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Dive into the depths of your emotions to shed your skin and transform during the Scorpio new moon

We are entering a new lunar phase on November 1st; the New moon. As the Moon changes signs approximately every 2-3 days, we feel the influence over our moods and intuition shift. This month we find the moon in the investigative, intuitive, passionate, emotional, sensual, and transformative, sign; Scorpio. The Scorpio New Moon on November 1st, brings a lot of intensity and passion, especially focused on new beginnings, new ventures, new relationships, and the beginning of new karmic cycles. The energy of this Scorpio new moon will feel very similar to that of the lunar eclipse. It’s a time for purging, changing, and reassessing our lives. This new Moon, more than others this year, opens a doorway to the subconscious, allowing us to see energies normally hidden. With the energy of the transformative, investigative, and intuitive Scorpio new moon happening right when the veil is the thinnest during the year, it is time for us to become intimately aware and familiar with our shadows and what we keep hidden. Which can allow us to grab onto this moment of profound transformation and self-discovery. We likely need to work on a major transformation, and this can be intense, but ultimately leads to solutions and frees us. This is a time when you’ll look within to truly understand the depths of your feelings. This period of introspection could lead to greater self-awareness as well as an awareness of those around you including your relationships with others and yourself. This Scorpio new moon will have us diving into an ocean of emotion asking us to look at how we support not only others but ourselves. Giving us the passion to speak up and express what it is we need to feel supported that is seeded deep within our hearts. Come dive into the depths of your emotions and investigate what you find there to shed your current skin in transformation with the Scorpio new moon in this blogpost.

New moon what it is and why we honor it

Every month, the New Moon carries us over the threshold of a new beginning. So, let’s talk about the new moon in general before we reorder the soils of our lives with new moon in Virgo. The new moon is the time to reflect and cleanse your energy. It is a time to set your intentions for what you wish to attract this lunar cycle. But, remember every intention set requires action and energy from your part as well. You can’t just set an intention and miraculously it is yours. You must also put the movement of energy behind it with action steps.

The new moon energy is there to support you in manifesting what you want. The new moon is a time to allow new ideas and energy to flow with you. It is a time to honor new beginnings, and the turning over of a cycle. Think of these intentions as seeds you are planting for this lunar cycle to be ready to harvest by the full moon. Use this time to rest, reflect, and plant what you will grow just as your ancestors across many cultures did while there was little light in the night sky for them to use.

Each New Moon is unique, offering its own magic within each month. To learn more about the foundations of working with the new moon, and how it affects you, read more here in my previous blog post.  And to learn more about the moon in general and lunar magic you can read my comprehensive guide on the topic here. You can also watch my class on YouTube with Divination Academy here!

So, who is Scorpio?

Scorpio, the ruler of the 8th house is one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. Because of its incredible passion and power, Scorpio is often mistaken for a fire sign. In fact, Scorpio is a fixed water sign that derives its strength from the psychic, emotional realm. Scorpio is associated with the underworld and the dark side of human nature. That is because it is ruled by the planet Pluto, who has dominion over the underworld, aka the realm of the dead. But, keep in mind dark doesn’t mean evil or bad, it simply means the absence of light, and the stuff hidden out of our sight. Scorpio is a unique sign though, because it is thought to be dually ruled. Scorpio’s traditional ruler is the planet Mars. This accounts for the somewhat aggressive and manipulative nature of the scorpion we see, representing this sign with it’s venomous sting. The modern ruler of the sign is Pluto, which emphasizes its themes of transformation, death and rebirth.

The Scorpio Constellation

The Scorpius constellation is located in the Southern celestial hemisphere, where it sits near the center of the Milky Way. It is also one of the brightest constellations in the sky.

In Greek mythology, the constellation Scorpius was identified with the scorpion sent by Gaia, that stung Orion, the mythical hunter. This was all after he claimed there was no animal on Earth he couldn’t kill. When Orion began bragging, he would kill every animal, the Earth goddess Gaia sent Scorpius the Scorpion to sting and kill Orion instead. Ever since the two lie opposite each other in the sky, and Orion is said to be fleeing from the scorpion as it sets just as Scorpius rises. In one version of the myth, Orion tried to rape the virginal goddess Artemis and she sent the scorpion to punish him for that violation.

In another part of the world Hawaii, it has a different tale attached to another figure Maui. In Hawaii, they know Scorpio as the demigod Maui’s Fishhook. One day Maui went fishing with his brothers in their outrigger canoe. He brought with him a magic fishhook, instructing his brothers that whatever he caught with it, they were to continue paddling and never look back. Maui caught a huge object and asked his brothers to paddle harder while he pulled the line. As Maui hauled, many rocks appeared. The more he pulled, the more rocks appeared. Finally, he pulled hard enough that the large chunks of land surfaced from the ocean, which became known as Hawaii.

Scorpio the scorpion

The scorpion is Scorpio’s primary symbol. Scorpions inflict disabling stings with their tails, and they’re considered rather cunning and/or vengeful. The scorpion is an amazing, complex creature that is bent on survival. It’s hostile, defensive, cautious, and has a keen sense of its surroundings. Scorpions crawl on the ground, hide in dark corners, and, if threatened, strike out with their deadly tails. Much like the Scorpion would rather kill itself than be killed, Scorpio is the Sign giving us the ultimate control over our destiny.

Themes for the Scorpio new moon

Every New Moon contains its own themes, which are related to the sign that it falls under. This time, we experience the New Moon in the investigative, intuitive, passionate, emotional, sensual, and transformative sign of the scorpion; Scorpio. The Scorpio New Moon is all about diving into the depths of your subconscious and riding the waves of our emotions to healing, hidden secrets and deep transformation. It’s about being brave enough to confront the dark parts of your life and who you are allowing it to heal your deepest scars and alchemize it into power and manifesting the life you truly want. This Scorpio new moon is an opportunity to plant seeds of transformation and invite profound and lasting change in our reality by letting go of what has run its course or no longer serves us. This new moon coming right after the veil being pulled back on Samhain night creates a very cyclical karmic energy adding a boost to the already present energy of new beginnings. Let’s explore some of the themes and energies of Libra deeper below.

Let’s explore some of the themes and energies of Scorpio deeper below.

Scorpio the sign of alchemy and transformation

Scorpio rules over the process of alchemy and transformation. Scorpio is all about who you are becoming in relationship to life and the journey of embodying your true authentic power. This is because, it is not only a water sign connected to our emotions and intuition but, also ruled by the planet Pluto. Pluto, is the planet of transformation, the underworld, and death. This means death in the sense that something comes to an end and transforms into something else (very similar to the Death card in tarot). I talk about this all the time in my classes. Death is crucial and central to every area of our lives especially when it comes to profound transformation, healing, and enlightenment. A death of some kind must happen for something to be born. This is an opportunity to WELCOME and honor how you are changing shape. It is Scorpio who companions us on the journey to the underworld as we look at the areas of our life that need our tender love and compassion. Take advantage of this transformational moment and try not to run away from the darkness and the breaking apart. The intention is to break to rebuild. Scorpio has this ability to regenerate and transform like no one else and always comes out stronger from a battle. As the sign of extremes, Scorpio energy can draw out both our darkest shadows and our most enlightened selves.

