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The magic of working with Pumpkins

Autumn is a magical time, perfect for witchcraft, as we approach the latter half of the year and the long, dark, cold, months of Winter drawing near. In witchcraft we use many things in our lives as tools for our spell work from nature or our home, like one of the most popular symbols and flavors of fall; Pumpkins. Pumpkins are synonymous with the autumn season we see them everywhere; especially around Halloween / Samhain and carrying through the month of November until Thanksgiving here in the USA. But, Pumpkins and gourds have been used for centuries in magic though as a form of protection, a connection to abundance and fertility, a boost to love and more. Let’s take a look at the biggest fruit, full of seeds of potential inside, who takes center stage during the spooky and fall season; the pumpkin in this blogpost.

Pumpkins what are they?

The pumpkin, Cucurbita pepo, is a type of Winter Squash though technically it is classified as a berry! The name pumpkin originated from the Greek word Pepõn, which means large melon. Most pumpkins are typically large, round and ribbed and of a distinctive orange color. However, they can also be white, green, yellow and other shades depending on the cultivar, as there are 3 or 4 different kinds of pumpkins overall. Harvested in October, this nutritious and versatile orange fruit features flowers, seeds and flesh that are edible and rich in vitamins. The pumpkin, though popular in many places throughout the world today, is native to North America and Mexico and has been cultivated since at least 7000 BCE. They were even a common crop to be planted and grown before beans and corn.

Medicinal properties of Pumpkins

Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, pumpkins aren’t just the most popular fall flavor and a common witches’ tool set out on our front doorsteps but, they are incredibly healthy for us as well. Pumpkins are loaded with nutrients that can boost your immune system and help you stay healthy like vitamin C, E, and A. Pumpkins are also high in carotenoids, which are compounds that can function as antioxidants and some believe may help protect against certain cancers like, stomach, throat, pancreas and breast cancers. The health benefits keep rolling in with them being high in potassium, vitamin C and fiber, which have been linked to having heart benefits. Plus these popular fruits can help you stay looking younger since they are loaded with nutrients that are great for your skin. Pumpkin seeds can also help boost your mood. They contain tryptophan which helps boost serotonin.

Magical themes of Pumpkins

In witchcraft every single ingredient and tool we use in our spells and rituals has magical themes and energies it can align with and be used for. Pumpkins are no different. They can be used in spells, rituals, or charms to enhance your fertility, boost your manifestation, and connect you to the gratitude of the harvest. They can be utilized to attract wealth, success, and opportunities for financial growth. Don’t forget the most common magical use of all; calling on them to aid in protecting your home and guarding your threshold. Take a look below for some more themes you can use pumpkins for in your magical workings, spells, and rituals. . Don’t forget you can use all parts of the pumpkin too! Especially the seeds for potent fertility spell workings.

  • Protection
  • Divination
  • Prosperity
  • Healing
  • Good health
  • Death
  • The harvest
  • Gratitude
  • Abundance
  • Good luck
  • The dead
  • Love and matters of the heart
  • Fertility
  • Transformation

Pumpkins in myths and lore

Pumpkins are a true symbol of Autumn and spooky season, most likely because, that’s when they are harvested. We’ve also seen them as part of Fall and spooky season festivals and celebrations for thousands of years across cultures especially during Samhain. Below are a few myths and common lore we have involving pumpkins.

The Origin of carving pumpkins

The act of carving faces into a vegetable originates with the Scots and Irish but they didn’t carve pumpkins in ancient times, they carved vegetables like turnips or potatoes. Later on, after the Scotts-Irish migrated to the New World, they brought their Samhain traditions with them but, started to use the native fruit of the land pumpkins instead. The frightening faces carved into pumpkins were thought to serve as guardians. People believe these glowing, eerie faces could scare away malevolent and confused spirits, and other dark entities, keeping homes safe during the Samhain season when the veil is pulled back from the other side.

The origin of the Jack o lantern

The term Jack o lantern actually originated in England and is linked to a supernatural phenomenon called Ignis Fatuus or “foolish fire”. This is an eerie, spectral light that sort of bobbs and dances. It seduces people off the beaten path and often to their death. In addition to the jack o’ lantern being a spook light, the name also has a couple legends behind it and refers to a character or man named jack or stingy jack who made a deal with the devil. Because of this deal with the devil, he is not permitted to go to Heaven or Hell and is doomed to wander the earth forever with a glowing carved turnip ( now pumpkin) as his head.. And apparently he amuses himself and passes the time by leading people to their doom down dark and haunted paths on Halloween night.

Other mentionings of pumpkins

According to a Huron creation story, pumpkins arose when a divine woman died in childbirth. All of the plants necessary for life sprang up from her body: Beans grew from her legs, corn sprang from her body, and pumpkin vines grew from her head.

In religions that sprang from the Africa, pumpkins are associated with several major deities, particularly Oshun and Shango. Oshun is a goddess of rivers, love, and fertility, which echoes the connections between pumpkins, the element of Water, and the concepts of fertility and abundance as seen in other cultures and traditions.

Duality and Pumpkins

Since, I am a grey witch I look for the duality in every single energy I work with including the tools and spell ingredients I use. Pumpkins are full of duality in the properties they represent and energies they allow us to work with. On one hand they are a symbol of prosperity and abundance. Connecting us to the unlimited and generous flow of abundance calling it INTO our lives. While on the other hand they connect us to the energy of death and protection. Being a common symbol sitting at our front doors protecting our homes and threshold by keeping unwanted entities and spirits OUT.

We can’t forget that the most popular time to work with this tool is in the fall when they are being harvested and there are plenty to go around. The fall season is a really unique pocket of liminal space and time for us to connect to duality. We get to be surrounded by the bounty and abundance of the fall harvest and all the joy, celebration and gratitude that brings. While we are also confronted with the reality of nature beginning to die around us and the dark cold winter that is very soon going to be upon us.

Correspondences for the Pumpkin

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for a magical tool/ fruit the pumpkin, which I will list below for you to use. Remember this is just a start to the list for you. You can use any correspondences that connect the magical themes and energies of the pumpkin. Just follow your intuition on what you choose to work with!

  • Planet- moon
  • Gender- feminine
  • Day-Monday
  • Element- water and Earth
  • Crystals-Orange calcite, citrine, pyrite, heliodore, moonstone, onyx, obsidian,
  • colors-oranges, whites, reds, yellow, greens
  • Deities-Oshun, Nicneven, Priapus, Woden, Osris, Loki, Persephone, Cerrunnos, Dionysus, lady hel, lakshmi, hades, Saraswati, hekate, Janus, Anubis, fide, The Morrígan,Parvati, Shango
  • Holidays- Lughnasadh, Diana’s Festival, Mabon, Samhain, the fall harvest, Alfablot
  • Zodiac-Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio

Ways to work with the pumpkin

We’ve talked a lot about pumpkins in this post so far, including the magical themes associated with them. Those themes are the energies we can connect to with Pumpkins. They are how we can use them to build our spells and rituals. You have many options on how you want to include them in your spells and rituals and many different ways to work with them. Below you will find a list I put together of some ideas for spells, rituals, and ways you can work with them using the themes and magic we can harvest in each rounded and fruitful one.

  • Use their seeds as a spell ingredient for potent fertility spells in spell packets, spell jars, offerings at altars and more
  • Save their stems and grind them up to add to wish spells and manifestation magic
  • Abundance magic
  • Carve the pumpkin in a scary face and use it as a protection spell for samhain
  • Use the pumpkin in kitchen magic making pies, cakes, soups or drinks as abundance and fertility spells or to bless your home and hearth
  • Add a candle to the inside of a carved out pumpkin and use it for fire scrying
  • Carve sigils of protection and blessings in them and add them to your altar, hearth, or front door
  • Add them to your Samhain altar for your ancestors to represent death and transformation
  • Write an intention or goal for the spring and bury it in the ground with some seeds for them to grow in the spring
  • Write something you wish to release and let die and bury in the ground with old pumpkins to allow them to be released to the earth
  • Place 7 pumpkin seeds into a green spell bag or packet and place it in your wallet or purse and carry it around to attract prosperity
  • Paint an Algiz, Uruz, or Tyr rune on a pumpkin and place by the front door for protection during the Samhain season
  • Visit a pumpkin patch to soak up the abundance and fertility of the land they grow from
  • Carve a heart and the person’s name you love into the bottom of the pumpkin then light a red candle inside to attract their love into your life
  • Use them as portal magic when the veil is thinned during Samhain
  • Give them as offerings for graveyard magic or to deities of the dead
  • Hold a small pumpkin while working on balancing and aligning your sacral chakra
  • Get 3 smaller pumpkins and paint or carve symbols of fertility on them. Then mediate while focusing on them and thinking about what you would like to bring into life
  • Take a carved pumpkin and place a wish written on a bay leaf inside the pumpkin and bury it in the ground before sunrise

Pumpkin Scrying with water

There are countless forms of divination across the Earth using many different tools. Pumpkins can be powerful tools for divination, particularly in the practice of scrying due to their connection to transformation. Scrying is a form of divination that involves gazing into a reflective or translucent surface to receive visions or insights. Using pumpkins for scrying combines the seasonal magic of autumn with ancient divination practices.

How to perform pumpkin scrying

Hollow Out the Pumpkin- Cut off the top of the pumpkin and scoop out the seeds and pulp. Save the seeds for fertility magic spells for later
Smooth the Interior- Scrape the interior walls until they are smooth.
Create a Reflective Surface- place a small mirror at the bottom of the pumpkin before adding water. This enhances the reflective quality of the water.

Fill the Pumpkin with Water-Pour clean water into the hollowed-out pumpkin, filling it to about three-quarters full.
Create sacred container- Do this in any way that works for you but, I recommned lighting black and white candles and setting them around the pumpkin to enhance the reflection

Gaze into the Water-Look into the surface of the water, allowing your gaze to soften. Don’t force any images to appear; simply observe and remain open to any visions or impressions.
Interpret Your Visions-Take note of any shapes, symbols, or scenes that appear in the water. Trust your intuition to interpret their meanings.

Samhain Pumpkin Protection Spell

Like we talked about above pumpkins were thought to be used as very strong symbols of protection during the fall especially when the veil was it’s thinnest during Samhain. While the veil is pulled back and entities, spirits, and the dead walk among us and come out to play. Don’t forget to protect your threshold. Making sure only those you wish to cross it on that hallowed eve are the ones who can.
Try this protection spell using a carved pumpkin on that night to give those unwanted spirits ghosts and entities a fright! I will even pull this spell out during different times of the year if my home ends up with an increased about of spirit activity for some reason.

What you will need:

A carved pumpkin, white candles, bay leaves, rosemary, sage, coriander, cloves

How to perform:

First take your white candles and set them in your pumpkin envisioning them bringing protection and being the guardian of your home this hallowed night. Next add your herbs of protection and connection to the dead to your pumpkin leaving out the bay leaves. Then take your bay leaves and add them one by one while saying out loud the names of the passed loved ones you would like to be able to cross your threshold and enter your home this hollowed night. After that take the top and with a deep breath seal the spell inside. Knowing this pumpkin will be the one now to decide who will come into your home on this hallowed night.

Kitchen Magic; Baking a pumpkin pie to bless your home

Kitchen magic is a very powerful type of magic that fills up the walls of your home. Allowing you to bless those you love while you can also create memories together and then fill their bellies with food. One common item to be baking right now especially with Thanksgiving at the end of this month when families will gather for a meal is a pumpkin pie. The entire process of making and baking the pie becomes a magical ritual. The spices used have their own magic properties helping you create your spell. You can then draw sigils or symbols in the pie crust before baking to add more magic and blessings for those you choose to serve it too.

Pumpkin Prosperity spell

Pumpkins are a significant sign of abundance and fertility for the fall. Think about when you cut open a pumpkin, it’s absolutely packed with seeds, each representing the possibility of new life and expansion. They can also be used to represent long term abundance as pumpkins can be kept for a long time before they start to decay. Another reason why they are plentiful for the fall harvest during this time right now. Try this prosperity spell using the very fertile and abundant pumpkin and watch your money flow get so much richer.

What you will need:
A piece of pumpkin
3 bag leaves
A pen
A piece of twine
A dollar bill
7 pumpkins
Cinnamon- abundance
Sugar- to sweeten the results and add speed
Rosemary-connection the dead

How to perform:
Get yourself into sacred container focusing your energy and breath on abundance, prosperity and what it feels like to have more than all your needs met.
Then take your piece of pumpkin and sprinkle each one of your herbs on the entire thing continuously focusing on abundance and prosperity.
Next take your bay leaves and write the dollar amount you wish to receive on each of the three.
Take your pumpkin piece in your hand and as you envision that dollar amount coming to you freely grab it, the dollar bill and your three leaves and use the twine to bind and wrap the money to you and your family securely around your bright golden piece of pumpkin.
Once securely tied with the magic of a binding knot and your hand go outside somewhere you can bury it into the land. When you have your spot take your spell in your hand and recite out loud as you bury it into the ground.
” Pumpkin, pumpkin tightly bound bring your prosperity to me from the ground.
Pumpkin, pumpkin rich and bright bring this prosperity to me day and night.”

Now watch the money amount you requested begin to flow to you and your home.

