Moon water what is it?

What is Moon Water? Moon water 💧 is simply water that has been exposed to the moonlight and charged with a Magical intention.

The water will now embody the properties and energy of that moon phase and the astrological sign it was in so we can use it whenever we need it in our craft.

This charged water becomes a tangible connection for you to have to the moon! You can use it on your altar, in spell workings, to connect to the archetype energy of the moon, and as an offering to a deity/ element/ or the moon itself.

Moon water is highly beneficial for both your life and your witchy practice.

The main benefits are as follows: it guides you away from anger and arguments, it boosts positive thoughts, it helps you to manifest your dreams, it helps you in meditation and it lightens the body and soul, it becomes a mirror to reflect and release emotions, and enhances and connects you to your intuition thru divination and to your divine feminine energy.

It helps you stay away from arguing and getting angry

The moon water helps you focus, let go of what no longer serves you, learn how to breathe deeply, and unwind from the past to create a great present and an even better future. It is a great tool to add to cleanse negativity by drinking it or by taking a bath with moon water.

It helps you imagine your dreams and boosts manifesting

Moon water is a perfect tool to boost visualization and manifestation techniques. Spending time imagining your goals and writing them down on paper is the way to give them the right energy for achievement. Spending time focusing on your dreams during the full moon gives that extra touch to turn them into action.

Moon water as a divination tool

With its connection to the moon it connects you to the divine energy of the moon which is teeming with emotional energy, intuition, dreams, and manifesting. This makes it a perfect tool to use for water scrying in divination to give it more energy and cleared connection to your intuition and emotions.

Enhanced reflection through added power of the moon

What is water essentially besides the element and what it represents?

It’s a mirror, a tool to reflect you inner child, desires, dreams, struggles, and more back at you and gives you a safe space to sit in the emotional tides that mirror may reflect back to you and enhance what needs to be while letting what doesn’t be washed away.

Connection to the divine feminine

Since ancient times the moon has been a symbol and connection to many goddesses and has been venerated as goddess on her own as well. Which means the moon itself is very much attached to the divine feminine energy and can create an amazing channel to connect to it and is absorbed into the moon water to create a space for you be submerged in that connection.

Channeling the Energy of Each Phase

Beginner Witches often ask: Can you make moon water without a full moon? The answer is Yes! You can prepare Moon Water any night, even on a New Moon (it’s dark but it’s still there!)

The New Moon and all other lunar phases have energies of their own. Let’s see when to make Moon Water according to the spells you are going to cast.

Remember: There are 8 lunar phases and we can group them into 4 stages:

New Moon, Waxing Moon, Full Moon, and Waning Moon.

New moon

New Moon Water

Charge your water under the New Moon and use this water as a booster for spells of new beginnings. If you are looking to:
Start a new job or business
Open your heart to a new relationship
Move into a new place
Sprinkle your altar, your home or workspace with some New Moon Water!

If you are planting seeds, water them with some of this moon water to promote a healthy start.

Waxing moon

Waxing Moon Water

The benefits of this lunar phase are associated to growth, evolution and development in both the spiritual and material realms. If you are casting:
Spells for Money and Success
Good Luck Rituals and Spells
This phase is all about manifestation, attraction and moving forward. Invite the power of Water to your life by placing a cup of Moon Water on your altar.

Full Moon Phase

Full Moon Water

The energy of the full moon can help you reinforce any kind of Witchcraft spells:
Love and Beauty Spells
Spiritual and Psychic Protection Spells
Meditations for Growth and Wisdom
Divinations and any ritual practice in which you need to strengthen your spiritual powers will see benefits.

Just place a cup of Moon Water on your altar as you cast it.

Waning Moon Phase

Waning Moon Water

Enhance the power of Banishing spells by using this blessed water in your ritual.
If you want to get rid of a problem, a person or a situation, cast a banishing or a freezing spell and add a cup of Waning Moon Water to the list of ingredients.

Can I drink Moon Water?

If you are using clean drinking water, there’s no risk! You can drink a few sips before starting your ritual to energize your body with the energy of the moon, or make a tea with it!

You can take a sip of it at the beginning of the day to invite in positive thoughts, emotional stability, and connect to your intuition and divine feminine.

You can take a sip before going to bed to enhance your dreams and leave a bowl or cup of it on your bedside to enhance them while you sleep.

What else can I do with Moon Water?

There are plenty of things you can do with it, such as taking a bath, washing your hands or face, carrying it with you as an amulet, or even cooking and cleaning your home with it! Place it on your altar as an offering and a way to connect to the moon. Use it in your garden or your house plants even!

But its true Power lies in that you treat it as the sacred tool that it is. It’s not just tap water anymore. It’s now been consecrated and charged with your intentions, so don’t waste it or play with it. Be thankful because water is an essential element for life and all living things.

