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Working With The Expressive, Mind-Stirring, And Perspective Shifting Gemini New Moon

We are entering a new lunar phase this week; the New moon. As the Moon changes signs approximately every 2-3 days, we feel her influence over our moods and intuition shift. As the moon begins her cycle in Gemini it becomes an opportune time to initiate change, take action towards goals, renew oneself and shift your perspective. The Moon beginning her cycle in the curious and communicative sign of the Twins will stir our minds, increase our desire for variety, we will thirst for information, shift our perspectives and awaken our urge to connect with others. This very optimistic New Moon tends to gloss over potential problems, but its can-do attitude is one of its greatest strengths and makes it one of the least emotional new moons to experience.

Gemini is the sign of the mind, so the Gemini New Moon really stirs things up in our mind, and makes us more engaged, expressive, and communicative. We can connect with our minds, ideas can flow, our perspective can shift, and we can take action with our plans. We can share what we’re thinking, and information can be passed along. It’s a good time for learning anything, sharing knowledge, writing, or speaking.

With this new moon, we want a variety of projects and ideas to focus on, and we can go from one thing to the next quickly. So this new moon embrace the possibility that there are many ways and paths to reach the same destination. The New Moon in Gemini wants us to plant a specific type of seed in the form of a thought or an idea. Don’t worry about control either it’s perfectly fine with not knowing how these plans will unfold. If an idea has been coming back to you over and over again and you have been hesitant about doing it, now is the time to plant it and just do it. In this blogpost let’s go gusting through what the Gemini new moon can do for you, your life, and your magic.

New Moon What Is It And Why We Honor It?

Every month, the New Moons carry us over the threshold of a new beginning. So, let’s talk about the new moon in general before we go gusting through what the Gemini moon can do for you and your life. The new moon is the time to reflect and cleanse your energy. It is a time to set your intentions for what you wish to attract this lunar cycle. But, remember every intention set requires action and energy from your part as well. You can’t just set an intention and miraculously it is yours. You must also put the movement of energy behind it with action steps.

The new moon energy is there to support you in manifesting what you want. The new moon is a time to allow new ideas and energy to flow with you. It is a time to honor new beginnings, and the turning over of a cycle. Think of these intentions as seeds you are planting for this lunar cycle to be ready to harvest by the full moon. Use this time to rest, reflect, and plant what you will grow just as your ancestors across many cultures did while there was little light in the night sky for them to use.

Each New Moon is unique, offering its own magic within each month. To learn more about the foundations of working with the new moon, and how it affects you, read more here in my previous blog post.  And to learn more about the moon in general and lunar magic you can read my comprehensive guide on the topic here.

Themes For The Gemini New Moon

Every New Moon contains its own themes, which are related to the sign that it falls under. This time, we experience the New Moon in emotional, Open minded, Witty, Social, Flirty, Distracted, Adaptable, Intellectual, dualistic, Expressive, and perspective shifting Gemini. Let’s explore some of the themes and energies of Gemini deeper below.

Gemini The Sign Of Communication

Gemini is an air sign and ruled by the planet Mercury, it’s about communication and trying different things in life, being adventurous, socializing, and using language as a tool. Take this time to bring out your strengths in the way you communicate with others and how you take the time to listen to others in your life as well. You may also feel a pull to reach out to those you no longer speak to, in order to rekindle communication or even put yourself out there to create new relationships and friendships. Because, as a zodiac sign, Gemini is highly sociable and flirtatious. You can tap into this by, attending an in person gathering like a moon ceremony or joining a new group on social media to create new connections. Additionally, if you ever had another language you wanted to learn this would be a great moon to set that intention or goal. This new moon will allow it to be eezy breezy and give you a thirst to absorb it all and use it to help you venture out and create new connections. If you’d like to improve communication in your life with the people around you, communication is ruled by Gemini and this is your time to do it.

Gemini The Sign of Learning

In astrology, Gemini is associated with learning and is said to be a sign of intellectual prowess. Gemini is said to be quick at learning, curious, versatile, and have a thirst for knowledge. Therefore, learning is ruled by Gemini. This is the sign to strengthen your mind and become a better learner. Gemini activates the thinking realms, the imagination and the mental channels, seeking patterns, connection and purpose. It’s a really highly mental energy that stimulates ideas and creativity. Gemini energy is also highly intelligent, which makes it a good time for studying or learning a new course or skill. Now is the time to look into subjects that require thinking and discussing ideas, including literature, science, philosophy, art, and more.