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The magic of Thursday; Amplify your spells with the energy of the day

Every day of the week has it’s own magic and energy you can harness to influence your life and magical practices and in this blog series we are going to talk about them all. Next up, we are going to talk about the energy and magic you can align with on Thursday. Thursday is the fourth day of the week in most cultures and calendars. Others view it as the fifth day of the week while in some Muslim cultures it’s the sixth day.

Most Germanic languages name this day for Thor or a God identified with him. In Iceland, Thursday is named Fimmtudagur or “fifth day” due to it’s predominately Christian population and them wanting to refrain from naming a day after a pagan god. In India, Thursday is most often named Guruvar, meaning day of the Guru, referring to Bṛhaspati, the deva-guru, or Guru of the Gods.

Thursday is ruled by the planet Jupiter

For pagans and witches, every single day of the week is ruled by a planet and Thursday is ruled by the planet Jupiter. The planet Jupiter, often referred to as the “King of the Planets,” is a symbol of expansion and abundance in magic and astrology. Jupiter is by far the most massive planet of the solar system and the fifth in distance from the Sun. It is one of the brightest objects shining in the night sky. In most depictions of Jupiter you will see a giant gas ball that is a tapestry of colorful stripes and spots, usually a mix of oranges, whites, and browns.

Magic and witchcraft themes

When it comes to magic and witchcraft you can certainly cast spells whenever you need them. But, if you want a little extra oomph, and when you want to amplify your results, aligning your spell casting with the correct day of the week is one way to do that. Since, Thursday is associated with Jupiter, it is the ideal day for spells focused on abundance, wealth, money, prosperity, personal growth and expansion, and success.

Thursday is a very masculine day and it is all about the practical aspects of your life. This day is all about connecting to the energy of finances, legal matters, success, wealth and fame. This day is about big energy connecting you to the actions you need to take to meet your goal. This energy is all about thriving and is one of the best days and times to work the energy of abundance, prosperity, and wealth!

Correspondences for Thursday

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently in or a day of the week like, Thursday. I will give you some ideas below for you to use. Remember to follow your intuition with the correspondences you choose to work with and that you can always use any that correspond that calls to you for the energies of the day.

  • Element- earth
  • planet-Jupiter
  • Chakra- heart chakra ( most teachers) I also work with my root chakra on this day
  • Gender- Masculine
  • colors- deep blue, purple, green
  • Herbs/flowers-  Allspice, Angelica, Bayberry, Basil, Bay Leaves, Bergamot, Cedar, Chamomile, Cinnamon, Clary Sage, Honeysuckle, Irish Moss, Jasmine, Melissa, Mint, Nutmeg, Orange, Patchouli, Myrrh, Sandalwood, Frankincense, clover, oregano, cloves, musk
  • Stones/crystals- sugilite, Lapis Lazuli, Lepidolite, Green Aventurine, Carnelian, sunstone, pyrite, amethyst, malachite, clear quartz, citrine, tiger’s eye, aquamarine, alexandrite, turquoise
  • Deities- Thor, Jupiter, Juno, zeus , Lakshmi, Veles, Rosmerta, Caisen, Abundantia, Plutus, Aje, Mercury, Fortuna, Kubera, vishnu
  • Zodiac: Pisces and Sagittarius

Ways to work with the energy of Thursday

We’ve talked a lot about all the different themes connected to the magic and energy Thursday has and gives us access to work with. So, how can you specifically connect to those energies and perform magic aligned with it? In your everyday life you can make sure your affirmations, intentions, and manifestations set today align with the energies of abundance, wealth, fame, success, money matters, your career, personal growth and expansion.

Below you will find some ideas for spells, rituals, and magical workings you can do to align with Thursday as well. Use the magic of this day to help you connect to your relationship with money, abundance, and your success. Don’t forget to check out my Pinterest page and Facebook page as well for more spell ideas every week! And don’t forget to hop on over to my extensive guide all about abundance here; to get ideas as well! I have a lot of reels and videos for Thursday to check out! It is the day I probably have made the most for!

Work with and balance your Root chakra

Like, I hinted at in the correspondences section, I know a lot of teachers tell us to work with our heart chakra on Thursday, I believe simply because of the color correspondence with this day. But, I prefer to work with my root chakra today. Your root chakra is tied for the most important chakra in my opinion. This chakra is all about your stability, security, and your needs being met. Which is exactly what the energy of abundance does for us. It allows us to have our needs met and more. It allows us to have security in our lives in the society we find ourselves in. If our root chakra is blocked, or full of stale and stagnant energy we are going to have a very hard time connecting to the energy of abundance and believing we will be secure and have all that we need to survive. So, before you cast any abundance spells today, refresh your prosperity bowl, or do any manifestation work around money first make sure your root chakra is clean, clear, and balanced.

If you need to learn more about energy work and the root chakra click the link here!

Thursday Candle spell to get a job

Remember, Thursday is ruled by the planet Jupiter which makes it a day of big, expansive, abundant energy. This makes it an ideal day to ask for some magical assistance in changing up our careers and getting a new job. Whether you are unemployed, or just looking for a career change try this simple candle spell with some green color magic today and watch that new job become yours! This is an extra great spell to do if you have an interview coming up already on your calendar.

How to perform:

Get yourself into sacred container. Visualize the job you wish to get. What the title is, where it is, and what it feels like getting it. As you do this carve the name of the job into the candle or a symbol to represent it. Once done Light the candle and recite. “Candle of green, energy of abundance and money do this deed for me. Bring this job with it’s money flow to me.” Let the candle burn until it goes out on it’s own. Than come back each day and light it until the job is yours!

Money spell bag

One spell you can do today to align with Jupiter; is to create a spell bag to call money into your life. First, what is a spell bag? Put simply, a spell bag is a bag of ingredients put together for a specific magical purpose. These charms are easy to make and are effective for those who have clear intentions. You can make spell bags for any purpose you would like but, one of my favorite purposes is for abundance, good fortune, and good luck.

It is common to see similar practices across many cultures like in Japan with Omamori (御守/お守り). Which are Japanese amulets commonly sold at Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples, dedicated to particular Shinto kami as well as Buddhist figures, and are said to provide various forms of luck. We also see this practice as a very popular and common part of celebrating the Chinese new year with the giving of Lai-see envelopes , good luck money wrapped in little red envelopes..

How to create one on your own is pretty simple and you have countless options for what you can do. Some things to consider, the color of the clothe pouch you use, what you put into it, and when you create it. (like today) For added enhancement you can charge your items under the new or full moon prior to putting them in. You can also write words, intentions, or sigils on your herbs before you add them to your bad. As you create your bag make sure you are feeding it with your intention through either mantras, invocations, spells, or visualization to activate your good luck and money spell bag. You can keep them on you, in your car, in your purse, on your abundance altar, under your bed or anywhere your intuition leads you. Remember – money IS energy. Keep that in mind…it IS obtainable and there is plenty for everyone! And then some! Below is listed some common things used to make Good fortune and money spell bags for you to make yours today!

dried herbs
written intentions
orange peels
Images of money and wealth
Cinnamon sticks
Paper bills

Money doubling spell

Remember the energy of Jupiter is all about thriving and is one of the best days and times to work the energy of abundance, prosperity, and wealth! Try this simple money doubling spell below today!
The last time I did it, it doubled my money down to the penny and this one is simple and easy to do!

Abundance and Prosperity bowl

It’s no secret that money is the way we survive. It buys everything. Maybe you find yourself in a tight spot and you need to pay the bills. Make an abundance AKA money bowl! This practice/spell would be the first thing I would advise you to do and the first thing I would do myself. I’d refresh a current one I have set up, add another one, or simply create a brand new one. And today is the day to do all of this!

First, what is a money bowl? A money bowl is what is sounds like – a bowl that’s used to magically attract prosperity. I like to say it’s sort of like a money jar but open and easier to feed with further ingredients and intentions. It is likely inspired by or stemming from the Feng Shui prosperity bowl or other folk magics method used in many cultures worldwide.

Money bowls can be placed in the home OR in the workplace as a magical magnet for money. I suggest using a green or clear bowl, but I’ve also seen people use gold and silver bowls since money and prosperity are linked to gold and silver too. You can add any correspondences for abundance, money and wealth you want to the bowl. I always make sure to be centered in gratitude and abundance when I add my items. For added amplification and abundance I suggest keeping your bowl in your office, place of business or where you like to get your work done.

My favorite method with these is keeping one near my front door to bring abundance in near my threshold to my home. Than every time I return back to my home any loss change and bills left in my wallet gets added to the bowl to increase the energy and my abundance I receive. Below is a list of common things used in money bowls.

  • A bowl
  • Coins
  • Paper bills
  • Written sigils
  • Rice
  • Candles
  • Written Intention
  • Bay leaves
  • Cinnamon
  • Basil
  • A mirror
  • Green Aventurine
  • Citrine
  • Clear Quartz
  • Keys
  • Gold & Green Glitter
  • Seeds

Money magic simmer pot

. Today is the perfect day to get in your kitchen and make a simmer pot to bring a flow of money magic into your life. I love simmer pots! They are some of my favorite magical spells to do. Not only are they easy to do but, they leave your house smelling amazing and full of so much magical energy. Use this recipe today and watch the money overflow into your life! If you need learn how to make a simmer pot you can read my guide all about them here!

Other ways to connect to the energy Thursday

  • create a spell jar for abundance ( you can purchase my ebook about spell jars in the shop!)
  • recite affirmation mantras
  • Call on a deity of abundance today to aid you in life
  • Create a money tree
  • Add an abundance altar to your office, business, or home
  • cast spells to promote personal growth and expansion
  • Use kitchen magic to create a money hand wash
  • Do elemental magic with the element of earth
  • Shadow work about your feelings of self worth
  • Meditate with the energy of green light
  • apply to jobs
  • Ask for the promotion or raise you have been looking for
  • start a business
  • Plant herbs of abundance near your front door to bring prosperity to your home
  • Journal about your relationship with money
  • Create a personal or family budget
  • Set savings goals
  • wear green clothes for color magic today
  • Launch on new product, workshop, or sale for your business
  • Balance and work with your throat chakra
  • create and sign legal contracts or complete business deals

If you want more information or to go deeper on any topics covered in this blogpost; you can check out any of the links throughout. They will bring you to classes I have taught for free on YouTube with Divination Academy or to previous posts and guides I’ve written on that topic. You can also check out any of the links below to YouTube videos not linked above!

Happy casting this Thursday!

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Working With The Prosperous, Stable, Physical, And Present Energy Of The Taurus New Moon

We are entering a new lunar phase this week; the New moon. As the Moon changes signs approximately every 2-3 days, we feel her influence over our moods and intuition shift. As the moon begins her next cycle aligned with the steadfast bull, we feel called to ground ourselves in the realm of the earthly and tangible. Under the taurus new moon, our intentions manifest through sensual delights, pragmatic actions, and diligent cultivation of resources over time. The sign of Taurus favors the arrival of good fortune and prosperity. So when you combine the New Moon’s allure, and the sacred Bull’s prosperity it’s a supernaturally potent mix.

The Moon in Taurus also calls us to inhabit the grounded beauty of the present moment.
Taurus brings in the anchor of deep stability. The energy this earth sign brings is anchored and aware. We’re able to put away the cares and fears about the past, present, and future and be here now. This is the rock around which all that wonderful and messy life is spinning. The new moon in Taurus represents a time of renewed intention setting focused on abundance, pleasure, and material stability rooted in our deepest desires and passions without hesitation or fear.

This new moon in Taurus is asking us to dig down to the bedrock of our lives. To re-discover what’s lost, what’s buried, and what’s forgotten. And bring those submerged pieces back to life. Reminding us when we are rooted to the earth we get to be truly who we are and manifest a life full of abundance and pleasure.

This new moon begins a lunar month centered around rebuilding our lives from the ground up, reassessing our values, and strengthening our relationship with ourselves, our physical bodies, and the Earth. Keep reading to learn all about this Taurus new moon, how it will affect you, and how you can harness it in your life and magical practices. By aligning with the Taurus new moon

New Moon What Is It And Why We Honor It?

Every month, the New Moons carry us over the threshold of a new beginning. So, let’s talk about the new moon in general before we dig into the depths of what a Taurus moon can do for you and your life. The new moon is the time to reflect and cleanse your energy. It is a time to set your intentions for what you wish to attract this lunar cycle. Every intention set requires action and energy from your part as well.

The new moon energy is there to support you in manifesting what you want. The new moon is a time to allow new ideas and energy to flow with you. It is a time to honor new beginnings, and the turning over of a cycle. Think of these intentions as seeds you are planting for this lunar cycle to be ready to harvest by the full moon.

Use this time to rest, reflect, and plant what you will grow just as your ancestors across many cultures did while there was little light in the night sky for them to use. Each New Moon is unique, offering its own magic within each month.

To learn more about the foundations of working with the new moon, and how it affects you, read more here in my previous blog post.

Themes For The Taurus New Moon

Every New Moon contains its own themes, which are related to the sign that it falls under. This time, we experience the New Moon in the purposeful, prosperous, stable, relaxing, anchored, earth sign of Taurus the bull. Let’s explore some of the themes and energies of Taurus deeper below.

