We all need some inspiration, insight, or someone’s else’s perspective to help us navigate and understand the universe and life from time to time. One of my favorite ways to do this is to go to books or the internet and read others words. When I do this it opens up a portal to try and understand their experience that is called life and how they have come to understand the universe we live in. That understanding of someone else’s experience creates a bridge to allow me to shift perspective and learn some new things about myself and the universe along the way as well. This post is a collection of some of my favorite quotations of my own and of others from the past year that really helped me on my path of major transition, growth, and learning this past year. I hope they can help you as much as they helped me!

So be a person they can’t beat. Keep getting back up. Keep fighting. As long as you keep fighting they can never actually win. The fight is coming and as long as we keep getting back up they can never really win.

You create true magic when you learn to let go of control. Let go of controlling the journey and how you will reach your destination. True magic happens when you keep going when that obstacle seems so big in your path there is no way around it. True magic happens in the moments you want to give up and quit. In those moments when you are exhausted and feel like you have tried every which way to keep going to reach your goal. In those moments when you feel stuck and like there is nothing left to do but, turn around and give up. True magic happens when we remember like water we have the ability to be fluid, bend, and be adaptable if we truly let go of controlling the way we must go and just flow.

Never ever quiet that song in your soul. You know the one I am talking about The one that plays in your head when you are alone. The song that no one else but you knows. The one you that makes your whole being vibrate in recognition when it hears it. The one you can’t help but belt out loud. Always let it play out loud for all to see in how you live your life authentically.

I say let it shine and let them cover their eyes. Maybe one day they will be ready to shine just as bright. Until then never let those who are unhealed dull your light.

Stop doing things that make you unhappy. Stop being around people who don’t match your energy. Stop putting yourself in situations that leave you feeling drained. Stop allowing others wants and needs to destroy your peace. You get to choose who you are around, what you around, and the situations you put yourself in. So stop making choices that cost you your peace no matter how it makes others around you feel. Start setting boundaries and watch the peace enter your life.

Be a voice not an echo-Albert Einstein
Now, this year with the energy going on in the collective, the snake slithering its way into our year soon, and the messy rebirth that is happening, it is the time to really grab onto this quotation and take it to live by. To be a voice and not an echo means to embrace your different-ness, to be daring, to take a chance and to take the road less travelled. When you are a voice , it’s when you realize that you are different and thinking differently is the right thing to do. It’s how we evolve and change and keep moving forward in life. Being a voice and not an echo means that you are choosing to use your own voice, your own authentic expression, and your own words when formulating your view of the world around you. Instead of simply being an echo of your environment and what you have been taught.
When you are simply an echo of someone else’s voice, you don’t have personal ownership in what you say, and those beliefs you think are yours? Well they aren’t. They simply are an echo of someone’s else heart.
Being a voice and not just an echo is daring to be brave and question the things around you. It’s being willing to be wholly and authentically you no matter who is around and how hard the world makes it for you. When you choose to embrace that you are your own unique voice and not simply an echo of the generations who have raised you. It gives you the freedom, and the permission to speak up and share what you have to offer the world in your own unique way. Embracing being a voice instead of an echo may be a rougher path to travel but, I promise you when you choose to become the authentic voice that is you and let the world hear it, the liberation felt when those chains fall is like nothing else. I want you to choose now and here, to be willing to question everything you think and then decide…..
Have you been your own voice or an echo this whole time?

This voice in my souls whispered this to me , Reminding me of the power that I wield. Reminding me of the reality I can shape. Reminding me of the rage and fire that burns deep inside that I can call on to protect myself and those who can’t protect themselves in this life. Reminding me to not forget I am a powerful witch, we do not kneel to anyone or any power. We wield it, we stand with it in our hands, and we fight until we have reshaped our entire life. Taking out corruption along the way. I won’t allow myself to become small and shrink into the shadow to not be heard like this administration would like. I will be loud. I will scream. I will get in their faces. I will stand up and fight. I will not let them take my rights and way of life without putting up one hell of a fucking fight.

Even if you think your thoughts on your life and on the people you know are ‘facts’, they really aren’t. They are a series of beliefs you have chosen to live from – your perspective. Your perspective is the way you see something.
It’s the unique way that we interpret and understand our own experiences, thoughts, and emotions, essentially our perspective is acting as a lens through which we view the world around us. Our perspective affects so much of our lives, from our mental health, our interactions with others, our beliefs, and so much more. The way you choose to see things directly affects every choice you make. So your perspective ultimately determines how your life turns out.
Your perspective might feel permanent, but it isn’t. Whether you realize it yet or not, your perspective is actually a choice you have made. And like any choice, it can therefore be changed. So, I challenge you to be willing to challenge your perspective today and see how and where it may need to be reshaped. Doing this could make a big difference on not only your day but, maybe even your entire life.

