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Sekhmet The Egyptian Lioness Goddess Of War, Healing, The Sun, and Plagues

Sekhmet, lioness goddess of Ancient Egypt, is the powerful precursor to the more docile, fun-loving Bastet. She’s known as the Lady of Terror, Mistress Dread, and Lady of Flame. Yes, she’s fierce and a goddess of war. But she also has a protective, healing side that many sources don’t tap into. Like a lioness, Sekhmet watches over her pride, and will hunt and defend as the need arises. Sekhmet, the Bloodthirsty, could be both a loving mother and a ruthless foe. 

She is an ancient Egyptian goddess of war, healing, the sun, and plagues. She was also the patron deity of physicians and healers, and could at one time spread disease and cure it. Equally feared and worshiped, the lioness Sekhmet was without a doubt one of the most prominent goddesses in the Egyptian pantheon.

Sekhmet is an ancient Egyptian goddess of healing, protection and war. With the fierce powers of both a lioness and a cobra, she is seen as a powerful protector to those working in witchcraft. Let’s Learn about Sekhmet, Goddess of War and Healing and how to work with her energy in your spiritual practice and daily life.

Who is Sekhmet, the Lioness Goddess of Egypt?

Sekhmet is an ancient Egyptian goddess of war whose belief and worship was born in Lower Egypt. Next to Bastet, Sekhmet is the most important and influential of leonine goddesses in the Egyptian pantheon. Some believe that the Ancient Egyptian goddess Sekhmet was actually the goddess Hathor, which transformed herself due to the power of the Eye of Ra.. In some mythology, She is the daughter of Ra; in others, She is the daughter of Nut, the Sky, and Geb, the Earth.

She’s known as the Eye of Ra, one of his formidable daughters, of whom he employed to punish humanity when he got sick of us. (I’ll go over the myth in more detail later.) She nearly destroyed the entire human species with her wrath and fiery breath. Sekhmet is frequently portrayed as the embodiment of the Eye of Ra, meaning she was a personified enactor of Ra’s vengeance and a destroyer of his enemies. Sekhmet is a lioness, but she is also a representation of the blazing, hot desert sun. Her name likely means “strong”, “powerful”, “violent” or “mighty”.

Some sources see Sekhmet as a manifestation of the powerful creator god Ra. Her fiery breath not only destroys, but it creates. Many scholars claim from stories that her “hot breath created the desert”. In addition to using her fiery breath to destroy, she also has the power to call on plagues for further death and destruction. Sekhmet is a known healer, therefore granting life on the other side of death and decay. We see a sacred polarity with Sekhmet, as she indeed has a softer side and grants healing to those she deems worthy. In fact, at one point, Sekhmet’s physicians were the most well-known and beloved.

What is Sekhmet Goddess of?

Sekhmet is first and foremost a goddess of war and destruction. She is the Eye of Ra, and he called on her to exact his revenge and wrath in the old myths. It’s said that when Sekhmet rained wrath down upon humanity, the only way to stop her from destroying us was by pouring out red-dyed beer to trick her into thinking it was blood. She drank it and became intoxicated which stopped her. This was an act completed by Ra when he realized he had to stop her.

Sekhmet is also known to bring plague, or call on epidemics, yet has the power of giving life and healing to those she feels are worthy. The “Seven Arrows of Sekhmet” were feared by the Egyptian people and certain rituals were performed and offerings given to appease this terrifying goddess. Sekhmet is the hot breeze of the desert and a solar deity. 

But despite the monstrously violent aspects of Sekhmet, she was also worshiped as a goddess of healing. This stems from her ability to invoke and manipulate plagues and diseases.

Not only can she brandish them as a weapon or a scourge of humanity, but she can also cure them and restore life to the afflicted. As such, Sekhmet, goddess of war and healing, is a patron of doctors or physicians. Her priests were known for being physicians: they were originally established to worship and honor Sekhmet to appease her. And to keep her wrath at bay. Eventually, they would play a crucial role in medicine by reciting spells and prayers to Sekhmet while also applying herbal remedies to those in need of healing. Amulets were worn in the shape of Sekhmet to appease her and to invoke her protection and healing. Her priests performed a rite known as “appeasing Sekhmet” to ward off pestilence and plague.

Sekhmet and Duality

She evokes a distinct sense of duality; of violence tempered by compassion. Like a lioness, she is a guardian and is fiercely protective of those in her charge. But paradoxically, she also wields a capacity for inestimable violence and terror.

In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, there are multiple mentions of Sekhmet as both a constructive and destructive force. But even in her destructive facet, she is, above anything, the keeper of cosmic balance or Ma’at. However, sometimes, she tried too hard to keep the balance between life and death, resorting to extreme practices to control the population. Plagues in ancient Egypt were often called “messengers” or “slaughterers” of Sekhmet, for they were supposed to follow her commands.

Sekhmet and the divine feminine

As women, we are told that showing our anger is not becoming, it is not lady-like, but anger, as every other emotion, is valid. Sekhmet represents the sacred rage that is ours, our true strength as women. Our anger is sacred and holy; it is the anger to change worlds — think Joan of Arc, Rosa Parks. Anger forces us to action. Use her to help you connect to your true divine feminine power and your rage to protect those who need protecting as a role of a fierce protective feminine energy. 

Sekhmet as symbol of the state

Sekhmet is also known as a goddess of sovereignty. One of her roles was protector of the pharaohs, even beyond death — once a pharaoh passed away, Sekhmet would bring them to the afterlife. 

Sekhmet as a dark goddess

She is the Goddess of the Sun, Lady of the Flame and Guardian of the gateway of rebirth. She is fierce but loving, protecting her own and those loyal to her, strong and powerful and will see hidden truths. Warrior, hunter and a healer.

Sekhmet will encourage you to live and follow your sacred path of inner integrity, help you to speak your truth and be honest and will empower you. She will help you with self healing and healing for others and will protect you.

A dark Goddess, she will help you with shadow work and to look deep within.

What does Sekhmet look like?

In Egyptian art, she was depicted as a woman with the head of a lioness, and sometimes her skin would be painted green just as Osiris was. She carried an ankh sign on her left hand and a long-stemmed lotus flower on her right hand. Her head was crowned by a large solar disk, relating her to the sun god Ra, and an uraeus, the serpent associated with Egyptian kingship.

Often she was seated on a throne and wears a long red dress. This is why she is sometimes referred to as the Mistress of Scarlet or Mistress of Red Linen. The red dress is a nod to her wrathful nature and fiery breath. Sometimes she has symbols painted over her nipples, which are assumed to be illustrations of lioness fur OR a representation of stars in the Leo constellation. With which she is inherently linked.

There were some six hundred statues of Sekhmet erected at the glorious temple of Karnak, commissioned by Pharaoh Amenhotep III.

Her name

Sekhmet’s name comes from the adjective sekhem, meaning “powerful” or “mighty”, while the ending –t is a suffix for female names. Of her many epithets, all were equally terrifying. She is sometimes referred to in Egyptian texts as “She Before Whom Evil Trembles”, the “Mistress of Dread”, “The Mauler”, or the “Lady of Slaughter”.

History of her worship

Sekhmet’s origins are unclear, but she seems to have been born in the Delta area, where lions were rarely seen and were thus regarded as mysterious and magical beasts. According to the Memphite Theology, an important text engraved in the famous Shabako Stone, the lioness Sekhmet was the wife of Ptah, patron god of artisans, and the mother of lotus god Nefertum. She was also the firstborn of the sun god Ra.

Sekhmet was worshipped throughout Egypt, particularly whenever a wadi opened out in the desert edges. This is the type of terrain that lions are often found. Many of them having come from the desert in order to drink and prey upon cattle in the area. Some believe that the worship of Sekhmet was possibly introduced into Egypt from Sudan because lions are more plentiful in that region. Sekhmet’s main cult center was located in Memphis, and was part of the Divine Triad of Ptah, Sekhmet, and Nefertum (fig. 4). Sekhmet, as the wife of Ptah, the ‘Creator’, and their son Nefertum is also closely associated with healers and healing. Some scholars believe that Sekhmet’s worship might pre-date Ptah by at least several hundred years, but because of the shift in power from Memphis to Thebes during the New Kingdom (1550–1069 BC) the Theban Triad made up of Amun, Mut, and Khonsu resulted in Sekhmet’s attributes being absorbed into that of the goddess Mut.

She was also revered as the “Mistress of Asheru” in the Mut Temple, at Karnak, and her cult was strong in the regions of Luxor, Memphis, Letopolis, and all the Delta. At some of the temples there, she was offered the blood of recently sacrificed animals, in order to placate her rage. If her anger was contained, it gave her worshippers control over their enemies and the vigor and strength to overcome weakness and illness.

Priests would perform rituals before a different statue of this Egyptian goddess every day, to appease her considerable anger. This is the reason why so many different images of Sekhmet have survived to our days. In Amenhotep III’s temple there have been found as many as 700 statues of Sekhmet. In Leontopolis (the city of the lion, in Greek) some sources inform that there were tamed lions and lionesses kept captive as living images of Sekhmet.

Sekhmet was known to enjoy the taste of blood. Every year, on the feast of Hathor and Sekhmet, Egyptians commemorated the saving of mankind by drinking copious amounts of beer stained with pomegranate juice. The surviving records of such feasts talked about how they did so to worship “the Mistress and Lady of the Tomb, the Gracious One, Destroyer of Rebellion, Powerful with Enchantments”. During the celebrations, a statue of Sekhmet was dressed in red facing west, while one of Bastet was dressed in green and facing east. Bastet was considered to be Sekhmet’s counterpart or twin, and during the festival, they embodied duality, which was an important concept in Egyptian mythology. Sekhmet represented Upper Egypt, while Bastet stood for Lower Egypt. Bastet was the tame, good goddess, while Sekhmet was the Bloodthirsty, the chaotic and dangerous deity of war and love.

Such a bad reputation was awarded to this Egyptian goddess due to a myth in which she had threatened to wipe out humanity which we talked about earlier. The only thing that prevented her from ending humanity was getting drunk on beer which had been dyed red as blood. Thus, during her annual festival, held at the beginning of the year, Egyptians danced, played music, and intoxicated themselves in an attempt to soothe the wrath of the goddess. This ritual had another meaning, too, and that is to prevent the excessive flooding of the Nile, which ran blood-red every year carrying upstream silt.

Her Mythology 

In Egyptian mythology, there is a long and interesting tale in which the story of Sekhmet is told. It is known as The Destruction of Mankind. This story is written on a funerary papyrus from the New Kingdom (1539-1292 BCE), and the tale it tells is extraordinary. At the beginning of time, the story goes, when gods lived among men, a rebellion aimed to overthrow Ra, king of the gods. Despite being a god, Ra had become old, and grew weaker every day, until humans decided he was not fit for ruling over them. Before this insurrection, Ra had been ready to give up the throne and return to the Nun, the primordial ocean. But now he was angry at humankind, and took one of his eyes which transformed into Sekhmet. He then ordered the eye to strike the seditious men with a heat close to the sun’s: “The desert was dyed red with the human blood, while the Eye was pursuing traitors and killing them one by one. It didn’t stop until the sands were covered with bodies. Then, temporarily satiated, Sekhmet returned triumphantly to his Father”.

Sekhmet continued to kill every man and woman in sight for the next few days, but at one point, Ra considered that it had been enough punishment, and decided to spare the rest of humanity. The problem now resided in how to stop Sekhmet from fulfilling her task. Ra ordered his Eye / Sekhmet to stop the killing to no avail for “his Eye had tasted human flesh and she liked it. She decided to kill again”. The only way to stop Sekhmet from killing was to get her drunk with beer, her favorite drink. Ra brought a red pigment from the desert and ground it into a fine powder, which he mixed with the beer. He then made seven thousand red-beer jars and poured them into the Nile. When Sekhmet saw the red liquid, she thought it was blood, so she drank it eagerly until she was too drunk and fell asleep. When the Egyptian goddess finally woke up, she had forgotten about her purpose of killing every single human being, and felt satiated. She then returned to her father, Ra, who welcomed her back and rewarded her for her services. 

In one variant it is said that she drank until She  fell asleep and She became Hathor again when she woke up. 

In some versions of this tale, she becomes angry again when she finds out she was deceived, and she leaves Egypt until Toth persuades her to come back.

In yet another variant on this story, when Sekhmet awoke from her stupor, the first creature she laid eyes on was the god Ptah. She fell instantly in love with him. Because of this, she is usually portrayed as the bride of Ptah, god of architects and craftsmen, as well as mother to Maahes and Nefertem. The union between Sekhmet and Ptah epitomizes harmony: on the one hand, we have Sekhmet the destroyer, and on the other, we have Ptah the creator. As such, the marriage of these two deities symbolizes the balance and order of the universe.

When it comes to statuary, this is even clearer when we consider the fact that Sekhmet, goddess of war and healing, with her red robes was often depicted facing westward, while Ptah was clad in green and facing the east.

They are positioned as opposites, and yet together their duality is neutralized. They form a complete whole.

Why Work With Sekhmet?

Sekhmet is often sought out by those who are facing challenges, obstacles, or a need for protection. She is known to bring strength, courage, and the ability to overcome obstacles. Sekhmet is also associated with healing and renewal, making her a popular deity for those seeking to heal from physical or emotional wounds.


First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like I will list below for you to use.

  • planet-sun
  • Animal-lioness
  • Element- Fire
  • Sex- Feminine 
  • Symbol- Lioness, Lions, Sun, Sun Disk, Ankh, Egyptian Spitting Cobra, Septer formed from Papyrus (symbolizing the union of Heaven and Earth), Flames, Fire, Blood, Desert.
  • colors- Red, yellow, orange, gold
  • Themes- destruction, chaos, war, plagues, fire, royalty, and the afterlife
  • Motto- “I am pure strength. I honor my anger by giving voice to it”
  • Chakra-Sacral and solar plexus 
  • Herbs-Bay, basil, catnip, bloodroot, Patchouli, Frankincense, Mrryh, Amber, Pomegranate, Copal, Dragons Blood, Red Sandalwood.
  • Stones/ crystals- Red spessartine, Carnelian, Garnet, Red agate, Ruby, citrine,Cinnabar, tiger’s eye, fire agate, Zincite, orange calcite, bloodstone, amber

How to work with Sekhmet

Everyone’s relationship with deities is different and we all work with and believe in them differently. You might believe in multiple gods and goddesses and work with them each as though they are close, personal friends. Or maybe you believe the old gods are reflections of Universal energy and simply archetype energies that you can learn a lesson from.. However you incorporate deiteis in your practice is up to you. But here are our ideas to get you started:

To work with Sekhmet, it’s important to approach her with respect and reverence. She is known to be a fierce and powerful goddess, and may not always be easy to work with. 

Study Sekhmet

As with every deity I have ever written about or taught about, The first way to get to know a deity, specifically a goddess like Sekhmet, is to dive into their history and qualities. Begin by studying the myths, verses, and incantations featuring this fierce goddess. Read about her connection with Ra, syncretization with goddesses Mut and Hathor, and how she might be the predecessor of the cat goddess Bastet. Then read about the culture from which she arose. Then study some more. Keep a section in your journal and/or book of shadows dedicated to Sekhmet.

Dedicate Altar Space

Set aside some space in honor of Sekhmet. This can be an elaborate large altar or as simple as a small shelf or corner of a counter. Place a representation of Sekhmet there, be sure to cleanse the space before you invite her in. Include her color red, her symbols, and representations of lions and the sun and any of her other correspondences you can use to connect to her. This will be a space that reminds you to connect with her and her energy. To bring that ferocity and self-protectiveness to your daily life. To learn more about altar and how to work with them in your practice you can read about it here in my study guide on my previous class taught on the topic; All About Altars study guide.docx

Work with her as part of the triple goddess archetype

Many pagans and witches who work with the divine feminine work with that energy in the essence of the triple goddess. You can do this with Sekhmet as well. She is commonly known as being part of the Egyptian triple goddess with Hathor, Bast, and Sekhmet. Hathor is seen as the mother aspect, Bast the maiden, and Sekhmet the crone aspect. To learn more about working with the triple goddess archetype you can read my previous study guide here; Triple Goddess Study Guide.docx


Everyone likes receiving presents. Sekhmet is no different especially since this was so central to her worship and mythology.  Give her beer, pomegranate juice, representations of arrows, gold, and incense like frankincense, myrrh, and kyphi.  You don’t have to give her offerings every day, but when you feel it is appropriate. You can place these offerings at your altar space dedicated to her or when performing any work to connect to her like meditation, prayer, and visualization. 

The best offerings for Sekhmet include:

  • Alcohol, especially red alcohol.
  • Blood, or substitutes like bloodroot soaked in wine.
  • Images of cats or lions.
  • Incense.
  • Fire, from bonfires to candles.
  • Milk.
  • Spicy foods.
  • Red gemstones.
  • Dragon’s blood resin.

Stand Up For Yourself

Women are beginning to realize they are their own people, and they have immense power in this world. They are beginning to claim their power and take it back.. And they’re beginning to stand up for themselves. If you find yourself in a situation or a relationship in which you’ve allowed yourself to be used or abused, Sekhmet is in your life to teach you to stand up for yourself. Invoke her power and energy to aid you in speaking your truth, being your own person, and standing in the sunlight of your own soul and personal power.

Protection Rituals

If you’re in need of extra protection at home or at work, or anywhere for that matter, call on Sekhmet to guide and shield you. While performing your protection rituals at home, such as cleansing, shielding, and warding, invoke Sekhmet’s energy to set up a barrier of fire around your home. She will only allow those with good intent to cross it. Wear an amulet dedicated to Sekhmet while traveling or leaving the home to keep her protective shield around you at all times. To learn more about protection you can read about it here in my previous study guide; All about protection study guide.docx

And you can watch the two classes here; Magick and Witchcraft Basics: Protection and Warding Part 1 & Magick And Witchcraft Basics: Protection and Warding Part 2


Obviously Sekhmet is a solar goddess and therefore she enjoys warmth, sunlight, and hot climates. So why not get out in the sun and do a little sunbathing like a cat? It feels great, gives you energy, and allows you to soak up the magical energy the sun has to offer us humans as the vital energy of our existence. 

Connect with an Ankh/Sun Disk

Find an Ankh or a sundisk, you can even have a piece of paper with the symbol on it in your hands. Close your hands around the symbol or place on your heart space. Close your eyes and ask Sekhmet to connect to you through the symbol.

Perform solar magic

Like we just talked about, Sekhmet is a solar goddess so a very obvious way to connect to and work with her would be performing and working with any kind of solar magic. There are so many different ways to work with solar magic and the sun from meditating under it’s bright rays, making sun water, drawing down the sun and more. To learn all about solar magic and connecting to the sun and how to do so you can read about it here in my previous blogpost; 

Alternative Healing

Sekhmet was once a mother goddess of war and healing in ancient times. You can tap into her healing vibrations by learning a mode of alternative medicine. Consider taking a class or reading a book on herbalism, DNA activation, past life regressions, or energy healing modalities like Reiki.