Taurus The Sign Calling You To Be Present

Taurus is a fixed sign. It roots into presence, and sustains what’s here and now. The Taurus New Moon is often a time to relax, indulge, and take it easy. No doubt life has been spinning SO fast around you recently? It’s because, we’re coming out of a high energy, intense, passionate period with the previous Moons, and this is now a time to pull back. We can take a break, chill out, and don’t want to fill up every moment of our lives with something to do. By standing still and taking time to rest during this New Moon, presence will form. And in that presence; you’ll find what matters and maybe even some answers to questions you have been pondering recently. Taurus has all the time in the world. Not to mention the tenacity to stick with the search to firstly find out the answers, and secondly, figure out how to bring them to life.

Taurus The Sign Of Money

Taurus has a reputation for abundance, in all its earthly delights. Taurus is a money ruler, so we can focus on opportunities to improve our financial situations and plan for the future. We can maximize resources we have, and get our hands on new resources. This can help improve stability and security in our lives, and as we improve stability and security, we can get more opportunities for money and resources.

Taurus The Time To Anchor

Taurus brings in the anchor of deep stability. This is the rock around which all the duality of life is spinning. Taurus as an archetype is earthy, fortified like a mountain, and all about the sensations of nature around us. It often asks us to connect to our bodies and to the tangible, material parts of our life experience. On our journey there, Taurus also asks us to backtrack. To go back to the foundation and core of who we are and the intentions we are setting. Before setting any intentions for change, this Moon wants us to first look to our core truths, values, and motivations. To make sure we are planting seeds of intentions we truly desire to be sown.

Taurus The Sign Of The Body

Taurus is a fixed earth sign because of this; it is one of the most body-centered (and centering) signs of the zodiac. When the New Moon is in the sign of Taurus we are reminded of the sacredness of our physical form. Taurus asks us to sit with ourselves fully. Not in an intellectual way, or spiritual way but, in a physical way. It asks us to take time to notice the breath entering our lungs, the beating of our hearts, the movement in our blood, the tension in our muscles, pressure on our bones, and sensations from our senses. When the moon is in Taurus, we are encouraged to revel in our physicalness and the pleasure of what we can experience with our sense of touch especially in the realm of sex. Taurus puts an emphasis on creature comforts reminding us to slow down, savor deeply, and reconnect with our physicality by simply enjoying life’s pleasures.

Taurus New Moon and Duality

Since, I am a grey witch every single energy I work with I look for the duality in that energy and how I can connect to it. This includes the new moon and the sign it currently is in. First, the new moon itself is all about duality and illuminating the night sky in both light and shadows. The new moon is all about rebirth, renewal, and the beginning of a new cycle, which puts you in a transitional liminal space and energy. In order for you to be in a space to begin again, to transition, and be reborn you had to just come from and ending and death. Second, the sign of Taurus while it may be all about abundance, security, stability, and going deep within to be rooted and anchored. That isn’t a light process, or an easy process. To truly fully receive abundance, and be rooted in our sacred contacts and soul purposes. To truly manifest all of our deepest desires, passions, and intentions; we have to face the depths of our pasts, who we really are, and where we have honestly been. In order to have the space and ability to receive it all and most importantly be willing to receive by knowing we are worthy and it is meant to be ours. Doing this opens you to a very liminal space steeped in duality for you to truly do the work needed to benefit from this new moon to its fullest potential.

What To Be Cautious Of This Taurus New Moon

Our confidence can be high with the Taurus New Moon if we feel secure and take it easy. If we don’t, we may become stubborn about something, and insecurity can lead to lashing out erratically. Be careful with being stubborn as well to not try and move immovable objects and start unneeded conflict. The other thing to be careful of with this moon; is the pull to rest, relax and go inward. It can be very potent and alluring. While taking to time rest and replenish our bodies is important don’t let it go so far you start to avoid responsibilities.

Ways To Work With The Taurus New Moon

Now, that we have talked about the themes of this Taurus new moon and how it is going to affect you let’s talk about how you can specifically connect to and work with this moon.

First, make sure to do all of your staples that your learned in the previous blog post linked here for you like, charging your crystals, making moon water, and resetting your altar.

With this moon there are certain spells and rituals that will help connect you this moon in the most effective way. Remember these are just some of the many ideas follow your intuition and the energy of this moon.

Correspondences For The Taurus New Moon

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like Taurus that I will list below for you to use.

  • planet-venus, moon
  • Animal- The bull
  • Element- Earth
  • Sex- Feminine
  • Modality- Fixed
  • Symbol- The bull, the goddess
  • colors- green,gold, brown
  • Motto- I have, or I possess
  • Chakra-Root chakra
  • Herbs- mint, thyme, sage, mallow, catnip, honeysuckle, saffron, rose, lavender, bergamot,
  • Stones/ crystals- emerald, jade. moss agate, green aventurine, Pyrite, peach moonstone, malachite, rose quartz, amazonite, amber, carnelian
  • Deities-Aphrodite/Venus Hera/Juno, Ishtar, Isis, Freyja, and Frigg and the gods Pan, Dionysus/Bacchus, Xolotl, and Quetzalcoatl
  • Themes-Stability, Security, Sensualality, Abundance,Fertility,Peaceful,Rest,Reflection,Love,Self worth,Grounded, Rooted, Strength, Patience, Determination, Fortitude, Physical body
  • tarot- The hierophant
  • House- Second house

Root Meditation For Taurus New Moon

The purpose of this meditation is to help you feel grounded and stable to the earth, and who you are while also replenishing your energy and strength. It also creates a circular current of energy from the earth’s core, through your energetic body, and the celestial body the moon.

How to do:

Find a comfortable position to be in somewhere that you can be alone and be left uninterrupted for a small amount of time. If you want to do this outside under the moon or connecting to the earth you can as well!

Begin by taking four centering breaths in and continue to box breath:

How to box breathe:

Breathe in to the count of four (I measure my count with my heartbeat).
Hold your breath for four counts.
Breathe out for four counts.
Pause for four counts before taking another breath.
This breathing technique helps to quiet the mind and center your focus. I use this not only for meditation, guided work, and magical purposes but, for mental health coping skills as well!

Continuing to breathe gently into the softness of your belly, you are going to begin to visualize yourself within yourself. Visualize yourself pulling back from the edges of your body. Draw your consciousness inwards so that you feel yourself inside of your body as if it were a sacred container/ temple that you can draw back into. Feel yourself growing smaller in the powerful space of your body, drifting down into the sacred portal of energy in your belly, down into your pelvic space. The sacred portal of energy many know as the root chakra or the cauldron of warming.

Remaining within yourself, visualize a root extending from inner-you down deep into the earth. Breathe into this root as it extends downwards into the floor beneath you, and than into the soil. Feel as it expands and grows moving throwing the soil. Past roots of plants and other trees, past rocks, and decaying remains and debris, past critters, and creatures that wiggle in the dirt. You breathe in and on the exhale your root extends even further into the soil stretching as far as it can until you reach the burning hot, molten core at the center of the earth. And you feel the energy of the earth pulsating there ready for you to absorb.

With every out-breath your root extends and with every in-breath you pull up green energy through your roots back into inner-you from that molten hot core in the center of the earth pulsating in front of you. The green energy stretches up into all parts of inner-you until you are completely filled with it from your toes to fingertips to the very top of your head. The energy extends out of the crown of your head skywards in the form of branches, sprouting leaves, and maybe even blooming buds or fruit. With every out-breath your branches extend upwards and with every in-breath your branches pull celestial, lunar, and solar energy into inner-you. Let the currents of green and celestial energy mingle throughout your body creating a circle current from the celestial energy, through you, and into the core of the earth and back again.

When you feel sufficiently charged-up, begin to pull back your roots and branches until they have formed a small but powerful sphere of centered energy in the belly of inner-you. This is a continuous conductor of energy that you can connect to for abundance, growth, and the divine connection between you, the earth, and the celestial body the moon. You can go within yourself, to your sacred container/temple of your body, to access it at any time, including repeating this simple ritual to continue to revitalize your inner energy.

Whenever you are ready you can open your eyes and come fully back to your body by giving yourself a self-massage or squeezing your feet connecting to the energy current you just were connected too.

If you would like more ideas for rituals you can check out my Pinterest page, my Facebook page, and watch any of my previous moon celebrations here;  or at the top of the Divination facebook page, and you can read more in a previous blog post here

However you choose to connect to this new moon and work with its energy be prepared to experience the steadfast bull, and feel called to ground yourself in the realm of the earthly and tangible. Under the taurus new moon, your intentions will manifest through sensual delights, pragmatic actions, and diligent cultivation of resources over time. Listen to Taurus who is asking you to dig down to the bedrock of your life. To re-discover what’s lost, what’s buried, and what’s forgotten. And bring those submerged pieces back to life. Reminding you that when you are rooted to the earth you get to be truly who you are and manifest a life full of abundance and pleasure.

To connect with the moon more you can join me for a FREE celebration and ritual with Divination on May 7th @ 8:00 pm CST in Facebook live!

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Beltane; Connecting To The Passion, Creativity, and Sexuality Of The Divine Co-Creators

Beltane is the time when the Earth is literally buzzing with fertility. Spring is in full swing, flowers are blooming, the birds are building nests for their young, many animals are seeking mates, and farmers are planting their fields in preparation of the abundant Summer months. It is time to celebrate the fertility and prosperity of the world during this warm time of growth, abundance, and transformation. It is time to connect to the duality of the sacred dance between the co-creators; that seed all of life. It is a time when our souls are lit with a burning blaze of passion, creativity, and sexuality to allow us to transform into our true forms this coming season. Let’s dance with passion, sexuality, and creativity in the flickering flames that is beltane together through this article.

The History of Beltane

It is thought that the ancients only recognized two seasons, these being Summer and Winter. Beltane is a celebration of the earth and nature and marks the start of the traditional planting season. Beltane is the pagan Celtic fire festival dating back to ancient times. In fact, the name Beltane is derived from the name of the Celtic god Belenes, or Bel, and the word tene meaning “fire”. The earliest mention of the holiday was in an Irish medieval text known as Sanas Cormaic, written by Cormac mac Cuilennáin king-bishop of Munster sometime before the year 908. The word Beltane, which in traditional Irish is spelled Bealtaine, means “Fire of Bel” or “Great Fire”.

It occurs officially upon moonrise on April 30th, lasting through the next day, May 1st, in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, the dates are reversed: so it begins October 31st and lasts through November 1st.

Although Beltane is Celtic in origin, there are literally hundreds of other fire and fertility festivals celebrated around the world at this time. In England, Beltane is known as May Day. In Germany, it’s Walpurgisnacht (aka the Witches Night). Beltane is the festival that honors the change from winter to summer and the union of the god and goddess. It is a time of fertility, growth, and new beginnings

Beltane is also known as one of the eight sabbats on the Wheel of the Year many pagans especially wiccans observe this as their magical calendar for the year. The sabbats tend to reflect each season, with Beltane being the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. As one of the four fire festivals, Beltane is a cross-quarter holiday along with Imbolc, Samhain, and Lughnassadh. These sabbats were celebrated with large bonfires often to represent the Sun and its transition throughout the seasons.

The Fires of Beltane

First and foremost, Beltane was and is a fire festival. In ancient times and all the way up to the nineteenth century, farmers in Ireland drove their cattle downhill and between two large fires. This act purified the cattle from disease and protected them for the Summer. In more practical terms these bonfires could also have been used to burn brush piles and make more room for planting and pastureland. People would often snuff out their own household fires, and then relight them from the sacred communal bonfires. It was also thought to be part of the festivities because; people would light fires on the hillsides to honor the sun and bring fertility to their crops and animals. It was also a time for young people to jump over the flames, which was said to bring good luck and fertility. To create a sacred Beltane fire required wood from nine different species of trees, the fire was then lit with only a friction method (not a flint and steel).

Beltane and fertility

At the beginning of Summer, we see the earth bursting forth with fruit and bounty. The Great Mother is fertile and beginning to bear fruit at this time. Therefore, if the Earth is fertile, so are human beings and animals. As above, so below. And the Sun’s return to the sky, getting brighter and warmer at the same time to nourish the seeds of the Earth brings us the cosmic divine counterpart to the great divine feminine. We see the divine co-creators represented and it’s resulting offspring blooming all around us.

Beltane and Sexuality

We just talked about how beltane is all about fertility and we see the representation of the divine co-creators all around us including their offspring. Well, how do we get that offspring? By sex of course! During beltane we get to see and experience the very passionate and intimate dance of cosmic sacred sex that seeds life to all in the cosmos. The fires blazing in our loins ignite and our passions come alive. We feel the pull to experience this dance and seed some life ourselves with the burning passion of our sexual energies to manifest our true life and form this coming season.

The Sacred Dance of Duality

Since, I am a grey witch I look for the duality in every single energy I work with including sacred days and/or holidays like beltane. Beltane is burning with duality, in the sense of looking at the divine masculine and feminine. These are two forces that coexist and intermingle in the cosmos and we are made of both of these energies no matter the gender we identify with or are physically born into it. Beltane is the sacred day that represents these two forces. It allows us to look into the flames of our souls and connect these two forces existing within us. In my opinion it is the day of the year we can connect to the duality of them the most when we experience the intense heat of the flames when they come to together in union.