Scorpio the sign of Investigating the dark and deep

Have you already heard that Scorpio is the most intense sign of the zodiac? This is because it’s a water sign, so it’s ruled by emotions, and is always looking inside like a detective. Its gaze is investigative and never fears the truth. A new moon Scorpio is known as a time of deep introspection caused by the depth of our emotions. Scorpio isn’t afraid to explore dark or deep things, making it a very psychic and investigative sign that isn’t afraid of diving deep into dark depths of the ocean in our hearts. And like the depths of the ocean even if we come up for a breath Scorpio will pull you relentlessly back down, again, and again, and again. Down, into the depths of your emotions until you no longer fight the waves of your emotions but, succumb to the ebb and flow of the endless waves. This period of introspection could lead to greater self-awareness as well as an awareness of those around you. This ability to get in touch with the intricacy of your own emotions gives you the insight needed to understand others’ motivations. Don’t be surprised if you have a few light bulb moments during this time.

Scorpio the sign of unleashed sexual desires

Scorpio is the sign most closely associated with sex: this is due to their enigmatic nature which is what makes them so seductive and beguiling. This sign even rules our reproductive and sexual organs! Sex isn’t solely about pleasure for these sensual scorpions though. They also crave the physical closeness, spiritual illumination, and emotional intimacy sex can provide. When the moon is in the sign of Scorpio it is oozing sexual passion, and desire. With it also being a time about going into your dark depths you may have some desires being illuminated you normally shy away from or simply have not acknowledged. This is the perfect time to not run and hide from them but, to approach them without fear and experience the waves of pleasure those dark sexual desires can bring you and your partner. Use this energy to expand and unleash your sexual pleasure with your deepest sexual desires coming to the surface from the depths where you let them usually rest. Than tap into the enlightenment, enhanced intimacy, and manifestations powers this boosted raw sexual power can have in your sex magic.

What To Be Cautious Of This Scorpio New Moon

Since Scorpio has a tendency to bring anything hidden to the surface, your truth radar may be sending you additional communications. Listening to your gut instinct is important now, and especially due to the volatility of this energy. But, be very mindful to exercise emotional maturity if something needs to be addressed. It could be easy, during this window, to end up in emotional drama, conflict, or to simply blow up on others with our words. So stay conscious of your emotional awareness and use this powerhouse energy to fuel your desires instead of getting steeped in drama, conflict, and damaged relationships.

Scorpio new moon and duality

Since, I am a grey witch every single energy I work with I look for the duality in that energy and how I can connect to it. First, let’s talk about the duality of Scorpio. I find a lot of duality in Scorpio from the give and take of sexual passion, to the spectrum of our emotions we feel. But the most profound aspect of duality with Scorpio I feel is it’s investigative nature with our emotions and the deepest parts of ourselves. The need to dive deep into our subconscious, and investigate the feelings we keep hidden in dark can be a powerful container of duality. It’s a time when we are called to sit with the uncomfortable truths within us, the ones we’ve been avoiding, and allow them to lead us toward profound personal growth. The balance between these forces can feel like a dance between surrender and action, and healing and discomfort.

Second; the new moon itself is all about duality and illuminating the night sky in both light and shadows. The new moon is all about rebirth, renewal, and the beginning of a new cycle, which puts you in a transitional liminal space, energy, and time. In order for you to be in a space to begin again, to transition, and be reborn you had to just come from and ending and death. If you want to know more about duality and being a grey witch you can watch my class with Divination Academy about it here.

Correspondences for the Scorpio new moon

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like Scorpio, that I will list below for you to use. Remember this is not an all encompassing list and there may be other correspondences to use. Just follow your intuition and use what calls to you.

  • planet-Pluto and Mars
  • Element- Water
  • Symbol- The scorpion
  • Modality- Fixed
  • Day- Tuesday
  • Body part- Genitals, and reproductive organs
  • colors- Red, black, grey
  • Phrase/motto- “I desire”
  • Chakra- Sacral Chakra
  • Herbs/flowers- ginger, myrrh, Cumin, geranium, chrysanthemum, basil, rosemary, nettles, devil’s club, hisbiscus, guarana, damiana, peony, yarrow, mud root, coriander, honeysuckle, blood root, dragons blood
  • Stones/crystals- Topaz, serpatine, black obsidian, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, smoky quartz, jasper, oynx, malachite, citrine, turquoise, aquamarine, opalite, moonstone
  • tarot- Death card

How to connect to the Scorpio new moon

Now, that we have talked about the themes of this Libra new moon and how it is going to affect you let’s talk about how you can specifically connect to and work with this moon. First, make sure to do all of your staples that your learned in the previous blog post on the new moon and the moon in general like, charging your crystals, making moon water, and resetting your altar.

With this moon there are certain spells and rituals that will help connect you this moon in the most effective way. This Scorpio new moon is a time to focus on shadow work, past life regression, ancestral magic, divination, and other deep transformative practices. Remember these are just some of the many ideas. Follow your intuition and the energy of this moon. Below is a list of ideas on how to connect to and work with the Scorpio new moon.

  • Shadow work focused on deep emotions and trauma
  • elemental magic with water
  • Therapy of any kind
  • Sex magic and spells
  • Lunar magic
  • Set intentions and plant seeds for complete transformation
  • Ritual moon bath
  • Make a spell jar representing Scorpio and add to your altar or bedroom
  • Connect to Samhain that just took place
  • Connect to your Sacral chakra
  • Explore your sexuality and sexual desires
  • Meditation and visualization work
  • write a gratitude list and reflect on all the tranformation you had this past year
  • Divination- especially water scrying, apple peel reading
  • Water emotion release ritual
  • Inner child work
  • Start a mindful journaling practice
  • Sit with your emotions
  • Get lost in a mystery
  • Confront someone you need the truth from
  • Fertility spells and magic
  • expand your intuition by listening to your gut
  • Focus on abundance
  • Create sacred space for your emotions
  • Commit to healing, growing, and transforming however that looks to you
  • Connect to the dead, spirits, and your ancestors with graveyard magic
  • Connect to sex deities like pan or lilith
  • connect to deities of the underworld, rebirth and transformation
  • Transformation and rebirth magic and spells
  • moonlight bathe in the nude
  • Create a simmer pot for increased passion adn expression in your home
  • Spend time in stillness, silence, and solitude
  • Set goals for the witches new year
  • mirror work
  • Cleanse yourself, and your home from unwanted energies and entities

Shadow work questions for the Scorpio new moon

Like we’ve talked about over and over again in this post this new moon is a deeply emotionally time calling to us from the deep. Guiding us to confront the things hidden in the dark the depth of water creates. Forcing us to experience the crash of each wave, as we dive down again and again until we think there isn’t much more we can take. Then we finally get a ride while resting on the protective scorpions back, to the shore once more. Standing up tall as we shed our old skin transforming among the sands of the shore taking a deep breath in. Whether you do it thru meditation, actual shadow work, or just journaling while in reflection; below is a list of prompts and topics to connect with the energy of the Scorpio new moon.

