holiday takes place on the 1st and 2nd of the month is Imbolc. Imbolc is a sabbat on the Wiccan Wheel of the Year but, is originally an ancient Gaelic/Celtic holiday celebrating the first signs of Spring. At Imbolc, the Earth is beginning to wake up and we celebrate the approaching return of spring. We are through the harshest, longest, and darkest part of the winter. We begin to prepare ourselves to awaken from a hibernation and time of reflection. We begin to reach for the light again as we open our eyes, stretch our limbs, and prepare to leave our places of safety to venture out into the wilderness again. Imbolc is a time for cleansing, renewal, and planting the seeds — both literal and metaphorical — for what you want to grow in the year ahead. Imbolc is holiday all about reflecting on the promise of new life and the first signs of spring stirring within the earth. To learn more about this holiday, how you can celebrate it, and get FREE spells read my guide all about this holiday HERE!


Next up, we have one of my favorite ancient Roman holidays during the year Lupercalia. Lupercalia is a really fun festival all about purifying the city of Rome and bringing fertility to all it’s people. Which meant the celebrations tended to be a little more full of debauchery and sex. Which, is really my kind of holiday and it gives me big Saturnalia vibes, another one of my favorite ancient Roman holidays. Lupercalia is celebrated from February 14th to the 15th and predates Valentine’s Day by centuries which is why many think this is actually where Valentine’s day partly came from! During Lupercalia, every year, the ancient Romans would perform rituals and then throw parties all in the name of purification. To purify the city of Rome on this festival guaranteed a good crop, plenty of pregnant ladies, and overall good health and happy people for the whole city. If you want to learn about this festival and learn how they celebrated back than. Plus how you can celebrate it today; read my guide all about it HERE!

Valentine’s Day

Lastly, we have easily the most well known and popularly celebrated holiday for the month of February, especially in the United States; Valentine’s day. What is Valentine’s Day? St Valentine’s Day is an annual festival to celebrate romantic love, friendship and admiration. Every year on 14 February people celebrate this day by sending messages of love and affection to partners, family and friends. Historically Valentine’s day is tied to Saint Valentine. Saint Valentine was said to be a priest named Valentine who was imprisoned and beheaded by Roman Emperor Claudius II for assisting persecuted Christians and secretly marrying Christian couples in love. He even tired converting Claudius to Christianity while he was imprisoned. He was beheaded on February 14, which later became known as Valentine’s Day.  If you want to get 9 spells to make this Valentine’s day enchanting and magical check you my guide HERE!

Other sacred days and holidays:

  • Candlemas
  • Saint Brigid Day
  • Groundhog day (USA)
  • Valisblot
  • Presidents day (USA)
  • Black History month-This will always be black history month to me no matter what some executive order based in discrimination from our corrupt President signs.
  • Parentalia
  • Quirinalia
  • Equirria
  • Fornacalia

Magical and witchcraft themes of February

February is a month of reflection, purification, fertility, love, and transition from winter to spring in witchcraft, marked by celebrating the midwinter with Imbolc. February is associated with themes of love, fertility, and purification, with rituals and spells focused on attracting love, strengthening relationships, and cleansing negative energies. This month is a time to honor the growing light, embrace the energy of renewal, and plant the seeds of intention for the coming season. This month we can engage in rituals, spells, and meditations that reflect the themes of purification, creativity, fertility, love, transition, sex and aligning with the natural rhythms of the Earth.

Don’t forget to cast fire spells as well during this month to bring you heat and warmth during the cold winter months. As well as connecting you to the hope of brighter and warmer days soon to come. I love to perform fire magic via candles during this month to create a beacon of light and hope for my mental health during the darkest days ahead and to connect to candlemas that is celebrated this month.

This month we can perform rituals to bless seeds for the coming growing season, imbuing them with intentions for abundance, fertility, and growth. Lastly, if you live in a part of the world that freezes during the winter with frozen water ways and falling snow, binding and banishing magic can be extremely powerful and protective right now. Use the power of the alchemy in ice and snow to banish things from your life you need to let go, or to bind someone or something in place that no longer serves you in a wanted way. Check out more themes for this month and use them in your spells and rituals below.

The gods and goddesses of February

This month is a potent month to work with and honor deities associated with winter, spring, transitions, love, and fertility such as . This month is a good time to get to know the winter goddesses that rule this cold season as well as the goddesses that will help us welcome the blossoming spring soon. Some are associated with the dark goddess aspect as of the divine feminine as well. Allowing for a powerful portal to ancient wisdom and magical knowledge during this month as the snow still falls and spring begins to peak through its layers. Everyone works with and views deity energy a little differently. Whether you view them as archetypes of the human consciousness, representations of the source energy, or as being entities on their own, there are certain deities that now is the time to connect to and honor them in the most sacred and amplified way.( Don’t forget to grab my eBook in the shop to help you explore this)

This month for me is a very feminine month. When I want to go into the womb of mother Earth and allow her to wrap me up in the comfort that all of her love has to offer. To listen to the past, root myself in introspection, and hear the healing whispers from my womb in the stillness and silence of winter. But, it’s also a month to be reminded of the connections we have to those around us and bring us hope with the new light of spring just over the horizon. During this month a few deities take center stage because they have festivals or sacred days during this month to help you connect with them in a very intimate way. The deities that are going to be the best for you to connect to right now are deities connected to fertility, transitions, the winter, spring, love, and community. Below we will talk about some of the deities you can work with this month. I could never list them all here.


The first deity I am going to talk about takes central stage during Imbolc. A Goddess in Irish tradition, Brigid is one of the most well-known because, she is the Goddess of fertility and spring. To many she is also known as the Great Mother Goddess of Ireland, and to Christians as a Saint Brigid. With this energy, Brigid brings the remembrance of our Oneness and of the Eternal Essence of the Divine Feminine. She is the daughter of the Celtic God Dagda, a Fae leader of the Tuatha dè Danann.She’s often depicted with fiery hair and a sunbeam cloak. She was born at sunrise with rays of sunlight radiating around her head. She is associated with many things; Poetry, Healing, Midwinter/Imbolc, Flames/fire, Fertility, and Motherhood.

Brigid is considered a Triple Goddess, yet many references distinguish Brigit differently than the traditional Triple Goddess aspects of Maiden, Mother and Crone. Rather Brigid is frequently referenced having three sister selves with three distinct roles, Lady of Healing Waters, Goddess of the Sacred Flame and Goddess of the Fertile Earth.


