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Working With The Loving, Bright, Vital, And Balancing Energy Of June

Every single month has its own energy, and frequencies we can connect to that are unique. When we connect to the month’s energy and frequencies we can find ourselves living a much more aligned, and magical life. We have the ability to amplify our magical workings, intentions, and manifesting. Let’s talk about how to do that with the month of June.

An explosion of vitality shines brightly down on the Earth this month from the Sun. And that joy of living is transferred to the spirit in everything all around us like; in the activities of humans, like camping, BBQS, concerts, community events, and an increase in weddings this month. In the full hustle and bustle of nature with young running around now, gardens fully growing, and flowers blooming. We see it even in celebrations this month. Like the arrival of midsummer with Litha and the longest day of the year when we observe the height of the sun. The celebration of all kinds of love, with the celebration of the LGBT community being Pride month. Then the focus of fatherly love on father’s day. This month has also been known from antiquity in rome and greece to be the best and most popular month to get married. Love is around every corner in June; sexual love as well as self-love through your self worth, fatherly love and romantic love through marriage and relationships.

The month of June continues the fiery and passionate energy of May with the sun intensifying that energy and the days beginning to get longer. The month of June is vibrant, energetic, creative, lustful, fertile, joyous, bright, loving, and brimming full with the vitality of the sun. Once the celebration of Litha happens, the days begin to get longer, and we enter the second half of the year; this month becomes all about self improvement, reevaluating our goals and intentions, organization, cleaning/cleansing, and performing magic for strength and motivation.

In the month of June we see some themes from both May and April continued as well. It’s a time like the previous months to honor the sun’s power, celebrate the Earth’s abundance, and harness the energy of growth and vitality. This month continues to be a time to focus on positive change, growth and new opportunities. As well as taking the time to celebrate under the vibrant rays of the sun your successes you have already had this yearly cycle. This month is a time to truly focus on aligning ourselves with the natural rhythms of the solar system and the turning of the wheel through the brightest rays of the sun we will have access to throughout the year. This month is a time to align ourselves with the sense of balance that we are pushed into with it also being the midway mark of our chronological year.

Make sure to use those energies and themes to nourish your seeds planted in March, that you watered in April, and you Nourished in May. Focus on making sure you are allowing the joyous, loving and Vital rays of the sun to shine onto your manifestations, intentions, and goals for the year. Allow them to soak up those rays so they can flourish, and grow even bigger than you ever imagined during the brightest and most vibrant month of the year.

History Of The Month Of June

The month of June is named after the Roman Goddess of Marriage, Juno. It may also be derived from the Roman word iuniores meaning “young ones”. Some scholars also believe it is also possible that this month was dedicated to the Junior branch of the legislature. June is known as the sixth month of the Gregorian Calendar, and June is considered the first month of summer.

The month of June also featured other prominent symbols like hera, Danu, and even Zeus where we see balance in this month again. Zeus, the ‘father of all gods’, was honored in mid-June (mid-summer) in Ancient Greece, which is the reason many believe the origins of Father’s Day, our honoring and celebration of fathers this month, is actually associated with this god.

Zodiac Signs For The Month Of June

People born in June are either Geminis (May 21–June 20) or Cancers (June 21–July 22):
Geminis are represented by the Twins, Geminis are said to be smart, curious, quick-witted, and social butterflies. They are also known for juggling many passions, hobbies, careers, and friend groups.
Cancers are represented by the Crab, Cancers are said to be intuitive, caring, protective, and empathetic. They are also said to be able to exist in both emotional and material realms, and are willing to do whatever it takes to protect themselves emotionally.

Sacred Days And Celebrations In June

Every Single month has sacred and important days and celebrations to help you connect to the energies of the month. Plus they usually are a lot of fun to take part in! Let’s talk about a couple of the sacred days and celebrations for the month of June.

Litha/ Midsummer

The Summer Solstice; the longest day of the year! This pagan holiday, also known as Litha, is all about celebrating the light in our lives the sun! As we look around us and see in nature our gardens starting to sprout, flowers blooming, the birds flying around, the bees zooming about pollinating, and the grass coming back from winter we know we have the warm, bright, and vibrant sun to thank for it. Litha is a time to celebrate the abundance and beauty of the Earth. It truly is the celebration of the fullness of nature and the strength and power of the sun.

It’s another fire festival like the one we celebrated last month Beltane. But, it also is a time when we both celebrate the Sun while also remembering that darker days are coming. With the realization that the days will steadily begin to grow shorter; and that this is a fire festival it becomes another sabbatt when we get to connect to our passions, desires, and the things that truly bring us joy in life.

Litha is a pagan holiday and also one of Wicca’s eight sabbats that takes place on the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. It’s also known as Midsummer and is celebrated around June 21 in the Northern Hemisphere. The word “Litha” comes from the Anglo-Saxon word for “midsummer”. To learn more about this sacred celebration and day keep an eye for my upcoming blogpost and my Free event!

Father’s Day

Father’s Day is a holiday honoring one’s father, as well as fatherhood, paternal bonds, love from the divine masculine and the influence of fathers in society. In Catholic countries of Europe, it has been celebrated on 19 March as Saint Joseph’s Day since the Middle Ages. Zeus, the ‘father of all gods’, was honoured in mid-June (mid-summer) in Ancient Greece, which is the reason many believe he is the origin of Father’s Day in that region as well.

In more modern times in the United States there are two different versions of the history of father’s day. According to some accounts, the first Father’s Day was celebrated in Washington state on June 19, 1910. A woman by the name of Sonora Smart Dodd came up with the idea of honoring and celebrating her father while listening to a Mother’s Day sermon at church in 1909. She felt as though mothers were getting all the acclaim while fathers were equally deserving of a day of praise. The other story of the first Father’s Day in America happened all the way on the other side of the country in Fairmont, West Virginia on July 5, 1908. Grace Golden Clayton suggested to the minister of the local Methodist church that they hold services to celebrate father’s after a deadly mine explosion killed 361 men.

Pride Month

LGBTQ Pride Month is a commemoration of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community that is part celebration and part protest. It is often associated with massive parades and parties that honor the community’s joys and accomplishments. This month is really all about the idea of celebrating all kinds of love no matter how it may look to others. But the rallies, marches and political actions can be just as important to draw attention to the issues still facing the community. LGBTQ Pride Month traces its roots back to the 1969 Stonewall riots, which started on June 28, 1969. The first Pride marches started the following year, on June 28, 1970, to commemorate the multi day riots, and these one-day celebrations eventually evolved into a full month of LGBTQ pride.

Other Sacred Days

  • June is Black Music Month, Caribbean Heritage Month, and LGBT Pride Month
  • The first 12 days of June are sacred to Hera
  • Father’s Day is the 3rd Sunday in June
  • The Summer Solstice is celebrated on or around June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere (it is the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere)
  • In Europe, Midsummer’s Day is celebrated on June 24th
  • Litha is a Midsummer holiday celebrated by many pagans and Witches usually falling between June 20th-22nd
  • St John’s Day is June 24th
  • Icelandic custom says that you won’t age that year if you bathe in the morning dew on June 24th.

Magical And Witchcraft Themes For June

In witchcraft, June is a time of abundance, vitality, and celebration. As the height of summer approaches in the Northern Hemisphere, witches embrace the warmth and energy of the sun. As we talked about above June is associated with the summer solstice, also known as Midsummer or Litha, a time of celebration marking the longest day of the year. Which connects us to themes like energy, motivation, self improvement, strength, balance, duality, and vitality. We also see many witches using this time to perform spells and rituals for fertility, abundance, and prosperity by connecting to the nourishing energy of the sun and the vibrancy and movement of life all around us in nature.

The Gods And Goddesses Of June

With every season and month there are certain themes, magic, and energies we have the ability to connect to including deities. Everyone works with and views deity energy a little differently. Whether you view them as archetypes of the human consciousness, representations of the source energy, or as being entities on their own, there are certain deities that now is the time to connect to and honor them in the most sacred and amplified way.

During this month a few deities take center stage because they have festivals or sacred days during this month to help you connect with them in a very intimate way. The deities that are going to be the best for you to connect to right now are going to be those who represent love, abundance, personal development, balance, courage, personal power, and the Sun. You can also work with any deities connected to sacred days like Litha. Below we will talk about some of the deities you can work with this month.


First up in honor of pride and the connection to the rainbow let’s talk about the greek goddess Iris. Iris, is the Greek Goddess of the Rainbow and Messenger of the Gods, and she has an important place in Greek mythology. Known for her vivid look and elegant presence, Iris is the divine connection between gods and mortals. But Iris is more than a messenger. She symbolizes the radiance, brilliance, and enchantment of rainbows, a sight that humans have been charmed by for a long time. Iris is different from other goddesses. Other gods sometimes meddle with human affairs out of fun or interest. But Iris is devoted to her mission. She shows loyalty and adherence to duty, never stopping in her mission to keep communication between Olympus and Earth open.

Even though she is most well known as the goddess of rainbows and messenger to the gods; she is also known as a goddess of the sea and sky. In some regions she is depicted as a virgin goddess and was believed by the coastal-dwelling Greeks to replenish the rain clouds with water from the sea. She was often described as Hera’s personal messenger and one of her handmaidens. Since this month is all about love and the first part of it is dedicated to Hera this makes it a really great month to work with her! To learn more about her you can read all about her in my previous blog post here. And keep an eye out on my facebook page for a soon to be announced event to connect with her!


Let’s talk about Juno the goddess June is named after next. Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage, the family, and childbirth was a paramount figure embodying the sanctity and power of matrimonial union and the family. The Roman goddess Juno is among the first gods and goddesses of ancient Rome who is in charge of the women’s lives in the state. Juno’s symbol, which is a peacock, represents her watchful vigilance and her role as the protector of the community. It is assumed that the term “Juno” meant “the young one” because of her association as the goddess of the new and waxing moon. This celestial connection perhaps implying the idea of growth and beginnings, aligns with her domains.

Today, it is accepted that the Roman goddess Juno has the title “Regina” meaning Queen which gives her the title of the “Queen of the Gods.” Juno, being a multifaceted deity, was also the wife and sister of Jupiter, the King of all the Roman gods. She was often represented as the female counterpart to Mars the god of war, highlighting her influence in both the domestic and political spheres. Although the Roman goddess Juno had dominion over family, marriage, and childbirth, she is often depicted to be in a warlike stance, an illustration that is often favored upon by Roman soldiers.


Next up we have another queen of the gods but, this time from greece who is very closely linked to Iris as well, Hera. Hera, the queen of the gods, holds a significant place in Greek mythology. Hera, was born to the Titans Cronos and Rea. Hera’s marriage to Zeus, known as the hieros gamos or sacred marriage, stands as a central aspect of her mythology. Together, they symbolized the union of sky and earth, with all the gods presenting gifts to celebrate this momentous occasion.

Hera’s legendary jealousy and relentless pursuit of Zeus’ extramarital affairs are well-documented. As her husband’s infidelities became apparent, she unleashed her wrath on his lovers, seeking retribution for their trespasses. From nymphs to mortal women, Hera’s persistent and often vengeful nature showcased a dimension of her personality that was both formidable and unyielding. Hera played a pivotal role in the Judgement of Paris, an event that sparked the Trojan War. Alongside Athena, Aphrodite, and Eris where we see her jealous on full display. To learn more about this story and hear a detailed account. I retell it here in my class on the dark goddess Eris.

There are many connections she has with other deities of the pantheon as well including her role in the birth of Artemis and Apollo. And her connection to the goddess of rainbows Iris. Who was often described as Hera’s personal messenger and one of her handmaidens. She is often depicted next to her in many pieces of artwork and in myths. Hera even supported the legendary hero Heracles, commonly known as Hercules, and aided him during his trials. Hera’s interactions with other gods and goddesses shaped the course of mythology and played a significant role in several legendary stories.


Danu a celtic goddess, also known as Anu or Dana, she represents the divine maternal figure and her influence spread throughout Eastern Europe to Ireland. Danu was worshipped as a goddess of fertility, wisdom, and the wind. She nurtured the gods and she adopted became known as; the Tuatha Dé Danann, the Irish pantheon associated with the fairy folk.

Danu played a vital role in Celtic cosmology, embodying the nurturing and fertile aspects of femininity. As a goddess of fertility, she was associated with the abundance of the land and the growth of crops. Danu was also revered for her wisdom and connection to the wind. It was believed that she possessed profound knowledge, acting as a guide for the gods and the mortal inhabitants of the Celtic world. According to ancient Celtic beliefs, Danu not only nurtured the gods but also served as a protector and sustainer of life.


Zeus, the Greek god of the sky, is considered the ruler, protector, and father of both gods and humans. Known for his ability to control thunderstorms and powerful weather phenomenal. Zeus was the sister and husband to Hera. Zeus also had numerous extramarital affairs, often assuming animal forms to seduce his lovers and these affairs had significant impact on the greek mythology and the other deities.

Zeus was the son of Cronus and Rhea, two powerful titans. Cronus, fearful of being overthrown, swallowed his children at birth. However, Rhea managed to save Zeus by hiding him on the island of Crete. As Zeus grew up in secrecy, he became determined to overthrow his father and free his siblings. With the help of his mother and the Titan Metis, Zeus devised a plan to make Cronus regurgitate his swallowed children. Upon defeating Cronus and the titans, Zeus became the ruler of the world and the heavens. Zeus presided over the council of gods and playing a crucial role in maintaining order and justice. He was revered as the protector and father figure of gods and humans alike. Which is why I listed him here in the list for the month of June. Many scholars feel that father’s day being this month may be tied to honoring him as the father figure to all.

Correspondences For The Month Of June

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for time of the year like a month, which I will list below for you to use. Remember this is just a start to the list for you. You can use any correspondences that connect the magical themes and energies of June. Just follow your intuition on what you choose to work with!

  • Planet- The Sun and The earth
  • Animal- Peacock, wren, birds, frogs, butterflies, monkey
  • Element- air and water
  • colors- yellow, orange, gold, green
  • Chakra- Solar Plexus and Heart chakra
  • Herbs- roses, honeysuckle, lavender, lily of the valley, dill, tansy, vervain, clover, lemon grass, skullcap, mosses, parsley, orchid, yarrow, meadowsweet
  • Stones/ crystals- pearl, moonstone, alexandrite, citrine, carnelian, blue lace agate, fluorite, herkimer
  • Deities- Hera, Juno, Iris, Danu, Zeus, Aphrodite, Hestia, Isis, Cerridwen, the green man, Pan, Neith, Amaterasu, Venus, Aine, Ishtar
  • Symbols- sylphs, hearts, wedding knots, crowns, floral wreaths, fires, the sun, blooming flowers, couples, eggs, rings, strawberries, alcohol
  • Zodiac- Gemini and Cancer
  • Trees- Oak
  • Themes- commitment, love, union, marriage, fertility, romance, abundance, passion, expression, creativity, joy, duality, balance, Loyalty, trust, fairy magic, communication, clarity, success, Energy, self esteem, goals, movement, vitality, strength, expansion, transformation, rebirth, renewal, organization, preparation, family, enhancement

How To Connect To The Magic Of June

We’ve talked a lot about all the different types of energies the month of June has and gives us access to work with. So, how can you specifically connect to those energies? In your everyday life you can make sure your affirmations , intentions, and manifestations align with the energies of love, desire, passion, maternal love, Paternal love, creativity, family, transformation, joy, energy, and fertility. You can celebrate and honor any of the sacred days and holidays like Litha and work with the season of summer. You can take the time to really truly work on expressing your most authentic self proudly, to connect to the energy of pride all month long as well.

