The rain falls, the thunder rolls, the lightning strikes and then out comes the sun to shine. Bringing with it an arch of colorful delight a sight that humans have been charmed by for a long time; a rainbow. The rainbow is a sign of a wish and pledge, reminding us of the magic of kindness and blessings. The rainbow is the visible sign of the transportation of messages from Olympus to Earth, uniting immortality and humanity; the divine and the mortals. The radiant colors paint magnificent arcs of light, astonishing the world as the trials left behind from the celestial wings of the elegant messenger goddess of the Greek gods; Iris.
Iris, is the Greek Goddess of the Rainbow and Messenger of the Gods, and she has an important place in Greek mythology. Known for her vivid look and elegant presence, Iris is the divine connection between gods and mortals. But Iris is more than a messenger. She symbolizes the radiance, brilliance, and enchantment of rainbows, a sight that humans have been charmed by for a long time. Iris is different from other goddesses. Other gods sometimes meddle with human affairs out of fun or interest. But Iris is devoted to her mission. She shows loyalty and adherence to duty, never stopping in her mission to keep communication between Olympus and Earth open.
Let’s fly across the skies following the arch of the iridescent rainbow and discover the significance and impact of Iris’ divine message delivery and uncover the mystical bond she shares with the vibrant and awe-inspiring phenomenon of rainbows. Ride the rainbow with myself and Iris; bridging the worlds between the mortals and the divine and learn all about the Greek messenger goddess of rainbows, blessings, wishes, and communication together in this blog post
The Symbolism Of The Rainbow
Before we fly across the skies with Iris leaving behind us the enchanting and arching trail that is the rainbow. Let’s first briefly talk about what a rainbow symbolizes and means especially to the ancient Greeks; to help us understand who Iris is as we fly with her. The rainbow isn’t just a beautiful natural phenomenon; in Greek mythology and culture, it’s a symbol of hope, communication, and the link between heaven and earth. Since the rainbow appears to bridge the gap between the heavens and the ground a rainbow acts as a conduit between the divine and the human realm. They represent the bridge between divine and human realms, facilitating communication and bringing down the divine decrees to the mortals mostly from Zeus and Hera. The lively rainbow symbolizes Iris’s presence, bringing hope, along with better communication and understanding between different realms.

Who Is Iris?
Iris is a well-known figure in Greek Mythology. She symbolizes the rainbow and is the Greek goddess who served as a messenger for the Olympian deities. Even though she is most well known as the goddess of rainbows and messenger to the gods; she is also known as a goddess of the sea and sky. In some regions she is depicted as a virgin goddess and was believed by the coastal-dwelling Greeks to replenish the rain clouds with water from the sea. She was often described as Hera’s personal messenger and one of her handmaidens.
According to homer who writes about her in the Iliad; Iris was a pleasant goddess who acted as a bridge between the gods and mortals. She served as a messenger from the gods on Olympus and brought news from the summit until Hermes, eventually took her place. After that she continued to serve the gods on olympus by serving them nectar.
She is often depicted with wings of gold; resembling those of a butterfly and pitcher, some myths said Iris filled her pitcher with water from the River Styx – a mysterious body of water that serves as a symbolic boundary between our world and the hereafter. It is known as the river we cross ferried by charon in hades to get to our eternal destination. This is one reason Iris is closely connected to water, and another way she is seen acting as a bridge between other realms and earth.
Ancient Greece saw Iris as a revered deity, the messenger of gods. The Greek goddess Iris is believed to have helped answer people’s prayers as well as been associated with messages, communication, and new ventures. She either alerted the other gods about their needs or met those needs herself.
The Greeks believed that rainbows were created by Iris when she descended from Mount Olympus. They considered rainbows to be a sign of goodwill from the gods and a blessing for those who witness it. She was seen as the link between heaven and earth, and the rainbow-hued presence was thought to bring good health and favor from the gods.
Aside from her fundamental roles as a messenger & bridge between worlds, it’s worth knowing that Iris also has significance in Greek marriage rituals. Her delicate presence during these ceremonies is a lucky sign, blessing couples with love, joy, and oneness. This lesser-known detail adds more depth to Iris’ character and shows the multi-faceted nature of this mesmerizing goddess.
