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A month of thought provoking quotations about life

We all need some inspiration, insight, or someone’s else’s perspective to help us navigate and understand the universe and life from time to time. One of my favorite ways to do this is to go to books or the internet and read others words. When I do this it opens up a portal to try and understand their experience that is called life and how they have come to understand the universe we live in. That understanding of someone else’s experience creates a bridge to allow me to shift perspective and learn some new things about myself and the universe along the way as well. This post is a collection of some of my favorite quotations of my own and of others from the past year that really helped me on my path of major transition, growth, and learning this past year. I hope they can help you as much as they helped me!

So be a person they can’t beat. Keep getting back up. Keep fighting. As long as you keep fighting they can never actually win. The fight is coming and as long as we keep getting back up they can never really win.

You create true magic when you learn to let go of control. Let go of controlling the journey and how you will reach your destination. True magic happens when you keep going when that obstacle seems so big in your path there is no way around it. True magic happens in the moments you want to give up and quit. In those moments when you are exhausted and feel like you have tried every which way to keep going to reach your goal. In those moments when you feel stuck and like there is nothing left to do but, turn around and give up. True magic happens when we remember like water we have the ability to be fluid, bend, and be adaptable if we truly let go of controlling the way we must go and just flow.

Never ever quiet that song in your soul. You know the one I am talking about The one that plays in your head when you are alone. The song that no one else but you knows. The one you that makes your whole being vibrate in recognition when it hears it. The one you can’t help but belt out loud. Always let it play out loud for all to see in how you live your life authentically.

I say let it shine and let them cover their eyes. Maybe one day they will be ready to shine just as bright. Until then never let those who are unhealed dull your light.

Stop doing things that make you unhappy. Stop being around people who don’t match your energy. Stop putting yourself in situations that leave you feeling drained. Stop allowing others wants and needs to destroy your peace. You get to choose who you are around, what you around, and the situations you put yourself in. So stop making choices that cost you your peace no matter how it makes others around you feel. Start setting boundaries and watch the peace enter your life.

Be a voice not an echo-Albert Einstein

Now, this year with the energy going on in the collective, the snake slithering its way into our year soon, and the messy rebirth that is happening, it is the time to really grab onto this quotation and take it to live by. To be a voice and not an echo means to embrace your different-ness, to be daring, to take a chance and to take the road less travelled. When you are a voice , it’s when you realize that you are different and thinking differently is the right thing to do. It’s how we evolve and change and keep moving forward in life. Being a voice and not an echo means that you are choosing to use your own voice, your own authentic expression, and your own words when formulating your view of the world around you. Instead of simply being an echo of your environment and what you have been taught.
When you are simply an echo of someone else’s voice, you don’t have personal ownership in what you say, and those beliefs you think are yours? Well they aren’t. They simply are an echo of someone’s else heart.

Being a voice and not just an echo is daring to be brave and question the things around you. It’s being willing to be wholly and authentically you no matter who is around and how hard the world makes it for you. When you choose to embrace that you are your own unique voice and not simply an echo of the generations who have raised you. It gives you the freedom, and the permission to speak up and share what you have to offer the world in your own unique way. Embracing being a voice instead of an echo may be a rougher path to travel but, I promise you when you choose to become the authentic voice that is you and let the world hear it, the liberation felt when those chains fall is like nothing else. I want you to choose now and here, to be willing to question everything you think and then decide…..
Have you been your own voice or an echo this whole time?

This voice in my souls whispered this to me , Reminding me of the power that I wield. Reminding me of the reality I can shape. Reminding me of the rage and fire that burns deep inside that I can call on to protect myself and those who can’t protect themselves in this life. Reminding me to not forget I am a powerful witch, we do not kneel to anyone or any power. We wield it, we stand with it in our hands, and we fight until we have reshaped our entire life. Taking out corruption along the way. I won’t allow myself to become small and shrink into the shadow to not be heard like this administration would like. I will be loud. I will scream. I will get in their faces. I will stand up and fight. I will not let them take my rights and way of life without putting up one hell of a fucking fight.

Even if you think your thoughts on your life and on the people you know are ‘facts’, they really aren’t. They are a series of beliefs you have chosen to live from – your perspective. Your perspective is the way you see something.
It’s the unique way that we interpret and understand our own experiences, thoughts, and emotions, essentially our perspective is acting as a lens through which we view the world around us. Our perspective affects so much of our lives, from our mental health, our interactions with others, our beliefs, and so much more. The way you choose to see things directly affects every choice you make. So your perspective ultimately determines how your life turns out.
Your perspective might feel permanent, but it isn’t. Whether you realize it yet or not, your perspective is actually a choice you have made. And like any choice, it can therefore be changed. So, I challenge you to be willing to challenge your perspective today and see how and where it may need to be reshaped. Doing this could make a big difference on not only your day but, maybe even your entire life.

Some paths aren’t meant to be traveled with others by our side. Some paths are meant to be traveled alone. That doesn’t make them sad or lonely, but full of strength, wisdom, and empowerment. It teaches us resilience and shows us all we can truly accomplish. When we really stop and soak up the silence all around us as we travel our path alone beauty will be found all around.

When you make the choice to heal your wounds and confront the traumas that have been written into the pages of your story. What you are really doing is being reintroduced to pieces of yourself you may have kept hidden in the dark and the pieces of you that were there before you locked them away to keep them safe. This is when you get to relearn who you were before those traumas framed how you view yourself, and the world. Along with the skills they taught you to use to protect yourself and how you respond. Then you get to do the harder work and let go of those things you learned to protect you then and let them go. Reminding yourself that you no longer need those skills and responses today for they no longer serve you and the place you are at now.

Choosing to heal, to really truly go into your soul and mend the things that are broken and bring things to the surface that were hidden is not an easy thing to do. It’s one of the most painful things you will ever go through and it becomes amplified by the fact that it is self inflicted on top of that. The pain you experience when going through the healing process is even going to hurt more then when the wound was inflicted on you in the past. But, that’s okay it’s meant to hurt deeply at first for that is how we truly heal how we move through that pain and allow the medicine of healing to burn and chase away the poison that you had circulating in your energetic veins.

I am not here to live my life IN service to others.
I am not here to be some cog in a machine that is brainwashed in what I think.
I am not here to fall into a line and take orders from anyone. I am here to be me.
I am here to stand in my own power.
I am here to change how we think and how we do things.
I am here to wake others up
I am here to tear shit down, burn it to the ground, and eradicate that line. If doing this means I am not in your heaven that is fine. I would much rather reign in hell where true power and independence can be found in the flames raging all around.

Anger like a fire just is. It isn’t good, it isn’t bad. It just is. what matters is what we do with it and how we direct it. We can either let it burn out of control and consume us. Or we can carefully stoke the flames and choose what is burnt away. You can either build with it and light the way or destroy with it. It is your choice. Right now think carefully about your choice. You can let the heat and flames of the anger you feel now consume you and destroy not only you but, the change you could affect. Or, you can take it and carefully stoke it. Allowing it to still burn at just the right height and heat to be the motivation you need to continue to fight.

For true lasting transformation and change to happen we must be willing to do things we have never done.
We must be willing to truly look deep into the depths of our soul and be honest and accountable with who we are and what we do to try and make our manifestations come true. We must be willing to step into the unknown without fear and trust that if we listen to the changes we need to make lasting growth will come at last. We must be willing to let go of who we have been in the past. Looking into the future with brand new eyes willing to do the things you thought you never could or would to become all you should. With it being Scorpio season right now is the perfect time to do just that. Grab onto this moment of transformation and step into the unknown with willingness to do things completely new to achieve lasting evolution to a brand new you!

Your soul already knows the answer you just have to be quiet enough to hear it and brave enough to listen to it. The next few days as the veil reaches it’s thinnest point I challenge you to truly sit and listen to not only the whispers of the dead but of your very own soul. Reflect on this past year, the triumphs and the hurts and the lessons your soul has learned. Listen to the answers it’s been dying for you grab onto and use to reshape your reality and awaken. Than be the brave being you were meant to be and step through the veil and into this next year with power, purpose, and alchemizing your fear.

While making wishes and sending them out into the multiverse is a step in your manifestation process and essential.
It isn’t the farthest we should go. We can’t simply make a wish with our breath and let them go. We must follow those seeds, see where the land, and cultivate them with our energy, actions, and decisions to make them grow. So today, make the choice to not just simply wish for your dreams to come true but, invest your energy in ways that will make it happen for you soon.

How often do you let your mind and self talk turn into shaming and tearing yourself down? Especially when it comes to your goals, personal development, and growth. How often do you hear yourself try and motivate yourself through comparison to others, belittling yourself or shaming yourself for not doing things you feel you should?
I am here to tell you to take a moment and stop, because shaming yourself into change and becoming who you want to be will never get you the long lasting changes you wish to see. Give yourself grace because I know it’s a loop that’s easy to get stuck in and difficult to get off. Then move forward with motivating yourself to true evolution through boosting your self worth, and love.

Some of us did not come to this realm in this lifetime to be supported and carried by others but, we came here to be the support system for the collective. If you’ve had a challenging life, if you are the black sheep and feel like you never had the proper support and love. That is because YOU are the love and the support system for everyone.
So, make sure to take the time each and every day to do the inner healing work to help move the collective into a place where they truly feel the love and support you were contracted to bring to the Earth.

When was the last time you validated yourself? I am referring to positively recognizing your thoughts, emotions or actions. When was the last time you took a moment to stop the negative chatter in your mind? Stop waiting to hear the positive words, praise or encouragement you’re craving. Tell it to yourself because you’re the only person you have complete control over.

