Full moons are intense, emotional, and deeply connected to our subconscious and our psyche which can have a profound affect on us as humans. The moon’s soft light has the ability to shine some clarity on our more hidden caverns, those emotional realms we may not consciously choose to explore. This exploration can be overwhelming, draining, and exhausting. To add to that the moon also physically rules our hormones and having the moon illuminating it’s focus on our bodies may send our hormones out of balance which can affect our emotions and our reaction to others. This can leave us feeling tired, groggy, unfocused, and just emotionally exhausted and if it is does you may experiencing what is becoming more commonly known as a moon or full moon hangover!
What is a moon hangover?
We all know that the word lunatic originates from the Latin word for moon: luna. Though lunatic is an unsavory word now, it points to a long understanding that strange things—and strange feelings—tend to occur around the lunar phases so this isn’t a new concept and has been around for centuries. It just more recently has been coined with the terms Moon or full moon hangover. So What is a moon or full moon hangover?
The way that a moon hangover looks for each of us is different and affects us differently and it may look different based on the zodiac sign the moon is in as well. But, overall a moon hangover is when you are emotionally, mentally, and physically drained after experiencing the restructuring of your existence under the full moon. How it will affect us may look like, affecting our sleep patterns, which in turn alters hormone levels, leaving us feeling feel raw and drained. For others, they may lack mental clarity and be experiencing some brain fog.
Others may completely lack motivation to get anything done or even participate in life. One of the most common affects is getting stuck in our head and stuck in unwanted emotions. Because, the full moon is all about sending us into caverns of our emotions we don’t normal visit it can cause some of us to get stuck in trauma loops, to ruminate, and to get stuck in thought patterns we would rather not be in.
It may not all be unwanted affects though, if you are working through sadness or grief, the full moon can augment these feelings to the point of catharsis and/or resolve; or, if you are moving through a period of growth and expansion, the full moon may amplify this energy into a culmination which can lead to a burst of awakening energy during the full moon as well.
When do they occur?
They’re strongest right around when the full moon occurs (the day before, of, and after). However, the impact of Full Moons can last for about two weeks before and after (starting after the previous New Moon and lasting until the next New Moon). We’ll usually feel the Full Moon hangover starting a few days before and for a week after the Full Moon. Depending on what the Full Moon is doing for you personally and what other astrology you have going on, this may last longer, but in general, it’s about a week and a half long. The most intense period to feel this will be the day before and after, for up to 3 days after.
What is the Full moon?
Over the centuries, the Moon has played a significant role in different cultures and traditions. The full moon simply put is when the moon is completely illuminated in the sky and it has reached it’s peak in this lunar cycle in the sky. When the moon is completely illuminated it’s time for all to reach full expression. The full moon is the most powerful and potent time of the entire lunar cycle.
With the moon being fully illuminated it creates this portal to some of the most potent energy to connect to for us to manifest our desires and dream life. This portal creates a connection to our peak creative energy and the deep seated creative passions we all have within us. This creative energy and power is the energy we need to actually do and create the things and lifestyle we need to manifest what we desire. With the new moon phase being about planting the seeds of what you want to manifest, the full moon is about actually doing the work and moving the energy to make your manifesting happen. The full moon allows you to bridge the connection between these energies and themes and bring them into your life while reminding you how important it is to have them in your life not only when the moon is illuminated in the sky for you to see.
With the potent energy and portal the full moon illuminates and opens us up to it’s no wonder we end up so deeply affected by it! To learn more about the basics of the full moon, what it means, and how to work with it in your life and magical practices you can read all about it here in my previous blogpost https://modgepodgemystic.com/working-with-the-sexual-emotional-transformative-and-unrelenting-scorpio-full-moon/
How to manage a moon hangover?
There is no “cure” for a moon hangover but, there are some things you can do to help ease the affects if they become to much for you or are unwanted.
Take note of how it is affecting you
First thing for you to do is take note of what is going on and become aware of how the full moon is affecting you. Are you more tired and groggy? Are your emotions bouncing all over the place? Have you lost motivation? Are you ruminating? You need to be aware of how it is affecting you in order to properly ease the affects. It also gives you the ability to prep and prepare for the next one even!
Rest, Rest, Rest
Get some rest! When our bodies, souls, and brains are being overwhelmed and bombarded with sensations and emotions it can be physically exhausting and draining. And remember the moon rules over our hormones and when they are out of balance and all over the place it can cause us to be physically tired as well. On top of that, when you are looking into the caverns of your emotions, traumas, and things you would rather not deal with, your mind gets tired as well. When you get some good rest your brain has the ability to shut down, process the information and emotions and reset your mental clarity. So, if brain fog is an issue right now for you rest will also help with this. So rest and lots of it is going to be crucial right now with so many things potentially draining our energy.
Comfort yourself, and stay in your comfort zone
Comfort and familiarity can go a long way, so you may want to stick to the people who support you best and the places that feel most comfortable. Stepping outside of your comfort zone might just add to your emotions right now. Take some time to do things that bring your comfort, make you feel safe, and fill you with self love.
Stay Hydrated
The moon is deeply connected to the element of water and the fact that we as humans are made up of so much is another reason we are so affected by it! So, one way to help us lessen the affects of the moon hangover right now is to make sure we are hydrated. So, drink water to nourish your body and create an integration between yourself and the element associated with the moon.
Do things tied to the Zodiac sign the moon is in
Each full moon we experience will have a slightly different affect on us based on the zodiac sign the moon is currently in. The energy the zodiac sign is in will affect different parts of our bodies, different areas of our lives, and we will venture into different caverns of who we are based on that signs energy. So, one of the best ways to help deal with a moon hangover is to make sure we are tapping into the specific energy and doing magic, and activities aligned with it. We feel less drained and overwhelmed when we are in alignment with the energies affecting us.
For, example as I write this we are experiencing a moon in the sign of Scorpio which is deeply rooted to our sexual passions and desires. So, to help ease the overwhelming energies of it that are making me exhausted from an insane sex drive right now, I have made sure to participate in sex magic for the last week straight. Doing this has kept me in alignment with the energy and allowed me to not let it overwhelm me to the point of getting stuck in unwanted feelings, and being emotionally drained and exhausted in this area of my life.
Do some grounding and/or earthing
One of the possible affects of a moon hangover we talked about was experiencing unwanted emotions, rumination, and trauma loops. How do we combat that? There are many ways to do this from breathwork, using DBT skills, meditation and more. But, one of the best ways to do this is through grounding and earthing. So, take the time to ground yourself to who you are, to the earth, and to the universal energies all around you. If you need to learn more about how to ground you can do so by watching my free class with Divination Academy here; https://youtu.be/eDkacr-CXoU?si=UgZnzrd5B05UhHZh
Explore those caverns with Shadow work
The full moon is really illuminating those dark caverns of who we are and trying to be a guide to allow us access to them. To help ease this overwhelm and the draining feelings it may be causing instead of running from those caverns lean in and follow those moonbeams of light into them. You can do this by doing some shadow work right now. Shadow work will help you enter those caverns, face what is being illuminated and work with it in a way to integrate it into your every day life. To learn more about how to do shadow work you can watch my free class all about it below and you can book me for a 1:1 guided session here; https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555318986253
You are a creature of this earth, inseparable from the energetic and physical pulls of nature’s cycles. Allow the full moon to do her work on you. And if the affects seem like too much and you need to ease them make some notes of what you need to do during this full moon hangover period, to help you prepare for the next one!