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Pluto enters Aquarius; A cosmic shift of transformation and break throughs

With Pluto leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius today (Nov 19th) we as a collective are about to undergo a deep internal transformation that will ripple into every area of our lives. We will be asked to face our shadow and challenged to release patterns and attachments that no longer serve us. Leading to breakthroughs across the collective and allowing us the ability to connect to our dreams and be reborn into a new reality through innovation and creativity. With these shifts, we are breaking down barriers, while fighting for freedom and the reinvention of established societal norms. Pluto entering Aquarius also hits us on a psychic level, working on the deeper layers of our being allowing it’s energy to reshape the collective completely. Which may be why so many have reaching for this time calling it the Age of Aquarius and the age of awakening. Let’s break down why this cosmic energy shift is such a transformational event for each one of us in the collective.

Pluto’s energy

Pluto, the smallest planet in our solar system that also sits the furthest from the sun, is quite a power player in astrology. Because, it’s the furthers from the sun it takes the longest to make its rounds around it, spending up to three decades in one sign at a time. Pluto oversees heavy themes, such as control, death and rebirth, transformation, power and the shadow or underbelly side of life. Pluto is really the force of evolution, the catalyst of the deepest transformations and alchemical processes. Pluto is the planet of the underworld and death and where we find refuge in the shadows to be reborn. Pluto guides us on a journey through darkness and challenges us to make the unconscious conscious through sincere and consistent commitment to getting to the bottom of everything and facing the truth, no matter how dark, ugly, and uncomfortable it may be. Transits of Pluto mark generational cycles and collective dynamics with breakthroughs into new realities. When Pluto leaves a sign to enter a new one it is a huge cosmic event, one we won’t experience again in our lifetime. We ALL feel the shift. Which is why this is such a an important and potent cosmic event. Ultimately, Pluto influences big shifts in society, especially around power and control, setting the tone for the world at large depending on which sign it’s in.

Aquarius energy

Next, Aquarius energy is all about breaking free from both external and internal limitations and reclaiming our uniqueness and individuality. Aquarius is the energy of rebellion and liberation from the past, allowing us to release generational patterns, and wounds to truly move on from the past creating the reality we have always seen in our dreams. Aquarius is an energy that allows us to detach from our human self more and step outside of ourselves to look at things from a bird’s eye view. To see things from different perspectives and look at things without personal biases allowing us to come together as we reshape the collective through new ideas, innovation, and creativity. Aquarius energy is also the energy that is future minded and focused on the long term impact of our actions and how the affect those around us. During this time will be way more future-minded, and way more focused on how what we do now impacts us for decades to come and beyond. This isn’t just a concern for the present anymore. What about the future? What about the society we are leaving for the generations to come behind us? This feels like a critical deciding point for the collective that will have resounding and lasting impacts.

A Potent time for shadow work

Pluto in Aquarius will invite us into the depths of our souls and into the shadows, calling for total transformation in our lives. Unconscious material is surfacing for the purpose of looking the hidden parts of ourselves in the eyes and liberating them through healing and creative expression. This work is intense but deeply necessary on our spiritual path as we pursue healing within the collective right now. So, we can reinvent societal norms, fight for justice, and become a more cohesive collective. One of the best ways we can do this and meet this cosmic shift head on is through shadow work. There are so many ways to do shadow work from being in a meditative state, journaling, working in a liminal space, death walking and so much more. Below you will find some shadow work prompts specific to this revolutionary, transformative, and awakening cosmic shift to use in your own unique, creative, and liberating way. If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.

  • What does freedom look like to me?
  • What new version of myself do I want to step into?
  • What in my life do I need to be liberated from?
  • How can I help reshape societal norms during this cosmic shift?
  • What hidden things are coming to the surface that I fear, I am ready to release as I step in to this new era?
  • In what ways do I need to be more creative and innovative in my life?
  • What hidden parts of myself do I need to face to be liberated to create the reality of my dreams?
  • How do I wish to see the collective transform and change? How can I be apart of that transformation and change?
  • What mysteries do I want to reveal and have come to light about myself and the world?
  • How can show up for my community in a new way?
  • How am I hiding my true nature from others out of fear of being judged by others? How can I liberate myself from this fear?
  • How can my healing as an individual help the collective healing happening now during this cosmic shift?
  • How can I step more into my authenticity to claim my power and creativity?
  • How can I become more unified with myself and the collective?