On Imbolc which is the first of this month, Cailleach, the Goddess of Winter, heads out into the world to gather firewood to keep her warm for the rest of winter. If the weather is bright and sunny, Cailleach is out gathering the wood and will be able to gather enough to make winter last a good bit longer. However, if the weather is bad and cold, Cailleach is still asleep and will soon run out of firewood, and spring will come sooner.

Cailleach is often depicted as a powerful, crone-like figure who embodies the harshness and stillness of winter. When she appears to me she also has a blue aurora about her, and her mythical staff in hand. As the guardian of the cold, she is said to control the storms, the winds, and the snow that blanket the earth during the winter months. She is a symbol of death and decay but also of transformation and the wisdom that comes with age and experience. While Brigid heralds the coming of spring and new life, Cailleach represents the slowing down and rest that winter brings, urging us to pause and reflect. On Imbolc, Cailleach’s presence is especially poignant as it marks the shift from the deep, inward-focused energies of winter toward the budding life of spring. Cailleach holds the power to either prolong winter or usher in the first signs of spring, depending on whether she decides to create a fierce storm or allow the warmth to return.


In Greek mythology, Aphrodite is the goddess of love, beauty, and desire. She is also associated with sexuality, fertility, and pleasure. While best known as the goddess of love, she was also the ancient Greek goddess of fertility, physical pleasure (particularly sexual), eternal youth, grace, and beauty. Additionally, she played roles in commerce, war, and politics. Plus let’s not forget her crucial role, as one of the causes of the Trojan War. Her origins though, are shrouded in mystery. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, she emerged from the sea foam in the waters of Paphos, on the island of Cyprus, born from the severed genitals of Uranus. She supposedly arose from the foam when the Titan Cronus slew his father Uranus and threw his genitals into the sea. However, according to Homer, in Iliad, Aphrodite may instead be the daughter of Zeus and Dione.

Call on her this month to work with the energy of love and deepening your connection to others. Don’t forget to reflect on your relationships as well and find love with those you can. Especially if you are forced into a situation just as she was. Remember, Aphrodite is about so much more than love, beauty and lust though. You can always call on her for those reasons but, Aphrodite is about the passion of creation. Which is why she can be called on for creative expression, and living your passion. She is a great goddess to use for self love, emotional balance and healing as well.

Kuan Yin

Kuan Yin (also known as Guanyin or Avalokitesvara) is a Buddhist goddess of compassion and mercy. Kuan Yin’s name translates to “One Who Sees and Hears the Cry from the Human World” She is often depicted with multiple arms, holding symbols of compassion, and standing on a lotus pedestal. Kuan Yin is a protector of the vulnerable and a guide for those seeking spiritual awakening. She is an all-seeing, all-hearing being who is called upon by worshipers in times of uncertainty, despair, and fear. Her story is one that truly teaches us to love one another this month and the depth our compassion and empathy has the ability to go. You can read her story below.

Long ago in a Chinese state there was a king who had three daughters. He hoped to marry each one off to a suitable family but his youngest, Miao Shan, wanted to become a Buddhist nun to learn more about spirituality and bring salvation to the world. Disgusted by this, the king disowned her and sent her to live in exile. Years later the king fell very ill. A wandering monk came to his aid and told him the only way to save himself was to make and ingest a potion made from the eyes and arms of someone who gave them willingly. Unbeknownst to the king this monk was his youngest, Miao Shan, in transformation. After years of studying she had become a bodhisattva. Having heard of her father’s illness she morphed herself into the monk in order to share her wisdom. In her transformation she told the king to reach out to the bodhisattva of compassion who lived atop the mountain. She told him to send a messenger to plead for help.

At the top of the mountain, in her true form, she received the messenger. Despite knowing that his illness was a result of past sins she willingly gave him her eyes and arms as it was her filial duty to help her father. Back in the kingdom, once again disguised as the old monk, she made the potion and saved her father. The king, now saved, cried out in gratitude. The monk told him he ought to visit the mountain top and thank the person who saved him, and so he did. When he reached the temple atop the mountain he was deeply saddened to see his own daughter, who he had banished, without eyes and arms presiding over her hundreds of followers. He finally came to understand the suffering she must have undergone but instead of anger Miao Shan met him with benevolent love and urged him to follow the ways of Buddhism and live a life of compassion. Then, with a bright flash of light, she was transformed into the divine image of a bodhisattva with her eyes and arms restored.


Let’s talk about Juno next, although so many associate her with June I also like to use her this month as well. Because, of the energy of love all over this month. Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage, the family, and childbirth was a paramount figure embodying the sanctity and power of matrimonial union and the family. The Roman goddess Juno is among the first gods and goddesses of ancient Rome who is in charge of the women’s lives in the state. Juno’s symbol, which is a peacock, represents her watchful vigilance and her role as the protector of the community. It is assumed that the term “Juno” meant “the young one” because of her association as the goddess of the new and waxing moon. This celestial connection perhaps implying the idea of growth and beginnings, aligns with her domains.

Today, it is accepted that the Roman goddess Juno has the title “Regina” meaning Queen which gives her the title of the “Queen of the Gods.” Juno, being a multifaceted deity, was also the wife and sister of Jupiter, the King of all the Roman gods. She was often represented as the female counterpart to Mars the god of war, highlighting her influence in both the domestic and political spheres. Although the Roman goddess Juno had dominion over family, marriage, and childbirth, she is often depicted to be in a warlike stance, an illustration that is often favored upon by Roman soldiers.

Correspondences For The Month Of January

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for time of the year like a month, which I will list below for you to use. Remember this is just a start to the list for you. You can use any correspondences that connect the magical themes and energies of February. Just follow your intuition on what you choose to work with!