Some Rituals and spell workings during this time that will be really intensified will be based on growth, and fertility. You can do things like create a lucky money bag, a prosperity bowl, or perform some spells using egg magic. June is a time of the year where many witches are able to really connect to the Sun and all of nature around us. We can use this time to physically reconnect with nature through all kinds of nature magic, earthing, grounding, weather magic and elemental magic.

With Litha and the longest day of the year upon us in the month of June this is one of my favorite times to perform solar magic. These spells will be really potent for you right now and allow you to do things increase energy, add protection to your home and family, and work on your self esteem. You can also use solar magic to help you create balance and harmony between, the you that you allow others to see and the one you keep hidden inside. You can do this through mirror magic with the sun and calling on the sun during shadow work. To start working with the sun and solar magic this month you can begin by greeting the sun each morning in prayer and gratitude using many methods across cultures. To learn more you can read my extensive guide on solar magic here.

Other rituals and spell workings that would be powerful to perform during the month of June will be based on Love, sex, and divine union. The month of June starts with the continuation of the fiery and passionate blaze of sex and co creation with Beltane happening last month in May. That energy is felt throughout the entire month and reignited in the energy of Litha. You see it in nature even as the bees are busy pollinating flowers, the animals are mating, and humans are all about love and marriage this month with weddings happening all the time. I myself got married this month. So, take the time to really allow yourself to access your true desires and passion. By expressing your love and union through your physical bodies this month by doing some sex magick rituals or spells. I personally love sex magic within my marriage it really strengthens our bond, and you get access to some really magically connections.

With June being connected to Litha and the turning point of the year Another way you can access the energy of expansion is through the expression of transformation and the element of water. To access this expression you can do things like journal, do an auto scripting session, water release work, work with your sacred contracts, and perform spells that help boost your confidence and self esteem to help you transform. You can also focus on transformation, rebirth, and renewal through shadow work this month as well allowing the sun in to illuminate your shadows. If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here;  you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; You can register for my upcoming 6 week workshop series starting June 19th on the topic here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.

This month is the perfect month to really let your expression of transformation run free and work on new projects and ideas you really want to bring to life this year. The ones that allow you to truly align with your most authentic self for all to see shine brightly.

Spell and Ritual Ideas

  • Create a spell jar for the month of June
  • Refresh your altar
  • Connect to any deities of the month
  • Cast a sex spell or ritual
  • Perform flower magic
  • Fertility Spells
  • Chakra balancing– the solar plexus and heart chakra
  • Perform Green witchcraft
  • Make a simmer pot to call in love, family, transformation, fertility
  • Add symbols of love to your altar
  • Add a separate altar for Just self love, marriage, or your family
  • Make sun water
  • Spend time in Nature grounding and/or earthing
  • Do elemental magic with the element air and water
  • Shadow work based on; true passion and desire, self worth, manifestation, and abundance
  • Work with both the divine feminine and divine masculine
  • Dance, move and open up your hips
  • celebrate Litha with a bonfire or any other rituals
  • Get married or perform a commitment ceremony or hand fasting
  • Perform solar magic
  • Cultivate self love through self love magic and rituals like a ritual bath
  • Perform divination like tarot to connect to new ideas and projects
  • Greet the sun through prayers, or the sun salutation greeting
  • Make Rose Water
  • Send wishes out on the wind
  • Do a water release ritual for emotions, traumas, worries, or stresses

Other Ways To Celebrate And Work With June

When we want to use the energy around us to affect our magical practices and rituals we can amplify that by doing things in our every day life to align with the energy as well. You can align with the energies of love, desire, passion, maternal love, Paternal love, creativity, family, transformation, joy, energy, and fertility. You can do this with affirmations, mantras, intentions, goal setting, and being in nature By adding the emotional depth and transformation of the element of water through ritual baths, water releases, and cleansing yourself in the rain as it falls.

The month of June is a month full of love starting from left over energy of beltane, then expressions of paternal love, and the acceptance of love in forms with pride. This month take the time to focus on the energy of love for yourself, and others in all ways and really explore all facets of the energy of love this month. You can do things like making sure you get yourself outside breathing the fresh air and getting in touch with the element of water to connect to deep emotions. You can also make sure to nourish yourself and show yourself some self love by taking a self love ritual bath. Lastly, take some time to look at your relationship with your father, and with the divine father to determine if you have a father wound that you may need to work on healing this month. Also take the time to look at how you are expressing yourself through your sexual and/or gender identity. Are you being authentic with that? If you are not, why? This is a great month to allow you to freely work with that aspect of yourself and express it with pride and love.

f you didn’t start working with them the last couple months in April or May don’t worry; June is also the perfect month and time to start working with the Fae and the Faery realm. You can start doing this by planning and than planting your Faery Garden so your flowers will start blooming in the next month. Some things I recommend to have for your faery garden will be listed below and keep a look out for a blogpost coming to go in depth on adding one of these to your yard and practice.

  • Plant Foxglove and Pansies
  • Make sure to have plenty of small plants and flower bushes
  • Have small mirrors laying around
  • Decorate with shiny crystals likes quartz and agates
  • Plant roses
  • Plant berry bushes for offerings
  • Build a Fairy House
  • Include moss and mushrooms
  • Include a butterfly feeder and water station
  • Plant Nectar producing flowers and plants

Duality And The Month Of June

Since, I am a grey witch I look for the duality in every single energy I work with including sacred times like a month of the year like June. June is really just overflowing with duality in balance and in almost every sense of the energy. First, let’s look at chronologically where this month lands, literally right in the middle. This really does put us into quite a liminal space of time. We seem to be struggling between celebrating coming this far into the year and understanding we also are on the way towards the end. I don’t know about you guys but, for me my desire to create, ideas for new projects, and a refueling of the passions for my goals really comes alive in this month. But, than I also feel the pressure of completing my goals by the end of the year which will be here sooner than I usually think.

Secondly, similarly to being in the middle of the chronological year this month also connects us to the sacred day of Litha and the sun. Which is the longest day of the year and when we greet the sun on it’s brightest and most potent day of the year. To then immediately feel it begin to fade and weaken when the sun sets and moon rises. It’s a fleeting yet potent time of transformation, rebirth and death happening all at once under the bright rays of the sun. Allowing us access to a very liminal space that shines with the bright rays of the sun while being overshadowed by the long coming night that is winter around the corner.

I could keep talking about the duality of June for much longer but, the last thing I will touch on is the duality we experience in the energy of love that is overflowing in June. When it comes to working with the energy of love I am sure some light workers will argue with me until the end of time that it’s all just wanted or positive energy. But, I disagree in order to love fully and unconditionally you must first do the work to allow the space to feel and receive that level of energy. This for most is a very uncomfortable, dark, and hard process. On top of that if you are working with the energy of love in the sense of a relationship, marriage, or union that means you have to be willing to experience some uncomfortable conversations. To go through some unwanted and uncomfortable feelings to grow together as well and fully experience what love is meant to do; heal, transform and assist you in evolution.

Allow the joyous, loving and Vital rays of the sun to shine onto you this June

We talked about many things in this blogpost including the history, some celebrations, the different energies and magical themes we can work with during this month, how to connect to those energies, deities we can honor and worship, and how to work with the magic of June. No matter how you choose to work with the energies and magic of June make sure to be focused on continuing your rebirth for this year. Make sure to use those energies and themes to nourish your seeds planted in March, that you watered in April, and you Nourished in May. Focus on making sure you are allowing the joyous, loving and Vital rays of the sun to shine onto your manifestations, intentions, and goals for the year. Allow them to soak up those rays so they can flourish, and grow even bigger than you ever imagined during the brightest, most loving, and the most vibrant month of the year.

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Working With The Prosperous, Stable, Physical, And Present Energy Of The Taurus New Moon

We are entering a new lunar phase this week; the New moon. As the Moon changes signs approximately every 2-3 days, we feel her influence over our moods and intuition shift. As the moon begins her next cycle aligned with the steadfast bull, we feel called to ground ourselves in the realm of the earthly and tangible. Under the taurus new moon, our intentions manifest through sensual delights, pragmatic actions, and diligent cultivation of resources over time. The sign of Taurus favors the arrival of good fortune and prosperity. So when you combine the New Moon’s allure, and the sacred Bull’s prosperity it’s a supernaturally potent mix.

The Moon in Taurus also calls us to inhabit the grounded beauty of the present moment.
Taurus brings in the anchor of deep stability. The energy this earth sign brings is anchored and aware. We’re able to put away the cares and fears about the past, present, and future and be here now. This is the rock around which all that wonderful and messy life is spinning. The new moon in Taurus represents a time of renewed intention setting focused on abundance, pleasure, and material stability rooted in our deepest desires and passions without hesitation or fear.

This new moon in Taurus is asking us to dig down to the bedrock of our lives. To re-discover what’s lost, what’s buried, and what’s forgotten. And bring those submerged pieces back to life. Reminding us when we are rooted to the earth we get to be truly who we are and manifest a life full of abundance and pleasure.

This new moon begins a lunar month centered around rebuilding our lives from the ground up, reassessing our values, and strengthening our relationship with ourselves, our physical bodies, and the Earth. Keep reading to learn all about this Taurus new moon, how it will affect you, and how you can harness it in your life and magical practices. By aligning with the Taurus new moon

New Moon What Is It And Why We Honor It?

Every month, the New Moons carry us over the threshold of a new beginning. So, let’s talk about the new moon in general before we dig into the depths of what a Taurus moon can do for you and your life. The new moon is the time to reflect and cleanse your energy. It is a time to set your intentions for what you wish to attract this lunar cycle. Every intention set requires action and energy from your part as well.

The new moon energy is there to support you in manifesting what you want. The new moon is a time to allow new ideas and energy to flow with you. It is a time to honor new beginnings, and the turning over of a cycle. Think of these intentions as seeds you are planting for this lunar cycle to be ready to harvest by the full moon.

Use this time to rest, reflect, and plant what you will grow just as your ancestors across many cultures did while there was little light in the night sky for them to use. Each New Moon is unique, offering its own magic within each month.

To learn more about the foundations of working with the new moon, and how it affects you, read more here in my previous blog post.

Themes For The Taurus New Moon

Every New Moon contains its own themes, which are related to the sign that it falls under. This time, we experience the New Moon in the purposeful, prosperous, stable, relaxing, anchored, earth sign of Taurus the bull. Let’s explore some of the themes and energies of Taurus deeper below.

Taurus The Sign Calling You To Be Present

Taurus is a fixed sign. It roots into presence, and sustains what’s here and now. The Taurus New Moon is often a time to relax, indulge, and take it easy. No doubt life has been spinning SO fast around you recently? It’s because, we’re coming out of a high energy, intense, passionate period with the previous Moons, and this is now a time to pull back. We can take a break, chill out, and don’t want to fill up every moment of our lives with something to do. By standing still and taking time to rest during this New Moon, presence will form. And in that presence; you’ll find what matters and maybe even some answers to questions you have been pondering recently. Taurus has all the time in the world. Not to mention the tenacity to stick with the search to firstly find out the answers, and secondly, figure out how to bring them to life.

Taurus The Sign Of Money

Taurus has a reputation for abundance, in all its earthly delights. Taurus is a money ruler, so we can focus on opportunities to improve our financial situations and plan for the future. We can maximize resources we have, and get our hands on new resources. This can help improve stability and security in our lives, and as we improve stability and security, we can get more opportunities for money and resources.

Taurus The Time To Anchor

Taurus brings in the anchor of deep stability. This is the rock around which all the duality of life is spinning. Taurus as an archetype is earthy, fortified like a mountain, and all about the sensations of nature around us. It often asks us to connect to our bodies and to the tangible, material parts of our life experience. On our journey there, Taurus also asks us to backtrack. To go back to the foundation and core of who we are and the intentions we are setting. Before setting any intentions for change, this Moon wants us to first look to our core truths, values, and motivations. To make sure we are planting seeds of intentions we truly desire to be sown.

Taurus The Sign Of The Body

Taurus is a fixed earth sign because of this; it is one of the most body-centered (and centering) signs of the zodiac. When the New Moon is in the sign of Taurus we are reminded of the sacredness of our physical form. Taurus asks us to sit with ourselves fully. Not in an intellectual way, or spiritual way but, in a physical way. It asks us to take time to notice the breath entering our lungs, the beating of our hearts, the movement in our blood, the tension in our muscles, pressure on our bones, and sensations from our senses. When the moon is in Taurus, we are encouraged to revel in our physicalness and the pleasure of what we can experience with our sense of touch especially in the realm of sex. Taurus puts an emphasis on creature comforts reminding us to slow down, savor deeply, and reconnect with our physicality by simply enjoying life’s pleasures.

Taurus New Moon and Duality

Since, I am a grey witch every single energy I work with I look for the duality in that energy and how I can connect to it. This includes the new moon and the sign it currently is in. First, the new moon itself is all about duality and illuminating the night sky in both light and shadows. The new moon is all about rebirth, renewal, and the beginning of a new cycle, which puts you in a transitional liminal space and energy. In order for you to be in a space to begin again, to transition, and be reborn you had to just come from and ending and death. Second, the sign of Taurus while it may be all about abundance, security, stability, and going deep within to be rooted and anchored. That isn’t a light process, or an easy process. To truly fully receive abundance, and be rooted in our sacred contacts and soul purposes. To truly manifest all of our deepest desires, passions, and intentions; we have to face the depths of our pasts, who we really are, and where we have honestly been. In order to have the space and ability to receive it all and most importantly be willing to receive by knowing we are worthy and it is meant to be ours. Doing this opens you to a very liminal space steeped in duality for you to truly do the work needed to benefit from this new moon to its fullest potential.

What To Be Cautious Of This Taurus New Moon

Our confidence can be high with the Taurus New Moon if we feel secure and take it easy. If we don’t, we may become stubborn about something, and insecurity can lead to lashing out erratically. Be careful with being stubborn as well to not try and move immovable objects and start unneeded conflict. The other thing to be careful of with this moon; is the pull to rest, relax and go inward. It can be very potent and alluring. While taking to time rest and replenish our bodies is important don’t let it go so far you start to avoid responsibilities.

Ways To Work With The Taurus New Moon

Now, that we have talked about the themes of this Taurus new moon and how it is going to affect you let’s talk about how you can specifically connect to and work with this moon.

First, make sure to do all of your staples that your learned in the previous blog post linked here for you like, charging your crystals, making moon water, and resetting your altar.

With this moon there are certain spells and rituals that will help connect you this moon in the most effective way. Remember these are just some of the many ideas follow your intuition and the energy of this moon.

Correspondences For The Taurus New Moon

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like Taurus that I will list below for you to use.