 If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here;  you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.

  • What rebirth would like to experience this new moon?
  • How can you connect more to your passions?
  • In what was have you been self sabotaging in your life and relationships?
  • What emotions are waiting in the deep for you to confront?
  • What hidden sexual desires are willing voice and act on?
  • How can you use your emotions to transform you into the next version of who you are?
  • What past wounds and hurts still sting are you willing to now release?
  • What patterns am I willing to transform and how?
  • What words deep within the depths of my heart do I need to finally express?
  • What fears, secrets, or hidden elements do I need to face?
  • Where have I given my power away to others?
  • How in my life can create more intimacy in my relationships?
  • How have a already transformed, changed, and grown and where in my life do I still have more room to transform and grow?
  • Are there parts of myself that I hide away from others and consider “dark”?
  • How can I change my life by being more vulnerable with myself?
  • In what ways can a reconnect to my emotions everyday with self care?

Scorpio New moon transformation spell

This spell some may not be able to do but, if you can it connects you to the energy of water and the transformative energy Scorpio sends crashing into our souls this new moon. Lending you the power the darkness and depths our emotions churning in the waters of our soul have. To do this spell you need to be able to get yourself somewhere sacred in the woods where you may find a running river, creek, or brook.

What you will need: a spell bag or pouch, a piece of paper and pen, rosemary, ginger, coriander, tea leaves, cinnamon, mint, lavender, Dandelion (flower or seeds)

How to perform: Go to a wooded area and find a tree with a branch hanging near your water source. Sit down, and get yourself into sacred container. Taking in a deep breath and focusing on the smells, sights, and sounds of the transformation in nature all around. Then with a deep willingness and readiness in your heart to change, grow, and transform take your pen and paper and write your intention. Once done take the paper and place it into your pouch or spell bag locking your commitment and intention to change inside. With your next big breath take your herbs and add them as well if you would like you could even add a piece of hematite. Then hold your spell bag in your hands once again taking in a deep breath pulling in the energies of transformation all around especially the running water you have found. Envision the intention you had set and all the work it will take to go deep within the depths of your emotions to transform your life and how you feel. Then with your next deep breath take your bag knotting it tight locking your intention to transform with Scorpio guiding you tonight. Next take your spell bag and tie it to a branch with water running near, leaving it here for the water, the wind, and the Scorpio new moon to fuel your intention of transformation this eve.

Ritual Full Moon Bath

Taking a moon bath is an extremely soothing way to harness the power of this moon phase. A Moon bath can be an especially powerful practice when the Moon is transiting the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. This is because the element of water is activated, i.e charged up – like a crystal, it has more potential to HOLD intention and frequency. So, this new moon take a ritual bath to help you connect to your depth of your emotions in Scorpio right now. I would recommend to have your items added to your bath right now be focused

Top tip: Using Moon water in your ritual bath will take it to the next level!

Sex Magic To enhance your sex life

With this new moon in Scorpio being so deeply connected to our sexual desires, passions, and energy this moon is an extremely potent time for any type of sex magic and sex work. This includes doing spells to enhance your sex life. We can all use a little enhancement from time to time for many reasons and even if you don’t why not add some enhancement to increase your pleasure, your partners pleasure and have some really body alterating orgasms’ at that! I am passionate about sex magic and use it in my life, magical practices and my marriage ALL the time! To learn more about sex magic you can check out part two of class on the topic here and the study guide with divination academy here!

The spell below is a great spell enhance and intensify any of sexual pleasure sessions!

Carve your name and your partners name into your red candle

Anoint your candle with honey while thinking of all the passion, desire, and freedom you want to experience in your sex life.

Take your anointed candle and roll it in your cinnamon and sugar again visualizing all the passion, desire, freedom and climaxing you want to experience with your partner.

Be as specific as possible.

Light your candle during your next sex session together to ignite your passions and let it burn until it goes out on it’s own

Wrap up

The New Moon in Scorpio brings a potent opportunity to dive into the shadowy parts of ourselves, shedding old layers and making space for emotional and spiritual rebirth. It’s a time when we are called to sit with the uncomfortable truths within us, the ones we’ve been avoiding, and allow them to lead us toward profound personal growth. Scorpio’s influence over this new moon asks us to embrace the intensity of our inner world and use it as fuel for empowerment and transformation.

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The Magic of Tuesday; Amplify your spells with the energy of the day

Every day of the week has it’s own magic and energy you can harness to influence your life and magical practices and in this blog series we are going to talk about them all. Next up, we are going to talk about the energy and magic you can align with on Tuesday. Tuesday is the second day of the week in most cultures and calendars. Others view it as the third day of the week while in some Muslim cultures it’s the fourth day.

The word “Tuesday” comes from the Old English word tīwesdæg, which literally means “day of Tiw”. Tiw was the name of a Germanic war god that the ancient northern Europeans worshiped. The word “Tuesday” may also have come from the Latin phrase dies Marti, which means “day of Mars”. In Old English, the Roman god Mars was replaced by Tiw, the Anglo-Saxon war god.

Tuesday is ruled by the planet Mars

For pagans and witches, every single day of the week is ruled by a planet and Tuesday is ruled by Mars. Mars is located directly next to Earth and in most depictions it is shown as being a reddish orange color. Within the solar system Mars purpose is to control and counter Venus which makes it a very masculine planet and energy. While the sun is the paternal side of the divine masculine, mars is the powerful, very virile, and aggressive side of the divine masculine.

The Unique energy of the planet mars is oozing with passion, strength, and a will to fight. Mars is associated with courage, physical energy, protection, conflict resolution, passion, power, strength, war, and assertiveness. Mars is the planet to help you prepare for any uncomfortable situation you may find yourself in.

Magic and Witchcraft themes

When it comes to magic and witchcraft you can certainly cast spells whenever you need them. But, if you want a little extra oomph, and when you want to amplify your results, aligning your spell casting with the correct day of the week is one way to do that. Since, Tuesday is associated with Mars, it is the ideal day for spells of courage, strength, protection, and assertiveness. To empower courage and confidence by envisioning yourself as strong and assertive. It is the day to ignite your inner fire, gather your strength you didn’t know you had, and call on your courage to help you face any challenge or advisory.