Meditation, visualization and Dream work

One of the best ways to channel divine energy and tap into goddesses like Sekhmet is through meditation, visualization and dreaming.  These practices allow you to open up and receive/ connect to divine energy in a very intuitive, clear, and transformative way.  You will find a plethora of guided meditations on YouTube that will lead you to your spirit guide or god/goddess.. Try those if you have a hard time meditating on your own. You can even use listen to the guided meditation in my class below! In addition, ask Sekhmet to visit you in your dreams and teach you lessons that you currently need to learn. Then record every encounter with her in your journal, book of shadows, or grimoire. 

Meditation to connect with Sekhmet

Find a quiet spot, put on some incense or an oil diffuser, light a candle and close your eyes.  Take three deep breaths and relax. Hold your intention in connecting to Sekhmet. You could say this in your head three times, ‘My intention is to connect with Sekhmet.’

Imagine you are in a desert. Sand is all around you, the sun is high in the sky and its hot. In the distance you see pyramids. You start to make your way towards them as there is nothing else around. Although its a tiresome and long journey you know its worth it.

You finally get to the pyramids. There is one large one in the middle and two either side. You walk up the steps of the middle pyramid and enter it. Inside is quiet, painted with wonderful pictures and symbols. There is a door in front of you and you decide to walk up to it. It slides open and you hear a voice say ‘Enter’. So you enter and see a beautiful woman on a throne in front of you. ‘Who are you?’ the woman says. You answer her and state you are here to connect with Sekhmet. She nods for you to approach her and tells you she is Sekhmet. That is all she says and you wait in silence as you do not want to force anything. She then stands and starts to talk to you. What does she say?

Take this time to connect with her, listen to what she has to say and ask questions. When you have finished connecting and she has gone and ready to go yourself, take three deep breaths and come back to the room. Write down your experience. What did she say to you? Did you ask questions? Were they answered? What else happened?

Study the Lioness

Since Sekhmet is a lioness goddess one way to connect to her would be to study the lioness. If you’ve never watched the lioness move in the wild, now’s your time to. Watch videos on YouTube, documentaries on the TV, and read books about how lionesses hunt to feed their pride and defend their families. This is how the lioness moves, and this is how Sekhmet moves.

Move your body and be active

Sekhmet is a very vital, active goddess, and she appreciates action. You can take a martial arts class and dedicate it to her, or join a group to combat injustice.

Stand up for others

Sekhmet stands against those who don’t believe in equity, harmony, and reciprocity, so you can align yourself with her by helping to bring more justice and balance to the world.

Live according to the principles of Ma’at

In the legend of her enacting Ra’s vengeance, she destroyed people who didn’t live according to the principles of Ma’at. One of the best ways to work with Sekhmet is to live according to these ideas.

The seven principles of Ma’at are:

Truth, the ability to see between fact and fiction.

Justice, the state of equity between all things.

Harmony, the state of alignment and balance between all things.

Balance, both within an individual and with the world outside.

Order, the state of clarity and a lack of excess.

Reciprocity, the acknowledgement that what goes around will come around.

Propriety, performing correct actions to uphold truth, justice, harmony, balance, order, and reciprocity.

Shadow work

Just like with every other deity I have ever written or taught about shadow work is a phenomenal way to connect to and work with the goddess Sekhmet. With her being considered a dark goddess due to her destructive nature she has the ability to bring us into a very liminal space that is also steeped in duality with her connection as a healing goddess as well. When doing shadow work with her she is going to be able to shed some light with her burning fire on topics more focused on healing, past wounds, standing in your own personal power, justice, retribution, anger, and destroying barriers, bridges and things that no longer serve your highest good. To learn more about shadow work and how to use it in your life and magical practices you can watch my previously taught class on the topic here;

An Invocation of Sekhmet

“The Powerful, powerful in her existence, She that impurity fears. The one who’s face is beautiful, remarkable of image, who thrusts back sadness. The solar feminine disc, radiant, rejuvenating, illuminating the country. The Mistress of the sky, appearing in her sanctuary. Sekhmet, powerful against the enemies, inspiring terror in the rebels. The Mistress of Iunet, entering into her chapel, whirling and dancing in her temple.”

(translated into English by Kerry Wisner, 1999-2000, from the French text “Dendera – I Traduction” by S. Cauville)

A Prayer to Sekhmet

Behold, I smell the earth before the mighty one. Behold how I have kept the vigil in the shrine of Sekhmet. Behold, I am the child, the child of Sekhmet, the lady of the east. I am with her. I am one with her. I am Sekhmet and the flames of all those who praise her. I am the hand of the powerful goddess, wearer of the solar disc. I am the twice beautiful one, more splendid than yesterday. I am she who goes forth with Ra. I am she. My hair is the hair of Sekhmet, the golden one. My eyes are the eyes of the lioness. My ears are the ears of the goddess. My nose is the nose of she who can sniff out all evil. My  teeth are the fangs, which can devour the darkness My neck is the neck of the divine goddess. My hands are the hands with long claws. My forearms are the forearms of the mighty one. My backbone is golden and it shines with splendourMy  chest is the chest of the mighty one of terror. My Belly and back are the belly and back of Sekhmet. My buttocks are strong, as the goddess . My hips and legs are the hips and legs of the goddess My feet are the clawed feet of the lion goddess. There is no part of me that is not of the goddess. I am Sekhmet who cometh forth in the dawn. I am the power of Ra by day. I shall not be dragged back by my arms and none shall lay violent hands upon me, lest I destroy them utterly. Nether man nor god shall hurt me, nor shall the living, Nor shall the holy dead detain me. Nor shall the demons destroy me in battle, for I am Sekhmet And I shall eat off their faces. I am she who cometh forth. I am yesterday and I am the seer of millions of years. I am the power of the divine judge. I dwell in the east. I am the lady of eternity, the unveiled one. My name is created to defy all evil. I am the flame that shineth in the sanctuary. I am Sekhmet.

Prayer of Protection

Lady of the Burning Sands, Sekhmet, Mistress of Terror! May no enemy find me, May no harm approach me, Your sacred fire surrounds me, No evil can withstand Your Eye.

Prayer To Overcome Adversity

“O Sekhmet, Source of Strength and Mercy, I am beset by sorrow and many troubles; wounded by injustice and the offensive wrongdoing of others. Grant me the strength to meet adversity with quiet courage and unshaken will. O Sekhmet, Overcomer of All Enemies, Forgive my weakness and renew my hope. Place your protective mantle around me, help me remain steadfast and resolute in front of my enemies. Shield and defend me and my loved ones from the ravages of fear and anxiety. O Sekhmet, Who Rouseth the People Grant me the fortitude to show forbearance to those who would sin against me. May I allow no trial, however severe, to embitter my soul and destroy my trust. May my heart not despair of human good. O Sekhmet, I praise and honor Thee with gratitude for your help.

Sekhmet’s Message

I am the Sun. Powerful and bright. Full of energy and life. I am also the darkness and the mystery. I will protect you, help you to know your inner wisdom and find your true self. I will help you look at your shadow to help heal your issues and to face your fears. When you are ready, call to me, I will be waiting.

Sekhmet’s Message

Sekhmet ~ Be Strong: “You are stronger than you think you are, and your strength assures a happy outcome.”

 “See yourself as strong and victorious. Do not complain about anything. Do not blame anyone or any condition. You are the embodiment of strength, not victim hood. As you rise above the old tendencies and see yourself in the new light of beautiful feminine strength, your life will automatically shift in miraculous ways. You will attract new opportunities, forms of abundance, and relationships to help you manifest your highest potential. Being strong means seeing yourself in the most favorable light you can imagine. Be real, allow yourself to feel genuine emotions, but most of all, be strong.”

How to Know She’s Calling You

What if Sekhmet was calling you to her? Here are some of the signs that Sekhmet is calling you:

  • Lions and lionesses start showing up everywhere: TV, radio, books, etc.
  • You hear the name Sekhmet over and over in random places and conversations
  • You are drawn to lions and large cats
  • Your occupation is in the medical field or alternative healing
  • Your zodiac sign is Leo OR is another fire sign like Sagittarius or Aries
  • You’re drawn to ancient Egypt and the Egyptian pantheon
  • You descend from the ancient Egyptians
  • Your phase in life calls for ferocity, standing up for yourself, or even justifiable wrath or revenge
  • The desert seems to call to you
  • You feel more aligned with the sun than the moon
  • You feel strong pulls to fight for social justice issues
  • You start seeing and hearing things about lions all the time
  • An encounter with a large cat (or even a lion) may be another sign that she’s trying to get your attention.
  • If you feel a powerful, protective, or even intimidating presence around you, that may be Sekhmet.
  • The sudden urge to take up a martial art or otherwise improve your offensive and defensive skills can be another sign of Sekhmet’s attention.

How Sekhmet will help you

Sekhmet will help you look deep within and give you the courage to look at your shadows. She will help and guide you through this healing process and give you strength and empowerment. She will help you speak your truth and empower you to be who you are meant to be and not shy away from the world. Helping you to become whole again, happy and complete. Call on her when you need courage and strength. When you wish to do shadow work. Call on her to help with healing yourself and others. Call on her for protection.

I will leave you with this poem about the power and identity of anger and the fierce protection of the burning flames that is Sekhmet. Just remember if you choose to work with Sekhmet she is fierce, has high standards, roars with protection, and will burn down anything that she sees as injustice and not serving the greatest good of all man. She is a fierce deity who will protect those who are part of her pride and bring about the most transformative healing with the cleansing power of flames. 

“I burn and fume

and shoot daggers from my eyes

I erupt and roar

(though you’ve not pulled my tail)

my edge are sharp

and I cut deep

my energy is strong and fierce

and my displeasure

needs to be expressed

Though sometimes mild

I can be very intense

Once incited

I am difficult to put out

I am always appropriate

always needed

Don’t try to get rid of me

I need to be acknowledged and heard. 

I am anger”

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Solar Magic; A Guide To Harness The Bright, Vibrant, And Confident Magical Energy Of The Sun

Celestial bodies (an aggregation of matter in the universe; planets, stars, heavenly bodies ) affect all humans at all times though how and the intensity may change. It’s common for witches and pagans to work with those energies in their lives, manifestation work, and magical practices. We hear witches and pagans all the time talking about the celestial energies of the moon but, we can harness and work with every celestial energy within our solar system and the universe including the sun! Even though many witches seem to place a much heavier emphasis on the moon and lunar magic, I would argue the sun and solar magic is much more important and potent. The Sun impacts our lives like no other force in the universe. Though the moon greatly affects us, the planet earth, and the tides; nothing on Earth could survive or exist without the Sun. It is the center of our solar system for a reason. The Sun is a highly influential Celestial energy for those of us on Earth. It has similar energy to the Stars but because of our relationship with the Sun, the energy has shifted into something else. Let’s shine the Sun’s luminous rays on the vibrant, masculine, and vital, energy that is solar magic and add it to your practice and life today!

What Is The Sun?

The sun is the center of and the largest object in our solar system. It contains more than 99% of the total mass of our solar system. It is 1,390,000 km in diameter and has a mass of 1.989e30 kg. The temperature of the sun is 5800K on the surface and 15,600,000K at the core. It is made up mostly of hydrogen and helium.

The Magic Of The Sun

While I honor, respect, and work with the energies of the moon in my life and magical practices, I have written many previous posts about the magic of the moon and hosted many free moon ceremonies with Divination Academy. I even acknowledged above the importance of the moon as well, I will argue the Sun is much more vital, potent and important. The sun is necessary for many reasons including the growth of plants and trees, for our own physical and mental health, and to keep our planet warm and alive! Everything on the planet needs the Sun to survive. There is a reason the Sun is considered the center of our solar system and not the Moon. Sun = LIFE.

Solar magic harnesses the power of the sun to bring about positive change in one’s life. This could involve anything from casting spells, or making moon water, to meditating in the rays of the sun and focusing on your desired outcome. Whether asking for protection or blessings, developing confidence, getting grounded and centered in your self image and who you are, or encouraging growth; solar magic can bring peace, vitality, strength, movement, and harmony into your life.

The sun’s potent energy is known to amplify the effects of magical workings, strengthening the intentions set during rituals and spells. Witches and Pagans may utilize the sun’s energy to increase the effectiveness of a wide range of spells, from love and protection rituals to manifestation and abundance incantations. The infusion of the sun’s energy into these workings can lead to more powerful and impactful results.

The Sun is the energy we can connect to for joy, happiness, playfulness, and the things that truly make our souls sing with happiness, contentment, and allow us to feel as if we are thriving. The sun is seen as the archetypal joyful, and healing energy of the solar system.

Solar Witch

If you have ever felt like another celestial body or time of the day called to you more than the moon when hearing others talk about it or when reading about it, like during the day when the sun is out you may be a solar witch. A solar witch is simply a witch who has an affinity and connection to the sun. Who feels an intuitive energetic pull from the Sun when performing their magical workings, spells, and rituals. If you feel empowered by the sun more than the moon, you might be a solar witch. Don’t worry though you don’t have to identify as a solar witch or feel only called to the Sun to work with it. Any one can work with the energies of the Sun in their life and magical workings! Keep reading to learn more!

The Sun And Astrology

Astrologically the sun represents the Self or the ego and rules the life force. It is symbolized by the unbroken circle that is the soul with a dot in the center to represent the spark of life. The sun also involves creative enterprises that are a projection of the person, from art and business to having children and parenthood (especially fatherhood). In female charts the sun is often thought to represent the men in their lives, particularly husbands. It also rules the fun side of life from sport and recreation to holidays and social events.

According to ancient cosmology, the Sun (and other planets) traveled around the Earth. The portion of the sky (or arc) that the sun travels in every year, rising and setting in a slightly different place each day, is therefore, in reality, a reflection of the Earth’s own orbit around the Sun. This arc is larger the further north or south from the equator the latitude is, giving a more extreme difference in day and night and in the seasons during the year. The sun travels through the twelve signs of the zodiac on its annual journey, spending about a month in each.

The sun is the ruler of the 5th house and the planetary ruler of the zodiac sign Leo. Leo is the zodiac sign which is known for its leadership qualities and strong personality. The Sun’s influence is also associated with the heart, circulatory system, and vitality. In astrology, the Sun represents the self or ego, making it an important symbol of personal identity.

The Sun’s position on a person’s birthday, determines what is usually called his or her “star” or sun sign, this makes sense because the sun itself is a star. The Sun is the most important “planet” in astrology when it comes to determining a person’s inner makeup. The Sun represents the Self. This is believed to have a great bearing on the person’s overall personality makeup.

In Chinese astrology, the Sun represents Yang, the active, assertive masculine life principle. In Indian astrology, the Sun is called Surya and represents the soul, kingship, highly placed persons, father.

Solar & Sun Worship

Sun Worship has been around for an incredibly long time. The Sun rules our day cycle and our year cycle. By harnessing the power of the Sun, and with the creation of irrigation, our society and way of life shifted from hunter gatherer to agricultural.

Sun worship, veneration of the sun or a representation of the sun as a deity, has been seen in antiquity for centuries. We see it in Egypt as early as the 14th century BCE with atomism. We see the sun being venerated in the building of Stonehenge, gobleki tepe, and so many more sacred sites around the ancient world to track the movement of the sun through the year and honor it during it’s most sacred days of the year like the Equinoxes and solstices.

Although sun worship has been used frequently as a term for “pagan” religion, it is, in fact, relatively rare. Though almost every culture uses solar motifs, only a relatively few cultures (Egyptian, Indo-European, and Meso-American) developed solar religions. All of these groups had in common a well-developed urban civilization with a strong ideology of sacred kingship. In all of them the imagery of the sun as the ruler of both the upper and the lower worlds that he/she majestically visits on his/her daily round is prominent.

Cultures and religions that have practiced prominent Sun worship include the Incas in Peru, the Nabateans, who built the city of Petra in Jordan, and Shintoism in Japan. One of the most important Gods for the Inca civilization in South America, was the Sun god, Inti but, we will talk more about solar deities below.

Solar Deities & Gods Of The Sun

Just like with the moon and other celestial bodies there are certain themes, magic, and energies we have the ability to connect to them with, including deities. Everyone works with and views deity energy a little differently. Whether you view them as archetypes of the human consciousness, representations of the source energy, or as being entities on their own, there are certain deities that help you connect to and honor the vital and potent energy of the Sun in your life and magical practices. You can do this by invoking them through prayer, sigils, offerings and correspondences while doing solar magic and ritual work. You can honor these deities during any of their sacred holidays and festivals for some extra potent solar energy as well. Let’s take a look at some of them below.


Helios, the god of the sun, is a prominent figure in Greek mythology. He is known for his role as the driver of the sun chariot, traversing the sky each day. Helios was worshipped and revered, particularly in the island of Rhodes, and his influence expanded as he became associated with other deities. During the Roman Empire, he was even worshipped as the invincible sun itself. In Greek mythology, the captivating tale of Helios, the god of the sun, is an intriguing and timeless story. It revolves around the ambition of Helios’ son, Phaethon, to drive his father’s majestic sun chariot for a day. This desire led to disastrous consequences, as Phaethon lost control of the chariot, causing chaos and destruction on Earth. Helios is not only associated with the sun but also shares connections with other fire and light deities.


The god Apollo was the Greek and Roman god of the Sun. Unlike most of the other Roman divinities, which had an Italic origin but had early been identified with Hellenic deities, the god Apollo was a truly Greek god. Apollo the sun god was indeed the god of every bright activity of the human intellect, like Science, Divination, and the Arts. In particular, the Roman god Apollo was the deity who presided over Medicine, Music, and Poetry. He is the son of Zeus and the Titan Leto, and was born in the Greek island of Delos, along with his older twin sister Artemis – goddess of the hunt. Apollo is alternately referred to as the God of Light and the God of Truth. Apollo served as an intermediary between the gods and men. Apollo’s most celebrated role in Greek mythology is as the god of sun and light. In this role, his duties often overlapped with Helios, the deified sun. And in some myths, Greeks even describe them as the same deity. Apollo personified the qualities of the sun with his glowing golden hair, and, like Helios, he was responsible for bringing the sun to the earth each day while riding on a golden chariot. Because of this, he was often described as ‘Phoebus’, meaning bright and pure.


