Happy New Year everyone! I can not believe we are at this point again here! As we welcome the new calendar year saying hello to 2025 and also saying goodbye to 2024 I sit in the duality of the liminal space of transition as I reflect on the past year and look to the new year ahead. Sitting in this liminal space and allowing myself to reflect creates a portal that helps me acknowledge the things I went through, recognize the lessons learned, and gather my thoughts and/or feelings and focus for the year ahead.
My highest heights
. To give the year a proper send-off and reflect on the past 365 days without falling into a pattern of dwelling on the past to the point that you have trouble moving forward, I look at the best parts of the year through a lens of taking note of the highest heights I was able to climb. Actively realizing how far I’ve come and celebrating the wins along the way gives me the perspective and motivation I need when focusing on losses and unwanted things seems all my mind can do that day. Some of my highs from the past year are listed below.
The goals I was able to meet.
The new people who came in and blessed my life becoming a cherished part of my community I am rebuilding.
The kindness showed to be by family in some of my darkest days by taking me in when I didn’t know where I would end up.
The magic I was able to weave.
The projects I was able to begin, finish, and how my way to express and create changed.
The energy I was able to contribute to the collective and the change I was able to make in my clients lives and through my voice and actions demanding change.
The amount of love grown between the bond of a mother and a son another year of life can make.
The growth a huge mistake someone making can force to take place within a marriage if you choose to forgive and continue your journey together forever with a fresh new clean slate
My deepest depths
I don’t forget about the duality of this liminal time and day. I also look at the worst parts of the year through a lens of taking note of the deepest depths of despair and sorrow I had to face. Reflecting on the lows of the past year means taking time to intentionally think back on the most challenging, difficult, or disappointing moments of the previous year. To acknowledge and embrace the unwanted emotions associated with them. Allowing them identify areas for growth or self improvement moving forward. Some of my lows from the past year are listed below.
The confusion and doubt from learning how to enter a technological world I knew absolutely nothing about.
The fear and anxiety of being rejected by others never selling a product or booking a client with business I am using to help support my family every single day.
The overwhelming feeling of failure when losing my job, getting utilities shut off on me and losing the home I had built for my son and family the past few years.
The feeling of grief and loss in who I thought my husband and my marriage was when betrayal entered our life and home.
The loneliness and isolation felt when having to finally close the door and cut off contact with all the family I have connected to me through blood.
The resentment felt when you take care of everyone else’s world and you don’t see it reciprocated back into your world from those you love.
The lack of self worth when facing a relapse from an eating disorder, starting a new business on social media, and healing from betrayal
My Biggest Overall lesson of 2024
“Don’t let the fear of the unknown keep you from taking bold steps toward your goals. The greatest opportunities lie on the other side of fear.”
As you sit to reflect on the past year as it comes to the end and look forward to the next year ahead. I want you to think of this. Think of every single time you didn’t listen to the fear of failure. Think of every single time you didn’t listen to the anxiety and worry of not knowing if things were going to work out in the end. Think of every single time you kept going even though you had no idea where to go or how you would get there. Didn’t each one of those times get you to a brand new place, build a new thing, or help you meet your goals to achieve your dreams? I’m going to guess the answer is most likely yes.
I know for me the last year was a entire lesson in all of that. I launched this page, started a business, and stepped into a new sacred purpose I had no idea how to shape. The entire time there was fear in the unknown Fear that I wouldn’t have things people would want to hear. Fear that my gifts weren’t something people really wanted me share. Fear that I didn’t have the power, skill, and time to learn how to create this sacred container especially in a technical way. Fear that I would have to lose things very dear to me in order to make this dream come true and those I love would walk away Fear that the balance between creating content and being present in life couldn’t be had. But, even with that fear there, I kept going. And now just look at where I am at and all the opportunities I have had! This business has done more and has a farther reach than I ever thought I could have!
My First Year as a small business owner
With the turning of a new calendar year I sit here and set my goals and intentions for my personal growth, my family, my personal life, my marriage, my health, and now for my business, this page and sacred container I have created in this past year of my life. This goal I set at the beginning of last year was only supposed to be a small little blogsite for me to write and get my thoughts out in life. Now look at what it’s become and all the skills it has forced me to learn it had never crossed my mind I would need in this lifetime.
It’s allowed my magic to grow and flow in a way I never saw in life and created a new perspective for how to navigate this reality. My eyes were open to how my voice, my energy, and my authenticity could make a real difference in the collective and others lives entering the universal creative force. I was able to get some much more clarity on my identity. I am a hand guiding you on your own unique healing journey. Teaching you to dance in liminal space & alchemize human suffering into healing, power, and magic for the collective. I show you ways to reenchant your life with magic, personal alchemy,& duality.
The goals I have for this magical, mystical, and alchemizing place this next year I know will allow me to meet this epic, resurrecting, and revolutionizing energy of 2025 coming. Below are some of the goals I WILL climb to in 2025 and give you peak behind the curtain of the creative forces that have flowing through me thickly the last month.