Other ways to work with this energy shift

  • Divination like tarot, water scrying, and fire gazing
  • Transformation, rebirth, and renewal spells
  • Express yourself creatively
  • look at your creative passions and find a way to use them to help the collective
  • Write a list of the things you wish to let go and read it out loud releasing it to the universe
  • Work with deities of the underworld, death, and dark
  • Mirror work
  • Sign up to volunteer in your community
  • Fight for human rights and a cause that is dear to your heart
  • Justice spell work
  • Explore how you can add technology ethically more to your life and magic
  • Look for community spaces where you feel safe and like you can make a change in the community
  • Work with your clares and develop your psychic abilities and intuition
  • Create an image of the mask you wear in fear of being judged by others and then burn it to release your authenticity
  • Work on your self worth so you feel powerful enough to stand up and create the reality you wish to make
  • Donate to a charitable organizations either with your money, resources, or time
  • Do elemental magic with the element of water (Pluto) or air (Aquarius)
  • friendship, love, sex, and connection spells
  • Communicate things you have been keeping hidden to someone you feel safe with to release them and let them go
  • Look at how you view society and look for the hidden truth in some conspiracies that have caught your eye before
  • Manifestation and abundance magic
  • Create a spell jar combining both energies and place it on your altar
  • Key magic to unlock hidden doors in your soul during shadow work
  • Create a simmer pot to enhance your physic connection and intuition
  • Use correspondences for Pluto and Aquarius in your spell work

Wrap up

Pluto in Aquarius wants to liberate us from the shackles of our conditioning, from the burden of society’s expectations, from the weight of tradition. Allowing us to bloom into authenticity with courage to reshape our reality into the things of our dreams as we tap into our true creativity. With Pluto moving into forward-thinking, humanitarian and innovative Aquarius, it’s time for us to leave Capricorn’s traditional and serious vibes behind. To be creative and allow our minds to look for new and innovative ways to reshape society and our own realities. When Pluto enters Aquarius you get a period of massive transformations and changes that propel you into the future.

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New Moon in Aquarius; a time for awakening, great change and creativity

This month’s new moon comes to us in the very creative, life changing and airy energy that is Aquarius. This new moon is super strong now that Pluto is in Aquarius for this New Moon, and we’re entering a whole new era. This is a huge time for change, but this isn’t small change. It’s huge, maybe life-altering at times, and normally that scares us, but with Aquarius, we’re ready to go.

But, first a brief run down of what the new moon is

The new moon is the time to reflect and cleanse your energy. It is a time to  set your intentions for what you wish to attract this lunar cycle. Every  intention set requires action and energy from your part as well.

The new  moon energy is there to support you in manifesting what you want. The  new moon is a time to allow new ideas and energy to flow with you. It is a  time to honor new beginnings, and the turning over of a cycle. Think of these  intentions as seeds you are planting for this lunar cycle to be ready to harvest by the full moon.

Use this time to  rest, reflect, and plant what you will grow just as your ancestors across  many cultures did while there was little light in the night sky for them to  use.

To go in depth about the basic foundation of the new moon and how to work with it. check out my previous blog post here

 Each New Moon is unique, offering its own magic within each month.

And this Aquarius moon is no different!

What does the sign Aquarius represent in the zodiac

Aquarius is the 11th sign in the Zodiac and is teeming with energy all about the doing the greater good for humanity, your own uniqueness, changing your life in massive ways, and expressing your creative spirit. This astrological sign brings progression, liberation, innovation, and world-mindedness.

Even though it is commonly mistaken for a water sign due to one of its most well know symbols the water bears it is actually attached to the element of air. This is because Aquarius represents the movement of knowledge, wisdom, creativity, and connection to the collective through life and spreading it on the breathe of the spirit ( AIR) to humanity for the greater good.

Aquarius is the futuristic sign of the universal collective due to it’s placement being the 11th sign and looking both at the end of cycle and towards the next one.

It’s the sign of broad learning, and the shedding of the past. It’s the sign of new, and sometimes radical, beginnings. Aquarius allows for the flow of ideas and gifts for humanity with the ability to tune into the universal mind and think outside the box without fear.

Aquarius New moon; The moon to change the world

When the new moon transits Aquarius, it feels like you can change the world. Literally! This is because of it’s strong connection to wanting to better humanity and raise it to it’s highest level of consciousness and we see this in the symbolism of the water bearer. Where you see the sign of Aquarius pouring its physical blessings of knowledge, and more out for all of humanity to access and benefit from.

With this moon you really have the opportunity to connect to a divine energy all about the expansion of humanity. You can reflect on how you have or have not been doing this in your life. And you can reflect on how you can do start to or do it differently than you are now? You will feel that deep desire to further humanity with your blessings you have to offer others through the throat chakra it is connected to.

Aquarius New moon; The moon to connect and trust in your own uniqueness

The new moon in Aquarius brings about a time to celebrate your uniqueness and who you are as a divine being. It is a time to dedicate yourself with a full blazing passion on a path towards your goals. This moon really opens up to your root chakra to allow you to be fully grounded and confident in every unique part of who are as divine soul.

This new moon invites you to invite in full trust in yourself that you know who are and what your path is for this lifetime is. You can really take this time in during this moon to reflect on what truly makes you unique and sets you apart and how can you use those traits to benefit the greater good of humanity and the collective.

Aquarius New moon; The moon of explosive creative expansion

This new moon in Aquarius ushers in a time to really truly open up to the expression of your creativity as well to look for new ways to express yourself and to expand any business endeavors in a new and innovative way. The new moon in Aquarius opens up this trusting space within yourself to be willing to accept your own uniqueness which allows your creativity to just explode without the fear of judgement since you are so happy with who you uniquely are in this energy.