Gemini The Sign Of The New Projects And Ideas

The airy Gemini New Moon is versatile and adaptable. It’s a highly creative time that may help you reinvent yourself. It’s an interesting New Moon in the fact that we’re experiencing a time of adaptability and change. With this New Moon you may have innovative new ideas that inspire you to move in a new direction. Curiosity is a key Gemini trait, so a Gemini New Moon is a very good time to develop new interests or hobbies as well. Gemini brings with it a breath of fresh air, new ideas, new perspectives, and the opportunity to connect with our higher sources of wisdom.

Gemini The Sign Of The Mind And Shifting Perspectives

During the Gemini New Moon we are guided to change our thoughts, and welcome in new, supportive perspectives and beliefs. The Gemini new moon calls for us to let go of the need to know, and opens us up to the ways in which our trust in life needs to grow. It opens us up to relooking at how we see ourselves and the world around us allowing us to possibly, completely shift our perspectives for major growth and transformation. This enthusiastic energy allows us to embrace uncertainty. To walk through the different doorways of opportunities without fear or anxiety. Now is also a very good time for grounding or earthing, and for finding our way back to the path of our hearts and maybe even going a different direction to get there which may allow you to see some new things. Our minds are a gift, a powerful tool that we can guide and use in whatever direction and purpose we desire. And so it’s time to use our minds for a higher purpose and for the highest purpose of humanity.

Gemini New Moon and Duality

Since, I am a grey witch every single energy I work with I look for the duality in that energy and how I can connect to it. This includes the new moon and the sign it currently is in; Gemini. This month’s new moon might seem pretty obvious to you; that it is literally the definition of dualistic energy to work with. First let’s talk about the duality of Gemini; the sign of the twins and aka the sign of duality in the zodiac. Gemini focuses on duality which means; the relationship between opposites. Logic and emotion, creator and created, “good and evil”, Wanted and unwanted, masculine and feminine, conscious and subconscious etc. and the union that exist between them. All of these are topics we can reflect on and work with using Gemini energy including using grey magic.

Gemini, represented by the twins, is all about the duality within us. Whether you call the two competing voices within the Ego and Soul, Higher Mind vs Lower Mind, or Inner critic vs Inner cheerleader, these dual voices exist within us all, and our role is to learn how to balance them out and keep them lovingly communicating with each other. This New Moon is less about manifesting new “things” and more about manifesting new thoughts that support us emotionally. This requires us to change our minds in order to change the thought patterns that aren’t currently supporting us and allowing us to truly be in alignment with our intentions.

Gemini reminds us that duality is a natural expression. YES, unity may be a goal, but duality is our reality on this planet right now, and to feel that internally is normal. The energy of duality allows us to be flexible, change our mind, go new directions and be multifaceted with our thoughts, reactions, and how we interact with others. If you’re feeling the tug between opposites, it’s actually okay.

Second; the new moon itself is all about duality and illuminating the night sky in both light and shadows. The new moon is all about rebirth, renewal, and the beginning of a new cycle, which puts you in a transitional liminal space and energy. In order for you to be in a space to begin again, to transition, and be reborn you had to just come from and ending and death.

What To Be Cautious Of This Gemini New Moon

We may be a little bit more scattered when this sign is aligned with the moon. Astrologers would categorize the Gemini Moon personality as easily distracted it’s hard to focus when there’s always something else that could use our attention. So, do your best to use skills that can help you focus like making to do lists, and grounding or centering often. We also need to be careful about the intensity level for how we react to things. When Gemini is affecting the moon each and every event no matter how small seems like it’s the most significant thing to happen to us. It’s important to take the time to check the facts with your emotions and reactions to make sure you are reacting to things with the valid intensity. Be careful to not catastrophize things.

Ways To Work With The Gemini New Moon

Now, that we have talked about the themes of this Gemini new moon and how it is going to affect you let’s talk about how you can specifically connect to and work with this moon. In magical practices, Gemini’s influence is often utilized for spells and rituals that foster communication, intellectual growth, and adaptability in various situations. Moon phases during Gemini, such as the new moon are ideal times for conducting rituals that leverage Gemini’s energy for learning, networking, and skillfully navigating social situations.

First, make sure to do all of your staples that your learned in the previous blog post on the new moon and the moon in general like, charging your crystals, making moon water, and resetting your altar.

With this moon there are certain spells and rituals that will help connect you this moon in the most effective way. The Gemini Moon is a good time to work on divination and prophecy, wishing spells, luck in gambling, communication, working for positive reception of manuscripts, articles and term papers, increasing web traffic, success in school, getting into the school of your choice. Remember these are just some of the many ideas. Follow your intuition and the energy of this moon. Below is a more extensive list of ideas on how to connect to and work with the Gemini new moon.