The sun god Ra was ancient Egypt’s most revered and sacred deity, who they worshipped as king of the gods and father of creation. King of the deities and father of creation, he was the most sacred of all the gods, a solar deity who embodied the sheer power of the sun and gave life to the universe. As such, he symbolized the great reverence ancient Egyptians had for the sun as an agricultural society in the desert whose lives revolved around growth and regeneration. According to many Egyptian myths, sun god Ra was responsible for the creation of all life. Out of eternal darkness, an entity called Atum called forth the beginning of creation. An island slowly emerged out of the Primeval Ocean, which turned into Ra, the sun god and than Ra spawned the first gods. As creator of the universe, Ra became father and king to all gods, humans and living creatures. Egyptians believed that it was Ra’s duty to travel across the sky every day, bringing light and life to the world. As the sun set, Ra would descend into the underworld, where he battled against forces of darkness, including the evil serpent Apopis, in order to ensure the sun could rise again in the morning. Egyptians likened this daily pattern of light and darkness to the entire cycle of life, in which humans live, die and rise again in the afterlife.


Inti, the ancient Inca sun god, holds great significance in Inca culture and religion. As a revered deity, Inti is believed to have been born from Viracocha, the god of creation, and is considered the patron of the Inca Empire. Inti’s influence extends to various aspects of Inca society, including the foundation of the capital city Cusco and the teachings of civilization to the empire’s founder, Manco Capac. Festivals and ceremonies dedicated to Inti were vital for ensuring the well-being of the Inca ruler and the agricultural prosperity of the empire. Inti’s representation as a golden disc with a human face can be found in sacred sites throughout the empire. The sun was not only seen as a celestial body providing light and warmth but also had deeper significance in various aspects of Inca society. The Inca people regarded the sun as the primary source of light and heat, essential for their everyday lives. The warm rays of Inti brought life and illuminated their empire, sustaining both their physical and spiritual existence. Today, Inti’s legacy continues to resonate in modern-day Peru’s cultural traditions and historical sites. Inti, the revered Inca sun god, held a vital role in the culture and beliefs of the Inca civilization


The last sun deity I have for you is one of my favorites and a personal deity I work with daily in my life. I also made the choice to include them to change it up a bit and show you a goddess of the sun and not only gods. Amaterasu is the primary deity of the Shinto religion in Japanese mythology, revered as the goddess of the sun, universe, and creation itself, and considered the highest manifestation of the spirit of the universe. Amaterasu was born from the left eye of her father, Izanagi, when he purified himself after visiting the underworld. Her birth gave her the unique status of being the only deity born from Izanagi alone. As the source of all light, life, and creation, the sun goddess sustains heaven and earth with a light so compelling that her father appointed her ruler of the universe when he first laid eyes on her. Amaterasu is also known for her role as the ruler of the Higher Celestial Plane. In this realm, she was responsible for bringing light to the world through the sun that she embodied. Amaterasu is the rising and setting sun: without her, all forms of life would cease to exist. As ruler of the heavens, she governs over all spirits (kami), and her divine powers brought about the cultivation of rice and wheat: she is also credited with first using silkworms and looms for weaving. Amaterasu’s role as the ruler of heaven is to ensure the continuity of life by maintaining order. As the embodiment of the sun, she assimilates all of its qualities and provides comfort and assurance to all those who look to her for guidance and protection. Having served as the mother of the imperial family she is revered as the goddess of the state, and is both nurturing and maternal.

The Sun’s Cycle

The Sun has two energy cycles both a yearly and a daily cycle. Each is unique in their uses. Both have a place in natural magic practices and in astrological or celestial magic practices. Our Sun’s energy cycles a lot more slowly than the Moon since it takes a full year to see the extent of the cycle. As the Sun shifts through the seasons, different energies come out and play.

Spring Time – Growth
In Spring, we see a shift from dormant energies to quickening ones. I use the word quickening to also mean that the Sun’s energies are fluttering, gaining momentum and speed. This is the perfect time to plant seeds, set long term intentions, and really plan out how you are going to get there. As the Sun returns, your energy may also become more lit up on a daily basis.

Summer Time – Work
In the Summer time, the Sun’s energy is at it’s brightest and fullest particularly at Beltane. With the full Sun, this is where most of the work is done with our intentions. We have gained momentum and now it’s up to us to keep the pace up with what ever project we started. That can be a garden, a work project, construction or art project. This is less of planning phase and more of the action phase.

Autumn Time – Reflection
Autumn time is a season of slowing down. We start to lose momentum from Summer’s bright energy and here we begin to see where our hard work has gotten us. Because we put in the work in Spring and Summer, we now see the harvest of Autumn come through. Autumn brings clarity in our emotions. It’s at this stage that we realized where we might have overstretched. We also have realizations of where we may not have worked as hard or where we might not have been as motivated. Autumn time provides space to reflect on the year and energy to see what can be adjusted for the future.

Winter Time – Rest
Winter time is a season of rest and dormancy. The Sun’s energy is at it’s lowest this point of the year. We use fires and hearths to help generate heat and warmth not only in our homes but in our hearts and energy fields because the Sun has waned so much. In the Winter with rest, we begin to really see what feeds and nourishes us. Winter will show us if we stored up enough to sustain us not only in an agricultural sense but in a very real energetic reserves sense. If we realized that we over extended ourselves, Winter will be a good time to heal that and allow us to change what we do in the future.

The Sun’s Energy Phases

The Sun’s Energy also has a Rising and Setting cycle to each day. This waxing and waning happens quickly but on a much more subtle level. Harnessing the power of your day can lead to amazing variations in your spells. You might think of this pattern in the same way you’d think of the waxing, full, new, and waning moon cycles.

Rising Sun – This is used for new beginnings, fresh starts, and growth type spells. As the Sun rises and grows through out the day, what would you like to grow as well? This is the best time for any workings having to do with; healing, happiness, positivity, truth, self-care, peace, amplifier, the element air. Activities aligned for this time will be; charge sun crystals, make sun tea and/or drink, meditate, greet the sun, prayer, sunrise yoga, sunbathe

Morning Sun – Growth, drawing positivity into your life, such as money, love, friendships. Great for courage.

Noon Sun – When the sun is at it’s peak, this energy is used to supercharge a spell and is the best time to create solar/ sun water. This is when the sun is at it’s peak and when it is time for action. This is the best time for any workings having to do with; Growth, abundance, success, money spells, health, justice and protection.

Afternoon Sun – Similar to Fall, the afternoon Sun is for spells that require reflection, seeing beneath the surface, and for sending energy away. As the Sun wanes, you can “reduce” the energy that you give to negative thoughts and habits. This is the best time for any workings having to do with; resolution, clarity, and psychic connection.

Setting Sun – As the Sun sets you enter the Winter phase of the Sun. This is where rest happens and where we can become cozy and ready for the new day to come. This is the best time for any workings having to do with; charging yourself and your tools, gratitude, resolution, release work, and divination.

Observing the Sun’s life cycle through the Wheel of the Year

The Wheel is a visual depiction of the cyclical nature of the seasons and of time. Our ancestors lived in harmony with these rhythms, celebrating the sun’s journey of growth and retreat. The Wheel of the Year is a modern conceptualization of cyclical seasonal celebrations that follow the ebb and flow of darkness and light over the course of a year aka the movement and life cycle of the sun.

For those who  might not be familiar with this yet, the Wheel of the Year is like a pagan/witch holiday calendar. It has deep roots in wicca specifically but, it has been used in some shape or form throughout  history and across cultures. You do not need to be wiccan to follow it. It contains eight holidays, or sabbats, altogether: four solar festivals (the equinoxes and solstices), and four fire festivals (each Celtic in origin, marking the halfway point between solstice and equinox). The calendar is heavily reliant on Celtic mythology and folk holidays, with some Germanic and Norse influences as well.

You may also have seen them often referred to as Sabbats, and they are divided into two categories. Lesser Sabbats, or Solar Holidays, celebrate the two  solstices and two equinoxes. Greater Sabbats or Cross-Quarter Days are celebrated in between  Lesser Sabbat. Each festival celebrates changes in the cycles of life, the movement of the sun, and the seasons of the earth. The Winter Solstice is the day most strongly associated with Solar Energy, though it peaks at the Summer Solstice, it declines thereafter.

Solar Eclipse

There other more potent and unique times to work with the sun and call forth some solar magic. One of those times is during a solar eclipse. Before we talk about the magical and spiritual significance of a solar eclipse let’s talk about what it is. A Solar Eclipse appears when the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth, blocking out the light of the Sun. It’s considered to be three times more potent than a regular New Moon because it’s happening in close proximity to the Lunar Nodes of Destiny. During a solar eclipse symbolically, the energies associated with the Moon eclipse those of the Sun, so that feelings and emotions dominate over the ego and the will.

Beyond its astronomical wonder, the total solar eclipse holds spiritual significance for many. It symbolizes a time of darkness and spiritual renewal, offering an opportunity for introspection and the shedding of old energies. In astrology, the eclipse signifies the darkness of the ego and the potential for spiritual rebirth, marking a moment to release past patterns and embrace new perspectives.

Eclipses bring about energy of great change meant to shake things up. To create an intense time of great transformation, rebirth, and growth. A solar eclipse specifically is a time of new beginnings, taking initiative, and starting brand new things like jobs, businesses, projects, and relationships. This energy is all about change, transformation, good luck, growth, and abundance. This energy is known to change the wheel of fate and awaken things for us.

Despite the fated nature, Eclipses should not be feared but welcomed as a source of evolutionary change that leads to a powerful yet often uncomfortable, and even painful transformation.

Correspondences For The Sun

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently in or for a celestial body like the Sun which I will list below for you to use.

  • Animal-lion, rooster, phoenix, bear, pheasant, swan, eagle, hedgehogs, peacocks, spiders, jaguar, horses, Griffin, Hawk
  • Element-Fire
  • colors-Yellow, gold, orange
  • Chakra- Solar plexus
  • Herbs/ flowers- Marigold, Sunflower, Chamomile, succulents, rosemary, goldenseal, St. john’s wort, dandelion, bay, juniper, olive, turmeric, oak, sandalwood, pineapple, heliotrope, cinnamon, peppers, buttercup, bergamot, orange
  • Stones/ crystals- sunstone, citrine, carnelian, amber, tiger’s eye, yellow topaz, red agate, goldstone
  • Deities-Helios, Apollo, Amaterasu, Inti, Sol, Ra, Surya, Tonatiuh, Utu, Xihe, Lugh, shamash
  • Symbols- disc, circles, spirals, crosses, circle w/ dot, cardinal directions
  • Themes- Gold, abundance, vitality, life, ego, confidence, strength, pride, healing, growth, creativity, protection
  • Zodiac-Leo
  • Trees-oak, cedar
  • Day of the week-Sunday

Magical Ways To Work With The Sun

Using the sun’s magical correspondences and working with the sun in your magical practices, rituals, spells, and workings, can bring positive and transformative energy into one’s life. The Sun, as a celestial body, radiates warm and stimulating energy that encourages growth, abundance, and protection. Its influence is not limited to the material world; it extends to the spiritual and psychological realms as well. Solar magic can be practiced through rituals, spells, and the use of objects that correspondence with the Sun’s energy.

Sun magic is versatile and can be used to manifest positive changes in various aspects of your life. For instance, you may use solar magic to promote the growth of your career, enhance relationships, or attract wealth and prosperity. The Sun’s bright energy is also believed to have protective qualities. As the Sun illuminates the world, it can be used in magic to dispel darkness, uncover hidden truths, and protect against deception. Additionally, Solar magic can strengthen one’s sense of self and boost confidence, making it useful for personal development and self-empowerment. Let’s look below at some ways that you can start working with the sun today!

Draw Down The Sun

Drawing Down the Sun is a transformative practice within the realm of magical practices. While the practice of Drawing Down the Moon involves channeling the essence of the Goddess into oneself, Drawing Down the Sun focuses on capturing the radiant and vital energy of the sun. This ritual allows practitioners to internalize the sun’s energy and charge their spiritual battery, preparing them for the darker months ahead. Drawing down the Sun is an easy way to pull in powerful energy to be used in spells and magic for the future.

The Sun’s radiant energy can be an important tool for witches that want to do blessings or beauty spells, but the energy is useful for almost anything. If you’re dealing with depression during the winter, this drawing down spell can help you to bring more positive energy into your life. The sun’s warm and invigorating energy is known for its uplifting and rejuvenating qualities. For individuals who grapple with feelings of depression or seasonal affective disorder, Calling Down the Sun can serve as a valuable practice for attracting positive energy into their lives. By recharging their spiritual battery with the sun’s energy, practitioners can alleviate feelings of sadness, fatigue, and hopelessness

One of the most significant benefits of Drawing Down the Sun is the enhancement of spells and incantations. The sun’s potent energy is known to amplify the effects of magical workings, strengthening the intentions set during rituals. Practitioners may utilize the sun’s energy to increase the effectiveness of a wide range of spells, from love and protection rituals to manifestation and abundance incantations. The infusion of the sun’s energy into these workings can lead to more powerful and impactful results.

The sun’s energy is often associated with attributes such as vitality, radiance, and beauty. Drawing Down the Sun can play a pivotal role in beauty spells and self-enhancement rituals. By harnessing the sun’s vibrant energy, practitioners can promote a radiant appearance, elevate their self-confidence, and attract positive attention from others. Additionally, this practice encourages practitioners to embrace their inner beauty and self-worth, allowing their unique light to shine outwardly.

How to perform

The specifics of the ritual can vary based on the tradition or individual practice, but it generally involves invoking the sun at a specific time of day (such as dawn, noon, or dusk) and channeling its energy into oneself. You may use visualization, meditation, and spoken invocations to connect with the sun’s energy. You can even place a mirror or bowl of water out as a reflective surface to absorb and draw in the sun as well as you perform this ritual. Then you have a amplified tool to come back and use as well. The ritual may be performed alone or in a group and is often done at key solar events such as the solstices or equinoxes.


Just like when we honor, celebrate, and venerate the moon by going outside and bathing in it’s soft glowing moonlight we can do the same with the sun! We humans are fueled and energized by sunlight and warmth. In fact, humans often become depressed or ill without enough sunlight. So, if you have been feeling down, sick or disconnected? Get out and intentional soak up those bright, energetic rays! By intentionally I mean truly being mindful while out in the bright rays and noticing the feel of the sun on your skin, and it’s energy entering every part of your body!

Work With a Solar Deity In Your Practice

It’s common for many pagans and witches to work with deities associated with the moon in their practices and magical workings. Many even take it further and worship the triple goddess representing three aspects of the moon by three different deities. Just like you have the ability to work with the lunar deities in your spell workings and magical practices you can do the same with any of the solar deities we discussed above. You can call on them when making sun water, doing any spell workings associated with any of the magical themes of the sun. Like, growth, prosperity, healing, protection, divination, life, fertility, abundance, strength, self image, beauty, and vitality. You can add them to your altar, spell workings, and rituals by including any of their correspondences, images, and sigils.

Connect To The Sun Through Color Magic

You can connect to the sun by including color magic in your daily life, magical practices and workings. What is color magic? Color magic is using the color spectrum and the intention of each color to invoke its magical response and connect to that energy and vibration of the color. Each color has it’s own magical properties you can connect to. You can use those colors in spells, on your altar, to connect to elements and/or deities, and to set intentions and manifestations. You can even use color magic in your every day life like in the clothes you wear, the décor of your home, the color you paint your nails and more! The sky is the limit it really is up to you!

The Sun is connected to a few colors two of them being yellow and orange. The color yellow is happiness, joy, and warmth in it’s most pure and energetic form. This color can help connect you back to the joy and fun your soul experiences through adventure and innocence. This color surrounds you in warmth, comfort and self acceptance. You can also use this color to connect to your intellectual mind which makes it the ideal color for study, learning and expanding your knowledge.

The color orange is connected to the sun, and Wednesday. This color connects us to a very vibrant, energetic and expressive energy. This energy can help us in so many ways from unlocking our creative expression, helping us create art, assist us in a new job search and help our communication flourish. Use this color to bring a spark of expression and energy into your life.

Make Sun Tea

Sun tea – not only is it delicious, but it’s fun to make and WITCHY. This is literally tea brewed by the power of the sun. Get out a glass jar with an airtight lid. Fill it with water and herbs of your choice or teabags with added herbs like mint, stevia, chamomile, etc. Meanwhile visualize your intentions for this batch of tea. Then set it in direct sunlight and leave for a few hours for the sun to brew then pour over ice.

Create A Sun Altar

With any energy you choose to work with in your life you have the option to create an altar to honor, venerate, and connect to that energy. That includes celestial bodies like the sun as well. You can create an altar anywhere in your home and sacred space to help you connect to the sun and remind you of the bright, strong, confident energy you have the ability to connect to. On your altar you can have any correspondences you connect with that represent the sun or any solar deities. To amplify your altar you can have it in sunlight as often as possible and even place it outside! To learn more about altar work keep in eye our for a blogpost coming, or you can check out the study guide for my class previously taught on the topic that will be posted soon here;

Work With Your Solar Plexus

Your solar plexus is arguably one of the most important chakras in your body. It’s located in the center of your torso just below your breast plate. “Manipura” means “lustrous gem of the city,” and is associated with the natural element of fire. Its associated color is yellow, hence its links to fire and, more broadly, the sun.

It is the center of your vitality, your connection to the Sun, and your source of self confidence and esteem. It is directly linked to your sense of self This energy center is associated with your self-esteem, sense of purpose, personal identity, individual will, digestion, and metabolism. When consciousness moves freely in this center, you are empowered by transformative energy.

When the solar plexus chakra is in healthy alignment, you will be comfortable with your own inherent power and become empowered. You will have a sense of who you are and why you are here. When you connect with your purpose, you gain a deeper understanding of how you as an individual can contribute to the collective in a beneficial way.

You will let go of the things—whether it’s your job or bank account balance—that you depend on to define who you are. Those things may have value, but overvaluing anything that subject to change is a quick road to suffering. You have inherent value; take the time through practice to investigate it, and you will be less dependent on external sources of happiness.

Work on aligning and reopening your solar plexus with meditation, eating healthy, and personal affirmations. As you work with the solar plexus chakra, cultivate a willingness to gain insight into your understanding of power, individuality, and identification. Doing this will naturally help you connect to the sun and work with it’s vital, and vibrant energy that sits within the sacred energy of the solar plexus chakra.

Sun Salutations

Sun salutations or greeting the sun can come in many forms, with yoga sun salutations, sunrise positioning, and/or runic stadhas like the sowilo stadha to honor the sun. In addition, moving your body in tune with the sun promotes a healthy lifestyle, vitality and peaceful mind. You can also make sure to greet to the sun in gratitude for it’s role in your life and every life on our planet. You can do this by simply offering up a small prayer of thanks to the sun while facing it each morning when you rise out of bed. I personally never start a day without this to ground myself in energy, strength, and gratitude for one of the most vital energies and things that sustains my existence.

Work With The Sun on Sunday

Every day of the week has it’s own magic you can harness to influence your life and magical practices and you guessed it Sunday is all about the energy from the sun. Due to this Sunday becomes the perfect day to focus on who you truly are and harnessing the vital energy of life to actively shape your life to be the brightest shining success it can be. Timing with spell workings and magical practices affects the potency and the energies being used so to make any of your sun magic more potent and amplified make sure to perform those spells, workings, and rituals on Sunday!

