Evolve yourself, your magic and your life!
Pagan Deities
This section of my site is a true place of divinity. This is a container where you can meet and learn about gods, and goddesses from across cultures, the earth, and time. Working with deities is a very central part to my life, my magical practices, my belief system, and my teachings.
Within the pagan world everyone will have a slightly different idea of deity, some think of it as Gods and Goddesses, some think of it as one Source and every other definition in between, it is a very personal thing. And everyone will visualize the Gods and Goddesses in a very personal way. As humans we seem to like to visualize them in human form/ our likeness. Some might see ‘traditional’ deity – Gods and Goddess of various Pantheons such as Athena, Woden, Aphrodite etc. or they may see deity as spirits in all things, spirit of the forest, spirit of the sea etc. So, use this section of the site to help you learn about them and help you determine how you view them and how you want to work with them.
Seasonal & festival Deities Guide
Hindu Goddess- Lakshmi
Greek Goddess- Nyx
Greek Goddess-Medusa
Greek goddess-Iris
Shinto Goddess- Amaterasu
Egyptian Goddess- Sekhmet
Multiple Pantheons- Lilith
Slavic Goddess- Baba yaga
Keep an eye out for the guides coming for the dark goddesses below as well! In the meantime you can watch my classes with Divination Academy now!
Greek God- Pan
Norse God- Loki
About me: I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years. First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I study from many different sources, paths, pantheons, religions, cultures, teachers and practices. I am dedicated to becoming one with the multiverse through all esoteric and occult knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration and re-enchantment of magic into this realm, our lives, and society. I do this by guiding you on your personal journey to understanding your unique magic. I facilitate this for you through embracing your shadow, duality and living in energetic balance. This is because I live my life as a grey witch, striving to always be in duality which makes me a very unique guide to help you in life.
Keep an eye out for the guides coming for the gods below as well! In the meantime you can watch my classes with Divination Academy now!
An Introduction to working with pagan deities
To get help with your journey with deities and delve into how you view them and would like to work with them check out my eBook today! This eBook will walk you thru the different ways to view deities, what a deity can be, and the basics to start building a deep meaningful relationship with one. You can purchase the eBook below!