Self-worth is at the core of our very selves—our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are intimately tied into how we view ourselves as human beings. Which in turn affects our magic, our manifestation, and how we walk around in our communities and go through life. If you don’t feel your self worth is where it should be, take some time today to really sit and reflect on where you have been. Remember every time you fell and got back up again. Remember every scrape, every bruise, every rejection, every broken bone and every hurtful thing someone has ever said. Remember each one those things no matter how hurtful, traumatic or bad they were; you did not stop. You kept going and proved it was all wrong and you wouldn’t let it break you. Each one of those scars, breaks, and every tear wasn’t weakness but, strength and a deposit into your self worth bank. Take a deep breath, focus on that bank of strength you have and remember you are worthy no matter what happens or anyone else says. For every ounce of that strength and self worth in your bank you have earned.

Remember you are growing while also trying to heal. Remember you are grieving while also learning to forgive. Remember you are searching for the future while trying to let go of the past. Remember you are trying to love others while learning to also love yourself. Remember you are accepting yourself for who you are now while also working to become who you were always meant to be. So, give yourself a break and some grace each and every day.

When life, others, or even yourself start to make you feel small, insignificant or like you don’t matter at all. Please stop, take a moment, and be kind to yourself and stand up tall.

Personal growth is central to who I am and how I live my life. I’ve come to learn a lot from the snake when it comes to this process of transformation. They shed their skin every time it no longer fits or serves them. Making the process of transformation very familiar to them. They don’t question it they simply allow it to happen knowing that after that painful process is done, they will be able to slither and breathe like never before. They don’t care what that process looks like to others walking by and they ignore every mumble of disgust and side eye. And if they feel threatened or their boundaries have been crossed they don’t even question to unhinge their jaw and protect themselves while they are healing and raw. Be like the snake as you move through life.

Remember if you are going through shit right now you can use it to allow you to grow and thrive like never before. Nature does it all the time. Just go and ask the mushrooms.

As much as falling apart is difficult, parts of me does truly love it. You get to be so intimate with the raw energy of your soul. It gives you the time to examine each shattered bit of your soul. To filter out the pieces that no longer serve you and lay them to rest with love. To be face to face with the pieces you will carry forward with you in resilience and strength.

Some of the hardest things I have had to heal and work through revolve around the things I didn’t get and receive from others and types of relationships I never got to experience. It’s important that we recognize and work through all of it to be the complete, whole, and balanced creature we were meant to be.

When the fires are all around you and you aren’t sure your skin can take anymore burns; just remember that each step you take and the taller you stand the more power you put into your own hands.

Don’t wait to love yourself until the change is complete, love yourself through the process as well.

Remember,to not care what anyone else thinks of you and their perception of you. You need to do whatever it takes to heal, keep going, and create a healthy and thriving life.

But, remember boundaries aren’t you telling someone else what they can and cannot do. Boundaries are you saying how YOU will respond to the decisions they make and the actions YOU will take. They aren’t rules you enforce on others, they simply are advocating for yourself, your well being, your energy and your time.

Don’t forget to head over to my shop and register for my Valentines day sex magic event as well; Essence of the sacred dance. When you register for this event you will learn; Sex magic techniques to increase pleasure, create more presence in the moment, manifest your desires through organisms, and strengthen your connection through timeless intimacy! Let me show you how something as simple as the right energy, intention, and breathing technique with your blowjobs can heal years of trauma for your partner even! Plus you will leave with an eBook full of sex magic spells you can do on your own and journal prompts to help unlock more of your sexual prowess, desires, and release blockages holding you back in bed.

If you have ever wanted to learn how to make sex apart of your magic and spiritual life this event is for you! We begin at 6:30pm CST- 8:30pm CST on Wednesday February 11th in google meet. To register for this event purchase today!

About Me : I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years. First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration, and re-enchantment of Magic in society, across this realm, and in each and every soul I come across in life! I am here to create a container that promotes healing, duality, and raw authenticity. I do this by guiding you on your personal journey to understanding your unique magic and sacred contracts. I facilitate this for you through embracing your shadow, duality and learning to live in energetic balance while not wearing a mask. When you work and learn from me you do so from your “darkness” as much as your “light” and in a way to truly harness and accept it not to just go thru it on the way to your light. But, I teach you how to truly embrace it, work with it, and use it alongside your light as a partner. I hold up a mirror for you to be able to see your authentic reflection looking back. Then have the courage to take the next step and do the uncomfortable but vital inner work to completely remove your mask. By facing all of your past wounds, traumas, and hurts. Allowing you to see both the dark and light within your story and take each chapter and alchemize it into something that is so powerful. your unique internal flame will shine so bright you will always be able to go within and find it on a dark cold night. You will learn how to truly live in duality and energetic balance to allow growth, and alignment with your sacred contracts and purposes. to finally move on and truly let the things that hold you back in this life from healing and manifesting go. To see everything I offer; like personalized shadow work sessions, womb healing, eBooks for you to work through on your own, Tarot sessions for guidance and more! Go to my shop!

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My Open letter to you; 2024 Past Year Introspection and New Year goals for 2025

Happy New Year everyone! I can not believe we are at this point again here! As we welcome the new calendar year saying hello to 2025 and also saying goodbye to 2024 I sit in the duality of the liminal space of transition as I reflect on the past year and look to the new year ahead. Sitting in this liminal space and allowing myself to reflect creates a portal that helps me acknowledge the things I went through, recognize the lessons learned, and gather my thoughts and/or feelings and focus for the year ahead.

My highest heights

. To give the year a proper send-off and reflect on the past 365 days without falling into a pattern of dwelling on the past to the point that you have trouble moving forward, I look at the best parts of the year through a lens of taking note of the highest heights I was able to climb. Actively realizing how far I’ve come and celebrating the wins along the way gives me the perspective and motivation I need when focusing on losses and unwanted things seems all my mind can do that day. Some of my highs from the past year are listed below.

  • The goals I was able to meet.
  • The new people who came in and blessed my life becoming a cherished part of my community I am rebuilding.
  • The kindness showed to be by family in some of my darkest days by taking me in when I didn’t know where I would end up.
  • The magic I was able to weave.
  • The projects I was able to begin, finish, and how my way to express and create changed.
  • The energy I was able to contribute to the collective and the change I was able to make in my clients lives and through my voice and actions demanding change.
  • The amount of love grown between the bond of a mother and a son another year of life can make.
  • The growth a huge mistake someone making can force to take place within a marriage if you choose to forgive and continue your journey together forever with a fresh new clean slate

My deepest depths

I don’t forget about the duality of this liminal time and day. I also look at the worst parts of the year through a lens of taking note of the deepest depths of despair and sorrow I had to face. Reflecting on the lows of the past year means taking time to intentionally think back on the most challenging, difficult, or disappointing moments of the previous year. To acknowledge and embrace the unwanted emotions associated with them. Allowing them identify areas for growth or self improvement moving forward. Some of my lows from the past year are listed below.

  • The confusion and doubt from learning how to enter a technological world I knew absolutely nothing about.
  • The fear and anxiety of being rejected by others never selling a product or booking a client with business I am using to help support my family every single day.
  • The overwhelming feeling of failure when losing my job, getting utilities shut off on me and losing the home I had built for my son and family the past few years.
  • The feeling of grief and loss in who I thought my husband and my marriage was when betrayal entered our life and home.
  • The loneliness and isolation felt when having to finally close the door and cut off contact with all the family I have connected to me through blood.
  • The resentment felt when you take care of everyone else’s world and you don’t see it reciprocated back into your world from those you love.
  • The lack of self worth when facing a relapse from an eating disorder, starting a new business on social media, and healing from betrayal

My Biggest Overall lesson of 2024

“Don’t let the fear of the unknown keep you from taking bold steps toward your goals. The greatest opportunities lie on the other side of fear.”

As you sit to reflect on the past year as it comes to the end and look forward to the next year ahead.
I want you to think of this. Think of every single time you didn’t listen to the fear of failure. Think of every single time you didn’t listen to the anxiety and worry of not knowing if things were going to work out in the end. Think of every single time you kept going even though you had no idea where to go or how you would get there. Didn’t each one of those times get you to a brand new place, build a new thing, or help you meet your goals to achieve your dreams? I’m going to guess the answer is most likely yes.

I know for me the last year was a entire lesson in all of that. I launched this page, started a business, and stepped into a new sacred purpose I had no idea how to shape. The entire time there was fear in the unknown Fear that I wouldn’t have things people would want to hear. Fear that my gifts weren’t something people really wanted me share.
Fear that I didn’t have the power, skill, and time to learn how to create this sacred container especially in a technical way. Fear that I would have to lose things very dear to me in order to make this dream come true and those I love would walk away Fear that the balance between creating content and being present in life couldn’t be had. But, even with that fear there, I kept going. And now just look at where I am at and all the opportunities I have had! This business has done more and has a farther reach than I ever thought I could have!

My First Year as a small business owner

With the turning of a new calendar year I sit here and set my goals and intentions for my personal growth, my family, my personal life, my marriage, my health, and now for my business, this page and sacred container I have created in this past year of my life. This goal I set at the beginning of last year was only supposed to be a small little blogsite for me to write and get my thoughts out in life. Now look at what it’s become and all the skills it has forced me to learn it had never crossed my mind I would need in this lifetime.

It’s allowed my magic to grow and flow in a way I never saw in life and created a new perspective for how to navigate this reality. My eyes were open to how my voice, my energy, and my authenticity could make a real difference in the collective and others lives entering the universal creative force. I was able to get some much more clarity on my identity. I am a hand guiding you on your own unique healing journey. Teaching you to dance in liminal space & alchemize human suffering into healing, power, and magic for the collective. I show you ways to reenchant your life with magic, personal alchemy,& duality.

The goals I have for this magical, mystical, and alchemizing place this next year I know will allow me to meet this epic, resurrecting, and revolutionizing energy of 2025 coming. Below are some of the goals I WILL climb to in 2025 and give you peak behind the curtain of the creative forces that have flowing through me thickly the last month.