Iris: The Divine Messenger
When it comes to delivering messages among the gods or between gods and humans, Iris is your go-to deity. With her golden wings, she zips across the sky, serving Zeus and Hera as their loyal messenger. Delivering the divine will of Zeus and Hera, she didn’t just pass along messages. She helped guide the gods’ decisions by smoothly communicating across the pantheon. Her role was critical, connecting the divine with mortals, ensuring the gods remained in loop with human affairs. When mortals saw a rainbow, they knew Iris was reminding them of her presence, bridging the gap between humans and gods with her beautiful hues. The rainbow, created by Iris, wasn’t just eye candy either. It was a literal bridge between the divine and mortal realms. This rainbow bridge was no ordinary phenomenon; it was a reminder of Iris’s power and her unique role as a liaison.
While Hermes is the better known messenger to the gods today, Iris used to be the main form of communication between the gods and mortals and the gods themselves. During this time, Hermes was given a much smaller role of guide or guardian. Despite many stories where Iris is the main focus somewhere between The Iliad being published and The Odyssey there was a switch between the two messengers as Hermes became the main focus and Iris was left to the footnotes or just never mentioned again.
Later poets attempted to split Hermes and Iris’ roles in the pantheon, with Hermes serving as a messenger to Zeus and the other gods while Iris became Hera’s devoted servant. The Greek polymath Callimachus from the third century BC likens Iris to a hunting hound of Hera. He said that the goddess was ever there on Hera’s throne, ears perked up to hear her commands which is when you start to see her referenced more as Hera’s handmaiden. You see an example of her carrying out Hera’s wishes; In Euripides’ “Heracles.” Iris acts on Hera’s behalf by ordering Lyssa, the spirit of frenzy and wild fury, to drive Heracles mad so that he will kill his sons. Iris is also Hera’s messenger in Virgil’s “Aeneid.”

Iris A Goddess Of Transformation And Hope
Iris also represents transformation. Just like rainbows, she stands for the power that can arise from hardship. She has a role as a bringer of hope and change. Her messages from the gods bring hope and resolution. Even today, we speak of finding a silver lining or looking for the rainbow after the storm to inspire hope and change. Iris stands as a reminder that, even during tough times, there is potential for new beginnings.
Iris And Duality
Since I am a grey witch and live in the liminal spaces every single deity I work with I look for how they can connect to duality. How do they represent the universal concept of duality that every being is meant to achieve in the universe.
With a Goddess like Iris who is the personification of rainbows you might think there is no way she can be a goddess of duality. Rainbows; like we talked about are symbol of hope which many would consider simply a light or positive thing. But, is it really? When are we looking for hope? Usually, when we are in the pits of despair, times are tough or we need a new beginning and fresh start. Which is where we get the sense of duality in hope. Hope is the opposite energy we are reaching for to balance out of despair. So, if she is showing up to be a symbol of hope for you chances are she is the energy and force that is finally tipping you into a sense of duality and balance in your life and current circumstances.
With hope usually comes transformation which itself is a very dualistic process and thing. Involving a death, shedding, and releasing along with a growth, birth, and intention. Transformation is all about getting ourselves to the next phase or stage and we do that through change by bringing ourselves to balance and using all the energies we have available to us. So, as a goddess of transformation and hope Iris herself can be seen as a representation of duality.
Her role as a messenger not only between realms, but between the gods themselves screams being a goddess of duality. Iris connects different realms with her divine presence which creates a liminal space of duality itself. Being a messenger between realms allows her access to a duality most deities may not understand. It creates a deeper connection to mortals and an understanding since she spends so much time zipping around among us. It also gives her an understanding of the duality in the differences and similarities between the gods and mortals.
Also, being a messenger among the gods requires the ability to be diplomatic and create balance amongst the gods. In order to do this she has to be able to see things from many sides and be able to find an answer that creates balance and harmony amongst them.
Lastly, you see her connection to duality in the rainbow itself which she personifies and uses for her travels. A rainbows appear due to rain and sunlight; two necessary elements. The rainbow itself creates a link between two elements which is a dualistic energy itself.
Iris And Her Diverse Family
As we fly deeper into the world of Greek mythology, Iris’s connections reveal a great deal about her character. Her family and allies include some of the most powerful and important figures in the pantheon, showing just how integral she is to the divine workings of Mount Olympus. As with almost every single pagan deity their is debate among scholars, archeologists, and historians when it comes to her parentage, origin and family. I will do my best to mention all the differences I have been able to find for her here.