The Maypole

The maypole is traditionally a tree that was brought into the village and decorated with paints, ribbons, and a floral wreath crowning the top. People were known to dance around the maypole, weaving the ribbons around in celebration of love and fertility, this is called a maypole dance. The Maypole represents the phallus, and the ribbons represent the feminine energy of the earth. As people dance around the Maypole, they weave the ribbons together, symbolizing the union of the god and goddess.

Common Traditions

  • Druids would collect the dew prior to Sunrise on May 1st. This water was believed to have magickal powers such as healing ailments or creating beauty.
  • Handfastings and other pagan wedding celebrations often take place during this sabbat as it is a time to celebrate love and fertility.
  • Special oatmeal cakes are a popular food item for this sabbat. Often the cakes had knobs that could be torn off to sacrifice into the bonfires as an offering.
  • Decorating the interiors and exteriors of homes with flowers during this time was a common practice to celebrate the fertility of the land. The most common were yellow flowers such as primrose and marigolds. Cows were also decorated with flowers as well.
  • The May Bush was a small thorny tree or large bush, and was decorated with flowers, ribbons, and so on. People could have a May Bush for their home or for their community as a whole. Dancing around it was thought to bring good luck!
  • Couples would often spend the night in the forest together on the Eve of Beltane, they would return in the morning bearing floral decorations for the homes. This was sometimes termed a Greenwood Marriage.
  • May Baskets would be filled with small candies, baked goods, and flowers. They were placed on the doorknobs of neighbors as tokens of friendship.

Beltane Deities

In many mythologies, and pantheons, gods and goddesses of Beltane play a vital role in the seasonal cycle, symbolizing fertility, abundance, the earth, the sun, fire, and the divine union of the co-creators. Working with deities is one of my favorite things to do. You can honor them during their festivals for them and by bringing them into any of your prayers, rituals, and spells you want to in order to celebrate and connect to this holiday. Let’s take a look at some of the Deities that can be worshipped during this sacred time and holiday.


The most popular goddess associated with Beltane is the Celtic goddess, Brigid. She is a goddess of fertility, creativity, and healing. She is often depicted as a triple goddess, representing the three aspects of Maiden, Mother, and Crone. As such, she is a powerful symbol of transformation and growth. The Celtic goddess of fire, healing, and fertility, Brigid is a powerful deity associated with Beltane. She is often invoked for protection and blessings of abundance.

Bel or Belenos

Bel or Belenos is a Celtic fire god who may have been the catalyst for this sabbat thousands of years ago. When we translate Bel’s name, we get “Shining One”. Not only was Bel associated with fire and fertility, he was also a well-loved healing god whose cult stretched all the way from Italy to the British Isles, at its peak. Bel was also a sun god who rode the sun like a chariot across the sky each day, led by his sacred, most powerful totem – horses. There are those who believe Beltane originates in honor of Bel, and those who disagree.


Part man and part goat, Pan was the Greek god who was patron of shepherds and hunters, who watched their flocks. Pan was the Greek god of nature and the untamed wilderness. PAN was the god of the meadows and forests of the mountain wilds. His unseen presence aroused panic in those who traversed his realm. He was even thought to be the cause of the musical sound of the wind through the trees. He was Associated with music, fertility, and spring. In ancient Greek art, he was often depicted as a horned man with the legs of a goat; he was the chief of the satyrs, who were similar in appearance and character to Pan.

Pan, ruled over nature and pasturelands. Pan is essentially the father of the wild things. He is frequently depicted in literature and artworks. Although he is not one of the major gods of Ancient Greece, he is one of most often referenced figures in Greek mythology. Pan has come to represent the unstoppable power of nature throughout the ages and still today. To learn more about pan and how to connect to him you can do so in my previous blog post here;


The horned god of the forest, Cernunnos is a powerful deity associated with Beltane. He is often invoked for protection and blessings of abundance. Cernunnos is an ancient Celtic god who was known for his power over wild nature. He was often depicted in art as a horned figure with antlers, embodying the balance between life and death. Cernunnos can be seen by many as a symbol of power and transition – from death to rebirth. He teaches us the importance of understanding our place in Nature and how to connect with it – learning from nature’s ebbs and flows, respecting its cycles and giving back when possible


The Irish goddess of love and fertility, Aine is a powerful deity associated with Beltane. She is often invoked for protection and blessings of abundance. To connect with her energy, create a special ritual to honor her. Aine is a powerful Irish goddess associated with Beltane who brings joy and abundance to those who honor her. Her strength is the power of manifestation, bringing healing and liberation with her presence. Those who recognize Aine’s energy can connect deeply with their true path in life. She brings forth inner resources and courage to follow new inspirations. Aine offers a powerful source of guidance and protection when we call upon her. Honoring Aine can enliven your connection to Mother Nature, while also providing energies necessary for manifesting dreams into reality.


The Welsh goddess of wisdom and knowledge, Cerridwen is a powerful deity associated with Beltane. She is often invoked for protection and blessings of abundance. Cerridwen’s energy personifies serpentine fertility, free-thinking, and independence. She encourages her followers to let go of any self-limiting beliefs and attitudes, allowing for clearer consciousness and introspection. Connecting with Cerridwen during Beltane offers an opportunity to create positive life changes through personal power. To learn more about her you can keep an eye out for my previous class on her to be posted to Divination’s youtube channel


The Irish god of the sun, Lugh is a powerful deity associated with Beltane. He is often invoked for protection and blessings of abundance. Lugh is a powerful deity said to have brought learning and knowledge to man. He is an Irish God of the Tuatha De Dannan, associated with Beltane and the summer season. As the Celtic solar deity, Lugh has hegemony over life, light and law. His traditional symbols represent energy and creativity, from a shining sun held aloft in his hands to fiery arrows that stand for passion and lust.

The Morrigan

At the heart of the emerald isle is a legendary Goddess that cloaks the battlefield in darkness. The Morrígan is a symbol of feminine strength, wisdom, and power. Though she may be attached to the darkness of death she also is the light in the dreariness of battle. When warriors are in doubt, the Morrígan will appear and lead the way to victory. She is a majestic and ethereal being that resides at the core of Irish mythology. The Phantom Queen on the battlefield. The crow that soars above the wreckage and ruin. The seeress, the warrior, the protector. The Morrigan, while often thought of as purely a warrior goddess of death, becomes the fertile earth on Beltane and unites with the Dagda to birth new life. She is both light and dark. Life and death. War and love. A Divine Paradox. To learn more about her and MEET her you can watch my previous class I taught on her with below.

The Correspondences Of Beltane

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for A holiday or sacred time like Beltane, like I will list below for you to use.

  • Planet-Earth
  • Animal- cows, goats, sheep, horses, bee, rabbit, frog, swan, cat, swallow, dove, lynx
  • Element-Fire, Earth
  • colors-Red, White, Green, Yellow, Blue, pink
  • Herbs/flowers- rose, lavender, lilac, hawthorn, jasmine, daisy, ivy, dandelion, calendula, sunflower, marigold, woodruff, primrose, frankincense, rue, daffodils, musk
  • Stones/ crystals-amber, bloodstone, carnelian, malachite, green aventurine, moss agate, fire agate, red jasper, opal, citrine, emerald, garnet, sapphire, rose quartz, black tourmaline
  • Deities-Bel/Belenus, Apollo, Rhiannon, Dziva, The Horned God, Frey, Brigid, Pan, Aine, Cerridwen, Lugh, The morrigan, Aphrodite, The green man, Diana, oak king, flora, Mauve, Danu, dagda, Gaia
  • Symbols- bonfires, the fae, the sun, sacred sex, floral crowns, maypole, phallus, womb, cauldron, eggs, chalice, ribbons, baskets, antlers, flowers
  • Gender- masculine and feminine

Magical Themes Of Beltane

Every season and every pagan holiday has certain concepts and magical themes. Which means, depending on your tradition and needs, you can weave one or more of these themes into your personal celebrations. On Beltane, we see the following magical rituals and spells below.

  • Abundance
  • Fertility
  • Sexuality
  • Union
  • connection
  • creation/creativity
  • love/lust
  • Growth
  • marriage
  • Purification/cleansing
  • protection
  • Fires
  • Divine feminine and Masculine
  • The cycles of nature
  • Manifestation
  • Transformation
  • Passion/desire
  • Enchantment
  • Weather divination
  • Fire scrying
  • Working with the fae

Ways to Celebrate Beltane

We have talked about many different themes, and energies you can connect to during this time from fertility, abundance, sexuality, passion, creativity, transformation, and more. Let’s talk about how we can connect to and celebrate those themes and energies now. First, you can participate and honor any of the deities listed above or that are associated with Spring, Summer, The god, the Goddess, and the sun. You can work with any affirmations, mantras, and visualization work for manifestation, passion, union, creation, abundance, fertility, sexuality, and transformation. Check out below more ways to work with and celebrate this holiday and time of year.

Have a bonfire

As we talked about above, first and foremost beltane was celebrated as fire festival and the ancient celts used to pass their cattle through two of them to purify and cleanse them. So, what better way to connect to beltane and celebrate it than to build, lit, and enjoy a bonfire of your own! It’s common to do this with others, have some drinks, and leap over the flames for good luck and prosperity. Just be safe!

Perform a burning release

You already have the fire burning so why not use it for some release magic? One of my favorite ways to release unwanted habits, energies, people, and things from my life is to burn it away with fire. Take a piece of paper, focus on what it is you want to release from your life, write it on that piece of paper than walk up to your bonfire and as you let the paper fall and be burned in the flames visualize what you wrote being burned to ashes in your life as well.

Erect a Maypole
The Maypole has been a traditional May Day activity for centuries. What better way to celebrate Beltane, and honor your ancestors, than to make your own Maypole? Grab a pole, some ribbon, and some flowers, and erect one in your own yard and braid the ribbons together as you dance around in the warmth of the summer sun.


Beltane is a very fertile time full of energy, passion, and creativity, so what better way to connect to that energy than to move with it. We can do this by moving our hips, our womb spaces and moving our body through dance. Dancing allows us to move energy around, connect to the movements of energy around us in a dynamic way, and opens up our womb space to connect to sexual energy. So, get up move your body through dance and maybe even do so around a bonfire!

Perform Sex Magic

Beltane is a time burning with passion, sexual desire and is all about connecting to the sacred union of the divine co-creators. Now, is in my opinion the most potent time to connect to not only their sexual energy around you but, to yours as well. Take this time to perform both solo sex magic and sex magic with a partner to connect to your true sexual form, to perform the most potent manifestation work, and to unleash your raw primal sexual desires like never before. It was a common tradition in ancient times for couples to perform sex rites out in the woods even;on beltanes eve. I promise you sex on beltane is one of the most orgasmic, cosmic, and pleasurable experiences you can have. Give it a try this beltane! If you need to learn more about sex magic you can watch part 2 of my class on it below.

Wild Flower Crafting
Wild flowers have always been a big part of the Beltane celebrations. In ancient times, specific white and yellow flowers were gathered and hung over the doorways in Ireland to celebrate the day and invoke fertility and abundance. So go and pick wildflowers, Beltane is the perfect day for it! Then return home and make a bouquet. Or if you’re feeling really crafty, make flower wreaths, crowns or garland to decorate yourself and your home or to place on your altar

Refresh Your Altar
Another way to connect to a holiday and/or sacred day I always recommend is to cleanse and refresh your altar and/or sacred space. This is particularly beneficial if you have Celtic gods you honor and connect to already. Use water or fire to cleanse, then decorate with wildflowers, images of the fae, the divine masculine, the divine feminine, and any of the Beltane correspondences we talked about earlier.

Work with the Green Man
The Green Man is a legendary figure in Celtic lore and throughout Europe. He is a guardian of the forest and likely a type of elemental. When he’s seen, he is typically covered from head to foot in leaves, branches, flowers and moss. Some believe he is an ancient god of the wilderness, who protects the wildlife and sacred, unspoiled places in nature. Work with the Green Man’s energy on Beltane by hiking in the woods, or even by creating space for him on your altar.

Simmer pot for beltane

Whether you consider yourself a Kitchen Witch, are vaguely interested in Kitchen Magic or just want to bring some good vibes and good smells into your home, simmer pots are an easy, accessible and fun ritual for any time of year! Simmer pots are easy to create and customize to your liking, so you can make your kitchen a sacred space whenever you want! So, why not make one specifically to call in and honor the energy of Ostara and the Spring Equinox?!

What are simmer pots? Simmer pots are basically potpourri in a pot! You choose your ingredients, put them in a pot with water, bring to a boil, then turn down to a simmer and let it do its thing. They couldn’t be any easier, just be sure you don’t let your pot boil dry! If you want to keep the pot going simply add more water when it gets low. And obviously never leave it going when you are not home. To learn more about how about this magical practice you can check out my previous blogpost on the topic here;

Perform Fae Magic
In ancient times, and up to the modern era, the Celtic people believed strongly in the Fae, also called the faery folk, good folk or sidhe. Every Beltane, great care was taken to appease the fae, to prevent them from whisking away all the butter and milk. By leaving out faery offerings on Beltane, you’re carrying on this tradition and starting a working relationship with the fae. Or make a witch’s ladder with intention of appeasing the fae. Make faery houses and a space for the garden. To learn more about the fae you can check out Divination’s class series on it here;

Perform Purifications and Cleansing Rituals

We talked about above how beltane was seen as time to purify and cleanse for the celts. They would take the time to pass their cattle through two bonfires to cleanse them even. This is a great time for you to do some cleansing and purifying as well. Before cleansing and purifying rituals on your home and yourself like smoke cleansing, ritual baths, floor washes, or any rituals you prefer to use in your practices.