Tuesday is a unique day in magic as you can really cast spells to have success in all areas of your life. I would caution with doing love spells today though, as Mars can be a little aggressive with its energy. Which can led to some unwanted results like obsession. I do recommend using the passion, and fire of Mars for sex magic tonight though. It can really heat up the pleasure in the bedroom.

Correspondences for Tuesday

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently in or a day of the week like, Tuesday. I will give you some ideas below for you to use. Remember to follow your intuition with the correspondences you choose to work with and that you can always use any that correspond that calls to you for the energies of the day.

  • Element- Fire
  • planet-mars
  • Chakra- sacral chakra
  • Gender- Masculine
  • colors- red, black, silver
  • Herbs/flowers-rose, nettle, thistle, cactus, basil, rue, chickweed, coriander, thyme, tarragon, holly
  • Stones/crystals- ruby, garnet, bloodstone, carnelian, red jasper, moldavite, sapphire, hematite, rhodonite,
  • Deities- Tyr, Ares, Mars, the morrigan, horus, kali, Diana, danu, Eris, Tiwaz, Lilith
  • Zodiac: Aries & Scorpio

Ways to work with the energy of Tuesday

We’ve talked a lot about all the different themes connected to the magic and energy Tuesday has and gives us access to work with. So, how can you specifically connect to those energies and perform magic aligned with it? In your everyday life you can make sure your affirmations, intentions, and manifestations set today align with the energies of courage, strength, protection, conflict resolution, overcoming obstacles, assertiveness, sexual pleasure, the divine masculine, and Mars. Don’t forget you can focus on success in all areas of your life except love.

In some practices like wicca many witches will caution you from casting on Tuesday at all, as they see it to be too aggressive of an energy they are willing to work with. I myself don’t agree with this and cast often on Tuesday. I do recommend to make sure you are cleansing the Monday prior and adding a little extra protection to any casting and rituals you do on a Tuesday to make sure you can direct the brute force of this days energy.

Below you will find some ideas for spells, rituals, and magical workings you can do to align with Tuesday as well. Use the magic of this day to help you connect to your emotions, intuition, psyche, and our deepest shadows. Don’t forget to check out my Pinterest page and Facebook page as well for more spell ideas every week! I have a lot of reels and videos for Tuesday to check out!

Spell to remove a bully from your life

Unfortunately many of us have to deal with bullies and unkind humans who are trying to do us harm. It’s important to protect ourselves from them and stand up to them. One way we can do that is magically using this spell I created. This spell is inspired from traditional witches bottles across the world in history.
Casting this spell today will be even more potent as well as your connect to the fiery, warrior, protective energy of the planet who rules Tuesday; Mars.
What you will need:
A jar with a lid
Lemon Juice
Rusty Nails
How to perform:
Take the glass jar and hold it between your hands. Visualize the person leaving you in peace and doing no harm to you. Say out loud:
“(Person’s name), you will bully and intimidate me no more!”
Next, take all your ingredients and add them to the jar visualize yourself no longer being harmed. Place the lid on your jar and shake as you repeat this spell 4 times, “ Malice, Hate, and harm you will forever be gone.”
Than take your jar outside and bury it near your threshold while reciting. “ (person’s name ), your power over me is gone. I am now always protected from your ill intent and harm. I am free from your malice, harm, and hate. no more will you be able to try and affect my fate

Tuesday Anti-Procrastination spell bag

We all have times we struggle to light a fire in our soul to push us to action to accomplish our goals and live a life where we are thriving. Like everything else in life we can use magic to help us with that.
Create this anti- procrastination spell bag on Tuesday to harness the energy of Mars and light a fire in your soul to conquer anything and get anything done in your life!

Personal Power spell jar

Since, Tuesday is ruled by the planet Mars, which is all about connecting to passion. That includes passion for ourselves. That passion leads to self confidence and personal power. We can use this personal power the rest of the week to stand in our own power, to know our worth, and use our motivation to meet our goals. One spell we can do to harness this passion and personal power is creating a spell jar you can add to your altar or anywhere in your home. See how to create one below!
If you need to learn more about spell jars you can purchase my eBook in the shop today!

Tuesday Threshold protection powder

Since, Tuesday is ruled by the planet Mars which makes it a day connected to passion, standing your ground, winning any battle, its a great day to add some extra protection to your home. Protection magic should be a staple to each and every witch. We all need protection and that includes our home. Our home is to many of us one of our most sacred places to be. Take the time today to protect your home with this threshold protection powder today! This protection powder will stop any unwanted energies or entities to enter your home. I refresh my powder on my threshold every Tuesday and whenever I will have many people entering my home as well.

How to make and use this protection powder:
Mix together sage, salt, eggshells, rosemary, dill, thyme and mugroot.
As you mix them recite: “I call upon the elements, and guides, to protect and seal us. This home and family are safe and shielded by you. “
Than take the mixture and sprinkle across your doorways and window sills to protect and seal your home and family.
Blessed Home to you!

Uncrossing Ritual

A common protection ritual you can do is an uncrossing spell. ‘Uncrossing’ means getting rid of all unwanted and stale energies and attachments. If you believe you may be suffering from a hex-related illness or a run of misfortune, try an uncrossing ritual. There are many different ways to do an uncrossing spell. Almost all cultures have a version of this ritual, which is mainly for removing unwanted energies.

Perform this spell today with a boost from your passion and strength and feel all unwanted energies including hexes to be removed from your life!
How to perform:
Get yourself into sacred container, by taking a few deep breaths and centering. You can even cast a circle here if you would like to
Light your white candle
Add your bay leaves to your dish
Next take your cinnamon and sprinkle it over top your bay leaves in the dish and recite this spell below;
In the name of all the elements and their guardians. In the name of the ancients who have passed, in the name of energies of the cosmos. I invoke you. To crush, burn, and remove all unwanted entities, forces, energetic attachments, curses, hexes, and crosses. Break them, dissolve them, release them. Bless myself and set me free.
Amen aho so mote it be
Cross the two sticks of incense on the dish and light them.
Let the incense and the candles burn completely. Don’t let candles burn unattended!

Spell to enhance Sex

Since Tuesday is a day all about passion today is a great day to spice up your sex life by enhancing your sexual pleasure, experience and connection with your partner. I also love to use sex magick to redirect the aggressive bit in the energy of this day. Check out this spell and perform tonight for a much more enhanced and pleasurable sexual experience! Trust me it works!

Other ideas to work with Tuesday

  • take action and start working on some work project that’s currently on hold.
  • plan your next move to create your dream life.
  • cast success spells or rituals
  • Goal set and plan
  • perform sex magick
  • Wear red clothing for color magic
  • Do something therapeutic to let out your aggression or pent up anger
  • go to war against someone you need to defend yourself from
  • spells to increase passion
  • light a red candle for courage and strength
  • Meditate with the color red to call on courage and strength
  • create an altar to a deity of war for courage in your life
  • balance your sacral chakra
  • Eat peppers at a meal
  • Work out to move your body and energy
  • Elemental magic with the element of fire

If you want more information or to go deeper on any topics covered in this blogpost; you can check out any of the links throughout. They will bring you to classes I have taught for free on YouTube with Divination Academy or to previous posts and guides I’ve written on that topic. You can also check out any of the links below to YouTube videos not linked above!