Connect To The Sun Thru The Element Of Fire And Candle Magic

The wick. The wax. The flame. A simple candle spell is potent in manifesting nearly any intention. And creates a connection to the element of fire and the celestial body the Sun. And it also doesn’t require a ton of energy on your behalf. This type of magic has been used for ages! The first “candle” dates back to at least the tenth century BCE. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that as long as people have been using candles to light their homes and buildings, they’ve also been using candles to make magic. Why? Because people and fire magic go together like peanut butter and jelly. It is potent magic, sacred to us, and easy to access.

There is so much to candle magic from the type of candle, ways to use it, different forms of divination methods, colors and so much more. Take a look below to learn some more about candle magic to add to your practice and lives today, keep an eye out for a future blogpost and check out my Facebook and Pinterest page for many more ideas on candle magic!

Sun Water; How To Make It

Similar to Moon Water, you can also create Sun Water to harness and work with its energies within your craft. Consider the Sun’s current sign when making your water as well as that will affect it just as it does with moon water.

So, Sun water what is it? Simply put it is water left under the rays of the sun to absorb the magical, spiritual, and energetic properties of the sun. When left in the sun, water can harness magical healing, protective, and energizing properties. This charged water is often used in witchcraft for spells and rituals to strengthen spiritual energy. The sun’s cosmic energy is infused in the water, making it the perfect channel for spells, cleansing, and healing rituals. Once charged, sun water holds positive, encouraging, and uplifting properties that can be used to douse negative energy and strengthen self-confidence.

How To Make Sun Water

Fill your jar or bottle with your preferred type of water.

Place your jar outside or on a windowsill that gets good sunlight. South-facing windows get the brightest all-around light. East-facing windows are great for sunrise energy and west-facing for sunset energy.

For more focused intention, write your desire on a small piece of paper and fold. Place your folded paper under the jar of water to direct the sun’s energy. You can also speak your intention over the water when you place it out in the sun.

It’s best for the water to be in the sun for at least an hour if possible. I usually put mine out at sunrise and bring it in at sunset. You can also use specific times of day (see below) to further focus the energy of the water towards your desired intentions.

Sun Water is potent, so a little goes a long way – even a drop will add a healthy amount of power to your workings.

Ultimately, working with the Sun’s magic allows you to tap into your own inner light and harness the transformative power of this celestial body. The bright rays of Sun magic is a practice that can enrich your life and bring a sense of warmth, abundance, virality, bravery, motivation, joy and clarity to your life, magic and manifestation in a much more potent, vibrant and confident way than lunar magic. Don’t forget to call on the sun and include it when doing any spells, workings or rituals that focus on abundance, vitality, life, ego, confidence, strength, pride, healing, growth, creativity, protection! Be prepared for an explosion of energy, vibrancy, and life when you add sun magic to your practices, spells, and life!

To expand your knowledge about this type of magic or if you’d rather listen than read; you can watch my free class with Divination Academy on YouTube below!

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Aries New Moon; Unleash Your Full Potential, Passion, and Inner Warrior

We are entering a new lunar phase this week; the New moon. As the Moon changes signs approximately every 2-3 days, we feel her influence over our moods and intuition shift. This new moon we will find ourselves in the ambitious, strong, brave, steadfast, and independent sign of Aries. The New Moon in Aries is set to ignite a fiery burst of energy and initiate a fresh start in our lives. To Start a bright burning raging fire of change, transformation, growth, and a passionate pursuit of our goals and ambitions for the rest of the year.

Aries is full of energy, enthusiasm, and spunk, and wants to get things going. The new moon in Aries is an opportune time to initiate change, take action towards goals, and renew oneself. This moon in particular means really big change, taking big, bold, brave steps towards the life your truly want to live. This sign is also a sign of independence which means it’s a time to focus on what YOU really truly want for YOU and not for others.

New moons are an opportunity to start fresh, plant seeds, and envision your future—and this month’s new moon in Aries happens to be the first new moon of the astrological year. In other words? Consider it time to set your “New Year’s” resolutions for the astrological year. For me this is the third time during the year I set year long resolutions.

You may find that you feel this particular transit more intensely than others ( I know I am) as this New Moon is also being occupied by a total solar eclipse. Solar Eclipses rule new beginnings and opportunities, we have the ability to take the initiative to make what we want happen, and this can be bigger than usual thanks to the Aries energy and eclipse energy combined. We’re ready to hit the ground running and go.

Keep reading to learn all about this Aries new moon, how it will affect you, and how you can harness it in your life and magical practice. By aligning yourself with the energy of the New Moon in Aries, you can tap into your inner strength and unleash your full potential, passion, and inner warrior.

New Moon What Is It And Why We Honor It?

First, let’s talk about the new moon in general before we dive into the depths of what an Aries moon can do for you and your life. The new moon is the time to reflect and cleanse your energy. It is a time to  set your intentions for what you wish to attract this lunar cycle. Every  intention set requires action and energy from your part as well.

The new  moon energy is there to support you in manifesting what you want. The  new moon is a time to allow new ideas and energy to flow with you. It is a  time to honor new beginnings, and the turning over of a cycle. Think of these  intentions as seeds you are planting for this lunar cycle to be ready to harvest by the full moon.

Use this time to  rest, reflect, and plant what you will grow just as your ancestors across  many cultures did while there was little light in the night sky for them to  use. Each New Moon is unique, offering its own magic within each month.

To learn more about the foundations of working with the new moon, and how it affects you, read more here in my previous blog post.

Learn how to make moon water here!

Themes For The Aries New Moon

Every New Moon contains its own themes, which are related to the sign that it falls under. This time, we experience the New Moon in the strong, independent, brave, passionate, aggressive ambitious, and steadfast sign of Aries the ram. Aries it the first sign of the zodiac which makes it the go-getter of the Zodiac. As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries symbolizes new beginnings, assertiveness, and the pursuit of our passions. It’s ruled by Mars, the God of war, making the ram a fearless fighter. Aries is a fire sign, and its energy is passionate, dynamic, and driven.

Through the sign of the Ram, we tap into our inner fire, embody our inner warrior, and work on developing a conscious relationship with our anger. The New Moon in Aries presents an excellent time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Ram. We connect with our capacity to be the leaders of our lives, to take paths that no one ever walked before, to go toward the direction that instinctively calls us.

While the Moon is in Aries, we all are a little bit faster to react. We’re all a little bit more intrigued by doing something we’ve never done before. We’re all a little bit more willing to take a risk or take a gamble by pushing into the unknown. We all feel like we’re at the beginning of a major cycle during the Aries New Moon. Let’s explore some of the themes and energies of Aries a little deeper below.

Aries The Primal Sign Of Passion

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac which means It is the big bang, our life force, the element of fire, primal passion, anger, rage, and ruled by Mars the God of War- this sign is the sign of life itself. It is the spark needed to light the tinder for existence to evolve. It is our will to persist no matter what obstacles are in our way. This sign is a Cardinal sign which means it is a leader, an initiator, and a visionary of the cosmos.

This New Moon is also a time to embrace our inner warrior. Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of action, passion, and aggression. During this New Moon, we may feel a surge of energy, passion, and assertiveness. We can use this energy to break free from old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve us. We can assert our boundaries, speak our truth, and take action toward our deepest desires with the flames of burning passion.

Aries The Sign Of Assertive Ambition

Traditionally New Moons, especially Solar Eclipses in Aries are associated with powerful new beginnings. This fiery energy makes us feel very assertive, enthusiastic, ambitious, and ready to be back in the game. Spontaneous Aries is about jumping in and taking risks without being overly concerned about the outcome. Don’t worry about commitment, and let discipline come naturally whenever it’s needed. In fact, allowing yourself to make mistakes provides the freedom required for new things to be discovered.

The Sun is exalted in this feisty fire sign, making Aries season one of the best times of the year to initiate new things and launch new projects. This New Moon encourages us to take bold action toward our goals and ambitions. It is a time to set intentions and make plans for the future. With the fiery energy of Aries backing us, we can approach our goals with courage and confidence.

Aries The Sign Of Independence

This sign is also a sign of independence which means it’s a time to focus on what YOU really truly want for YOU and not for others. You will feel many things coming up for you that may surprise you especially if you are a people pleaser. The energy of Aries really pushes you to think about what makes YOU and YOU alone happy and whole. Aries Moon draws fire into the atmosphere, stimulating life force and vitality. You’re alive, filled with your own thoughts and it’s all about you right now.

One of Aries’ “lessons” is to show a pure part of ourselves to the world. By acting upon our own inner impulses (constructive ones!) without fear, and by abandoning the need to refine these impulses based on what others might want us to do or what others think we “should” do, we learn more about ourselves. If we learn to depend on ourselves, we exude an all-new aura of strength that comes from personal integrity and confidence, and strength.

Aries The Sign Of Renewal And Rebirth

New moons are generally a time of new beginnings, planting seeds, and rebirth. The energy of renewal is even more emphasized now in this new moon, as this is the first New Moon of the Astrological year, and Aries as an archetype is associated with initiation, risk-taking, rebirth, and new beginnings. With the positive power of a solar eclipse, this also heralds unexpected opportunities and groundbreaking fresh starts which heal old wounds.

Aries New Moon And A Solar Eclipse

A Solar Eclipse appears when the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth, blocking out the light of the Sun. It’s considered to be three times more potent than a regular New Moon because it’s happening in close proximity to the Lunar Nodes of Destiny. During a solar eclipse symbolically, the energies associated with the Moon eclipse those of the Sun, so that feelings and emotions dominate over the ego and the will.

Eclipses bring about energy of great change meant to shake things up. To create an intense time of great transformation, rebirth, and growth. A solar eclipse specifically is a time of new beginnings, taking initiative, and starting brand new things like jobs, businesses, projects, and relationships. This energy is all about change, transformation, good luck, growth, and abundance. This energy is known to change the wheel of fate and awaken things for us.

Despite the fated nature, Eclipses should not be feared but welcomed as a source of evolutionary change that leads to a powerful yet often uncomfortable, and even painful transformation. This Total Solar Eclipse in Aries marks the start of a brand new cycle of personal and collective evolution, bringing an energy of initiation that invites transformation, awakening, and redemption.

What To Be Cautious Of With The Aries New Moon

Amidst the beauty of this lunar energy, there may also be feelings of explosive anger and outbursts. The energy of Aries is grounded in Mars, which is all about aggression, war, and conflict. So, take the time to stop and think before you let the little things allow you to blow up right now and create conflicts in your life by making small things bigger than they need to be. It is essential during this time to stay grounded, and connected to who you are so your emotions don’t allow you to wander from your goals, let your ego get in the way, or allow your anger to create conflict with others.

How To Connect To Aries Energy

Now, that we have talked about the themes of this Aries new moon and how it is going to affect you let’s talk about how you can specifically connect to and work with this moon.

First, make sure to do all of your staples that your learned in the previous blog post linked here for you like, charging your crystals, making moon water, and resetting your altar.

With this moon there are certain spells and rituals that will help connect you this moon in the most effective way. Remember these are just some of the many ideas follow your intuition and the energy of this moon.

Correspondences Of The Aries New Moon

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like I will list below for you to use.

  • planet-Mars, Sun
  • Animal-Ram
  • Element- Fire
  • Sex- Masculine
  • Modality- Cardinal
  • Symbol- The Ram
  • colors- Red, Orange, yellow, white
  • Motto- I am
  • Chakra-Solar Plexus
  • Herbs- Dandelion, Turmeric, Chamomile, Skullcap, Cinnamon, Lavender, Motherwort, Calendula, Honeysuckle, Geranium, All spice, Sage, Nettle
  • Stones/ crystals- Bloodstone, Green aventurine, Hematite, Black obsidian, Blue Topaz, Citrine, Rhodonite, Kyanite, Ruby, Jasper, Garnet, Carnelian
  • tarot- The Emperor
  • House- First House

Manifestation Topics and Questions for Aries New Moon

Every new moon is a great time for manifesting and planting seeds of intention to bloom during this lunar cycle. You will want to try and align your manifestations, intentions, and goals around the themes of the Aries Ram to reap the maximum benefits and rewards from this lunar cycle in the seeds you choose to plant now. Try and focus on things like your biggest dreams, where you want to be a leader, what truly makes YOU happy, letting go of control, being spontaneous, looking at the places you need to be brave in life and listening what makes your heart burn with burning passion. Now is the time to focus on doing and the inner work to restore and reignite your desires and your passions in you, your life, others, and your magic. Whether you do it thru meditation, goal setting, journaling, shadow work, or divination like tarot; below is a list of prompts and topics to connect with the energy of the Aries new moon

To learn more about how to do detailed shadow work you can learn more watching my class here! You can also book a 1:1 guided session with me on my site in the readings and services section or on Facebook.

Ritual To Connect To Your Anger

Working with our anger can be a powerful, potent, and liberating experience. Anger in and of itself is not a negative. No emotion is negative since every emotion serves a function and is sending us a message. How we use our anger is what determines whether it’s constructive or destructive. As the Aries new moon summons your inner warrior, think of your anger as a battle cry to pay attention to your boundaries, your passions, and your unmet needs and/or desires. If you’ve been letting someone push you around, it’s time to address the unworkable behavior and create a new way of interacting. Don’t be afraid to simply just let some pent up anger out as well by just letting a scream, yell, shout, or cry out to mother nature and the cosmos.

Use the journal prompts below to connect to your anger in a quiet sacred space. You can amplify the affect right now by having a red, orange, or white candle burning next to you as you do this work. The candle will help you connect to the element of fire, the planet mars, and the energy of Aries. Once you have completed the prompts below, you can than take the answers and burn the list in your candle flame to release any of the unwanted and negative affects of the anger you have been harnessing during this session. Don’t forget to visualize you harnessing your anger in a productive and constructive way in the future to manifest it into you life as you are also releasing the unwanted affects.

  • How does my anger hold me back?
  • When was the last time you felt very angry and what was the trigger?
  • What happens to your body when you are angry?
  • Are there any behaviors you do when you are angry you are not angry or happy about?
  • How do you currently handle anger? How would you like to handle your anger?
  • Do you have areas in your life you need to harness your anger to be more assertive?
  • Are there areas or causes in your life you need to harness your anger for the sake of justice and protecting others?
  • Is your anger being mistaken for something else? Like loneliness, hurt, passion, assertiveness etc.
  • Where in your life do you need to let go of anger and what does that look like?

If you would like more ideas for rituals you can check out my Pinterest page, my Facebook page, and watch any of my previous moon celebrations here; and you can read more in a previous blog post here

However you choose to connect to this new moon and work with its energy be prepared to experience the depths of your passion, the deepest desires to ignite your soul and your need for independence. By aligning yourself with the energy of the New Moon in Aries, you can tap into your inner strength and unleash your full potential, passion, and inner warrior.

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Ostara And Celebrating The Spring Equinox

The birds are beginning to sing us awake in the mornings, the snow is melting in some parts of the world, and the days are getting longer with more sunshine for us to enjoy. With this time comes one of the two most potent and important sacred times to the year and holidays; the Spring Equinox which is celebrated with many different holidays and traditions like Ostara. This time is ripe with fertile energy all about growth, rebirth, planting seeds for harvest, and duality. Let’s take a look in this blogpost at the history of this time of year, the many energies you can connect with, the themes, deities that have sacred times during this holiday and the many different ways you can connect to and work with the Spring Equinox and Ostara.

What Is The Spring Equinox?

The Spring Equinox aka Vernal Equinox, is the time when day and night are equal. During this time, the direct rays of the sun hit the equator, making day and night equal in length. The most important part of the day is when the sun hits its zenith, the precise moment when the sun is perfectly lined up with the equator. This moment marks the first day of spring, with the light triumphing over the darkness. The Spring begins in March in the northern hemisphere, and September in the southern hemisphere. In the Northern Hemisphere we celebrate on March 20th this year (the celebration can happen between the 19th – the 23rd and is typically celebrated for multiple days).

What Is Ostara?

Ostara is the celebration of rebirth and renewal, it is the Sabbat (a holiday marked on the pagan wheel of the year) dedicated to the Spring Equinox aka Vernal Equinox. Ostara is one of the eight Sabbats in the Wheel of the Year calendar. The Wheel of the Year is a cycle of festivals that celebrates the changing seasons and the natural cycles of life. Each festival represents a unique phase in the cycle of life and is associated with different aspects of nature. In the Wheel of the Year calendar, Ostara follows the dark and introspective period of Imbolc, which celebrates the return of the light and the preparation for the coming of spring. It precedes Beltane, which marks the midpoint of spring and celebrates the fertility of the earth and the coming of summer.

Ostara, is the dawn of the fertile season on the Wheel of the Year. The word Ostara comes from the Anglo-Saxon goddess name, Eostre. Eostre represented spring and new beginnings. It marks the start of the astrological year as well and is considered the New year for many different cultures and tribes around the world as they welcome back the sun.

The Meaning Behind Ostara

This season corresponds to growth, fertility, manifesting, the liminal space, balance, renewal, and rebirth. The energy of this season calls you to begin taking concerted actions towards your desires. Ostara is also considered a Pagan solar holiday honoring the spring’s warmth, light from the sun, and the awakening of the earth. Ostara embodies the cyclical rhythm of nature’s rebirth. This holiday is all about the earth returning to its abundant greenness and the sun is returning to the high skies. This is a time of rebirth and renewal when the natural world awakens from its winter slumber. It is a time when we can celebrate the return of the light, the growth of new life, and the renewal of hope. It is also a time when we can connect with the natural world, celebrate the changing seasons, and embrace the ongoing cycles of life.

A Time Of Balance And Duality

Ostara and the spring equinox is one of the most liminal times during the year. It is one of the two times the veil is the thinnest and our access is stronger to the other side. With this time being grounded in the liminal space, the crossroads, and the other side it is one of the most potent times to do shadow work, inner child work, realigning yourself in balance, and doing deep expansive evolution. This is a great time to reach out to deities of wisdom, the crossroads and magical knowledge for a vast amount of growth and change. Having access to this liminal space allows you to access the shadow part of yourself and really truly work with all parts of yourself to truly create duality and balance within yourself. It allows you to access those universal energies and look at the universe, your place in it and others actions from a place of true balance and seeing things from all perspectives. This time is honestly one of my favorite times of the year. I go through some of my biggest growth spurts in knowledge, personal development, and expansion during this time every single year. It’s like my soul reawakens itself, catches on fire, and transforms itself through rebirth.

