Pan, the horned – and horny – furry little half man half goat god of Greek mythology speaks to such basic instincts and has so many names and attributes that he is probably one of the most ancient Greek gods – perhaps even predating Greek religion as we think of it. This is due the fact that even though Pan isn’t one of the great Greek gods, references to him are more common than references to any other character in Greek mythology.
Part man and part goat, Pan was the Greek god who was patron of shepherds and hunters, who watched their flocks. Pan was the Greek god of nature and the untamed wilderness. PAN was the god of the meadows and forests of the mountain wilds. His unseen presence aroused panic in those who traversed his realm. He was even thought to be the cause of the musical sound of the wind through the trees. He was Associated with music, fertility, and spring. In ancient Greek art, he was often depicted as a horned man with the legs of a goat; he was the chief of the satyrs, who were similar in appearance and character to Pan.
Pan, ruled over nature and pasturelands. Pan is essentially the father of the wild things. He is frequently depicted in literature and artworks. Although he is not one of the major gods of Ancient Greece, he is one of most often referenced figures in Greek mythology. Pan has come to represent the unstoppable power of nature throughout the ages and still today. Let’s journey into the dark, unseen parts of the forest and meet the musical, lustful, primal hunting spirit, the patron deity of shepherds and greek god of the wilderness; Pan!
Who is Pan?
Pan is considered to be one of the oldest of GREEK GODS. He is associated with nature, wooded areas and pasturelands, from which his name is derived. The worship of Pan began in rustic and rural areas, far from the populated city centers. Communities were modest and he didn’t have any large temples built to worship him. Rather, worship centered in nature, often in caves or grottos. He ruled over shepherds, hunters and rustic music and was the patron god of Arcadia. Pan was often in the company of the wood nymphs and other deities of the forest.
In literature and art, Pan was commonly represented as a carefree and easygoing god (as long as his midday siestas were not disturbed). He spent his days hunting, dancing, or playing his beloved pipes. Pan was known above all for his insatiable lust and for pursuing beautiful nymphs throughout the woodlands and mountains—though these chases tended to end in frustration, with the objects of his desires fleeing him or changing their shape.
It is possible that Pan was once a far more powerful and all-encompassing figure in Greek mythology. In some of the less common myths, he had the powers of a sea god and had the epithet Haliplanktos. He was also a god of oracles and a healer of epidemics through the cures that are revealed in dreams
A representation of nature in all its wild strength, the god Pan has always been seen as the generating force in male form and is still recognized today by the Wiccan religion as the beneficial father, as opposed to the Goddess, the Earth, Gaea, who is the primary force.
As a fertilizer, he had a great sexual connotation from the beginning, which together with his repellent aspect have made him the symbol of male supremacy.
History and worship
Though there is no evidence of Pan’s mythology prior to 500 BCE, it is likely that he was known in some form—at least in his native Arcadia—from a very early period, perhaps even as early as the Bronze Age. Pan may have emerged as a deity of the Mycenaean period (ca. 1600–1050 BCE) named “Aegipan” (Αἰγίπαν/Aigípan), a kind of goat god of shepherds. Pan’s origins may also be connected with the early Indian god Pushan, whose name is cognate with his.
But, Pan was most commonly worshiped in Arcadia, although a number of cults were dedicated to him in Athens and other major Greek centers by the fifth century B.C.E. The Roman counterpart to Pan is Faunus, another nature spirit.
Ancient Arcadia, a mountainous area in central Peloponnessus. The majority of Greeks disdained Arcadia and its inhabitants, as the society was far removed from Classical Greece, with a pastoral economy and rudimentary political system. Furthermore, the mountain dwelling Arcadians themselves were considered somewhat backwards and primitive. Thus, the fact that they held a figure of the wilderness in such high regard is not surprising.
Worship of Pan began in Arcadia and remained the principal area of his worship. Pan was considered Lord of Arcadia and guardian of its sanctuaries. One enclosure dedicated to Pan stood on Mount Lycaeus and functioned as a sanctuary for animals that were stalked by the wolf, consistent with the idea that Pan protected all creatures. His ability to bestow sterility or fertility upon domesticated animals gave him particular significance in the worship of Arcadian hunters and shepherds. In fact, Theocritus notes that if Arcadian hunters or shepherds had been disappointed in the chase or with the sterility of their animals, respectively, they would undertake a rite in which the statue of Pan was whipped and scourged in hopes of calling back the god from inactivity.Arcadians believed that Pan was the keeper of the mountainous lands in which he lead his own flocks, and also considered such places to be his sanctuaries.