Happy Casting this Tuesday!

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How To Manage a Moon Hangover

Full moons are intense, emotional, and deeply connected to our subconscious and our psyche which can have a profound affect on us as humans. The moon’s soft light has the ability to shine some clarity on our more hidden caverns, those emotional realms we may not consciously choose to explore. This exploration can be overwhelming, draining, and exhausting. To add to that the moon also physically rules our hormones and having the moon illuminating it’s focus on our bodies may send our hormones out of balance which can affect our emotions and our reaction to others. This can leave us feeling tired, groggy, unfocused, and just emotionally exhausted and if it is does you may experiencing what is becoming more commonly known as a moon or full moon hangover!

What is a moon hangover?

We all know that the word lunatic originates from the Latin word for moon: luna. Though lunatic is an unsavory word now, it points to a long understanding that strange things—and strange feelings—tend to occur around the lunar phases so this isn’t a new concept and has been around for centuries. It just more recently has been coined with the terms Moon or full moon hangover. So What is a moon or full moon hangover?

The way that a moon hangover looks for each of us is different and affects us differently and it may look different based on the zodiac sign the moon is in as well. But, overall a moon hangover is when you are emotionally, mentally, and physically drained after experiencing the restructuring of your existence under the full moon. How it will affect us may look like, affecting our sleep patterns, which in turn alters hormone levels, leaving us feeling feel raw and drained. For others, they may lack mental clarity and be experiencing some brain fog.

Others may completely lack motivation to get anything done or even participate in life. One of the most common affects is getting stuck in our head and stuck in unwanted emotions. Because, the full moon is all about sending us into caverns of our emotions we don’t normal visit it can cause some of us to get stuck in trauma loops, to ruminate, and to get stuck in thought patterns we would rather not be in.

It may not all be unwanted affects though, if you are working through sadness or grief, the full moon can augment these feelings to the point of catharsis and/or resolve; or, if you are moving through a period of growth and expansion, the full moon may amplify this energy into a culmination which can lead to a burst of awakening energy during the full moon as well.

When do they occur?

They’re strongest right around when the full moon occurs (the day before, of, and after). However, the impact of Full Moons can last for about two weeks before and after (starting after the previous New Moon and lasting until the next New Moon). We’ll usually feel the Full Moon hangover starting a few days before and for a week after the Full Moon. Depending on what the Full Moon is doing for you personally and what other astrology you have going on, this may last longer, but in general, it’s about a week and a half long. The most intense period to feel this will be the day before and after, for up to 3 days after.

What is the Full moon?

Over the centuries, the Moon has played a significant role in different cultures and traditions. The full moon simply put is when the moon is completely illuminated in the sky and it has reached it’s peak in this lunar cycle in the sky. When the moon is completely illuminated it’s time for all to reach full expression. The full moon is the most powerful and potent time of the entire lunar cycle.

With the moon being fully illuminated it creates this portal to some of the most potent energy to connect to for us to manifest our desires and dream life. This portal creates a connection to our peak creative energy and the deep seated creative passions we all have within us. This creative energy and power is the energy we need to actually do and create the things and lifestyle we need to manifest what we desire. With the new moon phase being about planting the seeds of what you want to manifest, the full moon is about actually doing the work and moving the energy to make your manifesting happen. The full moon allows you to bridge the connection between these energies and themes and bring them into your life while reminding you how important it is to have them in your life not only when the moon is illuminated in the sky for you to see.

With the potent energy and portal the full moon illuminates and opens us up to it’s no wonder we end up so deeply affected by it! To learn more about the basics of the full moon, what it means, and how to work with it in your life and magical practices you can read all about it here in my previous blogpost

How to manage a moon hangover?

There is no “cure” for a moon hangover but, there are some things you can do to help ease the affects if they become to much for you or are unwanted.

Take note of how it is affecting you

First thing for you to do is take note of what is going on and become aware of how the full moon is affecting you. Are you more tired and groggy? Are your emotions bouncing all over the place? Have you lost motivation? Are you ruminating? You need to be aware of how it is affecting you in order to properly ease the affects. It also gives you the ability to prep and prepare for the next one even!

Rest, Rest, Rest

Get some rest! When our bodies, souls, and brains are being overwhelmed and bombarded with sensations and emotions it can be physically exhausting and draining. And remember the moon rules over our hormones and when they are out of balance and all over the place it can cause us to be physically tired as well. On top of that, when you are looking into the caverns of your emotions, traumas, and things you would rather not deal with, your mind gets tired as well. When you get some good rest your brain has the ability to shut down, process the information and emotions and reset your mental clarity. So, if brain fog is an issue right now for you rest will also help with this. So rest and lots of it is going to be crucial right now with so many things potentially draining our energy.

Comfort yourself, and stay in your comfort zone

Comfort and familiarity can go a long way, so you may want to stick to the people who support you best and the places that feel most comfortable. Stepping outside of your comfort zone might just add to your emotions right now. Take some time to do things that bring your comfort, make you feel safe, and fill you with self love.

Stay Hydrated

The moon is deeply connected to the element of water and the fact that we as humans are made up of so much is another reason we are so affected by it! So, one way to help us lessen the affects of the moon hangover right now is to make sure we are hydrated. So, drink water to nourish your body and create an integration between yourself and the element associated with the moon.

Do things tied to the Zodiac sign the moon is in

Each full moon we experience will have a slightly different affect on us based on the zodiac sign the moon is currently in. The energy the zodiac sign is in will affect different parts of our bodies, different areas of our lives, and we will venture into different caverns of who we are based on that signs energy. So, one of the best ways to help deal with a moon hangover is to make sure we are tapping into the specific energy and doing magic, and activities aligned with it. We feel less drained and overwhelmed when we are in alignment with the energies affecting us.

For, example as I write this we are experiencing a moon in the sign of Scorpio which is deeply rooted to our sexual passions and desires. So, to help ease the overwhelming energies of it that are making me exhausted from an insane sex drive right now, I have made sure to participate in sex magic for the last week straight. Doing this has kept me in alignment with the energy and allowed me to not let it overwhelm me to the point of getting stuck in unwanted feelings, and being emotionally drained and exhausted in this area of my life.

