Revenge, karma, justice whatever word you use to dish it out , are all powerful tools that can help you reclaim your power when you have been wronged. They can help you restore balance in your life and maybe even the collective by invoking the universal energetic law of karma, which in a nutshell states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. While some may teach you that to take revenge on others or speed up the wheel of karma to get your own justice is wrong; I won’t ever tell you that. Because, the desire for revenge is a natural human emotion, trust me! We all feel it from time to time it can be a valid and justified thing for us even. It can be deeply rooted in feelings of anger, hurt, sadness, disgust, and betrayal. When we are wronged, we often feel powerless, helpless, and alone. It can cause us to feel depressed, disconnected from others, and like nothing we want in life will ever make it’s way to us. We can ruminate and become obsessive about the person who has wronged. Allowing it to narrow our vision leading us away from our destined purpose and path. Casting a revenge, karma, or justice spell can be a potent and powerful way to help with that. Nothing helps you feel more powerful then taking matters magical into your hands. During his unstable, unpredictable, and oppressive political place the country is in right now. Take your power back and pick up your swords of powerful resistance with these spells and the energy of revenge and justice.
Forget the threefold law
Before we kickstart some karma and hex our way into dishing up justice that is well deserved on a cold platter, we have to address the pesky threefold law. Whether you are new to the world of witchcraft or a seasoned practioner you most likely have heard of the threefold law. I am sure you have had some witch tell you to never hex or curse and only cast love and light spells because, everything you do will come back to you three times over. If this is part of your personal practice then this post isn’t for you. If you are willing to question and ask yourself why you agree with such an imbalanced law instead of looking at the simple balance of give and take? If you are willing to ask yourself how can we truly spread love and light and be able to heal others and the collective; if we don’t also know how to inflict pain, cause illness, and use our power to protect ourselves? If you are willing to question all of that with your magical workings and spells, then keep reading because this blogpost will be for you! I live in a magical world where balance is what I seek to maintain and each one of my spells is aimed to do just that. I don’t listen to a rule that gatekeeps what I do that is from a religion I don’t practice; Wicca. Instead I use my magic to create the reality I wish to shape and sometimes that means karma is what I wield to do that. So, toss the threefold law in the trash and let’s see what a little magical justice can do for you. Especially with this unstable, unpredictable, and oppressive political place the country is in right now. Take your power back and pick up your swords of powerful resistance with these spells and the energy of revenge and justice.
How do Justice or revenge spells work?
Revenge or justice spells work by harnessing the power of intention, energy, and the law of karma to create outcomes in another’s life. When you cast a revenge or justice spell, you are essentially directing your energy towards the person who hurt you, with the intention of causing them harm, illness, pain, or misfortune.
Justice spells for legal matters and court cases
Legal matters have been historically challenging for many individuals, often leaving them feeling helpless. This is why one of the most common ways you can use justice or revenge spells are to help you in those kind of matters. The concept of using spells for legal success and justice has roots that date back to ancient civilizations even especially with the Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks. Most of these spells and rituals are intended to protect the innocent and ensure fair judgments.

