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The Magic Of April; Nourish Your Seeds To Blossom

Every single month has it’s own energy, and frequencies we can connect to that are unique. When we connect to the month’s energy and frequencies we can find ourselves living a much more aligned, and magical life. We have the ability to amplify our magical workings, intentions, and manifesting. Let’s talk about how to do that with the month of April. The month when spring fully takes hold in the Northern Hemisphere, and humans celebrate the return of life to the earth and the blossoming of plants and flowers, and awakening of animals from hibernation in the month of April.

The month of April is fertile with refreshing, renewal and reawakening energy. With the month of April Spring is in full swing with, the birds chirping, spring showers, animals out of hibernation and nature is fully awake from the long cold nights of winter. This month is a very nourishing month that is about really feeding and giving those seeds of intention, growth, and transformation you planted in March the nutrients they need to bloom and flourish for harvest in the fall. April is also a time for cleansing and purifying rituals to rid oneself of stagnant energy from the winter months and prepare for the growth and expansion ahead.

In the month of April we see some themes from March continued as well like fertility, growth, prosperity, and abundance. This month continues to be a time to focus on positive change, growth and new opportunities. Make sure to use those energies and themes to nourish your seeds planted in March and focus on making sure you are really putting the movement and nutrients into your manifestations, intentions, and goals for the year to grow and start to sprout in the coming months.

History In The Month Of April

April is the fourth month of the year according to the modern Gregorian calendar. The name April comes from the Roman name Aprilis possibly derived from the Latin verb aperire, meaning to open because this is the month when flowers and foliage begin to blossom and open. Other theories suggest that the name was derived from the name Aphrodite, via the Etruscan equivalent Apru.

April was the second month of the earliest Roman calendar, before Ianuarius and Februarius were added by King Numa Pompilius about 700 BC. It became the fourth month of the calendar year (the year when twelve months are displayed in order) during the time of the decemvirs about 450 BC, when it was 29 days long. The 30th day was added back during the reform of the calendar undertaken by Julius Caesar in the mid-40s BC, which produced the Julian calendar.


The month of April was sacred to Venus and kicked off with her festival; Veneralia.

Veneralia, was an ancient Roman festival, that celebrated the goddess Venus (Aphrodite), highlighting her significance in love, beauty, and fertility on April 1st. During Veneralia, people would adorn themselves with flower crowns and fragrant herbs, and take ritual baths with honey and milk, believing it would attract Venus’s favor and blessings. During the festival, women carried the Venus’s statue to the men’s baths where it was ceremonially washed and dressed. A prominent ritual component of Veneralia involved the offering of roses to Venus, symbolizing love and desire, with couples exchanging love tokens as a form of devotion. Veneralia was a time for romantic endeavors, and it was believed that any relationship initiated during the festival would be blessed by Venus herself.

Other Important Dates

  • April 1st All Fool’s Day
  • April 1st Veneralia
  • April 4-10 Megalesia
  • April 15 Fordicalia
  • April 15 Sumersdag or Sigrblot
  • April 19th Cerealia
  • April 21st Parilia
  • April 22nd Yggdrasil Day
  • April 23rd Vinalia Prioria
  • April 25th Robigalia
  • April 27- May 2 Floralia
  • April 30th Walpurgis Night

April Magical & Witchcraft Themes

In witchcraft, April represents a time of fertility, growth, and abundance. Rituals and spells during April often focus on themes of renewal, prosperity, and manifestation, harnessing the energy of the season to bring about positive changes and new opportunities. The season of spring is so ripe and fertile with the energy of abundance this month is a very potent time to perform abundance, prosperity and good luck spells, rituals and workings. April is a time of nourishment to feed your seeds of intentions and manifestations that you planted the previous month during the spring equinox to help them grow and to nourish ourselves through the nurturing energy of April and Spring. Just as the April showers pour down from the skies to cleanse and nourish the earth and cause new growth, April is also a time for cleansing and purifying rituals to rid oneself of stagnant energy from the winter months and prepare for the growth and expansion ahead.

The Gods And Goddesses Of April

With every season and month there are certain themes, magic, and energies we have the ability to connect to including deities. Everyone works with and views deity energy a little differently. Whether you view them as archetypes of the human consciousness, representations of the source energy, or as being entities on their own, there are certain deities that now is the time to connect to and honor them in the most sacred and amplified way.

During this month a few deities take center stage because they have festivals or sacred days during this month to help you connect with them in a very intimate way. The deities that are going to be the best for you to connect to right now are going to be those who represent spring, fertility, abundance, agriculture, love and rebirth. Below we will talk about some of the deities you can work with this month.


Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty, and sexuality. The goddess of love Venus was widely worshipped in the Roman Empire because she was thought to be the mother of Aeneas, the mythical founder of Rome. As such, she was considered the mother of the entire Roman nation. The month of April was kicked off with a festival dedicated to her even; Veneralia.

Initially, it seems that she was a goddess of fertility and vegetation. She might have assumed her most famous role of goddess of love in the 3rd Century BC when she was identified with the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Being the embodiment of femininity, she was seen as the opposite of the gods which represented masculinity, i.e. her husband Vulcan, the god of metalworking, and her lover Mars, the god of war.


Of the many different gods and goddesses that were worshipped in ancient Egypt, Hathor is considered one of the most important. Hathor is the Egyptian goddess of love and beauty and her history is quite intriguing among the many that are around in the Egyptian pantheon. The Egyptian goddess of beauty and love is the daughter of the sky goddess Nut and the god of the sun and creation, Ra. Hathor is not only the daughter of Egypt’s main deities for she is also the ‘eye of Ra,’ the most powerful force in the world. This makes her one of the most significant deities in Egyptian mythology. The Egyptian goddess of love and beauty is also the goddess of the underworld. She welcomes the dead as they reach the underworld and serves them food and drinks. She is thought to be later connected with the Greek goddess Aphrodite this is why she is a great deity to work with this month to help you with self love, nourishment, and fertility workings.


Anahita, the ancient Persian goddess, held a significant role in Persian mythology, associated with water, fertility, healing, and wisdom. With her origins rooted in the Indo-Iranian tradition and connections to the Mesopotamian goddess, Inanna-Ishtar, Anahita’s worship persisted across Iran, Asia, and even endured the influence of Zoroastrianism. She is often depicted as a beautiful goddess adorned in gold jewelry, carrying branches of life, and riding a chariot pulled by four horses. She was worshipped as the goddess of water, fertility, healing, and wisdom. As the goddess of water, Anahita represented the life-giving force that sustained both humans and nature. She played a crucial role in ensuring the fertility of the land, resulting in abundant harvests and prosperous communities which makes her a great goddess to call on this month while your nourish your seeds your already planted last month or plan to plant this month.


The harvest goddess Ceres is probably one of the oldest gods to be worshiped by the Romans and their precursors. Her worship was such that she was integral to the day-to-day affairs of the ancient Romans. Whereas other gods were prayed to for specific things or worshiped on specific days, the Roman goddess Ceres was relevant throughout the year. Ceres was the goddess of agriculture, farming, and a host of other things which are related to or symbolized by crops. She was the goddess that directly ensured that the people had something to eat. Without the Roman goddess Ceres good graces, winter and famine were upon the Romans. Her counterpart is thought to be the Greek goddess Demeter which is why she can be worshipped to connect to this months energy as well.


Persephone is the most prominent goddess of spring in the Greek religion which is why we can connect to her this month with her being fully back on earth from the underworld. She is the daughter of Zeus and goddess of harvest and agriculture Demeter. She is known as the goddess of spring, duality, rebirth, and the Queen of the Underworld. She is associated with spring, renewal, and rebirth because of her descent into the underworld with Hades and the affects. Her mother decided to not allow anything to grow on earth until it was agreed she would return for part of the year. Her ascent back to earth from the underworld was when her mother allowed things to than flourish and grow again on earth. Because of this, she became the representation of the cycles of the Earth and the reason for spring, the vernal birds returning, and the flowers blooming. To this day she still honors this cycle and deal. Persephone is my favorite deity, my patron goddess and I love connecting to her at this time of the year. If you want to learn more about her you can watch my class done previously on her with Divination Academy below.

The Correspondences For April

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for time of the year like a month, which I will list below for you to use.

  • Planet-Earth
  • Animal-rabbits, bear, wolf, Hawk, magpie, frog
  • Element- Fire & water
  • colors- Pale yellow, pink, light green, violet, gold
  • Chakra- Solar plexus and heart
  • Herbs- daisies, sweat pea, pine, bergamot, bay, patchouli, chive, basil, dragon’s blood, geranium,
  • Stones/ crystals- diamond, quartz, emerald, ruby, garnet, malachite, sunstone, orange calcite, ocean jasper, citrine, selenite
  • Deities- Venus, Aphrodite, Ceres, Persephone, mars, Vulcan, Demeter, Ishtar, Anahita, Kali, Hathor, The green man
  • Symbols- Growth, the pink moon, creating, opportunity, Faery Spirits, eggs, spring growth, gardens, spring blossoms, sun, rain showers
  • Zodiac- Aries & Taurus
  • Trees- Hazel, Pine

How To Connect To The Magic Of April

We’ve talked a lot about all the different types of energies the month of April has and gives us access to work with. So, how can you specifically connect to those energies? In your every day life you can make sure your affirmations and manifestation work align with the energies of rebirth, reawakening, prosperity, love and nourishment. You can celebrate and honor any of the sacred days and holidays like Vernalia, and work with the season of spring.

