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Working with the magic of March; Rebirth, planting seeds, and purification

The snow is beginning to melt, the scent of decay is all around as the plants unthaw and use the nutrients they’ve been hibernating in to come back to life. We hear the chirping of birds and critters running around among the foliage. All around us we see the awakening of the earth from its winter slumber and the emergence of new life sprouting. March is a time to focus on renewal, rebirth, fertility, growth, prosperity, and fruitfulness. March is the month we welcome the first rays of sunshine of spring and we begin to feel the harsh Winter start to dissipate. It’s the month we stop going inwards to look behind us and instead we look ahead with hope. We begin to prepare for planting our crops, and the return of the beloved Sun and the Spring. This is the most fertile time of the year to plant seeds of intention for manifestation for the rest of the year. Lay them in the ground that has been hibernating soaking up nutrients all winter long. March is the month when we watch as Winter slowly fades off, the days become noticeably longer, and spring is waving at us just over the horizon. March is a month of deep, profound, transformational change. Let’s spring into March and look at all the ways you can connect to the energy of March to allow yourself, your magic, and your intentions to really bloom and blossom this year.

History In The Month Of March

The month of March is the 3rd month of the Julian and Gregorian Calendars but was originally the first month of the Roman calendar year, called Martius named for Mars, one of the most important Gods of the Roman state. This month later took on a little more significance in history when it became known for the Ides of March. Also known as March 15th, the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44BC and later making it considered an unlucky day by many and for some still today it is considered an unlucky day.

Zodiac signs for the month of March

Those born in March are said to be born under either the sign of the two fishes Pisces or the headstrong ram Aries.

Those under the sign Pisces are typically born between February 18th and March 20th. Pisces is, fittingly, a water sign, represented by the sign of the two fishes. They’re all known for being emotionally fluid, vacillating between feelings, and being very in tune with their feelings and those of others. Pisces are typically loyal, intuitive, and creative, and they are very sociable.

Those under the sign of Aries are typically born between March 21st and April 19th. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac which makes it fittingly represented by the sign of the ram. They’re are known for being headstrong , bold, and ambitious. They love to charge a head into any situation without fear and fiery courage. Aries lights up the room with their vibrant and enthusiastic confidence.

Sacred Days And Celebrations In March

Every Single month has sacred and important days and celebrations to help you connect to the energies of the month. Plus they usually are a lot of fun to take part in! Below you will find a list of the sacred days and celebrations for the month of March! The common themes you will find are fertility, new beginnings, the welcoming of spring, the rebirth of the sun, renewal, and hope. Also take note how this month has a lot of really important holidays taking place all around the rebirth of the sun. Plus all the ideas of hope, joy , and celebration of surviving the long harsh, cold winter together. But, first we are going to talk about a few that take centerstage during this month like the hope in new beginnings with the spring equinox and Ostara.

The Spring Equinox and Ostara

The Spring Equinox is celebrated with many different holidays and traditions like the most common one being Ostara on the wheel of the year. This time is ripe with fertile energy all about growth, rebirth, planting seeds for harvest, and duality. The Spring Equinox aka Vernal Equinox, is the time when day and night are equal. During this time, the direct rays of the sun hit the equator, making day and night equal in length. The most important part of the day is when the sun hits its zenith, the precise moment when the sun is perfectly lined up with the equator. This moment marks the first day of spring, with the light triumphing over the darkness. Which is why we see so many cultures celebrating it with festivals like Ostara. Ostara is the celebration of rebirth and renewal, it is the Sabbat; a holiday marked on the pagan wheel of the year. Ostara is one of the eight Sabbats in the Wheel of the Year calendar. Ostara, is the dawn of the fertile season on the Wheel of the Year. The word Ostara comes from the Anglo-Saxon goddess name, Eostre. Eostre represented spring and new beginnings. It marks the start of the astrological year as well and is considered the New year for many different cultures and tribes around the world as they welcome back the sun. If you want to learn more about this sacred day you can read my guide all about it HERE.

St. Patrick’s day

The month of March later became even more significant with the arrival of St. Patrick’s Day in 461 BC. St. Patrick’s day is on March 17 which refers to the anniversary of Saint Patrick ‘s death in the year 461. Still considered Ireland’s patron saint to this day, Saint Patrick was born in the 4th century in Great Britain. Now, this holiday is packed with parades, good luck charms, and all things green. The event started as a religious holiday, but over time it’s become a celebration of Irish culture and excessive drinking. Now, keep in mind there are a lot of myths around this day and a lot of misrepresented history. Like some saying the “snakes” he drove out were pagans and others arguing that is untrue and being used to oppress them even today. I might be writing an article covering all the different stories around this holiday but, until then I recommend to look at all the different stories surrounding this holiday.

