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Who Am I as a Witch and what is my path

Before we get into any of the extensive topics and knowledge I have to share with you on magic, witchcraft, paganism, esoteric studies, occultism, ancient religions and cultures and more.

If you want to know more about the journey I had to get to here you can read about it here in a previous blog post.

I know right away you are going to say, whoa she is young how can she be teaching anyone.

First check out my about me page, or my review page and go and vet me. I have many students who love learning from me and my perspective, I am very detailed, I know MANY paths, and I teach even things I do not personally agree with so my students can truly pick their own path. I also am teaching alongside amazing, knowledgeable and credible professors as well at Divination Academy.

Second go and watch any of my classes and/or rituals on youtube and read any of my study guides!

They are FREE to all and I encourage you to watch every one on by every professor there but, I have many there for you to use as a resource and to check out who I am!

Now, that we got that out of the way!

Who am I as a practitioner?

I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years.

First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I study from many different sources, paths, pantheons, religions, cultures, teachers and practices. Two of my main patron deities were keepers of the schools of mysteries ( hades & Persephone).

And I am dedicated to becoming one with the multiverse through all esoteric and occult knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration and re-enchantment of magic into this realm, our lives, and society.

I have practiced and studied from many different teachers and masters in areas such as shamanism, magic(k), witchcraft, religion and spiritual practices.

I focus my studies on being as accurate to the culture and religion as possible throughout history and representing things across many different paths and practices. I study and create my path from the mix of all the things I study thru discernment, intuition, and guidance.

I am a grey magic practitioner.

Which means I work with both dark and light energy and strive to maintain constant duality in my practice and life. I live and thrive in the grey.

I do not view things in the terms of “good” vs “evil” I view everything as energy and as either wanted or unwanted energy. What one person may view as good and evil is subjective to each and everyone of us.

I believe in sacred contracts, and have discovered many of mine and strive to live in a way to fulfill it this lifetime. I’ve done a lot of past live regression and work and continue to do more to this day to unlock more of my past lives and knowledge I have gained through each incarnation. I do this through many way like currently working with a mentor on past life regression therapy, Ive done Akashic record work, studying and worked with auto writing, and astral travel and work as well.

I work with all the dark goddesses and have the ability to channel and invoke deities. I Love the connections I have with many deities and the energy they allow me access to connect to through a different perspective but, I also understand I myself am a goddess and divine being in my own right as well.

My magic is very folk, ceremonial, energy based and elemental based with some chaos magic mixed in and some others. I really do dabble in large variety.

I write every single prayer, spell, invocation, and circle casting personally I use.

I work with many divination tools and practices such as all forms of scrying, tarot, runes, etc.

I work with deity energy, archetype energy, chakras, the collective uncounscious, all forms of nature, other entities such as demons, the fae, and all supernatural entities.

I focus heavily on moon energy in practice and in my daily life and home.

My knowledge is extensive across many practices, topics and paths.

My energy and magick is naturally very healing, purifying and cleansing and I love to provide that to others as it is a key part to my soul contract.

I cant wait to teach you on so many topics from basics in magic(k), to different pagan religions, different paths, and how to fulfill your responsibility of duality as a magic(k) practitioner and pagan.

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Lupercalia and Valentine’s Day; how to celebrate both as a Pagan and/or Witch

It’s February the month all about love, romance, sex, and fertility and we have two major holidays that focus on that for us to celebrate. Most people know about one of them; Valentine’s Day but, do you know where that holiday originates from? Lupercalia, an Ancient Roman festival for fertility and purification. Some even call it the Pagan Valentine’s Day. So, if you don’t want to get sucked into all the commercialism and Christianized holiday plus have a lot more fun, Lupercalia is the holiday for you!

In this post I will walk you thru both holidays, how to connect to them, and the give you some ways to celebrate them in your life!

So, What is Lupercalia?

Lupercalia is an ancient Roman festival of fertility and purification. It’s celebrated from February 14th to the 15th and predates Valentine’s Day by centuries! Every year, the ancient Romans would perform rituals and then throw parties all in the name of purification. To purify the city of Rome on this festival guaranteed a good crop, plenty of pregnant ladies, and overall good health and happy people for the whole city.

No one is really sure how far back this Roman festival really goes, but some have traced it back to the 6th century BC. And others date it back to long before Rome was a power. It is said to have been a Shepard’s festival that was brought to Rome by Romulus and Remus.

The legend of Romulus and Remus; the myth behind Lupercalia

The legend has it that the Roman king, King Amulius, orders his twin nephews be killed for their mother’s broken vow of celibacy. They were to be throw in the Tiber River.

Instead of just being tossed in- they were placed in a basket by a servant. The river-god is said to have carried the basket down river where it got caught in the branches of a wild fig tree. The twins were rescued by a she-wolf in a den at the base of Palatine Hill.

Later, the twins were adopted by a Shepard and his wife and learned the shepherds’ trade. After killing their uncle- King Amulius, they found the den of the she-wolf that raise them and name is Lupercal.     Lupercal was named after the Roman fertility god Lupercus.

Lupercalia is the celebration to honor both the God and the she-wolf that raised them.

In addition to being linked to the wolf, Lupercalia was a “breastfeeding” festival and tied to the founders of Rome – Romulus and Remus and the she wolf who nursed them.

So, how did they celebrate Lupercalia?

Ritual sacrifice was completed by the Roman’s to start off this festival. There was a sacrifice of a goat and a dog. The goat for fertility and the dog was most likely to honor the she-wolf. The Roman priests, called Luperci, would sacrifice the goat and the dog, smear the blood on the foreheads of 2 youths and as they wiped it away with a piece of milk-soaked wool, the youths were required to laugh. After the Ritual Sacrifice, came the feast.

When the feasting was over, the skin of the goat would be cut into strips or thongs (called februa). The men would them run around naked, or nearly naked, whipping women with the thongs. A lot of women welcomed the lashes as they believed it to be a fertility consecration. Getting whipped was supposed to make your fertile, so the more whippings, the more fertile. It was even said by visitors from other cities that the women would “bare” their skin and welcome the whippings. This was a symbolic gesture of purification of the men and a symbolic purification of the land.

During the Lupercalia festival, men chose women’s names from a jar and would be coupled with them for the festival. Some sources reference this as the lottery of Lupercalia. This festival was all about fertility and sex so all sorts of debauchery happened. Sometimes, they would even stay together until the next year’s festival, or even get married.

It is important to note this practice was added to the history of the celebration in 1756, in Alban Butler’s Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs and Other Principal Saints (Vol. 2, s.v. February XIV, St. Valentine, Priest and Martyr).

Over time, the sexuality of the festival was lost until it was fully clothed men whipping women’s hands. BORING!

How did Lupercalia become Valentine’s day?

Saint Valentine was said to be a priest named Valentine who was imprisoned and beheaded by Roman Emperor Claudius II for assisting persecuted Christians and secretly marrying Christian couples in love. He even tired converting Claudius to Christianity while he was imprisoned. He was beheaded on February 14, which later became known as Valentine’s Day.  

I know you are thinking, okay so how does this become Valentine’s day, well we all know the Catholic church and it doesn’t matter how long it takes they find a reason Christianize a holiday.

Well, after the Catholic church declared Valentine a saint, a pope in 494 CE, Pope Gelasius I eliminated the pagan festival of Lupercalia. He decided that February 14 would be the day to celebrate Saint Valentine, who had become known as the patron of lovers. February 14 fell smack dab in the middle of the Lupercalia festival that typically happened somewhere between February 13-15.

This is up for debate still though; as the Valentine’s Day celebration can only be traced as far back as the Middle Ages, well after Pope Gelasius and Saint Valentine. Some Christians today even choose not to celebrate Valentine’s Day because it is based off of the pagan festival of Lupercalia.

Correspondences for Lupercalia

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the energy of celebration/ holiday. Below is a list you can use

  • The color white, which symbolizes the milk with which they would soak the wool is before wiping the blood from their heads. It also symbolizes new life and protection.
  • the color red, which symbolizes the blood of the ritual sacrifice of the goat and the dog.
  • Phallic symbols- these can include athames and wands.
  • Wolf images or goat images

Correspondences for Valentine’s Day

  • Symbols- Hearts, doves, birds, cupid
  • deities- Venus, Aphrodite, Eros, Dionysus, bachas, any deity of love, fertility and sex
  • herb/flowers- roses, lavender, basil, cinnamon
  • colors- pink, red, white
  • crystals/stones- rose quartz, garnet, ruby, green aventurine, red jasper, rhodochrosite
  • tools- candles
  • foods- strawberries, avocado, cherry, chocolate

How to celebrate Lupercalia

Cleansing & Purging
Lupercalia is in the month of February, and it was also called dies Februatus by the ancient Romans. Februatus translates to “purge”. Therefore, if you don’t want to celebrate the pagan Valentine’s Day with love-making and feasting, make it a day of cleansing and purging. Get rid of what no longer serves you in the physical. Including clutter in your space (think junky closets, pantries, fridge, etc.) and then cleanse the negative vibrations via smoke-cleansing.

In addition, purging yourself of negative thoughts and habits and cleansing your aura via a hot ritual bath.

Feast on the Pagan Valentine’s Day!
Whether you have a love interest or not, Lupercalia is about celebrating what we have on this earthly plane. It’s the perfect day to throw a feast! Choose foods that are traditional Roman or Italian, red sauces, wine, and other red foods. Aphrodisiacs are appropriate if you are getting romantic with the meal including strawberries, oysters, chocolate, and dairy.