It was not until the fifth century B.C.E. that a cult of Pan began to develop in Athens, shaping the image of the god into that which is most recognizable today. According to Herodotus’s account, Pan was declared an official deity in the city after appearing to the messenger Phillippides on an assignment that took him to Arcadia before the battle of Marathon. Pan questioned Phillippides as to why the Athenians had not yet dedicated a cult to him, despite all his benevolence. After the battle, Athenians remembered this epiphany, and consecrated a grotto on the northwest slope of the Acropolis to Pan. In contrast to his consistently exalted position in Arcadia, Pan went on to lose his status as a major god in the major centers of Greece, assuming a marginal position in the pantheon when compared to more prominent deities such as the Olympians. However, Pan’s symbolic value was greatly enriched during this period. Rituals involving the god were no longer confined to the pastoral sphere, and his myth and iconography began to spread throughout other major Greek centers such as Attica, Boeotia, and Delphi.
Festivals and Holidays
Some festivals of Pan were documented in antiquity. In Athens, for example, Pan was honored annually with sacrifices and a torch race. But he was most often worshipped in an individual, private capacity. Shepherds would sacrifice kids (i.e., young goats) in his honor, as well as other animals. They would also dedicate statuettes and other votive offerings (vases, lamps, and so on) at the shrines of Pan.
Some rituals connected with Pan were more surprising or strange. On the island of Psyttalea near Attica, Pan was regarded as the patron god of Athenian fishermen. In Arcadia, young men would ceremonially beat a statue of Pan after unsuccessful hunts.
Pan’s Appearance
Perhaps because of his association with nature and animals, Pan did not have the appearance of a normal man. The bottom half of his body was like a goat, with the top half of his body being like other men. He is also depicted as having the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat, with the upper body and hands of a human male, resembling a faun.
However, he is also often depicted with horns on his head, and his face is usually unattractive. He often holds either a shepherd’s crook, used for hunting small game, or else a syrinx, a flute-like instrument also known as the panpipe. With the advent of Christianity, his hooves, thick beard, tail, and horns were often associated with Satan.
Pan’s Lineage
The parentage of Pan is unclear, I mean I found 14 different versions of it. He is most commonly considered to be the son of Hermes and a nymph, either Dryopeor Penelope. He has been variously considered a son of Zeus, Apollo, Cronus, Uranus, Odysseseus, Antinoos, or Amphinomos.
The story of his birth in the homeric hymn says that his mother was so distressed by his unusual appearance that she ran away, but he was taken to Mount Olympus where he became the favorite of the gods, especially Dionysus.
In other versions, Pan was raised by nymphs, spirits of nature, whose life force are attached to things such as trees, rivers, and plants. Pan was welcomed into the divine pantheon by all the gods.
Despite suggestions that Pan was the son of an Olympian god, he often appears in some myths to be older than the Olympians. For instance, this is implied in the story which explains that it was Pan who gave Artemis her hunting dogs.
Pan’s name
In the classical age the Greeks associated his name with the word pan meaning “all”. However its true origin lay in an old Arcadian word for rustic.
Pan Powers And Symbols
Like the other GODS OF OLYMPUS, Pan possessed enormous strength. He could also run for long periods of time and was impervious to injury. It was believed he could transform objects into different forms and was able to teleport himself from Earth to Mount Olympus and back. He is depicted as very shrewd with a wonderful sense of humor.
In Ancient Roman mythology, a SIMILAR GOD is called Faunus.
As the god of nature, shepherds, and flocks, Pan had dominion over the pastoral realms. He could instill fear, navigate through forests without a trace, and had a mesmerizing musical talent, especially with his flute, which could soothe, enchant, or terrify listeners.
The symbols associated with Pan provide insights into his roles and attributes. The Pan flute, made from reeds, is a testament to his love for Syrinx and his musical prowess. His goat features, especially his horns and legs, connect him to the wild and untamed aspects of nature. Additionally, the pinecone is often linked to him, symbolizing fertility and the natural cycle of life.
Pan Roles And Responsibilities
In the vast pantheon of Greek gods, Pan held a unique position. As the god of shepherds and flocks, he was the protector of pastoral lands and livestock. Shepherds often prayed to him for the well-being of their animals. His role wasn’t limited to the pastures; as the god of nature, he was the guardian of forests, mountains, and meadows.