  • Hit 1000 facebook and pinterest followers
  • Have 5 people a month join the patreon community
  • Host 2 major workshops spirit has guided me to lead in 2025
  • Be consistent with how I am showing up in this sacred community and container
  • Focus my commitment on supporting all the new offerings in my patreon community
  • Fight injustice in my community by using this space to speak more about political issues and activism the collective should pay attention too and host more events to empower the collective to fight
  • Enter new portals of knowledge to bring back and share with all whose ears are open to hear
  • Listen to those within the community with an open heart to hear what they truly need from to alchemize their suffering
  • Allow my authenticity to shine through even brighter as a guiding light

My top 24 of 2024

Last year I launched this space and birthed my small business this sacred container on 01/07/2024 . After that one of the very firs articles I wrote and posted was my Top 23 of 2023. My reflection of the top lessons I had leaned during 2023. When I look back at that article now and compare it to the ones I have written even in the last week. the growth in my own voice, my writing style, and my confidence is seen all over my site. Which leads me to the first lesson of my top 24 of 2024 . ( Of course , I am going to keep this gong. do you not know me?) If you allow yourself to walk into the unknown you will be in awe at the difference one year can make. In every single area of my life, from the beginning of this year to where I am now has been completely reshaped. Simply because, I had the courage to take that very first step into not knowing the way. Let’s look at the rest of the lesson s I learned in 2024.

  1. If you allow yourself to walk into the unknown you will be in awe at the difference one year can make.
  2. Anger is one of the most powerful emotions to motivate us to change.
  3. true power comes from alchemizing our past, wounds, and suffering into healing.
  4. Progress over Perfection 2024 reminded me that imperfections build character and can be catalysts to change..
  5. I’d rather have lasting change instead of quick change.
  6. Letting go of expectation reduces suffering.
  7. I would much rather Reign in hell then serve in heaven.
  8. I can never stop going I hold someone’s childhood in my hands.
  9. The Peace you get from cutting out toxicity and drama from other people is resounding.
  10. Your choice to forgive and move on must be for you and no one else.
  11. Shame is something others can make you feel while guilt is something you make yourself feel.
  12. In life we are either learning and growing or decaying.
  13. When you choose to play in the matrix you have to know the rules to play.
  14. You must know who you are to attract the abundance and things you need from the multiverse.
  15. Embody your authenticity with integrity.
  16. Lessons will continue to present themselves until you respond in a different and new way.
  17. You can’t create a new life without being willing to shift perspective and do things in a new way.
  18. The wisdom whispered in stillness and silence is the most profound.
  19. With betrayal comes a deep sense of grief for the person and life you thought you knew.
  20. Look for your glimmer in every single day
  21. You can only enlighten the minds of those whose ears are open to hear it
  22. Change is a natural part of life, and even destructive forces can lead to new beginnings.
  23. Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
  24. Betrayal can be a wake-up call to establish clear guidelines for how you expect to be treated.

Final Thoughts

As I look at the heights and the pits of the past year I can’t help but, be reminded of the duality of life. The constant ebb and flow of energy. The endless turning of the wheel. The one thing we can guarantee in our lives forever; is change. The need for us embracing and balancing the darkness and the light. I see how not only the highs bring wanted things into my life but, pits and falls do as well.

In the form of healing generational wounds and trauma. Pushing me to grow, evolve, and becoming the next version of myself. Shedding and letting go of stories and wounds that no longer serve me and weigh me down. While welcoming in new ways of thinking, being, and perspectives of others and the world. As you sit in both the hope of the future looking at the highs, and setting new goals. Don’t forget to also look at those times you sank into the depths of despair, darkness, and sorrow and lessons they had shining bright inside.

Come join me the first Saturday of January to revolutionize how you set your goals for 2025. Let me show you hand in hand how to create my personal development plan. You will leave with your entire years worth of SMART goals planned, a way to keep yourself accountable, and have a clear path on how you meet every goal you set.

Have you been feeling stuck, emotionally unstable, missing joy in your life, or having a hard time connecting to yourself and your magic? Do you want to start the new year from a different headspace? I have the answer for you to start out this new year from a place feeling grounded, present, and ready to manifest your dream life. Come join me for this special one time only two day event teaching you how to integrate the practice of Mindfulness to your magic and life!

What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the practice of purposely bringing one’s attention to the present moment without judgment. It allows you to move from just existing in life to thriving, get back to wise mind, create a place to heal and grow in, and most important of all, align you with joy while creating a life where you truly thrive! This skill is a core skill in DBT, the therapy that changed my life! To register for this special two day event visit the link below!

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Working with the Magic of the Winter Solstice during Yule

As the days draw short and the nights grow long, there are celebrations as well as a tinge of fear in the cold, crisp air as the wild hunt stampedes across the sky on winter solstice night. One of the most popular celebrations honoring the winter solstice was Yule Yule is one of the oldest winter solstice festivals, With roots that intertwine Celtic, Druidic, and Norse traditions from thousands of years ago. Yule is a celebration of the dark stillness of winter and the rebirth of the sun. This ancient celebration marks the point at which the night is longest, the day is shortest, and the journey back toward light begins. the winter solstice offers an opportunity to honor nature’s cycles, reflect on the dark season, and celebrate the sun’s return. Like most winter solstice festivals, themes of light, fire, and feasting are common threads. In Norse culture, the winter solstice was known as Yule or Jol, a festival. It was believed that during this time, the sun goddess Sol gave birth to a new sun, marking the beginning of longer days and the end of winter darkness. Yule offers a beautiful opportunity to honor the cycle of nature, embrace the winter season, and welcome the returning light. Join me on a walk through the crisp winter air, to the feel the snow on your cheeks until you reach the Yule bonfire on Winter solstice night.

What is the winter Solstice?

The Winter Solstice occurs annually around December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere and around June 21st in the Southern Hemisphere. This is a day when the daylight is diminished and it’s the longest night of the year. Nearly every ancient culture acknowledged or celebrated the Winter Solstice in some aspect. It is a powerful moment in the solar year: The night is at its longest, but immediately after this peak, the light begins to regain its hold again (slowly). The solstice represents death, the absolute darkest moment of the year, but also rebirth and hope. Even as we acknowledge grief, loss, and the death in nature all around us, we know that everything will come back to life again in the spring and summer as it always has.

What is Yule?

Yule was one of the most important festivals in the old heathen calendar. Yule is a midwinter celebration that goes back to (as early as) the 4th century. Yule or Jol is an ancient Germanic holiday season. Some say Yule lasted for 12 days, from the Winter Solstice forward, while others say the festivities lasted an entire two months. From December through January, if we’re looking at a modern calendar. The name Jol is believed to come from a name for Odin himself – JÓLFAÐR, which translates to Yule Father. Yule holds immense significance as a time of transition, rebirth, and renewal. It symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness, as the sun begins its ascent, gradually growing stronger and promising the return of spring. Yule is a celebration of the winter solstice, representing the return of light, the cycle of life, and the interconnectedness of nature and humanity.

Other names for yule

  • Jól
  • Jólablót
  • Jul
  • Yule time
  • Yuletide

Other Celebrations of the Winter solstice

Many cultures across earth have developed their own stories, beliefs and practices surrounding the winter solstice. These are just a few examples of the diverse ways the winter solstice has been found across different cultures. Many cultures have the universal themes of rebirth, renewal, and the triumph of light over darkness, symbolizing hope and the promise of a new beginning.

Alban Arthan
The winter solstice was celebrated by the Celts as the festival of Alban Arthan, which means “Light of Winter.” It was believed that during this time, the Oak King (representing the waxing year) defeated the Holly King (representing the waning year), symbolizing the triumph of light over darkness. They believed that the burning of the Yule log was a way to symbolize the sun’s return and that the exchange of gifts was a way to honor the gods and ask for their favor in the coming year.

The Saturnalia Festival is an ancient Roman holiday that mainly celebrated the Winter sowing season, as well as honored the god Saturn. The actual dates vary but most scholars agree it was once celebrated between December 17th and the 23rd OR December 25th through the 31st, depending on the calendar that was used. Saturnalia was a jovial time for the entire city of Rome because, everyone in ancient Rome participated in the excitement. Especially what I find to be the most interesting par t of this festival the role reversal when power dynamics were switched. Meaning slaves and servants were now the masters for one day and vice versa.

Chinese winter solstice
In Chinese culture, the winter solstice is associated with the concept of yin and yang. It is believed that during this time, yin (representing darkness and cold) reaches its peak, and yang (representing light and warmth) begins to grow, symbolizing the return of light and the gradual transition towards spring.

  • Blue Christmas (holiday) (Western Christian)
  • Brumalia (Ancient Rome)
  • Dongzhi Festival (East Asia)
  • Inti Raymi (Inca)
  • Koliada and Korochun (Slavic)
  • Midwinter Day (Antarctica)
  • Sanghamitta Day (Theravada Buddhism)
  • Shabe Yalda (Iran)
  • Shalako (Zuni)
  • Uttarayana (India)
  • We Tripantu (Mapuche)
  • Willkakuti (Aymara)
  • Yaldā (Western and Central Asia)
  • Yule in the Northern Hemisphere (Germanic)
  • Ziemassvētki (ancient Latvia)

The wild Hunt

Yule was also the time when it was believed the wild hunt would stampede across the skies. This was the night when ancestors visited from the Otherworld, and gods and spirits upon phantom horses rode through the night sky, led by All-father Odin upon his eight legged steed Sleipnir, leading the legendary Wild Hunt! No one wanted to be caught out alone on the road on this night as the ghostly hunting party ripped through the night sky, carrying the souls of the dead to the Otherworld.

Yule a time of renewal, rebirth, and transformation

Yule marks the shortest day and longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. It symbolizes the rebirth of the sun as the days gradually start to lengthen again. Yule celebrates the return of light and the promise of warmth and growth in the coming months. Yule is a time of renewal and transformation, both in nature and within ourselves. It represents the cyclical nature of life, reminding us that even in the darkest times, there is always the potential for light and growth. Yule is a time to shed old patterns, release what no longer serves us, and set intentions for the future.

