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The Grey Witch; Walking The Path Of Duality and Balance

Every thing in nature is usually seen in the eyes of most pagans as being dualistic. Many paths consistently teach of how one must be able to understand and work with these seemingly opposing forces. These are the two forces and divisions of male and female, physical and spiritual, etc. It’s often commonly thought throughout practices that, these two forces only exist in division now but, were once of a previous unified force, or the divine. These two generally represent any of the dualistic polarities, this includes the polarities of positive and negative aka dark and light; or how I choose to view them as wanted and unwanted. To put it simply; the divine is neutral, grey. It is both positive AND negative, light AND dark, unwanted AND wanted. The divine, nature, and magic are all neutral and the grey witch encompasses this truth in all that they do and they are. They take this truth and use it to intimately work with all of the energies around them in a balanced way. I know this because, I myself am one of those witches! Let’s journey into grey Magic, walking the balanced path of Witchcraft together.

Magic itself is a neutral energy or force

Since the divine, the source, the multiverse, is neutral and grey and magic comes from the divine and source magic itself has to be a neutral energy and force as well. Magic itself is neither “dark nor light”, but it’s the way the magic and energy is sent out into the world. It is all about our intention, the energies we connect to when using it and where we choose to direct it.

White, Black, And Grey Magic

Generally speaking, white magic is magic done for the benefit of ourselves or others by raising positive energy for a particular outcome. It helps us connect with spiritual forces, gain wisdom, and more enlightenment. Black magic is done to bring harm to others, and grey magic is exactly what it sounds like: the grey area in between the two.

(Note: I don’t use the terms “white” and “black” in my practices for many reasons but, mainly because they have clearly negative racial connotations. However, I’m including them here because this is typically how grey magic is described by others.)

The Grey Witch

What does it mean to be a grey witch? A grey witch embodies a unique approach to witchcraft, incorporating elements of both left-hand (dark magic) and right-hand (light magic) paths into their practices without showing a preference for either. These types of magics may also sometimes be referred to as destructive and constructive magic, respectively. You may also see it referred to as positive “light and love” vs negative “baneful and evil” magic as well. Like I talked about above; I use the terms and view of wanted vs unwanted. The term “grey” derives from the mixture and balance of black and white magic. Grey witches greatly value magical and spiritual balance not only in their craft but also in their lives. They are neutral. This neutrality characterizes the grey witch as a force that exists between the extremes in the world of witchcraft.

It is not just the forces of “good” and “evil” that the grey witch toggles between. A grey witch also sees the polarity of femininity and masculinity, day and night, life and death. The secret to becoming a grey witch is keeping your power balanced. Grey witches recognize that to be whole, they must embrace both “positive” and “negative” energy.

Let Go of “Do No Harm”

Over and over and over again the Wiccan Rede is touted as some universal law that all witches must obey or face some kind of horrific consequence. Many witches particularly those who follow the religion wicca preach endlessly that witches must follow this rule. While on the surface this might seem like a well meaning rule with good intentions, but the ramifications of this rule are actually quite problematic. This rule creates a massive energetic imbalance in themselves, the collective, and the multiverse.

The biggest flaw in the push for the rede to be accepted by all witches is that it’s specific to one religion! It is called the Wiccan Rede for a reason, it’s a rule for Wiccans! If you’re not Wiccan, why would you follow their tenants? There are tons of other religions that get combined with the practice of witchcraft. These beliefs all tend to have their own moral view of the world and those moral views may or may not mesh with the rede. If you’re Wiccan, obviously the rede is meant for you and you can ignore this point.

If you’re still not convinced that “harm none” is a ridiculous rule then let me point out just how completely impossible it is to actually uphold. If you think about it, you can never be perfectly certain that the consequences of your actions aren’t harming someone. You could cast a successful job spell and while that spell might seem very positive for you, it inevitably will cause another candidate to be passed over for that job. Being passed over that job could be the catalyst for all kinds of unwanted things to follow.