  • planet-venus, moon
  • Animal- The bull
  • Element- Earth
  • Sex- Feminine
  • Modality- Fixed
  • Symbol- The bull, the goddess
  • colors- green,gold, brown
  • Motto- I have, or I possess
  • Chakra-Root chakra
  • Herbs- mint, thyme, sage, mallow, catnip, honeysuckle, saffron, rose, lavender, bergamot,
  • Stones/ crystals- emerald, jade. moss agate, green aventurine, Pyrite, peach moonstone, malachite, rose quartz, amazonite, amber, carnelian
  • Deities-Aphrodite/Venus Hera/Juno, Ishtar, Isis, Freyja, and Frigg and the gods Pan, Dionysus/Bacchus, Xolotl, and Quetzalcoatl
  • Themes-Stability, Security, Sensualality, Abundance,Fertility,Peaceful,Rest,Reflection,Love,Self worth,Grounded, Rooted, Strength, Patience, Determination, Fortitude, Physical body
  • tarot- The hierophant
  • House- Second house

Root Meditation For Taurus New Moon

The purpose of this meditation is to help you feel grounded and stable to the earth, and who you are while also replenishing your energy and strength. It also creates a circular current of energy from the earth’s core, through your energetic body, and the celestial body the moon.

How to do:

Find a comfortable position to be in somewhere that you can be alone and be left uninterrupted for a small amount of time. If you want to do this outside under the moon or connecting to the earth you can as well!

Begin by taking four centering breaths in and continue to box breath:

How to box breathe:

Breathe in to the count of four (I measure my count with my heartbeat).
Hold your breath for four counts.
Breathe out for four counts.
Pause for four counts before taking another breath.
This breathing technique helps to quiet the mind and center your focus. I use this not only for meditation, guided work, and magical purposes but, for mental health coping skills as well!

Continuing to breathe gently into the softness of your belly, you are going to begin to visualize yourself within yourself. Visualize yourself pulling back from the edges of your body. Draw your consciousness inwards so that you feel yourself inside of your body as if it were a sacred container/ temple that you can draw back into. Feel yourself growing smaller in the powerful space of your body, drifting down into the sacred portal of energy in your belly, down into your pelvic space. The sacred portal of energy many know as the root chakra or the cauldron of warming.

Remaining within yourself, visualize a root extending from inner-you down deep into the earth. Breathe into this root as it extends downwards into the floor beneath you, and than into the soil. Feel as it expands and grows moving throwing the soil. Past roots of plants and other trees, past rocks, and decaying remains and debris, past critters, and creatures that wiggle in the dirt. You breathe in and on the exhale your root extends even further into the soil stretching as far as it can until you reach the burning hot, molten core at the center of the earth. And you feel the energy of the earth pulsating there ready for you to absorb.

With every out-breath your root extends and with every in-breath you pull up green energy through your roots back into inner-you from that molten hot core in the center of the earth pulsating in front of you. The green energy stretches up into all parts of inner-you until you are completely filled with it from your toes to fingertips to the very top of your head. The energy extends out of the crown of your head skywards in the form of branches, sprouting leaves, and maybe even blooming buds or fruit. With every out-breath your branches extend upwards and with every in-breath your branches pull celestial, lunar, and solar energy into inner-you. Let the currents of green and celestial energy mingle throughout your body creating a circle current from the celestial energy, through you, and into the core of the earth and back again.

When you feel sufficiently charged-up, begin to pull back your roots and branches until they have formed a small but powerful sphere of centered energy in the belly of inner-you. This is a continuous conductor of energy that you can connect to for abundance, growth, and the divine connection between you, the earth, and the celestial body the moon. You can go within yourself, to your sacred container/temple of your body, to access it at any time, including repeating this simple ritual to continue to revitalize your inner energy.

Whenever you are ready you can open your eyes and come fully back to your body by giving yourself a self-massage or squeezing your feet connecting to the energy current you just were connected too.

If you would like more ideas for rituals you can check out my Pinterest page, my Facebook page, and watch any of my previous moon celebrations here;  or at the top of the Divination facebook page, and you can read more in a previous blog post here

However you choose to connect to this new moon and work with its energy be prepared to experience the steadfast bull, and feel called to ground yourself in the realm of the earthly and tangible. Under the taurus new moon, your intentions will manifest through sensual delights, pragmatic actions, and diligent cultivation of resources over time. Listen to Taurus who is asking you to dig down to the bedrock of your life. To re-discover what’s lost, what’s buried, and what’s forgotten. And bring those submerged pieces back to life. Reminding you that when you are rooted to the earth you get to be truly who you are and manifest a life full of abundance and pleasure.

To connect with the moon more you can join me for a FREE celebration and ritual with Divination on May 7th @ 8:00 pm CST in Facebook live!

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Beltane; Connecting To The Passion, Creativity, and Sexuality Of The Divine Co-Creators

Beltane is the time when the Earth is literally buzzing with fertility. Spring is in full swing, flowers are blooming, the birds are building nests for their young, many animals are seeking mates, and farmers are planting their fields in preparation of the abundant Summer months. It is time to celebrate the fertility and prosperity of the world during this warm time of growth, abundance, and transformation. It is time to connect to the duality of the sacred dance between the co-creators; that seed all of life. It is a time when our souls are lit with a burning blaze of passion, creativity, and sexuality to allow us to transform into our true forms this coming season. Let’s dance with passion, sexuality, and creativity in the flickering flames that is beltane together through this article.

The History of Beltane

It is thought that the ancients only recognized two seasons, these being Summer and Winter. Beltane is a celebration of the earth and nature and marks the start of the traditional planting season. Beltane is the pagan Celtic fire festival dating back to ancient times. In fact, the name Beltane is derived from the name of the Celtic god Belenes, or Bel, and the word tene meaning “fire”. The earliest mention of the holiday was in an Irish medieval text known as Sanas Cormaic, written by Cormac mac Cuilennáin king-bishop of Munster sometime before the year 908. The word Beltane, which in traditional Irish is spelled Bealtaine, means “Fire of Bel” or “Great Fire”.

It occurs officially upon moonrise on April 30th, lasting through the next day, May 1st, in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, the dates are reversed: so it begins October 31st and lasts through November 1st.

Although Beltane is Celtic in origin, there are literally hundreds of other fire and fertility festivals celebrated around the world at this time. In England, Beltane is known as May Day. In Germany, it’s Walpurgisnacht (aka the Witches Night). Beltane is the festival that honors the change from winter to summer and the union of the god and goddess. It is a time of fertility, growth, and new beginnings

Beltane is also known as one of the eight sabbats on the Wheel of the Year many pagans especially wiccans observe this as their magical calendar for the year. The sabbats tend to reflect each season, with Beltane being the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. As one of the four fire festivals, Beltane is a cross-quarter holiday along with Imbolc, Samhain, and Lughnassadh. These sabbats were celebrated with large bonfires often to represent the Sun and its transition throughout the seasons.

The Fires of Beltane

First and foremost, Beltane was and is a fire festival. In ancient times and all the way up to the nineteenth century, farmers in Ireland drove their cattle downhill and between two large fires. This act purified the cattle from disease and protected them for the Summer. In more practical terms these bonfires could also have been used to burn brush piles and make more room for planting and pastureland. People would often snuff out their own household fires, and then relight them from the sacred communal bonfires. It was also thought to be part of the festivities because; people would light fires on the hillsides to honor the sun and bring fertility to their crops and animals. It was also a time for young people to jump over the flames, which was said to bring good luck and fertility. To create a sacred Beltane fire required wood from nine different species of trees, the fire was then lit with only a friction method (not a flint and steel).

Beltane and fertility

At the beginning of Summer, we see the earth bursting forth with fruit and bounty. The Great Mother is fertile and beginning to bear fruit at this time. Therefore, if the Earth is fertile, so are human beings and animals. As above, so below. And the Sun’s return to the sky, getting brighter and warmer at the same time to nourish the seeds of the Earth brings us the cosmic divine counterpart to the great divine feminine. We see the divine co-creators represented and it’s resulting offspring blooming all around us.

Beltane and Sexuality

We just talked about how beltane is all about fertility and we see the representation of the divine co-creators all around us including their offspring. Well, how do we get that offspring? By sex of course! During beltane we get to see and experience the very passionate and intimate dance of cosmic sacred sex that seeds life to all in the cosmos. The fires blazing in our loins ignite and our passions come alive. We feel the pull to experience this dance and seed some life ourselves with the burning passion of our sexual energies to manifest our true life and form this coming season.

The Sacred Dance of Duality

Since, I am a grey witch I look for the duality in every single energy I work with including sacred days and/or holidays like beltane. Beltane is burning with duality, in the sense of looking at the divine masculine and feminine. These are two forces that coexist and intermingle in the cosmos and we are made of both of these energies no matter the gender we identify with or are physically born into it. Beltane is the sacred day that represents these two forces. It allows us to look into the flames of our souls and connect these two forces existing within us. In my opinion it is the day of the year we can connect to the duality of them the most when we experience the intense heat of the flames when they come to together in union.

The Maypole

The maypole is traditionally a tree that was brought into the village and decorated with paints, ribbons, and a floral wreath crowning the top. People were known to dance around the maypole, weaving the ribbons around in celebration of love and fertility, this is called a maypole dance. The Maypole represents the phallus, and the ribbons represent the feminine energy of the earth. As people dance around the Maypole, they weave the ribbons together, symbolizing the union of the god and goddess.

Common Traditions

  • Druids would collect the dew prior to Sunrise on May 1st. This water was believed to have magickal powers such as healing ailments or creating beauty.
  • Handfastings and other pagan wedding celebrations often take place during this sabbat as it is a time to celebrate love and fertility.
  • Special oatmeal cakes are a popular food item for this sabbat. Often the cakes had knobs that could be torn off to sacrifice into the bonfires as an offering.
  • Decorating the interiors and exteriors of homes with flowers during this time was a common practice to celebrate the fertility of the land. The most common were yellow flowers such as primrose and marigolds. Cows were also decorated with flowers as well.
  • The May Bush was a small thorny tree or large bush, and was decorated with flowers, ribbons, and so on. People could have a May Bush for their home or for their community as a whole. Dancing around it was thought to bring good luck!
  • Couples would often spend the night in the forest together on the Eve of Beltane, they would return in the morning bearing floral decorations for the homes. This was sometimes termed a Greenwood Marriage.
  • May Baskets would be filled with small candies, baked goods, and flowers. They were placed on the doorknobs of neighbors as tokens of friendship.

Beltane Deities

In many mythologies, and pantheons, gods and goddesses of Beltane play a vital role in the seasonal cycle, symbolizing fertility, abundance, the earth, the sun, fire, and the divine union of the co-creators. Working with deities is one of my favorite things to do. You can honor them during their festivals for them and by bringing them into any of your prayers, rituals, and spells you want to in order to celebrate and connect to this holiday. Let’s take a look at some of the Deities that can be worshipped during this sacred time and holiday.


The most popular goddess associated with Beltane is the Celtic goddess, Brigid. She is a goddess of fertility, creativity, and healing. She is often depicted as a triple goddess, representing the three aspects of Maiden, Mother, and Crone. As such, she is a powerful symbol of transformation and growth. The Celtic goddess of fire, healing, and fertility, Brigid is a powerful deity associated with Beltane. She is often invoked for protection and blessings of abundance.

Bel or Belenos

Bel or Belenos is a Celtic fire god who may have been the catalyst for this sabbat thousands of years ago. When we translate Bel’s name, we get “Shining One”. Not only was Bel associated with fire and fertility, he was also a well-loved healing god whose cult stretched all the way from Italy to the British Isles, at its peak. Bel was also a sun god who rode the sun like a chariot across the sky each day, led by his sacred, most powerful totem – horses. There are those who believe Beltane originates in honor of Bel, and those who disagree.


Part man and part goat, Pan was the Greek god who was patron of shepherds and hunters, who watched their flocks. Pan was the Greek god of nature and the untamed wilderness. PAN was the god of the meadows and forests of the mountain wilds. His unseen presence aroused panic in those who traversed his realm. He was even thought to be the cause of the musical sound of the wind through the trees. He was Associated with music, fertility, and spring. In ancient Greek art, he was often depicted as a horned man with the legs of a goat; he was the chief of the satyrs, who were similar in appearance and character to Pan.

Pan, ruled over nature and pasturelands. Pan is essentially the father of the wild things. He is frequently depicted in literature and artworks. Although he is not one of the major gods of Ancient Greece, he is one of most often referenced figures in Greek mythology. Pan has come to represent the unstoppable power of nature throughout the ages and still today. To learn more about pan and how to connect to him you can do so in my previous blog post here;


The horned god of the forest, Cernunnos is a powerful deity associated with Beltane. He is often invoked for protection and blessings of abundance. Cernunnos is an ancient Celtic god who was known for his power over wild nature. He was often depicted in art as a horned figure with antlers, embodying the balance between life and death. Cernunnos can be seen by many as a symbol of power and transition – from death to rebirth. He teaches us the importance of understanding our place in Nature and how to connect with it – learning from nature’s ebbs and flows, respecting its cycles and giving back when possible


The Irish goddess of love and fertility, Aine is a powerful deity associated with Beltane. She is often invoked for protection and blessings of abundance. To connect with her energy, create a special ritual to honor her. Aine is a powerful Irish goddess associated with Beltane who brings joy and abundance to those who honor her. Her strength is the power of manifestation, bringing healing and liberation with her presence. Those who recognize Aine’s energy can connect deeply with their true path in life. She brings forth inner resources and courage to follow new inspirations. Aine offers a powerful source of guidance and protection when we call upon her. Honoring Aine can enliven your connection to Mother Nature, while also providing energies necessary for manifesting dreams into reality.


The Welsh goddess of wisdom and knowledge, Cerridwen is a powerful deity associated with Beltane. She is often invoked for protection and blessings of abundance. Cerridwen’s energy personifies serpentine fertility, free-thinking, and independence. She encourages her followers to let go of any self-limiting beliefs and attitudes, allowing for clearer consciousness and introspection. Connecting with Cerridwen during Beltane offers an opportunity to create positive life changes through personal power. To learn more about her you can keep an eye out for my previous class on her to be posted to Divination’s youtube channel


The Irish god of the sun, Lugh is a powerful deity associated with Beltane. He is often invoked for protection and blessings of abundance. Lugh is a powerful deity said to have brought learning and knowledge to man. He is an Irish God of the Tuatha De Dannan, associated with Beltane and the summer season. As the Celtic solar deity, Lugh has hegemony over life, light and law. His traditional symbols represent energy and creativity, from a shining sun held aloft in his hands to fiery arrows that stand for passion and lust.

The Morrigan

At the heart of the emerald isle is a legendary Goddess that cloaks the battlefield in darkness. The Morrígan is a symbol of feminine strength, wisdom, and power. Though she may be attached to the darkness of death she also is the light in the dreariness of battle. When warriors are in doubt, the Morrígan will appear and lead the way to victory. She is a majestic and ethereal being that resides at the core of Irish mythology. The Phantom Queen on the battlefield. The crow that soars above the wreckage and ruin. The seeress, the warrior, the protector. The Morrigan, while often thought of as purely a warrior goddess of death, becomes the fertile earth on Beltane and unites with the Dagda to birth new life. She is both light and dark. Life and death. War and love. A Divine Paradox. To learn more about her and MEET her you can watch my previous class I taught on her with below.

The Correspondences Of Beltane

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for A holiday or sacred time like Beltane, like I will list below for you to use.