Other sacred days and holidays

  • Nowruz -Persian New Year
  • Easter Sunday
  • Hilaria
  • Purim
  • Anthesteria- a Greek festival of Dionysus
  • Holi
  • Eid al-Fitr
  • Good Friday
  • Pal m Sunday
  • passover
  • Shunbun no Hi- Shintoism celebration of the spring equinox
  • International Women’s day
  • Anna Perenna March 15th
  • Mamuralia March 14th or 15th
  • Lady Day – March 25
  • The Ides of March – March 15th, the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44BC and considered an unlucky day by many
  • Liberalia- Roman festival of the God of Liber
  • Māgha Pūjā: This Theravādin Buddhist holiday is observed on the first full moon day of March
  • The Borrowing Days – March 28, 29, 30
  • Sikh: Hola Mohalla
  • Women’s history month
  • Mardi Gras

March Magical & Witchcraft Themes

In magic and witchcraft, March is often associated with themes of rebirth, renewal, and transition to name just a few. As the month marks the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, it symbolizes the awakening of the earth from its winter slumber and the emergence of new life. With March being named after and associated with the planet mars it is deeply connected to vitality, fertility, and the movement of energy in getting things done. This makes it one of the most fertile months for manifestation, growth, and planting new seeds.

With March being the bringer of spring, the bringer of new life; it is the ideal time for us to literally plant seeds in the ground for us to harvest in the fall to feed our families through the long harsh winter. This makes it a month not only about the fertility and potential waiting in the ground but, also a month that allows us to look forward to the year ahead. A month to welcome in joy, hope, and endless possibilities with the rebirth of the Sun. This month is ripe with the energy of fertility, new beginnings, and possibilities. This energy of new beginnings also comes with a sense of cleanliness, the need to purify. Channel into this energy when setting intentions, doing manifestation work, and your magical workings this month and watch them bloom like never before.

Another key theme with spring and the point of the wheel of the year we are tuning our energies into with the month of March is renewal, rebirth, and transition. These themes make it a very key time to be willing to go deep within yourself to connect to your true creative force. To figure out how to awaken that force within you that makes the courageous moves towards making your goals and dreams come true. Now that the earth is unthawing from the Winter. It is a month to maintain balance, and to work with your duality and shadow. When doing this you allow yourself to be open to the massive amount of transformational, transitional, and renewing energy this month has to offer.

The Gods And Goddesses Of March

With every season and month there are certain themes, magic, and energies we have the ability to connect to including deities.Everyone works with and views deity energy a little differently. Whether you view them as archetypes of the human consciousness, representations of the source energy, or as being entities on their own, there are certain deities that now is the time to connect to and honor them in the most sacred and amplified way.( Don’t forget to grab my eBook in the shop to help you explore this)

During this month a few deities take center stage because they have festivals or sacred days during this month to help you connect with them in a very intimate way. The deities that are going to be the best for you to connect to right now are going to be those who represent spring , the changing of the seasons, and the sun; like Persephone and Demeter. Especially since this is the time of the year those two are together on Earth. Deities that can connect you to fertility, fruitfulness, and growth are also great to call to this time as well. Don’t forget one of the most pivotal moments of this month is when the sun is reborn with joy and hope. So, don’t be afraid to connect with deities of the sun as well!

This time is also a very liminal time. This month gives us access to one of the two times during the year the veil is the thinnest, and we can have access to other realms and the crossroads with much more ease. Deities that have the ability to bring you wisdom, guidance, and access to you shadow shelf like Hecate, the Morrigan, and Persephone are amazing to call to and work with during this time. Being guides with you along the road to renewal as the season change to spring preparing you for fresh new growth. Below we will talk about some of the deities you can work with this month. I could never list them all here.