Every single action you take has ramifications that could negatively impact other people without your knowledge. And I mean every single action! If you were to try and never harm anything ever again you would have to stop participating in life in any way. All actions in the world have both wanted and unwanted results and how you perceive these results is entirely based on perspective. Perspective changes everything, nothing is black and white and what is wanted in one persons eyes will undoubtedly be unwanted in someone else’s.

And what about morally grey spaces? Say somebody tries to break into your home and harm your family and the encounter become violent. Is it morally reprehensible for you to hurt this person in self-defense? I mean, you are still harming them so under “harm none” this is not ok. I think most people would agree that defending your life, your home, and your family from an attacker is not a “bad” thing though. And if you wouldn’t defend yourself, what if it was someone else being hurt? If you saw someone being attacked, dragged into an alley towards a vehicle to be kidnaped and did nothing, your inaction would be contributing to the harm they’re experiencing now and after. If you intervene and harm the attacker, however, your action is causing harm. In situations such as these “harm none” falls apart entirely because no matter what you do it’s completely impossible to abide by the rule.

Instead of trying to maintain some totally unreachable standard of moral purity, delve into the complexity of human life. Stop looking for dictated moral solutions and actually take charge of your own actions, beliefs, and consequences. Think about yourself in relation to the world around you, reflect! Find purpose in your actions, decide what matters to you most and make it a center point, do the work to go within yourself and find that guiding inner voice that can help you navigate the trickier moral challenges that you encounter. THIS is real power and true control over your own circumstances. That is how you create a life that is truly in alignment with your joy, your will, and your purpose. This is a key step to walking the path of the grey witch.

A Grey Witch Lives In Duality

Being a grey witch is a person who practices witchcraft and is comfortable with the idea of duality. Duality has been pinned against each other since the dawning of time, a struggle of “good versus evil” a grey witch understands this. Central to the philosophy of a grey witch is the belief that the world operates in shades of grey rather than in simplistic black and white, and this perspective influences their practice of the craft. Grey witches must incorporate duality and balance into their mentality and into their everyday lives.

A Grey Witch Understand Human Nature

A grey witch is a person who has made a decision that humans are both “good and evil”. Philosophy has questioned whether humans are inherently born “good or evil” and if our actions become the true definition of our nature. A grey witch has decided that they don’t have to choose either side. Is it possible to accept that we are only human, which means depending on the moment we can be either wondrous or terrible? Absolutely, and a grey witch has wrestled with this question coming to peace within themselves when choosing this path. This is the path that the grey witch has taken upon their path, recognizing in all things created by nature there is a balance between greatness and evil.

(Note: I don’t use the terms good or evil in my practices or beliefs. These are not terms I agree with nor how I view the world. I don’t believe anything, anyone, or event its wholeheartedly “evil” or “good”. I View the multiverse, it’s energies, and the results of entities actions as wanted or unwanted and that will depend on the entities involved.)

The Grey Witch and Emotions

Grey witches must incorporate duality and balance into their mentality; often these witches have powerful mental power once mastering this. The hermetic law “As within, so without, as above, so below, as the universe, so the soul.” Teaches us this. This philosophical perspective outlines the idea that who we are on the inside will be created in the world around us. The grey witch understands this law and incorporates this into their life and how they handle their emotions.

They allow themselves to be happy but, leave enough room for bad feelings to run their courses, such as jealousy, anger, and sadness. They do not suppress themselves when dark clouds are around them; they harness the energy of the storm to heal without masking. They understand that every emotion serves a function, is meant to be felt, and is there to communicate something to us.