Some Rituals and spell workings during this time that will be really intensified will be based on prosperity, wealth, growth, and rebirth. You can do things like create a lucky money bag, a prosperity bowl, or perform some spells using egg magic.

April is a time of the year where many witches are able to get back into nature, using this time to physically reconnect with nature through all kinds of nature magic, earthing, grounding, and elemental magic. If you were not able to plant your garden last month this is a perfect time to do so and to perform some seed magic at the same time.

Don’t forget April also reminds us that it is just as important for us to nourish ourselves and care for ourselves to make sure we can grow and flourish. Make sure to nourish yourself with water, by cleansing and cleaning, drinking water, and taking a ritual bath for self love, nourishment, and growth.

Just as the April showers pour down from the skies to cleanse and nourish the earth and cause new growth, April is also a time for cleansing and purifying rituals to rid oneself of stagnant energy from the winter months and prepare for the growth and expansion ahead. To learn about many different ways to cleanse and purify yourself you can watch my two Youtube classes with Divination Academy on protection below;

Other Ways To Celebrate And Connect To April

When we want to use the energy around us to affect our magical practices and rituals we can amplify that by doing things in our every day life to align with the energy as well. You can align with the energy of abundance, nourishment, and reawakening with affirmations, mantras, intention goal setting and dancing in nature as the rain falls.

You can do things like making sure you get yourself outside breathing the fresh air and getting in touch with the earth. You can do things to nourish yourself and show yourself some self love like taking a self love ritual bath.

This month is so full of rebirth, and renewal energy still it is a perfect time to refresh your home with spring cleaning, reorganizing and changing up your home decorations if you feel the pull this can extend to your altar as well. My spring cleaning usually happens in two phases and this month I focus on the second half and all of my spring cleaning and prep work for my yard and property. Living in MN means I may not even get to do this until the very end of April since even now I have snow on the ground. I also take the time to do a quarterly check up on my goals and personal development plan as well.

April is also the perfect month and time to start working with the Fae and the Faery realm. You can start this by planning and than planting your Faery Garden so your flowers will start blooming in May. Some things I recommend to have for your faery garden will be listed below and keep a look out for a blogpost coming to go in depth on adding one of these to your yard and practice.

  • Plant Foxglove and Pansies
  • Make sure to have plenty of small plants and flower bushes
  • Have small mirrors laying around
  • Decorate with shiny crystals likes quartz and agates
  • Plant roses
  • Plant berry bushes for offerings
  • Build a Fairy House
  • Include moss and mushrooms
  • Include a butterfly feeder and water station
  • Plant Nectar producing flowers and plants

Nourish Your Seeds With April To Blossom The Rest Of The Year

We talked about many things in this blogpost including the history, some celebrations, the different energies and magical themes we can work with during this month, how to connect to those energies, deities we can honor and worship, and how to work with the magic of April. No matter how you choose to work with the energies and magic of April make sure to be focused on continuing your rebirth for this year, abundance, and nourishing yourself and the seeds your planted last month. If you do this your life will become so much more magical and aligned. All the nourishment you give your seeds this month will allow you to blossom the rest of the year.

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The Magic Of Eggs; The Magical Meanings And Uses Of Eggs

With Spring in the air, the days getting longer and the snow beginning to melt in some areas of the world most of us will feel a pull to refresh, rebirth, and renewal. We may even celebrate some spring holidays like, the Spring Equinox, Ostara or Easter. Whichever holiday it is you celebrate; a common symbol you will see is the Egg. The egg has been a powerful, and prominent symbol in human culture for 1000s of years far back into antiquity. The egg has been a staple not only as a food source and a center piece at breakfast time but, in magic, religion, and cultural practices as well. It can be seen in texts, art, and stories across many different cultures and even still today we see it every time spring rolls around in modern culture. Eggs symbolize fertility, birth/resurrection, Spring, nourishment and protection. Let’s roll into spring and crack open the magical uses and meanings of eggs in this blogpost.