  • Planet-Venus
  • Animal- deer, goat, lambs, burrowing animals, groundhog, robin, wolf
  • Element- water and Air
  • colors-White, yellow, light blue, silver
  • Symbol-Candles, snowdrops, Brigid’s crosses, hearts, cupid,
  • Herbs- Lavender, rosemary, snowdrop, chamomile, primrose, honeysuckle, jasmine, nutmeg, cinnamon, oak moss, myrrh, Pine
  • Stones/ crystals-Amethyst, aquamarine, clear quartz, jasper, bloodstone, moss agate, onyx, aventurine
  • Deities-Sjofn, Mars, Juno, Brigid, Diana, Apollo, kuan yin, Demeter, Persephone, Cailleach
  • Zodiac- Aquarius and Pisces
  • Themes-Transition, renewal, fertility, purification, love, creativity, fire, introspection, awakening, growth, abundance, hope, Sex, planting seeds, midwinter, manifestation, protection, passion, Cleansing, community, friendship, self love, natural rhythms of the earth, opportunities, healing, family

How to connect to the magic of February

We’ve talked a lot about all the different types of energies the month of February has and gives us access to work with. So, how can you specifically connect to those energies? In your everyday life you can make sure your affirmations , intentions, and manifestations align with the energies of renewal, love, creativity, transition, community, and fertility in all areas of your life. Make sure to grab onto the energy of hope in the light of a flickering candles. As you let go of what no longer serves you and head into new beginnings with hope as springs begins to peak through. You can celebrate and honor any of the sacred days and holidays this month has like Imbolc, Lupercalia, and Valentine’s Day.

Some Rituals and spell workings during this time that will be really intensified will be based on releasing the old, clearing away unwanted energy from the past year, and welcoming in wanted energy and opportunities. Other spells that will have some significant meaning right now and help you connect to the energy of February should be centered around planting new seeds, fertility, and fostering loving relationships. This month is another month when you can really get some clear and transformative messages from your guides. As we are in a liminal time of transition siting in the middle of two seasons. You can do this through any means of divination you prefer but, fire gazing or Cryomancy ( snow and ice divination)are some to think about to align with the correspondences of this month.

February creates a very potent liminal pocket of time that is teeming with duality, balance, and the power of transition from one season to the next. It’s a month that really pulls us to go deep within ourselves in the darkness, stillness and silence for introspection, reflection, self awareness, and growth. Especially since it’s the last officially full month of the Winter Season. This makes it a great month to do any work on transformation, reflection and preparation for dark times through shadow work. Allowing the energy of the frozen winter in the last days of winter and in the glimmer of hope in spring just about to be blossoming. If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here. Plus don’t forget to head to the shop and register for my new course that is beginning at the end of this month!

  • Elemental magic with the element of Air or water
  • Shadow work based on transition, fertility, love, relationships, self love, community, renewal
  • Simmer pot for cleansing, renewal, removing unwanted energies
  • Transformation and transition spells and rituals
  • Herbal magic-brew teas especially, or add herbs to your hot drinks
  • Protection magic– most potent right now will be banishing and binding
  • Purification and cleansing rituals and spells using snow
  • Abundance and gratitude magic- one of my favorites this month is using drinks like hot chocolate and apple cider to call in abundance daily to my life
  • Candle magic- super potent this month!
  • Make some rose water and use in your spells and leave as offerings for deities
  • Bake treats and add sigils to them for love, family, and relationships
  • Set SMART goals and intentions for your manifestations for the coming spring
  • snow magic
  • glamor and beauty spells
  • Ritual bath for purification and self love
  • work with deities of fertility, love, and relationships
  • Divination like fire gazing, snow scrying, melt snow and use the water in scrying, Cryomancy
  • Create a spell jar for self love, to enhance your sex life, or for to attract a new relationship
  • love spells, or obsession spells
  • SEX MAGIC! Plus don’t forget to register for my event all about sex magic in the shop!
  • Get out in nature, feel the snow, the cold, and the frozen ground while listening to the silence all around. Then look around for the new signs of life springing up already around you
  • Make snow water
  • add a self love altar to your home
  • Write situations or people you want to cool off on a piece of paper and bury it in the snow
  • Create a freezer spell
  • Add ice to your ritual bath for added protection and purification
  • Make a snowman as protection ward for your property
  • Work with eggs in your fertility magic
  • Make snowballs and release things you need to let go when you throw them
  • draw sigils in snow and ice
  • create Brigid’s crosses
  • Relationship and communication spells will be extra potent this month and needed
  • meditate as the snow falls
  • make ice lanterns
  • Creativity spells
  • Mirror magic and mirror work
  • go on a shamnic journey with the deer or any of this month’s animals
  • work with the divine feminine during womb healing
  • Work with the snake in your workings and rituals since this whole year is the year of the snake
  • create an altar for the month
  • celebrate Lupercalia by adding some whipping to your love life
  • work with milk in your spells and rituals to honor the energy of Imbolc all month long
  • write love letters for those you care about in your life.
  • Clean off some graves that need some extra love this month and do some graveyard magic with them for comfort and community
  • plant literal seeds and start growing them indoors or in a greenhouse for the coming spring
  • self love spells, rituals, and self care activities
  • Volunteer in your community to those who need to feel loved like at a nursing home
  • perform a commitment ceremony
  • Knot Magic
  • Create and bless gifts like talismans and charms for your friends and family
  • Study and read myths about the gods and goddesses and their love stories and relationships

Don’t forget to check out 9 spells for Valentine’s day in my blog post HERE too!

Duality and the month of February

Since, I am a grey witch I look for the duality in every single energy I work with including sacred times like a month of the year like the one we are currently in, February. When we think about February I feel many often only see one side to this month. The one that is shoved in their faces by commercialism; the love, sex, and fertility aspects of this month with Valentine’s day. Plus we seem to really cling on to that hope of spring with the first signs of life Imbolc brings to our attention on the first of the month. While far too many forget about the coldness, harshness, and stillness that is surrounding us still with Winter. We may be at what we consider to be the mid point of Winter but, that doesn’t mean it will be pleasant and easy to finish out. Some of the biggest blizzards and harshest temperatures of the winter can happen in the month of February. Trust me I know this all to well living in Minnesota. Even now as I am writing this in February I am waiting for an ice storm, almost a foot of snow and below zero temps to hit me in the next few days. While February is a time that is focused on purification, fertility, and love, it’s also a time of darkness, harshness, and having to dig deep within ourselves to survive the last days of Winter.

Final thoughts

We talked about many things in this blogpost including the history, some celebrations, the different energies and magical themes we can work with during this month. Along with how to connect to those energies, deities we can honor and worship, and how to work with the magic of February. February is a uniquely magical time that invites everyone to plant the seeds for hopes with the first signs of spring. While also reminding us of the harshness of Winter sill surrounding us we have to be resilient and get through. Using this month as time to truly let go of what no longer serves us before spring fully emerges. February reminds us that even in the darkest nights, in the harshest conditions, and the coldest times we can still find hope and light. We can still look for new life fighting to break through the snow to survive. It’s the month that shows us the depth of our resilience and our willingness to thrive in harsh conditions. As the snow continues to fall and blankets nature February’s magic graces us with a dance of love, transition, and strength for the rest of winter’s harsh days.