Candle Spells
Not everyone can have a big fire on Beltane. So for those of us who want to invoke the power of the fire element, simply lighting a few candles is enough. Casting candle spells on Beltane is also a potent way to send your intentions into the ether. Particularly if you’re looking to increase fertility, prosperity and creativity in your life.

Perform a Beauty Ritual

Any beauty rituals performed on Beltane are amplified by the fiery, Summer magic on this sacred day. Take a ritual milk bath, drink an herbal beauty concoction, and craft your own magical beauty products.

Five Senses Nature Walk

Beltane is the midway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice which is all about the cycle and movement of nature and marking the most fertile time for new life to grow, blossom, and be seeded. So why not take the time to connect to nature itself? Soak in all the fertility and abundance in nature right now. You can do this by going on a five sense nature walk. After you have engaged all your senses, walk back to your home. Reflect on your experience by writing it down in a journal

Perform Egg magic for fertility

Across practices Beltane is considered to be a time of fertility and is the time of the divine union.To many modern Wiccans it is known to be one of the days of the Great Rite. This is essentially the union of man and woman. In Irish Celtic lore we see it again when, The Morrigan unites and couples with the Dagda on Beltane as well. This is an act and tradition of fertility, especially of the earth. If your intention is to be fertile and have a baby, Beltane is a great day to cast fertility spells. Some of the most potent fertility spells are based in egg magic, a universal symbol of fertility. So, perform some egg magic this beltane to enhance those fertility spells. To learn how to do egg magic you can read all about it in my previous blog post here;

    Make a Beltane Spell Jar

    Spell Jars are one of my most favorite spells to create and tools to use in my magical practice and life. Spell jars are great to create a container of energy for you to harness and come back to over and over again when you need it! A quick run down on how to create a spell jar. Pick your items, and add them to your jar after you wash, cleanse and charger your jar. As you add your items focus on visualizing the energy of abundance and what it is you very specifically want to call into your life with that energy. Once you feel the intention and energy is set inside the jar you can take your lid and seal it shut. To add more power to your jar you can add sigils to the outside or seal the lid with wax even. Place the jar on your altar or anywhere in your home, office, or car where you can see it and come back to it when you need to call on the energy and spell again. You can shake the jar to activate the magic whenever you come back to it as well. Keep an eye out for more spell jars on my Pinterest or Facebook page and in an upcoming blogpost and eBook.

    Wrap Up

    We talked about alot from the history of beltane, the energies of beltane, deities of beltane and many ways you can celebrate beltane. However you choose to celebrate beltane; remember it is a time to celebrate the fertility and prosperity of the world during this warm time of growth, abundance, and transformation. It is a time to connect to the duality of the sacred dance between the co-creators; that seed all of life. Let beltane light your soul with a burning blaze of passion, creativity, and sexuality to allow you to transform into your true form this coming season.

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    A Guide To The Five Elements and Elemental Witchcraft

    The basis of life is in the five elements. We only live and survive because of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit. The earth is beneath us, provides us shelter, stability, and nourishment. A place to call home. We breathe the air around us, it fills our lungs and our blood with life-giving oxygen. Fire gives us heat, protection, and helps us cook our food. And water? Well, we are made up of over 60% of this element and need it to survive, as well. Spirit is the magical fountain within each of us; our individual source. Within Spirit, all the basic four elements come together to work in harmony with one another. These elements are also the foundation of modern natural witchcraft.

    As practitioners of magic, we understand the power and significance of the elements in our craft. Understanding the elements and their energies can help us deepen our connection with the natural world and enhance our magical abilities.

    Let’s learn how to use this knowledge to enhance our magical practice and deepen our connection with the natural world. I’ll do a sequence of articles on each element. This one will serve as the introduction to the topic.

    Before we begin

    Before we begin, it is important to note that elemental magic is a complex form of magic that requires a deep understanding of the elements and their properties. It is essential to approach elemental magic with respect and caution. It is also important to note that this guide is intended to serve as a starting point for your elemental magic journey. It is not an exhaustive guide, and you should continue to research and learn about elemental magic as you practice it. It is also important to note that not all witches, and practitioners use the same correspondences for the elements. It can differ from person to person, practice to practice and from culture to culture.

    What is Elemental Magic?

    Elemental magic refers to the magic of the elements of nature: earth, air, fire, water, and spirit.. Spells and rituals will typically consist of using a single element most related to the goal of the caster. They may also contain more than one, even all of the elements like when using them to cast a magic circle, working with the watchtowers, or creating an altar. Most elemental magic requires only basic ingredients that can be found anywhere: bowls of water, stones, candles, and so on. This makes it perfect for learning the foundations of magic.


    Before we dive into the elements themselves we have to touch on energy. Energy is the foundation of all elemental magic. The words and actions accompanying a spell are the least important part. The words and actions of the spell serve only to guide your focus on the energy involved. 

    There are huge stores of energy in your body. You will learn to tap into this energy when doing elemental magic and to transfer it. When a spell calls for you to inscribe a rune into the dirt, the physical motion’s purpose is to help you transfer your personal energy. There is also the energy already present in each element which we will discuss later. 

     To learn more about the basics of working with energy and recognizing energy you can read all about it here; 

    The Five Elements

    Depending on your practice and your magical journey this may not be news to you but, for others it might be. There are more than 4 elements to work with, there are at least 5! If you started your path and journey in wicca or alchemy or have studied Chinese, Japanese, Buddhist, Greek, some Indigenous north american tribes,some African tribes , and Babylonian cultures this won’t be news to you. If it is new for you we will go over the most commonly used five elements in rituals and spells; earth, air, fire, water, and spirit aka ether. 

    Each of these five elements is a fundamental building block of the universe and symbolically represents the various stages or forms of matter. Each of these elements also has its own qualities and correspondences. In most if not all traditions, each element is associated with very specific correspondences and used in specific ways based on their nature.

    The five elements are most often invoked during the consecration of a magic circle,  or at the very beginning of a ritual. Each element is linked to a cardinal direction. As each element is called and welcomed into the circle it is termed ‘calling the quarters’. Calling the quarters can be simple or it can be dramatic, poetic, and complex. It can work in a theme such as the human body if it is a ritual for healing or it can be written to target a specific pantheon of gods and goddesses.  The possibilities are endless! If you need to learn more about how to cast a magic circle or calling the quarters you can read all about here; and watch my previous class on it below.

    Let’s explore the characteristics, correspondences, and how to work with  each element below.

    Up First, EARTH

    The earth element is powerful in so many ways. The earth is our planetary home. It is where all life abounds and is the source of our sustenance. The natural cycles of the earth are growth, harvest, decay, and regeneration. A myriad of topographical landscapes are found all over the earth complete with diverse flora and fauna. But the earth is not simply the living things that inhabit it. The earth consists of deep caves, reaching mountains, and dense forests.

     Depending on the tradition and even the individual, earth’s magical properties will vary. When the earth element means growth and grounding to one person, it may mean death and psychic abilities to another. In Wicca and other western magical traditions, it is one of the 5 major elements from which all life is sustained. The earth is inherently our mother. 

    Earth embodies the embodiment of stability, grounding, and material abundance. It is the fertile soil that nurtures life, the mountains that rise with unwavering strength, and the foundation on which we build our spiritual journeys. Just as the Earth provides sustenance for all living beings, this element enables witches to manifest their desires, anchor their intentions, and connect with the physical world. It aligns us with the rhythms of nature and helps us find balance, resilience, and prosperity.

    Earth is often connected with the practical aspects of life, including abundance, prosperity, physical health, and fertility. It influences our connection to the physical body and the material realm. Earth magic is especially potent for grounding and centering oneself, establishing boundaries, and bringing stability during times of chaos or emotional upheaval. By harnessing the Earth element’s energy, witches can create foundations for their intentions and manifest their desires in a tangible and grounded manner.

    From a blade of grass to a mighty mountain, witches use the earth element in their magic and spiritual practice for many different purposes. In spell work, Earth is often used for grounding and centering, to make a spell stick, or to bring abundance and prosperity. So, sit with the element and follow your intuition to use the element in the way the best serves you.

    Earth Folklore

    When it comes to the Earth, much of the focus of our folklore focuses on how our planet was actually formed. These myths shed a great deal of light on our magical associations with the element Earth, especially in regards to rebirth, fertility, and death. The name Earth comes from the Norse goddess Jord, pronounces “yurdth,” who was a personification of Earth. While she is not an official goddess of the Norse pantheon as she was a jotnar, it is believed she coupled with Odin to bear a son known as Thor. Jord was believed to be the life force of the planet, causing trees to fruit and seeds to sprout at her touch, thus strongly associating her with fertility, birth, and new beginnings. 

    Her personification was adopted by a number of cultures across Europe and eventually became known as Mother Earth or Mother Nature. Greek Mythology has a similar goddess known as Gaia. According to Greek creation myths, Gaia (the Earth) emerged from Chaos. Without assistance, she bore Uranus the Sky who then fertilized her. From this union, the Titans were born of which the Gods and Goddesses were born. As such, Gaia is the personification of Earth, the mother of all life. In Roman mythology she is referred to as Terra, meaning Earth.  In the babylonian myth earth is literally the great goddess Tiamat’s body split in  half.

     Similar myths can be found in every culture around the world, but they all have two things in common, the Earth is usually a feminine figure associated with birth and life.

    Apart from creation myths, Earth also appears as the golem. According to Jewish folklore, a golem is an animated human-like creature made of mud and clay. Through ritual work, a creature could be brought to life using clay and mud to do the life-givers bidding. Some reports say to bring the golem to life, the Hebrew equivalent of the word “shem” was written on a piece of paper and placed in the golem’s mouth while other reports say “emet” which means truth was written on the forehead of the golem. To “kill” the golem the paper was removed or the last letter of the word truth was removed to turn the word into dead.

    The rest of our Earth folklore focuses on ley lines, a grid of Earth energies that circle the globe that connect important sacred sites. In the British Isles, these lines were sometimes referred to as “fairy paths” and it was believed to be dangerous to walk along them for fear of being snatched by the fairies. In general, these lines not only connected sacred sites, but also certain hilltops in the countryside, and were liminal places between realms. We still view them as such today, recognizing the energy found among them is potent as well as liminal.

    Earth Correspondences

    First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or to connect to an element like I will list below for you to use.

    • Gender: Feminine
    • Planet: Venus, Saturn
    • Time: Midnight
    • Season: Winter
    • Direction: North (although if the closest body of earth to you is a different direction, use that instead)
    • Tarot Cards: Pentacles, Coins
    • Zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
    • Symbolism: Grounding, strength, healing, success, stability, sturdiness, steadfastness, foundations, empathy, fertility, death, rebirth, wisdom, nature, animals, plants, money, prosperity,
    • Symbols: Rocks, plains, soil, caves, fields, stones, trees, gardens, canyons, forests
    • Deities: Cerridwyn, Demeter, Gaia, Terra, Jord, Ceres, Rhiannon, Persephone, Epona, Ptithivi, Pan, Herne, Cernunnos, Thoth, Adonis, Tammuz, Dionysus, Athos, Mah, Nephtys, Marduk, Athos, Arawn, Cybele, Leimarel Sidabi, Opes, Proserpina, Mat Zemlya, Pachamama, Houtu, Umay, Sif, Mother Earth, Mother Nature, Geb, Asintmah, Zemes mate, Mlande, Mlande-Ava, Nerthus, Veles, Mokosh
    • Nature Spirits: Gnomes, fairies, trolls, dwarves, dryads, faun
    • Colors: Green, brown, black, gold
    • Food and Drink: Beer, vodka, whiskey, bread, salt, garlic, onions, potatoes, sweet potatoes, nuts, rice, oats, butter
    • Herbs: Oak, cedar, cypress, honeysuckle, ivy, primrose, sage, grains, patchouli, nuts, magnolia, comfrey, vetivert, moss, lilac, lichen, roots, barley, alfalfa, corn, rice
    • Crystals and Gemstones: Emerald, peridot, amethyst, jet, tourmaline, granite, quartz, salt, jasper, azurite, onyx, bedrock, tiger’s eye, rutilated quartz, fluorite, slate, lead, iron, moss agate, tree agate, coal
    • Animals: gopher, bear, wolf, ant, horse, stag, deer, dog, cow, bull, bison, snake, worms, moles, voles, grubs

    The Unique Magic of the Earth Element

    The earth element works in conjunction with all other elements to sustain life on this planet. In fact, it IS the planet. Think about how earth works with the others: earth feeds fire, requires water for growth, produces air (trees/plants) in conjunction with water. But can also suffocate fire and air and impede water. We live on the earth, our feet and homes planted in the soil, and grow our food in the earth. Without earth, we would not survive. Earth is nurturing, grounding, loving, growing, replenishing, moving, sowing, and reaping.