Her parents where Thaumas, a marine/ocean god, and Elektra, a cloud nymph/ Oceanid and this seems to be a fact that is mostly agreed upon. This makes her part of a fascinating lineage, with her father representing the wonders of the sea and her mother the brightness of the clouds. It’s easy to see where Iris gets her radiant beauty and swift nature from. I did find a few sources claiming she was Born from the sea foam caused by Uranus’ castration as well.
When it comes to the rest of the gods she is said to be related too, she finds herself amongst a very powerful and diverse family putting Iris in a unique spot, throwing her right in the middle of earthly and divine events. Some sources claim she is a sister to powerful gods like Zeus, Hera & Poseidon even. Many sources also say that Iris had sisters; the Harpies Ocypete, Aello, and Celaeno and these women are wild – part woman, part bird, and totally fearsome. I’ll do a blogpost in the future on them and how to work with them.
Even though a few sources claim them to be siblings most agree; Iris was married to Zephyrus, the god of the west wind. He’s the gentlest of winds, bringing spring and early summer showers to people. The couple had a son, a minor god named Pothos. Pothos is the God of sexual longing, yearning, and desire and was one of the winged love gods. Does he sound familiar? He should because, some sources state that their son’s name was actually Eros.
Some believe Iris is the sister of Arke as well, a Titaness who betrayed the Olympian gods and became a messenger goddess for the Titans instead. As a result, Iris and Arke were mortal enemies. Ancient records even claim that Iris is the fraternal twin of Arke. Her many powerful and diverse connections highlight her importance and versatile role among the gods.

Myths And Stories Involving Iris
Iris’s involvement in Greek myths and stories showcases her importance as a divine messenger and her role in the divine scheme of things. Let’s land on the ground and look into some specifics. Multiple Greek tales feature Iris, she was even present in during the Titanomachy. She was an early supporter of the Olympians, including Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon. During the Titanomachy, her job was to relay messages between Zeus, the Hecatonchires, and the Cyclopes.
Iris is seen in many other classic myths and stories such as The Iliad and Virgil. In the Iliad she is the only god relaying messages for Zeus and Hera to the other gods and mortals. She is the one who was sent to inform Priam of Zeus’s decision concerning his son’s body and who informed Menelaus of Helen’s abduction. Homer frequently alludes to Iris’s appearance during the Trojan War. The most crucial thing she performed was returning a wounded Aphrodite to Olympus following Diomedes. These were all small but rather vital roles in the story of the Iliad and the war. Possibly her largest role in the story, however, is when she autonomously granted Achilles’ prayer and summoned the winds to ignite his lover Patroclus funeral pyre.
You see her flying in again with Jason and the Argonauts. Before Jason and the Argonauts could save the blind seer Phineus from the Harpies’ wrath, Iris appeared to him. Since the Harpies were her sisters, she begged Jason to spare them, and the Boreads did not kill them but instead drove them away.
She is also briefly flies by in some versions of the story of The Exile of Demeter (or as it’s commonly known as the story of The Abduction of Persephone) where Zeus sent Iris to call the self imposed exiled Goddess Demeter back to Olympus after the abduction of Persephone. In this story you see Iris being pivotal to the return of spring for mortals; bringing hope and messages of renewal to humanity.
Iris played one of the key roles, in the myth of the Twin Gods birth, Apollo and Artemis. In Callimachus she is described as being one of Hera’s messengers, along with Ares, to threaten the cities from receiving Leto in the hopes that the other Goddess would be left with no one to deliver her children. Iris then reported the birth of the children to Hera and told her there was nothing more to do and went to sleep leaning upon Hera’s throne, incurring the wrath of her mistress.
It’s even said that a time of chaos existed in Mount Olympus once. Feeling the need for peace and equilibrium, Iris took it upon herself to mediate between Hera’s rage and Zeus’ authority. With her soothing words and divine grace, she brought calmness back to their heavenly realm. This story displays not only her diplomatic abilities but also her essential part in keeping balance and harmony among the gods. It shows her role not only as a messenger between the deities and the mortals but, also her role as a messenger across the pantheon as well.