In this new special 6 month shadow work program I will help you realign your inner world, discover all the versions of you in the shadows, and show you how to integrate your shadows into your own authentic identity. When you purchase and register for this 6 month course you will get pre-recorded lessons, eBooks, journal prompt workbooks, weekly guided sessions, ( with one week off for integration) one womb healing session, and access to a discord chat for all those who are taking the course with you. We begin the last Monday of February for orientation week and then session for courses start the first Monday of March! There will be limited spots so hurry and register today.

About Me : I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years. First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration, and re-enchantment of Magic in society, across this realm, and in each and every soul I come across in life! I am here to create a container that promotes healing, duality, and raw authenticity. I do this by guiding you on your personal journey to understanding your unique magic and sacred contracts. I facilitate this for you through embracing your shadow, duality and learning to live in energetic balance while not wearing a mask. When you work and learn from me you do so from your “darkness” as much as your “light” and in a way to truly harness and accept it not to just go thru it on the way to your light. But, I teach you how to truly embrace it, work with it, and use it alongside your light as a partner. I hold up a mirror for you to be able to see your authentic reflection looking back. Then have the courage to take the next step and do the uncomfortable but vital inner work to completely remove your mask. By facing all of your past wounds, traumas, and hurts. Allowing you to see both the dark and light within your story and take each chapter and alchemize it into something that is so powerful. your unique internal flame will shine so bright you will always be able to go within and find it on a dark cold night. You will learn how to truly live in duality and energetic balance to allow growth, and alignment with your sacred contracts and purposes. to finally move on and truly let the things that hold you back in this life from healing and manifesting go. To see everything I offer; like personalized shadow work sessions, womb healing, eBooks for you to work through on your own, Tarot sessions for guidance and more! Go to my shop!

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Money flow swiftly and thickly Abundance spell

In this day and age it seems we can’t escape those moments in life when we need a boost to our finances. Especially when we have a society where money is how we trade our goods and services now. Even if we don’t agree with the current system of money we still have to live inside of it. It isn’t always easy and sometimes we have an unexpected bill pop up, an emergency happen, or we simply just need to upgrade our current flow of money to meet the needs of our lives better. The spell I created below can help you do just that! This spell is meant to bring a thick flow of money you need into your life very swiftly. The last time I used this spell after creating it, it brought me exactly what I needed times three into my life and quicker then any other abundance spell I have ever used. Keep reading to learn how to cast this spell and get a thick flow of money into your life swiftly.

The basics of Abundance spells

Before we get into the spell work let’s first talk about abundance a bit, so you know how to use it and connect to it. When you hear the word abundance what do you right away think of? Most of us would immediately go to money and wealth. The word abundance simply means to have a lot of something. But, abundance also means so much more than that and influences every area of your life. Abundance is more than wealth. It’s a rich and full life. It means all of your needs are met and you have no wants. You not only have all your needs met but, you have more and the ability to pass on that abundance to those around you. Abundance is having your cup full and overflowing with each and every energy, thing, or desire you want and need. Abundance magic is all about increasing wealth in our lives. It’s important to remember that if you are working with abundance specifically to call in money, that money like magic, is a neutral tool, simply a form of energy. Your money mindset can have a big impact on the ease with which you attract money and material goods. There are lots of different spells that can help you call in money, but if deep down you believe that money is harmful in some way or that you are not worthy it will be hard for you to keep it for long. If you want to really go in depth on abundance and how to work with this energy check out my guide HERE!

Why cast this spell on a Thursday?

While you can always cast your spells whenever you really need them, I won’t gatekeep you on that. You can amplify the potency of your spells and increase the outcome of them. You do this by giving them a little extra oomph by casting them on the days that align with the energy you are working with based on the planets that rule and influence that day. The reason to cast this spell on Thursday is because, Thursday is a day ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is drenched in masculine energy and is all about the practical aspects of your life. This day is all about connecting to the energy of finances, legal matters, success, wealth and fame. This day is about big energy connecting you to the actions you need to take to meet your goal. This energy is all about thriving and is one of the best days and times to work the energy of abundance, prosperity, and wealth! If you want to learn more about the energy of Thursday and how to work with it you can read my guide about it HERE!

What you will need

  • Fire safe bowl
  • Rice
  • Cinnamon
  • 3 Bay leaves
  • Pumpkin seeds ( you can swap these out for a symbol of abundance that aligns with the current season For winter I would use pinecones or I would use peppermint)
  • Sugar
  • 7 coins
  • 3 bills
  • Candle

How to perform

Get into a sacred container while visualizing money flowing to your bank account easily and quickly.
Fill your bowl with rice
Next, add cinnamon for abundance and wealth
Take you bay leaves and on each one write a dollar amount you would like to receive and then add them to the bowl for money flow
Then add sugar to speed up the spell and sweeten the outcome
Add pumpkin seeds for abundance from the fall harvest OR your seasonal item that represents abundance
Next take your coins and add them connecting you to the physical money you will receive
Then, take your bills and fold them in towards you, calling the energy of abundance and wealth from your physical money to you while you recite the spell in the video above, then add your bills to your bowl.
Next, light your candle while envisioning that dollar written on your bay leaves coming to your bank account easily and quickly then recite the spell below three times as it is lit.

“Money flow quickly
Money flow easy
Every dime I spend
Back in my pockets, make it times three
Money flow thickly
Money flow swiftly
For the good of all
And harm to no one
It’s on its way to me
I am protected
I am connected
I am at peace
My bank account happy”

Place it on your altar and let your candle burn until it dies out on its own.
Come back to this spell once a day and recite this spell again three times as you light the candle again ( depending on size chosen you made to replace it) for the next 7 days until next Thursday and watch your money come to your bank account easily and swiftly.

As always Happy Casting and make sure your intention is set clearly before you cast and you feel worthy of the money coming into your life now swiftly and thickly!

Don’t forget to head over to my shop and register for my Valentines day sex magic event as well; Essence of the sacred dance. When you register for this event you will learn; Sex magic techniques to increase pleasure, create more presence in the moment, manifest your desires through organisms, and strengthen your connection through timeless intimacy! Let me show you how something as simple as the right energy, intention, and breathing technique with your blowjobs can heal years of trauma for your partner even! Plus you will leave with an eBook full of sex magic spells you can do on your own and journal prompts to help unlock more of your sexual prowess, desires, and release blockages holding you back in bed.