  • Planet-Earth
  • Animal- cows, goats, sheep, horses, bee, rabbit, frog, swan, cat, swallow, dove, lynx
  • Element-Fire, Earth
  • colors-Red, White, Green, Yellow, Blue, pink
  • Herbs/flowers- rose, lavender, lilac, hawthorn, jasmine, daisy, ivy, dandelion, calendula, sunflower, marigold, woodruff, primrose, frankincense, rue, daffodils, musk
  • Stones/ crystals-amber, bloodstone, carnelian, malachite, green aventurine, moss agate, fire agate, red jasper, opal, citrine, emerald, garnet, sapphire, rose quartz, black tourmaline
  • Deities-Bel/Belenus, Apollo, Rhiannon, Dziva, The Horned God, Frey, Brigid, Pan, Aine, Cerridwen, Lugh, The morrigan, Aphrodite, The green man, Diana, oak king, flora, Mauve, Danu, dagda, Gaia
  • Symbols- bonfires, the fae, the sun, sacred sex, floral crowns, maypole, phallus, womb, cauldron, eggs, chalice, ribbons, baskets, antlers, flowers
  • Gender- masculine and feminine

Magical Themes Of Beltane

Every season and every pagan holiday has certain concepts and magical themes. Which means, depending on your tradition and needs, you can weave one or more of these themes into your personal celebrations. On Beltane, we see the following magical rituals and spells below.

  • Abundance
  • Fertility
  • Sexuality
  • Union
  • connection
  • creation/creativity
  • love/lust
  • Growth
  • marriage
  • Purification/cleansing
  • protection
  • Fires
  • Divine feminine and Masculine
  • The cycles of nature
  • Manifestation
  • Transformation
  • Passion/desire
  • Enchantment
  • Weather divination
  • Fire scrying
  • Working with the fae

Ways to Celebrate Beltane

We have talked about many different themes, and energies you can connect to during this time from fertility, abundance, sexuality, passion, creativity, transformation, and more. Let’s talk about how we can connect to and celebrate those themes and energies now. First, you can participate and honor any of the deities listed above or that are associated with Spring, Summer, The god, the Goddess, and the sun. You can work with any affirmations, mantras, and visualization work for manifestation, passion, union, creation, abundance, fertility, sexuality, and transformation. Check out below more ways to work with and celebrate this holiday and time of year.

Have a bonfire

As we talked about above, first and foremost beltane was celebrated as fire festival and the ancient celts used to pass their cattle through two of them to purify and cleanse them. So, what better way to connect to beltane and celebrate it than to build, lit, and enjoy a bonfire of your own! It’s common to do this with others, have some drinks, and leap over the flames for good luck and prosperity. Just be safe!

Perform a burning release

You already have the fire burning so why not use it for some release magic? One of my favorite ways to release unwanted habits, energies, people, and things from my life is to burn it away with fire. Take a piece of paper, focus on what it is you want to release from your life, write it on that piece of paper than walk up to your bonfire and as you let the paper fall and be burned in the flames visualize what you wrote being burned to ashes in your life as well.

Erect a Maypole
The Maypole has been a traditional May Day activity for centuries. What better way to celebrate Beltane, and honor your ancestors, than to make your own Maypole? Grab a pole, some ribbon, and some flowers, and erect one in your own yard and braid the ribbons together as you dance around in the warmth of the summer sun.


Beltane is a very fertile time full of energy, passion, and creativity, so what better way to connect to that energy than to move with it. We can do this by moving our hips, our womb spaces and moving our body through dance. Dancing allows us to move energy around, connect to the movements of energy around us in a dynamic way, and opens up our womb space to connect to sexual energy. So, get up move your body through dance and maybe even do so around a bonfire!

Perform Sex Magic

Beltane is a time burning with passion, sexual desire and is all about connecting to the sacred union of the divine co-creators. Now, is in my opinion the most potent time to connect to not only their sexual energy around you but, to yours as well. Take this time to perform both solo sex magic and sex magic with a partner to connect to your true sexual form, to perform the most potent manifestation work, and to unleash your raw primal sexual desires like never before. It was a common tradition in ancient times for couples to perform sex rites out in the woods even;on beltanes eve. I promise you sex on beltane is one of the most orgasmic, cosmic, and pleasurable experiences you can have. Give it a try this beltane! If you need to learn more about sex magic you can watch part 2 of my class on it below.

Wild Flower Crafting
Wild flowers have always been a big part of the Beltane celebrations. In ancient times, specific white and yellow flowers were gathered and hung over the doorways in Ireland to celebrate the day and invoke fertility and abundance. So go and pick wildflowers, Beltane is the perfect day for it! Then return home and make a bouquet. Or if you’re feeling really crafty, make flower wreaths, crowns or garland to decorate yourself and your home or to place on your altar

Refresh Your Altar
Another way to connect to a holiday and/or sacred day I always recommend is to cleanse and refresh your altar and/or sacred space. This is particularly beneficial if you have Celtic gods you honor and connect to already. Use water or fire to cleanse, then decorate with wildflowers, images of the fae, the divine masculine, the divine feminine, and any of the Beltane correspondences we talked about earlier.

Work with the Green Man
The Green Man is a legendary figure in Celtic lore and throughout Europe. He is a guardian of the forest and likely a type of elemental. When he’s seen, he is typically covered from head to foot in leaves, branches, flowers and moss. Some believe he is an ancient god of the wilderness, who protects the wildlife and sacred, unspoiled places in nature. Work with the Green Man’s energy on Beltane by hiking in the woods, or even by creating space for him on your altar.

Simmer pot for beltane

Whether you consider yourself a Kitchen Witch, are vaguely interested in Kitchen Magic or just want to bring some good vibes and good smells into your home, simmer pots are an easy, accessible and fun ritual for any time of year! Simmer pots are easy to create and customize to your liking, so you can make your kitchen a sacred space whenever you want! So, why not make one specifically to call in and honor the energy of Ostara and the Spring Equinox?!

What are simmer pots? Simmer pots are basically potpourri in a pot! You choose your ingredients, put them in a pot with water, bring to a boil, then turn down to a simmer and let it do its thing. They couldn’t be any easier, just be sure you don’t let your pot boil dry! If you want to keep the pot going simply add more water when it gets low. And obviously never leave it going when you are not home. To learn more about how about this magical practice you can check out my previous blogpost on the topic here;

Perform Fae Magic
In ancient times, and up to the modern era, the Celtic people believed strongly in the Fae, also called the faery folk, good folk or sidhe. Every Beltane, great care was taken to appease the fae, to prevent them from whisking away all the butter and milk. By leaving out faery offerings on Beltane, you’re carrying on this tradition and starting a working relationship with the fae. Or make a witch’s ladder with intention of appeasing the fae. Make faery houses and a space for the garden. To learn more about the fae you can check out Divination’s class series on it here;

Perform Purifications and Cleansing Rituals

We talked about above how beltane was seen as time to purify and cleanse for the celts. They would take the time to pass their cattle through two bonfires to cleanse them even. This is a great time for you to do some cleansing and purifying as well. Before cleansing and purifying rituals on your home and yourself like smoke cleansing, ritual baths, floor washes, or any rituals you prefer to use in your practices.

Candle Spells
Not everyone can have a big fire on Beltane. So for those of us who want to invoke the power of the fire element, simply lighting a few candles is enough. Casting candle spells on Beltane is also a potent way to send your intentions into the ether. Particularly if you’re looking to increase fertility, prosperity and creativity in your life.

Perform a Beauty Ritual

Any beauty rituals performed on Beltane are amplified by the fiery, Summer magic on this sacred day. Take a ritual milk bath, drink an herbal beauty concoction, and craft your own magical beauty products.

Five Senses Nature Walk

Beltane is the midway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice which is all about the cycle and movement of nature and marking the most fertile time for new life to grow, blossom, and be seeded. So why not take the time to connect to nature itself? Soak in all the fertility and abundance in nature right now. You can do this by going on a five sense nature walk. After you have engaged all your senses, walk back to your home. Reflect on your experience by writing it down in a journal

Perform Egg magic for fertility

Across practices Beltane is considered to be a time of fertility and is the time of the divine union.To many modern Wiccans it is known to be one of the days of the Great Rite. This is essentially the union of man and woman. In Irish Celtic lore we see it again when, The Morrigan unites and couples with the Dagda on Beltane as well. This is an act and tradition of fertility, especially of the earth. If your intention is to be fertile and have a baby, Beltane is a great day to cast fertility spells. Some of the most potent fertility spells are based in egg magic, a universal symbol of fertility. So, perform some egg magic this beltane to enhance those fertility spells. To learn how to do egg magic you can read all about it in my previous blog post here;

    Make a Beltane Spell Jar

    Spell Jars are one of my most favorite spells to create and tools to use in my magical practice and life. Spell jars are great to create a container of energy for you to harness and come back to over and over again when you need it! A quick run down on how to create a spell jar. Pick your items, and add them to your jar after you wash, cleanse and charger your jar. As you add your items focus on visualizing the energy of abundance and what it is you very specifically want to call into your life with that energy. Once you feel the intention and energy is set inside the jar you can take your lid and seal it shut. To add more power to your jar you can add sigils to the outside or seal the lid with wax even. Place the jar on your altar or anywhere in your home, office, or car where you can see it and come back to it when you need to call on the energy and spell again. You can shake the jar to activate the magic whenever you come back to it as well. Keep an eye out for more spell jars on my Pinterest or Facebook page and in an upcoming blogpost and eBook.

    Wrap Up

    We talked about alot from the history of beltane, the energies of beltane, deities of beltane and many ways you can celebrate beltane. However you choose to celebrate beltane; remember it is a time to celebrate the fertility and prosperity of the world during this warm time of growth, abundance, and transformation. It is a time to connect to the duality of the sacred dance between the co-creators; that seed all of life. Let beltane light your soul with a burning blaze of passion, creativity, and sexuality to allow you to transform into your true form this coming season.

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    Working with the Sexual, Emotional, Transformative and Unrelenting Scorpio Full Moon

    We have entered a new lunar phase today, the full moon and this full moon in April is bringing us into the Sign of Scorpio. The Scorpio Full Moon is the most serious of the lunations. Full Moons are highly emotional and serious, and Scorpio is an emotional water sign and ruler of the serious. Scorpio is intense, passionate, deeply transformative and unrelenting, and we can have a hard time letting things go with a Scorpio Full Moon. We’re really invested, and we’re a bit stubborn about it, but we likely need to recognize that it’s not doing us any good, and it’s time to move on.

    The Scorpio Full Moon is a moment of profound transformation and self-discovery. We likely need to work on a major transformation, and this can be intense, but ultimately leads to solutions and frees us. You may feel things a little more passionately, or you may be willing to go to extremes that you might not otherwise go to.

    This is also a time of when you’ll look within to truly understand the depths of your feelings. This period of introspection could lead to greater self-awareness as well as an awareness of those around you. The ability to get in touch with the intricacy of your own emotions gives you the insight needed to understand others’ motivations. We do need to be mindful of frustrations boiling over with this Full Moon though, and especially coming after that Aries Solar Eclipse, you’ll react a little more sharply and with that stinger Scorpio is known for.. We need to bite our tongues and try to be rational and think things through before blowing up.

    Let me show you in this post the depths of the full moon in the water sign scorpio. And how to connect to this unrelenting, transformative, serious and emotional enegy this full moon. To harness the most potent energy to connect to for us to manifest our desires and dream life today!

    First, What is the Full Moon

    Over the centuries, the Moon has played a significant role in different cultures and traditions. The full moon simply put is when the moon is completely illuminated in the sky and it has reached it’s peak in this lunar cycle in the sky. When the moon is completely illuminated it’s time for all to reach full expression. The full moon is the most powerful and potent time of the entire lunar cycle.

    A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). The full moon greatly affects humans and it’s no wonder it does because, there’s a scientific reason for this – we are made up of 60% or more of water. Full Moons are the peak point of the lunar cycle: at this time of the month, the light of the Sun is fully illuminating the Moon, and the luminaries are exactly opposing one another from our perspective on Earth. This potent alignment offers us opportunities to gain more awareness about what is moving in our inner and emotional world, and information previously uncertain or hidden could be revealed at this time.

    With the moon being fully illuminated it creates this portal to some of the most potent energy to connect to for us to manifest our desires and dream life. This portal creates a connection to our peak creative energy and the deep seated creative passions we all have within us. This creative energy and power is the energy we need to actually do and create the things and lifestyle we need to manifest what we desire. With the new moon phase being about planting the seeds of what you want to manifest, the full moon is about actually doing the work and moving the energy to make your manifesting happen. The full moon allows you to bridge the connection between these energies and themes and bring them into your life while reminding you how important it is to have them in your life not only when the moon is illuminated in the sky for you to see.

    There are so many ways to work with the full moon, to learn more about the basics of working with the full moon energy check out my blog post here; But, remember each full moon will be slightly different and have different practices to add and different ways to do it based on which zodiac sign the full moon is currently in at the time.

    So, who is Scorpio?

    Scorpio is one of the most misunderstood signs of the zodiac. Because of its incredible passion and power, Scorpio is often mistaken for a fire sign. In fact, Scorpio is a water sign that derives its strength from the psychic, emotional realm.

    Scorpio is all about TRANSFORMATION, who you are becoming in relationship to life and the journey of embodying your true authentic power. Themes related to intimacy, control, power, money, and sharing will be a strong focus. This is an opportunity to WELCOME and honor how you are changing shape. It is Scorpio who companions us on the journey to the underworld as we look at the areas of our life that need our tender love and compassion.

    This is a potent time for manifesting anything around mystical abilities, sex, love, intimacy, death, transformation, and rebirth. This sign rules over transformation, death, the occult, and sexuality. Scorpio can be a very intense energy, and this is partly because it’s a water sign, so it’s ruled by emotions. It is known as a time of deep introspection caused by the depth of our emotions. This period of introspection could lead to greater self-awareness as well as an awareness of those around you. The ability to get in touch with the intricacy of your own emotions gives you the insight needed to understand others’ motivations. Don’t be surprised if you have a few light bulb moments during this time.

    It’s also ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation, the underworld, and death. This means death in the sense that something comes to an end and transforms into something else (very similar to the Death card in tarot). I talk about this all the time in my classes. Death is crucial and central to every area of our lives especially when it comes to profound transformation, healing, and enlightment. A death of some kind must happen for something to be born Scorpio isn’t afraid to explore dark or deep things, making it a very psychic and sexual sign that isn’t afraid of topics considered taboo or to help you on journeys like shadow work into some of the darkest depths of who are.

    The Full Moon in emotionally intense Scorpio is always a dynamic event. During any Full Moon we feel the tug of war between opposing signs, and in this case, the passionate waters of Scorpio counter the practical Taurus Sun. This illuminating event could put a spotlight on what it is you really need in your life and what it is that needs to go since full moons are also a potent time to release and shed all that no longer serves us.

    We have talk about some aspects of who scorpio is; now let’s dive deep into the details of how scorpio can affect you and benefit you especially during a full moon!

    Unlease your sexual desires with Scorpio

    Scorpio is the sign most closely associated with sex: this is due to their enigmatic nature which is what makes them so seductive and beguiling. This sign even rules our reproductive and sexual organs! Sex isn’t solely about pleasure for these sensual scorpions though. They also crave the physical closeness, spiritual illumination, and emotional intimacy sex can provide.

    When the moon is in the sign of scorpio it is oozing sexual passion, and desire. With it also being a time about going into your dark depths you may have some desires being illuminated you normally shy away from or simplely have not acknowledged. This is the perfect time to not run and hide from them but, to aproach them without fear and experience the waves of pleasure those dark sexual desires can bring you and your partner. Use this energy to expand and unleash your sexual pleasure with your deepest sexual desires coming to the surface.