Justice spells and political activism
Another way we can use justice spells is when we need to mobilize and fight for the rights of those within our community and even for ourselves politically. Justice is something we can not only seek through the legal system but, also through political means. Honestly both of the two are intimately connected which is why the spells can translate to either. Especially now while we are in such turbulent political times on the verge of so much about to collapse. As we watch groups of people after people being targeted politically and rights disappearing by the swish of a pen. When we vote on politicians or choose to sit out of the political process ,we are adding our weight to the scales of justice whether or not we are aware. When we want to make a difference politically and are putting our boots on the ground with protests, door knocking, and calling our representatives. Why not add a boost with some magical justice adding fuel to your political activism and movement. I encourage you as an act of defiance to use any of these spells below in your politcal activism. Don’t waste your magic, don’t shrug your energetic responsibility to the collective. When we choose to tap into the essence of magic and learn how to manipulate reality with energy it is up to us to use it to shape our politcal reality. This political reality dictates the experience of soo many within the collective. The collective which it is our duty to protect and be the ones to enact justice when needed. Being a witch is political period and justice spells are some of the best to use for such matters.
Ways to cast revenge and justice spells
Each one of us will develop our own relationship with revenge and justice. We will sit with ourselves alone in silence and determine our ethics related to these kinds of spells. Then we will develop our own way to work with them as we listen to the clanging of chains as the scales of justice tip. Stepping in to get them back to a fair, just, and balanced place. Remember; it’s important to approach every single energy we worth with respect, reverence, and gratitude to build a relationship with it an use it to reshape reality. Follow your intuition and work with justice and revenge however you feel pulled to but, here are some ideas to get you started on ways to get magical retribution and justice in your life, for others, and in the collective.
- Cutting cords: This spell is used to sever the energetic ties between you and the person who hurt you.
- Justice binding: This spell is used to bind the person who hurt you to justice.
- Using candles and herbs: Candles and herbs have long been associated with magic and ritual. You can use candles and herbs to create a symbolic representation of the person you want to revenge, and then use this representation to focus your energy.
- Shielding Spell for Retribution Protection: Protecting oneself from retribution while fighting for justice in contentious cases.
- Writing down your intentions: Writing down your intentions can be a powerful way to manifest your desires. When you write down your intentions, you are essentially creating a roadmap for your energy to follow.
- Guilty Conscience Spell: A spell intended to prick the conscience of those who have acted unjustly. You can use my let them see karma spell HERE
- Visualizing the outcome: Visualization is another powerful tool for manifesting your desires. When you visualize the outcome you want, you are sending a clear message to your subconscious mind about what you want to happen.
- Karma mirror: This spell is used to reflect the negative energy of the person who hurt you back onto them.
- Call on deities of retribution in your spells: You can do this many ways by invoking the, casting a circle with them invited, using their sigils, or saying prayers to them to enact justice . Some of these include; Sekhmet, Lilith, Eris, Medusa
- Invoke the sacred number 35: The number 35, is considered sacred and powerful in some magical systems, symbolizing invoking assistance from higher powers or the universe itself to guide legal proceedings towards a favorable outcome.
- create amulets or talisman for justice and keep them on you or wear them when you heading into court or going to defend yourself against injustice
- add justice sigils to your body or protest posters when seeking justice for yourself or communities who are being oppressed right now
- Sealing Lips Spell: To prevent lying, a spell which symbolically seals the lips of those who would speak deceit
- Cast spells for clarity, justice, and clear communication to expose corruption
- Banishing Spell for Unfair Situations: Banishing negative energies, unjust or unfair circumstances
- Jury Persuasion Spell: Subtly influencing the energy around a jury to perceive the truth and act justly
- Freeze spells: Freeze those who have caused you injustice in the same injustice they caused you until you decide to unthaw them.
- Create a simmer pot to bring fairness, truth, and justice to your home before you have a conversation that could get confrontational
- Use justice and revenge hexes or curse to cause misfortune, illness, pain, or suffering to those who have earned your justice
- Create a spell jar to bring you fairness, justice, and truth in an upcoming court case
- Add a scale to your altar to bring justice into your life and magical practices
- Read stories, myths, and legends of justice, retribution, and revenge to help you connect to the energy and magic of it