If you have ever wanted to learn how to make sex apart of your magic and spiritual life this event is for you! We begin at 6:30pm CST- 8:30pm CST on Wednesday February 11th in google meet. To register for this event purchase today!

About Me : I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years. First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration, and re-enchantment of Magic in society, across this realm, and in each and every soul I come across in life! I am here to create a container that promotes healing, duality, and raw authenticity. I do this by guiding you on your personal journey to understanding your unique magic and sacred contracts. I facilitate this for you through embracing your shadow, duality and learning to live in energetic balance while not wearing a mask. When you work and learn from me you do so from your “darkness” as much as your “light” and in a way to truly harness and accept it not to just go thru it on the way to your light. But, I teach you how to truly embrace it, work with it, and use it alongside your light as a partner. I hold up a mirror for you to be able to see your authentic reflection looking back. Then have the courage to take the next step and do the uncomfortable but vital inner work to completely remove your mask. By facing all of your past wounds, traumas, and hurts. Allowing you to see both the dark and light within your story and take each chapter and alchemize it into something that is so powerful. your unique internal flame will shine so bright you will always be able to go within and find it on a dark cold night. You will learn how to truly live in duality and energetic balance to allow growth, and alignment with your sacred contracts and purposes. to finally move on and truly let the things that hold you back in this life from healing and manifesting go. To see everything I offer; like personalized shadow work sessions, womb healing, eBooks for you to work through on your own, Tarot sessions for guidance and more! Go to my shop!

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9 spells for an enchanting and magical Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and whether you’re celebrating with a partner, friends, or basking in your own radiant self-love, why not add a touch of magic to the mix? A witchy twist can transform this love-filled day into something truly enchanting, where your intentions amplify the energy of love, connection, and passion. Let’s step beyond the ordinary chocolates and roses and dive into the mystical realm. Whether you’re casting love spells, creating sacred spaces, or brewing magical potions, this guide will help you add magic to your Valentine’s day to make more enchanting, full of love, and passionate.

What is Valentines day?

What is Valentine’s Day? St Valentine’s Day is an annual festival to celebrate romantic love, friendship and admiration. Every year on 14 February people celebrate this day by sending messages of love and affection to partners, family and friends. Historically Valentine’s day is tied to Saint Valentine. Saint Valentine was said to be a priest named Valentine who was imprisoned and beheaded by Roman Emperor Claudius II for assisting persecuted Christians and secretly marrying Christian couples in love. He even tired converting Claudius to Christianity while he was imprisoned. He was beheaded on February 14, which later became known as Valentine’s Day. To learn more about this Romantic holiday about love, passion, sex, and commitment check out my guide about it and Lupercalia HERE.

First a bit about ethics

Because, we are talking about love spells and sex magic I feel before we dive into the spells I have created here we have to talk a bit about it. Some people will tell you to never do a love spell. They will tell you that it is a manipulation to create a relationship with this magic. They will say it is taking away someone else’s free will. That very well could be. But, the way I see it is these kind of spells are there to amplify and assist, and direct energy and feelings that already exist and are there. We cannot create something out of nothing. That is universal energetic law. So, is it really taking away someone else free will or simply speeding up something that would have already happened? I won’t tell what to do. It is up to sit with these thoughts an sit in reflection and decide for yourself what you think. It is up to you to follow your intuition and decide if these types of spells will be apart of your practice.

Attraction love spell

Valentine’s day is a holiday all about honoring love, romance, and commitment. This makes it one of the best times to cast a love spell. Particularly one to attract your ideal partner and love of your life. Try this love spell today to attract that special someone you have had your eye on into your life. Keep in mind this is not meant for someone in a relationship already, this is not a break up spell.

What you will need:
A rosebud or entire rose flower
Two pieces of paper
A pink candle

How to perform:
Light your candle and on either side of it place two pieces of paper, one with your name and the other with that of the person you are attracting Chant the spell below:
“You and I will be one, in love and unity. Venus, goddess of love, listens to my plee. Let this love come to me. My heart is waiting to be loved by you (name of the person you are attracting) and with my soul dear Venus, I thank you.”
Repeat the spell 3 more times while you visualize your future partner running towards you, imagine them hugging you and telling you “I will love you forever.”
Let the candle burn while you take the papers and either wrap your rosebud in them or close the papers inside your flower petals. Than take them and bury them in the earth. As you do Recite “ From now on you and I will be united in Love as deep as the Earth.”
Once done blow out your candle and place it on your altar. For the next 3 days light it to feed the spell.
Happy Casting!

Self love mirror work spell

Since, Valentine’s day is associated with Venus it is a day to wrap you up in the embracing comfort and cloud of love. The energy of this days invites you to retreat into warmth, love, and compassion this holiday and energy focuses on.
Today is one of my favorite days to put aside the shadow work, to put away the reflection, to put away working with the darkness and I focus on the love and light. This spell below, which is really more of a ritual is based on mirror work and using my favorite magical tool of all a mirror.
Use the energy of this day and the amplification and clarity of a mirror to allow you to see yourself for the magical, worthy, and sovereign being that you are. Allow yourself to fall deeply in love with yourself as you gaze into the reflection of your own eyes with the energy of Venus and love as your guide.PS. if you need to learn more about how to use a mirror as a magical tool you can read my guide HERE.

How to perform:

Grab a pink candle and a mirror, find a quiet space, light the candle, Take some deep breaths while you pick up the mirror and begin to meditate on the energy of love, and the color pink, Once you feel centered in that energy and full of love for yourself. Take a deep long look into your mirror and recite self love mantras and affirmations as you make eye contact with yourself. Do this until you feel like you are totally and completely in love with the worthy sovereign, and magical being that you are.

Spell to enhance sex

Since Valentine’s day is a day all about passion, and love today is a great day to spice up your sex life by enhancing your sexual pleasure, experience and connection with your partner. Check out this spell and perform tonight for a much more enhanced and pleasurable sexual experience! Trust me it works! PS. if you want to learn more about sex magic you can watch my free class on YouTube with DiviNation Academy HERE!

How to perform:
Carve your name and your partners name into your red candle
Anoint your candle with honey while thinking of all the passion, desire, and freedom you want to experience in your sex life.
Take your anointed candle and roll it in your cinnamon and sugar again visualizing all the passion, desire, freedom and climaxing you want to experience with your partner.
Be as specific as possible.
Light your candle during your next sex session together to ignite your passions and let it burn until it goes out on it’s own.
Happy Orgasms!