Do some grounding and/or earthing

One of the possible affects of a moon hangover we talked about was experiencing unwanted emotions, rumination, and trauma loops. How do we combat that? There are many ways to do this from breathwork, using DBT skills, meditation and more. But, one of the best ways to do this is through grounding and earthing. So, take the time to ground yourself to who you are, to the earth, and to the universal energies all around you. If you need to learn more about how to ground you can do so by watching my free class with Divination Academy here;

Explore those caverns with Shadow work

The full moon is really illuminating those dark caverns of who we are and trying to be a guide to allow us access to them. To help ease this overwhelm and the draining feelings it may be causing instead of running from those caverns lean in and follow those moonbeams of light into them. You can do this by doing some shadow work right now. Shadow work will help you enter those caverns, face what is being illuminated and work with it in a way to integrate it into your every day life. To learn more about how to do shadow work you can watch my free class all about it below and you can book me for a 1:1 guided session here;

You are a creature of this earth, inseparable from the energetic and physical pulls of nature’s cycles. Allow the full moon to do her work on you. And if the affects seem like too much and you need to ease them make some notes of what you need to do during this full moon hangover period, to help you prepare for the next one!

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Working with the Sexual, Emotional, Transformative and Unrelenting Scorpio Full Moon

We have entered a new lunar phase today, the full moon and this full moon in April is bringing us into the Sign of Scorpio. The Scorpio Full Moon is the most serious of the lunations. Full Moons are highly emotional and serious, and Scorpio is an emotional water sign and ruler of the serious. Scorpio is intense, passionate, deeply transformative and unrelenting, and we can have a hard time letting things go with a Scorpio Full Moon. We’re really invested, and we’re a bit stubborn about it, but we likely need to recognize that it’s not doing us any good, and it’s time to move on.

The Scorpio Full Moon is a moment of profound transformation and self-discovery. We likely need to work on a major transformation, and this can be intense, but ultimately leads to solutions and frees us. You may feel things a little more passionately, or you may be willing to go to extremes that you might not otherwise go to.

This is also a time of when you’ll look within to truly understand the depths of your feelings. This period of introspection could lead to greater self-awareness as well as an awareness of those around you. The ability to get in touch with the intricacy of your own emotions gives you the insight needed to understand others’ motivations. We do need to be mindful of frustrations boiling over with this Full Moon though, and especially coming after that Aries Solar Eclipse, you’ll react a little more sharply and with that stinger Scorpio is known for.. We need to bite our tongues and try to be rational and think things through before blowing up.

Let me show you in this post the depths of the full moon in the water sign scorpio. And how to connect to this unrelenting, transformative, serious and emotional enegy this full moon. To harness the most potent energy to connect to for us to manifest our desires and dream life today!

First, What is the Full Moon

Over the centuries, the Moon has played a significant role in different cultures and traditions. The full moon simply put is when the moon is completely illuminated in the sky and it has reached it’s peak in this lunar cycle in the sky. When the moon is completely illuminated it’s time for all to reach full expression. The full moon is the most powerful and potent time of the entire lunar cycle.

A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). The full moon greatly affects humans and it’s no wonder it does because, there’s a scientific reason for this – we are made up of 60% or more of water. Full Moons are the peak point of the lunar cycle: at this time of the month, the light of the Sun is fully illuminating the Moon, and the luminaries are exactly opposing one another from our perspective on Earth. This potent alignment offers us opportunities to gain more awareness about what is moving in our inner and emotional world, and information previously uncertain or hidden could be revealed at this time.

With the moon being fully illuminated it creates this portal to some of the most potent energy to connect to for us to manifest our desires and dream life. This portal creates a connection to our peak creative energy and the deep seated creative passions we all have within us. This creative energy and power is the energy we need to actually do and create the things and lifestyle we need to manifest what we desire. With the new moon phase being about planting the seeds of what you want to manifest, the full moon is about actually doing the work and moving the energy to make your manifesting happen. The full moon allows you to bridge the connection between these energies and themes and bring them into your life while reminding you how important it is to have them in your life not only when the moon is illuminated in the sky for you to see.

There are so many ways to work with the full moon, to learn more about the basics of working with the full moon energy check out my blog post here; But, remember each full moon will be slightly different and have different practices to add and different ways to do it based on which zodiac sign the full moon is currently in at the time.

So, who is Scorpio?

Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. Because of its incredible passion and power, Scorpio is often mistaken for a fire sign. In fact, Scorpio is a water sign that derives its strength from the psychic, emotional realm.

Scorpio is all about TRANSFORMATION, who you are becoming in relationship to life and the journey of embodying your true authentic power. Themes related to intimacy, control, power, money, and sharing will be a strong focus. This is an opportunity to WELCOME and honor how you are changing shape. It is Scorpio who companions us on the journey to the underworld as we look at the areas of our life that need our tender love and compassion.

This is a potent time for manifesting anything around mystical abilities, sex, love, intimacy, death, transformation, and rebirth. This sign rules over transformation, death, the occult, and sexuality. Scorpio can be a very intense energy, and this is partly because it’s a water sign, so it’s ruled by emotions. It is known as a time of deep introspection caused by the depth of our emotions. This period of introspection could lead to greater self-awareness as well as an awareness of those around you. The ability to get in touch with the intricacy of your own emotions gives you the insight needed to understand others’ motivations. Don’t be surprised if you have a few light bulb moments during this time.

It’s also ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation, the underworld, and death. This means death in the sense that something comes to an end and transforms into something else (very similar to the Death card in tarot). I talk about this all the time in my classes. Death is crucial and central to every area of our lives especially when it comes to profound transformation, healing, and enlightment. A death of some kind must happen for something to be born Scorpio isn’t afraid to explore dark or deep things, making it a very psychic and sexual sign that isn’t afraid of topics considered taboo or to help you on journeys like shadow work into some of the darkest depths of who are.

The Full Moon in emotionally intense Scorpio is always a dynamic event. During any Full Moon we feel the tug of war between opposing signs, and in this case, the passionate waters of Scorpio counter the practical Taurus Sun. This illuminating event could put a spotlight on what it is you really need in your life and what it is that needs to go since full moons are also a potent time to release and shed all that no longer serves us.

We have talk about some aspects of who scorpio is; now let’s dive deep into the details of how scorpio can affect you and benefit you especially during a full moon!

Unlease your sexual desires with Scorpio

Scorpio is the sign most closely associated with sex: this is due to their enigmatic nature which is what makes them so seductive and beguiling. This sign even rules our reproductive and sexual organs! Sex isn’t solely about pleasure for these sensual scorpions though. They also crave the physical closeness, spiritual illumination, and emotional intimacy sex can provide.

When the moon is in the sign of scorpio it is oozing sexual passion, and desire. With it also being a time about going into your dark depths you may have some desires being illuminated you normally shy away from or simplely have not acknowledged. This is the perfect time to not run and hide from them but, to aproach them without fear and experience the waves of pleasure those dark sexual desires can bring you and your partner. Use this energy to expand and unleash your sexual pleasure with your deepest sexual desires coming to the surface.