    Liberation thru transformation with Scorpio

    This Full Moon in Scorpio brings to light all the problems you insist on hiding. But sooner or later, you will have to face them head-on to have them resolved and to overcome it. It will be responsible for putting you face to face with your greatest fear or trauma. Take advantage of this transformational moment and try not to run away from the darkness and the breaking apart. The intention is to break to rebuild. Scorpio has this ability to regenerate and transform like no one else and always comes out stronger from a battle.

    I talk about this all the time. Things have to break to rebuild, die to be reborn, and burn down to sprout from fertile soil. This sign is all about transformation, transforming to align with our soul’s purpose and to do that we must face those dark depths and allow them crash over us with the forces of transformation. With transformation, comes healing, alignment, and complete liberation from your past, traumas, unwanted energies and all things that do not truly serve you. Being alive means engaging in a continual process of transformation. Nothing in the natural world stays the same so allow the energy of scorpio to guide you in this process.

    As the sign of extremes, Scorpio energy can draw out both our darkest shadows and our most enlightened selves. This Scorpio full moon could bring some eye-opening awakenings for anyone who’s been refusing to deal with a lingering conflict. This transformational full moon can support deep processing and healing, if that’s what is needed and guide you into a complete sense and expierence of liberation.

    The unrelenting, intense waves of emotion with Scorpio

    Have you already heard that Scorpio is the most intense sign of the zodiac? This sign is all about deep and strong emotions. This is for a few reasons, one scorpio is tied to the element of water which is deeply associated to our emotions. And with the sign of scorpio we tend to dive deeper into the depths of our emotions where the water is darker, and seemingly endless. And like the depths of the ocean even if we come up for a breath Scorpio will pull you relentlessly back down. Down, into the depths of your emotions until you no longer fight the waves of your emotions but, succomb to the ebb and flow of the endless waves.

    The second reason scorpio is so intenses is because, Scorpio is always looking inside like a detective. Its gaze is investigative and never fears the truth. So, Full Moon in Scorpio comes to invite everyone to closely examine what goes through your heart and mind.

    Things to look out for with Scorpio

    Since Scorpio has a tendency to bring anything hidden to the surface, your truth radar may be sending you additional communications. Listening to your gut instinct is important now, and especially due to the volatility of this energy. But, be very mindful to exercise emotional maturity if something needs to be addressed. It could be easy, during this window, to end up in emotional drama, conflict, or to simply blow up on others with our words. So stay conscious of your emotional awareness and use this powerhouse energy to fuel your desires instead of getting steeped in drama, conflict, and damaged relationships.

    Themes of Scorpio

    We have talked a lot about who scorpio is and how scorpio can affect you and benefit you. Now let’s list all the topics to consider that correspond to the full Moon in Scorpio. Keep in mind that the full Moon relates to the contiuation of your journey to manifest your desires and dreams. To release all the things that no longer serve us and create blockaged to our manifesting. It is the time to really truly nuture the seeds of intention you had planted during the new moon so, they can bloom and thrive. So, try and have any of your workings based on these topics be grounded in those seeds of intention you had planted on the new moon.

    • Sex / Intimacy / passion
    • Emotions
    • Depth and darkness
    • Love
    • Transformation/ Change 
    • Psychic Abilities 
    • The Occult—anything supernatural, mystical or magical 
    • Intuition 
    • Taboo Topics and desires
    • Death
    • Regeneration / Rebirth
    • Life 
    • Relationships 
    • Desire
    • Secrets/ Mysteries
    • Seriousness
    • Honesty/ Truth/ Investigative
    • Reflection / Insight

    The Scorpio Myth

    In Greek mythology, the constellation Scorpius was identified with the scorpion that stung Orion, the mythical hunter. The two constellations lie opposite each other in the sky, and Orion is said to be fleeing from the scorpion as it sets just as Scorpius rises.

    In one version of the myth, Orion tried to ravish the goddess Artemis and she sent the scorpion to do away with him. In another version, it was the Earth that sent the scorpion after Orion had boasted that he could defeat any wild beast.

    The Pink Moon Meaning

    The Pink Moon is a name given to the April full moon, originating from the pink flowers, known as wild creeping phlox, that typically bloom during this time of year in North America. However, despite the name, the Moon itself doesn’t actually appear pink but instead takes on its usual golden or white hue.

    Combining the Pink Moon’s energy with Scorpio’s intensity can create a powerful time for personal growth, transformation, and letting go of what no longer serves us. It’s a time to delve into our subconscious, release emotional baggage, and embrace change and renewal. This period invites us to embrace our vulnerabilities, confront our shadows, and emerge more robust and more self-aware on the other side.

    Hebe Asteroid

    We have another cosmic energy affecting us at this time as well on 4/22 Hebe asteroid 6 appeared vertical to virgo in the skies which will have an affect on us. Combined with the scorpio energy this aestroid could bring about some very deep traumas, emotions, and triggers for us especially around childhood traumas and rejection. So, let’s touch briefly on this asteroid and who it represents.

    Hebe is the goddess of eternal youth. She served as the cup-bearer to the gods before Ganymede took her place. Her name comes from the Greek word meaning “youth” or “prime of life”. Hebe is associated with being of service; she can be a servant or even a slave. There are negative associations with abuse, probably from her elders or elites. She could also be about healing from childhood trauma, especially in the context of this Scorpio/Pluto moon energy.

    There is an account that Hebe’s demotion as cup-bearer was because she fell, ripping her dress, shamefully exposing her naked body publicly. Hebe is also associated with the Fall in terms of the change of seasons. Similar to Demeter and Persephone, Hebe is the maiden version of Hera, her mother. So Hebe is the springtime Virgin goddess. Other positive associations with Hebe are elixirs that rejuvenate, eternal life, mercy and forgiveness.

    Correspondences for the Scorpio full moon

    First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like I will list below for you to use.

    • planet-Pluto and Mars
    • Element- Water
    • Symbol- The scorpion
    • Modality- Fixed
    • Day- Tuesday
    • Body part- Genitals, and reproductive organs
    • colors- Red, black, grey
    • Phrase/motto- “I desire”
    • Chakra- Sacral Chakra
    • Herbs/flowers- ginger, myrh, Cumin, geranium, chrysanthemum, basil, rosemary, nettles, devil’s club, hisbiscus, guarana, damiana, peony, yarrow, mud root, coriander, honeysuckle, blood root, dragons blood
    • Stones/crystals- Topaz, serpatine, black obsidian, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, smokey quartz, jasper, oynx, malachite, citrine, turquoise, aquamarine, opalite
    • tarot- Death card

    How to Connect to the Scorpio Full Moon

    Now, that we have talked about the themes of this intense, serious, emotional, sexual, transformative, Scorpio full moon and how it is going to affect you let’s talk about how you can specifically connect to and work with this moon.

    First, make sure to do all of your staples that your learned in the previous blog post linked here for you like, charging your crystals, making moon water, and resetting your altar.

    With this moon there are certain spells and rituals that will help connect you this moon in the most effective way. Remember these are just some of the many ideas follow your intuition and the energy of this moon.

    • Shadow work focused on deep emotions and trauma
    • Water magic
    • Therapy of any kind
    • Sex magic and spells
    • Lunar magic
    • Ritual moon bath
    • Connect to your Sacral chakra
    • Explore your sexuality and sexual desires
    • Meditation and visualization work
    • Divination- especially water scrying
    • Water emotion release ritual
    • Inner child work
    • Start a mindful journaling practice
    • Sit with your emotions
    • Get lost in a mystery
    • Confront someone you need the truth from
    • Fertility spells and magic
    • expand your intuition by listening to your gut
    • Focus on abundance
    • Create sacred space for your emotions
    • review your goals and intentions set during the new moon
    • Commit to healing, growing, and transforming however that looks to you
    • Connect to the dead, spirits, and your ancestors
    • Connect to sex deities like pan or lilith
    • connect to deities of the underworld, rebirth and transformation like persephone and hades
    • Transformation and rebirth magic and spells
    • Write down and release all things that no longer serve into a body of water
    • moonlight bathe in the nude

    Ritual Full Moon Bath

    Taking a full moon bath is an extremely soothing way to harness the power of this moon phase. A Moon bath can be an especially powerful practice when the Moon is transiting the water signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. This is because the element of water is activated, i.e charged up – like a crystal, it has more potential to HOLD intention and frequency. So, this Full moon take a ritual bath to help you connect to your depth of your emotions in scorpio right now. I would recommend to have your items added to your bath right now be focused

    Top tip: Using Moon water in your ritual bath will take it to the next level!

    Self-love mirror gazing ritual

    This is a very transformative ritual to be doing every single full moon but, I really like using this one during a scorpio moon. The feeling of self love and passion for myself I feel seems to be so much more amplified after acknowledging my deepest, darkest emotions needed to be addressed. This ritual helps remind me during a scorpio moon to remember that even while working through those deep, dark emotions and traumas I still am worthy to be loved and to have all my needs met. You can find the ritual below and to learn more about one of my favorite types of magic; mirror magic in general you can read about in my previous blogpost here;

    Self -love mirror gazing ritual
    You will need: A mirror
    Under the light of the full Moon, do some stretching, shaking, dancing, or deep breathing, to bring your awareness into the fullness of your body.

    Place the mirror beneath the Full Moon in the night sky, so that you can sit looking at your own reflection AND have moonlight falling on your face.

    Look into the mirror at your own reflection. See, sense and feel the light of the Full Moon fall onto your face, and feel yourself soaking up her rays.

    Now gaze into your eyes, holding the intention to both give receive more love. Say the words: “I am loved, I am held, I am whole” aloud.

    Searching the depths with scorpio meditation

    This meditation is all about helping being a guide for you while you dive deep into the depths of your soul and emotions with the scorpio full moon. The ideal time to perform this ritual day or night of the full moon. If possible do it under direct moonlight. or the day after the full moon.

    You’ll need:
    15-30 minutes of quiet and uninterrupted time
    Vessel of water
    Pen/pencil and paper
    Optional: amethyst

    Create sacred space by grounding yourself and connecting with your breath and body. If casting a circle or calling in the quarters is in your practice, you could do this too. To learn how to do that you can do that by reading my previous blogpost here and watching my previous class on the topic with Divination Academy.
    Sit, close your eyes, and begin to connect with your breath and body. If you’re using amethyst you can hold it or place it near you to inspire your intuition.
    In this meditative state, ask aloud or in your mind, “Show me my soul’s deepest desire. show me where I have not been acting in alignment with my intention” Breathe and allow your mind to take you where it wants to go. Be open to visualizations, messages, or feelings that may arise.
    After spending some time with the first question, and when you feel ready, ask aloud or in your mind, “Show me my next steps to be in better alignment with my soul’s deepest desires?” Again, breathe and allow your mind to take you where it wants to go. Be open to visualizations, messages, or feelings that may arise.
    The subconscious mind often works through symbols. Be open and curious about anything that comes through to you, understanding that even though it may not make sense at the moment, it may later.
    When you feel ready to come out of your meditation, thank any guides who came through to offer guidance, then write down any insights that came to you.
    Place your paper in your vessel of water to remain there until the moon is new.
    Check in with your bowl of water with the paper in it each day to refill with water if needed, touch into the feelings you experienced, and as a reminder to take continued action towards your soul’s desires, even when it feels challenging. At the time of the next new moon, bury your paper outside and pour the water on top of it, trusting that you will be guided in your soul’s journey.

    Sex Magic To enhance your sex life

    With the full moon of scorpio being so deeply connected to our sexual desires, passions, and energy this moon is an extremely potent time for any type of sex magic and sex work. This includes doing spells to enhance your sex life. We can all use a little enhancement from time to time for many reasons and even if you don’t why not add some enhancement to increase your pleasure, your partners pleasure and have some really body alterating orgasims at that! I am passionate about sex magic and use it in my life, magical practices and my marriage ALL the time! To learn more about sex magic you can check out part two of class on the topic here and the study guide with divination academy here!

    The spell below is a great spell enhance and intensify any of sexual pleasure sessions!

    Carve your name and your partners name into your red candle

    Anoint your candle with honey while thinking of all the passion, desire, and freedom you want to experience in your sex life.

    Take your anointed candle and roll it in your cinnamon and sugar again viualizing all the passion, desire, freedom and climaxing you want to experience with your partner.

    Be as specific as possible.

    Light your candle during your next sex session together to ignite your passions and let it burn until it goes out on it’s own

    Reflection topics and questions for Scorpio Full Moon

    Every full moon is a great time to for reflecting on those seeds you had planted during the new moon and how they are doing now at the end of the lunar cycle and how you can celebrate your success and adjust the future for even greater success. Whether you do it thru meditation, shadow work, or divination like tarot; below is a list of prompts and topics to connect with the energy of the Scorpio full moon.

    • What is my soul’s deepest desire?
    • What emotions are sitting in the deep that I avoid?
    • What do I need to release from my past to fully transform?
    • Are there any mysterious about myself or others in my life i need to explore?
    • Where is my intuition trying to guide me?
    • Is there something in my life I need to listen to my gut about?
    • What parts of myself am I avoiding?
    • What are my deepest sexual desires, needs and passions? are they being met? Am I afraid to have them met? If so why?
    • What could I achieve if I stepped outside my comfort zone?
    • What areas of my life do I need to address to transform?
    • What fears and hidden emotions do I need to face?
    • What areas of my life do I need to transform to be in alignment with my soul purpose?
    • What emotions, wounds, or traumas coming up for me and how will I face them?

    However you choose to work with, connect to, or celebrate, follow your intuition, and passion to guide you the rest of this lunar cycle to finish growing your seeds of manifestation. Use this full moon in scorpio and its unrelenting crashing waves of emotions, sexual passion, and desire to transform yourself!

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      The Magic Of April; Nourish Your Seeds To Blossom

      Every single month has it’s own energy, and frequencies we can connect to that are unique. When we connect to the month’s energy and frequencies we can find ourselves living a much more aligned, and magical life. We have the ability to amplify our magical workings, intentions, and manifesting. Let’s talk about how to do that with the month of April. The month when spring fully takes hold in the Northern Hemisphere, and humans celebrate the return of life to the earth and the blossoming of plants and flowers, and awakening of animals from hibernation in the month of April.

      The month of April is fertile with refreshing, renewal and reawakening energy. With the month of April Spring is in full swing with, the birds chirping, spring showers, animals out of hibernation and nature is fully awake from the long cold nights of winter. This month is a very nourishing month that is about really feeding and giving those seeds of intention, growth, and transformation you planted in March the nutrients they need to bloom and flourish for harvest in the fall. April is also a time for cleansing and purifying rituals to rid oneself of stagnant energy from the winter months and prepare for the growth and expansion ahead.

      In the month of April we see some themes from March continued as well like fertility, growth, prosperity, and abundance. This month continues to be a time to focus on positive change, growth and new opportunities. Make sure to use those energies and themes to nourish your seeds planted in March and focus on making sure you are really putting the movement and nutrients into your manifestations, intentions, and goals for the year to grow and start to sprout in the coming months.

      History In The Month Of April

      April is the fourth month of the year according to the modern Gregorian calendar. The name April comes from the Roman name Aprilis possibly derived from the Latin verb aperire, meaning to open because this is the month when flowers and foliage begin to blossom and open. Other theories suggest that the name was derived from the name Aphrodite, via the Etruscan equivalent Apru.

      April was the second month of the earliest Roman calendar, before Ianuarius and Februarius were added by King Numa Pompilius about 700 BC. It became the fourth month of the calendar year (the year when twelve months are displayed in order) during the time of the decemvirs about 450 BC, when it was 29 days long. The 30th day was added back during the reform of the calendar undertaken by Julius Caesar in the mid-40s BC, which produced the Julian calendar.