Worship Of Iris
The only recorded cult of Iris was on “Hecate’s Island” close to Delos where her worshippers would make offerings of cheesecake. She was also tasked with travelling to hades to collect water to be used in sacred oaths. She has also generally been associated with the themes of winter, peace, protection, air, meditation, promises, and beginnings. She is often seen as representing hope and the calms after the storm.
The Awe-Inspiring Appearance of Iris
The ancient Greeks often ranked Iris as one of their most attractive goddesses. The goddess Iris often takes the form of a rainbow or a lovely young woman with wings. Her wings are either depicted as being gold or irredescendent like a rainbow. Mythology says her wings were so brilliant and magnificent that they could illuminate even the deepest cave. Iris’s moods are said to be reflected in her hair color. Her hair is wavy, her eyes are a light purple color, and she wears rainbow earrings. Her ethereal beauty mesmerizes all who encounter her. Once upon a time, it was said that this rainbow incarnate connected the clouds to the ground below.
Greek art also often depicts Iris as a beautiful young woman with golden wings, a water pitcher (oinochoe) or a caduceus. The caduceus, which is a symbol of heralds and messengers. The caduceus is a winged staff with two snakes intertwined around it and is also associated with Hermes, the messenger god. Sometimes, she would serve nectar from her jug while standing next to Zeus or Hera in the artwork.
Abilities And Powers Of Iris
Iris is a radiant young goddess whose main power is that of flight. The goddess Iris’s speed is so phenomenal that she can quickly get from Olympus to Earth or even to Hades. The ancient Greeks called her “swift-footed,” which implies that she could act quickly in response to demands. To get about, it’s said Iris rides the rainbows while other stories say she leaves the rainbows behind as a trail from her wings or her rainbow iridescent coat you can see her sometimes wearing. It’s said her wings allow her to soar to any part of the cosmos, as well as reach the bottom of the deepest waters. She can also travel to the depths of the Underworld (hades) much more quickly than any other deity including Hermes.
Iris is known to be able to change shape to fit any situation or environment during her missions. She can become a mortal, animals or even objects. This skill helps her blend into her surroundings while fulfilling her role as a mediator. Iris also has a special talent; she can manipulate light and colors! Rainbows’ beauty comes from light’s bending and dispersion. Similarly, Iris can manipulate light with her powers. As the embodiment of rainbows, she can infuse them with energy and communicate through their hues. The rainbow arcs convey emotions that words cannot express. In addition to this, Iris also has the power to control the size and intensity of rainbows by altering the moisture in the air or the angle of sunlight.

Correspondences To Connect To Iris
First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently, or a deity, like I will list below for you to use.
- Planet- Earth and Sun and Venus
- Animal- all birds, butterflies,
- Element- Air and Water
- Sex- Feminine
- Symbol- Rainbow, Wings (golden or iridescent), pitcher, bridge, the sea, the skies, clouds, Caduceus, Sunlight, Raindrops, letters, feathers, postcards/ letters
- colors- All of the colors, the entire rainbow, black, white, pink, brown
- Themes- Hope, transformation, blessings, wishes, communication, renewal, bridges, rainbows, the gap between realms, travel, change, knowledge, balance, harmony, peace, the sea, the skies, serving others, repairing relationships, resolving conflict, diplomacy, speed, swiftness, messages
- Chakra-All of them, Root, Womb, Belly, Heart, Throat,Third Eye and Crown
- Herbs-Iris, Lavender, Myhr, Frankincense, Roses,
- Stones/ crystals- opal, rainbow fluorite, rainbow quartz, titanium, rainbow agate, rainbow moonstone, quartz, sunstone, moonstone, citrine, Labradorite, Rainbow obsidian, diamonds
- Foods- figs, cakes, wheat, honey, cheesecake, milk with cinnamon
- Tarot card- Temperance

Why Work With The Goddess Iris?
Iris is a alluring goddess to work with and she has the ability to bring about so much change, hope, and connection when her rainbow arches across the skies of your life. She represents hope, vitality and the power of colorful communication with the Divine. When you choose to work with her in your life, and magical practices she brings you Harmony, balance, peace, happiness, Glad tidings, and color into your life. You can call on her to ask her to carry your hopes, dreams, wishes, and intentions to the heavens and your messages to the gods.