With Valentine’s day being a day all about love and relationships this makes it a great day to do some magic to help promote a healthy and loving relationship. Try making this spell bag today and place it under the bed you share or carry around on you to help fill your space and relationship with the loving energy to create a healthy relationship. Don’t forget to still communicate, grow, and experience life together as well!
Happy Casting!

Valentine’s day makes tonight a great time to cast some sex magic for an even more pleasurable and explosive experience. Trust me I personally know the effects this magic can have! The spell I created below is all about creating a very pleasurable and explosive sexual experience! Enjoy!

What you will need:
Two red candles
and red ribbon
A photo of you and a photo of your sexual partner
Herb blend:
Basil, catnip, lavender, cinnamon, rose petals, hibiscus

How to perform this spell:
Start by meditating and think intensely about making love with the person you want, if you want added magic you can masterbate as well. Next take the two candles and roll and/or anoint them with honey. Once they are covered in honey roll them in the herb blend.

Next recite” love and lust, I ask you to listen to my request to have (name of your loved one) by my side (your name).
ask you to be with my beloved and to light a fire between us. Ignite the spark. Let lust and passion drive our story and our relationship”.

For added magic you can add a deity of love, passion or lust to the spell as well.
Then take the ribbon and join the candles together with your photos, With the candles still burning repeat the magic spell again. At the end of the spell, let the candles burn out completely, then call your partner and let the explosive magic begin!
Happy casting!

Love and harmony spell

This simple spell works beautifully for couples or individuals seeking to enhance harmony and connection. This is because when we focus on harmony within our relationships we can experience a deeper Valentine’s Day by creating more peace and understanding.

What you will need:

Two pink candles (for love and harmony)
A piece of paper and pen
A few dried rose petals

How to perform:

As always get yourself into sacred container however works best for you. But, make sure you are creating a container focused on the energy of love, harmony, and peaceful connection between you and your partner. Write down your intention on the paper. For example, “I invite harmony, passion, and understanding into my relationship” or “I open myself to love that is true and fulfilling.”
Place the rose petals on the paper, fold it, and place it between the two candles. Light the candles and focus on your intention. Visualize the flame as a beacon of love, radiating positivity into your life. Let the candles burn for 10 minutes, then snuff them out (never blow them out). Keep the folded paper somewhere special.

Make Rose Water

The rose is one of my favorite witchy plants, to work with mainly due to it being so versatile. The rose really is one of those magical plants that can be used in so many ways a lot like some of my other favorites bay leaves and cinnamon. Plus, I love that I don’t have to waste any part of this plant! You can use all of it from the petals, rosehips, rosebuds, the thorns, and the stems. Roses petals have soo many magical properties as well including: beauty, love, passion, lust, peace, purification, loving memories, harmony in the household, divination, ancestral work, funerary rites and healing ! (keep in mind, these will vary depending on the COLOR of the rose too!) Which is why they are the perfect plant to work with on Valentines day! One of my favorite ways to work with them is to create some rose water.

So, what is rose water? It really is what it sounds like water infused with the magical and medicinal properties of roses into it. Rose water is commonly used in witchcraft for various purposes due to its associations with love, healing, and purification like we talked about above. It will add a magical, potent, and loving boost to any spell that calls for water.

Before you make your rose water you need to decide what color rose petals you want to use. Each color of petals will have its own unique energy it infuses into your rose water. Check out below a list of what I find to be the most commonly accepted meaning for each color. Keep in mind it will differ from person to person and culture to culture. So, as I always say follow our intuition and use what works best for you. Don’t take this as an end all or be all.

  • red-True Love, Beauty, and Mourning
  • purple-New Love & Magic
  • pink-Grace and Self Love
  • white-Purity, Youth, and Secret Love
  • yellow-Friendship and Happiness
  • orange-Creativity and Enthusiasm
  • black-Death and Beauty
  • blue-Attaining the Impossible and Healing
  • peach-Closing Deals and Appreciation
  • lavender-enchantment, splendor, wonder, and mystery
  • green- strength and fertility

Valentine’s day Rose petal love spell

Next up, we have another really simple and easy spell using the rose again. I like this one a lot as well because of the emotional connection to water it creates and provides. All you will need for this are some rose petals and a source of running water either a river or a sink will work. Ps. if you want to learn more about the element of water you can read guide HERE.

Step 1- start by visualizing your ideal partner and relationship
Step 2- Take the rose petals and release them into your source of running water while doing this state “As these rose petals move thru the water so my ideal partner and relationship will come to me.”
step 3- Repeat at least 2 times while you visualize and watch the element bring your ideal partner and relationship to you

Create a self love altar

Valentine’s day is a day that is all about the energy of love. This includes one of the most important types of love; self love. Self love opens us up to healing, growth, self worth, mental stability, and so much more! A great way to do some self love magic is to create a self love altar .You can see how to make one below! Ps. if you need to learn more about how to create an altar in general you can watch my YouTube class with DiviNation Academy HERE.

Final Thoughts

Valentine’s Day is a reminder of the magic of love; not just the romantic kind, but the love that connects us to ourselves, our friends, and the universe. The magic of Valentine’s Day is the idea that it’s a time to share love and create special experiences with loved ones. It’s a day to spread joy and kindness. To also increase your passion through potent orgasms with one another leading to reinforced commitment. Valentine’s Day is a time to reflect on our spiritual connection with one another. On this day we can focus on the ways we can help and support each other, both emotionally and spiritually. But, don’t forget to also promote love for your self and build up some self worth as well.

Don’t forget to head over to my shop and register for my Valentines day sex magic event as well; Essence of the sacred dance. When you register for this event you will learn; Sex magic techniques to increase pleasure, create more presence in the moment, manifest your desires through organisms, and strengthen your connection through timeless intimacy! Let me show you how something as simple as the right energy, intention, and breathing technique with your blowjobs can heal years of trauma for your partner even! Plus you will leave with an eBook full of sex magic spells you can do on your own and journal prompts to help unlock more of your sexual prowess, desires, and release blockages holding you back in bed.

If you have ever wanted to learn how to make sex apart of your magic and spiritual life this event is for you! We begin at 6:30pm CST- 8:30pm CST on Wednesday February 11th in google meet. To register for this event purchase today!