Drink Wine
The Romans were all about their wine. If you want to do Lupercalia right, you gotta drink the wine, folks! Red is best to represent love and passion. Be sure to make a toast to the ancient Romans and a fertile life before drinking the wine. Clink your glasses together to scare off the bad spirits lurking in the wine. Setting up an altar for the god of wine Dionysus or Bacchus is also appropriate.

Fertility Rituals
Trying to conceive? Or maybe you have no desire for a baby at all. Either way, fertility isn’t just about conceiving children. It also relates to prosperity and growth of nearly any other goal in life: career success, your passions like art, etc. Lupercalia is a powerful day to do fertility spells and rituals of any kind!

Wear Red and White as a rebellion to Valentine’s day

Instead of wearing red and white to connect to valentines day you can wear it to connect to Lupercalia. You were red to represent the blood of sacrifice and the white of milk of the she wolf and goddess Rumina.

Creative Endeavors on Lupercalia
Since Lupercalia is a fertile time, creativity is given a boost in different aspects. Have you been waiting for the right time to start a new project? To learn a new skill? Engage in some sort of arts and crafts to celebrate Lupercalia and the inspiration will not flow short and especially this year with the Aquarius moon and entering the year of the wood dragon in the Chinese zodiac this time is teeming with creative energy!

Have sex!
When in Rome, do as the Romans do. OR when it’s Lupercalia, do as the Romans do. And have sex! You can even add some sex and lust magic to spice it up a bit!

How to celebrate Valentines day

Share a meal with your loved ones. Valentine’s day is about connection to others whether it be romantic love, or your family. So, take this time to connect with them through a delicious meal and you can make sure to have fruits like strawberries, passion fruit, cherries and more to connect to the energy of love.

Create a self love altar or do a self love ritual. Valentine’s day is all about the energy of love and connection and that doesn’t have to be to anyone else that can be all about yourself and increasing your love of self. You can use this as a reminder that you are worthy of love, worth celebrating, and create a sacred space to connect to yourself.

Do a beauty or glamor ritual. This type of magic can help you feel more desirable, have a higher level of self confidence, and turn up your sexual passion with heightened self esteem and valentines day is a perfect time to cast this with the heightened connection to Aphrodite who is great to use during these type of workings

Love spells to attract or enhance your love life. Since, Valentine’s is all about love, romance, and connection why not use this time to cast a love spell or do any type of love spell work like a spell jar or honey jar? This time will enhance any of these type of spells whether you are looking to attract to new love to your life or rekindle it in your current relationship.

Work with Deities Aphrodite or Venus. With Valentine’s day being all about love and romance what better deities to work with on all fronts whether its self love or with a partner than Aphrodite and venus? These two are known for beauty, love, fertility and more. You can connect to them through any attracting love spells, beauty spells, work with your partner, and adding offerings to them to your altar during this time.

Use sex magic to enhance your life or manifestation work. Valentines is a great time to do sex magic with yourself or your partner. What are sex magic spells and lust spells? Sex spells are magical rituals ready to help you boost your sex life, creating a unique luxurious burning desire between you and your partner. These spells and rituals are a great tool if you feel any lack of confidence, any distance between you and your loved one but, most of all, to have the best sex of your life! They are also a great tool for manifestation but, I feel for this holiday focus on the fun this magic can add to your life!

If you want to learn more about sex magic and lust magic check out the resource section of the site here for my study guide on two classes ( 4 hours total) I have already taught on this topic and keep an eye out for some blog posts to come! Sex magic is my jam and I have a lot I can teach on this topic

Lupercalia/ Valentines day Spell

Celebrate the season of love with a simple and effective Lupercalia or Valentine’s Day love spell! This spell is designed to help you attract, give thanks for, and honor your current and potential loves. Whether you’re looking for a spark in an existing relationship, or wanting to draw new love into your life, this ancient ritual will infuse all forms of attraction with passion and romance.

Whether you are single or in a committed relationship, this is the perfect opportunity to manifest more love into your life. A little bit of magic can take us far – so why not cast this pleasant celebratory spell? You might just see some amazing results!


  • Cinnamon
  • Ginger
  • Damiana
  • Rose petals
  • Honey
  • Empty jar
  • Rose quartz
  • Amethyst
  • Fire safe bowl
  • Red candle
  • Mirror
  • Piece of paper
  • Red ink pen


  • Light the red candle and place it near the fire safe bowl.
  • Take the cinnamon, ginger, damiana, and rose petals and mix them in the bowl.
  • Hold the ingredients in your hands and feel the energy flowing through you. Visualize yourself surrounded by love and positivity.
  • Light the ingredients with the candle flame, and while they’re burning, write down your love intentions on the piece of paper with the red ink pen.
  • Take the jar and add the burning ingredients and honey to it.
  • Place the rose quartz and amethyst into the jar and seal it with the lid.
  • Hold the jar in front of the mirror and say the following incantation with conviction: “By the power of love and the energies of Lupercalia, I call upon the universe to bring love and positivity into my life.”
  • Put the jar in a safe place and let the spell work its magic.

Whether you choose to celebrate Valentine’s day or Lupercalia or even both just remember these holidays are all about fertility, purification, sex, and love. So, take the time to connect to those however fits into your path and don’t forget to have fun with it and enjoy it!

If you want more ideas on how to incorporate these two holidays into your practice don’t forget to check you my facebook page, instagram, and pinterest for more ideas! Find me by searching!

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Year of the Dragon; celebrating the Chinese New Year

Of all the traditional Chinese festivals, the new Year was perhaps the most elaborate, colourful, and important. This was a time for the Chinese to congratulate each other and themselves on having passed through another year, a time to finish out the old, and to welcome in the new year.

First, What is the Chinese New Year

The Chinese New Year is a festive celebration at the beginning of the Chinese calendar new year. It has a long and exciting history, and there are many wonderful traditions, meals, and activities to be enjoyed during the holiday. It is also a chance for families to clean their homes and set forth their intentions for the new year. 

The Chinese New year can also be called by other names as well, the spring festival due to it’s timing with the changing of the seasons and it ushering in spring. It also known as the lunar new year since it starts on a new moon and is based on the lunar calendar.

The Chinese New year is celebrated on the first day of the First Moon of the lunar calendar. The corresponding date in the solar calendar varies from as early as January 21st to as late as February 19th. This year it falls on January 9th 2024. Chinese New Year, as the Western new Year, signifies turning over a new leaf. Socially, it is a time for family reunions, and for visiting friends and relatives. This holiday, more than any other Chinese holiday, stresses the importance of family ties.

 Traditionally, the holiday lasts sixteen days. The first week is considered a public holiday, and the sixteen days are split into different parts of the celebration. For example, the Lantern Festival is generally hosted on the 15th day, and is one of the most looked-forward-to events. 

The Chinese New Year is teeming with unique traditions and mythologies. The celebrations includes beautiful outfits, delicious food, and lots of colorful decorations and entertainment. Each region of China and Chinese cultures around the world have their own unique traditions and ways to encouraging hope and positivity for the new year. 

History of the Chinese New Year

The history of Chinese New Year dates back over 3,500 years. Each unique religion and culture around China has its own mythology and tradition related to the Chinese New Year, but most stories agree that it has to do with appeasing ancient deities.

Nian, a mythical beast, would appear during the Spring Festival and eat the villagers. An old man appeared in the village and hung red paper lanterns and decorations, and set off fireworks. When the villagers returned to the town, they saw that Nian had not destroyed it, as in previous years. Red decorations and clothing became associated with the holiday, and thus, the tradition of setting off fireworks for the holiday evolved, as well.

Much of the history is also rooted in praying to the gods for a good harvest since Chinese culture is deeply rooted in agriculture.

Traditions in the Chinese New year

Sweeping of the Grounds

Preparations for the Chinese New Year in old China started well in advance of the New Year’s Day. The 20th of the Twelfth Moon was set aside for the annual housecleaning, or the sweeping of the grounds Every corner of the house must be swept and cleaned in preparation for the new year. Spring couplets written in black ink on large vertical scrolls of red paper, were put on the walls or on the sides of the gate-ways. These couplets, short poems written in Classical Chinese, were expressions of good wishes for the family in the coming year. In addition, symbolic flowers and fruits were used to decorate the house, and colorful new year pictures (NIAN HUA) were placed on the walls (for more descriptions of the symbolism of the flowers and fruits.

Family Celebration

On the last day of the old year, everyone was busy either in preparing food for the next two days, or in going to the barbers and getting tidied up for the New Year’s Day. Tradition stipulated that all food be pre-pared before the New Year’s Day, so that all sharp instruments, such as knives and scissors, could be put away to avoid cutting the “luck” of the New Year. The kitchen and well were not to be disturbed on the first day of the Year.

The New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day celebrations were strickly family affairs. All members of the family would gather for the important family meal on the evening of the New year’s Eve. Even if a family member could not attend, an empty seat would be kept to symbolize that person’s presence at the banquet. At midnight following the banquet, the younger members of the family would bow and pay their respects to their parents and elders.


On New Year’s Day, the children were given Red Lai-see envelopes , good luck money wrapped in little red envelopes. On New Year’s day, everyone had on new clothes, and would put on his best behavior. It was considered improper to tell a lie, raise one’s voice, use indecent language, or break anything on the first day of the year.

Starting from the second day, people began going out to visit friends and relatives, taking with them gifts and Lai-See for the children. Visitors would be greeted with traditional New year delicacies, such as melon seeds, flowers, fruits, tray of togetherness, and NIANGAO, New Year cakes.

Red Is Important

Red is associated with the colors used to scare away the monster Nian, but it also has other meanings as well. Traditionally, it stands for good luck in Chinese culture and is used to keep away any spirits who might harbor bad fortune. 