How To Know Iris Is Calling To Work With You
The call of Iris, the rainbow goddess, and messenger of the gods, may be easy and obvious to spot by seeing her rainbow dancing across the sky calling to you. Life can be busy, but if you’ve been witness to several instances of a rainbow’s arrival or a beautiful sky with cotton clouds, pay attention. Iris may be tapping you to work with her. Other things to keep an eye out for is if you see rainbows in media all around you, or they pop up in your dreams or meditations. If you feel your clares and psychic abilities tugging at you, or an unexpected need to reach out and communicate to someone else especially if you have lost contact with them. Follow where her rainbow leads you to a place of hope and mended communication.
Ways To Work With and Connect To Iris
Everyone’s relationship with deities is different and we all work with and believe in them differently. You might believe in multiple gods and goddesses and work with them each as though they are close, personal friends. Or maybe you believe the old gods are reflections of Universal energy and simply archetype energies that you can learn a lesson from. However you incorporate deities in your practice is up to you. If you need help to figure this out you can purchase my eBook here on the Introduction to working with pagan deities.
But here are some ideas to get you started on ways to work with Iris. Remember; it’s important to approach her with respect, reverence, gratitude and by building a relationship with her. Every time you work with a deity it is an even energetic exchange; which means what you put into your intention when working with them and building your relationship to them is what you get back.
Study, get to know her
As with every deity I have ever written about or taught about, The first way to get to know a deity, specifically a goddess like Iris is to study all you can about her. I’ll be honest finding information on her can be a little scarce but, you can start by going back to the mythology section of this blog and go read and the myths and stories she is in like; the Iliad and the story of the Trojan war. Learn about other deities she has close relationships to like Hera, Zeus, Persephone and her Husband Zephyrus. Learn about her sister the harpies. Study the culture, region, and worship of the people of Greece where she is from. The more you study and learn the better! When working with a deity it is all about building a true relationship with them and you do this first by getting to know who they are.
Connect with the Rainbow
Iris is the goddess of the rainbow and some even say the literal personification of the rainbow. So, what better way to work with her than to connect to the rainbow in your life and magical practices. There are so many ways to do this. You can add it to your life in your wardrobe with color magic, you can go cloud gazing, look for the rainbow after the rain, add the rainbow to your altar, smile and wave at rainbows, or use a hose to create one. You can also contemplate bridges between different aspects of life after it rains.
Communication Spells and Rituals
One of Iris’ key roles is to be the messenger of the gods and for the gods. This makes her one of the best if not the best deity to call on when you are doing any communication spells or rituals. She can help you in spells that have to do with creating clear communication, rekindling a lost friendship or relationship, sending messages to others, resolving conflict with another due to communication, and communicating your wishes and desires to another.
Be of Service to Others
Iris not only fills the role of the messenger but, if you look at many of the stories where you see her she is doing things in service to others. Iris really serves to embody the archetype of the servant within the greek gods. She steps up for the gods when there is chaos to serve them as a diplomat and keep peace. She serves both the gods and mortals facilitating messages between the two. And even after Hermes steps in as the primary messenger of the gods she continues to serve them on Mount Olympus serving them nectar, settling disputes, and serving as a handmaiden for Queen Hera especially. So, a great way to work with her and connect with her is by finding a way to be of service to others in your family, life, and community.
Dedicate Altar Space
Set aside some space in honor of Iris. This can be an elaborate large altar or as simple as a small shelf or corner of a counter. Place a representation of Iris there; be sure to cleanse the space before you invite her in. Include all of her colors, her symbols, and representations of rainbows and the sun, the clouds and any of her other correspondences you can use to connect to her. This will be a space that reminds you to connect with her and her energy. To bring you hope, and be a bridge to communicate with the gods.
Everyone loves receiving gifts, and that includes deities like Iris. You don’t have to give her offerings every day, but when you feel it is appropriate. You can place these offerings at your altar or on a window sill in your home dedicated to her where light will be shining in. You can also give her offerings when performing any work to connect to her like meditation, prayer, and visualization.
The best offerings for Iris include:
- Cheesecake
- Dried figs
- Honey cakes
- Collected sea water or rainwater
- Colorful art
- Notes of positivity and hope
- A rainbow suncatcher
- Rainbow Quartz
- Iris flowers
- milk with cinnamon
- prisms
- Stained glass art

Use Rainbow Suncatchers
Find a rainbow suncatcher and hang it in a window today to let Iris’s light brighten your home and give you a reason to feel optimistic. Buy a second one to keep you energized all day long, so you can bring it with you or have it in your car.
