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The Magic of Sunday; Amplify your spells with the energy of the day

Every day of the week has it’s own magic and energy you can harness to influence your life and magical practices and in this blog series we are going to talk about them all. First, we are going to start with the energy and magic you can align with on Sunday. For many, Sunday sets the tone for the work week that starts tomorrow. It’s a day full of energy and vitality, that can be all about prepping and planning for the week ahead. While also being a day to reflect on who we are, call on our inner strengths, and rest our energetic batteries.

Sunday for some, like many Americans is the first day of the week while for most other cultures and calendars it is the last day of the week. To Christians Sunday is considered their holy day, and the day Jesus was resurrected. In 321 Emperor Constantine even declared Sunday Rome’s official day of rest.

Sunday is ruled by the Sun

For pagans and witches, every single day of the week is ruled by a planet and you guessed it, Sunday is ruled by the planet it is named after; the sun. The sun is the vital life energy. It is the representation and connection to your ego, identity and the dominate traits of your personality both your strengths and your weaknesses. Due to this Sunday becomes the perfect day to focus on who you truly are and harnessing the vital energy of life to actively shape your life to be the brightest shining success it can be.

With Sunday being ruled by the Sun it makes it a day also connected to the many solar deities across the earth, cultures, and times. In many cultures the sun is viewed as masculine energy which makes it a great day to perform spells and workings associated with the divine masculine including shadow work. Some deities you can work with to connect to the magic of Sunday and the sun are; Apollo, Sol, Inti, Helios, Ra and more. You also have a handful of goddesses you can work with today as well like; Brigid, Amaterasu, and Aine.

Magic and Witchcraft themes

When it comes to magic and witchcraft you can certainly cast spells whenever you need them. But, if you want a little extra oomph, and when you want to amplify your results, aligning your spell casting with the correct day of the week is one way to do that. Sunday is a great day to perform magic related to growth, advancement, enlightenment, identity, self esteem, confidence, self worth, healing and general health, money, growing business, earning a promotion, success in politics, popularity, prosperity, hope, and anything related to the growing of plants/gardening (agriculture) and any undertaking supported by the energy of the sun.

Correspondences for Sunday

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently in or a day of the week like, Sunday. I will list below for you to use. Remember to follow your intuition with the correspondences you choose to work with and that you can always use any that correspond to the moon itself as well.

  • planet-The Sun
  • Element-Fire
  • astrological sign- Leo
  • gender-Masculine (in most cultures and practices but not all)
  • Animal- Lion, Dragon,
  • colors-gold, yellow, white, orange
  • Chakra-Solar Plexus
  • Herbs/flowers- marigold, calendula, sunflower, heliotrope, buttercup, cinnamon, lemon grass, bay leaf, st. johns wort, oranges
  • Trees-Oak
  • Stones/crystals- Citrine, Amber, Diamond, red agate, sunstone, carnelian, tiger’s eye, quartz, lava stone, garnet
  • Deities-Mithra, Sol, Brigid, Amaterasu, Aine, Apollo, Ra, Inti, Helios,

Ways to work with the energy of Sunday

We’ve talked a lot about all the different themes connected to the magic and energy Sunday has and gives us access to work with. So, how can you specifically connect to those energies and perform magic aligned with it? In your everyday life you can make sure your affirmations, intentions, and manifestations set today align with the energies of personal power, motivation, joy, purpose, prepping, planning, identity, ego, self esteem, self worth, confidence, creativity, abundance, agriculture, and the sun. Below you will find some ideas for spells, rituals, and magical workings you can do to align with Sunday as well. Use the magic of this day to help brighten your day, bring joy, build confidence, and so much more!