First up, the goddess who has held my heart for many years. The one I rejoice during this month as I greet her again as she returns from her quality time with her beloved Hades; Persephone. In Greek mythology, Persephone is the goddess of agriculture, the spring, the Underworld, duality, and the wife of Hades. Prior to her marriage with Hades she was known as Kore, which means “daughter” or “maiden”. I find this to be crucial to her story and representation of rebirth, because, before she grabbed power in her marriage to Hades, the gods hadn’t even given her a name or her own place of power. Which makes no sense to me because she was born from two of the most powerful deities. Persephone is the daughter of Zeus, the chief god, and Demeter, the goddess of agriculture. For her to have such little power, be sheltered, and not have her own place of power within the pantheon was in injustice she would rectify through the power of rebirth and duality by becoming Hades wife. As the wife of Hades, Persephone governs the realm of the dead by his side with grace, compassion, and might. Persephone’s presence in the Underworld brings a sense of balance between life and death. While Samhain marks Persephone’s descent into the underworld when she ascends to her throne as the queen of the underworld. Spring marks her journey and ascent, some say guided by the torch light of Hecate back to Earth. To spend her agreed upon quality time with her mother. With her return we also see the return of lush green grasses, plentiful fields of grains, and sweet smelling flowers decorating the landscape as they bloom. Persephone’s return is associated with the fertility of the earth and the abundance of the harvest, signifying a time of growth, vitality, and the fulfillment of potential. Her story during this month reminds us of the need for balance between life and death, darkness and light, and the constant cycle of change that occurs in nature and in our own lives. Allowing us to move forward from the darkness and introspection into a place blooming with growth and the life of new beginnings. She encourages us to embrace change and new beginnings to fully claim the power that was always rightfully ours. To learn all about this alluring, intriguing, and transitional goddess, and see her story in a whole new light. Plus meet her in a guided meditation you can watch my class all about her here! Plus I promise you will be getting a guide to work with her soon!

Next up we have one of the most important goddess of spring is; Eostre. She is the Germanic goddess of fertility, rebirth, and dawn. Sometimes referred to as the goddess Ostara, this deity was associated with springtime because this was the season when the days began to lengthen and the sun became stronger. She was also associated with the hare and the egg, which were symbols of fertility and new life. Unfortunately, we don’t know much else about her or how she was worshipped since we only really see her name in passing outside of one text. She’s mentioned in the writings of an 8th century monk known as Venerable Bede, who reported that pagan Anglo-Saxons in medieval Northumbria held festivals in her honor during the month of April.

Inanna -Ishtar

Inanna is a primal ancient goddess who emerged from the Cradle of Civilization as we know it now; Mesopotamia. Some know her as Ishtar while others know her as Inanna-Ishtar. Inanna is the Goddess of Fertility, Love, Procreation, War, Death, and Spring: she is a complex Goddess embodying ALL aspects of the divine feminine. Ancient peoples who went against the gender-binary were cult members. She is a goddess who brings self-empowerment, protection, love, strength and abundance. She will aid in your spiritual endeavors and will also help heal and bring to light your shadows. Inanna is a fierce goddess who dominated the gods’ realms, boldly journeyed through the Underworld, and acquired her innate wisdom from the god Enki. Her worship involved celebrating the spring equinox and the renewal of life. She is even featured in the Epic of Gilgamesh, Inanna and the Huluppu-Tree, and The Descent of Inanna. Plus the “Ishtar Gate” was part of Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon. While she is a goddess of ancient Sumerian origin, her worship eventually spread throughout the ancient Middle East to Akkadia, Assyria, Greece and Phoenicia (among others). Her name means “Lady of Heaven”, derived from ancient Sumerian word nin-a-nak. She is often portrayed as a beautiful young woman with a pair of wings. Her sacred animal, the lion, accompanies her in her travels. Inanna carries her symbol, the eight-pointed star, in most manifestations. The Queen of Heaven sits upon a lion throne and holds a snake-scepter. Working with her this month allows you to connect to one the most primordial energies we have representing the return of Spring.


Last up, we have the deity this month is named after; the Roman god of war and protector of crops Mars. He is a powerful deity associated with military power, aggression, and conflict. Mars is the Roman God of war, and one of the most important Gods in ancient Rome, second only to his father Jupiter. One of his most important festivals kicks off this month on the first; Feriae Marti. He is the son of Jupiter and Juno. Plus the father of Romulus and Remus, the legendary founders of Rome; whom we just celebrated last month during Lupercalia. By the way he fathered with the priestess Rhea Silvia by rape. This is why many Romans considered themselves the sons of Mars. Mars represents strength, courage, and the relentless pursuit of victory, often depicted with symbols like the spear, shield, and the wolf or woodpecker, animals sacred to him Since he represented the virtue and strength of nature and youth, he was often part of rituals dedicated to military practice. Especially, the ancient Italian practice of Ver Sacrum, the Sacred Spring: when citizens made the sacred decision to remove the new generation from the territory as soon as it became adults .Essentially sending them out to found new communities and military strongholds. It was though that, Mars welcomed the expelled young people under his tutelage and protected them until they founded a new community. Working with him this month allows you to connect with the energy of renewal with a bold strength and boundless courage.