A Time To Plant Seeds

With Ostara and the Spring Equinox being the time of rebirth, the return of the sun, and the earth reawakening from it’s cold winter slumber it is one of the most potent time to plant your seeds of manifestation. This time is so fertile with the energy of abundance, growth, and renewal when you set intentions right now they are amplified with all that energy. Even in antiquity this was a time of planning and planting. The time when they would go out and start working the land and planting their seeds for their crops to grow and harvest in the fall. Take this time to really focus on your dreams, your goals, and your desires. Set yourself onto a clear path, with a clear image, and plant those seeds of manifestation now in the fertile energy of abundance, and growth to grow and be ready to harvest in the fall.

The History Of Ostara

Ostara began as the celebration of Ostera the Germanic goddess of Spring, who’s name evolved to Eostre by the Ango-Saxons than later this evolved into Easter, which kept the theme of rebirth and renewal with the resurrection of Christ.

Ostara is named after the Germanic goddess Ostara or Eostre, who was associated with the dawn and new beginnings. It was celebrated by pre-Christian Germanic tribes, such as the Saxons, who lived in what is now modern-day Germany.

The holiday was also celebrated by the Anglo-Saxons in England, who called it Eostre or Eosturmonath. There is no evidence that the ancient Greeks or Romans celebrated Ostara, although they did celebrate their own spring festivals, such as the Roman festival of Floralia and the Greek festival of Anthesteria.

Deities Of Ostara And Spring

Spring is one of the most important seasons in many cultures and religions, as it is a time of renewal, growth, and fertility. In many mythologies, gods and goddesses of spring play a vital role in the seasonal cycle, symbolizing the rebirth of nature and the beginning of new life. Working with deities is one of my favorite things to do. You can honor them during their festivals for them and by bringing them into any of your prayers, rituals, and spells you want to doin order to celebrate and connect to this holiday and sacred days. Let’s take a look at some of the Deities that can be worshipped during this time and holiday.


The most important goddess of spring is Eostre, the goddess of fertility, rebirth, and dawn. Sometimes referred to as the goddess Ostara, this deity was associated with springtime because this was the season when the days began to lengthen and the sun became stronger. She was also associated with the hare and the egg, which were symbols of fertility and new life.


One of the most prominent Roman deities of spring was Flora, the goddess of flowers and the blooming of plants. Her festival, the Floralia, was celebrated from April 28th to May 3rd and featured theatrical performances, dancing, and other forms of revelry. The festival was a time to celebrate the natural world’s beauty and ask for Flora’s blessings in the coming growing season.


Another important deity of spring was Mars, the Roman god of war and agriculture. Although he was primarily associated with warfare, Mars was also seen as a protector of crops and the agricultural cycle. His festival, the Mars Ultor, commemorates bounty in agricultural endeavors and a successful growing season.


Freyr is an important god of spring in Norse mythology. He was referred to as the god of fertility, prosperity, and peace. Freyr was associated with springtime because this was the season when the crops began to grow, and the animals began to mate. He was also associated with the renewal of life and the regeneration of the earth, which made him an important figure in springtime celebrations.


Osiris is an Egyptian god referred to as the god of fertility, agriculture, and the afterlife. He was associated with springtime because this was the season when the Nile River flooded, bringing water and nutrients to the crops. He was also associated with the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, which made him an important figure in springtime celebrations. His death and resurrection were celebrated during the Osiris festivals, which marked the beginning of the agricultural year.

Cai Shen

One of the most prominent Chinese spring gods is Cai Shen, the god of wealth and prosperity. He is often depicted wearing a red robe and holding a gold ingot, and he is believed to bring good fortune and abundance to those who honor him. During the Chinese spring festivals, many people will place images or statues of Cai Shen in their homes or businesses to invite his blessings for the coming year.


Persephone is the most prominent goddess of spring in the greek religion. She is the daughter of Zeus and goddess of harvest and agriculture Demeter. She is known as the goddess of spring, duality, rebirth, and the Queen of the Underworld. She is associated with spring, renewal, and rebirth because of her descent into the underworld with Hades and the affects. Her mother than decided to not allow anything to grow on earth until it was agreed she would return for part of the year. Her ascent back to earth from the underworld was when her mother allowed things to than flourish and grow again on earth. Because of this, she become the representation of the cycles of the earth and the reason for spring, the vernal birds returning, and the flowers blooming and to this day she still honors this cycle and deal. Persephone is my favorite deity, my patron goddess and I love connecting to her at this time of the year. If you want to learn more about her you can watch my class done previously on her with Divination Academy below.

The Correspondences Of Ostara And The Spring Equinox

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for A holiday or sacred time like Ostara and the spring equinox, like I will list below for you to use.

  • Planet-Mars
  • Animal-Bunny, Lamb, Butterfly, Chick, Fawn, Any baby animals
  • Element- Air
  • colors- Light greens, Lights blues, Light pinks, pastels, yellow
  • Herbs- lily, tulip, lilac, Daffodil, Irish moss, honeysuckle, dogwood, Jasmine
  • Stones/ crystals- Amazonite, Green Aventurine, Tiger’s eye, Amethyst, Moss agate, Carnelian
  • Deities- Persephone, Osiris, Isis, Estore, Mars, Freyr, Flora, Demeter, Cai Shen, Brigid, The Green Man
  • Symbols-The egg, the rabbit, The Changing cycles of the season, The Maiden, seeds, honey
  • Zodiac- Aries
  • Gender- Masculine

Magical Themes Of Ostara & The Spring Equinox

Every season and every pagan holiday has certain concepts and magical themes. Which means, depending on your tradition and needs, you can weave one or more of these themes into your personal celebrations. On the Spring Equinox also called Ostara, we see the following magical rituals and spells below. To learn more about the how to work with Spring and the month of march in general you can check out my previous blogpost here;

  • Balance
  • Duality
  • Rebirth
  • Renewal
  • Dispel Negativity
  • Growth
  • Fertility
  • Banishings/ bindings
  • Inner work/ Shadow work
  • Manifestation Work
  • Astral and Spirit Work
  • Cleansing, Purifying, and Clearing

Eggs and Ostara

There are a couple of stories that link Ostara to eggs and hares. One being that a hare out foraging for food found an egg and gave it to Ostara an offering for Spring. The other story speaks of Ostara finding a bird with frozen wings that she turned into a hare to save. The hare retaining its ability to lay eggs, laid an egg for Ostara as a show of gratitude. You can find variations of stories passed down similar to these or possibly have some in your lineage. No matter how the connection of eggs came to be associated with Ostara and this season, their connection to fertility, life, and rebirth is found worldwide and throughout history. If you want to learn more about the history, symbolism, and how to magically work with eggs you can read all about it in my previous blogpost here;

Bunnies And Ostara

Just like so many other historical Holiday icons and traditions, the Easter Bunny was born from Pagan customs. Bunnies are cute, and fluffy. But they’re also known for mating. And LOTS of it. It should come as no surprise the Rabbit is one of Ostara’s original symbols of fertility. In addition, there’s speculation the goddess Eostre once had a consort who was part-rabbit and of whom was depicted as a man-sized hare.

Ways To Work With The Spring Equinox & Celebrate Ostara

We have talked about many different themes, and energies you can connect to during this time from fertility, balance, duality, rebirth, and more. Let’s talk about how we can connect to and celebrate those themes and energies now. First, you can participate and honor any of the deities listed above or that are associated with Spring. You can work with any affirmations, mantras, and visualization work for intention setting and manifestation for the year during this time. Check out below more ways to work with and celebrate this holiday and time of year.

Shadow Work Focused On Duality And Balance

Since this time of the year and holiday is such a potent time to access the liminal space, work with the crossroads, and access the universal source of duality it is one of the most affective times to do shadow work. To go deep within yourself to do self reflection, connect to your shadow self and all parts of who you are, and your inner child. To acknowledge; maybe even for the first time, some traumas, wounds, and things you may need to work through and than do the shadow work to work through them. Themes to focus on with your shadow work right now should be duality, balance, rebirth, growth, and transformation. If you need to learn more about how to do shadow work you can learn how watching my class I previously taught with Divination Academy below.

Decorate Eggs

Eggs are a symbol of the Spring and henceforth Easter and Ostara. The tradition of painting and decorating eggs pre-dates Christianity and spans multiple cultures. To appease the gods and the spirits of Spring, decorate and paint eggs, then leave them at the foot of trees as offerings. Decorated eggs in the home in Spring ensures abundance and health in the coming months. The colors you choose to use when decorating can even represent specific energies and intentions as well. Below is a list of some ideas for you as you decorate your eggs.

  • Red- Passion, Power, Transformation
  • Orange- Attraction, Good Fortune/Luck
  • Yellow- Happiness, Inspiration
  • Green-Abundance, Prosperity, Wealth, Good Health
  • Blue- Peace, Tranquility, Spirituality
  • Purple- Mystical, Magical, The Power of Spring
  • Pink-Love, Friendship

Plant or Prepare Your Garden & Seed Magic

This holiday is all about spring, rebirth, renewal, and fertility. It is the time you plant your seeds in the ground for literal plants to grow from the ground and to harvest in the fall. So, now is the perfect time to plan your garden, pick your plants for the year, and do any prep work you need to with your garden space. If it is possible that you can actually move the earth and plant your garden because it is thawed now is the time to do so and start doing that. If you can do that, you can also perform seed magic while you plant your seeds. How to do seed magic is below.

Seed Magic

  • Before planting your seeds, hold the seeds in your hand and whisper to them a goal you are working on achieving this spring.
  • As you plant your seeds into the dirt, visualize the flowers growing as you make progress towards your goal.
  • Every time you water your plants, visualize yourself achieving your goal.
  • Your goal should be achieved by the time your flowers are blooming.

Bury A Raw Egg In Your Garden Or Yard

A classic symbol of fertility and abundance, a buried egg in your spring garden blesses the harvest for fruitful yield. It helps that it also makes excellent fertilizer! This also appeases the nature spirits present in your garden. You can also spread or sprinkle eggshells in the garden for the same purposes. You can amplify this energy and blessing by drawing a fertility sigil, a symbol for a Spring deity, or a growth intention before you bury it in the earth. You can recite a mantra, prayer, or invocation as well as you buy the egg. Doing this during the Ostara and the Spring equinox can also add more energy to this practice for you.

Connect With Nature In A Mindful Way

Ostara and the Spring Equinox is all about welcoming the sun back and the reawakening of the earth. It is about the earth waking up and coming out of hibernation. Even we as humans are coming out of hibernation in a sense. So, take the time to shake off the winter blues and mindfully connect to nature taking a five senses spring walk.

Five Senses Spring Walk

  • First, dress appropriately for the weather. Wear waterproof boots and warm clothes.
  • As you walk outside, take a moment to use all your senses.
  • Can you hear the snow melting, the birds chirping, the grass growing?
  • Can you smell the wet snow, the thawed mud, the spring air?
  • Can you see plants sprouting from the earth, buds on the trees, animals awake from hibernation?
  • Can you feel the cold snow, the wet earth, the soft plants?
  • Can you taste the fresh air or the icicle drips?
  • After you have engaged all your senses, walk back to your home. Reflect on your experience by writing it down in a journal

Perform Egg Magic

Eggs are a very common symbol with Ostara and Spring Equinox and working with them is a great way to connect with and work with this energy. In many cultures and society, the egg is considered the perfect magical symbol. It is, after all, representative of new life. The egg is a source of powerful energy that is able to take stagnant and unproductive energy and metamorphize it into fertile and productive energy. Eggs in magic and witchcraft represent fertility, rebirth, creation, nourishment, protection and abundance. There are many different ways to work with eggs magically to learn how to you can read more about how to do so in my previous blogpost here;

Pick Wildflowers

The symbol of the flower is new life. Flowers have an uplifting effect on us. Their bright colors prove even though there is a time for death, there will always be a time for rebirth. This Ostara, pick some wildflowers and place them in a vase on your table or altar. Or decorate your table with Spring greenery. It will remind you of the beauty of Spring and of the true meaning of Ostara which is new life.

Spring Cleaning And Cleansing

I feel like almost everyone has heard of the concept of spring cleaning. It’s really a thing and has magical meaning and ties to the energy of Ostara and the Spring Equinox. This time is about rebirth, and renewal which makes it a perfect time for us to clean, cleanse, and purify our physical spaces and ourselves. So, take the time to deep clean every nook and cranny of your home. You can add some magic to it while you do it as well while sweeping out all of the negative, stagnant, and unwanted energies of your home. You do this by visualizing and using your energy to collect all that unwanted, negative, stagnant energy and than literally sweeping it and moving it out the your front door and threshold. To learn about more ways to cleanse, purify and protect your physical space and yourself you can do so by watching my previous classes with Divination Academy below.

Decorate An Easter Egg Tree

In Germany, it’s traditional to have an Easter tree to celebrate the Spring season. This is the same thing as a Christmas tree, except it’s for Easter. And if you’re pagan, call it your Ostara Tree. instead. Purchase hanging or make your own. You can even add magical symbols and words to each egg.

Ostara And Spring Equinox Wish

One of my favorite Ostara traditions to do is making an Ostara wish using a hard boiled egg. It is so simple to do as well! All you need is a hard boiled egg. Take a hard boiled egg, write a wish or intention you would like to plant to bloom by harvest time this year. Take your egg with your wish written on it out under the moon on Ostara. Hold it up to the sky, recite your wish out loud, and than take your egg and bury it in the earth for your wish to sprout, grow, and bloom this year.

Refresh, Reset, and Redecorate Your Altar

If you have an altar or altars as part of your magical practice and workings now is a great time to do a whole reset and refresh of your altar. You can do this by making sure you clean it off, wash it with oils, cleanse it magically with smoke, sound, or water, reset it with sigils if you choose to work with them, and charge your altar with your own magic, mantras, energy, and prayers. You can than redecorate and reset your altar with any of the correspondences we talked about above that you can us to connect to Ostara and the Spring Equinox. If you want to learn more about the basics of how to work with altars you can learn more in my study guide from my previous class I taught and keep an eye out for the video is posted to YouTube here;

Egg Prosperity Spell

This spell is designed to bring you prosperity, whether it be financial or otherwise, by working with the magical properties of the egg. To learn more ways to work with the energy of abundance and to call abundance into your life you can read my previous blogpost here;

What You’ll Need:

  • An egg or eggs if making more than one
  • biodegradable sachet
  • pyrite
  • mint
  • marker, dye, and other tools to decorate the egg

What To Do:

Begin by cleansing, charging, and/or blessing your items. After the items are ready to go, write, draw, or otherwise decorate your egg with your intent: prosperity. You can draw a rune in gold on your egg to represent prosperity. Other color choices are green, orange, or violet. You can dye the egg a solid color, draw sigils, or money symbols. After the egg is decorated, place it along with the pyrite and mint into the biodegradable sachet.

When all the items are placed in the sachet, hold it in both hands and imagine it filling with gold and green light. Say,
“With egg for new beginnings adorned all in gold [you can insert your own color here, but it may not rhyme ]
With pyrite for wealth and mint for fortunes untold,
I open myself to wealth beyond measure,
And accept the Universe’s treasure.”

Once the spell is done, find a safe place in your garden, preferably by a plant also associated with prosperity and abundance, and bury the sachet

Ostara/ Spring Equinox Spell Jar

Spell Jars are one of my most favorite spells to create and tools to use in my magical practice and life. Spell jars are great to create a container of energy for you to harness and come back to over and over again when you need it! A quick run down on how to create a spell jar. Pick your items, and add them to your jar after you wash, cleanse and charger your jar. As you add your items focus on visualizing the energy of abundance and what it is you very specifically want to call into your life with that energy. Once you feel the intention and energy is set inside the jar you can take your lid and seal it shut. To add more power to your jar you can add sigils to the outside or seal the lid with wax even. Place the jar on your altar or anywhere in your home, office, or car where you can see it and come back to it when you need to call on the energy and spell again. You can shake the jar to activate the magic whenever you come back to it as well. Keep an eye out for more spell jar on my Pinterest or Facebook page and in an upcoming blogpost and eBook.

Use this spell jar below to call in and connect to the energy of Ostara and Spring Equinox.

Simmer Pot For Ostara And The Spring Equinox

Whether you consider yourself a Kitchen Witch, are vaguely interested in Kitchen Magic or just want to bring some good vibes and good smells into your home, simmer pots are an easy, accessible and fun ritual for any time of year! Simmer pots are easy to create and customize to your liking, so you can make your kitchen a sacred space whenever you want! So, why not make one specifically to call in and honor the energy of Ostara and the Spring Equinox?!

What are simmer pots? Simmer pots are basically potpourri in a pot! You choose your ingredients, put them in a pot with water, bring to a boil, then turn down to a simmer and let it do its thing. They couldn’t be any easier, just be sure you don’t let your pot boil dry! If you want to keep the pot going simply add more water when it gets low. And obviously never leave it going when you are not home. To learn more about how about this magical practice you can check out my previous blogpost on the topic here;

Wrap up

We talked about the history of the Ostara and The Spring Equinox, the energies you have access to connect to, deities you can call to and honor, how you can connect to the energies, rituals you can do and how to align with and work with Ostara and the Spring Equinox . However you choose to connect to the many energies of Ostara and the Spring Equinox has to offer you; from rebirth, fertility, growth, fruitfulness, cleansing and wealth. Remember to work with the liminal space for healing and transformation as well during this time. Enjoy how the refreshing energy of the spring equinox will bring a new sense of life to you and your magic. And watch things bloom throughout the year like they never have before.

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All About The Magic Of Abundance, Prosperity, and Good Fortune

When you hear the word abundance what do you right away think of? Most of us would immediately go to money and wealth. The word abundance simply means to have a lot of something. But, abundance also means so much more than that and influences every area of your life. Abundance is more than wealth. It’s a rich and full life. It means all of your needs are met and you have no wants. You not only have all your needs met but, you have more and the ability to pass on that abundance to those around you. Abundance is having your cup full and overflowing with each and every energy, thing, or desire you want and need.

Abundance magic is all about increasing wealth in our lives. You’ll sometimes see prosperity spells or money drawing spells as well, often the intention with those is to attract actual cash or money in your bank account. For me, those all fall under the umbrella of abundance and good fortune they are just choosing a specific tool or thing to call into for abundance. When using most of those spells, rituals and prayers you can modify them to call to you any energy, tool, or thing you want to have abundance of in your life.

It’s important to remember that if you are working with abundance specifically to call in money, that money like magic, is a neutral tool, simply a form of energy. Your money mindset can have a big impact on the ease with which you attract money and material goods. There are lots of different spells that can help you call in money, but if deep down you believe that money is harmful in some way or that you are not worthy it will be hard for you to keep it for long.

Although we may think of abundance as being focused on the amount of wealth we have or have access to, it can also refer to having one’s basic needs comfortably met, having an abundance of joy and happiness, or an abundance of opportunity. Abundance magic can be used to attract more prosperity into your life, bring customers to your business, open the doors for opportunity, or entice a wealth of love, happiness, and friendship into your life.