Wearing red is traditional for Chinese New Year, in order to welcome in the new year with good fortune, but you can also wear bold or bright colors for the celebratory mood, as well. You’ll also want to decorate with red, as well. Decorations include paper cuttings, which are intricate and narrative. They often represent symbols from mythology or of good blessings for harvest. Other decorations include Door Gods, red lanterns, calligraphy fortunes, paintings, and more.

Firecrackers Are Set Off
At the beginning of the legend, firecrackers were used to scare away the monster Nian from the village in order to protect the villagers. Many of the Chinese legends tell of using fireworks to scare away evil spirits and to prevent poor luck in the new year.

In modern times, fireworks are used to both symbolize the ancient tradition and also to evoke a celebratory mood. All of the firecrackers set off during the Chinese New Year celebration are red, thus inviting good luck. It is also a way to express happiness and joy. In fact, Chinese New Year is the event with the greatest number of fireworks released every year—upwards of a billion!

2024 The year of the dragon

The Lunar New Year, or Spring Festival, is a time of celebration and renewal in Chinese culture. It marks the transition from one animal sign to another in the Chinese zodiac.

And this year is coming with a big shift on February 9th or 10th depending on where you are in the world into the year of the wood dragon. According to Chinese mythology the dragon is the most powerful sign of the zodiac. It represents, stability, power, good luck and fortune, prosperity, creativity, bravery, and innovation. This zodiac animal is full of so much raw power, energy and potential it has the ability to bring about change to create great fortune and prosperity in all areas of your life.

In mythology it is said that the dragon has particularly strong power and influence over water and weather. And it is said to represent the yang energy and of the yin and yang and is mated to the phoenix to symbolize martial bliss. With this representation we see the power, strength and protection energy and aspects of this animal amplified even more.

The Dragon is a majestic and lucky creature in Chinese folklore, symbolizing bravery, creativity, and innovation. According to the Chinese horoscope, 2024 is a year full of potential and opportunities for personal growth, professional success, and social impact.

The Five Elements Theory

According to the Chinese zodiac, the Dragon is the most powerful and auspicious animals. It represents strength, wisdom, luck and prosperity. The dragon is also associated with one of the five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal or water. Each element gives the dragon a different personality and destiny.

The Fire Dragon (1916, 1976) is passionate and charismatic. He radiates energy, enthusiasm and confidence in everything he does.
The Earth Dragon (1928, 1988) is stable and reliable. He works hard to achieve his goals with practicality, diligence and discipline.
The Metal Dragon (1940, 2000) is noble and refined. He impresses others with his elegance, grace and sophistication.
The Water Dragon (1952, 2012) is flexible and intuitive. He adapts to different situations with versatility, resourcefulness and creativity.

How the element of wood affects the dragon

The Wood Dragon is the most creative and visionary of the dragons. They are optimistic, ambitious and adventurous. They like to explore new ideas and challenge themselves. They are also generous, compassionate and loyal to their friends.

The Year of the Dragon in 2024 is expected to be a time of visionary leaders, innovators and problem solvers. 2024 is also predicted to be a great year to start new projects, explore new opportunities and create value for yourself and others.

The year of the dragon is a time for renewal, and growth especially with your health. Wood is the element of life, vitality, and harmony and it nourishes the dragons energy which is potent, powerful, adventurous, and creative. You can improve your health by following; the wood dragons example be flexible, adaptable and open- minded.

The year of the Wood Dragon 2024 is special because it is a rare combination of the dragon’s power and the wood’s creativity. It is a year of innovation, vision and growth. It is a year to pursue your dreams, express your ideas and expand your horizons. It is also a year to be generous, compassionate and loyal to your friends. The next Year of the Wood Dragon in the Chinese zodiac will be 2084, which is 60 years from now.

Wrap up

To make the most out of this year, you need to adopt the Dragon’s mindset and attitude. Pursue your goals with confidence and enthusiasm, be smart, flexible, and adaptable. Be prepared for change, be ambitious, proactive, optimistic, and sociable. And most importantly, be yourself because you are awesome, just like the Dragon. Follow the wood dragon’s motto of; “live well, love well, and be well.”

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New Moon in Aquarius; a time for awakening, great change and creativity

This month’s new moon comes to us in the very creative, life changing and airy energy that is Aquarius. This new moon is super strong now that Pluto is in Aquarius for this New Moon, and we’re entering a whole new era. This is a huge time for change, but this isn’t small change. It’s huge, maybe life-altering at times, and normally that scares us, but with Aquarius, we’re ready to go.

But, first a brief run down of what the new moon is

The new moon is the time to reflect and cleanse your energy. It is a time to  set your intentions for what you wish to attract this lunar cycle. Every  intention set requires action and energy from your part as well.

The new  moon energy is there to support you in manifesting what you want. The  new moon is a time to allow new ideas and energy to flow with you. It is a  time to honor new beginnings, and the turning over of a cycle. Think of these  intentions as seeds you are planting for this lunar cycle to be ready to harvest by the full moon.

Use this time to  rest, reflect, and plant what you will grow just as your ancestors across  many cultures did while there was little light in the night sky for them to  use.

To go in depth about the basic foundation of the new moon and how to work with it. check out my previous blog post here

 Each New Moon is unique, offering its own magic within each month.

And this Aquarius moon is no different!

What does the sign Aquarius represent in the zodiac

Aquarius is the 11th sign in the Zodiac and is teeming with energy all about the doing the greater good for humanity, your own uniqueness, changing your life in massive ways, and expressing your creative spirit. This astrological sign brings progression, liberation, innovation, and world-mindedness.

Even though it is commonly mistaken for a water sign due to one of its most well know symbols the water bears it is actually attached to the element of air. This is because Aquarius represents the movement of knowledge, wisdom, creativity, and connection to the collective through life and spreading it on the breathe of the spirit ( AIR) to humanity for the greater good.

Aquarius is the futuristic sign of the universal collective due to it’s placement being the 11th sign and looking both at the end of cycle and towards the next one.

It’s the sign of broad learning, and the shedding of the past. It’s the sign of new, and sometimes radical, beginnings. Aquarius allows for the flow of ideas and gifts for humanity with the ability to tune into the universal mind and think outside the box without fear.

Aquarius New moon; The moon to change the world

When the new moon transits Aquarius, it feels like you can change the world. Literally! This is because of it’s strong connection to wanting to better humanity and raise it to it’s highest level of consciousness and we see this in the symbolism of the water bearer. Where you see the sign of Aquarius pouring its physical blessings of knowledge, and more out for all of humanity to access and benefit from.

With this moon you really have the opportunity to connect to a divine energy all about the expansion of humanity. You can reflect on how you have or have not been doing this in your life. And you can reflect on how you can do start to or do it differently than you are now? You will feel that deep desire to further humanity with your blessings you have to offer others through the throat chakra it is connected to.

Aquarius New moon; The moon to connect and trust in your own uniqueness

The new moon in Aquarius brings about a time to celebrate your uniqueness and who you are as a divine being. It is a time to dedicate yourself with a full blazing passion on a path towards your goals. This moon really opens up to your root chakra to allow you to be fully grounded and confident in every unique part of who are as divine soul.

This new moon invites you to invite in full trust in yourself that you know who are and what your path is for this lifetime is. You can really take this time in during this moon to reflect on what truly makes you unique and sets you apart and how can you use those traits to benefit the greater good of humanity and the collective.

Aquarius New moon; The moon of explosive creative expansion

This new moon in Aquarius ushers in a time to really truly open up to the expression of your creativity as well to look for new ways to express yourself and to expand any business endeavors in a new and innovative way. The new moon in Aquarius opens up this trusting space within yourself to be willing to accept your own uniqueness which allows your creativity to just explode without the fear of judgement since you are so happy with who you uniquely are in this energy.

This new moon give you the space to really open up to any and all new ideas to try especially if you have a business or a side hustle. You will feel this energy open up new ways for you to get you and the services you have to offer the collective.

Aquarius New moon; The moon of life altering change

With the sign of Aquarius being ruled by element air which causes the movement of energy within the water of knowledge and blessings the water bearer pours out for humanity, this moon is all about change. And not just small changes whispering through on a light breeze of the air but, big massive change blowing through you and your life in big gusts of change. This new moon opens you up to reflect on what truly needs to change in your life to finally be living the life you truly desire and were meant to be living.

Aquarius New moon; The moon of awakening and liberation

This new moon opens you to the possibility that every thought, action, and unique vibration holds the capacity to awaken some new layer of previously unexplored consciousness. We experience this with the combination that all this new moon energy has to offer. The expansive explosion of creative energy. A deepening trust in ourselves and who we uniquely are. The deep desire to spread our uniqueness to the collective for the greater good through the winds of change while altering our own life from the ground up. With all this combined how could we not awaken to a new self, a new life, and feel so liberated while doing so?

How to connect to this new moon

Now, that we have talked about the themes of this new moon and how it is going to affect you let’s talk about how you can specifically connect to and work with this moon. First, make sure to do all of your staples that your learned in the previous blog post linked above for you like, charging your crystals, making moon water, and resetting your altar.

With this moon there are certain spells and rituals that will help connect you this moon in the most effective way.

  • Any rituals to open up and express creativity
  • Expressiveness
  • Friendship spells
  • Freedom
  • Problem solving
  • Increase your intuition
  • increasing and expanding your spiritual or magic training
  • Anything to do with innovation and business endeavors
  • work that has to do with serving humanity

Correspondences for the Aquarius new moon

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like I will list below for you to use.