When to cast revenge and justice spells
When it comes to casting spells I will always tell you it is up to you when you cast them. Sometimes you can’t sit here and wait for the right moon phase, the right day, or the right hour of the day. So, follow your intuition and cast them when you need too. But, if you want to add some boosted potency to them try and cast them during a libra moon phase or Libra season, on a Saturday, or during the twilight hours. Other then that what types of situations and circumstances would a justice or revenge spell be able to give a much needed kick of magic to your acts of retribution to tips the scales of justice in your favor. Below are some but, not all of the circumstances you could pick up your magical energetic sword of justice for. Always remember to follow your intuition.
- Someone has been bullying your, your family, or your children
- before you head out to attend a protest for a cause near and dear to your heart
- You have a court case you will be going to court for soon
- You need to sue someone who owes you money
- When someone is restricting or oppressing your free will or the will of others
- When you may not know where the harm is coming from
- Before you are about to be around someone who means you harm or will be confrontational
- Using them to help make a difference in court cases that affect the country politically
- use them to completely remove legal troubles you have in your life
- Bring someone to justice who has wronged you in the past
- You can use them to get justice for others who can’t get justice for themselves
- restore fairness and balance
- Use them to reveal truth and corruption
- getting revenge for a toxic relationship or a bad break up
- Stopping the scales of justice from tipping in someone’s favor who doesn’t deserve it
- Using them to speed up the wheel of karma for someone who has harmed you with physical, verbal, or sexual attacks
- reveal to another person who is unware of their harm they have caused you and allow them to see themselves with clarity
- Use them to gain freedom
- use them as a means to protect yourself from further harm by making others think twice about attacking you
- use them towards someone who was abusive towards you in life
- Use them to remove unwanted, negative, or harmful energy from your life
- get back something that was stolen from you

Ethics before you cast
If you are going to dish out some well earned justice or speed up the flow of karma in someone’s life you have to first take the time to think about the ethics of the spell you are about to cast. I know it may seem boring but, this is a step to not overlook. When you are casting a spell for revenge or justice you need to be doing so from a place that isn’t conflicted, that is set in it’s intention, and isn’t anchored in an unjustified emotion. It is important; I feel that revenge or justice spells should not be the first spell you cast and your first line of defense. But instead should be spells saved for those you really need them for. It is important to ask yourself if there is another way to resolve the situation first. That means looking at both magical and mundane solutions as well. These kind of spells take up a lot of energy and sometimes even leave me energetically depleted for days. So, it’s not only ethically important to think about these things before you use them but, energetically as well. If you have tried everything else and you are still feeling desperate for revenge and in need of justice, then one of these spells may be the right option for you.
How to prepare for unintended consequences
When it comes to casting spells to get revenge, retribution, or justice we not only need to think about the ethics. Make sure that we have tried other means to solve our issues and get justice. But, we also need to prepare for unintended consequences. What does this mean? This means we need to stop and take a moment, take a breath and think about what could potentially be the opposite reaction to the spell we are about to cast. Because, that opposite action could potentially come back on us. Especially if we are not set in our intention or sending out justice that was not indeed earned. When you are taking justice into your own hands and deciding to speed up the wheel of karma you need to be willing to have what you are doing to others come right back to you. You never know what protections others have up, or if you have justice you have earned coming back yo you as well. So, make sure to take the time and decide if consequences that could result from your justice will be worth it in the end if they happen to you.
Jar of Justice for court spell jar
I can’t do a post about spells without breaking out a spell jar! They are versatile after all and we have the ability to make them for whatever intention we need them for. So, if you have a court case coming up that is really important to you and you are unsure if the scales of justice will weigh out in your favor, this spell jar is for you. This multipurpose justice spell is designed to bring fairness and truth to light during legal proceedings. Fill a jar with items like bay leaves for protection, black mustard seeds for confusion to the opposition, and a written petition stating your case. Once you have created and sealed the jar come back to it and charge it every day until your case is over. Then dispose of away from your home to make sure no appeal can be won and your decision be reversed.

Sweeten the opposition court case honey jar
Next up, this spell takes it’s inspiration from hoo doo honey jars. You often see them in love spells. I have even written about them in that capacity . But, why not use a honey jar to sweeten up the judge, jury, and opposition toward you in legal matters. to ensure you win your court cases. Make sure with this one to take the time and research hoo doo and honey jars. Some consider hoo doo a closed practice and therefore won’t work with them in their own practices. That is up for you to decide though not me. Sweetening spells like this one aim to soften the opposition and attract positive verdicts. How to do this spell, write your grievances or case details on parchment and submerge it in honey along with herbs like licorice root. Leave it until your court case is over and you have won.