Like with, all energies and things in magic and witchcraft there are an abundant amount of ways to connect to this energy to work with it in your life, magic, and manifesting. In this blogpost we will absorb the vast ways we can connect to abundance, prosperity, and good fortune with many different types of tools, rituals, and spells, both physical and non physical. Continue reading to find out ways you can help make your life can be overflowing with everything you need and more!


Mankind’s quest for abundance can probably be traced back to the earliest years of human history. It’s no surprise, then, that every culture in history has had a god of wealth, a goddess of prosperity, or some other deity associated with money, fortune, prosperity, and good luck. Working with deities is one of my favorite things to do and they can open up potent portals of abundance for us to access to and receive. Let’s take a look at some of the many deities of abundance across Earth, and throughout cultures, and history. Remember this is really just a small amount you can call on to amplify your magical workings, prayers, intentions, and manifesting to receive abundance.


Abundantia, also known as Abundita or Copia, is the personification of abundance, money-flow, prosperity, fortune, valuables, and success, in Roman mythology. The name Abundantia means plenty or riches. She was believed to help guard your savings and assist you in major purchases. She was often depicted carrying a cornucopia, a symbol of abundance and plenty, filled with food and coins. This representation showcased her role as a provider of sustenance and wealth. Legend said that she might leave you some grain or money at your house as a gift. Abundantia’s symbolism is profound and multifaceted, resonating with both the tangible and intangible aspects of abundance.

The cornucopia, which Abundantia holds in her hands, is a powerful symbol representation of the bountiful gifts she bestows upon mortals. This horn-shaped vessel, often overflowing with an abundance of food and coins, represents the endless flow of wealth and prosperity. It serves as a reminder that abundance is not a finite resource, but rather a continuous stream of blessings that can be shared and enjoyed by all.


Rosmerta Goddess is a prominent figure in Celtic mythology, known as the deity of abundance, fertility, and prosperity. Her worship spanned across Gaul, the British Isles, and various regions of Celtic Europe. Rosmerta was considered a unifying force between Celtic, Roman, and Germanic cultures, with different consorts depending on the region, such as Mercury, Wotan, and Esus. Standing on her own, she was also revered without the need for a spouse. Rosmerta was venerated as a symbol of prosperity, well-being, and bountiful harvests. The cornucopia, a horn-shaped basket filled with overflowing fruits and grains, is one of the most prevalent symbols connected to Rosmerta. It symbolizes abundance, plenty, and the fertility of the land. The patera also symbolizes the reciprocal relationship between humans and the divine.


Plutus is the Greek god associated with wealth; he is also tasked with choosing who deserves good fortune. According to Hesiod, Plutus was born in Crete, the son of the goddess of fruitfulness, Demeter, and the Cretan Iasion. In art he appears chiefly as a child with a cornucopia, in company with Demeter and Persephone. Aristophanes says in his comedy, The Plutus, that he was blinded by Zeus, who hoped that removing Plutus’ sight would allow him to make his decisions in an unbiased manner, and select recipients more fairly. In Dante’s Inferno, Plutus sits at the Third Circle of Hell, portrayed as a demon who represents not just wealth but also “greed, the craving for material goods.


In the Yoruba (West African) religion, Aje is a traditional goddess of abundance and wealth, often associated with the businesses of the marketplace. Aje’s power to transform intelligence, elevate or change social status, and provide for all human needs showcases her immense capabilities. Aje holds a significant place as she is believed to possess the power to transform destinies and provide for all human needs. Aje commands reverence and adoration as the goddess of wealth and prosperity in Yoruba culture. She embodies the concept of affluence, not only in material possessions but also in spiritual and emotional well-being. She is selective about where she grants prosperity; those who make offerings to her in the form of prayers and good works are often her beneficiaries. However, she is known to simply show up at the market stall of those she deems worthy of bounty and blessings. Aje often slips into the market unannounced and selects the shopkeeper she is ready to bless; once Aje enters your business, you’re bound to make a profit. Subsequently, there is a Yoruba saying, “Aje a wo ‘gba,” which means, “May profit enter your business.”


Veles is a shapeshifting trickster god found in the mythology of nearly all Slavic tribes. He is responsible for storms and often takes the form of a serpent; he is a god highly associated with the underworld, and is connected with magic, shamanism, and sorcery. Veles is considered a god of wealth in part due to his role as a deity of cattle and livestock—the more cattle you own, the wealthier you were.


In the Hindu religion, Lakshmi is the goddess of both spiritual and material wealth and abundance. She is the goddess of wealth, fortune, power, beauty, fertility and prosperity Her four hands are often seen pouring gold coins, indicating she will bless her worshipers with prosperity. She is often celebrated during Diwali, the festival of lights, but many people have altars to her in their home all year round. Lakshmi is a bestower of power, wealth and sovereignty upon those who have earned it. Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth, fortune, power, luxury, beauty, fertility, and auspiciousness. She holds the promise of material fulfilment and contentment. Lakshmi is the divine power that transforms dreams into reality. She is prakriti, the perfect creation: self-sustaining, self-contained Nature. She is described as restless, whimsical yet maternal, with her arms raised to bless and to grant.

I saved My favorite for last! I personally have so much to thank the goddess Lakshmi for. She has blessed myself and my family more times than I can count. If you really truly want to create swift, lasting change and you are ready to put in the discipline to make it happen and maintain an altar to her aligned with abundance. To enhance your work with her perform your workings with her during the Diwali festival of lights, a new moon, on Thursday or Friday.

The Best Time To Work With Abundance

Timing in magical workings and practices can play a key role and greatly impact the outcome and benefits you will receive. There are many different things to consider when you look at the timing of any of your magical workings and practices. Like, the phase the moon is currently in, the time of day it is for sunlight, what zodiac sign we are in, which Chinese zodiac year we are in, planetary affects and so on. Below is a list of some ideas of key timings that would make your abundance work more potent and/or accessible to work with.

  • The full moon and New Moon phases
  • Midnight
  • During the day from Sunrise to Noon
  • Noon
  • When in the sign of Virgo
  • Chinese year of the dragon
  • When Jupiter moves through houses associated with different areas in your life
  • During the Spring equinox or Fall equinox
  • During the Month of March

Correspondences To Receive Abundance

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for time of the year like a month, like I will list below for you to use.

  • Planet- Jupiter
  • Animal-Cattle Animals (horse, sheep, pig, ox, etc.), Buffalo, Elk, Caribou, Rabbit/Hare, Salmon, Frog, Dragon, Peacock, Goose, Crane, Heron, Hen
  • Element- Earth
  • Chakra- Solar Plexus
  • Herbs- Pine, Oak, Olive, Pine, Maple, Allspice, Angelica, Bayberry, Basil, Bay Leaves, Bergamot, Cedar, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Honeysuckle, Irish Moss, Jasmine, Melissa, Mint, Nutmeg, Orange, Patchouli, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Frankincense, clover, oregano, cloves
  • Stones/ crystals-Green Aventurine, Carnelian, sunstone, pyrite, malachite, clear quartz, citrine
  • Deities- The seven lucky gods, Lakshmi, Veles, Rosmerta, Caisen, Abundantia, Plutus, Aje, Mercury, Fortuna, Kubera
  • Symbols- Eggs, Cornucopia, cauldron, Chalice, coins, rice, wallet, pieces of silver
  • Zodiac- Virgo to learn how to connect to this sign you can read about it in a previous blogpost here;
  • Celebrations- Diwali Festival of lights, Spring Equinox, Fall Equinox, New year
  • Tarot cards- The world, The sun, The moon, Ace of cups,
  • Food & drink- Wine, Mead, Cider, Chocolate, Pork, Beef, Apples, Grain/Wheat, Various Breads, Corn, Grapes, Pomegranate, Mango, and Papaya.

Ways To Attract And Receive Abundance

Intention Setting And Manifestation Work

The first and honestly the simplest way to attract any amount of abundance into your life and magic is by intention setting, manifestation work, and visualization. There are several different ways you can do this as well from writing affirmations, speaking out loud mantras, meditating with certain frequencies, using mudras, and intention setting spells and rituals.

Even though there are several ways to attract abundance this way; there are some key things you want to keep in mind. First, you want to make sure you are very clear and specific. If you are attracting money you want to make sure you state how much and by when. If you are attracting love; you want to make sure you are clear about how it will feel, look like, sound like, smell like etc. Creating the belief in your intention is at the core of any spell, so get clear with the Universe on what you want, and trust that it will arrive.

Second, you need to make sure you have done any and all inner work around your mindset with abundance and/or the specific energy you may be asking to receive. You need to make sure you know and feel like you are worthy of receiving your abundance, and are actually open to receiving it.

Third and lastly, examine and look at if you have any unintentional negative thoughts, feelings, and/ or beliefs about what you are trying to receive as that can actually be a block and not allowing your cup to overflow with what you are calling to your magic and your life.

You can even combine multiple of these ways to call in abundance below is an example of a way to do so when attracting abundance with money and wealth.

Try writing down your intention as a positive statement in the present tense. A deadline for the money arriving might help focus your mind as well. For example, “I am so grateful for the extra $500 in my bank account by Wednesday.” Then visualize that money arriving in your account, and focus on how good it will feel to have that money. Visualize what you’ll spend the money on and how that will make you feel Then release the intention to the Universe, believing that it is already done, and hold onto that good feeling of having the money with the utter confidence that it will manifest.

Color Magic And Abundance

What is color magic? Color magic is using the color spectrum and the intention of each color to invoke its magical response and connect to that energy and vibration of the color. Each color has it’s own magical properties you can connect to. You can use those colors in spells, on your altar, to connect to elements and/or deities, and to set intentions and manifestations. You can even use color magic in your every day life like in the clothes you wear, the décor of your home, the color you paint your nails and more! The sky is the limit it really is up to you!

There are a couple different ways to use color magic with Abundance. There are, of course, colors which are associated with abundance in their own right. These will vary based on the magical tradition and the beliefs.

We generally think of abundance as being linked to colors like gold (due to its association with wealth and money) and green (particularly dark green, due to its association with prosperity). Rich, dark browns can also be a symbol of abundance, thanks to their associate with fertility and growth. Purples and indigo can also be a strong aid in abundance magic because of their links to royalty and divinity.

We can use colors in abundance magic from another angle, by focusing our color correspondences on the areas of our lives to which we want to attract abundance aka more of. Color associations can vary from tradition to tradition, from region to region, and culture to culture so use your intuition to guide what you choose. Below is a list of common color correspondences throughout the magic and witchcraft community.

Abundance Altar

I’ve talked about altars many times before when it comes to working with the moon, or a deity but, you can also set up an altar to connect with specific energies in your life. Setting up an altar for abundance is one of those energies and it can really make an impact in your life and magic. I have usually at least two at all times in my home. It impacts your life and magic in a few ways, by creating a permanent energetic container for abundance in your home, office, or place of business wherever you choose to put it. It acts as an amplification for your magical workings, and manifesting as well. It creates a visual reminder for you as well to bring your mind and soul back to for alignment when you need it. You can create this altar the same way you would any other altar in your practice including any of the correspondences we talked about above. Just follow your intuition when creating it. If you need to learn more about the basics of creating an altar you can read my study guide for my class previously taught here and keep and eye out for my blogpost coming soon on this topic as well and the class getting posted to YouTube;

Abundance Bowl- AKA Money Bowl

It’s no secret that money is the way we survive. It buys everything. Maybe you find yourself in a tight spot and you need to pay the bills. Make an abundance AKA money bowl! This practice/spell would be the first thing I would advise you to do and the first thing I would do myself. I’d refresh a current one I have set up, add another one, or simply create a brand new one. This is one abundance practice that I tend to use a lot more specifically for money and wealth but, it can also be modified as well.

What is a money bowl? A money bowl is what is sounds like – a bowl that’s used to magically attract prosperity. I like to say it’s sort of like a money jar but open and easier to feed with further ingredients and intentions. It is likely inspired by or stemming from the Feng Shui prosperity bowl or other folk magics method used in many cultures worldwide.

Money bowls can be placed in the home OR in the workplace as a magical magnet for money. I suggest using a green or clear bowl, but I’ve also seen people use gold and silver bowls since money and prosperity are linked to gold and silver too. You can add any correspondences for abundance, money and wealth you want to the bowl. I always make sure to be centered in gratitude and abundance when I add my items. For added amplification and abundance I suggest keeping your bowl in your office, place of business or where you like to get your work done.

My favorite method with these is keeping one near my front door to bring abundance in near my threshold to my home. Than every time I return back to my home any loss change and bills left in my wallet gets added to the bowl to increase the energy and my abundance I receive. Below is a list of common things used in money bowls.

  • A bowl
  • Coins
  • Paper bills
  • Written sigils
  • Rice
  • Candles
  • Written Intention
  • Bay leaves
  • Cinnamon
  • Basil
  • A mirror
  • Green Aventurine
  • Citrine
  • Clear Quartz
  • Keys
  • Gold & Green Glitter
  • Seeds

Abundance Spell Jar

Spell Jars are one of my most favorite spells to create and tools to use in my magical practice and life. Spell jars are great to create a container of energy for you to harness and come back to over and over again when you need it! A quick run down on how to create a spell jar. Pick your items, and add them to your jar after you wash, cleanse and charger your jar. As you add your items focus on visualizing the energy of abundance and what it is you very specifically want to call into your life with that energy. Once you feel the intention and energy is set inside the jar you can take your lid and seal it shut. To add more power to your jar you can add sigils to the outside or seal the lid with wax even. Place the jar on your altar or anywhere in your home, office, or car where you can see it and come back to it when you need to call on the energy and spell again. You can shake the jar to activate the magic whenever you come back to it as well. Keep an eye out for more spell jar on my Pinterest or Facebook page and in an upcoming blogpost and eBook.
Use this jar to call in abundance in any area of your life wealth, a new job, anything you can dream of that you want more abundance of in your life!

Work With Egg Magic To Receive Abundance

Eggs are an incredibly powerful and potent symbols throughout the world, cultures, and history. One of the energies we can connect to when we work with them is rebirth, fertility, and abundance the a sense of new life and reproduction. You can do this by working with egg magic in general to call in abundance, adding an egg as a correspondence to any spells, or using egg shells in workings like spell jars. If you need to learn more about egg magic and how to work with eggs in a magical way in your life you can read more in my previous blog post here;

Good Luck & Money Spell Bags

Put simply, a spell bag is a bag of ingredients put together for a specific magical purpose. These charms are easy to make and are effective for those who have clear intentions. You can make spell bags for any purpose you would like but, one of my favorite purposes is for abundance, good fortune, and good luck.

It is common to see similar practices across many cultures like in Japan with Omamori (御守/お守り). Which are Japanese amulets commonly sold at Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples, dedicated to particular Shinto kami as well as Buddhist figures, and are said to provide various forms of luck. We also see this practice as a very popular and common part of celebrating the Chinese new year with the giving of Lai-see envelopes , good luck money wrapped in little red envelopes. To learn more about that holiday you can read about it here in my previous blogpost;

How to create one on your own is pretty simple and has countless options for what you can do. Some things to consider, the color of the clothe pouch you use, what your put into it, and when you create it. All those things we talked about previously in this post can be used when making your good luck/ money spell bag. For added enhancement you can charge your items under the new or full moon prior to putting them in. You can also write words, intentions, or sigils on your herbs before you add them to your bad. As you create your bag make sure you are feeding it with your intention through either mantras, invocations, spells, or visualization to activate your good luck and money spell bag. You can keep them on you, in your car, in your purse, on your abundance altar, under your bed or anywhere your intuition leads you. Remember – money IS energy. Keep that in mind…it IS obtainable and there is plenty for everyone! And then some! Below is listed some common things used to make Good fortune and money spell bags.

  • coins
  • rice
  • eggshells
  • crystals
  • dried herbs
  • written intentions
  • Sigils
  • orange peels
  • Keys
  • Images of money and wealth
  • Cinnamon sticks
  • Paper bills

Simmer Pot For Abundance

Whether you consider yourself a Kitchen Witch, are vaguely interested in Kitchen Magic or just want to bring some good vibes and good smells into your home, simmer pots are an easy, accessible and fun ritual for any time of year! Simmer pots are easy to create and customize to your liking, so you can make your kitchen a sacred space whenever you want! So, why not make one specifically to call in abundance?!

What are simmer pots? Simmer pots are basically potpourri in a pot! You choose your ingredients, put them in a pot with water, bring to a boil, then turn down to a simmer and let it do its thing. They couldn’t be any easier, just be sure you don’t let your pot boil dry! If you want to keep the pot going simply add more water when it gets low. And obviously never leave it going when you are not home. To learn more about how about this magical practice you can check out my previous blogpost on the topic here;

Folklore/ Traditions To Attract Abundance, Wealth, And Prosperity

Like we talked about before abundance has been something humankind and our ancestors have been calling on for 1000’s of years therefore many folklore tales, symbolism and traditions have come to exist across time, cultures and lands. Let’s talk about a few of the more popular ones we still use today.

Cinnamon Blowing Day

In ancient times, cinnamon was a valuable spice worth even more than gold. Therefore, it became associated with prosperity and abundance in many cultures. It’s become a staple ritual now to use this
valuable spice to invite and welcome prosperity, wealth, and abundance into our on the first of every month.

What to do?
Take a handful or 3 pinches of ground cinnamon.
Go to your front door and open it.
Cross the threshold and face your doorway looking in. You want to make sure you blow the cinnamon into your home and not out of it.
Take a deep breath in while visualizing and thinking about abundance entering your life.
Recite “With the intention of my breath as this cinnamon blows into my home prosperity will flow”
Blow our your breath as strong as you can and blow your cinnamon across your threshold and into your home.

The Many Traditions With Rice

Rice is an ancient symbol of wealth, success, fertility and good health. In Asia rice is a natural prosperity and abundance symbol. It represents the wealth of the home. You also need to take care to protect your wealth. For this reason the manner in which you store your rice is of utmost importance. It is a good idea to place money or coins at the very bottom of the canister.

According to Japanese mythology the rice plant was brought to Japan by Prince Ninigi. Prince Ningi was the grandson of the great Sun goddess named Amaterasu. To mark the event there was a huge feast. During this feast the emperor tasted this new food in the presence of the Sun goddess herself. This precious food originated from the gods. Rice is the connection between heaven and earth. It was and always has been a precious commodity. Inari is in Shinto mythology the god of rice. Inari furthers prosperity. He or she is known to deliver wealth.

In China, rice is a symbol of good life and abundance. It is believed that keeping 21 grains of rice in a wallet attracts positive energy but also prevents unnecessary spending of money.

In more modern times throwing rice at a newlywed couple is a tradition; it symbolizes wishes of prosperity, fertility and health for the newlywed couple. Or you can sprinkle some under your door mat at your front door as well to welcome in wealth to your home.

Other Abundance Traditions

We also have some new years days traditions to call in abundance as well like taking a handful of coins and throwing them at your front door at midnight to call in abundance, or jumping off a chair at midnight to call in abundance on the new year and more.