Some paths aren’t meant to be traveled with others by our side. Some paths are meant to be traveled alone. That doesn’t make them sad or lonely, but full of strength, wisdom, and empowerment. It teaches us resilience and shows us all we can truly accomplish. When we really stop and soak up the silence all around us as we travel our path alone beauty will be found all around.

When you make the choice to heal your wounds and confront the traumas that have been written into the pages of your story. What you are really doing is being reintroduced to pieces of yourself you may have kept hidden in the dark and the pieces of you that were there before you locked them away to keep them safe. This is when you get to relearn who you were before those traumas framed how you view yourself, and the world. Along with the skills they taught you to use to protect yourself and how you respond. Then you get to do the harder work and let go of those things you learned to protect you then and let them go. Reminding yourself that you no longer need those skills and responses today for they no longer serve you and the place you are at now.

Choosing to heal, to really truly go into your soul and mend the things that are broken and bring things to the surface that were hidden is not an easy thing to do. It’s one of the most painful things you will ever go through and it becomes amplified by the fact that it is self inflicted on top of that. The pain you experience when going through the healing process is even going to hurt more then when the wound was inflicted on you in the past. But, that’s okay it’s meant to hurt deeply at first for that is how we truly heal how we move through that pain and allow the medicine of healing to burn and chase away the poison that you had circulating in your energetic veins.

I am not here to live my life IN service to others.
I am not here to be some cog in a machine that is brainwashed in what I think.
I am not here to fall into a line and take orders from anyone. I am here to be me.
I am here to stand in my own power.
I am here to change how we think and how we do things.
I am here to wake others up
I am here to tear shit down, burn it to the ground, and eradicate that line. If doing this means I am not in your heaven that is fine. I would much rather reign in hell where true power and independence can be found in the flames raging all around.

Anger like a fire just is. It isn’t good, it isn’t bad. It just is. what matters is what we do with it and how we direct it. We can either let it burn out of control and consume us. Or we can carefully stoke the flames and choose what is burnt away. You can either build with it and light the way or destroy with it. It is your choice. Right now think carefully about your choice. You can let the heat and flames of the anger you feel now consume you and destroy not only you but, the change you could affect. Or, you can take it and carefully stoke it. Allowing it to still burn at just the right height and heat to be the motivation you need to continue to fight.

For true lasting transformation and change to happen we must be willing to do things we have never done.
We must be willing to truly look deep into the depths of our soul and be honest and accountable with who we are and what we do to try and make our manifestations come true. We must be willing to step into the unknown without fear and trust that if we listen to the changes we need to make lasting growth will come at last. We must be willing to let go of who we have been in the past. Looking into the future with brand new eyes willing to do the things you thought you never could or would to become all you should. With it being Scorpio season right now is the perfect time to do just that. Grab onto this moment of transformation and step into the unknown with willingness to do things completely new to achieve lasting evolution to a brand new you!

Your soul already knows the answer you just have to be quiet enough to hear it and brave enough to listen to it. The next few days as the veil reaches it’s thinnest point I challenge you to truly sit and listen to not only the whispers of the dead but of your very own soul. Reflect on this past year, the triumphs and the hurts and the lessons your soul has learned. Listen to the answers it’s been dying for you grab onto and use to reshape your reality and awaken. Than be the brave being you were meant to be and step through the veil and into this next year with power, purpose, and alchemizing your fear.

While making wishes and sending them out into the multiverse is a step in your manifestation process and essential.
It isn’t the farthest we should go. We can’t simply make a wish with our breath and let them go. We must follow those seeds, see where the land, and cultivate them with our energy, actions, and decisions to make them grow. So today, make the choice to not just simply wish for your dreams to come true but, invest your energy in ways that will make it happen for you soon.

How often do you let your mind and self talk turn into shaming and tearing yourself down? Especially when it comes to your goals, personal development, and growth. How often do you hear yourself try and motivate yourself through comparison to others, belittling yourself or shaming yourself for not doing things you feel you should?
I am here to tell you to take a moment and stop, because shaming yourself into change and becoming who you want to be will never get you the long lasting changes you wish to see. Give yourself grace because I know it’s a loop that’s easy to get stuck in and difficult to get off. Then move forward with motivating yourself to true evolution through boosting your self worth, and love.

Some of us did not come to this realm in this lifetime to be supported and carried by others but, we came here to be the support system for the collective. If you’ve had a challenging life, if you are the black sheep and feel like you never had the proper support and love. That is because YOU are the love and the support system for everyone.
So, make sure to take the time each and every day to do the inner healing work to help move the collective into a place where they truly feel the love and support you were contracted to bring to the Earth.

When was the last time you validated yourself? I am referring to positively recognizing your thoughts, emotions or actions. When was the last time you took a moment to stop the negative chatter in your mind? Stop waiting to hear the positive words, praise or encouragement you’re craving. Tell it to yourself because you’re the only person you have complete control over.