Eggs In Cultures Throughout History

From Roman and Greek funerary rites to the birth of the Hindu god, Brahma, the egg is featured prominently in religious/spiritual traditions, folklore and celebration practices around the world. For many modern pagans, the egg symbolizes the Spring Equinox and/or Ostara and the renewal of life in the natural world. Let’s look at some more ( not all) of the ways eggs have been used in different cultures throughout history.

In Persia, eggs have been painted for thousands of years as part of the spring celebration of No Ruz, which is the Zoroastrian new year. In Iran, the colored eggs are placed on the dinner table at No Ruz, and a mother eats one cooked egg for each child she has. The festival of No Ruz predates the reign of Cyrus the Great, whose rule (580-529 b.c.e.) marks the beginning of Persian history.

In some Native American creation tales, the egg features prominently. Typically, this involves the cracking of a giant egg to form the universe, the earth, or even gods. In some tribes of America’s Pacific northwest region, there is a story about thunder eggs–geodes–which are thrown by the angry spirits of the high mountain ranges.

A Chinese folk tale tells of the story of the formation of the universe. Like so many things, it began as an egg. A deity named Pan Gu formed inside the egg, and then in his efforts to get out, cracked it into two halves. The upper portion became the sky and cosmos, and the lower half became the earth and sea. As Pan Gu grew bigger and more powerful, the gap between earth and sky increased, and soon they were separated forever.

In early Christian cultures, consumption of the Easter egg may have marked the end of Lent. In Greek Orthodox Christianity, there is a legend that after Christ’s death on the cross, Mary Magdalene went to the emperor of Rome, and told him of Jesus’ resurrection. The emperor’s response was skeptical, hinting that such an event was just about as likely as a nearby bowl of eggs suddenly turning red. Much to the emperor’s surprise, the bowl of eggs turned red, and Mary Magdalene joyfully began preaching Christianity throughout the land.

It was commonly thought in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period that witches could use empty eggshells to “fly” to their sabbaths. Eggshells were also thought to be used as vehicles for the fairies, so it was highly encouraged to destroy your eggshells before such magical beings could put them to use.

There’s an old English superstition that if you’re a girl who wants to see who your true love is, place an egg in front of your fire on a stormy night. As the rain picks up and the wind begins to howl, the man you will marry will come through the door and pick up the egg.

In American folk magic, eggs appear regularly in agricultural stories. A farmer who wants to “set” his eggs under broody hens should only do so during the full moon; otherwise, most of them won’t hatch. Likewise, eggs carried around in a woman’s bonnet will provide the best pullets. Eggs placed in a man’s hat for safekeeping will all produce roosters. Even the eggs of certain birds are special. Owls’ eggs are said to be a sure cure for alcoholism, when scrambled up and fed to someone with a drinking problem. Dirt found under a mockingbird’s egg can be used to alleviate sore throats.

Symbolism and Meaning Of The Egg

In many cultures and society, the egg is considered the perfect magical symbol. It is, after all, representative of new life. In fact, it is the life cycle/ circle of life personified in it’s shape alone. As we talked about above Eggs are the center of many creation myths and the source of where our universe began. Even when you look up the definition of what an Egg really is; it is the place life begins, and is protected and nurtured until it is ready to be born into this realm. Life is LITERALLY hatched from and BEGINS in eggs. The egg is a source of powerful energy that is able to take stagnant and unproductive energy and metamorphize it into fertile and productive energy. Eggs in magic and witchcraft represent fertility, rebirth, creation, nourishment, protection and abundance.

Magical Ways To Work With Eggs

As you can imagine because, eggs are such a potent, prominent, and powerful energy with many different energies you can connect to there are just as many ways to work with them! On top of that they are generally pretty easy to get ahold of, if you don’t already have some in your kitchen. You can roll into Spring feeling refreshed, and ready to crack open in rebirth and transformation with any or all of these magical workings.

Oomancy-Divination With Eggs

Oomancy is the name for egg cleansing and divination, also known as ovomancy, ovamancy, ooscopia, oomancia, oomantia. The name comes from the ancient Greek word for egg “oon” and “manteia” meaning divination. There are several methods to how this can be done in different cultures. Oomancy was a very common form of divination practiced in ancient Greece and Rome specifically, where it was believed that one could tell the future by interpreting the shapes formed when the separated whites from an egg was dropped into hot water.

Included here is a standard version if you would like to try your hand at.