There is a common practice as well of taking rice and bay leaves rinsing your hands in them every Monday to welcome wealth and prosperity into your home. We have spent a bunch of time talking about many ways to work with abundance in general now let me give you some specific spells for wealth and money to help your wallet and bank account be overflowing!

Easy Money Candle Spell

I’ve been doing simple money spells with candles for awhile now and they always work! Try this easy money candle spell.

What You’ll Need:

  • a green chime/spell candle (or tealight)
  • a pinch of basil or mint
  • a pinch of cinnamon
  • olive oil (about a teaspoon)
  • a pin or knife for carving into wax
  • matches/lighter
  • candle holder or firesafe plate/burner

What to Do:

Cleanse your space and spell supplies.
Close your eyes, get into sacred space, and visualize your intention. Be clear in your intention and visualize it actually happening exactly as you want it to.
Open your eyes and carve the $ symbol into your candle 3 times.
Gently roll your candle in the olive oil (if you’re using a tealight, drip a few drops on top of it), the entire time visualizing and speaking your intentions. If you are calling money state the specific amount and by when.
Next take a pinch of basil or mint and roll the candle in it (if you’re using a tealight, just sprinkle a bit on the top…but not too much!)
Do the same with the cinnamon. Just a tad. Cinnamon amplifies your intentions!
Light the candle and place in holder/burner/firesafe dish.
Next, stare at the flame and say this money spell chant, “money flow freely to me, money flow freely to me, I always have more than I ever need. so mote it be.”
Repeat this statement 3 times.
Allow the candle to burn down all the way until the flame goes out itself. Make sure to remember fire safety while you let it burn down.

Money Drawing Honey Jar

Would you believe honey is one of the most powerful forms of medicine and magic on the planet? Honeybees have been making honey for millions of years – long before humans existed. Honey is a byproduct of honeybees: a liquid substance made from an intricate process of nectar collection, digestion, and regurgitation. It’s stored in special cells called honeycombs within a bee hive. Honeybees were sacred to numerous ancient civilizations including ancient Greece and Egypt and more. Due to it’s sweet taste and it’s sticky qualities Witches and pagans have been creating honey jars for years now and across many different practices. A type of American folk magic, Hoodoo being a commonly known one to use them. They are commonly used for love, lust and sex spells but, you can use them to attract almost anything to you. Use the instructions below to create a honey jar to attract all kinds of abundance, wealth and money into your life today.

What you will need:

  • A jar with a lid
  • A piece of paper
  • honey
  • A handful of coins
  • cinnamon sticks

What to do:

Take your piece of paper and on it write you name, a dollar sign, and the amount of money you are seeking to attract and stick to you and your life. Once you have done that place the piece of paper in the bottom of the jar. Next, place your cinnamon in the jar asking it to bless you and your home with abundance, wealth, and money. Than add all your coins to your jar to be both your physical and energetic representation of the money and wealth you are attracting to stick in your life. Lastly, seal your jar as you state out loud your intention to attract abundance, wealth and money to your life. You can than place this jar on your altar or anywhere in your home, office or place of business and watch all the money come and stick to your life!

Money Doubling Spell

Use this spell to double the money you currently have in your life within 14 days!

What you will need:

  • An envelope
  • something to write with
  • A dollar bill
  • Powdered cinnamon

What To do:

Take your dollar bill and powdered cinnamon and put it inside the envelope. Take your pen and write either a money symbol or the current balance of your bank account somewhere on the outside of the envelope. Visualize your bank account doubling in 14 days and what that feels like for you to happen as you close and seal the envelope. Take the envelope and place on your altar. Go to the envelope every day for 14 days and recite the prayer below. After 14 days unseal the envelope and repeat as many times as needed and as often.

Prayer: ” I receive double the money I now have coming to me. To help me fulfill all of my desires and needs. I am receiving double the money I now have coming to me please guide me to accept all the abundance coming to me. so mote it be.”

Recharge Your Abundance, good luck, and Money Spells

A big mistake I see practitioners make when it comes to money spells is they forget to recharge the spell with energy! What do I mean by this? After you do your money jar spell, recharge the energy by shaking the jar daily and/or burning another candle on top of it, add more energy and intention to your spell by visiting it, or physically adding more items to increase your abundance like with a money bowl. In addition, you can’t just sit on your butt and do nothing and wait for money to flow in because of a money spell. You still have to put the active energy behind your intentions to receive your abundance. That is just how the universe works. As above so below, as within so without.

Wrap Up

We have talked about an abundant amount of things in this blogpost. From, what abundance is and how it is much more than just having money and wealth, but how it is living a completely full life and having more than you could need in every area of your life. We than talked about different ways to connect to and represent abundance from different deities to correspondences. Lastly, we went over many many ways to work with the energy of abundance and attract it into our lives from spells, rituals, and more. However, you choose to work with the energy of abundance to attract it into your life remember to make sure you are in the correct mindset, you are aligned, and you go back and recharge those spells and rituals to get the maximum affect and benefits to your life!

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The Magic Of Eggs; The Magical Meanings And Uses Of Eggs

With Spring in the air, the days getting longer and the snow beginning to melt in some areas of the world most of us will feel a pull to refresh, rebirth, and renewal. We may even celebrate some spring holidays like, the Spring Equinox, Ostara or Easter. Whichever holiday it is you celebrate; a common symbol you will see is the Egg. The egg has been a powerful, and prominent symbol in human culture for 1000s of years far back into antiquity. The egg has been a staple not only as a food source and a center piece at breakfast time but, in magic, religion, and cultural practices as well. It can be seen in texts, art, and stories across many different cultures and even still today we see it every time spring rolls around in modern culture. Eggs symbolize fertility, birth/resurrection, Spring, nourishment and protection. Let’s roll into spring and crack open the magical uses and meanings of eggs in this blogpost.

Eggs In Cultures Throughout History

From Roman and Greek funerary rites to the birth of the Hindu god, Brahma, the egg is featured prominently in religious/spiritual traditions, folklore and celebration practices around the world. For many modern pagans, the egg symbolizes the Spring Equinox and/or Ostara and the renewal of life in the natural world. Let’s look at some more ( not all) of the ways eggs have been used in different cultures throughout history.

In Persia, eggs have been painted for thousands of years as part of the spring celebration of No Ruz, which is the Zoroastrian new year. In Iran, the colored eggs are placed on the dinner table at No Ruz, and a mother eats one cooked egg for each child she has. The festival of No Ruz predates the reign of Cyrus the Great, whose rule (580-529 b.c.e.) marks the beginning of Persian history.

In some Native American creation tales, the egg features prominently. Typically, this involves the cracking of a giant egg to form the universe, the earth, or even gods. In some tribes of America’s Pacific northwest region, there is a story about thunder eggs–geodes–which are thrown by the angry spirits of the high mountain ranges.

A Chinese folk tale tells of the story of the formation of the universe. Like so many things, it began as an egg. A deity named Pan Gu formed inside the egg, and then in his efforts to get out, cracked it into two halves. The upper portion became the sky and cosmos, and the lower half became the earth and sea. As Pan Gu grew bigger and more powerful, the gap between earth and sky increased, and soon they were separated forever.

In early Christian cultures, consumption of the Easter egg may have marked the end of Lent. In Greek Orthodox Christianity, there is a legend that after Christ’s death on the cross, Mary Magdalene went to the emperor of Rome, and told him of Jesus’ resurrection. The emperor’s response was skeptical, hinting that such an event was just about as likely as a nearby bowl of eggs suddenly turning red. Much to the emperor’s surprise, the bowl of eggs turned red, and Mary Magdalene joyfully began preaching Christianity throughout the land.

It was commonly thought in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period that witches could use empty eggshells to “fly” to their sabbaths. Eggshells were also thought to be used as vehicles for the fairies, so it was highly encouraged to destroy your eggshells before such magical beings could put them to use.

There’s an old English superstition that if you’re a girl who wants to see who your true love is, place an egg in front of your fire on a stormy night. As the rain picks up and the wind begins to howl, the man you will marry will come through the door and pick up the egg.

In American folk magic, eggs appear regularly in agricultural stories. A farmer who wants to “set” his eggs under broody hens should only do so during the full moon; otherwise, most of them won’t hatch. Likewise, eggs carried around in a woman’s bonnet will provide the best pullets. Eggs placed in a man’s hat for safekeeping will all produce roosters. Even the eggs of certain birds are special. Owls’ eggs are said to be a sure cure for alcoholism, when scrambled up and fed to someone with a drinking problem. Dirt found under a mockingbird’s egg can be used to alleviate sore throats.

Symbolism and Meaning Of The Egg

In many cultures and society, the egg is considered the perfect magical symbol. It is, after all, representative of new life. In fact, it is the life cycle/ circle of life personified in it’s shape alone. As we talked about above Eggs are the center of many creation myths and the source of where our universe began. Even when you look up the definition of what an Egg really is; it is the place life begins, and is protected and nurtured until it is ready to be born into this realm. Life is LITERALLY hatched from and BEGINS in eggs. The egg is a source of powerful energy that is able to take stagnant and unproductive energy and metamorphize it into fertile and productive energy. Eggs in magic and witchcraft represent fertility, rebirth, creation, nourishment, protection and abundance.

Magical Ways To Work With Eggs

As you can imagine because, eggs are such a potent, prominent, and powerful energy with many different energies you can connect to there are just as many ways to work with them! On top of that they are generally pretty easy to get ahold of, if you don’t already have some in your kitchen. You can roll into Spring feeling refreshed, and ready to crack open in rebirth and transformation with any or all of these magical workings.

Oomancy-Divination With Eggs

Oomancy is the name for egg cleansing and divination, also known as ovomancy, ovamancy, ooscopia, oomancia, oomantia. The name comes from the ancient Greek word for egg “oon” and “manteia” meaning divination. There are several methods to how this can be done in different cultures. Oomancy was a very common form of divination practiced in ancient Greece and Rome specifically, where it was believed that one could tell the future by interpreting the shapes formed when the separated whites from an egg was dropped into hot water.

Included here is a standard version if you would like to try your hand at.


First, you will want to fill a clear glass bowl with water. Hot, boiled water may make it easier to see shapes since it will partially cook the egg and prevent it from moving more than necessary.

Next, cleanse the egg before rolling it down your body starting at the crown of your head, allowing it to absorb impurities, then crack it into the water. Below is a list of signs to look for when divining with eggs. When reading an egg cleanse, the yolk is representative of you and the whites symbolize others.

  • Clear or mostly clear means you’ve been keeping up with your cleansing methods and wards…it means you don’t have a lot of negative energy affecting you!
  • Strings of white that go from top to bottom in the water indicate energetic cords that are negative and need to be cleared (if it’s thin, the attachment can be cleared easily but if it’s thick, it might take a longer stint of purification rituals to sever the tie)
  • Blood in the yolk could mean one of two things (or both simultaneously): the person is ill and/or is being spiritually attacked by a witch/evil eye
  • Cloudiness in the whites and around the yolk is the actual negative energy you’ve lifted off yourself/the individual
  • Foul odor also means the person is being spiritually attacked and affected by witchcraft or the evil eye
  • Actual symbols should be read accordingly. For instance, if you see an eye, we interpret this egg cleanse meaning as someone is watching you or sending you the evil eye. If a scary face is in the white, you may have a ghost or spirit nearby of a malevolent nature
  • Thick white blob still connected to the yolk typically means the person has another person strongly attached to them and could be feeding off their energy (sometimes the blob appears to look like a little head growing off the yolk itself)
  • Cobwebs or thready substance around the yolk means you have folks who are envious of you and your endeavors
  • Thick coating around the yolk could indicate a strong protective shield around the person OR the person is so defensive that they struggle in relationships
  • Letters or numbers should also be read accordingly in an egg cleansing reading. Letters could indicate someone’s initials who is throwing magical shade your way OR someone who is attached to you energetically. Numbers could indicate the amount of people who are throwing shade your way, or it could be predicting a future event on a certain date.
  • Double yolk means one of a few things: a. if you’re pregnant, you’re having twins. Or b. you have a twin soul somewhere out there. Or even c. your soul may have been split in two during a traumatic experience during your life.
  • If eggshell gets into the cleanse: this means your spiritual protective barriers have been penetrated. Consider learning how to shield yourself and wear a protective amulet.

Repeat as many times as necessary, cleansing and protecting between, until signs are good and there are no indications of a curse.

Bury A Raw Egg In Your Garden Or Yard

A classic symbol of fertility and abundance, a buried egg in your spring garden blesses the harvest for fruitful yield. It helps that it also makes excellent fertilizer! This also appeases the nature spirits present in your garden. You can also spread or sprinkle eggshells in the garden for the same purposes. You can amplify this energy and blessing by drawing a fertility sigil, a symbol for a Spring deity, or a growth intention before you bury it in the earth. You can recite a mantra, prayer, or invocation as well as you buy the egg. During this on a New moon or during the Spring equinox can also add more energy to this practice for you.

Banish A Dark Mood

Feeling a little under the weather emotionally? Try this liberating ritual. Write one word or symbol on a raw egg that represents your frustration, sadness or grief. Go to the edge of a moving water and throw the egg against a river rock. Watch the contents drain into the water. Walk away and don’t look back.

Leave Eggs At A Newer Gravesite

The Greeks and Romans left eggs in tombs or near grave sites to symbolize the afterlife. Leave eggs at the graveside of a loved one to bless their eternal life and heal grieving souls.

Use Eggs In Kitchen Magic

Include eggs in kitchen witch recipes for abundance, fertility or to celebrate the Spring Equinox. Get creative! Next time you crack an egg into a bowl, tell it what you want it to do. “An egg to increase fertility and increase my chances to conceive,” as an example. “An egg to protect all who eat this cake.”

Cascarilla; Egg powder

Cascarilla powder is simply eggshells ground down into a fine powder. This magical powder is used for different magical purposes but mainly for protection. Wash out your eggshells, let them dry, then grind them down in your mortar. Save the powder and use in protection rituals and spells. Some of my favorite ways to use egg powder are adding it to black salt, using to line a magic circle when casting, add to a spell bag or spell jar, or a prosperity bowl.

Cast A Glamor Or Beauty Spell

Eggs symbolize renewal, rebirth and eternity. Whisk together an egg white, a splash of fresh lemon juice and a little honey, then apply it to the face ask you would a skin mask. Close your eyes and meditate on the manifestation of eternal beauty. You can also use eggs to create a hair mask to use instead of a face mask as well.

Ostara/ Spring Equinox Wish

One of my favorite Ostara traditions to do is making an Ostara wish using a hard boiled egg. It is so simple to do as well! All you need is a hard boiled egg. Take a hard boiled egg, write a wish or intention you would like to plant to bloom by harvest time this year. Take your egg with your wish written on it out under the moon on Ostara. Hold it up to the sky, recite your wish out loud, and than take your egg and bury it in the earth for your wish to sprout, grow, and bloom this year.

Decorate Eggs

Eggs are a symbol of the Spring and henceforth Easter and Ostara. The tradition of painting and decorating eggs pre-dates Christianity and spans multiple cultures. To appease the gods and the spirits of Spring, decorate and paint eggs, then leave them at the foot of trees as offerings. Decorated eggs in the home in Spring ensures abundance and health in the coming months. The colors you choose to use when decorating can even represent specific energies and intentions as well. Below is a list of some ideas for you as you decorate your eggs.

  • Red- Passion, Power, Transformation
  • Orange- Attraction, Good Fortune/Luck
  • Yellow- Happiness, Inspiration
  • Green-Abundance, Prosperity, Wealth, Good Health
  • Blue- Peace, Tranquility, Spirituality
  • Purple- Mystical, Magical, The Power of Spring
  • Pink-Love, Friendship

Egg Magic For The Home

While I don’t necessary condone throwing a bunch of eggs on your roof, one egg or eggshell thrown on the roof of the house can protect you from another witch’s hexes. You can also line any threshold with an egg like a window sill or door for home protection. You can take a hard boiled egg and bury it in the earth near your front door as a protection ward and to call in abundance too. Or sprinkle broken eggshells across the threshold as a protection barrier.

Decorate An Easter Egg Tree

In Germany, it’s traditional to have an Easter tree to celebrate the Spring season. This is the same thing as a Christmas tree, except it’s for Easter. And if you’re pagan, call it your Ostara Tree. instead. Purchase hanging or make your own. You can even add magical symbols and words to each egg.

Egg Prosperity Spell

This spell is designed to bring you prosperity, whether it be financial or otherwise, by working with the magical properties of the egg.

What You’ll Need:

  • An egg or eggs if making more than one
  • biodegradable sachet
  • pyrite
  • mint
  • marker, dye, and other tools to decorate the egg

What To Do:

Begin by cleansing, charging, and/or blessing your items. After the items are ready to go, write, draw, or otherwise decorate your egg with your intent: prosperity. You can draw a rune in gold on your egg to represent prosperity. Other color choices are green, orange, or violet. You can dye the egg a solid color, draw sigils, or money symbols. After the egg is decorated, place it along with the pyrite and mint into the biodegradable sachet.

When all the items are placed in the sachet, hold it in both hands and imagine it filling with gold and green light. Say,
“With egg for new beginnings adorned all in gold [you can insert your own color here, but it may not rhyme ]
With pyrite for wealth and mint for fortunes untold,
I open myself to wealth beyond measure,
And accept the Universe’s treasure.”

Once the spell is done, find a safe place in your garden, preferably by a plant also associated with prosperity and abundance, and bury the sachet

Egg Fertility Spell

This Spell is meant to bring you fertility in your life especially if you are trying to conceive in your life right now. It harnesses both the potent power of the egg and the snake. This is a very simple spell to do that needs very few items.

What you will need:

  • A hard boiled egg
  • A jar or Satchel- Depending on what you want to make a spell jar or spell bag
  • Mint
  • Thyme
  • Rose
  • Gold wax/candle

What to do:

Once you have hard boiled your egg, take a pen or marker and draw a symbol of a snake on the egg. Take the egg, remove the shell, and save the shell for later. Eat the egg while envisioning golden light full of fertility filling you up from the inside. Than take the eggshells, mint, thyme, and rose place them in a jar or spell bag and seal with some gold wax from a candle. Place the jar or bag under the bed you would like to conceive in.

One Last Tip; Using Your Eggshells

We have talked about a lot when it comes to Eggs, the history of eggs through many cultures, their meanings and energetic connections and many ways you can work with eggs in your magical practice and life. The last tip I want to leave you with is to remember to keep your eggshells for all kinds of magical workings as well. You can grind them up to add them to all kinds of protection workings like spell jars, spell bags, black salt, and even use them to line your magic circles when you are casting. They can even be used in fertility, prosperity, and growth spells as well. However you choose to work with eggs this spring enjoy the very potent, powerful, and fertile energy they will bring to you move through this season of rebirth.