Yule a liminal time of instrospection

Yule is a time for introspection and reflection on the past year. It provides an opportunity to review personal growth, accomplishments, and challenges, as well as to contemplate the lessons learned and the changes desired for the future. Yule encourages self-reflection, inner work, and setting intentions for personal and spiritual development. One of the best ways to do that is through Shadow work. If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.

Yule a time of celebration and family

Yule is traditionally a time of gathering with loved ones, family, and community. It is a time for sharing warmth, love, and gratitude. Yule celebrations often involve feasting, exchanging gifts, and participating in rituals or ceremonies that foster a sense of togetherness and unity. It is a time of joy amongst the darkest, and harshest nights of the year.

Winter solstice, Yule, and duality

Since, I am a grey witch I look for the duality in every single energy I work with including sacred times like the winter solstice and festivals to celebrate it like Yule. Yule embodies a powerful duality by embracing the beauty of darkness while celebrating the promise of light’s return. It reminds us that after a season of long, cold nights and short days, the sun’s return is imminent. Yule recognizes the profound duality of life: the lightness and the dark. Yule is a time to pause in honor of all that’s good, while also holding space for pain. Throughout Yule there is a constant ebb and flow, a dance of duality. Filled with joy and sorrow, Abundance and scarcity, and lastly life and death.

Yule and Santa

We all know about the jolly, white bearded, red suited old man Santa Claus. He permeates the holiday season and Yule is included in that. Santa Claus is connected to Yule, because many aspects of the modern Santa figure, like his gift-giving nature and ability to travel through the sky, are believed to be derived from the Norse god Odin who was associated with the Yule festivities, particularly the “Wild Hunt” legend where he would fly through the sky on his eight-legged horse Sleipnir, delivering gifts to deserving individuals; essentially, Santa is seen as a modernized version of the “Yule Father” figure from ancient pagan traditions. To learn more about all of his history you can check out my class on YouTube with Divination all about here. Plus a blogpost on him will be coming right after this one!

Yuletide “monsters”

Most people have heard of Krampus, but there is a whole legion of Yuletide monsters just waiting to be your friend. Let’s talk about the Icelandic Yule Cat, the Yule Lads, and their leader Gryla the Christmas witch alongside Krampus as well below. Why not add them to your yuletide festivities this year as well


First up Krampus! In the chilly shadows of European winter folklore (primarily Germanic), the figure of Krampus emerges, distinct with his horns, terrifying hairy body and sinister snarling face. Krampus is a terrifying winter devil who accompanies Saint Nicholas. Krampus punishes the naughty children with spankings, and sometimes his punishments are so severe he even drowns, eats, or carries them off to Hell. While St. Nicholas (St. Nikolaus in Germany) is famous for giving gifts and rewards to the righteous, it’s Krampus’s job to strike fear into the hearts of the wicked. To learn all about the Christmas devil himself Krampus read my previous blog post here.

the Yule Cat
While many of us have cats we love on in our homes, the Yule Cat isn’t one to bring inside and feed catnip to. This cat is something much different than the fluffy feline sun bathing in your window sill. In Iceland, his name is the Jolakotturinn. Which essentially translates to Yule Cat and he is known to accompany the Yule Lads (of whom we will meet shortly) and Gryla the Christmas Witch. In fact, the Yule Cat myth has it that he is the pet of Gryla, the only one to love him.

Does that mean if you meet the Jolakotturinn you should let him in your home? Only if you’re fond of facing terrifying creatures AND ONLY IF you are wearing NEW CLOTHES on Christmas when you open that door. What do new clothes have to do with the Yule Cat? Well, legend has it, he will eat you if you’re wearing old clothes!

the Yule Lads
If the Yule Cat wasn’t horrifying enough, let’s move on to the Thirteen Yule Lads that hang about for Iceland’s Christmas. Sadly, Santa Claus doesn’t visit the children in Iceland. But the Yule Lads, Jolasveinar or “Yule Swains”, do! The Yule Lads begin invading Iceland on December 12th, thirteen days before Christmas, and hang around until Christmas Day. Each day one new Yule Lad comes down from his home in the mountains. these Yule Lads are more trollish in appearance and nature than human. And they all take on mischievous, if not downright disturbing, roles like one named Window Peeper. Yes, he looks through windows at the unsuspecting people inside. The rest of the thirteen Yule Lads don’t seem much better either with names like Stubby, Gully Gawk, Door Slammer, and Pot Scraper. And yes, there’s even one named Skirt Blower….. Today it’s believed that if the children are bad, the Yule Lads will give them a potato (raw or rotting). And if the children are good, they will receive a gift from each of the thirteen Yule Swains.

Grýla: The Terrifying Yuletide Witch
Gryla is the monstrous troll-woman and Christmas witch of Iceland tradition and lore. She is accompanied by her sons and familiar we talked about above. .Gryla steals down from her domain in the mountains to the towns where the bad children lay asleep in their beds. She carries a large sack with her, so that when she snatches the children up she has a safe place to put them. Sound familiar? A little like Krampus from up above.

12 days of yule

Yule celebrations lasted 12 days, from December 21st to January 1st.. The 12 Days of Yule is a holiday that celebrates the winter solstice and the rebirth of the sun. It is also a time to honor the gods and goddesses, the ancestors, spirits of the dead, and the spirits of nature. Below I break down what each of the 12 days represents listen to your intuition to determine how you want to honor and celebrate each one of them.

  • Day 1:The first day of Yule is also known as Mother’s Night, and it is a day to honor the female ancestors and the goddesses of fertility, protection, and wisdom. (Dec. 20th)
  • Day 2: The second day of Yule is the winter solstice, the shortest day and the longest night of the year. It is also the day when the sun is reborn, and the days start to get longer and brighter. This is a day to celebrate the light, the fire, and the sun. (Dec 21st)
  • Day 3:The third day of Yule is a day to honor the triple goddess, the three aspects of the divine feminine: the maiden, the mother, and the crone. The triple goddess represents the cycles of life, death, and rebirth, and the phases of the moon. (Dec 22nd)
  • Day 4: The fourth day of Yule is a day to honor the ancestors, the spirits of the departed who have influenced our lives and shaped our heritage. The ancestors can be our blood relatives, our spiritual mentors, or our cultural heroes. (Dec 23rd)
  • Day 5: The fifth day of Yule is a day to honor the animals, the creatures of the earth, air, and water who share this world with us and provide us with food, companionship, and inspiration. The animals can be our pets, our livestock, our totems, or our spirit guides. ( Dec 24th)
  • Day 6: The sixth day of Yule is a day to honor the gods and goddesses, the divine beings who rule over the realms of existence and manifest the forces of nature and the aspects of life. The gods and goddesses can be from any pantheon or tradition that you follow or resonate with. ( Dec 25th)
  • Day 7: The seventh day of Yule is a day to honor the elves, the fairies, the dwarves, and the other hidden folk who dwell in the realms of magic and mystery. The hidden folk are the guardians of nature, the keepers of secrets, and the makers of wonders. Some of the traditions and customs that are associated with this day are the Elf Feast, the Fairy Ring, and the Dwarf Gift. ( Dec 26th)
  • Day 8: The eighth day of Yule is a day to honor the spirits of the land, the beings who inhabit and animate the natural features of the earth. The spirits of the land are the essence of the mountains, rivers, forests, fields, and stones. Some of the traditions and customs that are associated with this day are the Landvættirblót, the Stone Circle, and the Sacred Grove. ( Dec 27th)
  • Day 9: The ninth day of Yule is a day to honor the ancestors of the spirit, the people who have inspired us and influenced us in our spiritual path and practice. The ancestors of the spirit can be our teachers, mentors, heroes, or role models. They can be from any time, place, or tradition that we feel connected to. Some of the traditions and customs that are associated with this day are the Ancestor Feast, the Hall of Heroes, and the Shrine of Inspiration. (dec 28th)
  • Day 10:The tenth day of Yule is a day to honor the spirits of the home, the beings who dwell in and protect our household and family. The spirits of the home are the hearth, the door, the well, and the ancestors. Some of the traditions and customs that are associated with this day are the House Blessing, the Door Warding, and the Well Offering. ( Dec 29th )
  • Day 11: The eleventh day of Yule is a day to honor the spirits of the sky, the beings who inhabit and rule over the celestial bodies and the weather. The spirits of the sky are the sun, the moon, the stars, and the clouds. Some of the traditions and customs that are associated with this day are the Sun Salutation, the Moon Meditation, and the Star Gazing. (Dec 30th)
  • Day 12: The twelfth day of Yule is the last day of the old year and the eve of the new year. It is a day to reflect on the past, present, and future, and to celebrate the cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Some of the traditions and customs that are associated with this day are the New Year’s Eve, the New Year’s Resolutions, and the New Year’s Day. (Dec 31st)

Common Traditions

Lighting of the Yule log

Burning a Yule log is a time-honored tradition that represents the return of light during the darkest time of the year. A large log, often made of oak or other sacred woods, is ceremonially lit and kept burning throughout the night or for the entire Yule season. Symbolizing the light and warmth in the midst of winter’s darkness, a large log is traditionally burned in the hearth or bonfire. As the log crackles and glows, it serves as a focal point for reflection, meditation, and the manifestation of hopes and dreams for the coming year. Keep in mind as well that the type o f wood you choose will add an extra layer of energy to magic this night as well during this night.

Below is an example of the Yule log my son and I made last year. For this year we used pine, evergreen, apples, ground gloves, cinnamon, bay leaves, sage, and rosemary to fuel our intentions of the next year. To release patterns tainted by mistrust that no longer serve us. To call in abundance, reciprocated love and energy, and peace and healing in our family and home. With the twine we bound our intentions tight to cut off unwanted energies and leave them in our past life. We bind our commitment to our new intentions and goals we set this solstice night full of bright new energy as the sun is reborn this day with new light.