Hit 1000 facebook and pinterest followers
Have 5 people a month join the patreon community
Host 2 major workshops spirit has guided me to lead in 2025
Be consistent with how I am showing up in this sacred community and container
Focus my commitment on supporting all the new offerings in my patreon community
Fight injustice in my community by using this space to speak more about political issues and activism the collective should pay attention too and host more events to empower the collective to fight
Enter new portals of knowledge to bring back and share with all whose ears are open to hear
Listen to those within the community with an open heart to hear what they truly need from to alchemize their suffering
Allow my authenticity to shine through even brighter as a guiding light
My top 24 of 2024
Last year I launched this space and birthed my small business this sacred container on 01/07/2024 . After that one of the very firs articles I wrote and posted was my Top 23 of 2023. My reflection of the top lessons I had leaned during 2023. When I look back at that article now and compare it to the ones I have written even in the last week. the growth in my own voice, my writing style, and my confidence is seen all over my site. Which leads me to the first lesson of my top 24 of 2024 . ( Of course , I am going to keep this gong. do you not know me?) If you allow yourself to walk into the unknown you will be in awe at the difference one year can make. In every single area of my life, from the beginning of this year to where I am now has been completely reshaped. Simply because, I had the courage to take that very first step into not knowing the way. Let’s look at the rest of the lesson s I learned in 2024.
If you allow yourself to walk into the unknown you will be in awe at the difference one year can make.
Anger is one of the most powerful emotions to motivate us to change.
true power comes from alchemizing our past, wounds, and suffering into healing.
Progress over Perfection 2024 reminded me that imperfections build character and can be catalysts to change..
I’d rather have lasting change instead of quick change.
Letting go of expectation reduces suffering.
I would much rather Reign in hell then serve in heaven.
I can never stop going I hold someone’s childhood in my hands.
The Peace you get from cutting out toxicity and drama from other people is resounding.
Your choice to forgive and move on must be for you and no one else.
Shame is something others can make you feel while guilt is something you make yourself feel.
In life we are either learning and growing or decaying.
When you choose to play in the matrix you have to know the rules to play.
You must know who you are to attract the abundance and things you need from the multiverse.
Embody your authenticity with integrity.
Lessons will continue to present themselves until you respond in a different and new way.
You can’t create a new life without being willing to shift perspective and do things in a new way.
The wisdom whispered in stillness and silence is the most profound.
With betrayal comes a deep sense of grief for the person and life you thought you knew.
Look for your glimmer in every single day
You can only enlighten the minds of those whose ears are open to hear it
Change is a natural part of life, and even destructive forces can lead to new beginnings.
Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
Betrayal can be a wake-up call to establish clear guidelines for how you expect to be treated.
Final Thoughts
As I look at the heights and the pits of the past year I can’t help but, be reminded of the duality of life. The constant ebb and flow of energy. The endless turning of the wheel. The one thing we can guarantee in our lives forever; is change. The need for us embracing and balancing the darkness and the light. I see how not only the highs bring wanted things into my life but, pits and falls do as well.
In the form of healing generational wounds and trauma. Pushing me to grow, evolve, and becoming the next version of myself. Shedding and letting go of stories and wounds that no longer serve me and weigh me down. While welcoming in new ways of thinking, being, and perspectives of others and the world. As you sit in both the hope of the future looking at the highs, and setting new goals. Don’t forget to also look at those times you sank into the depths of despair, darkness, and sorrow and lessons they had shining bright inside.
Come join me the first Saturday of January to revolutionize how you set your goals for 2025. Let me show you hand in hand how to create my personal development plan. You will leave with your entire years worth of SMART goals planned, a way to keep yourself accountable, and have a clear path on how you meet every goal you set. https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/4ZKQ6FXMUGGEJ
Have you been feeling stuck, emotionally unstable, missing joy in your life, or having a hard time connecting to yourself and your magic? Do you want to start the new year from a different headspace? I have the answer for you to start out this new year from a place feeling grounded, present, and ready to manifest your dream life. Come join me for this special one time only two day event teaching you how to integrate the practice of Mindfulness to your magic and life!