    Ways to connect to Earth

    If you are an earth zodiac sign, your most powerful magic will facilitate the earth element to make change. Earth magic doesn’t have to be complicated, unless you want it to be. Here are some easy ways to cast earth magic and harness the energy of the earth element:

    • growing and maintaining a magical garden
    • making herbal infusions and brews
    • burying spells i.e. witch’s bottles and jars
    • using different kinds of dirt and sand in your spells
    • kitchen witchcraft: cooking, baking, herbalism, crafting
    • mountain witchcraft: working with the energies of the mountain
    • herbal offerings to the gods and ancestors
    • making spell bags with herbs and crystals
    • growing a plant intended to manifest magical intentions
    • using salt to cleanse your sacred space
    • divination with ogham staves, rune stones and crystals
    • healing with crystals and stones and herbs
    • working with gnomes, garden fairies, etc.
    • aligning and balancing your root and heart chakras
    • working with the magick of trees
    • hiking and camping
    • Use herbs and plants in spell jars
    • carving and woodworking
    • crafting magical wreaths
    • wearing and using earth element colors in your magic
    • shadow work
    • Mindfully being in nature
    • Grounding and/or Earthing
    • Make a simmer pot

    Next up, the element of Air

    Air, the element of wisdom, communication, reasoning, logic, and breath. It is the perfect element to work with during the fall months because this shifting of the seasons often requires us to look inward and assess our situation; to take a deep breath and let go of what no longer serves us; to communicate our truths.

    The air element is powerful in so many ways. The air is felt through the breath, the skin, and the view of the swaying trees. It is movement in the purest form as the wind travels around the globe spreading seeds for life, changing the landscape of the earth, and allowing the creatures of the sky to move amongst us. The air holds clouds, birds, and the stars above us.

    Air is a force that is both seen and unseen, carrying the energies of communication, intellect, inspiration, and transformation. Just as the wind whispers secrets through the trees, Air symbolizes the realm of thoughts, ideas, and the power of the mind. It holds the potential for clarity, mental agility, and the swift currents of change. By tapping into the essence of Air, witches can amplify their intellectual capacities, enhance their intuition, and facilitate the free flow of energy within their craft.

    Air magic encompasses themes of intellect, communication, inspiration, and travel. It aids in enhancing mental clarity, fostering effective communication, and seeking truth and wisdom. By working with the Air element, witches can harness its energy to stimulate creativity, promote clear thinking, and invite swift transformation in their lives. It serves as a conduit for ideas to take flight and for intentions to be carried far and wide.

    Depending on the tradition and even the individual, air magical properties will vary. When the air element means communication or activation to one person, it may mean emotions and abundance to another. From a gust of wind to a gentle exhale, witches use the air element in their magic and spiritual practice for many different purposes. 

    Air Folklore

    Much of the folklore associated with Air encompasses weather magic and the wind itself. In Greek mythology, the Anemoi were the four winds, each of them corresponding to the four cardinal directions. They were the children of Eos, goddess of dawn, and Aeolus, Keeper of the Winds.

     The first of the sons was Boreas, the god of the north wind and bringer of cold winter air. He is often depicted with a beard in a short, pleated tunic and said to have a violent temper. When Orithyia, a princess of Athens, refused to marry Boreas, he stole her away to marry her in the clouds where they later had two sons and two daughters together. From then on, Boreas was seen as a relative by marriage and they called upon him for protection when attacked by neighboring kingdoms. In 480 B.C. Boreas supposedly sank 400 Persian ships that threatened the Athenians.

    The second son, Zephyrus or Zephyr, is the god of the west wind. He is the gentlest of the winds, blowing in Spring and warmer weather. Zephyrus appears in a number of stories, each one often depicting a different lover both male and female. His amorous relationships make him a fertility god, which makes sense since he is said to bring in Spring, the ultimate icon of fertility. 

    The god of the south wind, Notus, is associated with the hot, desiccating winds of Summer that blew in after the Summer Solstice. It was him that brought late summer storms, destroying crops in his wake. 

    And finally, there was Eurus, god of the east winds, who was believed to be responsible for the turbulent winds during storms at sea. Seafarers would often try to appease Eurus to ensure a safe trip and would place protection charms on their ships to ward off ill will.

    In other traditions, Air is deeply associated with breath, the life-giver. In ancient Greece, this breath of life was referred to as pneuma, which later became translated into soul or spirit. I’ll address pneuma in more detail in later posts, but I wanted to mention it here because, without breath, life ceases to exist, and as such a number of superstitions arose around breath. For example, when passing by a cemetery one should hold their breath to avoid breathing in the spirit of someone who recently passed. In multiple cultures around the world, we see tales of the night hag, a demon who sits on your chest and steals your breath away, a phenomenon now referred to as sleep paralysis. For centuries in England, it was believed cats should suck an infant’s breath away, causing the baby to die. In 1791, a jury in Plymouth, England convicted a cat of infanticide while in 1929 in Nebraska, a supposed doctor claimed to have witnessed a cat “lying on the baby’s breast, pay on either side of the babe’s mouth, the cat’s lips pressing those of the child and the infant’s face as pale as that of a corpse, its lips with the blueness of death.” This idea persists even in modern times, despite their not being any evidence that cats suffocate babies in this way. However, the idea that breath is linked to life is an important one, giving Air its association with life and death.

    Air Correspondences

    Remember, a correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or to connect to an element like I will list below for you to use.

    • Gender: Masculine
    • Planet: Mercury, Jupiter
    • Time: Dawn
    • Season: Spring
    • Direction: East
    • Tarot Cards: Wands (or Swords depending on the tradition)
    • Zodiac: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
    • Symbolism: Intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, logic, thought, communication, truth, inspiration, intuition, memory, creativity
    • Symbols: Feather, wand, staff, incense, censer, pen, broom, bell, sword, sky, wind, clouds, breeze, breath, wind chimes
    • Deities: Zeus, Aradia, Nuit, Thoth, Urania, Cardea, Enlil, Kheoheva, Merawrim, Shu, Arianrhod, Hermes, Morrigan, Mercury, Aeolus, Boreas, Zephyrus, Notus, Eurus, 
    • Nature Spirits: Winged fairies, sprites, spirits, sylphs, zephyrs
    • Colors: Yellow, gold, white, light blue, pastels
    • Food and Drink: Beans, lentils, leafy greens, toast, cabbage, grains, carbonated beverages, popcorn, tofu, vinegar, rice cakes, puffed rice, dates, lingonberries, chickweed
    • Herbs: Bergamot, lavender, marjoram, peppermint, sage, dandelion, bluebell, clover, frankincense, primrose, lemongrass, pine, aspen, yarrow, violets, vervain, myrrh, dill, anise, aspen
    • Crystals and Gemstones: Amber, topaz, citrine, jasper, agate, pumice, alexandrite, amethyst, fluorite, mica, clear quartz
    • Animals: Birds, flying insects, spiders, bats

    Ways to connect to Air

    If you are an air zodiac sign, your most powerful magic will facilitate the air element to make change. Air spells don’t have to be complicated, unless you want them to be. Here are some easy ways to cast air spells and harness the energy of the air element:

    • make a wish while blowing bubbles OR divine a message using bubbles
    • burn incense as offering to the gods and to manifest your intentions
    • write your air spell on a piece of paper, take it to the top of a cliff, let it blow away in the wind
    • keep a magical grimoire or book of shadows
    • make a wish and blow out the birthday candles
    • smoke-cleanse your home with burning herbs to rid it of negativity
    • blow a dandelion seed-head and make a wish
    • balloon magick (although not recommended for the environment nowadays)
    • storm magick: harnessing the energy of a storm to manifest your air spell
    • cloud scrying: divination using the patterns in clouds to tell the future
    • cloud bursting: moving air with the power of your mind
    • whispering air spells into the wind
    • working with air element fairies and spirits
    • volunteering your time or resources to a local bird rescue (the energy you offer to these creatures may help manifest your intentions)
    • automatic writing
    • writing and reciting poetry
    • learning and playing an instrument (particularly woodwind, flutes or stringed)
    • singing your intentions
    • chanting your intentions
    • daily words of affirmation
    • feather magick: divination or spells

    The Unique Magic of the Air Element

    The air element works in conjunction with all other elements to sustain life on this planet. Think about how air works with the others: air fuels fire, moves earth, makes clouds with water. You may notice how some of the air element’s magical properties and associations cross over with the elements. That’s because they all work together flawlessly in the circle of life. As for air, we inhale and exhale air, it cools us off, but it can also be destructive and blow down houses. Without air, we would not survive. Air is whirling, twirling, twisting, freeing. Whipping, swirling, caressing, calling, kissing, misting, clouding, flying. Speak it into existence, whisper it into the wind.

    Let’s Dive into the Element of Water

    The water element is powerful in so many ways. Humans are predominantly comprised of water. Water flows into and through our bodies and is necessary for our continued existence. We are suspended in a life giving liquid while growing inside of the womb. Water falls gently from the sky to nourish the earth and help the flora to grow and thrive. The water embraces sea creatures, an unexplored underwater landscape, and falls from the sky above to feed the earth.

    Water, the element of fluidity and intuition, mirrors the ebb and flow of life itself. It represents the vast seas, serene lakes, and soothing rivers that nourish the Earth and all living beings. In the realm of emotions, Water governs the depth of our feelings, encouraging us to embrace vulnerability, intuition, and empathy. By connecting with the Water element, witches can navigate the currents of their emotions, tap into their psychic abilities, and embark on a journey of healing and spiritual transformation.

    Water magic encompasses themes of emotions, intuition, healing, purification, and spiritual transformation. It allows witches to dive deep into their emotions, heal past wounds, and connect with their inner wisdom. By working with the Water element, practitioners can harness its energy to enhance their psychic abilities, facilitate emotional healing, and invoke a sense of divine flow and receptivity within their craft.

    Water, the element of emotions, healing, purification, and renewal. It is the perfect element to work with during the winter months because it is during winter that we spend time reflecting and setting goals for the future. This reflection process often includes shadow work where we confront past traumas to heal and break bad habits. Shadow work is by no means easy and takes more than a little self-reflection to work, but Water can help with the process greatly, especially in the beginning stages.

    From an ocean wave to a dew drop, witches use the water element in their magick and spiritual practice for many different purposes.Depending on the tradition and even the individual, water’s magical properties will vary. When the water element means dreams and emotions to one person, it may mean destruction and purification to another.

    Water Folklore

    Humans have always been deeply connected with water, which makes sense considering we are mostly comprised of water and need it to survive. Just a couple days without water and we die. Our ancestors knew this as well and discovered quite quickly that water had the ability to sustain and restore life, as well as take it away. Throughout history and across all cultures, water was revered, being associated with deities, spirits, souls, and the Otherworld. One of the most famous tales is of the River Styx, the river in Hades or the Underworld that separates the living world from that of the dead. To cross said river, you had to secure passage from Charon, the ferrymen, by paying him a coin. However, water folklore goes back even further.

    Before the Roman invasion, much of Europe was inhabited by a series of tribes, united by a common language and similar spiritual beliefs, called the Celts. The Celts believed water to be sacred and viewed it as a liminal place, a place between our world and the Otherworld. As such, a series of myths arose around major water sources across Europe. When the Romans, who had their own set of water beliefs and rituals, invaded, they meshed many of the Celtic ideas of water with their own. These traditions were so prevalent and such a cornerstone of society, that when the Christians invaded sometime later, they found it impossible to squash the pagan beliefs. Instead of trying to stamp it out, they wrote over the pagan names with Christian names (much like they did with our holidays), thus preserving much of the folklore related to water, even to this day. From wells and springs to rivers and lakes to the wide-open ocean, folklore abounds.

    Across Europe, especially in the UK, there are several sacred wells and natural founts or springs riddled with folklore. While different in location and water type, it was generally believed that these sources of water were imbued with healing properties that could cure just about any ailment. Archeological sites, folklore, and existing wells inform us that there were a number of sacred wells designated across Europe as healing wells.

    But not all folklore surrounds freshwater sources. Being as vast and dangerous as it is, the ocean has played a dominant role in human history and thus has its own magical properties and folklore. You could write an entire book on sea folklore and witchcraft, and people have, so I am just going to give a brief overview here. The ocean played a major role in the development of civilizations around the world. For a long time, the ocean was impassible and untameable, which led our ancestors to tie the sea to destruction, instability, and chaos.

    And these are all just bodies of water! There is numerous folklore about dew, mists, and rain! Again, there is absolutely too much folklore on these subjects to include in this post, so I’m going to very briefly summarize. Dew has long been a prized magical ingredient, especially in protection and glamour magic. Especially lazy and dirty women and children were believed to be taken away by faeries where they were carefully cleansed by morning dew becoming more beautiful upon their arrival home. Most famously, however, dew was often collected and applied before sunrise on May Day (Beltane) to heal and as a glamour. On the Summer Solstice, it was believed that dew would increase one’s strength. Across Europe, especially in Britain, dew was believed to have curative properties. It was often applied to the eyes to help eye pain or rubbed on warts and freckles to remove them. Dew collected from stones with depression or cups called Bullaun Holes were used by wise women and men in medicines to enhance their restorative qualities. Sometimes the dew was collected with a white rag and tied around the ailing part to help it heal faster.