Pan’s music had the power to inspire, soothe, or terrify. His melodies on the Pan flute could bring about harmony or chaos, reflecting the dual nature of the wild. Additionally, his ability to instill “panic” made him a formidable force during times of war, where his mere presence could scatter enemies in terror.
Lastly, Pan’s association with fertility made him a deity invoked during various agricultural festivals. His blessings were sought to ensure bountiful harvests and the prosperity of the land.
Pan and Music
The MYTHOLOGICAL STORIES involving Pan usually involve his romantic interest in a lovely goddess of the woods who spurns his advances and gets turned into an inanimate object to escape him or who otherwise flees from his ugly appearance.
One of the famous myths of Pan describes the origin of his trademark pan flute. It begins with Pan experiencing immense feelings of love for Syrinx, a beautiful nymph who, as a follower of Artemis, maintained a strict vow of chastity. Though she scorned them all, Syrinx was nonetheless beloved by the satyrs and other wood dwellers. As she was returning from the hunt one day, Pan ambushed her. She ran away without pausing to hear his flattery, and he pursued her from Mount Lycaeum until she came upon the bank of the River Ladon. Here he overtook her. Desperate, Syrinx called upon the river nymphs for help, and just as Pan laid hands on her, she was transformed into the river reeds. When the air blew through the reeds, it produced a plaintive melody. Pan took these reeds to fashion an instrument that he dubbed the syrinx in honor of his lost love.
On another occasion, Pan had the audacity to compare his music with that of Apollo, the sun god who was a formidable player of the lyre. He then proceeded to challenge Apollo to a trial of skill. Tmolus, the mountain god, was chosen to umpire the competition. Pan blew on his pipes, and with his rustic melody gave great satisfaction to both himself and his faithful follower, Midas, who happened to be present at the time. Then Apollo struck the strings of his lyre. Tmolus at once awarded the victory to Apollo and everyone in attendance save Midas agreed with the judgment. Midas dissented and questioned the merit of the award. Apollo would not tolerate such an insipid listener any longer, and turned Midas’ ears into those of a donkey.
Another musically-inclined myth involving Pan tells the story of Echo, a nymph who was a great singer and dancer. She also scorned the love of any man. This angered Pan, and he promptly instructed his followers to kill her, which they did, tearing the nymph to pieces which scattered all over the earth. The goddess of the earth, Gaia, received these pieces of Echo, whose voice remained, repeating the last words of others. In some versions, Echo and Pan conceive a daughter before Echo is destroyed: this child has been identified as either Iambe, the goddess of verse, or Inyx, a girl in the form of a bird.
Pan and Duality
Pan and the natural habitat in which he was said to live became a metaphor for the pastoral as it exists in contrast to the urban. Pan’s dual nature as both divine and animal plays upon the tenuous balanced between disorder and harmony, the primal and the cultivated. He represents in his literal form the blending of our animal side, our connection to nature, and our primal wild instincts and the divine, spiritual connection, and our humanity.
Pan and sexuality
Pan is famous for his unfettered sexuality, and is often depicted with an erect phallus. This rampant desire prompted him to do much philandering, plying his charms primarily on maidens and shepherds, such as Daphnis, a Sicilian nymph with whom he consorted, and later taught to play the panpipe. However, Pan was rarely successful in his courting. Just as he was avoided by Syrinx, so too was he abhorred by a nymph named Pitys, whom he stalked untiringly. She escaped his pursuit only when the gods turned her into a pine tree.
Though Pan failed with Syrinx and Pitys, he was not so unfortunate with the Maenads, making love to each of them. It is also said that Pan enticed the moon goddess Selene. Pan accomplished this feat by wrapping himself in a sheepskin to hide his hairy black goat form, and drew Selene down from the sky into the forest where he seduced her.
Pan’s Lovers And Relationships
Pan, the god of the wild, was not only known for his rustic nature and musical prowess but also for his numerous romantic escapades. His relationships with various nymphs and deities are woven into the fabric of Greek mythology, each tale more intriguing than the last.
One of the most famous myths associated with Pan involves the beautiful wood-nymph Syrinx of Arcadia, daughter of the river-god Ladon. As Syrinx returned from a hunt, Pan, smitten by her beauty, pursued her. To escape his advances, she ran until she reached her sisters, who transformed her into a reed. When the wind blew through these reeds, it produced a haunting melody. Unable to find the specific reed that was Syrinx, Pan fashioned an instrument from several reeds, creating the pan flute, which he named in honor of his beloved.
Echo, another nymph, also caught the attention of Pan. However, when she scorned his love, he, in a fit of rage, ordered his followers to tear her apart. Yet, even in death, her voice lived on, forever echoing in the mountains, giving birth to the phenomenon we now know as an echo.