First, you will want to fill a clear glass bowl with water. Hot, boiled water may make it easier to see shapes since it will partially cook the egg and prevent it from moving more than necessary.

Next, cleanse the egg before rolling it down your body starting at the crown of your head, allowing it to absorb impurities, then crack it into the water. Below is a list of signs to look for when divining with eggs. When reading an egg cleanse, the yolk is representative of you and the whites symbolize others.

  • Clear or mostly clear means you’ve been keeping up with your cleansing methods and wards…it means you don’t have a lot of negative energy affecting you!
  • Strings of white that go from top to bottom in the water indicate energetic cords that are negative and need to be cleared (if it’s thin, the attachment can be cleared easily but if it’s thick, it might take a longer stint of purification rituals to sever the tie)
  • Blood in the yolk could mean one of two things (or both simultaneously): the person is ill and/or is being spiritually attacked by a witch/evil eye
  • Cloudiness in the whites and around the yolk is the actual negative energy you’ve lifted off yourself/the individual
  • Foul odor also means the person is being spiritually attacked and affected by witchcraft or the evil eye
  • Actual symbols should be read accordingly. For instance, if you see an eye, we interpret this egg cleanse meaning as someone is watching you or sending you the evil eye. If a scary face is in the white, you may have a ghost or spirit nearby of a malevolent nature
  • Thick white blob still connected to the yolk typically means the person has another person strongly attached to them and could be feeding off their energy (sometimes the blob appears to look like a little head growing off the yolk itself)
  • Cobwebs or thready substance around the yolk means you have folks who are envious of you and your endeavors
  • Thick coating around the yolk could indicate a strong protective shield around the person OR the person is so defensive that they struggle in relationships
  • Letters or numbers should also be read accordingly in an egg cleansing reading. Letters could indicate someone’s initials who is throwing magical shade your way OR someone who is attached to you energetically. Numbers could indicate the amount of people who are throwing shade your way, or it could be predicting a future event on a certain date.
  • Double yolk means one of a few things: a. if you’re pregnant, you’re having twins. Or b. you have a twin soul somewhere out there. Or even c. your soul may have been split in two during a traumatic experience during your life.
  • If eggshell gets into the cleanse: this means your spiritual protective barriers have been penetrated. Consider learning how to shield yourself and wear a protective amulet.

Repeat as many times as necessary, cleansing and protecting between, until signs are good and there are no indications of a curse.

Bury A Raw Egg In Your Garden Or Yard

A classic symbol of fertility and abundance, a buried egg in your spring garden blesses the harvest for fruitful yield. It helps that it also makes excellent fertilizer! This also appeases the nature spirits present in your garden. You can also spread or sprinkle eggshells in the garden for the same purposes. You can amplify this energy and blessing by drawing a fertility sigil, a symbol for a Spring deity, or a growth intention before you bury it in the earth. You can recite a mantra, prayer, or invocation as well as you buy the egg. During this on a New moon or during the Spring equinox can also add more energy to this practice for you.

Banish A Dark Mood

Feeling a little under the weather emotionally? Try this liberating ritual. Write one word or symbol on a raw egg that represents your frustration, sadness or grief. Go to the edge of a moving water and throw the egg against a river rock. Watch the contents drain into the water. Walk away and don’t look back.

Leave Eggs At A Newer Gravesite

The Greeks and Romans left eggs in tombs or near grave sites to symbolize the afterlife. Leave eggs at the graveside of a loved one to bless their eternal life and heal grieving souls.

Use Eggs In Kitchen Magic

Include eggs in kitchen witch recipes for abundance, fertility or to celebrate the Spring Equinox. Get creative! Next time you crack an egg into a bowl, tell it what you want it to do. “An egg to increase fertility and increase my chances to conceive,” as an example. “An egg to protect all who eat this cake.”

Cascarilla; Egg powder

Cascarilla powder is simply eggshells ground down into a fine powder. This magical powder is used for different magical purposes but mainly for protection. Wash out your eggshells, let them dry, then grind them down in your mortar. Save the powder and use in protection rituals and spells. Some of my favorite ways to use egg powder are adding it to black salt, using to line a magic circle when casting, add to a spell bag or spell jar, or a prosperity bowl.

Cast A Glamor Or Beauty Spell

Eggs symbolize renewal, rebirth and eternity. Whisk together an egg white, a splash of fresh lemon juice and a little honey, then apply it to the face ask you would a skin mask. Close your eyes and meditate on the manifestation of eternal beauty. You can also use eggs to create a hair mask to use instead of a face mask as well.