The Liminal Space

Similar to the hedge witch, the grey witch lives and thrives in the liminal spaces; since they are dripping in grey energy and magic. What is a liminal space? Liminal comes from the Latin root word Limen, meaning threshold. Therefore, liminal spaces are places where a threshold is crossed. Spaces of transition or between spaces if you want to call them. It’s a space where you leave where you are but you aren’t fully in another space yet. In general a liminal space; is in the between where we can commune with spirit and otherworldly beings, preform energy work such as reiki and other healing methods, revisit past lives to heal personal trauma, and the list goes on. There are physical, spiritual, and magical liminal spaces.

  • Magical liminal spaces are a type of spiritual liminal space that is unique to each practitioner. These magical liminal spaces are personal times of power when the veil between worlds is thinnest for the practitioner
  • Personal liminal spaces are personal characteristics which we embody that are in-between.
  • Spiritual liminal spaces, which can also be identified as experiential liminal spaces, are events or states of being in which we leave something behind but haven’t arrived at our destination when we part with them

Some examples of liminal practices include things like:

  • spirit work – mediumship, possession
  • divination – pendulum, cards, tea leaf reading, palmistry, etc.
  • casting spells – anything requiring manifestation and intention
  • invocation of deity – asking a deity to fill your space with their presence
  • ancestor work – asking for help from your ancestors
  • energy healing – reiki, meditation, trancework, shamanic journeying

Views Grey Witches Often Have

  • They think it is critical to incorporate the paths of light-work and shadow-work into your practice
  • They do not believe in Karma, the threefold law, or the Rede of “harm none”
  • The phrase “a witch who cannot harm, cannot heal” resonates with them
  • They believe that people are both good and evil
  • They often feel they are forcing positivity or numbing pain
  • They believe there is not only one path but two. To protect themselves and their loved ones, they will weave through light or darkness
  • They may not even believe in the terms “good” and “evil”
  • They might find that misusing energy can be harmful and reserve their energy work for times they feel personally called to justice.
  • They might also only use their magic when trying to gain balance in the universe for themselves or those they hold dear.
  • Being a witch is a political act in itself, however, a grey witch has the great hope that they can help restore justice for humanity.
  • They could also have the belief that they are a neutral force rather than a dual one.
  • It doesn’t matter to a grey witch how you view them; they know that opinion is subjective from person to person

How to Incorporate Grey Witchcraft into Your Practices

Grey witches work with a broad spectrum of spirits, celestials, and ancestors both living and those to come. Grey witches follow their intuition and the ebb and flow of balance and call on the entities needed to either create and/or maintain balance with each spell, working, or ritual, they perform or cast. What matters to them is how they feel when inspired at that moment, how they process their inner healing, at times enacting justice, and most importantly maintaining balance.

  • Find ways to include balance in your mindset and spiritual practice
  • Utilize magical intentions that involve Nature because the natural world is also neutral and balanced
  • Integrate shadow work into your practice. Allow yourself to work through negative thoughts and feelings; don’t try to suppress them
  • Study and incorporate spell work and magical intentions that create balance and combine positive and negative energy
  • Connect with ancestors, gods, goddesses, or deities that embrace balance and duality
  • Add all five elements in your practice

The Grey Witch and Shadow Work

Meeting your shadow self can be traumatic. Working through it doesn’t mean you cover up stuff with light or light work though, you can only work through it, and accept it. You embrace the darkness as it is, and allow it to grow, mold and reshape itself as it sees fit, if it sees fit. This is the difference between a grey witch and others when it comes to shadow work. You don’t work through your shadow to get to your light, or work with it in the sense to transform it. You simply embrace it, comfort it, understand it, and allow it grow and mold and shape as it sees fit. You allow it to express itself in the way it needs to be like in rage, grief, fear, etc. and you access that expression for some potent magic, energy, and self awareness.

If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination below!