Pitys too was an object of Pan’s affection. The tales say that to escape his advances, she was transformed into a pine tree.
There’s also a legend that suggests Pan seduced the moon goddess Selene. He did so by covering himself with a sheep’s fleece, deceiving her with its softness.
These tales not only highlight Pan’s romantic pursuits but also shed light on his persistent nature and the lengths he would go to for love. Whether it was crafting an instrument in memory of a lost love or disguising himself to woo a goddess, Pan’s escapades are a testament to the complexities of love and desire in Greek mythology.
Pan’s Offspring
Pan’s escapades not only involved various lovers but also resulted in the birth of several offspring, each with their own unique tales and significance in Greek mythology.
Silenus, often depicted as a jovial and rotund individual, was one of Pan’s most notable children. He was a companion and tutor to the wine god Dionysus. Known for his wisdom, Silenus possessed knowledge of the past, present, and future. However, extracting this knowledge was a challenge, as he was often found intoxicated and had to be coaxed or even forced to share his insights.
Iynx was a daughter of Pan and Echo. She was transformed into a bird, often identified as a wryneck, and became associated with magical spells that stirred up desire. The “iynx wheel,” a charm used to invoke passionate love, was named after her.
Krotos was a unique creature, part man and part horse, known for his exceptional skill in archery and his love for music. He lived among the Muses and is credited with the invention of rhythmic applause – the act of clapping hands to appreciate music. His musical talents and contributions were so significant that the Muses requested Zeus to place him among the stars, leading to the creation of the constellation Sagittarius.
Xanthus was one of the twelve offspring of Pan, though specific tales about him are less prevalent. His name, which means “golden” or “fair,” suggests a radiant or beautiful being, but details about his role or significance in myths remain elusive.
Pan’s offspring, like their father, played diverse roles in Greek myths, from imparting wisdom to influencing love and music. Their tales further emphasize the vast and varied influence of Pan in the tapestry of Greek mythology.
Pan and the nymphs
Nymphs have always been associated with Pan and his satyrs, primordial creatures, spirits of nature themselves, which were generated by it. Beautiful girls, also custodians of a strong sexual charge, to the point that the word nymphomaniac derives from their name.
The nymphs and satyrs have always mated in the thick of the forests, under the branches of thousand-year-old oaks, in an ancient sexual game. That was the primary occupation of such creatures, beings created by nature itself and dominated by it.
Generate. Generate life, crops, every plant species, herds, and wild animals. Protectors of the woods and fields, they led a simple and bucolic life, played their flutes, slept in the shade of old trees, tasted all the pleasures of sex.
Christianity changed everything, assimilated the old religions by adapting them, and since there was no place for them in Heaven, they were thrown into Hell. Pan became Satan, and his satyrs the devils. The lascivious nymphs became wicked witches, and the pleasant amusements of satyrs and nymphs in the heart of the forest became infernal sabbaths where witches mated with goats and deformed devils. Once again, poor Pan had been betrayed by his bestial aspect.
Obviously, a religion that repressed sex and considered it the cause of all misfortune could not accept mythology that had made sex its very reason for being. It could not simply forget them and consign them to oblivion, but it was necessary to demonize them, so that they were always a warning to men. In their eyes, the very union of apparently human girls with beings of animal descent was an abomination, which they tried to erase through centuries of oppression and inquisition.
Pan and Myths of Wanderers
The Greek countryside was more than a place to tend to sheep and goats. With rugged mountains, deep caves, and hidden grottoes it was a favorite place for those looking to hide. Spending his time in that landscape, it’s not surprising that Pan features prominently in myths involving a flight into the wilderness.
In one such story, Pan encounters the goddess Demeter.
Demeter’s beloved daughter, Persephone, had been “abducted”by Hades and made queen of the underworld. Grieving the loss of her child, Demeter had abandoned Olympus.
Wearing a black cloak of mourning, she wandered the wilderness. Eventually, she shut herself in a cave to be completely alone in her suffering. Without Demeter, though, the world began to die. Plants withered, causing a famine for humans and animals.
Knowing the mountains well, Pan set out to find the missing goddess. He eventually discovered her hiding place and reported it to Zeus. Zeus sent the Fates, who persuaded Demeter to return to her duties. To learn more about both hades and persephone you can my classes on both of them here; Dark Goddess Devotionals: Persephone and below!
In another story, Pan came across the beautiful princess Psyche.