The tradition of giving gifts during the Winter season is ancient and spans cultures. In Ancient Rome, Saturnalia was an ancient Winter festival that celebrated the god Saturn during the month of December. The Romans gave each other gifts during this time. This tradition is reflected in the story of the three wise-men and the gifts they bring to the newborn Jesus. But gift-giving isn’t limited to the Romans or to baby Jesus, as the ancient Germanic peoples also gave gifts to one another. This was a transfer of blessings for health and abundance.

Yule Singing or caroling
Yule singing, also called caroling, originates in the Wassailing tradition made most popular in England. The term wassail comes from the Old Norse word ves heill which means good health. So the idea of singing to people, or in the orchards to the trees, meant to bless the people or property.

Wassailing isn’t just a festive activity you can do with your community but also a hot drink. Wassail is a strong drink, often made with ale, honey, spices, or mulled apple cider. The ritual of wassailing involves anointing the tree with wassail and decorating it with wassail-soaked cakes. During feasts, the wassail is poured into a large bowl and guests are greeted with “waes hael”, which means “drink and be well”

Yule Goat (Bock)
The Yule Goat or Yule Bock is a Scandinavian winter solstice tradition. It’s basically a decorative goat made out of straw or wood. Then hung on the Yule tree or placed elsewhere around the home. The goat itself is one of two things: either a representation of Thor’s sacred animals OR a nod to the calendar moving into the sign Capricorn. Either way, the yule goat brings prosperity and luck in the coming year.

Deities of Yule

During Yule and the winter solstice its common for many witches and pagans to work with and celebrate deities that connect to and represent the energies central to the celebrations. This season and it’s celebrations are full of magic, and there are many gods and goddesses of rebirth, the winter, and the sun we can connect to this Yule. Yule is a really important time in pagan culture and there are plenty of gods and goddesses to work with or worship, depending on your practice, festivals, and celebrations. SOME of them you can work with are; Odin, cailleach, Sol Invictus, Brechta, Skahdi, The oak and holly king and more! Keep an eye out for my blogpost coming in just a few days all about the deities of Yule.

Magical themes of Yule

Every season and every pagan holiday has certain concepts and magical themes. Which means, depending on your tradition and needs, you can weave one or more of these themes into your personal celebrations. This Sabbat perform spells to harness the energies of rebirth, renewal, transformation, the light of the day, rebirth of the sun, and the darkness of night. This is also a time to reflect on the past year, and planning for the new year ahead. It’s a very liminal time weaved with the energies of duality. Yule is a great time to focus on spells that remind us of the joy we get when loved ones are near. This is a very potent time to allow yourself to descend into the depths of your soul for inner work and reflection. To be healed by letting one version of you die on the eve of Yule night to be reborn as a new you with the sun at first mornings light. On Yule, we see the following magical rituals and spells below as well. Remember these are just some of the themes and energies you can connect to and work with on Yule.

  • renewal
  • rebirth
  • Life’s resilience
  • return of the sun
  • stillness
  • Darkness
  • light
  • Joy
  • Family
  • Hearth
  • Introspection
  • reflection
  • ghosts and spirit activity
  • fire
  • nature’s cycles
  • Cleansing/ purification
  • hope
  • death

Correspondences for Yule

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for A holiday or sacred time like Yule and the winter solstice, I will list below for you to use. Remember this is not an all encompassing list and there may be other correspondences to use. Just follow your intuition and use what calls to you.

  • Planet- The Sun
  • Animal- stag, bull, goat, dove, owl, wolf, robin, foxes, reindeer
  • Element-fire and earth
  • colors- white, red, green, gold, silver, white
  • Herbs/flowers- cinnamon, nutmeg, myrrh, frankincense, holly rosemary, sage, oranges, mistletoe, pine, oak, cedar, cloves, poinsettia, peppermint, juniper, bayberry, yarrow, ivy, bay leaves, winter jasmine, all spice
  • Stones/ crystals- snowflake obsidian, blue topaz, onyx, malachite, green aventurine, carnelian, hematite, alexandrite, lapis lazuli, clear quartz, bloodstone, ruby, pearl, garnet, emerald, amethyst, sunstone, labrodorite
  • Deities-green man, holly king, oak king, the horned god, Odin, Brigid, cailleach, baba yaga, freya, Baldor, apollo, mithras, sol Invictus, Demeter, ceres, holda, Diana, Saturn, crones, isis, befena, Horus, Ra, Jesus, Marduk, Ullr , Skadhi, thor, Brechta, sunna, Surya, Amaterasu, Ganesha, Janus
  • Symbols-evergreen tress, bells, yule log, the hearth, sun wheel, candles, wreaths, gifts, krampus, the yule cat, yule lads, Santa, snowflakes, gifts, pineones, elves
  • Food/drinks: apple, cider, wassail, mulled wine, fruits, bread, cookies, bread, oranges, eggnog, nuts, roasted meats. figgy pudding, eggs

Ways to connect to Yule

We have talked about many different themes, and energies you can connect to during this time from rebirth, transformation, rebirth of the sun, darkness, stillness, introspection, keeping a lit hearth, and family. Let’s talk about how we can connect to and celebrate those themes and energies now. First, you can participate and honor any of the deities listed above or that are associated with the winter, Yule, and rebirth. In your everyday life, you can work with any affirmations, mantras, and visualization work for change, rebirth, reflection, growth, and connecting to the wisdom in the stillness of winter. Check out below more ways to work with and celebrate this holiday and time of year.

Refresh Your Altar
One way to connect to a holiday and/or sacred day I always recommend is to cleanse and refresh your altar and/or sacred space. Use earth or fire to cleanse, then decorate with snow water, pinecones and needles, holly, nuts, orange slices, cinnamon sticks, images of Krampus or winter deities, red/green candles and any correspondences we talked about earlier.

Decorate and burn a yule log

Celebrate Yule by joining festivals, feasting, singing, dancing, and spending time with loved ones. The most important and the funnest of all is lighting the Yule log. Hold a ceremony where you and your family can light it together. Nothing says warm and cozy, and keeping unwanted spirits at bay quite like bonfires with your nearest and dearest.

Shadow work and reflection

The winter solstice is a great time for self reflection. There’s no better time to do this than during the darkest and longest night of the year. Wrestling with an issue? Realizations and epiphanies come by easier in the quiet stillness of the season. One of the best ways to self reflect is through shadow work. If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here;  you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.

Pine cone wishing spell for new beginnings

This is one of my favorite yule time spells and traditions to do. I like it so much I do it again for new years eve as well. Throughout the span of recorded human history, pinecones have been a symbol of human enlightenment, resurrection, eternal life and regeneration. For the Celts, pine cones represented regeneration and were used as a fertility charm where it was often placed under the pillow. So why not take that fertile energy of the pinecone and use it in a manifestation spell? This spell is really simple and easy to do as well! All you will need to do is go outside to your nearest pine tree and pick out a pinecone that is whispering your name and calling to you. Once you have it go back inside and take small pieces of paper and on each one write a wish you want to see fulfilled and manifested in the next year to come. Once you have them written either fold them or roll them towards you while you visualize that wish being manifested and brought to you. Then take them and stuff them into the pine cone so the pieces of paper are stuck in it. Now you can place the pinecone stuffed with your wishes on your altar or even better add a ribbon to the top and hang it on your yule tree. Then on yule night when you burn your yule log, remove your pinecone from the yule tree and burn it in the fire as well. watch as all your wishes come true this next year.

Tell ghost stories or do graveyard magic

Yuletide is a season of ghosts, ghouls and gods. So what better tradition to carry on than telling ghost stories near a roaring fire? This used to be a well-known and beloved winter solstice custom (think of the ghosts in A Christmas Carol) that has all but fizzled out. On top of that why not take it to he next step by doing some graveyard magic as well.

Snow and Ice Divination for Yule
Divination by snow is called nivimancy and divination by ice is cryomancy. There’s different ways to do this. First, if you live in a place where you get snow, simply watching the snowflakes falling and allowing your mind to clear. Then letting images, words, numbers, symbols pop into your mind. If you can go out in the snow, watch the flakes and notice their patterns, how the wind blows them, etc. Ask the Winter gods, ancestors, and spirits to give you messages through the snow. If you don’t live in a place with snow, I recommend the shaved ice method. You can purchase shaved ice, then allow the ice to melt and read the shape, size, etc. of the puddle made. In addition, you can gaze into the puddle and water scry. Living in Minnesota I have learned the Winter spirits really communicate clearly through the falling snow and by scrying off the tops of frozen rivers, lakes, and other bodies of waters. I find I get the clearest messages when I go and sit on the bank of a frozen river in a private little grove or go and visit somewhere I haven’t been before as the snow falls.

Welcoming the Sun

As the solstice marks the turning point from darkness to light, many including myself choose to greet the sunrise on the morning of Yule. Find a quiet spot in nature, whether it be a hilltop or your own backyard, and witness the beauty of the sun’s return. Offer prayers or intentions for the new cycle, and take a moment to feel the warmth of the sun’s rays on your face. Then head on over to sit around a fire you have lit to release what needs to be released as the sun is reborn again and the long nights begin to get shorter.

Simmer pot for the winter solstice and Yule

Whether you consider yourself a Kitchen Witch, are vaguely interested in Kitchen Magic or just want to bring some good vibes and good smells into your home, simmer pots are an easy, accessible and fun ritual for any time of year! Simmer pots are easy to create and customize to your liking, so you can make your kitchen a sacred space whenever you want! So, why not make one specifically to call in and honor the energy of Yule and the winter solstice.