Grey Magic; Walking The Balanced Path of Witchcraft

The main intention of a Grey witch is to be a catalyst in healing. The light is a symbol of our higher divine mind and the dark the deeper, unconscious part of self, the primal, the animal, the profound power of physicality. A balance between the two unlocks the magic of our spiritual potential on our path of witchcraft. Being a grey witch is the most beautiful evolved form of a human being. The one without illusions and lies or masks. It’s just you, the whole you, a raw force and undeniable spirit that captures and commands everything around you .Whether embracing the shadow that lives within us all or changing your frequencies to rise above, the grey witch is a powerful being mastering all the energies in the multiverse in one being.

“A grey Witch I am and forever will be,
a balance of both dwells deep inside of me.
For I am not black, nor am I white.
I will walk in the darkness, I will walk in the light. I seek no harm and my intentions are just.But make no mistake, I’ll do what I must. So take heed of my word, I give you insight. For I am grey, I will defend, and I will fight.”

To expand your knowledge about this path and if you’d rather listen than read; you can watch my free class with Divination Academy on YouTube below!

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How I found my Magical & Spiritual Path

My Journey prior to paganism and Witchcraft

As a wee bitty baby against my will I was baptized in a Lutheran church. I have very strong feelings on baptizing children into any religion and later in life I did perform an unbaptizing ritual and a chord cutting with that contract and deity. After that growing up my family wasn’t super religious until I got to middle school and my family started attending a Baptist church and my mom was remarried. And even than my parents never were devoted Christians. It always felt very surface level from them and that they were Christian for the image and when they needed financial help or support. I was always much more devote than they were and it caused many fights my teen years when I would point out some of their unchristian like behavior.

When I say devote, I mean I brought my bible with me everywhere, I was the girl at the lunch table reading my bible and saying prayers at the public school, organizing see you at the pole for the first time ever in my district and school, leading bible study groups, I had the bible memorized forwards and backgrounds due to awana, sunday school, and other bible study groups, and I went on a mission to the Dominican Republic as well. I was devoted to that religion and faith until that mission, that started to change it all for me and what happened in life afterwards.

When my disenchantment with Christianity began

My mission trip to the Dominican Republic was a turning point in my faith and who I was and who I now have become. It was a trip that caused a lot of mixed emotions for me, anger, hurt, confusion, guilt, shame, and it really began to make my faith in the Christian religion fall to pieces. Going into this trip I was so excited, so proud, and so grounded in who I was and what I stood for. I was so excited to simply go, and provide a service to help others. I deeply care about others especially when they are suffering or going through difficult times and simply wanted to help. I was so excited for the service part and focused on that. Of course I would spread the word of Jesus when I could and when it felt natural but, for me I was there to serve and help with my hands and actions.

Day one of our actual mission work and that all changed for me.

I will never forget being pulled aside after spending majority of the day playing with the kids, digging drenches and moving and tilling land for the basketball court we had come to add to the village our church had been to many times before this one. And being told I was spending too much time playing with the children and not enough time witnessing to the children.

If you know me now or knew me than, you’d expect me to immediately speak up and say “nope, that’s wrong. That’s not why I am here. I will do it my way and that’s it. In a kind way and I am here to serve first and foremost.”

None of that happened.

I got completely quiet, turned and went back to the physical labor part of our trip and that was how I finished the rest of the trip. ( until I got bit by a mosquito and got really sick)

I spent all my free time of that trip in shock/awe that conversation had even happened. I spent my time in prayer, reading the bible, and in reflection trying to figure out what had happened and if that was what I had been dedicating my life too? Had I been crusading for an institution that cared more about how many followers they had, the rules, and who their followers were? Who cared so much more about their deity, than their fellow human beings? Who thought the church was more important than what was simply kind, moral and helping your fellow human? Was this one small group of people, was it my church, was it the whole religion, was it the deity himself?

If you are reading this and at my site because you were apart of Christianity prior to this You probably had a similar moment happen and reflection follow and I am sure you have an inkling of what began to happen next for me.