Against the wishes of Aphrodite, Eros had fallen in love with the girl. He took her away, but made her promise never to look upon his face. When Psyche broke that promise, Eros abandoned her. She wandered the world, searching for her lost love. In her despair, Psyche considered ending her own life by throwing herself into a river. As she had this thought, Pan happened to come by.Knowing what had happened to cause her misery, Pan tried to comfort the girl. Psyche did not reply, but she did continue on her way. Eventually, she would win Aphrodite’s favor and be reunited with her husband as a goddess.
These legends did more than just tie Pan into the stories of the major gods. They reinforced his position as a companion to anyone who wandered the wilderness.
Whether someone lived a rustic life or simply found themselves lost in Arcadia’s miles of hilly wilderness, they could count on Pan to be nearby.
Pan and Dionysus
Of all the gods, Pan is most closely linked to Dionysus.The god of wine and feasting, Dionysus represented a release from the constraints of society’s rules and order. A wild god who loved music and sex, Pan was a natural companion for the god of parties.
Pan is often seen with, or conflated with, the Satyrs. These wild spirits with the tails of horses were similarly associated with wild merriment and unchecked sexuality.
The Satyrs and Pan were often the companions of the Maenads, the wild followers of Dionysus. Their worship was a wild, drunken revelry that often descended into a chaotic frenzy of sex and violence.
Pan’s son, Silenus, had served as tutor and foster-father to Dionysus. The two became virtually inseparable. Association with Dionysus was not always about parties and revels, however. Even the god of wine went to war.
The story of the Indian War of Dionysus was a later one, from after the time of Alexander the Great. In his campaigns he had introduced the Greek world to India, and the Dionysiaca was an attempt to incorporate this new land into Greek tradition.
In this epic poem, Zeus tells Dionysus that he must convince the Indians to worship the gods of Olympus if he wishes to be counted as one himself.
Dionysus sets off in a war on India. His army is composed largely of his usual followers – the wild Satyrs, Maenads, and Panes – as well as more organized troops provided by Rhea.
Dionysus and his men easily overpower the Indians and the battle is a bloodbath. He takes pity on his enemies, turning the water of a nearby lake to wine.This was the first time Indians tasted wine. When they had drunk themselves to sleep, Dionysus had them bound.
As one of his chief followers, Pan was a part of the army of Dionysus.
When the god attempted to talk to the Indian leaders, Pan was with the heralds sent. They were rudely chased away, inciting the anger that led to the great battle. When the battle was over, Pan played his flute while the Greek and Indians enjoyed the ample wine Dionysus had provided.
Pan Gave Humans the Word “Panic”
Pan also was thought to inspire panic, the paranoid fear that has the potential to reduce human beings to their most animalistic instincts, particularly when they are in lonely places. It is from the name Pan that this word derived.
The story of Pan’s birth in which his appearance causes his mother to flee in terror serves as something of an origin myth for this variation of fear.
Another story that may be the origin of this myth involves Pan in the tale of war, in which Pan helps his friend survive a vicious struggle by letting out an immense cry that frightened the enemy and caused him to run away.
Pan and the Pans
Pan was sometimes multiplied into a mob of “pans,” goat-featured woodland creatures much like him; some sources even spoke of female pans. Sometimes these creatures were the offspring of Pan,while other times they were the offspring of Hermes, who in certain traditions was also the father of Pan. These pans, like Pan himself, were often represented as members of Dionysus’ entourage.
One of the pans, Aegipan, was more notable than the others; in fact, he may have been identical with Pan himself. Some of the myths involving Aegipan were also told of Pan, and both creatures were connected with the constellation Capricorn
Pan was sometimes connected with the constellation Capricorn, which the Greeks knew as Aegocerus (meaning “goat-horned”). He was given this honor, at least in one tradition, because his advice had saved the gods when they were attacked by the monster Typhoeus. Pan suggested the gods disguise themselves as animals and hide from their terrible enemy (he followed his own advice by turning into a goat). After Zeus defeated Typhoeus, he rewarded Pan for his sage counsel by putting him in the stars as Capricorn, the celestial goat.
Pan The dead god
If you choose to believe the Greek historian Plutarch in The Obsolescence of Oracles, Pan is the only Greek god who is dead. During the reign of Tiberius (14 C.E.–37 C.E.), the news of Pan’s death came to Thamus, a sailor on his way to Italy by way of the island of Paxi. A divine voice hailed him across the salt water, saying “Thamus, are you there? When you reach Palodes, take care to proclaim that the great god Pan is dead.” Thamus did just this, and the news was greeted from shore with much lamentation. The death of Pan upset Tiberius to such an extent that he called together a committee of philologists to find out who exactly the god was.
