Leap Into The Rest of 2024 with the Magic of the Leap Year

It’s a day that comes around once every four years so of course there is going to be some boosted magical energy for us to harness for ourselves and our lives. Leap Year is a rare moment to step out of the ordinary flow of time. It’s an opportunity to recalibrate, reflect, and realign with […]

Year of the Dragon; celebrating the Chinese New Year

Of all the traditional Chinese festivals, the new Year was perhaps the most elaborate, colourful, and important. This was a time for the Chinese to congratulate each other and themselves on having passed through another year, a time to finish out the old, and to welcome in the new year. First, What is the Chinese […]

Setsubun- Celebrate the coming Spring in Shintoism

Setsubun is usually celebrated in Japan on February 3rd, marking the day before spring with various traditions meant to drive away evil spirits and bad luck and cleanse the home and family for the coming year. Shrines and temples around Japan hold special festivals for the public to come together and participate as a community

How to make 2024 an actual year of change by turning knowledge to wisdom thru action

How to make 2024 an actual year of change by turning knowledge to wisdom thru action

The year 2023 was a huge one for me that was full of transformation, and so much death and rebirth over and over again.

 But, that’s the way of the multiverse and that’s the beauty of duality. You must have the wanted with unwanted, the dark with light, the sun with the rain, the death with the rebirth.

I spent the last year building a life truly worth living for and to do that I had to experience it all, and turn knowledge into wisdom and action.

Top 23 lessons of 2023

The year 2023 was a huge one for me that was full of transformation, and so much death and rebirth over and over again.

But, that’s the way of the multiverse and that’s the beauty of duality. You must have the wanted with unwanted, the dark with light, the sun with the rain, the death with the rebirth.

I spent the last year building a life truly worth living for and to do that I had to experience it all, and turn knowledge into wisdom and action