      The month of April was sacred to Venus and kicked off with her festival; Veneralia.

      Veneralia, was an ancient Roman festival, that celebrated the goddess Venus (Aphrodite), highlighting her significance in love, beauty, and fertility on April 1st. During Veneralia, people would adorn themselves with flower crowns and fragrant herbs, and take ritual baths with honey and milk, believing it would attract Venus’s favor and blessings. During the festival, women carried the Venus’s statue to the men’s baths where it was ceremonially washed and dressed. A prominent ritual component of Veneralia involved the offering of roses to Venus, symbolizing love and desire, with couples exchanging love tokens as a form of devotion. Veneralia was a time for romantic endeavors, and it was believed that any relationship initiated during the festival would be blessed by Venus herself.

      Other Important Dates

      • April 1st All Fool’s Day
      • April 1st Veneralia
      • April 4-10 Megalesia
      • April 15 Fordicalia
      • April 15 Sumersdag or Sigrblot
      • April 19th Cerealia
      • April 21st Parilia
      • April 22nd Yggdrasil Day
      • April 23rd Vinalia Prioria
      • April 25th Robigalia
      • April 27- May 2 Floralia
      • April 30th Walpurgis Night

      April Magical & Witchcraft Themes

      In witchcraft, April represents a time of fertility, growth, and abundance. Rituals and spells during April often focus on themes of renewal, prosperity, and manifestation, harnessing the energy of the season to bring about positive changes and new opportunities. The season of spring is so ripe and fertile with the energy of abundance this month is a very potent time to perform abundance, prosperity and good luck spells, rituals and workings. April is a time of nourishment to feed your seeds of intentions and manifestations that you planted the previous month during the spring equinox to help them grow and to nourish ourselves through the nurturing energy of April and Spring. Just as the April showers pour down from the skies to cleanse and nourish the earth and cause new growth, April is also a time for cleansing and purifying rituals to rid oneself of stagnant energy from the winter months and prepare for the growth and expansion ahead.

      The Gods And Goddesses Of April

      With every season and month there are certain themes, magic, and energies we have the ability to connect to including deities. Everyone works with and views deity energy a little differently. Whether you view them as archetypes of the human consciousness, representations of the source energy, or as being entities on their own, there are certain deities that now is the time to connect to and honor them in the most sacred and amplified way.

      During this month a few deities take center stage because they have festivals or sacred days during this month to help you connect with them in a very intimate way. The deities that are going to be the best for you to connect to right now are going to be those who represent spring, fertility, abundance, agriculture, love and rebirth. Below we will talk about some of the deities you can work with this month.


      Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty, and sexuality. The goddess of love Venus was widely worshipped in the Roman Empire because she was thought to be the mother of Aeneas, the mythical founder of Rome. As such, she was considered the mother of the entire Roman nation. The month of April was kicked off with a festival dedicated to her even; Veneralia.

      Initially, it seems that she was a goddess of fertility and vegetation. She might have assumed her most famous role of goddess of love in the 3rd Century BC when she was identified with the Greek goddess Aphrodite. Being the embodiment of femininity, she was seen as the opposite of the gods which represented masculinity, i.e. her husband Vulcan, the god of metalworking, and her lover Mars, the god of war.


      Of the many different gods and goddesses that were worshipped in ancient Egypt, Hathor is considered one of the most important. Hathor is the Egyptian goddess of love and beauty and her history is quite intriguing among the many that are around in the Egyptian pantheon. The Egyptian goddess of beauty and love is the daughter of the sky goddess Nut and the god of the sun and creation, Ra. Hathor is not only the daughter of Egypt’s main deities for she is also the ‘eye of Ra,’ the most powerful force in the world. This makes her one of the most significant deities in Egyptian mythology. The Egyptian goddess of love and beauty is also the goddess of the underworld. She welcomes the dead as they reach the underworld and serves them food and drinks. She is thought to be later connected with the Greek goddess Aphrodite this is why she is a great deity to work with this month to help you with self love, nourishment, and fertility workings.


      Anahita, the ancient Persian goddess, held a significant role in Persian mythology, associated with water, fertility, healing, and wisdom. With her origins rooted in the Indo-Iranian tradition and connections to the Mesopotamian goddess, Inanna-Ishtar, Anahita’s worship persisted across Iran, Asia, and even endured the influence of Zoroastrianism. She is often depicted as a beautiful goddess adorned in gold jewelry, carrying branches of life, and riding a chariot pulled by four horses. She was worshipped as the goddess of water, fertility, healing, and wisdom. As the goddess of water, Anahita represented the life-giving force that sustained both humans and nature. She played a crucial role in ensuring the fertility of the land, resulting in abundant harvests and prosperous communities which makes her a great goddess to call on this month while your nourish your seeds your already planted last month or plan to plant this month.


      The harvest goddess Ceres is probably one of the oldest gods to be worshiped by the Romans and their precursors. Her worship was such that she was integral to the day-to-day affairs of the ancient Romans. Whereas other gods were prayed to for specific things or worshiped on specific days, the Roman goddess Ceres was relevant throughout the year. Ceres was the goddess of agriculture, farming, and a host of other things which are related to or symbolized by crops. She was the goddess that directly ensured that the people had something to eat. Without the Roman goddess Ceres good graces, winter and famine were upon the Romans. Her counterpart is thought to be the Greek goddess Demeter which is why she can be worshipped to connect to this months energy as well.


      Persephone is the most prominent goddess of spring in the Greek religion which is why we can connect to her this month with her being fully back on earth from the underworld. She is the daughter of Zeus and goddess of harvest and agriculture Demeter. She is known as the goddess of spring, duality, rebirth, and the Queen of the Underworld. She is associated with spring, renewal, and rebirth because of her descent into the underworld with Hades and the affects. Her mother decided to not allow anything to grow on earth until it was agreed she would return for part of the year. Her ascent back to earth from the underworld was when her mother allowed things to than flourish and grow again on earth. Because of this, she became the representation of the cycles of the Earth and the reason for spring, the vernal birds returning, and the flowers blooming. To this day she still honors this cycle and deal. Persephone is my favorite deity, my patron goddess and I love connecting to her at this time of the year. If you want to learn more about her you can watch my class done previously on her with Divination Academy below.

      The Correspondences For April

      First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for time of the year like a month, which I will list below for you to use.

      • Planet-Earth
      • Animal-rabbits, bear, wolf, Hawk, magpie, frog
      • Element- Fire & water
      • colors- Pale yellow, pink, light green, violet, gold
      • Chakra- Solar plexus and heart
      • Herbs- daisies, sweat pea, pine, bergamot, bay, patchouli, chive, basil, dragon’s blood, geranium,
      • Stones/ crystals- diamond, quartz, emerald, ruby, garnet, malachite, sunstone, orange calcite, ocean jasper, citrine, selenite
      • Deities- Venus, Aphrodite, Ceres, Persephone, mars, Vulcan, Demeter, Ishtar, Anahita, Kali, Hathor, The green man
      • Symbols- Growth, the pink moon, creating, opportunity, Faery Spirits, eggs, spring growth, gardens, spring blossoms, sun, rain showers
      • Zodiac- Aries & Taurus
      • Trees- Hazel, Pine

      How To Connect To The Magic Of April

      We’ve talked a lot about all the different types of energies the month of April has and gives us access to work with. So, how can you specifically connect to those energies? In your every day life you can make sure your affirmations and manifestation work align with the energies of rebirth, reawakening, prosperity, love and nourishment. You can celebrate and honor any of the sacred days and holidays like Vernalia, and work with the season of spring.

      Some Rituals and spell workings during this time that will be really intensified will be based on prosperity, wealth, growth, and rebirth. You can do things like create a lucky money bag, a prosperity bowl, or perform some spells using egg magic.

      April is a time of the year where many witches are able to get back into nature, using this time to physically reconnect with nature through all kinds of nature magic, earthing, grounding, and elemental magic. If you were not able to plant your garden last month this is a perfect time to do so and to perform some seed magic at the same time.

      Don’t forget April also reminds us that it is just as important for us to nourish ourselves and care for ourselves to make sure we can grow and flourish. Make sure to nourish yourself with water, by cleansing and cleaning, drinking water, and taking a ritual bath for self love, nourishment, and growth.

      Just as the April showers pour down from the skies to cleanse and nourish the earth and cause new growth, April is also a time for cleansing and purifying rituals to rid oneself of stagnant energy from the winter months and prepare for the growth and expansion ahead. To learn about many different ways to cleanse and purify yourself you can watch my two Youtube classes with Divination Academy on protection below;

      Other Ways To Celebrate And Connect To April

      When we want to use the energy around us to affect our magical practices and rituals we can amplify that by doing things in our every day life to align with the energy as well. You can align with the energy of abundance, nourishment, and reawakening with affirmations, mantras, intention goal setting and dancing in nature as the rain falls.

      You can do things like making sure you get yourself outside breathing the fresh air and getting in touch with the earth. You can do things to nourish yourself and show yourself some self love like taking a self love ritual bath.

      This month is so full of rebirth, and renewal energy still it is a perfect time to refresh your home with spring cleaning, reorganizing and changing up your home decorations if you feel the pull this can extend to your altar as well. My spring cleaning usually happens in two phases and this month I focus on the second half and all of my spring cleaning and prep work for my yard and property. Living in MN means I may not even get to do this until the very end of April since even now I have snow on the ground. I also take the time to do a quarterly check up on my goals and personal development plan as well.

      April is also the perfect month and time to start working with the Fae and the Faery realm. You can start this by planning and than planting your Faery Garden so your flowers will start blooming in May. Some things I recommend to have for your faery garden will be listed below and keep a look out for a blogpost coming to go in depth on adding one of these to your yard and practice.

      • Plant Foxglove and Pansies
      • Make sure to have plenty of small plants and flower bushes
      • Have small mirrors laying around
      • Decorate with shiny crystals likes quartz and agates
      • Plant roses
      • Plant berry bushes for offerings
      • Build a Fairy House
      • Include moss and mushrooms
      • Include a butterfly feeder and water station
      • Plant Nectar producing flowers and plants

      Nourish Your Seeds With April To Blossom The Rest Of The Year

      We talked about many things in this blogpost including the history, some celebrations, the different energies and magical themes we can work with during this month, how to connect to those energies, deities we can honor and worship, and how to work with the magic of April. No matter how you choose to work with the energies and magic of April make sure to be focused on continuing your rebirth for this year, abundance, and nourishing yourself and the seeds your planted last month. If you do this your life will become so much more magical and aligned. All the nourishment you give your seeds this month will allow you to blossom the rest of the year.

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      Ostara And Celebrating The Spring Equinox

      The birds are beginning to sing us awake in the mornings, the snow is melting in some parts of the world, and the days are getting longer with more sunshine for us to enjoy. With this time comes one of the two most potent and important sacred times to the year and holidays; the Spring Equinox which is celebrated with many different holidays and traditions like Ostara. This time is ripe with fertile energy all about growth, rebirth, planting seeds for harvest, and duality. Let’s take a look in this blogpost at the history of this time of year, the many energies you can connect with, the themes, deities that have sacred times during this holiday and the many different ways you can connect to and work with the Spring Equinox and Ostara.

      What Is The Spring Equinox?

      The Spring Equinox aka Vernal Equinox, is the time when day and night are equal. During this time, the direct rays of the sun hit the equator, making day and night equal in length. The most important part of the day is when the sun hits its zenith, the precise moment when the sun is perfectly lined up with the equator. This moment marks the first day of spring, with the light triumphing over the darkness. The Spring begins in March in the northern hemisphere, and September in the southern hemisphere. In the Northern Hemisphere we celebrate on March 20th this year (the celebration can happen between the 19th – the 23rd and is typically celebrated for multiple days).

      What Is Ostara?

      Ostara is the celebration of rebirth and renewal, it is the Sabbat (a holiday marked on the pagan wheel of the year) dedicated to the Spring Equinox aka Vernal Equinox. Ostara is one of the eight Sabbats in the Wheel of the Year calendar. The Wheel of the Year is a cycle of festivals that celebrates the changing seasons and the natural cycles of life. Each festival represents a unique phase in the cycle of life and is associated with different aspects of nature. In the Wheel of the Year calendar, Ostara follows the dark and introspective period of Imbolc, which celebrates the return of the light and the preparation for the coming of spring. It precedes Beltane, which marks the midpoint of spring and celebrates the fertility of the earth and the coming of summer.

      Ostara, is the dawn of the fertile season on the Wheel of the Year. The word Ostara comes from the Anglo-Saxon goddess name, Eostre. Eostre represented spring and new beginnings. It marks the start of the astrological year as well and is considered the New year for many different cultures and tribes around the world as they welcome back the sun.

      The Meaning Behind Ostara

      This season corresponds to growth, fertility, manifesting, the liminal space, balance, renewal, and rebirth. The energy of this season calls you to begin taking concerted actions towards your desires. Ostara is also considered a Pagan solar holiday honoring the spring’s warmth, light from the sun, and the awakening of the earth. Ostara embodies the cyclical rhythm of nature’s rebirth. This holiday is all about the earth returning to its abundant greenness and the sun is returning to the high skies. This is a time of rebirth and renewal when the natural world awakens from its winter slumber. It is a time when we can celebrate the return of the light, the growth of new life, and the renewal of hope. It is also a time when we can connect with the natural world, celebrate the changing seasons, and embrace the ongoing cycles of life.

      A Time Of Balance And Duality

      Ostara and the spring equinox is one of the most liminal times during the year. It is one of the two times the veil is the thinnest and our access is stronger to the other side. With this time being grounded in the liminal space, the crossroads, and the other side it is one of the most potent times to do shadow work, inner child work, realigning yourself in balance, and doing deep expansive evolution. This is a great time to reach out to deities of wisdom, the crossroads and magical knowledge for a vast amount of growth and change. Having access to this liminal space allows you to access the shadow part of yourself and really truly work with all parts of yourself to truly create duality and balance within yourself. It allows you to access those universal energies and look at the universe, your place in it and others actions from a place of true balance and seeing things from all perspectives. This time is honestly one of my favorite times of the year. I go through some of my biggest growth spurts in knowledge, personal development, and expansion during this time every single year. It’s like my soul reawakens itself, catches on fire, and transforms itself through rebirth.

      A Time To Plant Seeds

      With Ostara and the Spring Equinox being the time of rebirth, the return of the sun, and the earth reawakening from it’s cold winter slumber it is one of the most potent time to plant your seeds of manifestation. This time is so fertile with the energy of abundance, growth, and renewal when you set intentions right now they are amplified with all that energy. Even in antiquity this was a time of planning and planting. The time when they would go out and start working the land and planting their seeds for their crops to grow and harvest in the fall. Take this time to really focus on your dreams, your goals, and your desires. Set yourself onto a clear path, with a clear image, and plant those seeds of manifestation now in the fertile energy of abundance, and growth to grow and be ready to harvest in the fall.

      The History Of Ostara

      Ostara began as the celebration of Ostera the Germanic goddess of Spring, who’s name evolved to Eostre by the Ango-Saxons than later this evolved into Easter, which kept the theme of rebirth and renewal with the resurrection of Christ.

      Ostara is named after the Germanic goddess Ostara or Eostre, who was associated with the dawn and new beginnings. It was celebrated by pre-Christian Germanic tribes, such as the Saxons, who lived in what is now modern-day Germany.