Other Interpretations
There were other important interpretations of the god Pan in antiquity. In philosophy, especially Stoic philosophy, Pan was seen as the embodiment of the universe—a notion that arose from the pseudo-etymological link between Pan’s name and the Greek tò pân, meaning “everything, universe.”
A similar view of Pan was adopted in Orphism, an ancient Greek religion with its own distinctive beliefs, rituals, and pantheon. In Orphism, Pan was regarded as the god of “everything.”
Why work with Pan?
Given his status as a nature deity, Pan exhibited a degree of capriciousness befitting his status. He had both benevolent and destructive sides to his personality. A person whose main credo in life was liberty, Pan was well-known for his boundless zeal and his relentless pursuit of his ambitions. The life Pan led was one of carefree abandon. Most of his time was spent frolicking through the highlands, where he herded sheep, played the pipes, sang, and danced.
When you experience sexual desire, childlike wonder, or genuine happiness, Pan is there to help you celebrate. In the sights of any romantic or in the beating heart of anyone who accepts life as it is, flaws and all. The magical energies of Pan are those of ecstasy, oneness with nature, joy, sexuality, and stability.
Therefore, Pan teaches us to enjoy life and love to the fullest, to access that wildest part of the self. On a literal level, the Greek god Pan can teach you how to connect with nature, but on a metaphorical level (and the two often go together), Pan shows you how to find the wildness within, even if the journey may be frightening.
Pan has the ability to teach you all of this! To teach you to be more carefree to let go of control, to follow your passion and desires, and to welcome your deepest sexual desires. As one of the “old gods,” working with Pan is no walk in the park. He will show you the darkest parts of yourself, analogous to the inner forest where no light shines, but he will also show you the intrinsic beauty and power in those parts. Lastly he can help you to tap into your own personal power of who you are beyond your looks and the acceptance of others. He reminds you that neither of those things are needed to live a carefree, and wildly fun life.
First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be the zodiac energy the moon, an archetype energy , or for a deity like I will list below for you to use.
- planet-Earth
- Animal- Goat, satyr, centaur, sheep
- Element- Earth
- Sex- Masculine
- Symbol- panflute, nature, nymphs, phallus, beasts, satyr, panpipe, livestock, acorns, leaves, shepherds crook,
- colors- greens, browns, reds, earthly tones and colors
- Tarot- the devil
- Themes- wilderness, fertility, the unseen, nature, sexual desire and passion, carefreeness, joy, wanderlust, rejection, music, shepherding, animals, panic, rural areas, ecstasy, grounding,
- Chakra-Root
- Herbs- musk, pine, frankincense, myrrh, patchouli, water reeds,
- Stones/ crystals- bloodstone, jasper, smoky quartz, amber, carnelian, black tourmaline
How to work with Pan
Everyone’s relationship with deities is different and we all work with and believe in them differently. You might believe in multiple gods and goddesses and work with them each as though they are close, personal friends. Or maybe you believe the old gods are reflections of Universal energy and simply archetype energies that you can learn a lesson from.. However you incorporate deities in your practice is up to you. But,below you find many different ways to get you started with working the god Pan.
When working with Pan remember, He can form bonds easily, so if you’ve been looking for a loving, laid back God who certainly doesn’t mind any of your more earthy habits, He may be the God for you. Pan is also a God who seems to not go where He isn’t wanted. He can be persistent but if heartbroken you’ll never see Him again. So be gentle, He’s had it hard enough between people declaring Him dead or calling Him ugly. Pan is a very sweet-natured God and all He asks in return is love and affection.
Study Pan
As with every deity I have ever written about or taught about, The first way to get to know a deity, specifically a godlike Pan, is to dive into their history and qualities. Begin by studying the myths, verses, and incantations featuring this wild god. Read about his origin story, his connection to Hermes, Dionysius, and his connection to the nymphs. Then read about the culture from which he arose and the region his worshiped was centered around Arcadia. Then study some more. Keep a section in your journal and/or book of shadows dedicated to Pan.