    While dew was often seen as a healer, mists were viewed as a magical veil that was used by spirits of the Otherworld to shroud themselves. Furthermore, Celtic folklore suggests that not only did the fae and other spirits arrive with the mist, but the mist could carry you away as well, bringing you to the water if you weren’t careful. With mist and fog, it is believed all manner of devilish creatures can walk the Earth. People often report seeing black dogs, an omen of death, in the mists or hearing the luring voices of women calling them out to sea. However, in the Haudenosaunee myth The Maid of the Mist, the maiden is a savor who warns her village of impending doom. In almost all legends, the mists act as a portal or gateway between realms, thus becoming an excellent hedge riding tool for astral travel.

    Rain, on the other hand, as a complete set of unique myths, but in most cases, rain is associated with life, fertility, and healing. Originally, the rain was associated with spontaneous generation and was believed that frogs and worms came directly from rain, thus associating it with life, abundance, and fertility. Oden, a Norse god of fertility among other things, was also associated with the rain. I’m sure you can figure out what the rain was meant to be in this case. In Greek mythology, rain is believed to be the tears of Calandra, daughter of Hades, mourning the death of her beloved, Orestes, son of Zeus. Zeus and Hades, upon hearing of their love, struck down Orestes and locked Calandra in the clouds to mourn for all eternity. Rainwater has been used in all manner of magical ways, including spells for rejuvenation, healing, protection, cursing, and nourishment. Rainwater alone deserves a post of its own, which I’ll likely do this year sometime in April because “April showers bring May flowers…”

    I’ve only scratched the surface of water folklore. There is plenty more from Asia, Africa, and the Americas that wasn’t touched on here. There simply isn’t enough time for me to cover everything in great detail, but this folklore provides a deeper understanding of how important water has been throughout human history. It is the bringer of life and death, a healer and a curse. Without water and all its amazing, properties humans would not be where we are today. It nourishes our bodies, helps our cells and organs function and while aiding plants in creating food. It helps us and our planet maintain a relatively constant temperature and allows cell membranes to form a double layer.

    Water Correspondences

    Remember, a correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or to connect to an element like I will list below for you to use.

    • Gender: Feminine
    • Planet: Moon, Neptune, Pluto
    • Time: Twilight
    • Season: Fall
    • Direction: West (although if the closest body of water to you is a different direction, use that instead)
    • Tarot Cards: Cups
    • Zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
    • Symbolism: emotion, intuition, psychic abilities, love, unconscious mind, fertility, self-healing, reflection, lunar energy, deep feelings, curses, death
    • Symbols: Ocean, lake, river, fog, mist, creek, well, spring, pond, rain, shell, sea glass, driftwood, cup, chalice, bowl, trident, seaweed, hag stones, cauldron
    • Deities: Oshun, Davy Jones, Danu, Grannus, Lir, Llyr, Sinann, Selkie, Sulis, Nix, Nerthus, Nehalennia, Aegir, Achelous, Alpheus, Brizo, Ceto, Doris, Eurybia, Graeae, Nerus, Nerites, Poseidon, Tethys, Thetis, Coventina, Fontus, Juturna, Neptune, Salacia, Tiberinus, Ap, Yami, Ganga, Mokosh, Veles, Anuket, Hapi, Nephthys, Satet, Sobek, Tefnut, Enki, Marduk, Nammu, Sirsir, Tiamat, Hebo, Mazu, Gonggong, Suijin, Susanoo, Cerridwen
    • Nature Spirits: Undine, nymph, mermaid, finfolk, lake ladies, water maidens, Cailleach, water horse, kelpie, bean-nighe, banshee, white woman, washerwoman, water cows, faeries associated with wells, streams, ponds, or lakes
    • Colors: Blue, silver, white, gray, seafoam, indigo, aquamarine, bluish-silver, black
    • Food and Drink: water, tea, apple, pear, coconut, strawberry, watermelon
    • Herbs: seaweed, aloe, fern, water lily, lotus, moss, willow, gardenia, apple, catnip, chamomile, cattail, lettuce, kelp, birch, cabbage, coconut, cucumber, comfrey, eucalyptus, gourd, geranium, grape, licorice, lilac, pear, strawberry, tomato
    • Crystals and Gemstones: Moonstone, pearl, silver, aquamarine, amethyst, blue tourmaline, lapis lazuli, fluorite, coral, blue topaz, beryl, opal, coral
    • Animals: fish, snake, frog, crab, lobster, eel, shark, dragonfly, seahorse, dolphin, sea otter, seal, whale, alligator, crocodile, beaver, octopus, penguin, salamander, turtle, starfish, koi, coral, barnacle, manta ray, manatee, jellyfish, nautilus, heron, duck, geese, crane, swan, water birds, ammonite, dragons, serpents

    Ways to connect to Water

    If you are a water zodiac sign, your most powerful magick will facilitate the water element to make change. Water magic spells don’t have to be complicated, unless you want them to be. 

    • ritual baths and bath spells
    • making magical waters: rose water, moon water, sun water, war water, etc.
    • send off spell remnants in a flowing river/creek
    • water and mirror scrying
    • asperging (cleansing) by sprinkling blessed water on a person/place/thing
    • messages/spells in a bottle sent off into the ocean
    • storm magick: harnessing the storm’s water to use in magickal endeavors
    • working with sea gods and goddesses
    • brewing teas and other concoctions
    • making herb-infused oils and salves
    • floating candle spells
    • cleansing/purification ritual by swimming in the ocean/river/lake
    • collect rain water, ocean water, river water, creek water to use in spells
    • collect dew to use in spells
    • using various magical waters as an offering on altars
    • snow and ice spells
    • making and using moon water
    • making herbal sprays for purification etc.

    The Unique Magic of the Water Element

    The water element works in conjunction with all other elements to sustain life on this planet. Think about how water works with the others: water extinguishes fire or is evaporated by fire, water feeds the earth, water is made with and moved by air. We require water to live and our bodies are made up of at least sixty percent water. The planet is mostly made up of water. Water is our great mother, the creator, and yet in an instant becomes the great destroyer. But remember, where there’s destruction then after comes creation.

    Next, The element of Fire

    Fire isn’t just without. It comes from within. It’s as much a part of this world as it is a part of ourselves. Fire drives away the darkness. It warms our cold bones and stirs the passions inside of us. Fire does not have its own physical existence like the other elements. It comes into being as light and heat in a powerful and dramatic fashion and then once it has consumed an object, it disappears back into another realm. Fire is often linked to the masculine energies as it is protective. Fire is depicted in volcanoes, the phoenix, and transformations.

    Fire is quite the element, associated with new beginnings, energy, courage, anger, passion, lust, war, and purification. It’s the perfect element to work with during the summer months when the Sun is at its strongest, the ultimate source of Fire. Fire is also the perfect element to work with when trying to enact change, especially social change.

    Fire dances with an intense and captivating energy, embodying the qualities of passion, creativity, willpower, and transformation. It is the spark of inspiration that ignites our desires, fuels our ambitions, and drives us forward. Just as fire can both nurture and consume, the Fire element in witchcraft represents the potent force of change, the catalyst for spiritual growth, and the embodiment of personal power. By harnessing the essence of Fire, witches can kindle the flames of their intentions, manifest their desires, and embody the transformative nature of this element.

    Fire magic encompasses themes of passion, willpower, courage, purification, and transformation. It empowers witches to ignite their creativity, fuel their ambitions, and embrace their personal power. By working with the Fire element, practitioners can tap into their inner strength, channel their intentions with fiery determination, and embark on a path of self-discovery and transformation.

    From a candle’s flame to a bonfire, witches use the fire element in their magical craft for many different reasons. Depending on the tradition and even the individual, fire magical properties will vary. When the fire element means passion and success to one person, it may mean emotions and cleansing to another.

    Fire Folklore

    Fire has long been coveted by humankind as not only a life-bringer but as a source of transformation as well. How we first acquired Fire is debatable and we will likely never know, but the fact that we did allowed humans to prosper and ultimately dominate our surroundings. There are myths found in every single culture around the world explaining how humans first acquired Fire, from the Greeks to the Cherokee to the Hindus to the Aztecs. Almost all of these stories tell a story of theft, the Fire is stolen from some greedy source and given as a gift to humans. In Greek mythology, the titan Prometheus stole Fire from the gods, giving it to man along with the skill of metalwork because he loved humans more than the Olympians who had banished his family to Tartarus. This gift resulted in the progress of civilization and ultimately resulted in Fire temples across Greece.

     In various Native American tribes in the Pacific Northwest and First Nations, Fire was stolen by Coyote, Beaver, or Dog and given to humans, while in Algonquin myth it is Rabbit that steals Fire from a man and his two daughters to share with other humans. The Cherokee myth, however, is my favorite of the Native American Fire myths. After both Possum and Buzzard failed to acquire Fire, Grandmother Spider weaves a web to sneak into the land of the light, where she steals Fire from the Sun and hides it in a clay pot. She brings the clay pot back, giving it to humans so they may see in the dark. In Rig Veda, a Hindu text, it is Matarisvan who steals Fire that had been hidden away from humans. All of these myths reveal the nature of Fire; that is it deeply associated with trickery and chaos, most likely because we may think we have control over Fire, but ultimately it is in control. Furthermore, Fire is extremely destructive but transformative, thus leading to the progress of civilization in all of these stories.

    Fire was so revered by our ancestors that shrines, temples, and festivals were dedicated to Fire. In Ancient Greece, every private and public hearth or prytaneium was regarded as a sanctuary for the hearth goddess Hestia. In Greek mythology, Hestia was assigned the duty by Zeus to feed and maintain the fires in the Olympian hearth with the fat from animal sacrifices to the gods. As such, she was usually given the first offering during a sacrifice so that she may share a portion with the gods to maintain their Fire.

    Hestia’s Roman equivalent, Vesta, played a much more prominent role in Roman culture. She was very rarely depicted in human form, but instead as a flame. Vesta’s temple in the Forum Romanum only allowed entry to Vesta’s priestesses known as Vestals. The Vestals tended the sacred hearth fires of Vesta which were believed to be indispensable for the preservation and continuity of the Roman State.

    Across the ocean, two important Celtic deities were honored for their sacred flames. The first was Brigid, who later was Christianized St. Brigid. Brigid, who is deeply associated with holy wells, was also associated with sacred flames. In Kildare, Brigid’s sacred fire was tended to by priestesses since pre-Christian times. However, it wasn’t just Brigid who was associated with Fire in Celtic lore. Belenus (Belus or Baal), whose name means “Shining One,” was one of the most widely worshipped of the Celtic deities. He was the Celtic god of the Sun and was celebrated year-around, but honored specifically at Beltane, an ancient Fire festival on May 1st.

    Other Sun gods from around the world, including Ra, Aten, Nanahuatzin, Helios, and Sol, were worshipped year around with the Sun’s heavenly movement. Early humans recognized that as the Sun traveled through the sky that it drove the changing of the seasons. From this knowledge, myths arose to explain what happened to the Sun god during each transformation. In modern Wicca, the equivalent of this story traces the birth and death of the God, who represents the Sun. These myths were so prevalent around the world that early Christianity adopted them and associated them with Jesus.

    Apart from Fire’s association with deities, it has long been viewed as a protective force. This likely arose from the fact our early ancestors found that keeping fires lit through the night safeguarded against beasts of the night. Fire quickly became associated with warding off evil spirits, especially in the case of childbirth. Multiple cultures around the world light candles and lamps and keep them burning to ward against demons waiting to pounce on the newborn child and mother. This custom still persists in parts of Britain, Scandinavia, and Germany, where candles and fires are lit around the new baby to keep evil spirits away.

    Fire has also been used as a form of divination and as an omen. As mentioned earlier, the extinguishing of Hestia’s and Vesta’s fires were believed to be ruin and bad luck. The Banyoro in Central Africa and the people of British New Guinea will not hunt the following morning if their fire goes out overnight, an omen of bad luck and death. In modern Greece, the behavior of logs in a fire is said to foretell the future. Crackling means that good news or a friend is coming, while sparks and ash flying are believed to foretell trouble and anxiety brewing. On the other hand, in parts of Britain cinders were read to predict major future events, such as births, marriages, and deaths. 

    The vast amount of folklore around Fire suggests a few things. First, Fire is an important source of life. It warms, cooks food, and inspires. Second, Fire is an important protector and purifier, yet has the ability to consume all that it touches. In modern times, witches use fire for these same reasons, often as in protection rituals, and to send messages to the spirit world.

    Fire Correspondences

    Remember, a correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or to connect to an element like I will list below for you to use.

