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The magic of Thursday; Amplify your spells with the energy of the day

Every day of the week has it’s own magic and energy you can harness to influence your life and magical practices and in this blog series we are going to talk about them all. Next up, we are going to talk about the energy and magic you can align with on Thursday. Thursday is the fourth day of the week in most cultures and calendars. Others view it as the fifth day of the week while in some Muslim cultures it’s the sixth day.

Most Germanic languages name this day for Thor or a God identified with him. In Iceland, Thursday is named Fimmtudagur or “fifth day” due to it’s predominately Christian population and them wanting to refrain from naming a day after a pagan god. In India, Thursday is most often named Guruvar, meaning day of the Guru, referring to Bṛhaspati, the deva-guru, or Guru of the Gods.

Thursday is ruled by the planet Jupiter

For pagans and witches, every single day of the week is ruled by a planet and Thursday is ruled by the planet Jupiter. The planet Jupiter, often referred to as the “King of the Planets,” is a symbol of expansion and abundance in magic and astrology. Jupiter is by far the most massive planet of the solar system and the fifth in distance from the Sun. It is one of the brightest objects shining in the night sky. In most depictions of Jupiter you will see a giant gas ball that is a tapestry of colorful stripes and spots, usually a mix of oranges, whites, and browns.

Magic and witchcraft themes

When it comes to magic and witchcraft you can certainly cast spells whenever you need them. But, if you want a little extra oomph, and when you want to amplify your results, aligning your spell casting with the correct day of the week is one way to do that. Since, Thursday is associated with Jupiter, it is the ideal day for spells focused on abundance, wealth, money, prosperity, personal growth and expansion, and success.

Thursday is a very masculine day and it is all about the practical aspects of your life. This day is all about connecting to the energy of finances, legal matters, success, wealth and fame. This day is about big energy connecting you to the actions you need to take to meet your goal. This energy is all about thriving and is one of the best days and times to work the energy of abundance, prosperity, and wealth!

Correspondences for Thursday

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently in or a day of the week like, Thursday. I will give you some ideas below for you to use. Remember to follow your intuition with the correspondences you choose to work with and that you can always use any that correspond that calls to you for the energies of the day.

  • Element- earth
  • planet-Jupiter
  • Chakra- heart chakra ( most teachers) I also work with my root chakra on this day
  • Gender- Masculine
  • colors- deep blue, purple, green
  • Herbs/flowers-  Allspice, Angelica, Bayberry, Basil, Bay Leaves, Bergamot, Cedar, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Honeysuckle, Irish Moss, Jasmine, Melissa, Mint, Nutmeg, Orange, Patchouli, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Frankincense, clover, oregano, cloves, musk
  • Stones/crystals- sugilite, Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Green Aventurine, Carnelian, sunstone, pyrite, amethyst, malachite, clear quartz, citrine, tiger’s eye, aquamarine, alexandrite, turquoise
  • Deities- Thor, Jupiter, Juno, zeus , Lakshmi, Veles, Rosmerta, Caisen, Abundantia, Plutus, Aje, Mercury, Fortuna, Kubera, vishnu
  • Zodiac: Pisces and Sagittarius

Ways to work with the energy of Thursday

We’ve talked a lot about all the different themes connected to the magic and energy Thursday has and gives us access to work with. So, how can you specifically connect to those energies and perform magic aligned with it? In your everyday life you can make sure your affirmations, intentions, and manifestations set today align with the energies of abundance, wealth, fame, success, money matters, your career, personal growth and expansion.

Below you will find some ideas for spells, rituals, and magical workings you can do to align with Thursday as well. Use the magic of this day to help you connect to your relationship with money, abundance, and your success. Don’t forget to check out my Pinterest page and Facebook page as well for more spell ideas every week! And don’t forget to hop on over to my extensive guide all about abundance here; to get ideas as well! I have a lot of reels and videos for Thursday to check out! It is the day I probably have made the most for!

Work with and balance your Root chakra

Like, I hinted at in the correspondences section, I know a lot of teachers tell us to work with our heart chakra on Thursday, I believe simply because of the color correspondence with this day. But, I prefer to work with my root chakra today. Your root chakra is tied for the most important chakra in my opinion. This chakra is all about your stability, security, and your needs being met. Which is exactly what the energy of abundance does for us. It allows us to have our needs met and more. It allows us to have security in our lives in the society we find ourselves in. If our root chakra is blocked, or full of stale and stagnant energy we are going to have a very hard time connecting to the energy of abundance and believing we will be secure and have all that we need to survive. So, before you cast any abundance spells today, refresh your prosperity bowl, or do any manifestation work around money first make sure your root chakra is clean, clear, and balanced.

If you need to learn more about energy work and the root chakra click the link here!