Shadow work
Just like with every other deity I have ever written or taught about shadow work is a phenomenal way to connect to and work with the god Pan. With him being a deity of the wilderness, the unseen, sexual passion, and the duality of our animalistic side he can bring us into some of the darkest places of ourselves that we truly fear to venture into. He can open our eyes to some of our deepest wants and desires that we may not even want to admit to ourselves. He reminds us that we are primal beings connected to nature and there is no shame in honoring and connecting to that. With his story being full of rejection especially from his own mother; he can truly help us to accept ourselves and who we are even when the world and even our loved ones do not. To learn more about shadow work and how to use it in your life and magical practices you can watch my previously taught class on the topic below.
Dedicate Altar Space
Set aside some space in honor of Pan.. This can be an elaborate large altar or as simple as a small shelf or corner of a counter. Place a representation of Pan there, be sure to cleanse the space before you invite him in. Include his earthy colors, his symbols, and representations of satyrs, and a wooded wild place and any of his other correspondences you can use to connect to him. This will be a space that reminds you to connect with his primal, raw, and wild energy. To learn more about how to set up an altar for a deity you can read about it in my study guide here;
All About Altars study guide.docx
Everyone likes receiving presents. Pan is no different. You don’t have to give him offerings every day, but when you feel it is appropriate. The Greek god Pan prefers offerings that are wild and based on nature. You can place these offerings at your altar space dedicated to him or when performing any work to connect to him like meditation, prayer, and visualization.
- Wine and honey cakes.
- Grapes, wine, and meat
- Sunstone, carnelian, and obsidian
- Musk, saw palmetto, patchouli, and myrrh
- Honey and milk
- offerings of music or song
- It is well-known that he had a particular fondness for gold-coated grasshoppers.
- Vases and works of pottery
- If possible you can sacrifice a portion of your livestock
- If you are a hunter or fisher you can offer one of your catches or kills
Connect to Pan through music
As we talked about many times, Pan was deeply tied to music so much so he is commonly depicted with his pan flute and he even believed he was more musical than Apollo. This makes using music to connect to him great! You can do this by simply listening to music, especially flute music or even learning to play a new instrument.
Use him to help ease Anxiety and panic attacks
He can help, naturally, with panic attacks. As Pan is the God who can induce two kinds of panic (mental as in battle terror and erotic) He can also reverse it. Through the sound of His pipes, voice or mere presence He can cut through the mindless terror. You can use him to help alleviate anxiety by calling on him in prayer, saying his name, listening to his music and going to him in meditation.
Wander carefree
One of the main characteristics we see often about Pan is that he was a very carefree deity who could be found wandering the rugged mountainside often and there are even many myths were he is stumbled upon. So, why not connect to him by doing the same thing. Head out of your home and simply wander with no goal, no destination and no purpose other than to enjoy where you go and see where you end up. Use this method to help you release some control and understand you are going to experience so much joy when you simply just exist in the world.
Cast a sex spell or use sex magick
If you need to boost your sex drive and your sex life, you can ask Pan for help. Invoke him and ask him to support your spell casting with his energy and his power. You can create a custom prayer for him and use a statue or picture of him as a special addition to your sacred space. To learn more about how to use sex magick in your life you can watch part 2 of my class on sex magick here;
Meditation, visualization and Dream work
One of the best ways to channel divine energy and tap into god like Pan is through meditation, visualization and dreaming. These practices allow you to open up and receive/ connect to divine energy in a very intuitive, clear, and transformative way. You will find a plethora of guided meditations on YouTube that will lead you to your spirit guide or god/goddess.. Try those if you have a hard time meditating on your own. I have many classes on youtube as well on previous deities you can watch where I even summon and guide you to them in sacred space. You can focus on hearing him and visioning him playing his flute to help you begin. In addition, ask Pan to visit you in your dreams and teach you lessons that you currently need to learn. Then record every encounter with him in your journal, book of shadows, or grimoire.
Connect deeply to nature
Pan is the deity of nature and the wilderness. Spend some time outside—especially at midday, as that’s Pan’s hour—and drink a few glasses of wine in his honor, have some fun while in nature. Truly soak up all that nature has to offer you. Both the seen and the unseen part of nature.
Gather objects from the outdoors
Pan is the deity of nature and the wilderness so when you are connecting to nature take the time to gather some things like feathers, rocks, mosses, etc. to infuse your home with natural energy. Having this natural energy in your home will help you connect to Pan daily and allow your home to be filled with the wild vital energy of nature.
Cast a fertility spell
Pan is god of nature and the wild which makes him a deity associated with fertility. So, cast a fertility spell to connect to him, especially, If you’re a man and struggling with infertility, ask him to help you. Cast a fertility spell and dedicate your craft to him. He will definitely help you boost both your fertility and your sex life.