  • planet-Uranus
  • Element- air
  • Sex- masculine
  • Modality- fixed
  • Symbol- the water bearer
  • colors- bright blue and purple
  • Phrase/motto- I know
  • Chakra- Throat and root
  • Flower- orchid, lavender
  • Stones/ crystals- amethyst, garnet, aquamarine, hematite
  • tarot- the star
  • Animal- the peacock

Reflection topics and questions to focus on this new moon

Every single new moon is a great time for reflection for everyone to do in order to plant your seeds of manifestation in fertile and healthy soil to sprout and grow this lunar cycle. Whether you do it thru meditation, shadow work, or divination like tarot; below is a list of prompts and topics to connect with the energy of the Aquarius moon in the most effective way.

  • What is the Aquarius energy bringing up and feeling like for you?
  • Three ways I can honor my most authentic self
  • What does the ideal version of my life look like this next lunar phase?
  • How can I share more of my gifts with others?
  • How can I best serve the greater good?
  • Can I find new ways of looking problems and solving them?
  • How can I take charge in my life to change it?
  • What old bonds or relationships are holding me hostage?
  • What Outdated beliefs do I need to re examine in my life?
  • What unique parts of myself have I been rejecting and suppressing?
  • When do I feel the most creative in my life and how can I do it more in my life?

Ritual to uncover your dream life

With this new moon in Aquarius being all about big change and fully stepping into your dream life see below this auto scripting ritual to uncover and reflect on what you want your true authentic dream life to look like. I don’t know about you, but sometimes my biggest set back to manifesting my dream life is because I don’t truly know what it is I want to manifest. And if you can not know it or see it how can you manifest it? So, here is one of my favorite rituals to clear up the murkiness and allow me to clearly see what it is I dream to manifest and this Aquarius energy is perfect to do that in.

Remember you can always adjust and change this to meet your own path, practices, and needs.

  • First step is make sure you have a writing utensil and something to write on. You can have just one sheet of paper but, I usually grab a journal or a notebook since I never know how much writing will come out.
  • Next, find yourself a comfortable place to sit, where you can be alone and enter sacred space
  • Once, you have found your space it’s time for you to take some deep breaths, center yourself and feel grounded in who you are in this moment.
  • When you feel grounded, centered and in scared space its time to pick up your writing utensil and set your intention for this session. You can do this by speaking out loud to the universe what topic it is you are asking to receive a message about this session. So, this session you will be asking to receive a message about what your authentic selves dream life looks like.
  • Than you simply let your writing utensil go whether you answer with journal prompt, a list, doodles, it does not matter just simply let the first things that come to your mind flow from you pen with zero hesitation and judgement.
  • Do this until you feel you have let it all be expressed on the page.
  • Once, you feel this you can put your writing utensil down, and take in all you have written. Absorb the messages you find there and make any notes of any further reflection needed.
  • Lastly, do not forget to thank yourself and the universe for the message you received and were open to receiving today.

However you choose to connect to this new moon in Aquarius be prepared for the deep life altering change coming your way and being introduced to the most authentic version of yourself that can advanced the greater good of humanity.

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Simmer Pots; and the Magic behind them

I absolutely love simmer pots! I honestly can not praise them enough! Not only do they leave your house smelling amazing, are usually pretty inexpensive to do, but did you know they are jam packed full of magical energy and properties?

I recently learned most people including witches and pagans don’t know this about them!

Whether you consider yourself a Kitchen Witch, are vaguely interested in Kitchen Magic or just want to bring some good vibes and good smells into your home, simmer pots are an easy, accessible and fun ritual for any time of year!

Simmer pots are easy to create and customise to your liking, so you can make your kitchen a sacred space whenever you want!

In this blog post I will dive into the magic of simmer pots, how to use them, what they can do for you in a magical sense, and go over how to do a refreshing spring simmer pot!

First what is an actual simmer pot?

Simmer pots are basically potpourri in a pot! You choose your ingredients, put them in a pot with water, bring to a boil, then turn down to a simmer and let it do its thing. They couldn’t be any easier, just be sure you don’t let your pot boil dry! If you want to keep the pot going simply add more water when it gets low. And obviously never leave it going when you are not home.

Simmer pots also lack the harsh toxins that are packed into conventional air freshener sprays and many scented candles. Just fresh ingredients from your kitchen! No fake fragrances or toxic chemicals needed.

One more benefit, they can likely be crafted with things you already have in your kitchen making them a convenient and inexpensive solution.

What makes a simmer pot magical?

Aside from making your house smell divine, one of the ways simmer pots are magical is they incorporate all of the natural elements – making it a fun way to bring a connection with nature and the environment to your space.

You do this simply by creating it.

The first step to creating a simmer pot is to choose the herbs, spices, plants and other foods that will go into your concoction

Once you’ve put all of your botanical ingredients in the pot, you will fill the pot 2/3 with water.

The fire element is added when you turn on your stove top burner and start heating up your simmer pot. You’ll want to bring it to gentle simmer

The steam from your simmer pot will circulate the scent and magic of your simmer pot throughout your space. And sending the energy of your spell, intention, manifestation, or ritual into the air, your sacred space and the multiverse.

This is my favorite part and why I find them so magical. The amount of magical energy being released into your space out into the multiverse and than inhaled back into your soul through your lungs is astounding and intoxicating.

Simmer pots also leverage the magical and mysterious properties of herbs and other plants making it great way to practice kitchen witchcraft even if cooking or baking isn’t really your thing.

The magic behind the ingredients

Different simmer pot rituals can be created with different herbs, spices, and foods. Tune into abundance, peace, health, peace – you name it! – depending on what you add to your pot.

We mustn’t forget that the herbs, spices, and whole foods housed in our kitchens all carry their own energies and magickal properties.

So let’s use those items to assist us in manifesting our goals. You’ll easily be able to create a simmer pot that aligns with your intentions and smells delicious!

Below are different ingredients and their associations. Remember you can add anything to these in any combination you want to fit your own personal needs and intentions!

Lavender – Purification, intuition, good luck, calm, peace, balance

Cinnamon – Love, passion, purification, money, success, strength

Clove – Protection, love, clarity, stress relief, truth

Star Anise – Protection, Banish evil, clarity

Oranges – Love, luck, money, happiness

Lemon – Longevity, purification, love, happiness, friendship

Vanilla Bean – Love, passion, strength, intelligence

Rose – Love, invigoration, stimulation

Verbena/Vervain – Good fortune, healing

Cardamom – Clarity, courage, direction

Pepper – Courage, warding off jealousy

Capers – Romance, fertility

Nutmeg – Health

Mint – Virtue, protection

Ginger – Protection from evil

Bay Laurel – Victory, success

Calendula – Healing, warmth, sunshine

Sage – Wisdom

Lemon Grass – Clarity

Lilac – Youth

Marjoram – Peace, harmony, happiness

Oregano – Joy

So, what can simmer pots be used for?

Now, that you know what they are, what can go in and how they are magical what can you use them for?

SO MUCH! You have endless possibilities. You can use them to manifest, set intentions, cleanse, purify, protection, to connect to the deity Cerridwen, and more!

Below is a list of some ideas for you!






How do you make one?

When I do a simmer pot with a specific intention in mind I follow these simple steps to incorporate my magick and mind into the process.

Step 1: Gather The Herbs
First, I select the herbs and aromatics I want to use. I try to select herbs that match the overall vibe of the intentions I’m setting for the season. Or for that specific ritual, spell, or manifestation.

Step 2: Set your intentions very clear in your mind and don’t lose sight of them for the entire process.

Visualize your desired outcome or goal for the magickal work you are doing. Are you aiming to create happiness in the home, or more money in your wallet? Whatever it may be focus on what you want the outcome to look like. Continue with the visualization and stirring until it feels right to finish. You’ll know when!
You may recite your goal, a chant, or ritual words while you stir as well. Something pertaining to your desired outcome.

Step 3: Next, I fill my pot with water ( Fill the pot two thirds full of water. You can just use water from your kitchen sink.) and add all the herbs and aromatics into the pot except for the bay leaves. ( If using them and I almost always am for these)

Step 4:Then I bring the water to a simmer over medium heat.
Then turn down the temperature until it is simmering gently – similar to making soup.

*Once the water starts to get low, you can always add more water, allowing the the pot to simmer longer.

Step 5: set your intentions again

Once the water is simmering, I take each bay leaf and write my intentions on them. It could be the same intention written on several leaves or unique intentions written on each one. Then I take each intention in my hands, close my eyes, and take a few deep breaths. I try to connect with it and really feel what the intention will be like when it manifests. If you’re good at visualizing, you could spend a few minutes visualizing the intention. 

After I’ve spent a few minutes with the intention, I place the bay leaf in the simmer pot. Then I repeat for the rest of my intention. Once all the bay leaf intentions have been added to the pot, I stir the pot a few times clockwise and imagine the simmer pot dispersing the energy of the herbs throughout my home

*stir the pot clockwise. Unless you are doing a banishing or releasing spell, in that case stir the pot counter clockwise.

step 6: And that’s about it! I just let the simmer pot do its thing for the day, keeping an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t run out of water. At the end of the day, I dispose of the herbs in my little compost bin (I pick out the citrus first). Usually, it’s suggested that herbs used in rituals be returned to the earth when you’re finished, so you could bury them outside. But if that’s just not an option, I think it’s ok to just thank the herbs and dispose of them in the garbage!

Spring Refresh simmer pot

With Imbolc just behind us and spring looming ahead here is a simmer pot recipe for a magical spring refresh!

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Working With The New Moon

The Sacred Meaning of the Moon

 Over the centuries, the Moon has played a significant role in different cultures  and traditions. 

The Moon moves quickly through the Zodiac, spending about two and a half  days in each sign. 

It passes through all twelve signs in about 28 days. 

Some nights, at the time of the Full Moon, we admire its beauty and grandeur. 