Place a Rainbow Crystal in the Window
Iris is also known for her healing colors. Some say that you can bring Goddess Iris into your house by placing crystal in a kitchen window or one that catches the sun to cast an array of rainbow-tinted lights and spots in your house. It will be more potent and powerful if you use a crystal or stone that is iridescent or rainbow in colors. Like opal, rainbow quartz, moonstone, etc.
Plant or work with the flower Iris
The goddess would send messages from heaven to earth on the arc of a rainbow, and she was also know to be a companion to female souls on their way to heaven. Because of this, Greeks will plant purple irises on women’s graves to help guide them to their final resting place in heaven. So, why not go and do the same at your local cemetery or add some to your flower garden and yard today to connect with Iris.
Use a Mirror to Create a Rainbow and Mirror Magic
Use a mirror to create a rainbow in your home, your sacred container or at your altar. You can then use that rainbow and mirror as an anchor and intention amplifier in mirror magic for protection, manifestation, and amplification of all other spellwork. To learn how to do mirror magic and add it to your life and magical practices you can watch my previous class taught with Divination Academy here, and read about it in my guide here.
Call on Iris and The Rainbow For Abundance
It might seem like an unusual thing to call on Iris for abundance. I honestly haven’t found it anywhere else that others work with this energy with her. But, for me it seemed pretty obvious. Iris is the deity that personifies the rainbow which symbolizes hope and wishes coming true. What does that sound like to you? For me it sounds like another way to say abundance. Plus we have the legend of there being pots of gold aka wealth at the end of those rainbows she rides on as well. So, use her like I have when working with the energy of abundance by bringing in the wish fulfillment of the rainbow. To learn more about how to work with the energy and magic of abundance you can read my extensive guide here.
Meditation, visualization and Dream work
One of the best ways to channel divine energy and tap into goddesses like Iris is through meditation, visualization and dreaming. These practices allow you to open up and receive/ connect to divine energy in a very intuitive, clear, and transformative way. You will find a plethora of guided meditations on YouTube that will lead you to your spirit guide or god/goddess.. Try those if you have a hard time meditating on your own. I have many classes on youtube as well on previous deities you can watch where I even summon and guide you to them in sacred container. In addition, ask Iris to visit you in your dreams and teach you lessons that you currently need to learn. Then record every encounter with her in your journal, book of shadows, or grimoire.

One very powerful way to connect to a deity is through prayer. Things to Pray for: your messages to be delivered, better communication, positive new endeavors, receiving messages, aided communications/messages to your deities, rain, luck, rainbows, safe travels on water or flight, hope, help with struggles.
Goddess Iris,messenger of the Gods and Goddesses, hear my prayer.
Grant me peace and harmony helping me cope with all that comes my way.
Give me patience and temperance in all things I do.
Goddess Iris hear my plea
Across the air
And through the sea.
I am in need of your sweet blessings,
Energies and healings bring to me.
Goddess Iris I give thanks to thee.
As I will it so it be.
Shadow work
Just like with every other deity I have ever written or taught about shadow work is a phenomenal way to connect to and work with the goddess Iris. When doing shadow work with her you are going to want to focus on topics like areas you need to feel more hope or things that have made you feel hopeful before. Other topics to focus on with your shadow work and her will revolve around communication. You can focus on topics like how to communicate better with others, your communication patterns, resolving conflicts, how others communicate with you and relationships in your life that may need to be mended. When working with Iris during shadow work she has this ability to open her iridescent wings and illuminate the caverns of your soul and show you things that may have not been able to glimmer and you notice before.
If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through DiviNation here.
Other Devotional Acts
- Decorate your walls with stained glass.
- Attend a show of fireworks.
- Create a painting with a wide variety of vivid colors.
- Try to get a glimpse of the rainbow reflected in the water while you tend to the plants outside.
- Get some fresh air and take pleasure in the rain.
- Listen to music that brings about a sense of serenity and revitalization within you.
- Spend a day at the beach.
- Go cloud gazing.
- Decorate your room or workspace with fairy lights; extra points if you can find them in rainbow colors.
- When someone needs a break, you should offer to run some errands for them.
- Get yourself a sweet beverage, either hot or cooled.
- Spend some time in the fresh air doing nothing in particular.
- Gather the feathers that have an iridescent sheen to them.