    • Gender: Masculine
    • Planet: Sun, Mars
    • Time: Noon
    • Season: Summer
    • Direction: South (although in the Southern hemisphere, North may work better for you)
    • Tarot Cards: Wands or Swords (depends on belief system)
    • Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 
    • Symbolism: Energy, will, destruction, strength, courage, power, passion, lust, sexuality, anger, war, new beginnings, protection, loyalty, transformation, action, movement, achievement, creativity, desire, willpower
    • Symbols: Athame, candles, swords, wands, dagger, lamp, flame, volcano, Sun, stars, lava, heat
    • Deities: Vesta, Hestia, Morrigan, Brigid, Belenus, Freya, Ra, Horus, Prometheus, Vulcan, Hephaestus, Agni, Pele, Ogun, Oya, Sekhmet, Zhurong, Huilu, Jowangsin, Kojin, Fuji, Amaterasu, Arshi Tengri, Odqan, Yal-un Eke, Alaz, Vut-Ami, En, Eate, Alpan, Kamar, Aed, Grannus, Nantosuelta, Sethlans, Logi, Mariel, Cacus, Dazhbog, Kresnik, Peklenc, Svarog, Shapash, Gerra, Gibil, Ishum, Nuska, Chantico, Mixcoati, Xiuhtecuhtli, Iansa
    • Nature Spirits: Salamander, dragon, phoenix, chimera, djinn
    • Colors: Red, yellow, orange, gold, crimson, white
    • Food and Drink: Chili, tea, coffee, beans, curry, onion, garlic, cider, cloves, cinnamon, wassail, garlic bread, beef, ham, oranges, lime, lemon, lemonade, limeade, orange juice, marmalade, spicy foods
    • Herbs: Cinnamon, cloves, ginger, allspice, basil, cacti, marigold, chilis, garlic, mustard, nettle, onion, heliotrope, hibiscus, juniper, lime, orange, red pepper, poppies, thistle, coffee, jalapenos, lemon, cumin, saffron, coriander
    • Crystals and Gemstones: Carnelian, red jasper, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, agate, rhodochrosite, gold, pyrite, brass, fire opal, lavastone, tiger’s eye
    • Animals: Lion, snake, coyote, fox, ladybug, bee, shark, scorpion, horse, mantis, tiger

    Ways to connect to Fire

    The fire magical properties are fueled by air. So, essentially, air can be used to fan or increase fire. Water may be heated by fire OR in larger quantities can put out the fire. Fire cooks or burns up earth or can be extinguished by earth.

    People who are fire signs tend to be very passionate, driven people. They are sometimes easy to enrage, and love working with the fire element in their magick. If you are a fire sign, fire magic spells and charms will be your most potent form of witchcraft. 

    • Candle spells
    • Sun-bathing / re-charging by sunlight
    • Burning papers with wishes/intentions in bonfires
    • Burning old belongings to release old habits and negativity
    • Hearth magick: cooking, brewing, baking, etc.
    • Fire scrying: divination in candle flames and bonfires
    • Smoke scrying: divination with smoke
    • Burning Incense and Smoke-cleansing
    • Storm magick, particularly harnessing the energy of lightning
    • Solar magick: sun teas and elixirs, sabbat celebrations, etc.
    • Alchemy with metals
    • Crafting sun catchers with magical intentions
    • Sex magick
    • Burning candles as offerings to gods, ancestors, spirit guides
    • Blacksmithing and forging
    • Working with crystals linked to the fire element
    • Following your passion in life

    The Unique Magic of the Fire Element

    Fire is creative and destructive. It warded off wild animals, intruders, and illness for our ancestors. It also kept them warm and provided a means of cooking. But it could also destroy entire villages and forests, destroying life as we know it. Fire dries/evaporates water, is fueled/extinguished by air, and is fueled/extinguished by earth. The interaction with fire all depends on the amount of each element used. Without heat and fire, our ancestors wouldn’t have survived and neither would we. In Greek mythology, fire was gifted to humans by a god. Let the fire element cleanse you of your past and prepare a path for the future.

    Lastly, the element of spirit

    This fifth element is not recognized by all paths. It has been known as Akasha or Aether.  No matter what you call it Spirit or Ether (or Soul!) is the element of self-awareness, wholeness, and transcendence. It is a bridge that connects the spiritual and physical soul. It is often represented as white or purple. It is the crown chakra in eastern religious practices and the halo in Abrahamic traditions. Spirit is the element called forth in ritual as it is the force that connects us to the magickal realm.

    Spirit is the ethereal essence that exists beyond the physical realm, encompassing the divine, the collective consciousness, and the interwoven tapestry of all existence. It is the universal life force that breathes energy into every being and every element. Spirit, in witchcraft, represents the connection to the divine, intuition, spiritual growth, and the transcendent nature of our existence. By embracing the essence of Spirit, witches can tap into the boundless wisdom of the universe, commune with higher beings, and embark on a transformative journey of spiritual awakening.

    Spiritual magic encompasses themes of intuition, divination, spiritual growth, and connection to higher beings. It allows witches to tap into their innate wisdom, connect with spirit guides and ancestors, and seek guidance from the divine. By working with Spirit, practitioners can deepen their understanding of the unseen, explore their spiritual gifts, and experience profound transformations within their spiritual journeys.

    Spirit Folklore

    Spirit has always existed within folk beliefs, with some of the earliest forms appearing in animistic religions and spiritual practices around the world. Animism, which is derived from the Latin anima which means breath, Spirit, or life, is the idea that all things, living and non-living, have a Spirit within them. It is this Spirit or energy that modern-day witches use when working with magical correspondences, and it’s the foundation of nature-based spiritualities around the world. 

    Later, humankind began differentiating living Souls or Spirit from that of non-living objects through the use of blood. Prior to the reign of Psammetichus (664-610 BC), Egyptians equated wine with blood, saying it was the life force of those that had warred against the gods. For this reason, they didn’t leave wine as an offering and believed that drunkenness would drive a man mad for the drunkard supposedly had consumed the life-blood of their ancestors. We see modern manifestations of this idea in Christianity with wine being part of the sacrament as the blood of Christ. The idea that the Soul was derived from blood is also found in a number of myths around the world, including a Chaladae myth which says that humans and animals were born from the blood of a decapitated deity when it mixed with clay.

    Later, the Soul became something intangible as the breath of life. In Genesis ii. 7 we see an allusion to this: “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul.” In Greece, this breath of life was referred to as stoic pneuma, which originally meant “air in motion” or “breath” and later became religiously known as the Soul or Spirit. It was believed to be a mixture of Air and Fire that when combined created life. Pneuma was adopted by Judaism and Christianity, sometimes being used to describe the Spirit and other times to describe the wind. No matter the religion, however, Spirit is often a central focus, and protecting the Spirit or Soul is believed to be fundamental in ascending into the afterlife.

    Other topics that can be considered tied to the folklore of the spirit or soul would involve soul eaters, demons, ghosts, mental illness and much more but that is for another time. If you want to learn more about demons though you can check out my previous class on them below.

    Spirit Correspondences

    Remember, a correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or to connect to an element like I will list below for you to use. 

    • Gender: Nonbinary
    • Planet: The Universe
    • Time: Infinite
    • Season: The Wheel in Motion
    • Direction: Central
    • Tarot Cards: Major Arcana
    • Zodiac: All
    • Symbolism: Transcendence, joy, hope, wholeness, self-awareness, unity, selflessness, transformation, ascension, harmony, mystery
    • Symbols: Infinity, spiral, the universe, light, helix
    • Deities: All
    • Nature Spirits: Sphinx, World Tree
    • Colors: White, silver, purple, black
    • Food and Drink: wine, liquor, beer, honey, sweets, chocolate, cacao, tea, pound cake, eggs
    • Herbs: Mistletoe, poplar, oak, chestnut, ash, apple, lotus, resurrection fern, cannabis, tobacco
    • Crystals and Gemstones: Quartz, pearl, opal, amethyst 
    • Animals: Dove, deer, cat

    Ways to connect to Spirit

    The spirit magical properties are fueled by everything. Every thread of energy, and everything in between weaving to hold the multiverse, universe, and collective together. The way we think of the spirit element today is rooted in the Greek thinking of Aether as the fifth element,  it was literally the air the gods breathed. How to connect to those propeties will all revolve around your spiritual beliefs, and practices, and how you choose to connect to the divine both within and without yourself. 

    • Chakra balancing
    • Therapy of any kind
    • Connecting to a god or goddess
    • Working with ascended masters
    • Adding an altar for a deity to your practice
    • Energy work
    • Journaling
    • Shadow work 
    • Reflection of your beliefs
    • Visualizations
    • Adding deities to spells and rituals
    • Honoring a deity at a festival or holiday

    Unique Magic of Spirit

    Spirit works with all the elements in the same manner: Spirit supports each of the elements and each of the elements supports Spirit. Spirit cannot be separated from the other elements as it is infused in all that we do.

    We have talked a lot about the elements but, have you ever heard of the elementals? Or elemental spirits? Let’s take some time to talk about them now. 

    What are Elementals?

    Elementals are considered interdimensional beings, which means that they can move through different planes. Likewise, they maintain a strong bond with Nature, which is why many cultures consider them protectors or guardians of the earth. Physician and alchemist Paracelsus (1493 – 1541) mentioned elementals in his works, highlighting the hybrid quality of these entities, as they are neither humans nor spirits

    Each of these beings has the function of guarding and protecting everything that is within its realm of influence. They are considered lower spirits, incapable of incarnating in the material world, so they are generally invisible to us. However it has been claimed that they are capable of assuming human form and other appearances.

    These guardians watch over our planet and can aid us in our spiritual journeys if treated with respect. Let’s explore all four types of elementals and see how you can invoke them in your practice.

    Gnomes, the Elementals of Earth

    Gnomes and gnomids are the elementals of the Earth. They look like old men with their long white beards and ceremonial charm, and reside in the underbrush found in trees, roots, and soil. They can live in the mines of the earth or take care of the hidden treasures that lie there. Gnomes are the guardians of all treasures and precious metals hidden under mountains and deserts.

    As Earth elementals, they also like gardens, hence the custom of placing figures of gnomes around the green areas of the home, to call for their protection and wisdom. Though generally a bit grumpy, gnomes are happy to help humans in their earthly quests. They stand ready to impart deep wisdom upon us. As keepers of material safety, you can ask Gnomes for protection in physical matters, and for aid in doing what’s right for the planet.

    Their planet is Mars and their zodiac signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

    To invoke an Earth elemental, salt can be used as an offering on a plate. You can also bury a coin in the soil to ask them to intercede with the spirits of the earth, so that prosperity and riches come to our lives. Spend time outside and let your intuition guide you to a spot that is special.

    Undines, Water Elementals

    Undines derive their name from the Latin word unda, meaning “wave”. They come in different shapes such as mermaids or nymphs, but are also thought of as the collective body of water itself. Undines are present in each drop of water.

    Their presence represents beauty and dreams. They like to live in and protect the waterways and are relatively benign elementals, historically aiding sailors in safe passage. They are the most closely linked to humans and their appearance can be that of beautiful angels.

    To keep Undines present in your daily life, think of water as a close friend. Treat it with reverence; never waste it. With increased honor for this sacred element, the Undine is sure to support your emotional life. Their planets are Saturn and Mercury, and their zodiac signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

    Invoking water  Elementals

    To invoke the elementals of Water in your practice, work with the cycles of the moon. Perform rituals on full and new moons (also known as Esbats).Set up an altar with water at the center. Allow it to soak up the energy of the moon (Moon Water), and then mindfully drink or bathe in the water the next day.

    Salamanders, Elementals of Fire

    The Salamander does not necessarily appear as the slithery amphibian one might think, though it does often appear in a reptilian form, closely related to dragons. Fire elementals can appear as little balls of light that glide across water. They are thin and dry, very similar to the grasshopper or cricket, although much larger in size.

    The Fire element is associated with two opposites: Creation and destruction. Salamanders can cause, control and extinguish fire. They can root out negative forces, hexes and curses that fall on a person. Fire elementals also have the ability to clean and purify all low passions and all vices, helping to make a change that allows improving everything that hinders one’s development. Their planets are the Sun and Jupiter, and its zodiacal signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.

    Invoking Fire Elementals

    Invoke the Salamander with a flame. Safely light a fire, burn a candle or incense, and practice gazing at the flame’s licks or at the smoke. Feel the warmth of the fire lighting your own internal flame. Call upon the Salamander to reignite lost passion, or give you the strength to carry through difficult tasks. The Salamander is ready to aid in your evolution.

    Sylphs; the Elementals of Air

    A Sylph, like air, is ethereal. It does not take on a physical form but is seen in wispy fancies, much like clouds. Though some folks actually see fantastical flurries of light and color, the Sylph can appear mentally, even in the thinnest of air.

    These creatures of Air are said to look like very beautiful children with rosy faces. They can be the most mischievous in character and they represent thought. They are directly related to inspiration, knowledge, communication and travel.

    The spirits of Air are the ones that cause the winds and shape the clouds, they have a preponderant role in the growth of plants, flowers in particular. Sylphs are carriers of the life-sustaining energy that nurtures all living things, the breath. On subtle levels, sylphs transmit the currents of Spirit from heaven to earth. Their planets are the Moon and Venus, and their zodiac signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

    Invoking Air Elementals

    Working with Sylphs is all about intention. Because they lack form, the Sylph is greatly comforted by your faith alone. Pay respect to the Eastern sky, or pay extra attention to the breezes that caress your cheek. To invoke the Sylph in your ritual or spell, practice different forms of breathwork, or gaze at clouds and stars. Look to Sylphs for inspiration and clearing mental blocks.


    While the five elements are linked with the beauty of the self and the natural world, each element also contains a darker component. It is through these components that change comes in drastic forms. The earth shakes with tremors, the water rises in tsunamis, the air rises as tornadoes, and fires rage out of control. Each element should be respected for its ability to exist in all forms and treated accordingly.

    Take time to work with the powers of each element in your practice. As you journey down the pagan path, usually an element will feel natural to your own magickal working. Embrace it and relish in working with your element, but don’t forget that they all work in tandem with one another!

    To expand your knowledge about this path and if you’d rather listen than read; you can watch my free class with Divination Academy on YouTube below!