Other nights, when it starts to fade, it becomes thin and inconspicuous, so  different from the peak of its fullness and magical glory. 

Ever-changing lunar cycles remind us of the cyclical nature of life itself. 

The Moon’s physical power is demonstrated by the phenomenon of ocean tides,  which are generated by the moon’s gravitational pull.

It’s a well-known fact that the human body consists of nearly 60% of water on  average. It only proves that the moon has the power to influence our physical  and mental states, just as it influences ocean tides. 

The profound connection between Moon cycles and human states of being has  been observed throughout the centuries.

Moon Phases and Their Meanings 

The Moon constantly passes through the cycle of growth and decline, and the  phases of the Moon are different parts of this never-ending cycle. 

They are much more than just astronomical phenomena; they have a deep  symbolic meaning. Understanding each stage of the Moon cycle can help guide us  on our journey of personal growth and development. 

The full Lunar cycle consists of 8 phases: 

• New Moon 

• Waxing Crescent 

• First Quarter 

• Waxing Gibbous 

• Full Moon 

• Waning Gibbous 

• Third Quarter 

• Waning Crescent To simplify things, it’s recommended to work with two main phases of the Moon:  New Moon and Full Moon.

New moon What is it and why we honor it? 

The new moon is the time to reflect and cleanse your energy. It is a time to  set your intentions for what you wish to attract this lunar cycle. Every  intention set requires action and energy from your part as well.

The new  moon energy is there to support you in manifesting what you want. The  new moon is a time to allow new ideas and energy to flow with you. It is a  time to honor new beginnings, and the turning over of a cycle. Think of these  intentions as seeds you are planting for this lunar cycle to be ready to harvest by the full moon.

Use this time to  rest, reflect, and plant what you will grow just as your ancestors across  many cultures did while there was little light in the night sky for them to  use.

 Each New Moon is unique, offering its own magic within each month.

Check out some of my FREE Moon celebrations with Divination Academy on youtube in the links below to see some of the specific differences for the new moon in each zodiac sign! You can also check out my study guides here

What to Avoid on a New Moon 

1. Isolation: especially if you’re manifesting new friends or a  partner, avoid keeping yourself isolated on a new moon. This is a  great time to get out and build new connections! Check out a new  environment, meet new people and put yourself in places that  align with the life you’re manifesting. 

2. Spending Time Around Negativity: the new moon is a time where  we want to focus on the things we want. We’re planting seeds,  setting intentions and planning out our action plan for  

manifestation. Avoid people and places that carry a negative  energy or will bring you down. 

3. Giving Up on Something: the new moon isn’t the best time for  release. For releasing, giving up and letting go, try to align with  the full moon instead.

Foundations of working with the new moon

There are so many ways to work with the new moon, below I will go through the basics of new moon workings but, remember each new moon will be slightly different and have different practices to add and different ways to do it based on which zodiac sign the new moon is spec

1. Set Intentions 

One of the best rituals for manifesting on a new moon is by setting  intentions for the month ahead. 

Grab your favorite journal and write out the following: 

• What kind of energy do I want to experience over the next  month? 

• What do I desire to manifest the most in this moment?

• What action steps can I take towards achieving that dream?

• Write out your goals, hopes and desires for the following month.

2. Start Something New

If you’re looking for the perfect energy to start something new (like that  business idea, that blog, or that new yoga routine) the new moon is the  perfect day to do it. Be intentional as you begin and focus on WHY you want  to start that new adventure.

3.New Moon Candle Manifesting Ritual 

To do a candle manifestation ritual on the new moon, you’ll just need a few  items: 

Candle: I recommend chime candles, beeswax candles, or even  birthday candles.

Anointing Oil: Resonance Apothecary makes a beautiful one and  so does Art of the Root, I recommend their Road Opener Oil.

Manifestation Herbs: bried basil, cinnamon, sage, rosemary, rose, are all good options. Mountain Rose Herbs is my go to  for organic, wild-crafted herbs. 

Dress your candle with the anointing oil of your choice (you can also  substitute the anointing oil for aligned essential oils you may have on hand).  Once your candle is dressed in the oil, roll it in the dried manifestation herbs  of your choice. Next, find a good place to light your candle. As it burns, gaze  into the flame and visualize your manifestation coming true. Focus on how  you’ll feel when it happens. Allow your candle to burn all the way down (use  a birthday candle if you don’t have time to monitor a larger one). Give  gratitude for your practice and the elements assisting you.

4. Scripting 

Scripting is a manifestation technique you can use to journal out your  desires. To do so, simply write a gratitude letter to the universe, giving  thanks for the details of your manifestation coming true. Be sure to write in  present tense. 

For example, “Dear Universe, I am so grateful that XYZ has become my  reality. Thank you for assisting me in making this dream come true. I am  celebrating this accomplishment (be specific) by xyz.” 

Write a thank you letter to the universe, expressing gratitude for your  manifestations as if they already happened.

5. Make a Crystal Grid 

Making a crystal grid is a great way to harness the powerful manifestation  energy of a new moon.

T O C R E AT E Y O U R O W N N E W M O O N C R Y S TA L G R I D : 

1. Get clear on what you’d like to manifest with this new moon and  set an intention for your grid. 

2. Choose crystals that align with what you’d like to manifest. (hint:  citrine for success and wealth, rose quartz for love, black  

tourmaline for clearing or protection, clear quartz for amplifying) 3. Lay the crystals out on a surface where they will be safe and  won’t get disturbed. You can arrange them in a traditional grid  pattern or even just a shape that feels good and inspiring to you. 4. Using your hands, draw a line connecting all the crystals in your  pattern- this helps to connect the crystals with each other and  charge the intention of your grid. 

5. Meditate with your grid (maybe as you drink your ceremonial  cacao!) and allow it to stay out for the entire lunar cycle- referring  back to it when you need a reminder of your new moon  

manifestation intention. You can use a crystal grid cloth to inspire your crystal design, or just follow your  heart as you place your crystals in a formation that resonates with your new moon  manifestation.

Best Crystals for New Moon  Manifesting Rituals 

• Selenite– Connecting to our angels, clearing our space  and our aura 

• Citrine– Good luck, attracts abundance, success and an  overall good manifesting stone 

• Labradorite– Amplify and strengthen spiritual awareness 

• Moonstone– New beginnings & protection 

• Rose Quartz– Promotes and attracts love • Clear Quartz- Amplifies our intentions and manifesting  ability

6. Make a Manifestation Box 

Simply fill a dedicated box with items that represent what you’d like to  manifest, and place it on your altar or in another meaningful space in your  home.

7. Make a Vision Board 

Similar to a manifestation box, a vision board is a compilation of images and  words that represent what you’d like to manifest. To make a vision board as  part of your new moon manifestation ritual, gather images (real or digital)  and arrange them into a collage on a large piece of paper. You can add words that represent what you’re manifesting or words that represent the  journey you’d like to experience manifesting. Hang your vision board in a  place where you’ll see it everyday and can be reminded of it.

8. Make a Manifestation Jar 

Similar concept to the manifestation box and vision board, making a  manifestation jar is a fun ritual you can do to call in your desire. 

T O M A K E A M A N I F E S TAT I O N J A R : 

1. Gather your supplies: a glass jar, paper + pen, crystals, herbs and  items that represent what you want to manifest. 

2. Write your manifestation goal down on the piece of paper. Bonus  tip: using a real graphite pencil is a magical way to use elements  that strengthen the magic of what you’re manifesting. 

3. Place your paper in the jar, along with the other items you’ve  collected (crystals, trinkets, herbs, feathers) 

4. Seal the jar by fastening the lid and dripping melted candle wax  around the close. 

5. Optional: Leave your jar out under the new moon so it can be  infused with the energy of fresh beginnings. Then place it on your  altar or in another safe place where you’ll see it often and be  reminded of your goal. 

6. Take some time each day to focus on your goals. Visualize yourself  achieving them and thank the universe for bringing them to you. 

9. Do a Bay Leaf Manifestation Ritual I have a whole article on this here: Bay Leaf Manifestation Method, and this  is a great ritual to practice under the new moon! Simply write down what  you’re manifesting on the bay leaf, then burn it as you focus on your  intention. Be sure to use a fire-safe bowl or cauldron

10. Make New Moon Water New moon water is great to have if you want to create a room mist, add  some magic to your bath, or drink to fill your vessel up with your new moon  manifesting intentions. click the link below to read my blog post for a detailed look at how to make moon water and its benefits to your practice.

11. Attend or Host a New Moon Circle  Gathering in a circle is a powerful, ancient tradition you can recreate today  in honor of the new moon. Get together with some friends and take turns sharing around the circle what your intentions are for the new moon. You  can discuss what you’d like to manifest, and what aligned action plans you  have to make it happen.

12. New Moon Tarot or Oracle Reading 

An easy new moon ritual you can practice by yourself or with others is  pulling some cards. Whether you prefer oracle or tarot, asking the following  questions and pulling cards to answer is a fun way to get intuitive guidance  influenced by the new moon energy. 

Q U E S T I O N S T O A S K : 

• What steps do I need to take to accomplish my goal? 

• What should I focus on to stay aligned with my path and higher  purpose in manifesting?• Is there anything I need to watch out for or be mindful of as I  manifest my desires?

Calling down the moon & The four corners

Mother moon I call to you

Tonight your energy is new  

Under this new 

Give me your power this faithful night  

I invoke you into my being and souls 

Fill up my vessel and make me whole 

I heal and cleanse myself 

This new moon my spirit is renewed 

Under your silvery light I stand before you in awe and in love 

I cherish the gifts sent from above 

I welcome growth 

I welcome transformation  

So mote it be 



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Setsubun- Celebrate the coming Spring in Shintoism

Setsubun is a Japanese festival day held between the second to the fourth days of February. Although it is not a public holiday, the day is still well known for Japanese people to perform rituals right before Spring begins in the Japanese lunar calendar.