Can you make Moon Water on a cloudy night?

Yes! The energies of the Moon are always present, even when it’s cloudy outside. Just like the sun rays, moonlight is potent enough to travel through the atmosphere, clouds, and even through the pollution of big cities.

How to fully enjoy its benefits?

Moon water has different properties according to the lunar phase. I love full moon water, but you can customize your experience as you wish! It will help you focus on a specific thing in your life.

How to Prepare Moon Water

We can use this water when for any reason we can’t work during the best Moon phase for a spell. Instead, by charging regular drinking water with the energy of the moon, we preserve that energy until a later time.


Tips for Collecting Moon Water

To make a very powerful Moon Water, start the first night of the lunar phase you chose (for example, the first night of the Full Moon), and charge the water outside for 3 consecutive nights. This can be done not just during the Full Moon phase, but during any lunar phase. Each has its own Magical properties as we will see below. I recommend to make sure to do so on the full moon and the new moon.

Ways to use moon water in your rituals and spell workings

 Enhance your Meditations

The first step towards strengthening your intuition is to recognize its existence. Being aware of your powers is key in realizing full potential while meditating.

  1. Light a blue or purple candle on your altar. You can also use white as a staple. 
  2. Apply a drop of Moon Water to your Third Eye chakra (between the eyebrows) to open yourself to divine wisdom and revelation.
  3. Follow a guided meditation to awaken your inner knowledge and listen to your intuition.
  4. Find a place of peace within you, allowing the visions to come to you with ease. Don’t be disappointed if you don’t have any visions at first, practice makes perfect.
  5. Keep a bottle or jar of Moon Water near your altar to keep working on your abilities.

Add Moon Water to your Baths 💧

  1. Fill your bathtub as you normally do, and pour some Moon water that you’ve previously prepared. Get in the tub and pour the rest of the water on yourself.
  2. Follow a Spiritual Bath Recipe for more ideas. If you need to cleanse any specific part of your body, focus on that area. Visualize everything that no longer serves you being released from your body and aura.
  3. If you’ve charged your Moon Water with a specific intention, focus on absorbing the light of that intent, while promoting intense peace and relaxation. Wash your hair with Moon water to encourage growth with a divine glow.

Bless your finances with Moon Water

To make your money flow easily, Water is the perfect Element. Have confidence that nothing can stop the flow of money in your life.

  1. Bless your money by sprinkling just a few drops of Moon Water on your purse or wallet.
  2. Visualize the possibilities and the outcome you expect.
  3. On the Full Moon, you can cast this Silver Moon Spell for Money manifestations

Purify and cleanse your home with Moon Water

Cleansing your sacred space is very important. No spiritual work can be done in an environment full of stagnant energy.

  1. Make sure to clean your house physically with a mop/sponge as you normally would and add some Moon Water to your bucket.
  2. You can also just sprinkle the water with your fingers or a spray bottle wherever you want to clean and bless the space.
  3. Optionally, combine this water with herbs or essential oils to spread more positive energies

 Consecrate your crystals with Moon Water

Gemstones and crystals are powerful tools that we use to store, absorb, or amplify energy.

Charging your crystals implies establishing your intention and purpose. When you charge them under the Moon, they are infused with the deep symbolism of Lunar Magic (intuition, protection, and mystery).

  1. Place your stones outside to bathe under the Moon
  2. Put a bowl with water next to them.
  3. Make sure it’s safe to wash your stones with water, and physically clean them with Moon Water.

*make sure that specific crystal can be exposed to the element of water first

Water your plants with Moon Water 💦

Consecration passes an intention or specific energy from your spirit onto the plant. There are many ways to bless a plant: This is a simple method which can be adapted to any practice.

  1. During the day, take the plant with both hands. If the plant is on the ground, place your palms near it.
  2. Visualize and feel a Magical energy flowing around the plant, fueled by your own heat and energy.
  3. Say the following spell:
    “Sacred Nature, bless my plant.
    Moonlight gives you a healthy life.
    My Magic is your power,
    To grow and protect me.
    So mote it be!”
  4. Water your plant with Moon Water, or spray its leaves with it.

Charge your water with the energies of the Zodiac

Each day, the Moon is passing through a zodiac sign. Do this if you want to invoke a specific trait of a zodiac sign, for example, during a future ritual or spell.

  1. Place a bowl of water by the window where the moonlight will touch it. You can also do this outside.
  2. than recite a spell, invocation, or prayer to connect the water to the zodiac energy
  3. Once you’re done, store the Moon water in a bottle or jar.
  4. Use the water in your ritual by simply placing a bowl of Moon Water on your altar as you call upon the Element Water, or sprinkle some water on your tools.

However you choose to work with moon water in your magical practice or you daily life just remember to tailor it to your needs and to thank the moon for the energy and divine connection the moon water is bringing to you!

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