Disenchantment plus Synchronicity Equals leaving the church

After that trip, I spent a lot of time reflecting and thinking looking all around me. At my fellow church goers, at the religion itself, at the text, at the leadership, and how we treated others. And than the multiverse stepped in and added another thing in my life with the beauty that is synchronicity; I took AP world History at school. That class opened up so many doors for me. I had always loved history but, it was so limited to what I had been taught at that point. And to hear what my religion had been doing globally to mankind for centuries really made me look more. On top of that being taught other religious beliefs from a source outside my church was EYE OPENING. And led to my own study of these religions and belief systems.

I started studying Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Judaism, and at that time was being taught to me as mythology like Greece, Rome, Persia and Egypt. I would stay after class, and go and find any time I could to study and ask my teacher questions.

By the end of that school year I would no longer have a bible on me, I would no longer be saying prayer at school, and I would be fighting with my parents about forcing me to go to church and study groups. I even got to the point of just out right arguing under my breath passive aggressively out loud during sermons.

I would no longer consider myself Christian. My parents would continue to force me to keep the image up for their sake at church but, I never got baptized in the Baptist church and later would not be married with any religion whatsoever.

So, where did my path go from here?

At first, I didn’t what it was I really believed. I was going back and forth on what I wanted to do.

Did I want to look for just a strict religion or was I looking for more?

Was I looking for more of a way of life something that would be so much; a belief system, morals, religion, purpose, your answer to life and being and more?

I wanted more which is why after awhile the traditional religions I had learned about in school and started to study just didn’t seem to quite fit. Not even atheism which I was for awhile in the middle of it all.

This is how I started looking into paganism, magic, and specifically wicca.

I had never in my life doubted that magic, the occult, or mythical creatures and entities were real and existed. That is a truth I have known my entire life and I never thought it was an evil or bad thing either. I wasn’t a Christian who thought reading harry potter was evil and should be banned. I was an over the top fan actually and those books helped me survive my abusive childhood. But, that is for another post at another time.

I just never before this had thought it was something I was capable of having access too or using.

I thought it was a birthright or you had to be lucky enough to be chosen to be taught something that sacred. I also had zero comprehension of how to actually work with energy at this point so, as I look back it makes sense I had this view.

So, I very shyly and under the radar started checking out books on magic, and wicca at the library and would only read them while hiding at school or in my truck. That year was the first year I ever connected to the moon, and cast my first spell. I stayed in wicca for less than year for many reasons, some being I simply don’t agree with a lot of the doctrine, the person who founded it, and I didn’t want to be forced into a coven and space with others.

For a long time I simply looked into mythology and different ways to connect to the seasons, the moon, and the elements. I learned how to make moon water and would secretly make it on my window sill in my bedroom. But, my stepdad wasn’t really paying attention and my mom was in prison so, I was able to experiment a lot more and start to cast more and study more.

I spent the next 5-6 years really just learning and studying and doing it under the radar as much as I could because I wasn’t sure really yet what I thought and I didn’t know if I was a witch and if I was, was I willing to come out of the witch’s closet especially where I live in Central MN? So, in public I identified as Agnostic During this time I had my first encounter with a deity and met two of patron deities hades and Persephone. I met my first demon and Fae.

After, I got married around 25 I got my first altar in my home, started practicing out in the open. I Finally was able to put a name and image to my spirit guide (kitsune named kana) who had been with me for so long and I began to really connect to Shintoism and study intensely this practice and add a Kamidana to my practice. I started my journey down the path of grey witchcraft and duality at this time as well.

I spent the next 5 years studying many many topics I will do my best to list them all below. But first what do I mean by studying?

I live in an area that isn’t the best for access to resources and we tend to be at least a few years behind others as well. On top of that other practices outside of Christianity are passive aggressively tolerated here. And if you have never felt passive aggressive judgement from a Minnesotan before, its more powerful than peer pressure.