Ostara/ Spring Equinox Wish

One of my favorite Ostara traditions to do is making an Ostara wish using a hard boiled egg. It is so simple to do as well! All you need is a hard boiled egg. Take a hard boiled egg, write a wish or intention you would like to plant to bloom by harvest time this year. Take your egg with your wish written on it out under the moon on Ostara. Hold it up to the sky, recite your wish out loud, and than take your egg and bury it in the earth for your wish to sprout, grow, and bloom this year.

Decorate Eggs

Eggs are a symbol of the Spring and henceforth Easter and Ostara. The tradition of painting and decorating eggs pre-dates Christianity and spans multiple cultures. To appease the gods and the spirits of Spring, decorate and paint eggs, then leave them at the foot of trees as offerings. Decorated eggs in the home in Spring ensures abundance and health in the coming months. The colors you choose to use when decorating can even represent specific energies and intentions as well. Below is a list of some ideas for you as you decorate your eggs.

  • Red- Passion, Power, Transformation
  • Orange- Attraction, Good Fortune/Luck
  • Yellow- Happiness, Inspiration
  • Green-Abundance, Prosperity, Wealth, Good Health
  • Blue- Peace, Tranquility, Spirituality
  • Purple- Mystical, Magical, The Power of Spring
  • Pink-Love, Friendship

Egg Magic For The Home

While I don’t necessary condone throwing a bunch of eggs on your roof, one egg or eggshell thrown on the roof of the house can protect you from another witch’s hexes. You can also line any threshold with an egg like a window sill or door for home protection. You can take a hard boiled egg and bury it in the earth near your front door as a protection ward and to call in abundance too. Or sprinkle broken eggshells across the threshold as a protection barrier.

Decorate An Easter Egg Tree

In Germany, it’s traditional to have an Easter tree to celebrate the Spring season. This is the same thing as a Christmas tree, except it’s for Easter. And if you’re pagan, call it your Ostara Tree. instead. Purchase hanging or make your own. You can even add magical symbols and words to each egg.

Egg Prosperity Spell

This spell is designed to bring you prosperity, whether it be financial or otherwise, by working with the magical properties of the egg.

What You’ll Need:

  • An egg or eggs if making more than one
  • biodegradable sachet
  • pyrite
  • mint
  • marker, dye, and other tools to decorate the egg

What To Do:

Begin by cleansing, charging, and/or blessing your items. After the items are ready to go, write, draw, or otherwise decorate your egg with your intent: prosperity. You can draw a rune in gold on your egg to represent prosperity. Other color choices are green, orange, or violet. You can dye the egg a solid color, draw sigils, or money symbols. After the egg is decorated, place it along with the pyrite and mint into the biodegradable sachet.

When all the items are placed in the sachet, hold it in both hands and imagine it filling with gold and green light. Say,
“With egg for new beginnings adorned all in gold [you can insert your own color here, but it may not rhyme ]
With pyrite for wealth and mint for fortunes untold,
I open myself to wealth beyond measure,
And accept the Universe’s treasure.”

Once the spell is done, find a safe place in your garden, preferably by a plant also associated with prosperity and abundance, and bury the sachet

Egg Fertility Spell

This Spell is meant to bring you fertility in your life especially if you are trying to conceive in your life right now. It harnesses both the potent power of the egg and the snake. This is a very simple spell to do that needs very few items.

What you will need:

  • A hard boiled egg
  • A jar or Satchel- Depending on what you want to make a spell jar or spell bag
  • Mint
  • Thyme
  • Rose
  • Gold wax/candle

What to do:

Once you have hard boiled your egg, take a pen or marker and draw a symbol of a snake on the egg. Take the egg, remove the shell, and save the shell for later. Eat the egg while envisioning golden light full of fertility filling you up from the inside. Than take the eggshells, mint, thyme, and rose place them in a jar or spell bag and seal with some gold wax from a candle. Place the jar or bag under the bed you would like to conceive in.

One Last Tip; Using Your Eggshells

We have talked about a lot when it comes to Eggs, the history of eggs through many cultures, their meanings and energetic connections and many ways you can work with eggs in your magical practice and life. The last tip I want to leave you with is to remember to keep your eggshells for all kinds of magical workings as well. You can grind them up to add them to all kinds of protection workings like spell jars, spell bags, black salt, and even use them to line your magic circles when you are casting. They can even be used in fertility, prosperity, and growth spells as well. However you choose to work with eggs this spring enjoy the very potent, powerful, and fertile energy they will bring to you move through this season of rebirth.