Thursday Candle spell to get a job

Remember, Thursday is ruled by the planet Jupiter which makes it a day of big, expansive, abundant energy. This makes it an ideal day to ask for some magical assistance in changing up our careers and getting a new job. Whether you are unemployed, or just looking for a career change try this simple candle spell with some green color magic today and watch that new job become yours! This is an extra great spell to do if you have an interview coming up already on your calendar.

How to perform:

Get yourself into sacred container. Visualize the job you wish to get. What the title is, where it is, and what it feels like getting it. As you do this carve the name of the job into the candle or a symbol to represent it. Once done Light the candle and recite. “Candle of green, energy of abundance and money do this deed for me. Bring this job with it’s money flow to me.” Let the candle burn until it goes out on it’s own. Than come back each day and light it until the job is yours!

Money spell bag

One spell you can do today to align with Jupiter; is to create a spell bag to call money into your life. First, what is a spell bag? Put simply, a spell bag is a bag of ingredients put together for a specific magical purpose. These charms are easy to make and are effective for those who have clear intentions. You can make spell bags for any purpose you would like but, one of my favorite purposes is for abundance, good fortune, and good luck.

It is common to see similar practices across many cultures like in Japan with Omamori (御守/お守り). Which are Japanese amulets commonly sold at Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples, dedicated to particular Shinto kami as well as Buddhist figures, and are said to provide various forms of luck. We also see this practice as a very popular and common part of celebrating the Chinese new year with the giving of Lai-see envelopes , good luck money wrapped in little red envelopes..

How to create one on your own is pretty simple and you have countless options for what you can do. Some things to consider, the color of the clothe pouch you use, what you put into it, and when you create it. (like today) For added enhancement you can charge your items under the new or full moon prior to putting them in. You can also write words, intentions, or sigils on your herbs before you add them to your bad. As you create your bag make sure you are feeding it with your intention through either mantras, invocations, spells, or visualization to activate your good luck and money spell bag. You can keep them on you, in your car, in your purse, on your abundance altar, under your bed or anywhere your intuition leads you. Remember – money IS energy. Keep that in mind…it IS obtainable and there is plenty for everyone! And then some! Below is listed some common things used to make Good fortune and money spell bags for you to make yours today!

dried herbs
written intentions
orange peels
Images of money and wealth
Cinnamon sticks
Paper bills

Money doubling spell

Remember the energy of Jupiter is all about thriving and is one of the best days and times to work the energy of abundance, prosperity, and wealth! Try this simple money doubling spell below today!
The last time I did it, it doubled my money down to the penny and this one is simple and easy to do!

Abundance and Prosperity bowl

It’s no secret that money is the way we survive. It buys everything. Maybe you find yourself in a tight spot and you need to pay the bills. Make an abundance AKA money bowl! This practice/spell would be the first thing I would advise you to do and the first thing I would do myself. I’d refresh a current one I have set up, add another one, or simply create a brand new one. And today is the day to do all of this!

First, what is a money bowl? A money bowl is what is sounds like – a bowl that’s used to magically attract prosperity. I like to say it’s sort of like a money jar but open and easier to feed with further ingredients and intentions. It is likely inspired by or stemming from the Feng Shui prosperity bowl or other folk magics method used in many cultures worldwide.

Money bowls can be placed in the home OR in the workplace as a magical magnet for money. I suggest using a green or clear bowl, but I’ve also seen people use gold and silver bowls since money and prosperity are linked to gold and silver too. You can add any correspondences for abundance, money and wealth you want to the bowl. I always make sure to be centered in gratitude and abundance when I add my items. For added amplification and abundance I suggest keeping your bowl in your office, place of business or where you like to get your work done.

My favorite method with these is keeping one near my front door to bring abundance in near my threshold to my home. Than every time I return back to my home any loss change and bills left in my wallet gets added to the bowl to increase the energy and my abundance I receive. Below is a list of common things used in money bowls.

  • A bowl
  • Coins
  • Paper bills
  • Written sigils
  • Rice
  • Candles
  • Written Intention
  • Bay leaves
  • Cinnamon
  • Basil
  • A mirror
  • Green Aventurine
  • Citrine
  • Clear Quartz
  • Keys
  • Gold & Green Glitter
  • Seeds

Money magic simmer pot

. Today is the perfect day to get in your kitchen and make a simmer pot to bring a flow of money magic into your life. I love simmer pots! They are some of my favorite magical spells to do. Not only are they easy to do but, they leave your house smelling amazing and full of so much magical energy. Use this recipe today and watch the money overflow into your life! If you need learn how to make a simmer pot you can read my guide all about them here!