Self-worth is at the core of our very selves—our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are intimately tied into how we view ourselves as human beings. Which in turn affects our magic, our manifestation, and how we walk around in our communities and go through life. If you don’t feel your self worth is where it should be, take some time today to really sit and reflect on where you have been. Remember every time you fell and got back up again. Remember every scrape, every bruise, every rejection, every broken bone and every hurtful thing someone has ever said. Remember each one those things no matter how hurtful, traumatic or bad they were; you did not stop. You kept going and proved it was all wrong and you wouldn’t let it break you. Each one of those scars, breaks, and every tear wasn’t weakness but, strength and a deposit into your self worth bank. Take a deep breath, focus on that bank of strength you have and remember you are worthy no matter what happens or anyone else says. For every ounce of that strength and self worth in your bank you have earned.

Remember you are growing while also trying to heal. Remember you are grieving while also learning to forgive. Remember you are searching for the future while trying to let go of the past. Remember you are trying to love others while learning to also love yourself. Remember you are accepting yourself for who you are now while also working to become who you were always meant to be. So, give yourself a break and some grace each and every day.

When life, others, or even yourself start to make you feel small, insignificant or like you don’t matter at all. Please stop, take a moment, and be kind to yourself and stand up tall.

Personal growth is central to who I am and how I live my life. I’ve come to learn a lot from the snake when it comes to this process of transformation. They shed their skin every time it no longer fits or serves them. Making the process of transformation very familiar to them. They don’t question it they simply allow it to happen knowing that after that painful process is done, they will be able to slither and breathe like never before. They don’t care what that process looks like to others walking by and they ignore every mumble of disgust and side eye. And if they feel threatened or their boundaries have been crossed they don’t even question to unhinge their jaw and protect themselves while they are healing and raw. Be like the snake as you move through life.

Remember if you are going through shit right now you can use it to allow you to grow and thrive like never before. Nature does it all the time. Just go and ask the mushrooms.

As much as falling apart is difficult, parts of me does truly love it. You get to be so intimate with the raw energy of your soul. It gives you the time to examine each shattered bit of your soul. To filter out the pieces that no longer serve you and lay them to rest with love. To be face to face with the pieces you will carry forward with you in resilience and strength.

Some of the hardest things I have had to heal and work through revolve around the things I didn’t get and receive from others and types of relationships I never got to experience. It’s important that we recognize and work through all of it to be the complete, whole, and balanced creature we were meant to be.

When the fires are all around you and you aren’t sure your skin can take anymore burns; just remember that each step you take and the taller you stand the more power you put into your own hands.

Don’t wait to love yourself until the change is complete, love yourself through the process as well.

Remember,to not care what anyone else thinks of you and their perception of you. You need to do whatever it takes to heal, keep going, and create a healthy and thriving life.

But, remember boundaries aren’t you telling someone else what they can and cannot do. Boundaries are you saying how YOU will respond to the decisions they make and the actions YOU will take. They aren’t rules you enforce on others, they simply are advocating for yourself, your well being, your energy and your time.

Don’t forget to head over to my shop and register for my Valentines day sex magic event as well; Essence of the sacred dance. When you register for this event you will learn; Sex magic techniques to increase pleasure, create more presence in the moment, manifest your desires through organisms, and strengthen your connection through timeless intimacy! Let me show you how something as simple as the right energy, intention, and breathing technique with your blowjobs can heal years of trauma for your partner even! Plus you will leave with an eBook full of sex magic spells you can do on your own and journal prompts to help unlock more of your sexual prowess, desires, and release blockages holding you back in bed.
If you have ever wanted to learn how to make sex apart of your magic and spiritual life this event is for you! We begin at 6:30pm CST- 8:30pm CST on Wednesday February 11th in google meet. To register for this event purchase today!

About Me : I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years. First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration, and re-enchantment of Magic in society, across this realm, and in each and every soul I come across in life! I am here to create a container that promotes healing, duality, and raw authenticity. I do this by guiding you on your personal journey to understanding your unique magic and sacred contracts. I facilitate this for you through embracing your shadow, duality and learning to live in energetic balance while not wearing a mask. When you work and learn from me you do so from your “darkness” as much as your “light” and in a way to truly harness and accept it not to just go thru it on the way to your light. But, I teach you how to truly embrace it, work with it, and use it alongside your light as a partner. I hold up a mirror for you to be able to see your authentic reflection looking back. Then have the courage to take the next step and do the uncomfortable but vital inner work to completely remove your mask. By facing all of your past wounds, traumas, and hurts. Allowing you to see both the dark and light within your story and take each chapter and alchemize it into something that is so powerful. your unique internal flame will shine so bright you will always be able to go within and find it on a dark cold night. You will learn how to truly live in duality and energetic balance to allow growth, and alignment with your sacred contracts and purposes. to finally move on and truly let the things that hold you back in this life from healing and manifesting go. To see everything I offer; like personalized shadow work sessions, womb healing, eBooks for you to work through on your own, Tarot sessions for guidance and more! Go to my shop!