      The holiday was also celebrated by the Anglo-Saxons in England, who called it Eostre or Eosturmonath. There is no evidence that the ancient Greeks or Romans celebrated Ostara, although they did celebrate their own spring festivals, such as the Roman festival of Floralia and the Greek festival of Anthesteria.

      Deities Of Ostara And Spring

      Spring is one of the most important seasons in many cultures and religions, as it is a time of renewal, growth, and fertility. In many mythologies, gods and goddesses of spring play a vital role in the seasonal cycle, symbolizing the rebirth of nature and the beginning of new life. Working with deities is one of my favorite things to do. You can honor them during their festivals for them and by bringing them into any of your prayers, rituals, and spells you want to doin order to celebrate and connect to this holiday and sacred days. Let’s take a look at some of the Deities that can be worshipped during this time and holiday.


      The most important goddess of spring is Eostre, the goddess of fertility, rebirth, and dawn. Sometimes referred to as the goddess Ostara, this deity was associated with springtime because this was the season when the days began to lengthen and the sun became stronger. She was also associated with the hare and the egg, which were symbols of fertility and new life.


      One of the most prominent Roman deities of spring was Flora, the goddess of flowers and the blooming of plants. Her festival, the Floralia, was celebrated from April 28th to May 3rd and featured theatrical performances, dancing, and other forms of revelry. The festival was a time to celebrate the natural world’s beauty and ask for Flora’s blessings in the coming growing season.


      Another important deity of spring was Mars, the Roman god of war and agriculture. Although he was primarily associated with warfare, Mars was also seen as a protector of crops and the agricultural cycle. His festival, the Mars Ultor, commemorates bounty in agricultural endeavors and a successful growing season.


      Freyr is an important god of spring in Norse mythology. He was referred to as the god of fertility, prosperity, and peace. Freyr was associated with springtime because this was the season when the crops began to grow, and the animals began to mate. He was also associated with the renewal of life and the regeneration of the earth, which made him an important figure in springtime celebrations.


      Osiris is an Egyptian god referred to as the god of fertility, agriculture, and the afterlife. He was associated with springtime because this was the season when the Nile River flooded, bringing water and nutrients to the crops. He was also associated with the cycle of life, death, and rebirth, which made him an important figure in springtime celebrations. His death and resurrection were celebrated during the Osiris festivals, which marked the beginning of the agricultural year.

      Cai Shen

      One of the most prominent Chinese spring gods is Cai Shen, the god of wealth and prosperity. He is often depicted wearing a red robe and holding a gold ingot, and he is believed to bring good fortune and abundance to those who honor him. During the Chinese spring festivals, many people will place images or statues of Cai Shen in their homes or businesses to invite his blessings for the coming year.


      Persephone is the most prominent goddess of spring in the greek religion. She is the daughter of Zeus and goddess of harvest and agriculture Demeter. She is known as the goddess of spring, duality, rebirth, and the Queen of the Underworld. She is associated with spring, renewal, and rebirth because of her descent into the underworld with Hades and the affects. Her mother than decided to not allow anything to grow on earth until it was agreed she would return for part of the year. Her ascent back to earth from the underworld was when her mother allowed things to than flourish and grow again on earth. Because of this, she become the representation of the cycles of the earth and the reason for spring, the vernal birds returning, and the flowers blooming and to this day she still honors this cycle and deal. Persephone is my favorite deity, my patron goddess and I love connecting to her at this time of the year. If you want to learn more about her you can watch my class done previously on her with Divination Academy below.

      The Correspondences Of Ostara And The Spring Equinox

      First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for A holiday or sacred time like Ostara and the spring equinox, like I will list below for you to use.

      • Planet-Mars
      • Animal-Bunny, Lamb, Butterfly, Chick, Fawn, Any baby animals
      • Element- Air
      • colors- Light greens, Lights blues, Light pinks, pastels, yellow
      • Herbs- lily, tulip, lilac, Daffodil, Irish moss, honeysuckle, dogwood, Jasmine
      • Stones/ crystals- Amazonite, Green Aventurine, Tiger’s eye, Amethyst, Moss agate, Carnelian
      • Deities- Persephone, Osiris, Isis, Estore, Mars, Freyr, Flora, Demeter, Cai Shen, Brigid, The Green Man
      • Symbols-The egg, the rabbit, The Changing cycles of the season, The Maiden, seeds, honey
      • Zodiac- Aries
      • Gender- Masculine

      Magical Themes Of Ostara & The Spring Equinox

      Every season and every pagan holiday has certain concepts and magical themes. Which means, depending on your tradition and needs, you can weave one or more of these themes into your personal celebrations. On the Spring Equinox also called Ostara, we see the following magical rituals and spells below. To learn more about the how to work with Spring and the month of march in general you can check out my previous blogpost here;

      • Balance
      • Duality
      • Rebirth
      • Renewal
      • Dispel Negativity
      • Growth
      • Fertility
      • Banishings/ bindings
      • Inner work/ Shadow work
      • Manifestation Work
      • Astral and Spirit Work
      • Cleansing, Purifying, and Clearing

      Eggs and Ostara

      There are a couple of stories that link Ostara to eggs and hares. One being that a hare out foraging for food found an egg and gave it to Ostara an offering for Spring. The other story speaks of Ostara finding a bird with frozen wings that she turned into a hare to save. The hare retaining its ability to lay eggs, laid an egg for Ostara as a show of gratitude. You can find variations of stories passed down similar to these or possibly have some in your lineage. No matter how the connection of eggs came to be associated with Ostara and this season, their connection to fertility, life, and rebirth is found worldwide and throughout history. If you want to learn more about the history, symbolism, and how to magically work with eggs you can read all about it in my previous blogpost here;

      Bunnies And Ostara

      Just like so many other historical Holiday icons and traditions, the Easter Bunny was born from Pagan customs. Bunnies are cute, and fluffy. But they’re also known for mating. And LOTS of it. It should come as no surprise the Rabbit is one of Ostara’s original symbols of fertility. In addition, there’s speculation the goddess Eostre once had a consort who was part-rabbit and of whom was depicted as a man-sized hare.

      Ways To Work With The Spring Equinox & Celebrate Ostara

      We have talked about many different themes, and energies you can connect to during this time from fertility, balance, duality, rebirth, and more. Let’s talk about how we can connect to and celebrate those themes and energies now. First, you can participate and honor any of the deities listed above or that are associated with Spring. You can work with any affirmations, mantras, and visualization work for intention setting and manifestation for the year during this time. Check out below more ways to work with and celebrate this holiday and time of year.

      Shadow Work Focused On Duality And Balance

      Since this time of the year and holiday is such a potent time to access the liminal space, work with the crossroads, and access the universal source of duality it is one of the most affective times to do shadow work. To go deep within yourself to do self reflection, connect to your shadow self and all parts of who you are, and your inner child. To acknowledge; maybe even for the first time, some traumas, wounds, and things you may need to work through and than do the shadow work to work through them. Themes to focus on with your shadow work right now should be duality, balance, rebirth, growth, and transformation. If you need to learn more about how to do shadow work you can learn how watching my class I previously taught with Divination Academy below.

      Decorate Eggs

      Eggs are a symbol of the Spring and henceforth Easter and Ostara. The tradition of painting and decorating eggs pre-dates Christianity and spans multiple cultures. To appease the gods and the spirits of Spring, decorate and paint eggs, then leave them at the foot of trees as offerings. Decorated eggs in the home in Spring ensures abundance and health in the coming months. The colors you choose to use when decorating can even represent specific energies and intentions as well. Below is a list of some ideas for you as you decorate your eggs.

      • Red- Passion, Power, Transformation
      • Orange- Attraction, Good Fortune/Luck
      • Yellow- Happiness, Inspiration
      • Green-Abundance, Prosperity, Wealth, Good Health
      • Blue- Peace, Tranquility, Spirituality
      • Purple- Mystical, Magical, The Power of Spring
      • Pink-Love, Friendship

      Plant or Prepare Your Garden & Seed Magic

      This holiday is all about spring, rebirth, renewal, and fertility. It is the time you plant your seeds in the ground for literal plants to grow from the ground and to harvest in the fall. So, now is the perfect time to plan your garden, pick your plants for the year, and do any prep work you need to with your garden space. If it is possible that you can actually move the earth and plant your garden because it is thawed now is the time to do so and start doing that. If you can do that, you can also perform seed magic while you plant your seeds. How to do seed magic is below.

      Seed Magic

      • Before planting your seeds, hold the seeds in your hand and whisper to them a goal you are working on achieving this spring.
      • As you plant your seeds into the dirt, visualize the flowers growing as you make progress towards your goal.
      • Every time you water your plants, visualize yourself achieving your goal.
      • Your goal should be achieved by the time your flowers are blooming.

      Bury A Raw Egg In Your Garden Or Yard

      A classic symbol of fertility and abundance, a buried egg in your spring garden blesses the harvest for fruitful yield. It helps that it also makes excellent fertilizer! This also appeases the nature spirits present in your garden. You can also spread or sprinkle eggshells in the garden for the same purposes. You can amplify this energy and blessing by drawing a fertility sigil, a symbol for a Spring deity, or a growth intention before you bury it in the earth. You can recite a mantra, prayer, or invocation as well as you buy the egg. Doing this during the Ostara and the Spring equinox can also add more energy to this practice for you.

      Connect With Nature In A Mindful Way

      Ostara and the Spring Equinox is all about welcoming the sun back and the reawakening of the earth. It is about the earth waking up and coming out of hibernation. Even we as humans are coming out of hibernation in a sense. So, take the time to shake off the winter blues and mindfully connect to nature taking a five senses spring walk.

      Five Senses Spring Walk

      • First, dress appropriately for the weather. Wear waterproof boots and warm clothes.
      • As you walk outside, take a moment to use all your senses.
      • Can you hear the snow melting, the birds chirping, the grass growing?
      • Can you smell the wet snow, the thawed mud, the spring air?
      • Can you see plants sprouting from the earth, buds on the trees, animals awake from hibernation?
      • Can you feel the cold snow, the wet earth, the soft plants?
      • Can you taste the fresh air or the icicle drips?
      • After you have engaged all your senses, walk back to your home. Reflect on your experience by writing it down in a journal

      Perform Egg Magic

      Eggs are a very common symbol with Ostara and Spring Equinox and working with them is a great way to connect with and work with this energy. In many cultures and society, the egg is considered the perfect magical symbol. It is, after all, representative of new life. The egg is a source of powerful energy that is able to take stagnant and unproductive energy and metamorphize it into fertile and productive energy. Eggs in magic and witchcraft represent fertility, rebirth, creation, nourishment, protection and abundance. There are many different ways to work with eggs magically to learn how to you can read more about how to do so in my previous blogpost here;

      Pick Wildflowers

      The symbol of the flower is new life. Flowers have an uplifting effect on us. Their bright colors prove even though there is a time for death, there will always be a time for rebirth. This Ostara, pick some wildflowers and place them in a vase on your table or altar. Or decorate your table with Spring greenery. It will remind you of the beauty of Spring and of the true meaning of Ostara which is new life.

      Spring Cleaning And Cleansing

      I feel like almost everyone has heard of the concept of spring cleaning. It’s really a thing and has magical meaning and ties to the energy of Ostara and the Spring Equinox. This time is about rebirth, and renewal which makes it a perfect time for us to clean, cleanse, and purify our physical spaces and ourselves. So, take the time to deep clean every nook and cranny of your home. You can add some magic to it while you do it as well while sweeping out all of the negative, stagnant, and unwanted energies of your home. You do this by visualizing and using your energy to collect all that unwanted, negative, stagnant energy and than literally sweeping it and moving it out the your front door and threshold. To learn about more ways to cleanse, purify and protect your physical space and yourself you can do so by watching my previous classes with Divination Academy below.

      Decorate An Easter Egg Tree

      In Germany, it’s traditional to have an Easter tree to celebrate the Spring season. This is the same thing as a Christmas tree, except it’s for Easter. And if you’re pagan, call it your Ostara Tree. instead. Purchase hanging or make your own. You can even add magical symbols and words to each egg.

      Ostara And Spring Equinox Wish

      One of my favorite Ostara traditions to do is making an Ostara wish using a hard boiled egg. It is so simple to do as well! All you need is a hard boiled egg. Take a hard boiled egg, write a wish or intention you would like to plant to bloom by harvest time this year. Take your egg with your wish written on it out under the moon on Ostara. Hold it up to the sky, recite your wish out loud, and than take your egg and bury it in the earth for your wish to sprout, grow, and bloom this year.

      Refresh, Reset, and Redecorate Your Altar

      If you have an altar or altars as part of your magical practice and workings now is a great time to do a whole reset and refresh of your altar. You can do this by making sure you clean it off, wash it with oils, cleanse it magically with smoke, sound, or water, reset it with sigils if you choose to work with them, and charge your altar with your own magic, mantras, energy, and prayers. You can than redecorate and reset your altar with any of the correspondences we talked about above that you can us to connect to Ostara and the Spring Equinox. If you want to learn more about the basics of how to work with altars you can learn more in my study guide from my previous class I taught and keep an eye out for the video is posted to YouTube here;

      Egg Prosperity Spell

      This spell is designed to bring you prosperity, whether it be financial or otherwise, by working with the magical properties of the egg. To learn more ways to work with the energy of abundance and to call abundance into your life you can read my previous blogpost here;

      What You’ll Need:

      • An egg or eggs if making more than one
      • biodegradable sachet
      • pyrite
      • mint
      • marker, dye, and other tools to decorate the egg

      What To Do:

      Begin by cleansing, charging, and/or blessing your items. After the items are ready to go, write, draw, or otherwise decorate your egg with your intent: prosperity. You can draw a rune in gold on your egg to represent prosperity. Other color choices are green, orange, or violet. You can dye the egg a solid color, draw sigils, or money symbols. After the egg is decorated, place it along with the pyrite and mint into the biodegradable sachet.

      When all the items are placed in the sachet, hold it in both hands and imagine it filling with gold and green light. Say,
      “With egg for new beginnings adorned all in gold [you can insert your own color here, but it may not rhyme ]
      With pyrite for wealth and mint for fortunes untold,
      I open myself to wealth beyond measure,
      And accept the Universe’s treasure.”

      Once the spell is done, find a safe place in your garden, preferably by a plant also associated with prosperity and abundance, and bury the sachet

      Ostara/ Spring Equinox Spell Jar

      Spell Jars are one of my most favorite spells to create and tools to use in my magical practice and life. Spell jars are great to create a container of energy for you to harness and come back to over and over again when you need it! A quick run down on how to create a spell jar. Pick your items, and add them to your jar after you wash, cleanse and charger your jar. As you add your items focus on visualizing the energy of abundance and what it is you very specifically want to call into your life with that energy. Once you feel the intention and energy is set inside the jar you can take your lid and seal it shut. To add more power to your jar you can add sigils to the outside or seal the lid with wax even. Place the jar on your altar or anywhere in your home, office, or car where you can see it and come back to it when you need to call on the energy and spell again. You can shake the jar to activate the magic whenever you come back to it as well. Keep an eye out for more spell jar on my Pinterest or Facebook page and in an upcoming blogpost and eBook.

      Use this spell jar below to call in and connect to the energy of Ostara and Spring Equinox.