Other ways to connect to the energy Thursday

  • create a spell jar for abundance ( you can purchase my ebook about spell jars in the shop!)
  • recite affirmation mantras
  • Call on a deity of abundance today to aid you in life
  • Create a money tree
  • Add an abundance altar to your office, business, or home
  • cast spells to promote personal growth and expansion
  • Use kitchen magic to create a money hand wash
  • Do elemental magic with the element of earth
  • Shadow work about your feelings of self worth
  • Meditate with the energy of green light
  • apply to jobs
  • Ask for the promotion or raise you have been looking for
  • start a business
  • Plant herbs of abundance near your front door to bring prosperity to your home
  • Journal about your relationship with money
  • Create a personal or family budget
  • Set savings goals
  • wear green clothes for color magic today
  • Launch on new product, workshop, or sale for your business
  • Balance and work with your throat chakra
  • create and sign legal contracts or complete business deals

If you want more information or to go deeper on any topics covered in this blogpost; you can check out any of the links throughout. They will bring you to classes I have taught for free on YouTube with Divination Academy or to previous posts and guides I’ve written on that topic. You can also check out any of the links below to YouTube videos not linked above!

Happy casting this Thursday!

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The magic of Wednesday; Amplify your spells with the energy of the day

Every day of the week has it’s own magic and energy you can harness to influence your life and magical practices and in this blog series we are going to talk about them all. Next up, we are going to talk about the energy and magic you can align with on Wednesday. Wednesday is the third day of the week in most cultures and calendars. Others view it as the fourth day of the week while in some Muslim cultures it’s the fifth day.

The word Wednesday comes from the Old English Wēdnesdæg, which literally means “Woden’s day”. Woden was the name of the chief god of the Germanic people in ancient northern Europe, who are now usually referred to as Odin. Wednesday is also sometimes called “hump day” because it’s in the middle of the work week. This term originated around 1965 and implies that once Wednesday is over, the weekend is in sight

Wednesday is ruled by the planet Mercury

For pagans and witches, every single day of the week is ruled by a planet and Wednesday is ruled by the planet mercury. Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system and the closest to the sun. Mercury is named after the swift Roman god because it moves very quickly around the sun. In most depictions the planet, appears as a light gray color with some brownish-red streaks. Mercury is the planet that rules communication. All forms of communication from thought, speech, writing, networking, looking for information, divination, and communication thru art. Not only does it rule communication but, its very quick in it’s thinking as well and how it affects us. Mercury is also a unique planet and energy for us to connect to, as it is one of only two gender neutral planets in the solar system.

Magic and Witchcraft themes

When it comes to magic and witchcraft you can certainly cast spells whenever you need them. But, if you want a little extra oomph, and when you want to amplify your results, aligning your spell casting with the correct day of the week is one way to do that. Since, Wednesday is associated with Mercury, it is the ideal day for spells to enhance communication, learning, travel, business success, boosting memory, gaining clarity, seeking wisdom, and decision-making. Cast a spell for improved communication and clarity of thought today for a much more focused mind the rest of the week. Other spells you can do today would be to Boost memory and mental clarity and to assist with aiding in study and focused tasks.

This day also can be great to use for luck and good fortune, specifically for a business, You can also cast spells for travel and wisdom. This day is the perfect day to network, to advertise for your business and to start working on some new ideas you want to get out into the world. If you love to study, write, and read today is the day to hunker down and get it all done! This day is the perfect day to look at how you present communication and how you receive it. Today is a day to reflect and take a deep inner look and really think about if you are a good listener to those in your life.

Correspondences for Wednesday

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently in or a day of the week like, Wednesday. I will give you some ideas below for you to use. Remember to follow your intuition with the correspondences you choose to work with and that you can always use any that correspond that calls to you for the energies of the day.

  • Element- Air, Earth
  • planet-mercury
  • Chakra- Throat chakra
  • Gender- gender neutral
  • colors- yellow, purple, grey, orange
  • Herbs/flowers- lily of the valley, fern, lavender, rosemary, dill, mandrake
  • Stones/crystals- agate, aventurine, citrine, Jasmine, lapis lazuli, quartz, hematite, sodalite ,bloodstone,
  • Deities- Thoth, Hermes, Odin, Woden, Athena, Hekate, Iris
  • Zodiac: Gemini, Virgo

Ways to work with the energy of Wednesday

We’ve talked a lot about all the different themes connected to the magic and energy Wednesday has and gives us access to work with. So, how can you specifically connect to those energies and perform magic aligned with it? In your everyday life you can make sure your affirmations, intentions, and manifestations set today align with the energies of enhancing communication, learning, travel, business success, boosting memory, gaining clarity, seeking wisdom, decision-making and aligning with Mercury.

Below you will find some ideas for spells, rituals, and magical workings you can do to align with Wednesday as well. Use the magic of this day to help you connect to how you communicate, your memory, protect yourself during travels, and enhance your focus. Don’t forget to check out my Pinterest page and Facebook page as well for more spell ideas every week! I have a lot of reels and videos for Wednesday to check out!