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The Magic Of Casting A Circle

The magic circle — also known as the magic circle of protection, ritual circle, witch’s circle, and even sacred circle — is one of the most iconic trademarks of magic. You hear over and over again about how we should know how to do one and when you attend ceremonies and rituals you hear the facilitator/ practitioner use one often but, do you really know why we cast a magic circle and what one really is?

What is a magic circle?

A magic circle is a sacred space that practitioners of magic believe contains energy. The magic circle is an area of non-physical space created and constructed of personal power. It creates an energetic and psychic container – a safe, protected space – for magic and healing to take place. When you cast a circle, you are said to be in a space between worlds – void space, magic space, liminal space, grey space, spiral space beyond linear time. It’s a magical environment in which the deities are welcomed and celebrated, and where rituals and magical workings take place.

Many magical practitioners create a circle as part of their magical ritual. The circle may first be marked out with chalk or paint, or drawn in salt or, more usually, it is visualized with no physical representation of the circle at all. All of the participants may stand around the perimeter of the circle or may stand in the center.

A solo practitioner generally stands in the center. The circle is established using the energy of the practitioner(s) using means specific to their tradition. The energy encircles the area horizontally as well as vertically, creating something more like a sphere or bubble of spiritual energy.

There are two main types of magic circles used.  Those formed by ceremonial magicians are designed to protect the magician from the forces that he or she raises.  While those formed by witches and wiccans, are mainly used to create sacred space in which to meet and commune with the Goddess, God and Spirits. The magic circle is essentially a magical seal or sigil. Circles may or may not be physically marked out on the ground, and a variety of elaborate patterns for circle markings can be used. A castor may even add tools, candles, and other items as well. 

When it comes to casting a circle there really are endless possibilities to how you choose to cast one, when you choose to cast a circle, and what/if you call in to add energy to your circle as you cast it as well. Continue to read to learn all about the history of casting a magic circle, why you should use and when, and some of the many ways you can cast a magic circle and decide if this staple of magic workings will be added to your practice.

A Circling Group

A group of witches or magic users may sometimes refer to themselves as a Circle or Circling group rather than a coven. A coven implies the group’s shared set of beliefs and oaths. Using the term Circle to describe a group of magical practitioners implies that while the group performs magic together and gathers for some spiritual and social occasions, they do not necessarily share the same belief system and owe each other no oaths.

Circles are often formed for training purposes or for family groups and general fellowship and Circle members may be involved with other groups as well.

History of casting a circle 

Manly P. Hall once said, “The most primitive and fundamental of all symbols is the dot [circle].”

They considered geometry holy teaching in antiquity. Scholars and wise men of old deemed the circle sacred and studied it along with other divine natural sciences in studying the stars and mathematics. At the time, they saw mathematics as a discipline to aid in communication with their gods. Ritual magicians utilized solving geometric equations like squaring the circle. We see this in the mystical teachings by Pythagoras.

Circle casting has been around for 1000s of years. We see evidence of it as far back as Sumerian culture.  Evidence of its practice can be found in texts like the Lesser Keys of Solomon as well. It is mentioned in other “high magick” grimoires; many of dubious origin. In this early metaphysical literature, casting a circle was a means of containing spirits and energies conjured during complex rituals of evocation. The means of conjuring these spirits was risky to all involved and it’s easy to imagine that many spirits were not too happy with the mages doing the summoning. Circles also functioned as a way to protect the humans performing the ritual and were often combined with sigils. 

Over time, the reason for casting a circle has changed. Most contemporary witches who cast circles do so to create a sacred space or vortex of power that sits between and connects the physical world with the spiritual. In this space, the witch is free to work with the energies they choose to evoke. The circle, no longer just a means of protection, has become an energetic focus and sphere of unadulterated power when properly created. This modern idea of circle casting began with the work of traditional English witches in the early 1900’s and was popularized afterward by Gerald Gardner, the creator of the Wiccan religion.

Mesopotamian Magic

In Mesopotamia, called by some the cradle of civilization, most people created rituals. Both individually and as a community. The Sumerians called the use of ritual circles Zisurrû.

Sumerians used a common technique in casting ritual circles. They drew the circle with flour or chalk. They spread the flour around figurines of deities and figures of protection entities. For example, I, An, and Enlil who were all gods of Mesopotamia and are within the seven gods. Sumerians believed they attributed to the gods with this ritual.

The type of flour was crucial as different grains held unique properties. Wheat flour specifically invoked deities. Barley encircled beds to protect against disease-causing demons, and šemuš-flour repelled ghosts.

Archaeologists have also discovered the use of magic circles. Similarly, not on the ground but in pottery. Written on the bowls, called “incantation bowls.” In spirals were magical words of invocation, multiple names of deities, and seemingly “nonsense” words that hold mystical power.

Greek Magic

In Greece, Magic circles were protective necessities. However, this motif of the circle as protection against negative spirits is a constant theme in all cultures.

The ancient Greeks used prayers from priests as a spoken magic circle.

Charles Stewart, the author of Magic Circles, says,

“An exorcism prayer for clearing a space of evil spirits describes how the priest’s blessing establishes a circular ‘boundary of fire’ within which all terrestrial, aerial, and astral spirits will be bound and rendered subordinate to Christ and the saints.”

Hermetic Magic, Golden Dawn, Thelema, and Others

A significant tradition exists within the magical Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. They named this tradition the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram or LBRP.

Physically, you will draw out pentagrams representing the four cardinal directions. The archangels are usually the magic circle and will not have markings. The figures you draw and envision form a protective circle around you.


In the early 1900’s and was popularized afterward by Gerald Gardner, the creator of the Wiccan religion.

In Wicca, a magic circle is typically nine feet in diameter, though the size can vary depending on the purpose of the circle, and the preference of the caster.

Some varieties of Wicca use the common ceremonial color attributions for ‘quarter candles’: yellow for air in the east, red for fire in the south, blue for water in the west and green for earth in the north (though these attributions differ according to geographical location and individual philosophy).

Have you ever been told that you can’t enter a circle or leave a circle once it has been cast? That is a wiccan belief and actually doesn’t spread across all castors when it comes to magic circles. This is because wiccans believe the barrier is believed to be fragile, so that leaving or passing through the circle would weaken or dispel it. This is referred to as “breaking the circle”.  It is generally advised that practitioners do not leave the circle unless absolutely necessary.

In order to leave a circle and keep it intact, Wiccans believe a door must be cut in the energy of the circle, normally on the east side. Whatever was used to cast the circle is used to cut the doorway, such as a sword, staff or knife (athame), a doorway is cut in the circle, at which point anything may pass through without harming the circle. This opening must be closed afterwards by reconnecting the lines of the circle. The circle is usually closed by the practitioner after they have finished by drawing in the energy with the athame.


Casting a circle can have many purposes to benefit your magical workings and practices. What purpose you are meaning to use it for as well will help you determine when and how to cast one in your magical workings, practices and even in your daily life. 

Create Intentional Space

Part of casting a circle is about mindset. It allows us to shift out of the mundane world and into the sacred. As you get used to casting a circle, it will start to signal to your body and brain that you’re entering into a ritual space, and your energy will likely begin to shift automatically. Your body, brain, soul, and spirit will automatically shift into a more grounded, mindful, and energetic state.


When you open yourself up to working with energy, it’s important to protect yourself from unwanted energies. Working with magic and ritual, especially any astral or Akashic work, it can leave us vulnerable to unwanted energies coming in. When you cast a circle you are creating a potent extended barrier of energy around you and your space to help you filter the energies you are allowing in. It can be even more potent if you add deities, other entities, guides, the watch towers, elements, and more. 

Focus the energy of your workings

Casting a circle isn’t just about keeping unwanted energy out; it’s also about keeping the desired energy in. Our magic is more powerful when we can focus it in a specific direction, rather than let it scatter and diffuse. An energetic circle helps us gather and concentrate more energy to support the purpose of our magical workings!

When to cast a circle

So, when should you cast a circle you ask? Again, the possibilities really are endless and there isn’t just one answer to when you should be casting a magic circle. For example, you can cast a magic circle of protection around yourself before you leave on a long trip in your car or flying in a plane. Or you can do one when you are taking a ritual bath, calling down the moon, creating a spell jar, on Samhain, and even during meditation.  The list really is endless. You can cast a circle whenever you feel you need to use its magical and energetic purposes in your life. Here is a list of some more idea below;

  • Any pagan holidays or festivals
  • When honoring the Wheel of the year
  • When doing divination
  • While calling down the moon
  • Shadow work
  • During cleansing
  • Meditation
  • Spell work/ Casting
  • When working with a deity
  • Coven/ group work
  • When in need of protection 
  • When you need to focus
  • For amplification purposes
  • Astral travel
  • Akashic/ Spirit Work
  • As Protection magic
  • When working with the Elements and/or planets
  • property/home magic

Where to Cast a Circle

I feel like I am going to sound like a broken record here but, guess what guys? Your possibilities for where to cast a circle are again going to be endless. You can cast one one your way to work in your car to help you with dealing with coworkers, you can cast one in your living room, your front yard, your bedroom for enhanced sex magic, literally the list could go on. It all just depends on the purpose you are using the circle for, the time you have to cast it, and how you want to do it. Then you just make sure your location fits all of those needs. 

Do you have to cast a circle?

Is casting a casting a circle you have to do each time you cast, or do deity work, or celebrate Samhain? No, you don’t. Casting a circle is completely up to you. You can choose when you cast a circle, and if you even cast a circle at all. Most of the times when I am working with a deity I cast a circle but, not every time.  Other magic workings like when I am making spell bags I have never cast a circle when doing. This is going to all be up to you and what you decide. One of the many beauties of this path.

What you’ll need to Cast a Circle

Depending on your practice, purpose, and space this could mean many different things.  You could need nothing to cast your circle but yourself and a quite space alone or in a group. Or you may need representations of the four elements, a deity, the four directions, and the list could go on. So, this is really going to be up to you. 

Some common items you may need when casting a circle will be listed.

  • A bowl of salt or herbs to represent earth
  • A chalice of Water
  • A wand or Athame
  • Incense or feather to represent Air
  • Candles to represent fire
  • Crystals
  • Images of deities
  • Statues of deities
  •  Offerings
  • Anything you can use to outline your physical circle if you choose to like flowers, salt, flour, branches, rocks, etc.

Prep for your circle

So, you know you’re going to be casting a magic circle. Is there any prep for casting one? Yes, for every type of circle casting there is at least a little bit of prep. I say this because, even if you are doing a quick one in your car or a daily one in the mirror at home you still have some prep work.

Your prep work for casting a circle will look different every time as a whole but, each time you need to decide what is the purpose of your circle you are going to cast, do you need to cleanse and prep your space, will you be physically drawing your circle and do you need any tools? Once you answer those questions then you do what needs to be done. You decide the purpose, you grab any tools if needed and you cleanse the space if you need to. If you decide to cleanse I like just doing a simple smoke cleanse with incense or an herb bundle.  After that your next step to prep work is to go to your chosen space, physically draw your circle if you chose and than get grounded, enter sacred space, take some deep breaths and get ready for your visualization and circle casting.

How to Cast Circle

There are so many ways to cast a circle. It’s my belief that magical practice is always more powerful when it is YOURS. When you take the time to study it, sit with it, experiment with it and develop it to be your own personal magic and style. However you choose to cast your circle, one thing is common: you’ll work with visualization and energy. 

Below is one example of how to cast a circle using the four directions and elements;

  • Center yourself with a few deep, grounding breaths. 
  • Let your eyes close and start to call on the elements. 
  • Starting in the East, with the element of Air, speak aloud to invite the energy of Air, of breath, of voice, of mind, to hold the circle. 
  • Then turn your focus to the South, the element of Fire, and speak aloud to invite the energy of Fire, of transformation, of passion, of the sun, to hold the circle. 
  • Turn your focus again to the West, the element of Water, and speak aloud to invite the energy of Water, of feeling, of surrender, of the ocean, to hold the circle with you. 
  • Lastly, turn your focus to the North, to the element of Earth, and speak aloud to invite the energy of Earth, of holding, of soil, of forests, to hold the circle. 
  • Feel the shift in your body and your space as the circle forms. Visualize a golden circle of light around you, supported by the powerful energy of each of the elements, holding a sacred and safe container for you.
  • When you feel ready, say out loud: “The circle is now cast.”

When you need a quick circle for protection in public places, here’s how to cast a simple circle:

  • Relax your body and mind as much as possible.
  • Cleanse your body with 5 deep breaths and allow the tension to leave your body.
  • Close your eyes (if you can) and visualize a bright white light bursting from the top of your head.
  • Continue visualizing – this white light now showers over your body, forming a circle from head to feet.
  • Hold the image of an impenetrable, shining white bubble. This circle protects from energetic intrusion. Hold the image as long as you can and it will protect you for the day.

How to Cast a Circle for Pagan Rituals (AKA Calling the Quarters)

For pagan rituals and sabbats, after cleansing and preparation

  • Stand at the North point of the circle (have your wand/athame ready, if you use one.) Turn and draw a circle with your wand, ending where you are standing in the north.
  • Then, take a breath and envision a cave of impenetrable crystals encircling you.
  • Face the north, raise both arms, and say, “I call on the element of Earth. Nourish and protect us this magical night.”
  • Walk towards the east. Envision a powerful, illuminated wind encircling you.
  • Face the East and say, “I call on the element of Air. Inspire and guide us this magical night.”
  • Turn from the east and walk towards the south. Envision a fire that ignites passion and power from deep within you.
  • Stand facing the south and say, “I call on the element of Fire. Ignite our spirits and empower us this magical night.”
  • Now turn and walk towards the west. Envision a gentle rain falling all around.
  • Stand facing the west and say, “I call on the element of Water. Give us powers of dream and intuition and purify us this magical night.”
  • Next, stand in the middle of the circle and visualize a white bubble of light where you walked the circle. This circle isn’t just one dimensional – it reaches above your head and below your feet forming a perfect sphere.
  • At this point, you may call the ancestors or gods of your choice (this is optional).
  • Say, “The circle is cast. Let no one enter or leave the circle until it is released.” Proceed with the ritual.

An example of one of my circle Castings

My circle castings change every single time I do one. When I am casting for my home and property I will physically create one with the points of my property and items, when I do shadow work I at times will invoke deities, sometimes I use just my energy and others I use crystals and all the elements. I follow my intuition and the purpose I have for this particular circle. 

Below is a short example of what I usually include in a circle casting in most of classes and rituals; ( Each element part changes each time)

I call to the spirit and guides to each and every soul in this circle. 

I ask that you encircle us in protection, guidance, connection, and wisdom.

I call to guardians and gatekeepers of the four directions and I thank you ever so much for turning your gaze towards us and I ask for you to join us.

I call to the direction of east and the element of Air

For you are the breath in my lungs the reason I can breath 

You bring transformation and wisdom on your wides of change each time you blow through my life. 

I honor your breath, your power of change and that you are my breath of life. 

I ask you element of air to hold the eastern gateway

I call to the direction of south and the element of fire.

You are my passion, my spark, and the ember in my soul for motivation.

You teach me to blaze and burn brightly to be a guide in the dark and warmth to those who seek my shelter. 

To have passion and desire and also to know when to use my flames to burn those who need to be taught a lesson

I ask you element of fire to hold the southern gate. 

I call to the guardians and gatekeepers of the direction of west and the element

Of water.

You teach me water that your depths are vast and deep and moving in your tides can cause your to drown or float just like our emotions. 

You teach me to swim with grace when I need to and float when your depths call.

You are the life force for each living being and the reason earth is so very unique. 

I call to you element of water and ask you to hold the western gate this evening.

I call to the guardians and gatekeepers of the direction of north and the element of Earth. 

You are the home of every living being. 

You are the resting place of every ancestor of every line and every generation. 

You are where we all begin and where we all end. 

You are the populated cities and the vast uncharted territories yet to be found.

I call to you element of earth and ask you to hold the northern gateway.

I call to the guardians and gatekeepers, spirit guides, inter dimensional beings, elementals, any deities, and all other entities willing to protect, guide and assist of both above and below and thank you so very much for holding those gateways. 

Amen. Aho. So mote it is

Other ways to Enhance a Circle

You can make casting a circle as simple or as complex as you’d like. Here are some other ways you can choose to enhance and cast your circle. 

  • Place your Ritual Deck element or direction cards around you in each of the corresponding directions.
  • Place physical items representing each of the elements around in the corresponding directions. Learn more about how to represent each of the elements here.
  • Place four crystals around you in each of the corresponding directions. Hematite or snowflake obsidian work well for Earth/North, amethyst or kyanite for Air/East, citrine or pyrite for Fire/South, and moonstone or carnelian for Water/West. 
  • Place four lighted candles around you in each of the corresponding directions. A black or brown candle for Earth/North, a yellow or purple candle for Air/East, a red or orange candle for Fire/South, and a blue silver candle for Water/west
  • Walk the circumference of the circle.
  • Use a wand or athame (ritual knife) to draw the circle around you.
  • Physically draw your circle using salt, sugar, or flour
  • Add offerings and image of deities or other entities
  • Add sigils at the four directions and/or corners

The Elements Vs. The Guardians of the Watchtowers

Some people prefer to invoke the elements when casting a circle, while others call on the guardians of the watchtowers. What’s the difference between the two? When the elements earth, air, fire, and water are invoked to cast a circle, we are calling those elements specifically and the energy they bring. When the guardians of the watchtowers are called, we invoke the highest beings that watch over each directional point and related element. These are sometimes seen as gods and goddesses, sometimes seen as angels.

Breaking a Circle

Have you ever been told you can’t enter a circle once the castor has begun or that if you leave you can not re enter or you will be ending the circle for everyone? Are these things true? I am not going to say it’s a definite no. For some the answer is yes. For others like many wiccans, you have to open a door by cutting one in the circle using your left hand and athame. For others like myself I don’t think it is true unless I make the decision for it to be true. I believe your circle is being constructed with your energy which means you get to decide if no one else can enter, if they can under certain circumstances, or if anyone can enter at anytime.

Closing Your Circle

You cast your spell, meditated for shadow work, focused your energy, or cast protection now what? Now, you have to make sure to do one more important thing, close your circle. Your circle is a sacred energetic space you created and you are also energetically keeping it in existence. When your circle has served its purpose and intention do not forget to thank your circle for how it assisted you and then ask it to be released/ dispelled and your energy to come back to you or go to where it came from. 

Wrap Up

Casting a circle in magic has a long history across many cultures and practices and how you choose to cast yours is up to you. Remember it may change each time as well. Experiment with it and decide what works best for you, using the elements, tools, the directions, a deity, or just yourself. It really is up to you! And remember you can decide to never cast one as well and that’s okay though I really think you should give it a try the benefits are worth it!

To expand your knowledge about this magic or if you’d rather listen than read; you can watch my free class with Divination Academy on YouTube below!