The Correspondences For March

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for time of the year like a month, which I will list below for you to use. Remember this is just a start to the list for you. You can use any correspondences that connect the magical themes and energies of March. Just follow your intuition on what you choose to work with!

  • Planet-Mars & Neptune
  • Animal-Rabbit, Hedgehog, Cougar, Crow, Lamb, Fish, deer, birds
  • Element- water & Fire
  • colors- Light greens, Lights blues, Light pinks, pastels
  • Chakra- Solar plexus/ root
  • Herbs- clover, Chamomile, Daffodil, dogwood, violet, honeysuckle, Irish moss
  • Stones/ crystals- Aquamarine, Amethyst, Opal, Carnelian, Bloodstone, Diamond
  • Deities- Mars, Tyr, Hecate, Persephone, Demeter, Isis, Athena, The Morrigan, Ostara, Minerva, Inanna
  • Symbols- Leprechaun, Pot of Gold, rainbow
  • Zodiac- Aries & Pisces
  • Celebrations- St. Patrick’s Day, The Ides of March, Pi Day, Mothering Sunday, Ostara, Spring Equinox
  • Trees- Alder & Ashe

How To Connect To The Magic Of March

We’ve talked a lot about all the different types of energies the month of March has and gives us access to work with. So, how can you specifically connect to those energies? In your every day life you can make sure your affirmations and manifestation work align with the energies of growth, prosperity, hope, renewal, new beginnings, the Sun, and fruitfulness. Allow yourself to wake up from your months of deep introspection and welcome the reborn Sun with hope and anticipation. You can also celebrate and honor any of the sacred days and holidays like Ostara, the spring equinox and Nowruz with renewal rituals, planting seeds of manifestation, and welcoming in the season of spring.

Some Rituals and spell workings during this time that will be really intensified will be based on renewal, new beginnings, rebirth, and manifestation. Other spells that will have some significant meaning right now and help you connect to the energy of March should be centered around planting new seeds, fertility, and manifestation. While using the boldness of this month to make fearless steps towards your goals. This month is another month when you can really get some clear and transformative messages from your guides. As we are in a liminal time of transition welcoming the birthing moment of the Sun once again. As we emerge from the dark, cold, harsh days and nights of Winter. You can do this through any means of divination you prefer but, fire gazing is one to think about to align with the correspondences of this month.

Don’t forget to connect to the magic of March by centering their rituals, and spell workings around the themes of cleansing and purifying as well. Since, this theme is central to the month as nature goes through it’s own cleansing as it awakens from it’s slumber. Try connecting to this purifying energy by taking a ritual bath, doing a cleansing floor wash, or smoke cleansing your home with an herb bundle. Rituals and spell workings during this time that will be really intensified will be based on prosperity, wealth, growth, and rebirth. You can do things like create a lucky money bag, a prosperity bowl, cast abundance spells or perform some spells using egg magic. Egg magic is very potent this month connecting you to one of the universal symbols of rebirth in throughout the world. To learn more about egg magic check out my guide HERE.

  • Elemental magic with the element of water and fire. You could even work with the element of Earth when you start planting
  • Seed magic
  • Simmer pot for cleansing, renewal, removing unwanted energies
  • Purification and cleansing rituals and spells using water
  • Start collecting magical dirt to be used for magicl purposes
  • Transformation and transition spells and rituals
  • Shadow work based on transition, fertility, new beginnings, welcoming the light.  If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here. Plus don’t forget to head to the shop and register for my new course that is beginning at the end of this month!
  • Abundance, good luck, and fertility spells; egg spells are especially potent this month
  • add the symbol of the hare to your altar or spell workings
  • plan and prep for your garden. Maybe even begin planting it if you can
  • go on a mindful and intentional walk in nature to take in the sights, smells, and sounds of the landscape and critters awakening from their winter slumber
  • celebrate the spring equinox with any of the holidays across the Earth like Ostara
  • Set SMART goals and intentions for your manifestations for the spring
  • Ritual bath for purification, cleansing, and renewal
  • work with deities of fertility, Spring, and the Sun
  • Divination like fire gazing or water scrying
  • Make some sun water and use it in kitchen magic, cleansing, and to amplify spell work
  • Perform some solar magic
  • Create a spell jar for self confidence, new beginnings, attracting happiness, hope
  • Creativity spells
  • go on a shamanic journey with the hare, the lamb or any of this month’s animals
  • work with the divine feminine during womb healing
  • Work with the snake in your workings and rituals since this whole year is the year of the snake
  • create an altar for the month
  • Reset your month with some Spring cleaning
  • work with milk in your spells and ritual
  • Get outside and do some grounding or earthing
  • Start a new project, new business, new lifestyle, new routine, new health plan
  • Cast garden growth spells
  • Give offerings to the fae or create a fairy house for your garden. Better yet plant and create an entire fairy garden
  • Weather magic
  • Make some worry water while in Pisces season to release past wounds and pent up emotions
  • Pick up your sword and go to war for causes you care about by casting some Justice, revenge, or karma spells
  • do journaling and inner work to look at your mother daughter relationship like Demeter and Persephone
  • Use the fertility of this month for potent womb healing
  • celebrate St. Patrick’s day by studying it’s history and Irish culture
  • feed local foxes or volunteer at a local rescue
  • Learn more about green magic and perform some