About Me : I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years. First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration, and re-enchantment of Magic in society, across this realm, and in each and every soul I come across in life! I am here to create a container that promotes healing, duality, and raw authenticity. I do this by guiding you on your personal journey to understanding your unique magic and sacred contracts. I facilitate this for you through embracing your shadow, duality and learning to live in energetic balance while not wearing a mask. When you work and learn from me you do so from your “darkness” as much as your “light” and in a way to truly harness and accept it not to just go thru it on the way to your light. But, I teach you how to truly embrace it, work with it, and use it alongside your light as a partner. I hold up a mirror for you to be able to see your authentic reflection looking back. Then have the courage to take the next step and do the uncomfortable but vital inner work to completely remove your mask. By facing all of your past wounds, traumas, and hurts. Allowing you to see both the dark and light within your story and take each chapter and alchemize it into something that is so powerful. your unique internal flame will shine so bright you will always be able to go within and find it on a dark cold night. You will learn how to truly live in duality and energetic balance to allow growth, and alignment with your sacred contracts and purposes. to finally move on and truly let the things that hold you back in this life from healing and manifesting go. To see everything I offer; like personalized shadow work sessions, womb healing, eBooks for you to work through on your own, Tarot sessions for guidance and more! Go to my shop!

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A week of spell jar spells

Spell jars! I love spell jars! They are some of my favorite types of spells to create and cast especially when I don’t have time to sit down and create a spell for the specific situation. Spell jars are versatile not only in the intention you can put behind them but, also in the ingredients you can put inside of them. Over the last year I have created soo many spell jars for all of you I have decided to take some of my favorite ones and put them together in a guide for you to use in one week to evolve your life in many different ways and areas.

First what is a spell jar?

Spell Jars are quite a piece of art if you ask me. It is an artistic magical bottle, made by a practicing witch and charged for a specific purpose. Spell jars are a form of ‘container magic,’ where the jar acts as a vessel to hold and amplify the energy of the ingredients. They are often kept in a sacred space or carried around for ongoing magical support. Spell jars can have numerous purposes: protective, attracting, banishing, and cursing. Depending on the ingredients, spell/intent and ritual, the jar can amplify your artistic and magical powers and skills. It can transform unwanted energy into wanted. Finally, they can be done to improve your financial or career situation and strengthen your health. To unseal more knowledge about spell jars; like the history, how to use them, and how to create them the most affective way grab my eBook all about it here!


Monday is connected to the moon. This connection makes it the perfect day to connect to our intuition, our emotions, and our psyche. With this day being connected to the moon it is also deeply connected to your divine feminine energy. To learn more about the magic that rules this day read my guide about it here.

Since, Monday is ruled by the moon which makes it a day all about connecting to our emotions and inner healing. Make this spell jar tonight to the healing emotional energy of the moon. This spell jar is ideal for those who need to heal emotional wounds and trauma by banishing the past, letting it go and providing you with fresh new beginnings to heal.

If you are like me and have ever had issues with going to sleep whether it be for mental health reasons, physical reasons or simply being wired that way. We all need sleep some time to recharge our batteries and let our brain and body get some rest. Check out this spell jar for sweet dreams to help you sleep peacefully the rest of the week. This is an extra potent day to make one of these as well since Monday is ruled by the moon the keeper of the dreamscape!



Since, Tuesday is ruled by the planet Mars which is all about connecting to passion. That includes passion for ourselves. That passion leads to self confidence and personal power. We can use this passion for yourself the rest of the week to stand in our own power, to know our worth, and use our motivation to meet our goals. One spell we can do to harness this passion and personal power is creating a spell jar you can add to your altar or anywhere in your home.

Since Tuesday is a day about passion, tonight is a very potent night to amplify, enhance, and recharge your sex life with your partner! Check out this spell jar to enhance the passion between you and your partner tonight! Place it in your room near you bed, or wherever it is you like to have sex in your home! If you want to learn more about sex magic you can check out my class on YouTube with DiviNation Academy Here.


Wednesday is connected to the planet mercury. Which makes it a day centered around communication. All forms of communication from thought, speech, writing, networking, looking for information, divination, and communication thru art. This day also can be great to use for luck, good fortune, travel and wisdom. This day is the perfect day to network, to advertise for your business and to start working on some new ideas you want to get out into the world. If you love to study, write, and read today is the day to hunker down and get it all done! To learn more about the magic that rules this day read my guide about it HERE!

Check out this Focus study spell jar on Wednesday! Make this spell jar to help you study for a test or for a personal study and research session. Place this spell jar on your desk where you study or at your altar. This Jar is recommended to work for one topic or test and if possible try to create a week before the test!

With Wednesday being ruled by Mercury it is also a day all about health and wellness. Since, Mercury is associated with good health because, it governs communication, intellect, and the nervous system, which are considered crucial for overall well-being this is a great day to cast spells for health. Create this good health spell jar and place it on your altar, your bathroom or your kitchen to promote good health and well being in your life this week.


Thursday is a day ruled by Jupiter, masculine energy and is all about the practical aspects of your life. This day is all about connecting to the energy of finances, legal matters, success, wealth and fame. This day is about big energy connecting you to the actions you need to take to meet your goal. This energy is all about thriving and is one of the best days and times to work the energy of abundance, prosperity, and wealth! To learn more about the magic that rules this day read my guide about it HERE.

Since, Thursday is a day ruled by Jupiter, masculine energy and is all about the practical aspects of your life. This day is all about connecting to the energy of finances, legal matters, success, wealth and fame. This day is about big energy connecting you to the actions you need to take to meet your goal. This energy is all about thriving and is one of the best days and times to work the energy of abundance, prosperity, and wealth! Make this abundance spell jar today to bring a major money flow to your life!

With Thursday being associated with Jupiter and all about the practical aspects of life it is deeply tied to our finances and financial matters don’t forget to make a spell jar for your business and business endeavors. I like to place mine in my office space where I work or near my prosperity bowl for my business. Don’t forget with this one to go back and charge it before you start work for the day, before you launch a new product, or when you feel like you just need a little boost in your money flow immediately.


Friday is the day connected to the planet Venus and is all about wrapping you up in the embrace and energy of love. This day is perfect for focusing on your love life in a romantic sense and your friendships this day is very social. This day connects you to your most powerful love of all, self love. The energy of this days invites you to retreat into warmth, love, and compassion at the end of the work week. Making it the perfect time to relax and recharge. Whether that is with self love altars, spells, rituals baths, or beauty and glamor magic do what is calling to you. Use the energy of Friday to connect you to all that love can open for you. To learn more about the magic that rules this day read my guide about it HERE!