What are simmer pots? Simmer pots are basically potpourri in a pot! You choose your ingredients, put them in a pot with water, bring to a boil, then turn down to a simmer and let it do its thing. They couldn’t be any easier, just be sure you don’t let your pot boil dry! If you want to keep the pot going simply add more water when it gets low. And obviously never leave it going when you are not home. To learn more about how about this magical practice you can check out my previous blogpost on the topic here.

Other ways to connect to Yule

  • Decorate a yule tree
  • snow magic
  • journal and reflect on the natural cycles of the earth
  • do a release burn
  • Go on a mindful walk in nature
  • Plan and set SMART goals
  • Gather Mistletoe-In Celtic times, druids gathered mistletoe from oak trees to ward off “evil” spirits and bring good luck.
  • Make and hang a wreath-Evergreen wreaths symbolize eternal life and are displayed to honor nature
  • Do some kitchen magic by baking sigils into your baked goods like gingerbread and use spices of the season like nutmeg and cinnamon
  • Use Apple magic and orange magic for prosperity and abundance by making a dried fruit garland
  • Hearth magic to keep your home warm
  • Make some traditional drinks like hot apple cider, wassail, or eggnog
  • Make a yuletide wreath and hang it on your front door or add it to your altar
  • Candle magic- light white to welcome new beginnings and cleansing for the new year
  • declutter and cleanse your home only keeping the things and energy you want to bring into the new year
  • feast around a lit hearth with your friends and family
  • Have a ritual cleansing bath to promotes self care and self worth; add herbs of yule and shut the lights off and light as many candles as you can
  • renewal, rebirth, and transformation magic
  • solar magic
  • Create a wishing spell jar for the winter solstice or create one to release the past year and bury it into the earth
  • Exchange gifts with family and loved ones
  • Donate items, time or money to your community to spread joy and give support during the hareshest months of the year
  • Make a yule pomander ball
  • Create a yule charm and gift it to some friends and family
  • Write a gratitude list
  • Leave offerings for animals out in nature

A Witch Ball Yule Spell for Protection

Since Yule, and the winter solstice are thought to be a liminal time when ghosts and other worldly spirits are roaming the earth, a Yule spell for protection may be necessary. Why not create one that will also look great on your Yule tree as a decoration too! You can do this by creating a Yule protection spell witches ball.

What you will need:

  • A fillable Christmas ball ornament (also called terrarium ornaments. Find at craft and dollar stores.)
  • Three protective herbs: rosemary, salt, cinnamon
  • One small stone with protective vibes, examples: tiger’s eye, black tourmaline, obsidian
  • Small piece of paper
  • Something to write with
  • Bow or decoration for top of ball
  • any correspondences that connect you to yule you want to add

How to perform:

  • Gather your ingredients and cleanse them in whatever way you prefer. I like to use sound or smoke cleansing.
  • Get yourself into sacred container
  • Begin by opening your fillable ornament and breathing gently into it. You’re filling this spell with your essence. At this time, you should also be visualizing your intention for the ball or speaking it out loud. This would be the intention of protecting you, your loved ones, and your home for the Winter solstice and and all witner long.
  • Next, add each herb one by one, telling each ingredient it’s job for the Yule spell. For example, “cinnamon protects my home and family and increases this Yule spell’s effect.”
  • Then add your protective stone. And any other charms you feel are protective.
  • Then add your extra correspondences representing yule
  • Last, you’re going to write your intention on your piece of paper, then say it out loud, as you roll it towards you, then place it in the fillable ball.
  • Seal the ball with the top piece and add any bows or decorations to it. You could even draw a sigil of protection on it as well like one from Krampus or Odin for example.
  • Then hang it on your Yule tree, near your front door or other threshold, or add it to your altar for the winter solstice.

12 Days of Yule = Your Next 12 Months Divination Method

This is a technique I’ve used for a few years now and it almost always turns out to be scary on-point. For each of the 12 days of Yule, you’ll record any omens or signs from that day. Each of those 12 days’ omens/signs are your reading for the next 12 months in the coming year. I honestly picked this up off another witchcraft website a few years ago and can’t remember who made the suggestion. So if it was you, let me know so I can credit you.

Here’s a few examples of how this Winter Solstice divination works:

  • 1st day of Yule: the first snow falls
  • 2nd day of Yule: a crow sits on your roof and caws before dawn
  • 3rd day of Yule: your grandma calls and says she’s been thinking about your friend who passed away
  • 4th day of Yule: carolers come to your house and sing your favorite song
  • 5th day: the broom falls over by your front door
  • 6th day: you find a dead mouse in the basement
  • 7th day: a friend visits without first notifying you
  • 8th day: your candle burns down SUPER quick leaving a wax pattern that looks like a heart
  • 9th day: you step outside and hear a coyote call
  • 10th day: nothing remarkable happens
  • 11th day: you spill your coffee all over your new dress
  • 12th day: your heater dies

How this divination plays out month-to-month make sure to record throughout the year what happens so you can look back at the unreal on point results. Then watch as you add this to yearly traditions like I have as well!

  • 1st day = January = turns out to be a quiet, serene month
  • 2nd day = February = you have a new opportunity to join a local coven
  • 3rd day = March = you dream about your old friend and get the feeling she’s visiting from the spirit world
  • 4th day = April = this month goes really well for you, luck seems to follow you everywhere you go
  • 5th day = May = company shows up. It’s your mother.
  • 6th day = June = you’re sadly demoted at work
  • 7th day = July = then your long time friend from Uni offers you a better job!
  • 8th day = August = a passionate romance comes into your life
  • 9th day = September = you find out a coworker has been talking about you behind your back
  • 10th day = October = a calm, quiet month (and much needed)
  • 11th day = November = your project at work slows down considerably
  • 12th day = December = you realize your anger is getting away from you and figure it’s time to “chill out”

Fire and Ice renewal Yule spell

The winter solstice is a liminal pocket of time that is ripe with the energy of renewal. The earth is going through a time of transition as the days get longer and the nights get shorter from this moment on. It is a time when the sun dies in one moment and in the next is reborn again. Why not take the time to harness some of that potent energy of renewal for yourself as well! The spell below is designed for you to do just that using the alchemizing energy of ice, and the burning passion of fire.

What you will need

  • A freezer safe bowl that holds at least two cups of water.
  • Enough water to fill your chosen bowl at least 2/3rds of the way
  • 1 or more white or yellow tealights or small votive candles
  • Small pieces of winter greenery, berries, warm spices such as cinnamon or cloves, pine needles or citrus slices (fresh, dried or candied) of your choice

For this spell there will be a bit of prep work if you are choosing to use water and not ice. At least four hours depending on the bowl size, before you wish to preform this spell, fill you bowl about 2/3rd full with water. If you are adding greenery, pine needles, etc, do so now. I personally really enjoy adding pine needles, smaller pinecones, holly, and mistletoe. If you are using ice cubes, gathered ice, or freshly fallen snow, simply fill the bowl roughly 2/3rds to 3/4th full with ice.

How to perform:

  • Get yourself into sacred container. Personally, I like to either take my bowl of ice and candle(s) outside where I can be in the snow and winter cold or while standing beside or in front of a window.
  • Place your bowl of water that you prepped by freezing, or your bowl of ice cubes or snow in front of you as you do this start to focus on your intention and energy of renewal for the year. Allow yourself to focus what it is in your life that you need to renew in your life whether that be you as a whole, one area of your life, or even a relationship. It is up to you and now is the time to focus on that energy and bring the intention into your minds eye. Once you have your intention of renewal in your minds eye place your candles in the bowl.
  • Now it is time to light the candles. As you light the flame, say the following words or others that feel right to you: “On winter solstice during Yule, the days begin to grow longer, as the sunlight begins to chase away the longer nights. As nature goes through its rebirth, so too am I renewed in all the ways that I need and want, both known and unknown. I ask for the strength of ice and it’s power of alchemy and change. I ask for the passion and power of fire to burn away what I no longer need and ignite a new light burning bright. I ask for the support of winter’s transformative energy to aid me in this process of renewal and rebirth, As it is, So mote it be.”
  • Allow the candle to burn until it either out entirely or for the melting ice to drip onto it and extinguish it naturally, whichever happens first. As it burns, imagine the strength and warmth of its flames recharging you and you instilling renewed energy, drive and determination inside of you on every level that you presently need.

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Working with the magic of December; Introspection, Rest, and Rebirth

December is a time of reflection, renewal, stillness, rest, introspection, hope, celebrating community and our own uniqueness. The magic of December calls us inward for deep introspection to be a catalyst of rebirth and growth to bloom. Now is the time when we rest while we wait for the spring when the ground thaws and life begins again. In December the energy is focused on the journey deep within as the spirits from the other world are held off by the wild hunt and Odin seated upon Sleipnir. December calls us to focus on transformation, shadow work, releasing the past, and choosing the goals we will focus on this coming year to create the life we truly want. December is associated with Yule and the winter solstice marking the rebirth of the sun and the return of light after the longest night of the year. It’s a time to celebrate the return of light to the world next to the glowing hearth with our family and friends. It is a time to set intentions for the coming year, and reflect on the past year’s experiences. This month envelopes us in the duality and magic of winter. By showing us the introspection in dark nights and the hope of day light finally getting longer again. During December in the stillness and silence as the snow falls, and the ground freezes profound secrets of wisdom are whispered with each inhaled breath. Come join me in this blogpost to learn all about the magic falling down in each silent snowflake covering the realm during the month of introspection, rest, and rebirth; December.

History of December

December is the 12th month of the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The name December comes from the Latin word decem, which means “ten”. This is because it was originally the tenth month of the year in the Roman calendar, which began in March. December has marked the end of the year and the start of winter since the ancient Romans created their first calendar.

Zodiac Signs For The Month Of December

Those born in December are said to be born under either the sign of the archer Sagittarius or the mythical seagoat Capricorn.

Sagittarius are typically born between November 22 and December 21. Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac, and is represented by an archer. They are known for being self-sufficient, independent, free and are a one-of-a-kind, and wise beyond their years. Sagittarius, is the learned healer whose higher intelligence forms a bridge between Earth and Heaven.