Binding Justice spell
This spell is one that is really simple to do as long as you have something that can represent and connect you energetically to the person you need to get justice against. I love binding spells because they are really potent and restrict their ability to harm you further even from things you have yet to think of they could inflict upon you. To cast this spell make sure that you get into a grounded state while you visualize the person or entity being bound in place and no longer able to harm you and justice being served against them finally. Then grab your chord ( I like to use twine ) and your representation of the unjust party like a poppet you made, a court document, or an image of them. Then wrap the chord around the representation as tightly as you can. Use the entire chord and when you get to the end use a knot to tie it off and bind the unjust party.

Return to sender justice spell
At the heart of a justice spell we are looking for protection from injustice often through invoking karma. Sometimes that may even mean that we don’t know where exactly that injustice, ill intent, and harm is coming from. It could be because we simply are unware of it or because there is so much of it overflowing in the collective now. You are getting targeted by some because of a group you belong to or a community you identify with. Return to sender spells are meant to be used when you are being targeted by magical forces and to then reflect ill intent, injustice, and misfortune back to them. For this spell all you will need is a big clove of garlic, a pen, a zip lock bag or spell bag, and some salt. Grab your clove and pen then draw an evil eye on one side of the garlic clove while focusing on the energy of justice. Take the clove and place it in your spell bag or zip lock. Fill the bag with salt until you can no longer see your engraved clove. Seal the bag shut as you visualize all of the injustice leaving your life. Take this bag or spell pouch and place it under your bed for 7 days aka one week. After the 7 days remove it and throw it away somewhere not on your property in the trash. Watch as those around you who have been wishing you ill, harm, and injustice physically begin to become ill around you.

A bite of karmic justice spell
This next one has a return to sender kind of vibe to it but, using the stinging sour bite of lemon to help you get some justice in your life. I love working with lemons in baneful or protective spells and most justice or revenge spells are both of those. Adding the purifying and protective power of lemons to a justice spell gives it a cleansing boost with some much needed clarity. Plus I love the sour bite it adds to each of my justice spells. Usually resulting in some interesting things I hadn’t seen coming but, were well deserved.
What you will need:
- A lemon
- a knife
- a black candle
- some twine
- 8 cloves
How to perform spell:
Before you cast this spell make sure to cleanse all your tools especially your lemon of all unwanted energies. Light your black candle to symbolize protection. Grab your lemon and hold it in your hand as you visualize what justice means to you. When you have that image set in your mind take a deep breath and breathe out that vision of justice into your lemon. Grab your knife and cut the lemon in half. Take your 8 cloves and stick 4 of them into each of the lemon halves. Now take a moment and focus on that justice again and what it looks and feels like to you. Look into the candle light as you hold your two lemon halves and recite ” Justice is here, I am no longer fighting alone. All of the pain you have ever caused me is now your own.” repeat this 4 times. Once done put the two lemon halves back together and take the twine and wrap the lemon in binding. Let your black candle of protection burn out until it goes out on its own. Once it goes out take your lemon and throw it away outside your home.