Liberation thru transformation with Scorpio

This Full Moon in Scorpio brings to light all the problems you insist on hiding. But sooner or later, you will have to face them head-on to have them resolved and to overcome it. It will be responsible for putting you face to face with your greatest fear or trauma. Take advantage of this transformational moment and try not to run away from the darkness and the breaking apart. The intention is to break to rebuild. Scorpio has this ability to regenerate and transform like no one else and always comes out stronger from a battle.

I talk about this all the time. Things have to break to rebuild, die to be reborn, and burn down to sprout from fertile soil. This sign is all about transformation, transforming to align with our soul’s purpose and to do that we must face those dark depths and allow them crash over us with the forces of transformation. With transformation, comes healing, alignment, and complete liberation from your past, traumas, unwanted energies and all things that do not truly serve you. Being alive means engaging in a continual process of transformation. Nothing in the natural world stays the same so allow the energy of scorpio to guide you in this process.

As the sign of extremes, Scorpio energy can draw out both our darkest shadows and our most enlightened selves. This Scorpio full moon could bring some eye-opening awakenings for anyone who’s been refusing to deal with a lingering conflict. This transformational full moon can support deep processing and healing, if that’s what is needed and guide you into a complete sense and expierence of liberation.

The unrelenting, intense waves of emotion with Scorpio

Have you already heard that Scorpio is the most intense sign of the zodiac? This sign is all about deep and strong emotions. This is for a few reasons, one scorpio is tied to the element of water which is deeply associated to our emotions. And with the sign of scorpio we tend to dive deeper into the depths of our emotions where the water is darker, and seemingly endless. And like the depths of the ocean even if we come up for a breath Scorpio will pull you relentlessly back down. Down, into the depths of your emotions until you no longer fight the waves of your emotions but, succomb to the ebb and flow of the endless waves.

The second reason scorpio is so intenses is because, Scorpio is always looking inside like a detective. Its gaze is investigative and never fears the truth. So, Full Moon in Scorpio comes to invite everyone to closely examine what goes through your heart and mind.

Things to look out for with Scorpio

Since Scorpio has a tendency to bring anything hidden to the surface, your truth radar may be sending you additional communications. Listening to your gut instinct is important now, and especially due to the volatility of this energy. But, be very mindful to exercise emotional maturity if something needs to be addressed. It could be easy, during this window, to end up in emotional drama, conflict, or to simply blow up on others with our words. So stay conscious of your emotional awareness and use this powerhouse energy to fuel your desires instead of getting steeped in drama, conflict, and damaged relationships.

Themes of Scorpio

We have talked a lot about who scorpio is and how scorpio can affect you and benefit you. Now let’s list all the topics to consider that correspond to the full Moon in Scorpio. Keep in mind that the full Moon relates to the contiuation of your journey to manifest your desires and dreams. To release all the things that no longer serve us and create blockaged to our manifesting. It is the time to really truly nuture the seeds of intention you had planted during the new moon so, they can bloom and thrive. So, try and have any of your workings based on these topics be grounded in those seeds of intention you had planted on the new moon.

  • Sex / Intimacy / passion
  • Emotions
  • Depth and darkness
  • Love
  • Transformation/ Change 
  • Psychic Abilities 
  • The Occult—anything supernatural, mystical or magical 
  • Intuition 
  • Taboo Topics and desires
  • Death
  • Regeneration / Rebirth
  • Life 
  • Relationships 
  • Desire
  • Secrets/ Mysteries
  • Seriousness
  • Honesty/ Truth/ Investigative
  • Reflection / Insight

The Scorpio Myth

In Greek mythology, the constellation Scorpius was identified with the scorpion that stung Orion, the mythical hunter. The two constellations lie opposite each other in the sky, and Orion is said to be fleeing from the scorpion as it sets just as Scorpius rises.

In one version of the myth, Orion tried to ravish the goddess Artemis and she sent the scorpion to do away with him. In another version, it was the Earth that sent the scorpion after Orion had boasted that he could defeat any wild beast.

The Pink Moon Meaning

The Pink Moon is a name given to the April full moon, originating from the pink flowers, known as wild creeping phlox, that typically bloom during this time of year in North America. However, despite the name, the Moon itself doesn’t actually appear pink but instead takes on its usual golden or white hue.

Combining the Pink Moon’s energy with Scorpio’s intensity can create a powerful time for personal growth, transformation, and letting go of what no longer serves us. It’s a time to delve into our subconscious, release emotional baggage, and embrace change and renewal. This period invites us to embrace our vulnerabilities, confront our shadows, and emerge more robust and more self-aware on the other side.

Hebe Asteroid

We have another cosmic energy affecting us at this time as well on 4/22 Hebe asteroid 6 appeared vertical to virgo in the skies which will have an affect on us. Combined with the scorpio energy this aestroid could bring about some very deep traumas, emotions, and triggers for us especially around childhood traumas and rejection. So, let’s touch briefly on this asteroid and who it represents.

Hebe is the goddess of eternal youth. She served as the cup-bearer to the gods before Ganymede took her place. Her name comes from the Greek word meaning “youth” or “prime of life”. Hebe is associated with being of service; she can be a servant or even a slave. There are negative associations with abuse, probably from her elders or elites. She could also be about healing from childhood trauma, especially in the context of this Scorpio/Pluto moon energy.

There is an account that Hebe’s demotion as cup-bearer was because she fell, ripping her dress, shamefully exposing her naked body publicly. Hebe is also associated with the Fall in terms of the change of seasons. Similar to Demeter and Persephone, Hebe is the maiden version of Hera, her mother. So Hebe is the springtime Virgin goddess. Other positive associations with Hebe are elixirs that rejuvenate, eternal life, mercy and forgiveness.

Correspondences for the Scorpio full moon

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like I will list below for you to use.

  • planet-Pluto and Mars
  • Element- Water
  • Symbol- The scorpion
  • Modality- Fixed
  • Day- Tuesday
  • Body part- Genitals, and reproductive organs
  • colors- Red, black, grey
  • Phrase/motto- “I desire”
  • Chakra- Sacral Chakra
  • Herbs/flowers- ginger, myrh, Cumin, geranium, chrysanthemum, basil, rosemary, nettles, devil’s club, hisbiscus, guarana, damiana, peony, yarrow, mud root, coriander, honeysuckle, blood root, dragons blood
  • Stones/crystals- Topaz, serpatine, black obsidian, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, smokey quartz, jasper, oynx, malachite, citrine, turquoise, aquamarine, opalite
  • tarot- Death card

How to Connect to the Scorpio Full Moon

Now, that we have talked about the themes of this intense, serious, emotional, sexual, transformative, Scorpio full moon and how it is going to affect you let’s talk about how you can specifically connect to and work with this moon.

First, make sure to do all of your staples that your learned in the previous blog post linked here for you like, charging your crystals, making moon water, and resetting your altar.