      Simmer Pot For Ostara And The Spring Equinox

      Whether you consider yourself a Kitchen Witch, are vaguely interested in Kitchen Magic or just want to bring some good vibes and good smells into your home, simmer pots are an easy, accessible and fun ritual for any time of year! Simmer pots are easy to create and customize to your liking, so you can make your kitchen a sacred space whenever you want! So, why not make one specifically to call in and honor the energy of Ostara and the Spring Equinox?!

      What are simmer pots? Simmer pots are basically potpourri in a pot! You choose your ingredients, put them in a pot with water, bring to a boil, then turn down to a simmer and let it do its thing. They couldn’t be any easier, just be sure you don’t let your pot boil dry! If you want to keep the pot going simply add more water when it gets low. And obviously never leave it going when you are not home. To learn more about how about this magical practice you can check out my previous blogpost on the topic here;

      Wrap up

      We talked about the history of the Ostara and The Spring Equinox, the energies you have access to connect to, deities you can call to and honor, how you can connect to the energies, rituals you can do and how to align with and work with Ostara and the Spring Equinox . However you choose to connect to the many energies of Ostara and the Spring Equinox has to offer you; from rebirth, fertility, growth, fruitfulness, cleansing and wealth. Remember to work with the liminal space for healing and transformation as well during this time. Enjoy how the refreshing energy of the spring equinox will bring a new sense of life to you and your magic. And watch things bloom throughout the year like they never have before.

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      The Magic Of Eggs; The Magical Meanings And Uses Of Eggs

      With Spring in the air, the days getting longer and the snow beginning to melt in some areas of the world most of us will feel a pull to refresh, rebirth, and renewal. We may even celebrate some spring holidays like, the Spring Equinox, Ostara or Easter. Whichever holiday it is you celebrate; a common symbol you will see is the Egg. The egg has been a powerful, and prominent symbol in human culture for 1000s of years far back into antiquity. The egg has been a staple not only as a food source and a center piece at breakfast time but, in magic, religion, and cultural practices as well. It can be seen in texts, art, and stories across many different cultures and even still today we see it every time spring rolls around in modern culture. Eggs symbolize fertility, birth/resurrection, Spring, nourishment and protection. Let’s roll into spring and crack open the magical uses and meanings of eggs in this blogpost.

      Eggs In Cultures Throughout History

      From Roman and Greek funerary rites to the birth of the Hindu god, Brahma, the egg is featured prominently in religious/spiritual traditions, folklore and celebration practices around the world. For many modern pagans, the egg symbolizes the Spring Equinox and/or Ostara and the renewal of life in the natural world. Let’s look at some more ( not all) of the ways eggs have been used in different cultures throughout history.

      In Persia, eggs have been painted for thousands of years as part of the spring celebration of No Ruz, which is the Zoroastrian new year. In Iran, the colored eggs are placed on the dinner table at No Ruz, and a mother eats one cooked egg for each child she has. The festival of No Ruz predates the reign of Cyrus the Great, whose rule (580-529 b.c.e.) marks the beginning of Persian history.

      In some Native American creation tales, the egg features prominently. Typically, this involves the cracking of a giant egg to form the universe, the earth, or even gods. In some tribes of America’s Pacific northwest region, there is a story about thunder eggs–geodes–which are thrown by the angry spirits of the high mountain ranges.

      A Chinese folk tale tells of the story of the formation of the universe. Like so many things, it began as an egg. A deity named Pan Gu formed inside the egg, and then in his efforts to get out, cracked it into two halves. The upper portion became the sky and cosmos, and the lower half became the earth and sea. As Pan Gu grew bigger and more powerful, the gap between earth and sky increased, and soon they were separated forever.

      In early Christian cultures, consumption of the Easter egg may have marked the end of Lent. In Greek Orthodox Christianity, there is a legend that after Christ’s death on the cross, Mary Magdalene went to the emperor of Rome, and told him of Jesus’ resurrection. The emperor’s response was skeptical, hinting that such an event was just about as likely as a nearby bowl of eggs suddenly turning red. Much to the emperor’s surprise, the bowl of eggs turned red, and Mary Magdalene joyfully began preaching Christianity throughout the land.

      It was commonly thought in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period that witches could use empty eggshells to “fly” to their sabbaths. Eggshells were also thought to be used as vehicles for the fairies, so it was highly encouraged to destroy your eggshells before such magical beings could put them to use.

      There’s an old English superstition that if you’re a girl who wants to see who your true love is, place an egg in front of your fire on a stormy night. As the rain picks up and the wind begins to howl, the man you will marry will come through the door and pick up the egg.

      In American folk magic, eggs appear regularly in agricultural stories. A farmer who wants to “set” his eggs under broody hens should only do so during the full moon; otherwise, most of them won’t hatch. Likewise, eggs carried around in a woman’s bonnet will provide the best pullets. Eggs placed in a man’s hat for safekeeping will all produce roosters. Even the eggs of certain birds are special. Owls’ eggs are said to be a sure cure for alcoholism, when scrambled up and fed to someone with a drinking problem. Dirt found under a mockingbird’s egg can be used to alleviate sore throats.

      Symbolism and Meaning Of The Egg

      In many cultures and society, the egg is considered the perfect magical symbol. It is, after all, representative of new life. In fact, it is the life cycle/ circle of life personified in it’s shape alone. As we talked about above Eggs are the center of many creation myths and the source of where our universe began. Even when you look up the definition of what an Egg really is; it is the place life begins, and is protected and nurtured until it is ready to be born into this realm. Life is LITERALLY hatched from and BEGINS in eggs. The egg is a source of powerful energy that is able to take stagnant and unproductive energy and metamorphize it into fertile and productive energy. Eggs in magic and witchcraft represent fertility, rebirth, creation, nourishment, protection and abundance.

      Magical Ways To Work With Eggs

      As you can imagine because, eggs are such a potent, prominent, and powerful energy with many different energies you can connect to there are just as many ways to work with them! On top of that they are generally pretty easy to get ahold of, if you don’t already have some in your kitchen. You can roll into Spring feeling refreshed, and ready to crack open in rebirth and transformation with any or all of these magical workings.

      Oomancy-Divination With Eggs

      Oomancy is the name for egg cleansing and divination, also known as ovomancy, ovamancy, ooscopia, oomancia, oomantia. The name comes from the ancient Greek word for egg “oon” and “manteia” meaning divination. There are several methods to how this can be done in different cultures. Oomancy was a very common form of divination practiced in ancient Greece and Rome specifically, where it was believed that one could tell the future by interpreting the shapes formed when the separated whites from an egg was dropped into hot water.

      Included here is a standard version if you would like to try your hand at.


      First, you will want to fill a clear glass bowl with water. Hot, boiled water may make it easier to see shapes since it will partially cook the egg and prevent it from moving more than necessary.

      Next, cleanse the egg before rolling it down your body starting at the crown of your head, allowing it to absorb impurities, then crack it into the water. Below is a list of signs to look for when divining with eggs. When reading an egg cleanse, the yolk is representative of you and the whites symbolize others.

      • Clear or mostly clear means you’ve been keeping up with your cleansing methods and wards…it means you don’t have a lot of negative energy affecting you!
      • Strings of white that go from top to bottom in the water indicate energetic cords that are negative and need to be cleared (if it’s thin, the attachment can be cleared easily but if it’s thick, it might take a longer stint of purification rituals to sever the tie)
      • Blood in the yolk could mean one of two things (or both simultaneously): the person is ill and/or is being spiritually attacked by a witch/evil eye
      • Cloudiness in the whites and around the yolk is the actual negative energy you’ve lifted off yourself/the individual
      • Foul odor also means the person is being spiritually attacked and affected by witchcraft or the evil eye
      • Actual symbols should be read accordingly. For instance, if you see an eye, we interpret this egg cleanse meaning as someone is watching you or sending you the evil eye. If a scary face is in the white, you may have a ghost or spirit nearby of a malevolent nature
      • Thick white blob still connected to the yolk typically means the person has another person strongly attached to them and could be feeding off their energy (sometimes the blob appears to look like a little head growing off the yolk itself)
      • Cobwebs or thready substance around the yolk means you have folks who are envious of you and your endeavors
      • Thick coating around the yolk could indicate a strong protective shield around the person OR the person is so defensive that they struggle in relationships
      • Letters or numbers should also be read accordingly in an egg cleansing reading. Letters could indicate someone’s initials who is throwing magical shade your way OR someone who is attached to you energetically. Numbers could indicate the amount of people who are throwing shade your way, or it could be predicting a future event on a certain date.
      • Double yolk means one of a few things: a. if you’re pregnant, you’re having twins. Or b. you have a twin soul somewhere out there. Or even c. your soul may have been split in two during a traumatic experience during your life.
      • If eggshell gets into the cleanse: this means your spiritual protective barriers have been penetrated. Consider learning how to shield yourself and wear a protective amulet.

      Repeat as many times as necessary, cleansing and protecting between, until signs are good and there are no indications of a curse.

      Bury A Raw Egg In Your Garden Or Yard

      A classic symbol of fertility and abundance, a buried egg in your spring garden blesses the harvest for fruitful yield. It helps that it also makes excellent fertilizer! This also appeases the nature spirits present in your garden. You can also spread or sprinkle eggshells in the garden for the same purposes. You can amplify this energy and blessing by drawing a fertility sigil, a symbol for a Spring deity, or a growth intention before you bury it in the earth. You can recite a mantra, prayer, or invocation as well as you buy the egg. During this on a New moon or during the Spring equinox can also add more energy to this practice for you.

      Banish A Dark Mood

      Feeling a little under the weather emotionally? Try this liberating ritual. Write one word or symbol on a raw egg that represents your frustration, sadness or grief. Go to the edge of a moving water and throw the egg against a river rock. Watch the contents drain into the water. Walk away and don’t look back.

      Leave Eggs At A Newer Gravesite

      The Greeks and Romans left eggs in tombs or near grave sites to symbolize the afterlife. Leave eggs at the graveside of a loved one to bless their eternal life and heal grieving souls.

      Use Eggs In Kitchen Magic

      Include eggs in kitchen witch recipes for abundance, fertility or to celebrate the Spring Equinox. Get creative! Next time you crack an egg into a bowl, tell it what you want it to do. “An egg to increase fertility and increase my chances to conceive,” as an example. “An egg to protect all who eat this cake.”

      Cascarilla; Egg powder

      Cascarilla powder is simply eggshells ground down into a fine powder. This magical powder is used for different magical purposes but mainly for protection. Wash out your eggshells, let them dry, then grind them down in your mortar. Save the powder and use in protection rituals and spells. Some of my favorite ways to use egg powder are adding it to black salt, using to line a magic circle when casting, add to a spell bag or spell jar, or a prosperity bowl.

      Cast A Glamor Or Beauty Spell

      Eggs symbolize renewal, rebirth and eternity. Whisk together an egg white, a splash of fresh lemon juice and a little honey, then apply it to the face ask you would a skin mask. Close your eyes and meditate on the manifestation of eternal beauty. You can also use eggs to create a hair mask to use instead of a face mask as well.

      Ostara/ Spring Equinox Wish

      One of my favorite Ostara traditions to do is making an Ostara wish using a hard boiled egg. It is so simple to do as well! All you need is a hard boiled egg. Take a hard boiled egg, write a wish or intention you would like to plant to bloom by harvest time this year. Take your egg with your wish written on it out under the moon on Ostara. Hold it up to the sky, recite your wish out loud, and than take your egg and bury it in the earth for your wish to sprout, grow, and bloom this year.

      Decorate Eggs

      Eggs are a symbol of the Spring and henceforth Easter and Ostara. The tradition of painting and decorating eggs pre-dates Christianity and spans multiple cultures. To appease the gods and the spirits of Spring, decorate and paint eggs, then leave them at the foot of trees as offerings. Decorated eggs in the home in Spring ensures abundance and health in the coming months. The colors you choose to use when decorating can even represent specific energies and intentions as well. Below is a list of some ideas for you as you decorate your eggs.

      • Red- Passion, Power, Transformation
      • Orange- Attraction, Good Fortune/Luck
      • Yellow- Happiness, Inspiration
      • Green-Abundance, Prosperity, Wealth, Good Health
      • Blue- Peace, Tranquility, Spirituality
      • Purple- Mystical, Magical, The Power of Spring
      • Pink-Love, Friendship

      Egg Magic For The Home

      While I don’t necessary condone throwing a bunch of eggs on your roof, one egg or eggshell thrown on the roof of the house can protect you from another witch’s hexes. You can also line any threshold with an egg like a window sill or door for home protection. You can take a hard boiled egg and bury it in the earth near your front door as a protection ward and to call in abundance too. Or sprinkle broken eggshells across the threshold as a protection barrier.

      Decorate An Easter Egg Tree

      In Germany, it’s traditional to have an Easter tree to celebrate the Spring season. This is the same thing as a Christmas tree, except it’s for Easter. And if you’re pagan, call it your Ostara Tree. instead. Purchase hanging or make your own. You can even add magical symbols and words to each egg.

      Egg Prosperity Spell

      This spell is designed to bring you prosperity, whether it be financial or otherwise, by working with the magical properties of the egg.

      What You’ll Need:

      • An egg or eggs if making more than one
      • biodegradable sachet
      • pyrite
      • mint
      • marker, dye, and other tools to decorate the egg

      What To Do:

      Begin by cleansing, charging, and/or blessing your items. After the items are ready to go, write, draw, or otherwise decorate your egg with your intent: prosperity. You can draw a rune in gold on your egg to represent prosperity. Other color choices are green, orange, or violet. You can dye the egg a solid color, draw sigils, or money symbols. After the egg is decorated, place it along with the pyrite and mint into the biodegradable sachet.

      When all the items are placed in the sachet, hold it in both hands and imagine it filling with gold and green light. Say,
      “With egg for new beginnings adorned all in gold [you can insert your own color here, but it may not rhyme ]
      With pyrite for wealth and mint for fortunes untold,
      I open myself to wealth beyond measure,
      And accept the Universe’s treasure.”

      Once the spell is done, find a safe place in your garden, preferably by a plant also associated with prosperity and abundance, and bury the sachet

      Egg Fertility Spell

      This Spell is meant to bring you fertility in your life especially if you are trying to conceive in your life right now. It harnesses both the potent power of the egg and the snake. This is a very simple spell to do that needs very few items.

      What you will need:

      • A hard boiled egg
      • A jar or Satchel- Depending on what you want to make a spell jar or spell bag
      • Mint
      • Thyme
      • Rose
      • Gold wax/candle

      What to do:

      Once you have hard boiled your egg, take a pen or marker and draw a symbol of a snake on the egg. Take the egg, remove the shell, and save the shell for later. Eat the egg while envisioning golden light full of fertility filling you up from the inside. Than take the eggshells, mint, thyme, and rose place them in a jar or spell bag and seal with some gold wax from a candle. Place the jar or bag under the bed you would like to conceive in.

      One Last Tip; Using Your Eggshells

      We have talked about a lot when it comes to Eggs, the history of eggs through many cultures, their meanings and energetic connections and many ways you can work with eggs in your magical practice and life. The last tip I want to leave you with is to remember to keep your eggshells for all kinds of magical workings as well. You can grind them up to add them to all kinds of protection workings like spell jars, spell bags, black salt, and even use them to line your magic circles when you are casting. They can even be used in fertility, prosperity, and growth spells as well. However you choose to work with eggs this spring enjoy the very potent, powerful, and fertile energy they will bring to you move through this season of rebirth.