Capricorn are typically born between December 22 and January 19. Capricorn’s symbol is a sea-goat, a mythical creature that is part goat and part fish. This is representative of Capricorn’s ability to navigate both the material and emotional realms. Capricorns are said to be hardworking, honest, loyal, and persistent. They are also known for being determined, responsible, and focused.

Sacred Days And Celebrations In December

Every Single month has sacred and important days and celebrations to help you connect to the energies of the month. Plus they usually are a lot of fun to take part in! Below you will find a list of the sacred days and celebrations for the month of December! The common theme you will find is connection to family, our homes, light vs dark and rebirth. But, first we are going to talk about a few that take centerstage during this month having us focus on the introspection in dark nights and the hope of day light finally getting longer.


First up, one of my favorite festivals and holidays to read about in December because, it just sounds like so much fun; Saturnalia. The Saturnalia Festival is an ancient Roman holiday that mainly celebrated the Winter sowing season, as well as honored the god Saturn. The actual dates vary but most scholars agree it was once celebrated between December 17th and the 23rd OR December 25th through the 31st, depending on the calendar that was used. What we know for sure is that it was observed around Midwinter a.k.a. the Winter Solstice. Saturnalia was a jovial time for the entire city of Rome because, everyone in ancient Rome had off of work and participated in the excitement. Especially the most interesting tradition of this festival when the social norms of society were lifted. For example, slaves were able to be the masters and masters turned into the slaves. Women could switch roles with the men and vice versa. It was a true time of merriment and debauchery for all.

Krampusnacht, or Krampus Night

Krampusnacht, or Krampus Night, is a holiday celebrated on December 5th to celebrate the horned, cloven-hoofed companion to St. Nicholas; Krampus. Krampus is a terrifying winter devil who accompanies Saint Nicholas in Eastern and Central European Christmas parades. You’ll find him in Bavaria, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, and parts of Croatia and Northern Italy. Krampus is said to punish children who misbehave, while St. Nicholas rewards the good ones. Krampus is said to have been part of pagan rituals for the winter solstice and is thought to be the son of Hel, the Norse god of the underworld. There’s also an uncanny resemblance between Krampus, Pan, fauns and the Celtic horned deity Cernunnos. But as with almost every pagan entity he Christianity came along and he became associated with Christmas despite efforts by the Catholic church to ban him.

Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice, occurring around December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere, is the moment when the sun takes its lowest arc across the sky, marking the longest night and the shortest day.The Winter Solstice is a special event that occurs when the Earth tilts farthest away from the sun. It is the shortest day and the longest night of the year. It’s a special day when one part of the Earth, where you might live, gets the least amount of sunlight in a whole year. The Winter Solstice has been important to many cultures and religions throughout time. It represents a moment of stillness, reflection, and gratitude amidst the busyness of our day-to-day activities.


As the days draw short and the nights grow long, there are celebrations full of cheer as well as a tinge of fear in the cold, crisp air as Yule is celebrated far and wide. Yule is one of the oldest winter solstice festivals, with origins among the ancient Norse thousands of years ago. Yule or Jol is believed to be first an ancient Germanic holiday season. The name Jol is believed to come from a name for Odin himself – JÓLFAÐR, which translates to Yule Father. Some say Yule lasted for 12 days, from the Winter Solstice forward, while others say the festivities lasted an entire two months. From December through January, if we’re looking at a modern calendar. At this time of year, people are experiencing both the height of darkness and the knowledge and hope that the light and warmth will return. Yule is a time for people to rest, enjoy good food and drink, and turn their thoughts to the gods and ancestors. Plus during this time it was thought that Odin seated upon Sleipnir stampeded across the sky leading the wild hunt keeping the spirits on their side of the veil.

The Celts also celebrated Yule, but their focus was on the rebirth of the sun and the coming of a new year. They believed that the burning of the Yule log was a way to symbolize the sun’s return and that the exchange of gifts was a way to honor the gods and ask for their favor in the coming year.
Some mark the holiday with reenactments of the battle between the Holly King
(representing darkness) and the Oak King (representing light) of Celtic legend.

Other sacred days and celebrations

  • Saint Nicholas’ Day – December 6
  • Egil Skallagrimsson’s Day – December 9
  • Human Rights Day – December 10
  • Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe – December 12
  • Saint Lucia’s Day – December 13
  • Festivus – December 23
  • HumanLight – December 23
  • Yule – December 21
  • Christmas – December 25
  • Hanukkah- December 25- January 2
  • Boxing Day – December 26
  • Kwanzaa – December 26 – January 1
  • Dies Natalis Solis Invicti – December 25
  • Brumalia
  • Saturnalia – December 17
  • Mōdraniht
  • Holy Innocents Day – December 28
  • New Year’s Eve – December 31
  • Yalda Night
  • Toji (shinto)
  • Dong Zhi

Magical And Witchcraft Themes For December

During this month the darkness and silence calls to us to take a break from everything. We have put in the hard work all year, reaped what we have sown during the harvest festivals and now is the time to turn inward and rest. Between Samhain and Yule during the month of December, can be an ideal time for shadow work, working on anything that you want to heal, and release. Allowing for a profound rebirth and personal growth. Leaving room this month to focus on the next year ahead and what intentions you wish to set. To begin our new year with an inner flame of power that is burning bright all year long. Lighting the way for a year to manifest all that we truly desire. Performing intention setting and goal rituals during December will have a lasting affect on what you manifest in the year ahead. Don’t forget to cast fire spells as well during this month to bring you heat and warmth during the cold winter months. As well as connecting you to the hope of brighter and warmer days soon to come. I love to perform fire magic via candles during this month to create a beacon of light and hope for my mental health during the darkest days ahead. Lastly, if you live in a part of the world that freezes during the winter with frozen water ways and falling snow, binding and banishing magic can be extremely powerful and protective right now. Use the power of the alchemy in ice and snow to banish things from your life you need to let go, or to bind someone or something in place that no longer serves you in a wanted way.

The gods and goddesses of December

This month is a good time to get to know the winter goddesses that rule at this time. Some are associated with the dark goddess aspect as of the divine feminine as well. Allowing for a powerful portal to ancient wisdom and magical knowledge during this month as the snow falls. Everyone works with and views deity energy a little differently. Whether you view them as archetypes of the human consciousness, representations of the source energy, or as being entities on their own, there are certain deities that now is the time to connect to and honor them in the most sacred and amplified way.( Don’t forget to grab my eBook in the shop to help you explore this)

During this month a few deities take center stage because they have festivals or sacred days during this month to help you connect with them in a very intimate way. The deities that are going to be the best for you to connect to right now are deities connected rest, rebirth, protection, winter, snow, renewal, darkness, reflection, wisdom, and the winter solstice. Below we will talk about some of the deities you can work with this month. I could never list them all here. Plus take note how most of them are dark goddesses as well.

HestiaGreek goddess

The first deity I want to talk about I personally feel is overlooked far too often especially during the cold winter months. December is the month that ushers in the winter season. Which means we need warmth and heat for us to survive and thrive. Which is why I always feel pulled to her during this time. Especially living in Minnesota I need her to bless my hearth with continuous heat during the long winter months. Not only that, but she can make your home extra cozy during this month while you spend more quality time with your family. Hestia is the sole attendant to the celestial hearth of the gods. As the goddess of the hearth, she personified the fire burning in the hearths of every home in Greece. On a very tangible level, Hestia rules the domain of fire. This means that she is directly responsible, at least according to the Greeks, for the fire, the stove, and the heat in your home. Honoring her during December, the first month of winter when the temperatures begin to drop, and snow begins to flitter down. She will bless your hearth as she stokes and fuels the flames all winter long. Don’t forget all month long to present her and your hearth with the first offering sacrificed to keep those flames burning strong.

To learn more about and meet Hestia, you can come join me in my upcoming class all about her with Divination academy on Sunday December 15th @ 2:pm CST

Odin-Norse god

Odin is a Norse god who rules over wisdom, war, magic, and sovereignty. Odin is known by many many names. Wodan, Wotan, All Father, One-Eyed Seeker are but just a few. He is the ruler of the Aesir and steward of Asgard. In Germanic lore, it is said he leads the Wild Hunt while being seated upon Sleipnirs back. This hunt is a spiritual parade of sorts that flies through the sky on Winter nights. Sometimes the Wild Hunt collects lost souls and sometimes a person joins the Wild Hunt in their sleep. In Nordic countries, the people gave sacrifices to Odin in the Winter months to ensure safety from them and prosperity. Including the children leaving hay in their boots by the hearth for Sleipnir to snack on as he flew by. Does this sound familiar to you at all? A white bearded old man, riding across the sky with a stead bringing blessings to those as he goes by? Many believe Odin is the actual inspiration for modern day santa claus? Check out my class all about this on YouTube here and decide for yourself.

Skaði (Skadi / Skathi) – Norse goddess

Skaði is a Norse goddess, often called the “Winter Queen,” associated with the mountains, hunting, skiing, and the wild, primarily known as a giantess (jötunn) who married the sea god Njörðr. Daughter of a fallen giant, Skadi walks the windswept mountains, a huntress sculpted from ice and legend. Her eyes, sharp as glaciers, scan the frozen realm. Bow in hand, she glides through the snow on swift skis, a predator born of the wilderness. Tales paint her as fierce, her spirit forged in the fires of vengeance and tempered by the unforgiving cold. She is mistress of the mountains, where the sun dances on glacial edges and the howl of the wolf echoes through empty valleys. But beneath the hardened exterior lies a yearning for connection. A goddess caught between two worlds – Asgard, home of the gods, and the wild embrace of the giants. Skadi’s place in Norse mythology is multifaceted and we see this as she is featured in stories with Odin, Loki, and Njordr among others. She’s even associated with snowshoes, and in later stories is said to have married Odin and bore him many children. She is the embodiment of both the untamed wild and a yearning for understanding. She is a warrior queen, a skilled hunter, and a goddess who walks the line between two worlds. Her story reminds us of the power of resilience in the face of loss, the importance of honoring our true nature, and the ever-present tension and duality between harmony and conflict.