Work with and balance your solar plexus

Your solar plexus IMO is one of the most important chakras in your body and Sunday is one of the best days to work with it. It’s located between the bottom of the sternum and above the belly button. The solar plexus is a yellow color and connects us to the divine energy of the sun and the light. It is your energy zone that supports self esteem, courage, and your personal power. If your solar plexus is healthy, you exude confidence and tackle goals with clarity and fervor. People may see you as vivacious and lively. Below are some ideas on how you can balance your solar plexus today. To learn more about the chakra system as a whole click the link below to read my extensive guide all about energy and energy work!

Perform Solar magic

One of the most potent types of magic and spells you can perform on a Sunday is solar magic. Solar magic harnesses the power of the sun to bring about positive change in one’s life. This could involve anything from casting spells, or making sun water, to meditating in the rays of the sun and focusing on your desired outcome. Whether asking for protection or blessings, developing confidence, getting grounded and centered in your self image and who you are, or encouraging growth; solar magic can bring peace, vitality, strength, movement, and harmony into your life.

The sun’s potent energy is known to amplify the effects of magical workings, strengthening the intentions set during rituals and spells. Witches and Pagans may utilize the sun’s energy to increase the effectiveness of a wide range of spells, from love and protection rituals to manifestation and abundance incantations. The infusion of the sun’s energy into these workings can lead to more powerful and impactful results.

The Sun is the energy we can connect to for joy, happiness, playfulness, and the things that truly make our souls sing with happiness, contentment, and allow us to feel as if we are thriving. The sun is seen as the archetypal joyful, and healing energy of the solar system.

Click the link below to read all about solar magic in my extensive guide!

Spell bag to bring happiness into your life

Since Sunday is ruled by the sun it is an ideal day to do some magic to add happiness, and joy to your life. To call on the bright, shining rays of the Sun to illuminate your life. To bring you endless joy, happiness, and blessings to your life. To bring you the energy you need to call on when times get dark, and allow you to smile and find the rays of light you need to keep going. Try making this spell bag today to carry with you this week to bring added happiness, joy, and the rays of the sun to you all this week!

Spell Jar to attract Joy

Create this spell jar to attract joy to you, your life, and your home today to help you connect to the energy of this day and the vibrant and lively sun. Spell jars might look simple, but the magic they hold is powerful. And they’ve never been more popular in the world of magic and witchcraft. Spell jars have been a part of various spiritual practices for centuries. They serve as a powerful tool for manifesting intentions and desires. To learn more about spell jars and how to create them you can purchase my eBook for a super low price here;

Make Sun water

Sunday is an extra potent day to make some sun water to use in your spells, magical workings, and life! Making sun water is a fairly simple practice yet very powerful and can have a big impact on your life and magic when you use it. This magical water has so many different ways to use it; from banishing spells, for amplification, protection, happiness, joy and so much!To learn how to make sun water today you can click the link below to read my guide all about it.

Other ways to connect to the energy and magic of Sunday

  • Greet the sun at sunrise
  • Perform a Sun salutation
  • Do mirror magic With Amaterasu
  • Study and learn about solar deities
  • Create an altar to the sun or a solar deity
  • Create a flower bouquet
  • Pick sunflowers if they are in season
  • Call down the sun at noon
  • Charge your crystals in the sun
  • Cast confidence spells
  • Do shadow work focused on your ego, self esteem, personal power
  • Use a mirror to amplify your sun water
  • Have a bonfire
  • Perform elemental magic with the element of fire
  • create a simmer pot for creativity
  • Work with the energy of Leo
  • Wear yellow, gold, or orange clothing for color magic
  • Light an orange candle for confidence
  • Plant new plants in your garden or work with
  • Use the sun to amplify abundance spells
  • Observe the suns phases throughout the day in spell timing
  • Use the power of the sun in protection magic and spells or call on Sekhmet
  • Meditate with the color yellow to bring your joy and happiness
  • sunbathe

If you want more information or to go deeper on any topics covered in this blogpost; you can check out any of the links throughout. They will bring you to classes I have taught for free on YouTube with Divination Academy or to previous posts and guides I’ve written on that topic. You can also check out any of the links below to YouTube videos not linked above!

Happy Casting this Sunday!