This new moon give you the space to really open up to any and all new ideas to try especially if you have a business or a side hustle. You will feel this energy open up new ways for you to get you and the services you have to offer the collective.

Aquarius New moon; The moon of life altering change

With the sign of Aquarius being ruled by element air which causes the movement of energy within the water of knowledge and blessings the water bearer pours out for humanity, this moon is all about change. And not just small changes whispering through on a light breeze of the air but, big massive change blowing through you and your life in big gusts of change. This new moon opens you up to reflect on what truly needs to change in your life to finally be living the life you truly desire and were meant to be living.

Aquarius New moon; The moon of awakening and liberation

This new moon opens you to the possibility that every thought, action, and unique vibration holds the capacity to awaken some new layer of previously unexplored consciousness. We experience this with the combination that all this new moon energy has to offer. The expansive explosion of creative energy. A deepening trust in ourselves and who we uniquely are. The deep desire to spread our uniqueness to the collective for the greater good through the winds of change while altering our own life from the ground up. With all this combined how could we not awaken to a new self, a new life, and feel so liberated while doing so?

How to connect to this new moon

Now, that we have talked about the themes of this new moon and how it is going to affect you let’s talk about how you can specifically connect to and work with this moon. First, make sure to do all of your staples that your learned in the previous blog post linked above for you like, charging your crystals, making moon water, and resetting your altar.

With this moon there are certain spells and rituals that will help connect you this moon in the most effective way.

  • Any rituals to open up and express creativity
  • Expressiveness
  • Friendship spells
  • Freedom
  • Problem solving
  • Increase your intuition
  • increasing and expanding your spiritual or magic training
  • Anything to do with innovation and business endeavors
  • work that has to do with serving humanity

Correspondences for the Aquarius new moon

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like I will list below for you to use.

  • planet-Uranus
  • Element- air
  • Sex- masculine
  • Modality- fixed
  • Symbol- the water bearer
  • colors- bright blue and purple
  • Phrase/motto- I know
  • Chakra- Throat and root
  • Flower- orchid, lavender
  • Stones/ crystals- amethyst, garnet, aquamarine, hematite
  • tarot- the star
  • Animal- the peacock

Reflection topics and questions to focus on this new moon

Every single new moon is a great time for reflection for everyone to do in order to plant your seeds of manifestation in fertile and healthy soil to sprout and grow this lunar cycle. Whether you do it thru meditation, shadow work, or divination like tarot; below is a list of prompts and topics to connect with the energy of the Aquarius moon in the most effective way.

  • What is the Aquarius energy bringing up and feeling like for you?
  • Three ways I can honor my most authentic self
  • What does the ideal version of my life look like this next lunar phase?
  • How can I share more of my gifts with others?
  • How can I best serve the greater good?
  • Can I find new ways of looking problems and solving them?
  • How can I take charge in my life to change it?
  • What old bonds or relationships are holding me hostage?
  • What Outdated beliefs do I need to re examine in my life?
  • What unique parts of myself have I been rejecting and suppressing?
  • When do I feel the most creative in my life and how can I do it more in my life?

Ritual to uncover your dream life

With this new moon in Aquarius being all about big change and fully stepping into your dream life see below this auto scripting ritual to uncover and reflect on what you want your true authentic dream life to look like. I don’t know about you, but sometimes my biggest set back to manifesting my dream life is because I don’t truly know what it is I want to manifest. And if you can not know it or see it how can you manifest it? So, here is one of my favorite rituals to clear up the murkiness and allow me to clearly see what it is I dream to manifest and this Aquarius energy is perfect to do that in.

Remember you can always adjust and change this to meet your own path, practices, and needs.

  • First step is make sure you have a writing utensil and something to write on. You can have just one sheet of paper but, I usually grab a journal or a notebook since I never know how much writing will come out.
  • Next, find yourself a comfortable place to sit, where you can be alone and enter sacred space
  • Once, you have found your space it’s time for you to take some deep breaths, center yourself and feel grounded in who you are in this moment.
  • When you feel grounded, centered and in scared space its time to pick up your writing utensil and set your intention for this session. You can do this by speaking out loud to the universe what topic it is you are asking to receive a message about this session. So, this session you will be asking to receive a message about what your authentic selves dream life looks like.
  • Than you simply let your writing utensil go whether you answer with journal prompt, a list, doodles, it does not matter just simply let the first things that come to your mind flow from you pen with zero hesitation and judgement.
  • Do this until you feel you have let it all be expressed on the page.
  • Once, you feel this you can put your writing utensil down, and take in all you have written. Absorb the messages you find there and make any notes of any further reflection needed.
  • Lastly, do not forget to thank yourself and the universe for the message you received and were open to receiving today.

However you choose to connect to this new moon in Aquarius be prepared for the deep life altering change coming your way and being introduced to the most authentic version of yourself that can advanced the greater good of humanity.