It is also known as the Bean-Throwing Festival as the most famous ritual associated with Setsubun is mamemaki (“bean scattering”).

Setsubun (節分) is the day before the beginning of spring in the old calendar in Japan. The name literally means ‘seasonal division’, referring to the day just before the first day of spring in the traditional calendar, known as Setsubun; though previously referring to a wider range of possible dates, Setsubun is now typically held on February 3 with the day after – the first day of spring in the old calendar – known as Risshun (立春). Both Setsubun and Risshun are celebrated yearly as part of the Spring Festival (Haru matsuri (春祭)) in Japan. In its association with the Lunar New Year, Setsubun, though not the official New Year, was thought of as similar in its ritual and cultural associations of ‘cleansing’ the previous year as the beginning of the new season of spring

When is it?

Setsubun is usually celebrated in Japan on February 3rd, marking the day before spring with various traditions meant to drive away evil spirits and bad luck and cleanse the home and family for the coming year. Shrines and temples around Japan hold special festivals for the public to come together and participate as a community

What is the meaning behind this festival?

Setsubun (節分, lit. “seasonal division”) is a festival held on February 2, 3 or 4, one day before the start of spring according to the Japanese lunar calendar. It is not a national holiday. For many centuries, people have been performing rituals with the purpose of chasing away evil spirits at the start of spring.

Setsubun was accompanied by a number of rituals and traditions held at various levels to drive away the previous year’s bad fortunes and evil spirits for the year to come.

The new year was felt to be a time when the spirit world became close to the physical world, thus the need to perform mamemaki to drive away any wandering spirits that might happen too close to one’s home. Other customs during this time included religious dances, festivals, and bringing tools inside the house that might normally be left outside, to prevent the spirits from harming them. Rice cakes were also balanced on lintels and windowsills.

Because Setsubun is considered to be a day set apart from the rest of the year, a tradition of role reversal in appearance and dress was also practiced; such customs included girls wearing the hairstyles of older women and vice versa, wearing disguises, and cross-dressing. This custom is still practiced among geisha and their clients when entertaining on Setsubun.

Traveling entertainers (旅芸人, tabi geinin), who were normally shunned during the year because they were considered vagrants, were welcomed on Setsubun to perform morality plays. Their vagrancy worked to their advantage in these cases, as they were considered to take evil spirits with them.

The History

For many centuries, people have been performing rituals with the purpose of chasing away evil spirits at the start of spring. Although originally practiced as part of an individual household’s traditions for preparing for the first season of the new year, Setsubun is now mostly observed at various Shinto shrines, Buddhist temples and geisha communities.

Setsubun has its origins in tsuina, a Chinese custom introduced to Japan in the 8th century. It was quite different than how we see it today. According to the Japanese history book Shoku Nihongi, tsuina was first held in Japan in 706, and it was an event to ward off evil spirits held at the court on the last day of the year according to the lunar-solar calendar. At that time, tsuina was an event to drive away evil spirits that brought misfortune and disease by decorating each gate of the palace with clay figures of cows and children and using peach branches and walking sticks.

The custom of Setsubun as we know it today began in the Muromachi period (1336–1573). Every household of the aristocracy and samurai class threw beans from their houses into the open air. The [[Ainōshō]] a dictionary compiled during the Muromachi period, states that the practice of bean-throwing during Setsubun originated from a legend in the 10th century, during the reign of Emperor Uda, that a monk on Mt. Kurama escaped misfortune by blinding oni with roasted beans. The Japanese word for bean, 豆, is pronounced mame, which can be written as ‘devil’s eye’ (魔目), and some believe that the pronunciation is similar to that of mametsu (魔滅), meaning ‘to destroy the devil’, which is why people began throwing beans during Setsubun.

Around the 13th century, it became a custom to drive away evil spirits by the strong smell of burning dried sardine heads, the smoke of burning wood and the noise of drums. While these customs are not popular anymore, a few people still decorate their house entrances with fish heads and holy tree leaves in order to deter evil spirits from entering.

How to celebrate today

In modern days, the most commonly performed setsubun ritual is the throwing of roasted beans around one’s house and at temples and shrines across the country.

In the ritual roasted soybeans, known as fukumame (“fortune beans”) are either thrown out of the front door, or at a member of the family wearing a demon or ogre mask while shouting “Devils out! Fortune in!”, before slamming the door shut. The beans are thought to purify the home by driving out the evil spirits that bring misfortune and bad health with them. 

Afterwards you should pick up and eat the number of beans, which corresponds to your age.

The beans are thought to symbolically purify the home by driving away the evil spirits that bring misfortune and bad health with them. Then, as part of bringing luck in, it is customary to eat roasted soybeans, one for each year of one’s life (kazoedoshi), plus one more for bringing good luck for the year.

The custom of mamemaki first appeared in the Muromachi period,and is usually performed by either a man of the household born in the corresponding zodiac year for the new year (toshiotoko (年男)), or else the male head of the household.

Another widespread custom is the eating of Eho-maki sushi rolls. One is supposed to eat the roll without talking, while facing the lucky direction of the year.

Some festivals you can be apart of around Japan

As all traditional festivals, setsubun is celebrated in many variations throughout the country.

One place you can go to take part in Setsubun is Heian Jingū (Heian Shrine).

Heian Jingū’s Setsubun-sai starts with priests holding a sacred Shinto ritual at the inner sanctuary, leaving offerings to the gods on the altar, reading aloud prayers, and performing purifications. Than people representing warriors, onmyōji diviners, and the demon-quelling oni called Hōsōshi participate in the Daina no Gi, an exorcism once performed at the Imperial Palace in the Heian period. Men wearing fearsome ogre masks burst into the shrine and “terrorize” the assembled people from the courtyard, making their way to the main hall veranda where the oni leader does a victorious dance. However, shrine parishioners appear to banish the oni with lucky beans in a tradition called mamemaki (bean throwing), chasing them back out the shrine gates shouting “oni wa soto, fuku wa uchi” (“bad luck out, good luck in”). The people who came to see the ritual then gather around the main hall in the hopes of catching some of the packets of lucky beans thrown out into the crowd by priests, parishioners, and geiko and maiko, before the day wraps up with an ōhitaki shinji fire ritual.

Sources/ images:

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How I found my Magical & Spiritual Path

My Journey prior to paganism and Witchcraft

As a wee bitty baby against my will I was baptized in a Lutheran church. I have very strong feelings on baptizing children into any religion and later in life I did perform an unbaptizing ritual and a chord cutting with that contract and deity. After that growing up my family wasn’t super religious until I got to middle school and my family started attending a Baptist church and my mom was remarried. And even than my parents never were devoted Christians. It always felt very surface level from them and that they were Christian for the image and when they needed financial help or support. I was always much more devote than they were and it caused many fights my teen years when I would point out some of their unchristian like behavior.

When I say devote, I mean I brought my bible with me everywhere, I was the girl at the lunch table reading my bible and saying prayers at the public school, organizing see you at the pole for the first time ever in my district and school, leading bible study groups, I had the bible memorized forwards and backgrounds due to awana, sunday school, and other bible study groups, and I went on a mission to the Dominican Republic as well. I was devoted to that religion and faith until that mission, that started to change it all for me and what happened in life afterwards.

When my disenchantment with Christianity began

My mission trip to the Dominican Republic was a turning point in my faith and who I was and who I now have become. It was a trip that caused a lot of mixed emotions for me, anger, hurt, confusion, guilt, shame, and it really began to make my faith in the Christian religion fall to pieces. Going into this trip I was so excited, so proud, and so grounded in who I was and what I stood for. I was so excited to simply go, and provide a service to help others. I deeply care about others especially when they are suffering or going through difficult times and simply wanted to help. I was so excited for the service part and focused on that. Of course I would spread the word of Jesus when I could and when it felt natural but, for me I was there to serve and help with my hands and actions.

Day one of our actual mission work and that all changed for me.

I will never forget being pulled aside after spending majority of the day playing with the kids, digging drenches and moving and tilling land for the basketball court we had come to add to the village our church had been to many times before this one. And being told I was spending too much time playing with the children and not enough time witnessing to the children.

If you know me now or knew me than, you’d expect me to immediately speak up and say “nope, that’s wrong. That’s not why I am here. I will do it my way and that’s it. In a kind way and I am here to serve first and foremost.”

None of that happened.

I got completely quiet, turned and went back to the physical labor part of our trip and that was how I finished the rest of the trip. ( until I got bit by a mosquito and got really sick)

I spent all my free time of that trip in shock/awe that conversation had even happened. I spent my time in prayer, reading the bible, and in reflection trying to figure out what had happened and if that was what I had been dedicating my life too? Had I been crusading for an institution that cared more about how many followers they had, the rules, and who their followers were? Who cared so much more about their deity, than their fellow human beings? Who thought the church was more important than what was simply kind, moral and helping your fellow human? Was this one small group of people, was it my church, was it the whole religion, was it the deity himself?

If you are reading this and at my site because you were apart of Christianity prior to this You probably had a similar moment happen and reflection follow and I am sure you have an inkling of what began to happen next for me.

Disenchantment plus Synchronicity Equals leaving the church

After that trip, I spent a lot of time reflecting and thinking looking all around me. At my fellow church goers, at the religion itself, at the text, at the leadership, and how we treated others. And than the multiverse stepped in and added another thing in my life with the beauty that is synchronicity; I took AP world History at school. That class opened up so many doors for me. I had always loved history but, it was so limited to what I had been taught at that point. And to hear what my religion had been doing globally to mankind for centuries really made me look more. On top of that being taught other religious beliefs from a source outside my church was EYE OPENING. And led to my own study of these religions and belief systems.