Relationships will have ups and downs, it’s the natural rhythm of love, growth, and living together. From time to time we need a little extra help to reconnect to one another in a loving, healthy, and communicative way. Create this spell jar today to help kickstart the rekindling, and rebuilding of a loving relationship. To help anchor the both of you back into the core of your relationship; and the love you have for one another. This spell jar has ingredients to promote love, compassion, sex, clear communication, and to sweeten you up towards one another. For extra potency create this spell jar on a Friday night to connect to the energy of Venus and love!

Since Friday is connected to Venus and the energy of love it is one of the most potent days to soak in some self love! Check out this self love spell jar you can create today! Once created place it in a central room of your house to promote self love, in your bedroom, or on your altar.


This day of the week got it’s name from the god of karma and time, Saturn and therefore is associated with this planet. This planet connects us to Capricorn as well. This day connects us to some very potent, protective, intuitive and intelligent energy. This day is great for all kinds of protection, meditation, self discipline, and expanding your wisdom. To learn more about the magic that rules this day read my guide about it HERE!

Saturday is ruled by the planet Saturn which makes a great day to do any spells associated with boundaries and protection! One type of spell you can do is a freezer spell. The freezer spell for enemies serves as a means of protection. Furthermore, a self-defense against individuals who may wish harm or ill-will upon you. Whether dealing with a personal rival, a workplace adversary, or even a malevolent force, this spell jar can help create a barrier between you and the unwanted they represent and bring into your life. By literally “putting them on ice,” you regain a sense of control and agency over your circumstances.

How to perform:
Get into sacred space. On a piece of paper, write the name of your enemy or a brief description of the situation you wish to freeze. Place the paper inside the container wrapped around one of the lemon halves, along with the basil, garlic, and pepper flakes. Visualize your desired outcome as you do so, focusing on the sense of liberation and protection you seek. Fill the container with water, covering the contents completely. As you do, envision the unwanted person or issue being sealed away and rendered powerless. visualize them or it being literally frozen in its tracks. Seal the container tightly and place it in the freezer. Come back to the spell once a week to charge it.
Happy Casting!

Ps. If you need to learn more about how to cast a freezer spell jar in general I do go over it more in depth in this blogpost.

Since Saturday is ruled by the planet Saturn it is dripping in energy all about protection and karma. Which makes today one of the most potent days to do any form of protection magic from warding, binding, cleansing, and banishing! Try out this spell jar to help banish unwanted energy from your life and home. Once this jar is created I like to place this one outside my front door. I at times have even made four more and placed them at the cardinal points of direction ( North, South, East, and West ) around my home. Otherwise you can also place it under our bed or at your altar. Ps. If you want to learn more about baneful magic, or protection magic follow the links to watch my classes on YouTube with DiviNation Academy.


Sunday is all about the energy from the sun. The sun is the vital life energy. It is the representation and connection to your ego, identity and the dominates traits of your personality both your strengths and your weaknesses. Due to this Sunday becomes the perfect day to focus on who you truly are and harnessing the vital energy of life to actively shape your life to be the brightest shining success it can be. To learn more about the magic that rules this day read my guide about it HERE!

With Sunday being ruled by the planet of the Sun it is a day all about connecting us to the energy of joy, happiness, confidence, and self worth. Why not take the time to create this spell jar to attract joy to you, your life, and your home today to help you connect to the energy of this day and the vibrant and lively sun.

Sunday is a day full of energy and vitality, that can be all about prepping and planning for the week. so why not take that vitality and light and direct it inwards and too boost your self confidence today?! Self confidence is a super power once you start to believe in yourself the magic starts happening! Make this self confidence spell jar today!

Bonus spell jar

We all need protection in our lives from the energies that we come in contact with each and every day. But, empaths need to make sure they are protecting their energies a little more. They have a natural ability to take in and absorb the energies and emotions of others around them which can lead to overwhelm, feeling drained, and having a hard time deciphering the difference between your emotions and others. Try creating this spell jar to help protect yourself from others’ energies and emotions if your an empath for the week ahead. Place this jar on your altar or the room in your home you spend the most time in or are around others the most in. Don’t forget to go back and feed your spell jar as well!

Spell jars might look simple, but the magic they hold is powerful. And they’ve never been more popular in the world of magic and witchcraft. Spell jars have been a part of various spiritual practices for centuries. They serve as a powerful tool for manifesting intentions and desires. Whether you’re new to the world of spell jars or a seasoned practitioner, this eBook aims to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of what spell jars are, their types, ingredients, and their growing popularity.

Don’t forget to head over to my shop and register for my Valentines day sex magic event as well; Essence of the sacred dance. When you register for this event you will learn; Sex magic techniques to increase pleasure, create more presence in the moment, manifest your desires through organisms, and strengthen your connection through timeless intimacy! Let me show you how something as simple as the right energy, intention, and breathing technique with your blowjobs can heal years of trauma for your partner even! Plus you will leave with an eBook full of sex magic spells you can do on your own and journal prompts to help unlock more of your sexual prowess, desires, and release blockages holding you back in bed.

If you have ever wanted to learn how to make sex apart of your magic and spiritual life this event is for you! We begin at 6:30pm CST- 8:30pm CST on Wednesday February 11th in google meet. To register for this event purchase today!

About Me : I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years. First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration, and re-enchantment of Magic in society, across this realm, and in each and every soul I come across in life! I am here to create a container that promotes healing, duality, and raw authenticity. I do this by guiding you on your personal journey to understanding your unique magic and sacred contracts. I facilitate this for you through embracing your shadow, duality and learning to live in energetic balance while not wearing a mask. When you work and learn from me you do so from your “darkness” as much as your “light” and in a way to truly harness and accept it not to just go thru it on the way to your light. But, I teach you how to truly embrace it, work with it, and use it alongside your light as a partner. I hold up a mirror for you to be able to see your authentic reflection looking back. Then have the courage to take the next step and do the uncomfortable but vital inner work to completely remove your mask. By facing all of your past wounds, traumas, and hurts. Allowing you to see both the dark and light within your story and take each chapter and alchemize it into something that is so powerful. your unique internal flame will shine so bright you will always be able to go within and find it on a dark cold night. You will learn how to truly live in duality and energetic balance to allow growth, and alignment with your sacred contracts and purposes. to finally move on and truly let the things that hold you back in this life from healing and manifesting go. To see everything I offer; like personalized shadow work sessions, womb healing, eBooks for you to work through on your own, Tarot sessions for guidance and more! Go to my shop!