  • Daydream Meditation-With the Gemini New Moon let your imagination run wild. Take time to daydream. Let your mind wander and tune into all the crazy ideas that crop up. Write about them. Keep it simple, seeing where it leads you. What are you passionate about or inspired by? Write about your New Moon goals and engage all of your senses “as if” you’ve already achieved it. Be creative and free flow with journaling, allowing yourself to dream a new reality.
  • Set goals using Smart goals– To learn more about what SMART goals are and how to use them you can read about here in my previous blog post.
  • Abundance spells-You can learn how to connect to abundance with my in depth guide here
  • Meditation and Visualization
  • Throat Chakra Energy Work
  • Set intentions and Manifestation work-new projects/ ideas, communication, shifting your perspective, learning something new, creating new connections with others
  • Divination– Try divination associated with the element air; Aeromancy. Which is a form of divination that involves using the state of the air or atmospheric substances to predict the future
  • Self reflection– You can do this through mirror magic. To learn more on how to do this you can read about it here, watch my previous class taught with Divination here
  • Cleansing
  • Protection magic and spells– To learn more about how to do protection magic you can watch part 1 and part 2 of my classes with Divination academy on YouTube
  • Burn Bay leaves with intentions written on them
  • Blow bubbles to release your wishes on the wind
  • Make a spell jar-to connect to Gemini, or a dandelion wish jar
  • Work with the element air in your magical workings and spells- You can learn more about how to do that here
  • Connect to the energy of June– You can learn all about the magic of June in my previous blogpost here.
  • Shadow work– If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.
  • Start learning a new language
  • Work with the energy and magic of duality
  • Attend a socializing event
  • Make a simmer pot-for clear communication in your home
  • Journal– focus on your dreams, beliefs, and new ideas that bring you joy
  • Cast spells based on friendship
  • Cast clear communication spells to assist in a conflict
  • Take a short trip
  • Expand your vocabulary by learning some new words
  • Create a cope ahead plan– for an upcoming situation or event you will be in
  • Auto scripting
  • Use Color Magic-The color blue for communication, green for abundance, and purple for the mind
  • Reframe any negative inner dialogue
  • Start a dream journal
  • Study, research, learn a new skill
  • Create a Vision aka dream board
  • Do a brain dump
  • Start a new idea or project you have been thinking about for awhile now
  • Catch up with family or friends you haven’t spoken to in awhile
  • Affirmations
    • I am open to infinite possibilities and am willing to walk any path
    • I invite new ways of thinking into my life.
    • I open myself to the magic and miracles that are available to me each day.
    • I courageously follow the path of my heart.
    • I let go of toxic thoughts and feelings not supporting my highest good.
    • I am ready to accept change
    • I don’t take things to seriously and know when to enjoy life
    • I communicate with others clearly and respectfully
    • I free myself from limitations of the mind and my current perspective

Correspondences For The Gemini New Moon

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like Gemini that I will list below for you to use. Remember this is not an all encompassing list and there may be other correspondences to use. Just follow your intuition and use what calls to you.

  • planet-Mercury
  • Animal- birds, butterflies, magpies, monkey, dolphin
  • Element- Air
  • Sex- masculine
  • Modality- Mutable
  • Symbol- The twins, dokana
  • colors- yellow, greens
  • Motto- I think or I speak or I am
  • Chakra-Throat chakra
  • Herbs-Orchids, iris, lavender, poppy, azalea, daffodil, lily, lemongrass, lobelia, mulberry, papyrus, Peppermint, horehound, parsley, valerian, skullcap, anise, gingko, mace, marjoram, dill, hyssop, lemon balm
  • Stones/ crystals-Agate, pearl, emerald, ruby, alexandrite, citrine, white sapphire, diamond, tiger’s eye, peridot, calcite, opal, fluorite, amber, onyx
  • Deities-Hermes, Mercury, Castor and Pollux, Loki, Freyr, Freyja, Veles, Hebe, Ate, Apollo and Artemis, Athena, Iris, Lakshmi, cerridwen, Rhiannon, Selene, Persephone, Amaterasu
  • Themes- adaptable, curious, communication, mental clarity, social, intelligent, Connection, shifting perspectives, conversation, siblings, neighbors and neighborhood, short journeys, transportation, active, charming, inquisitive and thirsting for knowledge, playful, outgoing, clever, imaginative, trickster, self-interested, vain, overly critical, fickle, restless, duality, balance, expressive,
  • tarot- the lovers, the magician
  • foods-Oats. seeds, peas, beans, nuts, spring greens, carrot, parsnip, clover, lemon peel, endive
  • trees-Elder tree, hazel tree, trees with nuts
  • House- 3rd house
  • Day- Wednesday

Cornucopia New Moon Abundance Spell

New moons are a great time to work on calling in the intention of abundance, prosperity, good luck, and wealth. Especially during a Gemini new moon which will open up new paths for you to receive abundance from which can lead to a massive increase in your life. The purpose of this spell is to attract prosperity, fortune, and abundance during the new moon through the use of an ancient sacred symbol of abundance the cornucopia.