I started studying Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Judaism, and at that time was being taught to me as mythology like Greece, Rome, Persia and Egypt. I would stay after class, and go and find any time I could to study and ask my teacher questions.

By the end of that school year I would no longer have a bible on me, I would no longer be saying prayer at school, and I would be fighting with my parents about forcing me to go to church and study groups. I even got to the point of just out right arguing under my breath passive aggressively out loud during sermons.

I would no longer consider myself Christian. My parents would continue to force me to keep the image up for their sake at church but, I never got baptized in the Baptist church and later would not be married with any religion whatsoever.

So, where did my path go from here?

At first, I didn’t what it was I really believed. I was going back and forth on what I wanted to do.

Did I want to look for just a strict religion or was I looking for more?

Was I looking for more of a way of life something that would be so much; a belief system, morals, religion, purpose, your answer to life and being and more?

I wanted more which is why after awhile the traditional religions I had learned about in school and started to study just didn’t seem to quite fit. Not even atheism which I was for awhile in the middle of it all.

This is how I started looking into paganism, magic, and specifically wicca.

I had never in my life doubted that magic, the occult, or mythical creatures and entities were real and existed. That is a truth I have known my entire life and I never thought it was an evil or bad thing either. I wasn’t a Christian who thought reading harry potter was evil and should be banned. I was an over the top fan actually and those books helped me survive my abusive childhood. But, that is for another post at another time.

I just never before this had thought it was something I was capable of having access too or using.

I thought it was a birthright or you had to be lucky enough to be chosen to be taught something that sacred. I also had zero comprehension of how to actually work with energy at this point so, as I look back it makes sense I had this view.

So, I very shyly and under the radar started checking out books on magic, and wicca at the library and would only read them while hiding at school or in my truck. That year was the first year I ever connected to the moon, and cast my first spell. I stayed in wicca for less than year for many reasons, some being I simply don’t agree with a lot of the doctrine, the person who founded it, and I didn’t want to be forced into a coven and space with others.

For a long time I simply looked into mythology and different ways to connect to the seasons, the moon, and the elements. I learned how to make moon water and would secretly make it on my window sill in my bedroom. But, my stepdad wasn’t really paying attention and my mom was in prison so, I was able to experiment a lot more and start to cast more and study more.

I spent the next 5-6 years really just learning and studying and doing it under the radar as much as I could because I wasn’t sure really yet what I thought and I didn’t know if I was a witch and if I was, was I willing to come out of the witch’s closet especially where I live in Central MN? So, in public I identified as Agnostic During this time I had my first encounter with a deity and met two of patron deities hades and Persephone. I met my first demon and Fae.

After, I got married around 25 I got my first altar in my home, started practicing out in the open. I Finally was able to put a name and image to my spirit guide (kitsune named kana) who had been with me for so long and I began to really connect to Shintoism and study intensely this practice and add a Kamidana to my practice. I started my journey down the path of grey witchcraft and duality at this time as well.

I spent the next 5 years studying many many topics I will do my best to list them all below. But first what do I mean by studying?

I live in an area that isn’t the best for access to resources and we tend to be at least a few years behind others as well. On top of that other practices outside of Christianity are passive aggressively tolerated here. And if you have never felt passive aggressive judgement from a Minnesotan before, its more powerful than peer pressure.

So, due to this I have been a solitary practioner until October of 2023. How I have learned and studied while being solitary ( and having very little money always) is this; I take every single free workshop I can, every free class I can. I get and read every book, grimoire, blog, essay, research paper I can find on a topic. When I say study I look at a topic from the many perspectives; magical, historical, anthropological, cultural and more. I have paid for a few programs for reiki and chakra reading/ balancing, sound healing, astrology, and crystal healing.

After, I feel I have done enough study, I have reached out to some mentors I have made connections to after taking free classes and workshops with them, and I have done the reflection, meditation, and shadow work. I get to the practical work. I plan, I prep, I practice, and than perform it. ( keep an eye out for a future blog post on the 4 P’s of experimenting with your magic) Each and every time it is an experiment grounded in the confidence of your intuition, energy and your own power and divinity.

List of topics I have studied

Many forms of divination- tarot, astrology, runes, fire scrying, mirror scrying, water scrying, and many more

Pantheons/ Religions-Greek, roman, Babylonian, Egyptian, Shintoism, Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Norse, Celtic, Irish, Germanic tribes, Hinduism, Mesopotamia, many “left-hand” path practices and many more

Deities- When it comes to deities I can list some of the ones I work the most closely with but, it’s honestly better to just ask me! Persephone, hades, Lilith, Amaterasu, Loki, Kali ma, Pan, Lucifer, Most “dark Goddess”

Sex magic, goetic magic, demonology, mirror magic, elemental magic, moon magic, crystals, Kundalini reiki, sigils, energy work, sacred contract topics, manifestation, the Akashic record, past life regression, Trauma work, shadow work, liminal work, ceremonial magic, ritual magic, deity work, channeling, meditation, building a sacred space, many “mythological” creatures/entities, hermetics, working with the rays of light, womb healing, and so much more.

I will add to this list as I can remember to add!

Where my Path is at Today

I have been a solitary grey magic practioner for about 15 years now.

And this past year I began attending a Pagan Academy as a student where my knowledge and practice was recognized and I have now become a Professor there teaching many topics, summoning deities for others and hosting rituals including casting circles and calling down the moon.

First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I study from many different sources, paths, pantheons, religions, cultures, teachers and practices. Two of my main patron deities were keepers of the schools of mysteries ( hades & persephone). And I dedicated to becoming one with the multiverse through all esoteric and occult knowledge.

I have practiced and studied from many different teachers and masters in areas such as shamanism, magic(k), witchcraft, religion and spiritual practices.

I focus my studies on being as accurate to the culture and religion as possible throughout history and representing it all.

I am a grey magick practioner which means I work with both dark and light energy and strive to maintain constant duality in my practice and life. I live and thrive in the grey.

I do not view things in the terms of “good” vs “evil” I view everything as energy and as either wanted or unwanted energy.

I believe in sacred contracts, and have discovered many of mine and strive to live in a way to fulfill it this lifetime. I’ve done a lot of past live regression and work and continue to do more to this day to unlock more of my past lives and knowledge I have gained through each incarnation. I do this through many way like currently working with a mentor on past life regression therapy, Ive done Akashic record work, studying and worked with auto writing, and astral travel and work as well.

I work with all the dark goddesses and have the ability to channel and invoke deities. I Love the connections I have with many deities and the energy they allow me access to connect to through a different perspective but, I also understand I myself am a goddess and divine being in my own right as well.

My magic is very folk, ceremonial, energy based and elemental based with some chaos magic mixed in and some others. I really do dabble in large variety.

I write every single prayer, spell, invocation, and circle casting personally I use.

I work with many divination tools and practices such as all forms of scrying, tarot, runes, etc.

I work with deity energy, archetype energy, chakras, the collective uncounscious, all forms of nature, other entities such as demons, the fae, and all supernatural entities.

I focus heavily on moon energy in practice and in my daily life and home.

My knowledge is extensive across many practices, topics and paths.

My energy and magic is naturally very healing, purifying and cleansing and I love to provide that to others as it is a key part to my soul contract.

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Imbolc; Midwinter

First, What is Imbolc?

Imbolc is a sabbat on the Wiccan Wheel of the Year but is originally an ancient Celtic holiday celebrating the first signs of Spring. The word Imbolc is believed to mean either “ewe’s milk” or “in the belly”, which obviously refers to the birth of baby lambs around this time in Ireland and Scotland. In modern times, most of us don’t understand the harshness of Winter that our ancestors endured. At this time, they were coming out of a period of brutal weather and their food stores were declining. So when the babies were born and the milk starting flowing, it was a good day. It meant they’d have more food to last the rest of the Winter season. nourishment, survival, purification and protection a big themes for imbolc.

In addition to celebrating rebirth, life, and replenishment, the Celtic goddess Brigid is honored on Imbolc. Another name for Imbolc is Brigid’s Day or Saint Brigid’s Day, as her saintly counterpart is also honored on this day. Imbolc is celebrated annually on February 1st in the Northern Hemisphere and August 1st in the Southern Hemisphere. There are many traditions and practices sacred to this day including making Brigid’s crosses, feasting on Imbolc foods, and making magic.

Brigid the Irish goddess of Imbolc; who is she?

Brigid is also known as Brigit or Bríg.

  • The Bright One
  • Fiery Arrow
  • The Powerful One
  • The High One
  • Great Mother Goddess of Ireland
  • Lady of the Sacred Flame
  • Eternal Flame of Life
  • Flame of Inspiration
  • The Mistress of the Mantle

She is the Irish Goddess of fertility and spring.

A Goddess in Irish tradition, Brigid is one of the most well-known. Pagans know her as Great Mother Goddess of Ireland, and Christians as a Saint Brigid. With this energy, Brigid brings the remembrance of our Oneness and is an awesome affirmation of the Eternal Essence of the Divine Feminine.

Brigid is considered a Triple Goddess, yet many references distinguish Brigit differently than the traditional Triple Goddess aspects of Maiden, Mother and Crone. Rather Brigid is frequently referenced having three sister selves with three distinct roles, Lady of Healing Waters, Goddess of the Sacred Flame and Goddess of the Fertile Earth.