Call on him to amplify Protection magic and spells
Pan is protective. He won’t think twice about protecting those He loves and His music, mere presence or fearsome shout can inspire mindless terror. I’m not saying you cause trouble and expect Pan to save you, but He can and will protect those who are truly kind to Him. To learn how to use him in protection magic and about protection magic in general you can watch both part 1 and part 2 of my protection magic class here; Magick And Witchcraft Basics: Protection and Warding Part 2 and below.
Use color magic and earthy tones
What is color magic? Color magic is using the color spectrum and the intention of each color to invoke its magical response and connect to that energy and vibration of the color.
Each color has it’s own magical properties you can connect to. You can use those colors in spells, on your altar, to connect to elements and/or deities, and to set intentions and manifestations. You can even use color magic in your every day life like in the clothes you wear, the décor of your home, the color you paint your nails and more! The sky is the limit it really is up to you! To connect to pan using color magic you need to make sure to use earthy tones that connect you to the outside and nature.
Ritual for abundance with Pan
This ritual helps you attract the finest things in life together with abundance, wealth, and luck. This ritual should be performed during the night of a full moon.
A green candle, A statue or any other representation of Pan,A magnet
How to perform it
Light the green candle.
Hold the magnet in your hands and recite 8 ( 8 is the number of good fortune and wealth )times:
“God Pan, God Pan, God Pan. Luck is flourishing, luck is real, luck is mine. God Pan, God Pan, God Pan. Your vibrant energy feeds me with joys, luck is flourishing, luck is true, luck is mine. Your vibrant energy feeds me with immense and luxuriant joys. My eyes explode with joy. My mind is free and welcomes all the good in the world. God Pan, God Pan, God Pan. Your vibrant energy feeds me with joy and I feed the highest with my joy. An immense and luxuriant joy forever. Flowering joy, true and mine. In the heart, in the soul, and along the way. “
Let the candle burn out and bury the remains near your home.
Prayer for Pan
“Pan, my beloved god of the woods,
Let your joy and your powerful energy take over,
let it be the energy to rule my whole life,
Give me the chance to enjoy nature, life, and the pleasures around me
Amen. Aho. So Mote it be”
How to know Pan is calling you
How can you know when the Greek god of the wild, Pan, is actually beckoning you? You can keep an eye out for any of the signs listed below.
- You hear his name over and over again randomly
- You feel a strong pull to go deep into a wooded area or the wild
- You are seeing goats or centaurs often
- You hear the whistling of musical wind often around you
- He comes and visits you in your dreams
- You see reminders of Pan coming up often in your life like in tv shows, books, etc
- Hearing pan flute or flute music around you often
- You live in a rural area
- You are connected to shepherding, and livestock for your profession
- You have a dramatic increase to your libido and sex drive
- You feel the need to explore your animal side
- You see his symbols, image, or name in your life often
- when a storm comes up, you feel excited by the destructive force of nature
Pan, a prominent figure in Greek mythology, is known as the god of nature, shepherds, and the wilderness. He possesses a unique appearance, with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a goat, complete with goat horns. Pan is recognized for his musical talent, often playing the pan flute with mesmerizing and enchanting melodies.His presence could invoke fear and panic, giving rise to the term “panic.”As a protector of shepherds and a symbol of the wild, Pan embodies the untamed and instinctual aspects of the natural world and human nature, leaving a lasting impact on art, literature, and culture.
Working with Pan has the ability to teach you so much! To teach you to be more carefree to let go of control, to follow your passion and desires, and to welcome your deepest sexual desires. As one of the “old gods,” working with Pan is no walk in the park. He will show you the darkest parts of yourself, analogous to the inner forest where no light shines, but he will also show you the intrinsic beauty and power in those parts. Lastly he can help you to tap into your own personal power of who you are beyond your looks and the acceptance of others. He reminds you that neither of those things are needed to live a carefree, and wildly fun life. Enjoy the wild, carefree, shepherding, and animalistic energy he will bring to your life and magical practices.
To expand your knowledge about him, and meet him during a guided mediation or if you’d rather listen than read; you can watch my free class with Divination Academy on YouTube below!
[…] to sex deities like pan or […]
[…] Pan, ruled over nature and pasturelands. Pan is essentially the father of the wild things. He is frequently depicted in literature and artworks. Although he is not one of the major gods of Ancient Greece, he is one of most often referenced figures in Greek mythology. Pan has come to represent the unstoppable power of nature throughout the ages and still today. To learn more about pan and how to connect to him you can do so in my previous blog post here; […]