So, due to this I have been a solitary practioner until October of 2023. How I have learned and studied while being solitary ( and having very little money always) is this; I take every single free workshop I can, every free class I can. I get and read every book, grimoire, blog, essay, research paper I can find on a topic. When I say study I look at a topic from the many perspectives; magical, historical, anthropological, cultural and more. I have paid for a few programs for reiki and chakra reading/ balancing, sound healing, astrology, and crystal healing.

After, I feel I have done enough study, I have reached out to some mentors I have made connections to after taking free classes and workshops with them, and I have done the reflection, meditation, and shadow work. I get to the practical work. I plan, I prep, I practice, and than perform it. ( keep an eye out for a future blog post on the 4 P’s of experimenting with your magic) Each and every time it is an experiment grounded in the confidence of your intuition, energy and your own power and divinity.

List of topics I have studied

Many forms of divination- tarot, astrology, runes, fire scrying, mirror scrying, water scrying, and many more

Pantheons/ Religions-Greek, roman, Babylonian, Egyptian, Shintoism, Taoism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Norse, Celtic, Irish, Germanic tribes, Hinduism, Mesopotamia, many “left-hand” path practices and many more

Deities- When it comes to deities I can list some of the ones I work the most closely with but, it’s honestly better to just ask me! Persephone, hades, Lilith, Amaterasu, Loki, Kali ma, Pan, Lucifer, Most “dark Goddess”

Sex magic, goetic magic, demonology, mirror magic, elemental magic, moon magic, crystals, Kundalini reiki, sigils, energy work, sacred contract topics, manifestation, the Akashic record, past life regression, Trauma work, shadow work, liminal work, ceremonial magic, ritual magic, deity work, channeling, meditation, building a sacred space, many “mythological” creatures/entities, hermetics, working with the rays of light, womb healing, and so much more.

I will add to this list as I can remember to add!

Where my Path is at Today

I have been a solitary grey magic practioner for about 15 years now.

And this past year I began attending a Pagan Academy as a student where my knowledge and practice was recognized and I have now become a Professor there teaching many topics, summoning deities for others and hosting rituals including casting circles and calling down the moon.

First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I study from many different sources, paths, pantheons, religions, cultures, teachers and practices. Two of my main patron deities were keepers of the schools of mysteries ( hades & persephone). And I dedicated to becoming one with the multiverse through all esoteric and occult knowledge.

I have practiced and studied from many different teachers and masters in areas such as shamanism, magic(k), witchcraft, religion and spiritual practices.

I focus my studies on being as accurate to the culture and religion as possible throughout history and representing it all.

I am a grey magick practioner which means I work with both dark and light energy and strive to maintain constant duality in my practice and life. I live and thrive in the grey.

I do not view things in the terms of “good” vs “evil” I view everything as energy and as either wanted or unwanted energy.

I believe in sacred contracts, and have discovered many of mine and strive to live in a way to fulfill it this lifetime. I’ve done a lot of past live regression and work and continue to do more to this day to unlock more of my past lives and knowledge I have gained through each incarnation. I do this through many way like currently working with a mentor on past life regression therapy, Ive done Akashic record work, studying and worked with auto writing, and astral travel and work as well.

I work with all the dark goddesses and have the ability to channel and invoke deities. I Love the connections I have with many deities and the energy they allow me access to connect to through a different perspective but, I also understand I myself am a goddess and divine being in my own right as well.

My magic is very folk, ceremonial, energy based and elemental based with some chaos magic mixed in and some others. I really do dabble in large variety.

I write every single prayer, spell, invocation, and circle casting personally I use.

I work with many divination tools and practices such as all forms of scrying, tarot, runes, etc.

I work with deity energy, archetype energy, chakras, the collective uncounscious, all forms of nature, other entities such as demons, the fae, and all supernatural entities.

I focus heavily on moon energy in practice and in my daily life and home.

My knowledge is extensive across many practices, topics and paths.

My energy and magic is naturally very healing, purifying and cleansing and I love to provide that to others as it is a key part to my soul contract.