The Grey Witch; Walking The Path Of Duality and Balance

Every thing in nature is usually seen in the eyes of most pagans as being dualistic. Many paths consistently teach of how one must be able to understand and work with these seemingly opposing forces. These are the two forces and divisions of male and female, physical and spiritual, etc. It’s often commonly thought throughout […]

A Guide To The Five Elements and Elemental Witchcraft

The basis of life is in the five elements. We only live and survive because of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. The earth is beneath us, provides us shelter, stability, and nourishment. A place to call home. We breathe the air around us, it fills our lungs and our blood with life-giving oxygen. Fire […]

How I found my Magical & Spiritual Path

My Journey prior to paganism and Witchcraft As a wee bitty baby against my will I was baptized in a Lutheran church. I have very strong feelings on baptizing children into any religion and later in life I did perform an unbaptizing ritual and a chord cutting with that contract and deity. After that growing […]