Boreas-Greek God
Boreas is the Greek God of the North wind, winter and ice. He’s also known as The Devouring One. He is the spirit of Winter and can be both violent and benevolent. Depending on the person and situation. The Greeks believed he came from the North, being the North Wind, and because of this was considered Thracian in origin. He is often depicted as a powerful, bearded man with wings, with two faces – one in front and one in back. He is the son of the Titan Astraeus and Eos, the goddess of the dawn, and brother to Zephyrus (the West Wind) and Notus (the South Wind). He is said to be the one who brings cold winter weather and is known for his violent temper, most famously abducting the Athenian princess Oreithyia to become his wife.

Cailleach – Celtic / Scottish

Cailleach stands as a prominent figure in Celtic mythology, embodying the essence of wisdom, transformation, and the cycles of nature. Her presence is deeply rooted in the folklore and traditions of Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man. She is a divine figure often depicted as a weathered, old woman wielding a staff or a wand. This staff is said to have mystical powers for when she slams it on the ground winter will freeze all the land. She represents the embodiment of winter, sovereignty, and the primal forces of the natural world. Since, the ancient Celts celebrated two seasons only, her reign bringing cold all over the land began on Samhain. So, take your time this month to connect to her allowing you a smoother and blessed time during the long cold winter months ahead as the snow begins to really fall and the temperatures freeze the ground.

Baba Yaga

The next goddess we have gives me a very similar energy and feel when I work with her as the goddess we just talked about above; Calileach. To modern witches and Slavic pagans, Baba Yaga is a witch goddess who lives deep in a birch forest moving from place to place among the trees in her hut she calls home on top of giant chicken legs. From time to time when she needs to gather more supplies you might catch a glimpse of her flying by up in the sky from her magical mortar and pestle. She’s a wild and untamed old woman, often seen as a hag or crone, but can transform herself into a beautiful woman to manipulate or trick someone if she desires. Baba Yaga is a goddess of wisdom, healing, transformation, death, rebirth, renewal and autumn/winter. When healing is needed, whether it’s from colds/flu or emotional healing, Baba Yaga can offer healing often in the form of herbal teas brewed by herself. Calling on her during this December can lead you through the forest now frozen and blanketed in snow, to her skull fenced lined home. To peer into the darkness of her cauldron and gain the most ancient wisdom from the darkness of the cosmos that she guards. To learn more about her you can read my previous post here.

Correspondences For The Month Of December

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for time of the year like a month, which I will list below for you to use. Remember this is just a start to the list for you. You can use any correspondences that connect the magical themes and energies of December. Just follow your intuition on what you choose to work with!

  • Planet-Saturn
  • Animal- stags, bears, owls,
  • Element- fire and earth
  • colors-Red, green, gold, silver
  • Symbol-Evergreen trees, candles, yule log, stars, bells, krampus, santa claus
  • Herbs-Holly, mistletoe, cedar, pine, juniper, Ivy, thyme, rose hips, peppermint, oregano, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, chicory root, yarrow, elderflower, poinsettia, myrrh, Narcissus
  • Stones/ crystals-Ruby, garnet, obsidian, jet, lapis lazuli, serpentine, turquoise, tanzanite, Amethyst, Pyrite, Clear Quartz, aquamarine
  • Deities-Dagda, Cernunnos, Odin, Thor, Freyr, Morigan, Cailleach, hestia, Baba yaga, Amaterasu, Skaði, Mithras, Sol Invictus, Alcyone, Baldur, Holda, Bona Dea, Dionysus, Helios, Osiris, Sunna, Nyx, Isis, Freya, Apollo, the oak king, the holy king
  • Zodiac- Sagittarius and Capricorn
  • Themes-Rebirth, renewal, light, generosity, reflection, darkness, stillness, silence, coldness, introspection, to endure, wisdom, Personal alchemy, Spiritual paths, Purification, Meditation, banishing, binding, cleansing, home and hearth, family, shadow work, healing, transformation, duality, balance, goals, intentions, new beginnings, endings

How to connect to the magic of December

We’ve talked a lot about all the different types of energies the month of December has and gives us access to work with. So, how can you specifically connect to those energies? In your everyday life you can make sure your affirmations , intentions, and manifestations align with the energies of renewal, reflection, healing, new beginnings, and aligning ourselves with the cycles of the natural world with the darkest nights and coldest days ahead of us in this month. Make sure to grab onto the energy of warmth in the fire crackling in your hearth and home as well as you let go of the past year and head into new beginnings with hope as the next one unfolds. You can celebrate and honor any of the sacred days and holidays this month like Saturnalia, Yule, and many of the celebrations to honor the winter solstice and turning of the wheel.

Some Rituals and spell workings during this time that will be really intensified will be based on cycles of the seasons, rest, reflection, the winter, stillness, silence, and the darkness of the shadows surrounding us. Other spells that will have some significant meaning right now and help you connect to the energy of December should be centered around new beginnings. Setting intentions for you to manifest the life of your dreams in the new year to come. This month is another month when you can really get some clear and transformative messages from your guides. through any means of divination you prefer but, fire gazing or Cryomancy ( snow and ice divination)are some to think about to align with the correspondences of this month.

December creates a very potent liminal pocket of time that is teeming with duality, balance, and the power of transition from not only one season to the next but, from one year to the next.. It’s a month that really pulls us to go deep within ourselves in the darkness, stillness and silence for introspection, reflection, self awareness, and growth. This makes it a great month to do any work on transformation, reflection and preparation for dark times through shadow work. Allowing the energy of the frozen winter in the final days of the year to prep you for the long introspective months of winter ahead. If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.

  • Elemental magic with the element of Earth or fire
  • Solar magic
  • Shadow work based on transformation, rest, the cycles of nature, new beginnings through darkness, hope through light
  • Simmer pot for cleansing, renewal, and warmth in your home
  • Transformation and transition spells and rituals
  • Herbal magic-brew teas especially, or add herbs to your hot drinks
  • Protection magic– most potent right now will be banishing and binding
  • Purification and cleansing rituals and spells using snow
  • Abundance and gratitude magic- one of my favorites this month is using drinks like hot chocolate and apple cider to call in abundance daily to my life
  • Candle magic
  • Bake fresh loaves of bread and add sigils to the dough for good health and prosperity
  • Set SMART goals and intentions for your manifestations for the new year
  • Journal reflecting about the past year than take the piece of paper and burn it in a fire
  • Slow down, rest, do soft self care for yourself
  • Add a yule log to your home or altar
  • Decorate an evergreen tree for yule and the solstice
  • Create a pentagram wreath and hang on your front door for protection and winter blessings
  • Make a manifestation and wish pinecone
  • snow magic
  • work with deities of darkness, the underworld, and winter
  • Divination like fire gazing, snow scrying, melt snow and use the water in scrying, Cryomancy
  • Create a spell jar to connect to the winter solstice
  • Make a holly crown
  • reflect on the past year in gratitude try my 7 day gratitude challenge
  • Get out in nature, feel the snow, the cold, and the frozen ground while listening to the silence all around
  • Create a witches ball
  • Random acts of kindness
  • Make snow water
  • Write situations or people you want to cool off on a piece of paper and bury it in the snow
  • Learn about the history of Krampus and Santa claus
  • Hang garlands of dried oranges and cranberries for prosperity around your home
  • Create a freezer spell
  • hang mistletoe over your threshold for protection
  • Add ice to your ritual bath for added protection and purification
  • Make a snowman as protection ward for your property
  • Make snowballs and release things you need to let go when you throw them
  • draw sigils in snow and ice
  • meditate as the snow falls
  • make ice lanterns
  • Caroling
  • Visit light festivals
  • Mirror magic and mirror work

Duality and the month of December

Since, I am a grey witch I look for the duality in every single energy I work with including sacred times like a month of the year like the one we are currently in, December. I’m going to be honest until this year I really struggled with the duality of this month. I used to hate the bitter cold, and the wetness that chills to the bone with falling snow. All I would focus on was the untold stories and lost dreams frozen in silence all around me. I would let the harshness of this month drown me in the things of the past and let the darkness hold me back. But, now this year I am able to see clearly the other side to this month. There is absolute beauty in the pure whiteness of the snow blanketing the world right now. It washes all of nature in a cleansing and healing way as it goes into a deep rest to hibernate. Waiting to awaken when the ground thaws and spring begins to bloom as new being that was able to get the rest it needs to reflect. The silence and wisdom you find whispered in the creaks of trees is profound as each breath you take in reminds you of being alive with a bitter bite. The duality of this month send us into, what I am coming to learn may be the most liminal pocket of time in the entire year. Allowing us to be reborn by the sunrise of the brand new year when the solstice blesses us with hope as the days get longer and bright again.

Final Thoughts

We talked about many things in this blogpost including the history, some celebrations, the different energies and magical themes we can work with during this month. Along with how to connect to those energies, deities we can honor and worship, and how to work with the magic of December. December is a uniquely magical time that invites everyone to plant the seeds for hopes and dreams. December reminds us that even in the darkest nights, in the harshest conditions, and the coldest times we can still find hope and light. It’s the month that shows us the depth of our resilience and our willingness to thrive in harsh conditions. December invites you to let go and open up, to give out of yourself and to receive. It asks you to look within and tend to our inner garden. It asks you to weed out the old that no longer fits, and to make room for the new that holds endless magical possibilities. December shows us that just like nature we have the ability to every year become a blank canvas. Ready for us to paint and create something brand new and beautiful again. As the snow falls and blankets nature December’s magic brings the promise of rest, introspection, new beginnings, and endless possibilities.