Duality and the month of March

Since, I am a grey witch I look for the duality in every single energy I work with including sacred times like a month of the year like the one we are currently in, March. This month is a really easy one for me to connect to the duality of it. As the phrase goes “March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb”. It is a month that starts with a fierce, bold, strength as we will still have the last few stormy weeks of Winter left. Then it ends with the caring, gentle, and welcoming embrace of the blooming Spring. As we walk around in nature we see the duality in stark clarity as well. As we take in the snow not yet melted on the ground, the scent of death from the plants just beginning to peak out , the sound of bird chirping as they jump from tree to tree, and the air no longer has a stinging cold bite. This month also marks the duality of the transition point we all experience when the sun is reborn on the March Equinox. The March equinox marks the solar waxing energies of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the waning energies of Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere happening simultaneously. No matter where we are in the world we can tap into the duality that expresses itself in so many ways on this sacred day. This includes: Yin and Yang, waxing and waning, giving and receiving, Ascent and descent, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, light and dark, beginnings and endings, (re)birth and death (embodied in tales such as that of Persephone and Inanna). Not only that in many religions and cultures around the world, their God is reborn or rises at Spring like with Jesus in Christianity and Osiris in Egypt. Lastly the dualities of this month are seen in the Seed itself that we plant during this month. The seed which manifests in both Spring and Autumn in different ways. While also representing the cyclical nature of life and death itself that permeate the month of March as well.

Spring Forward With March To Bloom The Rest Of The Year

We talked about many things in this blogpost including the history, some celebrations, the different energies and magical themes we can work with during this month. Along with how to connect to those energies, deities we can honor and worship, and how to work with the magic of March. March is a uniquely magical time that invites everyone to plant the seeds for hope with the arrival of spring. While also reminding us of the harshness of Winter sill surrounding us with snow storms that we have to be resilient and get through. However you choose to connect to the many energies March has to offer you; from rebirth, fertility, growth, fruitfulness, cleansing and wealth enjoy how the refreshing energy of spring will bring a new sense of life to you and your magic. And watch things bloom throughout the year like they never have before.

In this new special 6 month shadow work program I will help you realign your inner world, discover all the versions of you in the shadows, and show you how to integrate your shadows into your own authentic identity. When you purchase and register for this 6 month course you will get pre-recorded lessons, eBooks, journal prompt workbooks, weekly guided sessions, ( with one week off for integration) one womb healing session, and access to a discord chat for all those who are taking the course with you. We begin the last Monday of March for orientation week and then session for courses start the first Monday of April! There will be limited spots so hurry and register today.

About Me : I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years. First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration, and re-enchantment of Magic in society, across this realm, and in each and every soul I come across in life! I am here to create a container that promotes healing, duality, and raw authenticity. I do this by guiding you on your personal journey to understanding your unique magic and sacred contracts. I facilitate this for you through embracing your shadow, duality and learning to live in energetic balance while not wearing a mask. When you work and learn from me you do so from your “darkness” as much as your “light” and in a way to truly harness and accept it not to just go thru it on the way to your light. But, I teach you how to truly embrace it, work with it, and use it alongside your light as a partner. I hold up a mirror for you to be able to see your authentic reflection looking back. Then have the courage to take the next step and do the uncomfortable but vital inner work to completely remove your mask. By facing all of your past wounds, traumas, and hurts. Allowing you to see both the dark and light within your story and take each chapter and alchemize it into something that is so powerful. your unique internal flame will shine so bright you will always be able to go within and find it on a dark cold night. You will learn how to truly live in duality and energetic balance to allow growth, and alignment with your sacred contracts and purposes. to finally move on and truly let the things that hold you back in this life from healing and manifesting go. To see everything I offer; like personalized shadow work sessions, womb healing, eBooks for you to work through on your own, Tarot sessions for guidance and more! Go to my shop!