According to famous witch and writer Laurie Cabot, “Brigid is honored in her maiden aspect, but she is a pregnant maiden, pregnant with the young seed of the Sun. At Imbolc, also called the Festival of Lights, Brigid wears a radiant crown of candles. She is wondrous healer, Protector, and Patron of Creative Inspiration. Until her light is fully born again at Beltane, Brigid ensures that the seed is nurtured inside her womb and that the home fires continue to burn through the final days and nights of Winter.”

She is associated with many things; Poetry, Healing, Midwinter/Imbolc, Flames/fire, Fertility, and Motherhood.

Imbolc Magical and Spiritual Themes

Every season and every pagan holiday has certain concepts and magical themes. Which means, depending on your tradition and needs, you can weave one or more of these themes into your personal celebrations. On Imbolc, also called Brigid’s Day, we see the following magical rituals and spells

  • Purification
  • Protection
  • Love
  • Fire and Water
  • Awakening
  • Rebirth
  • Honoring the goddess Brigid and Saint Brigid
  • Prosperity
  • Healing

Imbolc Correspondences

Colors-White: represents the Snow and milk
Green: represents the newly emerging earth and the green of Brigid’s mantle
Pink: symbolizes the female reproductive system
Orange and red: represent Brigid’s sacred fire
Pastel Spring colors

Food and decorations-acorn, bears, deer, Brigids cross, evergreens, grains, dairy, milk

crystals- amethyst, moonstone, ruby, garnet, bloodstone, onyx, turquoise,

Herbs/ flowers- basil. bay leaves, chamomile, jasmine, rosemary, lavendar

Spell workings-
Make a Brigid Cross
Create an Imbolc Altar
Give an offering of milk to the earth
honor Brigid
charge new tools for the year
Reflect on goals set during Yule
Have a bonfire
Light a candle on Imbolc eve to meet Brigid in the liminal space
Take a cleansing and purifying bath or shower

Divination-fire scrying

Scrying by Candleflame

Since Imbolc is a holiday that honors Brigid and her sacred fire, why not try your eye at fire scrying? If you have the ability to have a bonfire, then go for it! If not, a simple candle will do the trick. But keep in mind, a roaring fire outside will have different results from a small flame inside. You could even try both. This form of scrying is as simple as watching the flames and allowing pictures to form. This can be literally in the fire OR images that flash into your mind.

How do I celebrate and honor this sacred day?

Imbolc, also called St. Brigid’s Day, is an ancient Celtic holiday celebrated annually on February 1st. It’s a time when Winter starts to fade and the first signs of Spring pop up to remind us life will blossom again soon. But how do we celebrate Imbolc in our own modern way? Below you will find out some ways you can do this in your own life and practice.

Imbolc wishing ritual

You can use either a box or a Jar

Take the vessel and decorate it with Imbolc and spring correspondences.

Than take a sheet of paper (green if you can) And write out all your wishes for the coming year and/or season. You can also add rosemary and/or bay leaves into the box.

Than take the paper and energetically seal it within your vessel while saying

“ As the sun begin its rebirth I gave my thanks back to mother earth. Embracing change, with the light of hope the seeds of the future I continue to sow.”

Than Take the vessel and add it to your altar or leave it in a place you can see it often and come back to and charge yourself with its energy

Imbolc Spell jar

I love, love, love spell jars! They have so much power and energy packed into such a small space. You get to decide the energy and intention that is sealed off in there for you to be able to come back to whenever you need to recharge with it.

Some things to make sure when you create this spell jar, make sure wash and cleanse the jar before you use it. You can also charge it under the moon and at your altar prior to using it. Before you add each item to the jar make sure to you have created a sacred space, and set your intention energetically.

Once you add the items you can say any incantation, intention, manifestation, or spell while energetically sealing the jar. You can also as a bonus seal it with wax on top and/or sigils. For a more detailed look at how to create spell jars and the simple beauty of their power look at for a new blog post coming soon.

Imbolc Shadow work

Every single holiday and celebration brings it’s own special energy with it and with that comes specific shadow work themes and prompts to work with while in the sacred liminal space of that specific sacred day.

What is shadow work? In case you don’t know.

Shadow work is necessary if you wish to grow spiritually and personally. It will help you better understand yourself, your traumas, and the old wounds you are carrying. Not to mention, help you better understand other people.

The idea of shadow work is to bring your dark sides out into the light and learn to accept and love them. There are different exercises and activities to help explore those aspects of yourself, but you must first acknowledge your shadow.

Everyone has a shadow self. The shadow gets developed in our childhood from our ego while adapting to social norms. We learn to change and adapt our behavior in a way that is acceptable in society. But along the way, we also bury an authentic part of ourselves, our shadow side.

If you want to learn more about this topic check out my FREE youtube class With divination academy and study guide linked here;,

Imbolic spell using Brigid’s fire of creativity

What You’ll Need:
White candle (tealight or spell size is best)
Carnelian: small chunk or pendant
How to Cast the Spell:
Gather your supplies. Set the mood with music, incense, etc.
Set your carnelian chunk or pendant close to the candle.
Get into a relaxed state, light the candle and say, “candlelight, fire bright, burst through the darkness and stagnancy inside of me. I ask Brigid to lend me her fire of inspiration and creativity.”
Close your eyes and repeat the prayer two more times. Visualize a small flame in your heart growing bigger and brighter. This is the fire of passion and creative ingenuity. Let it continue to grow in your mind’s eye as the candle burns down.
When the candle is done burning, pick up the carnelian stone and carry it on you. Wear it daily and know that the fire of creativity is inside of that stone. Lending its energy to you.
Now CREATE. Whatever that means to you: writing, arts and crafts, a new project at work, music, etc. etc.

However, you choose to celebrate this sacred day whether it’s honoring Brigid, pouring milk back into the earth, fire scrying, and so much more may this blessing be with you!

May the life stirring
underground stir new
dreams to life within you.
May the flames of inspiration and passion
be ignited in your soul this Imbolc/ Midwinter

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The Importance of Experimenting with your magic

This is something I have been wanting to find the time to touch on for a little while after I became a professor and stepped out of solitary practice and entered the more public world of magic, witchcraft, and paganism that has sprouted up. 

I am thrilled we now have public facebook groups, and blogs like this one and others, podcasts and youtubes videos for us to learn from and be able to expand our path and practices. 

But, one thing I am coming across often from those who claim to have practiced for a long time and from those new coming to the path. 

Is one; gatekeeping and trying to state there is one way, one path, and universal rules to all pagans, and witches. 

And two

New witches and pagans seem to be looking for an exact blueprint and manual of how to walk this path and how to practice magic and witchcraft. 

In this post I want to address both of those issues and tell you why you should do your best to shatter them. 

Magic is and should be seen as a sacred practice, an artform and a science all in one. 

Which means it is fluid! 

It has no one “right” way to do it.

It has no one universal set of rules 

( well outside the hermetic laws and even that is up for debate in the community)

It doesn’t have one set path.

It doesn’t have one set blueprint.

That is the only thing that is set, and a universal truth. 

Is That this path is going to differ from each and every soul and in each life.

It is going to differ from culture to culture. 

From one geographic region to another. 

Your gifts and affinities will change your path and practice. 

There are countless deities to work with.

Will you even work with a deity at all?

Or do you view you as the only deity?

Do you want to work with planets?

Do you want to work with elements?

Do you want to work with “dark” magic?

Do you even believe magic can be “dark”

Look at how many questions I have here!

And this is just scratching the surface. 

How can anyone gate keep and try and tell others what they can and can not work with, what they believe, what calls to them, and how to do it?

Another reason to stop with gatekeeping and why my mind can’t understand how so many can do it. Most not all pagans, and witches came from christianity. And we did so because it was so restrictive. 

Because, it tried to tell us who we must be and how. 

Because, it tried to tell us who to worship, how and when.

Why would we want to continue that behavior and those sentiments in our communities here? 

Why do we continue to create more religious trauma in some cases?

Now, I have acknowledged how many of us came from christianity first. Myself included. I was even on mission trips, service trips, and did a lot to further their rights in my school district in middle school. 

I want to acknowledge that due to this many new witches and pagans are looking for a manual and a blueprint because that is what they know. That is what they are used to, and that is what they are comfortable with. 

I did it too for a while there in the beginning.

I keep looking for the right beginning

The right practice to start to learn

The right path

I kept looking for the love and light only answers 

( I will do a post on why I think this movement is so harmful to humanity)

And I got nowhere.

I would be told that I must start with chakra work.

Than I was told no you must start with the moon.

Than I was told Shadow work by some while others told me doing shadow work was forbidden and evil.

I was getting so frustrated and about to give up and just go back to what i had known because i could never be given a “right” answer.

And than I read my first blog post about what being a pagan and witch really should mean. 

I can’t tell you now where it was or who wrote it. 

But, i remember reading about how it is all an experiment. 

We all have our own paths. 

We all have our own gifts. 

And I sat there and really had to reflect on that.

How could this not be true

When there isnt another soul who can do what you can do so why would you ever find a manual on how to do it? 

Why would any other soul know exactly what my path is, my gifts are? 

They wouldn’t!

And it was up to me to figure out exactly how to use them!

Now saying this i don’t want to discredit teachers,mentors, and guides. As i am one. They have their purpose and they can help give you the framework and the inspiration you need to experiment and look at what you really can do and what you can connect to.

I also want to add that while we should be experimenting and seeing what we can create and how things interact with us, and other energies around us. We need to honor any closed or restrictive practices and cultures and perform those practices as they teach us to for respect and reverence. 

And we need to always do the research and study the history and cultures our practices come from. 

We need to always be prepared for all consequences both intentional and unintentional of our experimentation and accept them and make amends when it is applicable.

Once we do all that and we honor and keep what must be kept, the world really does become so much bigger in the world of magic and witchcraft for you!