With this moon there are certain spells and rituals that will help connect you this moon in the most effective way. Remember these are just some of the many ideas follow your intuition and the energy of this moon.

  • Shadow work focused on deep emotions and trauma
  • Water magic
  • Therapy of any kind
  • Sex magic and spells
  • Lunar magic
  • Ritual moon bath
  • Connect to your Sacral chakra
  • Explore your sexuality and sexual desires
  • Meditation and visualization work
  • Divination- especially water scrying
  • Water emotion release ritual
  • Inner child work
  • Start a mindful journaling practice
  • Sit with your emotions
  • Get lost in a mystery
  • Confront someone you need the truth from
  • Fertility spells and magic
  • expand your intuition by listening to your gut
  • Focus on abundance
  • Create sacred space for your emotions
  • review your goals and intentions set during the new moon
  • Commit to healing, growing, and transforming however that looks to you
  • Connect to the dead, spirits, and your ancestors
  • Connect to sex deities like pan or lilith
  • connect to deities of the underworld, rebirth and transformation like persephone and hades
  • Transformation and rebirth magic and spells
  • Write down and release all things that no longer serve into a body of water
  • moonlight bathe in the nude

Ritual Full Moon Bath

Taking a full moon bath is an extremely soothing way to harness the power of this moon phase. A Moon bath can be an especially powerful practice when the Moon is transiting the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. This is because the element of water is activated, i.e charged up – like a crystal, it has more potential to HOLD intention and frequency. So, this Full moon take a ritual bath to help you connect to your depth of your emotions in scorpio right now. I would recommend to have your items added to your bath right now be focused

Top tip: Using Moon water in your ritual bath will take it to the next level!

Self-love mirror gazing ritual

This is a very transformative ritual to be doing every single full moon but, I really like using this one during a scorpio moon. The feeling of self love and passion for myself I feel seems to be so much more amplified after acknowledging my deepest, darkest emotions needed to be addressed. This ritual helps remind me during a scorpio moon to remember that even while working through those deep, dark emotions and traumas I still am worthy to be loved and to have all my needs met. You can find the ritual below and to learn more about one of my favorite types of magic; mirror magic in general you can read about in my previous blogpost here;

Self -love mirror gazing ritual
You will need: A mirror
Under the light of the full Moon, do some stretching, shaking, dancing, or deep breathing, to bring your awareness into the fullness of your body.

Place the mirror beneath the Full Moon in the night sky, so that you can sit looking at your own reflection AND have moonlight falling on your face.

Look into the mirror at your own reflection. See, sense and feel the light of the Full Moon fall onto your face, and feel yourself soaking up her rays.

Now gaze into your eyes, holding the intention to both give receive more love. Say the words: “I am loved, I am held, I am whole” aloud.

Searching the depths with scorpio meditation

This meditation is all about helping being a guide for you while you dive deep into the depths of your soul and emotions with the scorpio full moon. The ideal time to perform this ritual day or night of the full moon. If possible do it under direct moonlight. or the day after the full moon.

You’ll need:
15-30 minutes of quiet and uninterrupted time
Vessel of water
Pen/pencil and paper
Optional: amethyst

Create sacred space by grounding yourself and connecting with your breath and body. If casting a circle or calling in the quarters is in your practice, you could do this too. To learn how to do that you can do that by reading my previous blogpost here and watching my previous class on the topic with Divination Academy.
Sit, close your eyes, and begin to connect with your breath and body. If you’re using amethyst you can hold it or place it near you to inspire your intuition.
In this meditative state, ask aloud or in your mind, “Show me my soul’s deepest desire. show me where I have not been acting in alignment with my intention” Breathe and allow your mind to take you where it wants to go. Be open to visualizations, messages, or feelings that may arise.
After spending some time with the first question, and when you feel ready, ask aloud or in your mind, “Show me my next steps to be in better alignment with my soul’s deepest desires?” Again, breathe and allow your mind to take you where it wants to go. Be open to visualizations, messages, or feelings that may arise.
The subconscious mind often works through symbols. Be open and curious about anything that comes through to you, understanding that even though it may not make sense at the moment, it may later.
When you feel ready to come out of your meditation, thank any guides who came through to offer guidance, then write down any insights that came to you.
Place your paper in your vessel of water to remain there until the moon is new.
Check in with your bowl of water with the paper in it each day to refill with water if needed, touch into the feelings you experienced, and as a reminder to take continued action towards your soul’s desires, even when it feels challenging. At the time of the next new moon, bury your paper outside and pour the water on top of it, trusting that you will be guided in your soul’s journey.

Sex Magic To enhance your sex life

With the full moon of scorpio being so deeply connected to our sexual desires, passions, and energy this moon is an extremely potent time for any type of sex magic and sex work. This includes doing spells to enhance your sex life. We can all use a little enhancement from time to time for many reasons and even if you don’t why not add some enhancement to increase your pleasure, your partners pleasure and have some really body alterating orgasims at that! I am passionate about sex magic and use it in my life, magical practices and my marriage ALL the time! To learn more about sex magic you can check out part two of class on the topic here and the study guide with divination academy here!

The spell below is a great spell enhance and intensify any of sexual pleasure sessions!

Carve your name and your partners name into your red candle

Anoint your candle with honey while thinking of all the passion, desire, and freedom you want to experience in your sex life.

Take your anointed candle and roll it in your cinnamon and sugar again viualizing all the passion, desire, freedom and climaxing you want to experience with your partner.

Be as specific as possible.

Light your candle during your next sex session together to ignite your passions and let it burn until it goes out on it’s own

Reflection topics and questions for Scorpio Full Moon

Every full moon is a great time to for reflecting on those seeds you had planted during the new moon and how they are doing now at the end of the lunar cycle and how you can celebrate your success and adjust the future for even greater success. Whether you do it thru meditation, shadow work, or divination like tarot; below is a list of prompts and topics to connect with the energy of the Scorpio full moon.

  • What is my soul’s deepest desire?
  • What emotions are sitting in the deep that I avoid?
  • What do I need to release from my past to fully transform?
  • Are there any mysterious about myself or others in my life i need to explore?
  • Where is my intuition trying to guide me?
  • Is there something in my life I need to listen to my gut about?
  • What parts of myself am I avoiding?
  • What are my deepest sexual desires, needs and passions? are they being met? Am I afraid to have them met? If so why?
  • What could I achieve if I stepped outside my comfort zone?
  • What areas of my life do I need to address to transform?
  • What fears and hidden emotions do I need to face?
  • What areas of my life do I need to transform to be in alignment with my soul purpose?
  • What emotions, wounds, or traumas coming up for me and how will I face them?

However you choose to work with, connect to, or celebrate, follow your intuition, and passion to guide you the rest of this lunar cycle to finish growing your seeds of manifestation. Use this full moon in scorpio and its unrelenting crashing waves of emotions, sexual passion, and desire to transform yourself!