- Send a text message to people you’ve been meaning to get in touch with but keep forgetting about it.
- Experiment with a different color of makeup.
- Give your space (or rooms) a fresh coat of paint.
- Always treat your interns and assistants with respect!
- Take a look at the night sky and the stars; there are more colors in just two things than you are ever going to be able to see.
- When you see a rainbow, be sure to capture it on camera.
- Wear more glitter and sparkles.
- Every time you see a rainbow, say thank you to Iris.
Ritual To Call on Iris and The Rainbow For Healing
Use this ritual to call on her for healing and energy throughout your entire energetic system. Let her vibrant rainbow colors soar into and through yourself, feeling the balance, healing and calmness she brings to each pocket of energy or chakra in your body. To do the ritual you will need to have an understanding of chakras, energy, your inner temple, and know how to cast a circle. If you need help with any of these skills you can click the links to learn more.
What you will need:
7 candles (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet one
for each of the rainbow colors) and a cup or chalice of water.
How to do it:
First, light your candles in a circle with your cup of water in the middle.
Next, Start by getting into a meditative state and entering your sacred container.
After this, Cast a magic Circle.
Next, invoke Goddess Iris be reciting below:
Goddess Iris come to me
Flying across the sky so swift and free.
Leaving a trail of wondrous colors.
Goddess Iris I am calling Thee
To enter within my Circle
Blessing and Healing Me.
Once you feel the rush of her presence in the circle.
Ask for Goddess Iris’ Healing and Balance
Next, Sit or lie down
Meditate and envision taking in each color of her rainbow into the corresponding Chakra:
Feel her iridescent and illuminating energy entering each one of your chakras with vibrant, swift, hopeful energy.Moving through the Root, Womb, Belly, Heart, Throat,Third Eye and Crown. Let her vibrant rainbow colors soar into and through your own being, feeling the balance, healing and calmness she brings to each. Let the Brilliant iridescent Light flow through from the Crown to the Third Eye spiraling down the spine to each Chakra, balancing and replenishing your energy in every extremity of your body.
Thank Goddess Iris for bringing her healing colors to you and through you as you take your cup of water and drink the water.
Finish the ritual by closing your circle, giving thanks, blowing out your candles and taking note of anything that you need to remember from this ritual and experience.

Iris is more than just a messenger. She is a symbol of hope and renewal, often appearing at important moments to give solace or guidance. She intervenes in crucial events, using her charm to ensure justice and balance prevail. Let us appreciate Iris – a captivating figure of beauty and profound significance.
The Greeks said that while the goddess Iris was on her journey, she created the rainbow to bring beauty to the world. In the same way, when confronted with challenges in life, we need to keep our eyes peeled for the rainbow and try to look on the bright side of things no matter how dire the circumstances are.
Iris can show you how to make rainbows out of a storm. If you’re feeling that things aren’t going your way, maybe you need to take action (magickally or physically) to change your circumstances. Iris can help you figure out when and how to do this. Enjoy flying through the skies with Iris riding the rainbow bridging yourself to hope, the gods, and other realms.

About Me : I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years. First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration, and re-enchantment of Magic in society, across this realm, and in each and every soul I come across in life! I am here to create a container that promotes healing, duality, and raw authenticity. I do this by guiding you on your personal journey to understanding your unique magic and sacred contracts. I facilitate this for you through embracing your shadow, duality and learning to live in energetic balance while not wearing a mask. When you work and learn from me you do so from your “darkness” as much as your “light” and in a way to truly harness and accept it not to just go thru it on the way to your light. But, I teach you how to truly embrace it, work with it, and use it alongside your light as a partner. I hold up a mirror for you to be able to see your authentic reflection looking back. Then have the courage to take the next step and do the uncomfortable but vital inner work to completely remove your mask. By facing all of your past wounds, traumas, and hurts. Allowing you to see both the dark and light within your story and take each chapter and alchemize it into something that is so powerful. your unique internal flame will shine so bright you will always be able to go within and find it on a dark cold night. You will learn how to truly live in duality and energetic balance to allow growth, and alignment with your sacred contracts and purposes. to finally move on and truly let the things that hold you back in this life from healing and manifesting go. To see everything I offer; like personalized shadow work sessions, womb healing, eBooks for you to work through on your own, Tarot sessions for guidance and more! Go to my shop!