What you will need:

  • A green candle; a votive size will work
  • Some bay leaves
  • A stick of cinnamon
  • A handful of Rice
  • Some coins and paper money ( I recommend doing 8 of each to connect to abundance)
  • Green aventurine *optional
  • A green piece of paper preferably cardstock
  • Tape

How to perform the spell:

Find a place you can be alone for a little bit undisturbed, and in quiet. Then put yourself into your sacred container connecting to the energy of abundance and the new moon. You can do this by meditating, grounding, calling your energy back, or doing breathing techniques like boxed breathing.

Once you feel anchored to the energy of abundance and the new moon. Begin by rolling the paper into a cone shape and securing the paper cone with a few pieces of tape. This cone becomes your cornucopia. As your roll the paper into a cone shape, say the following: “By the magic and abundance of the new moon I make this cornucopia tonight. To be a vessel of wealth, good luck, and prosperity”

Now grab your green candle and say: “As I hold this green candle in my hands I enchant it to send abundance across the land.” Now set your candle down feeling the energy of abundance filling the container around you. As you light your candle say; “Now burn with purpose both bright and true, green candle of abundance. May I be blessed in all that I do.”

While your flame continues to burn. Take and add the dollars, coins, bay leaves, cinnamon stick, and rice to the paper cornucopia. As you add each item thank it for the abundance it is about to bring to you. Once your cornucopia of abundance is overflowing hold it in your hands visualizing the energy of abundance and say: “This cornucopia is an ancient symbol of plenty. Now filled with coins, dollar bills, herbs connected to abundance, this spell will attract abundance swiftly to me! May this manifest in the most wanted possible way to bring healthy abundance to all of my days and in every way.”

Allow the candle to burn out in a safe place. Leave the cash, coins, bay leaves, cinnamon stick, and rice in the cornucopia for a full month. During this time, whenever you have an extra bill or loss change, add it to the cornucopia. This cornucopia will serve as your prosperity/abundance bowl for the month until the next new moon.

Candle Spell For Learning During Gemini New Moon

Do you want to strengthen your mind and be able to absorb knowledge better? This spells purpose is to do just that during a new moon in Gemini. All you will need is yourself, a quiet area, and a yellow candle. To make this spell more potent you can also hold selenite and then keep it on you when you are studying or learning the rest of the lunar cycle.

How to do spell:

Find a place you can be alone for a little bit undisturbed, and in quiet. Then put yourself into your sacred container connecting to the energy of knowledge, learning, studying and Gemini. You can do this by meditating, grounding, calling your energy back, or doing breathing techniques like boxed breathing.

Once you feel anchored to the energy of learning and Gemini. Light a yellow candle for mental clarity. If you’d like, you can hold a piece of selenite in your non-dominant hand as you write down the ways you want to improve your learning. Visualize yourself learning easily, taking in new ideas and being receptive to lessons you can learn. Once you vision seems clear recite this spell out loud; “I am open to learning anything and everything there is to learn. I learn easily and quickly. My mind works perfectly.” Blow out the candle when you are done and come place in your favorite place to study and learn.

If you would like more ideas for rituals you can check out my Pinterest page, my Facebook page, and watch any of my previous moon celebrations here;  or at the top of the Divination Facebook page, and you can read more in a previous blog post here

However you choose to connect to this new moon and work with its energy be prepared to experience the curious and communicative sign of the Twins. They will stir your mind, increase your desire for variety, you will thirst for information, shift your perspectives and awaken your urge to connect with others. Under the Gemini new moon, your intentions will manifest through the stirring of your mind, the expression of clear communication, connecting with others, and the perspective shifting of duality. Listen to Gemini this New Moon and focus less on manifesting new “things” and more on manifesting new thoughts that support you emotionally.

To connect with the moon more you can join me for a FREE celebration and ritual with Divination on June 6th at 7:30 pm CST in Facebook live;