Wednesday spell to increase focus for study and research

Remember, Wednesday is ruled by the planet Mercury which makes it a day where we can connect to communication, and clarity which means not only communication through language and speech but, also through the exchange of knowledge and information. Use this spell to help increase focus and clarity and allow knowledge to flow to you and be absorbed today!
What you will need: peppermint leaves, lavender, eucalyptus, yellow candle, and blue candle
How to perform:
Get yourself into sacred container. Take your candles and anoint them with oil thinking about the topic you wish to study. Once done take your herbs and mix them together. Once mixed roll your candles in them. Set your candles down and light them. Once lit again visualize and focus on the topic you use to study and chant this spell:
“May magick support my study
May magick boost my potential
May magick support my growth
May magick boost my understanding
By the power of the universe and the magic within me let my mind be clear and free.
Let my focus be sharp and all distractions fade away. Let the knowledge I seek flow to me with ease
amen aho so mote it be”

Work with and balance your throat chakra

Like stated many times above Wednesday is a day steeped in the energy of communication. How do we communicate? Where in our energy system do we get the ability to speak? The throat chakra! This makes Wednesday the best day to work with and balance your throat chakra. But, first what is your throat chakra.

Your throat chakra is located over your throat in the middle of your neck. It’s blue in color and governs how you speak to others and how you speak of yourself. Communication is the key aspect of the throat chakra and relates to ALL forms of communication including writing and music. It’s how you express (or don’t) express your truth. If your throat chakra is functioning well, you communicate your feelings and needs with others in a healthy manner AND express your true self.

The Vishuddha, or throat chakra, gives voice to the heart chakra and controls our ability to communicate our personal power. When it’s functioning at full capacity, it allows us to express ourselves truly and clearly. Someone with a blocked throat chakra will feel like they have trouble finding the words to say how they truly feel.

To learn more about the chakra system, the throat chakra and energy work in general click the link below to read my extensive guide!

Focus Study Spell Jar
Make this spell jar to help you study for a test or for a personal study and research session. Place this spell jar on your desk where you study or at your altar. This Jar is recommended to work for one topic or test and if possible try to create a week before the test! Don’t forget to go back and feed your spell jar!
To learn more about spell jars you can purchase my eBook all about them in the shop!

Clear Communication Spell bag for Wednesday

Remember, Wednesday is ruled by the planet Mercury which is centered around communication. This makes it the perfect day to preform magic that can help you approach someone in your life to fix a previous miscommunication issue or to have a hard conversation you need to have. This spell bag will help you get your point across clearly and affectively. Try making this clear communication spell bag today and carrying it with you throughout the rest of the week to aid in clear communication with others. Make sure to have it on you if you need to confront anyone or have a hard conversation.

Spell bag to enhance focus while studying

Remember, Mercury is the planet that rules Wednesday which makes today a great day to do spellcasting to help enhance your focus while you study and research whether it’s for pleasure or for an exam.
Create the spell bag below today and keep it on you while you study or place it in the drawer at your desk or study area.

Clear Communication Candle spell for Wednesday

Today is a great day to resolve issues with those you love by having a conversation. This even includes those you may have no communication with at all. When repairing relationships that are so damaged in terms of communication, it can be nice to get a little extra help. Use this spell to make a person get in contact with you or to allow healthy, clear communication with another to resolve an issue or conflict. I recommend doing this spell at least one day prior to the having the conversation if that is possible.

How to perform:

Use a blue candle to bring in calmness and clarity. roll your candle in honey while visualizing your intention of clear and healthy communication.

Grind and mix the herb blend and roll your candle coated in honey in the blend continuing to hold your intention.

Yellow rose, cinnamon, spearmint, lavender.

Use a marker to write the person’s name and the issue you wish to talk to. Than light the bay leaf with the flame of the candle visualizing your intention of clear, healthy communication and the issue to be resolved.

Other ways to work with Wednesday

  • elemental magic with the element of Air or Earth
  • Shadow work to recover memories
  • Study a topic you love
  • Learn a new skill
  • Create a spell jar to call good luck and fortune to your business
  • Write a letter to someone you need to get something off your chest too
  • Perform divination
  • Whisper your secrets and release them on the wind
  • Do solar plexus work to boost your confidence in yourself and your words
  • Write a short story
  • Do some networking
  • take notes on a topic or copy notes you already
  • Make a simmer pot for communication in the home or a relationship
  • call on your guides for clarity, and wisdom
  • ask for messages from the multiverse
  • wear orange, yellow, or purple for color magic today
  • If you have a decision you have been putting off making today is the day to decide

If you want more information or to go deeper on any topics covered in this blogpost; you can check out any of the links throughout. They will bring you to classes I have taught for free on YouTube with Divination Academy or to previous posts and guides I’ve written on that topic. You can also check out any of the links below to YouTube videos not linked above!

Happy Casting this Wednesday!