Burning justice Candle spell
The last spell I am bringing to you in this post about revenge, retribution, and justice spells is combining the power of protection in the flame of the candle and the destruction of releasing the injustice in the flames. The purpose of this spell is to help you see the truth, get justice from those who have already harmed you, and protect you from future possible harm. So, grab some candles and a pen/paper and let’s get some justice with the burning power of fire.
What you need:
- Rosemary
- a white candle
- a black candle
- a blue candle
- oil
- A piece of paper and pen
How to cast:
Begin by cleansing your workspace with rosemary. Burn it or sprinkle it around your ritual area to clear any unwanted energy. Next, it’s time to prep your candles. Do this by; Carving the word “Justice” into the white candle. Carving “Truth” into the blue candle. Carving “Protection” into the black candle. Then anoint the candles with oil and sprinkle dried rosemary on them to imbue them with your intentions. On the piece of paper, write a clear and concise statement of your desire for justice. Be specific. Focus on revealing the truth and ensuring fairness. Next, it’s time to light your candles.
Light the black candle first, saying:
“By the flame of protection, may those who seek to deceive be revealed.”
Light the white candle, saying:
“By the flame of justice, may fairness and balance be restored.”
Light the blue candle, saying:
“By the flame of truth, may clarity shine and lies be banished.”
Close your eyes and visualize the scales of justice being balanced and the truth of corruption being uncovered. See the person responsible being held accountable, whether through legal channels, public acknowledgment, or karmic forces.
Feel the energy of justice and truth surrounding you in a shield of protection. Send out your intention clearly and with conviction. Take your pen and write it all down onto your piece of paper. Don’t forget to write down what the injustices are they have caused you, your community, your loved ones, or this country. When you feel centered in this conviction of justice and grounded in the injustices they need to pay for. Recite this spell out loud as you burn your paper in the flame of the black candle. “May what is hidden be revealed. May balance be restored. And may those who seek to avoid justice be brought to their knees. No longer able to avoid the harm they cause the greater good and community.” Allow the candles to burn out naturally (or, if you must extinguish them, do so by snuffing them out, not blowing). Take your candles and place them on your altar or freeze them. Come back and relight them if the person is in need of more justice to be served to them or new actions need to be revealed.

Final thoughts
Revenge or justice spells can be a powerful tool for reclaiming your power and balancing the collective scales of justice when you have been wronged. However, it is important to use them responsibly and to be aware of the risks and potential unintended consequences that could come your way. If you are seeking justice and yearning for karma to take its course revenge and justice spells are the way to go. In a world where fairness often feels elusive, the need for justice and truth becomes ever more pressing. Whether you’re seeking to uncover hidden truths, protect yourself from deception, or restore balance in a challenging situation, these powerful justice spells can help.

In this new special 6 month shadow work program I will help you realign your inner world, discover all the versions of you in the shadows, and show you how to integrate your shadows into your own authentic identity. When you purchase and register for this 6 month course you will get pre-recorded lessons, eBooks, journal prompt workbooks, weekly guided sessions, ( with one week off for integration) one womb healing session, and access to a discord chat for all those who are taking the course with you. We begin the last Monday of February for orientation week and then session for courses start the first Monday of March! There will be limited spots so hurry and register today.

About Me : I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years. First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration, and re-enchantment of Magic in society, across this realm, and in each and every soul I come across in life! I am here to create a container that promotes healing, duality, and raw authenticity. I do this by guiding you on your personal journey to understanding your unique magic and sacred contracts. I facilitate this for you through embracing your shadow, duality and learning to live in energetic balance while not wearing a mask. When you work and learn from me you do so from your “darkness” as much as your “light” and in a way to truly harness and accept it not to just go thru it on the way to your light. But, I teach you how to truly embrace it, work with it, and use it alongside your light as a partner. I hold up a mirror for you to be able to see your authentic reflection looking back. Then have the courage to take the next step and do the uncomfortable but vital inner work to completely remove your mask. By facing all of your past wounds, traumas, and hurts. Allowing you to see both the dark and light within your story and take each chapter and alchemize it into something that is so powerful. your unique internal flame will shine so bright you will always be able to go within and find it on a dark cold night. You will learn how to truly live in duality and energetic balance to allow growth, and alignment with your sacred contracts and purposes. to finally move on and truly let the things that hold you back in this life from healing and manifesting go. To see everything I offer; like personalized shadow work sessions, womb healing, eBooks for you to work through on your own, Tarot sessions for guidance and more! Go to my shop!