What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the practice of purposely bringing one’s attention to the present moment without judgment. It allows you to move from just existing in life to thriving, get back to wise mind, create a place to heal and grow in, and most important of all, align you with joy while creating a life where you truly thrive! This skill is a core skill in DBT, the therapy that changed my life! To register for this special two day event visit the link below! https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/JY5UBMB2TA27L
The last new moon of 2024 graces the skies on December 30th in the ambitious , responsible, building, and grounded Earth sign of Capricorn. During this new moon we will be focused on achievement, responsibilities and success. Which comes at the perfect time with us just on the threshold of the new year when goals and intentions are set. A Capricorn new Moon is all about success, progress, achievement, and never taking “no” for an answer. We can set our sights on new dreams and we can hit new heights, make what we want happen, get recognition, and make progress on our path. This new moon is a time when the universe seems to whisper, hey, it’s okay to aim high. This is the new moon when we will feel deeply connected to the Earthly realm we live in which may allow us to set out on a new more productive and efficient path. The new moon in Capricorn, is urging you to solidify your goals and ambitions with an earthy practicality for the new year just ahead. Capricorn, symbolized by the sea goat, embodies the mastery of the spiritual realm and its expression in the material world. This Capricorn new moon is a call to pause, reflect, and redefine our sense of purpose as we prepare to welcome a new year. It challenges us to face limitations, release outdated patterns, and step forward with clarity, resilience, and trust in our ability to co-create a future aligned with our deepest values. the Capricorn new Moon on December 30th, helps us close out the year with vision, ambition, alignment, perseverance and confidence. This second new Moon of December, is a powerful invitation to plan and ground our dreams and ambitions into tangible reality. Let’s climb the highest mountains to reach our dreams this year with the Capricorn new moon together in this blogpost.
New moon what it is and why we honor it
Every month, the New Moon carries us over the threshold of a new beginning. So, let’s talk about the new moon in general before we climb the highest mountains to reach our dreams this year with the Capricorn new moon. The new moon is the time to reflect and cleanse your energy. It is a time to set your intentions for what you wish to attract this lunar cycle. But, remember every intention set requires action and energy from your part as well. You can’t just set an intention and miraculously it is yours. You must also put the movement of energy behind it with action steps.
The new moon energy is there to support you in manifesting what you want. The new moon is a time to allow new ideas and energy to flow with you. It is a time to honor new beginnings, and the turning over of a cycle. Think of these intentions as seeds you are planting for this lunar cycle to be ready to harvest by the full moon. Use this time to rest, reflect, and plant what you will grow just as your ancestors across many cultures did while there was little light in the night sky for them to use.
Each New Moon is unique, offering its own magic within each month. To learn more about the foundations of working with the new moon, and how it affects you, read more here in my previous blog post. And to learn more about the moon in general and lunar magic you can read my comprehensive guide on the topic here. You can also watch my class on YouTube with Divination Academy here!
So, who is Capricorn?
As a cardinal earth sign, Capricorn is about initiating and building. Capricorn is steadfast, hard-working, goal-orientated and relentlessly responsible. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is the planet of bounds, borders, barriers, constraints and confinements. Saturn, is also the planet associated with time and karma. This makes Capricorn also connected with history and tradition, and asks us to reflect on the environment we’re living in and the systems and structures that are in place.
Capricorn is the height of the Zodiac, the highest point, and this is why it relates to our goals, our aspirations, what we strive for, and the heights we reach in life. We see this in the mountain goat thriving in the peaks of mountains. Capricorn is an ambitious energy with grand ideals; full of potential and a feeling of self importance. Capricorn knows it is meant for something special and expresses itself in pursuit of that. But, unlike the other earth sign Taurus who measures their successes in money and wealth, Capricorn seeks power and control.
The Capricorn Constellation
In Greek mythology, Capricorn is linked to the god Pan, who is often depicted as partially goat-like. Pan is said to have the upper body of a human and the lower body of a goat. In one story, Pan dived into a river to escape the monster Typhon, but only transformed part of himself, becoming half goat and half fish. Zeus was amused by this and placed the image among the stars as the constellation Capricornus. The constellation is also sometimes associated with Amalthea, the goat that nursed Zeus after his mother saved him from his father, Cronos. Amalthea’s broken horn was transformed into the cornucopia, or “horn of plenty”.
Capricorn the mythical Seagoat
Capricorns are symbolized by the sea goat, a mythological creature with the body of a goat and tail of a fish. We often think of Capricorns as high achievers or business-oriented workhorses. This speaks to the goat aspect of their sea-goat symbol. Goats are scrappy, and some of them are capable of climbing to great heights. The fishtail portion of the sea-goat, on the other hand, holds the ocean and the vast, almost spiritual world that lies beneath it. This imagery speaks to Capricorn’s ability to navigate both the material and emotional realms. It’s the job of the Capricorn to strike a balance between these two realms of earthly achievements and spiritual truth.
Themes for the Capricorn new moon
We have talked a lot about who Capricorn is and how Capricorn can affect you and benefit you. This time, we experience the New Moon in the ambitious, building, responsible, determined, and grounded Earth sign of the mythical seagoat, Capricorn. This Capricorn new moon is all about setting our sights on our biggest dreams and with determination climbing the mountaintop to make them come to life. This Capricorn New Moon invites us to ground into our authentic ambitions and commit to the projects and creations that align with our truest selves and highest purpose. Let’s explore some of the themes of the Capricorn new moon below.
hard working
Duty bound
Capricorn The Ruler of Responsibilities
This hard-working sign values service, honor and public duty. Career, professionalism and reputation are extremely important to Capricorn, so the Moon here spotlights our need to succeed .Now is time to prioritize what you truly want to be remembered for and the work you’d like to contribute to the world. Capricorn is a sign that means business! Instead of being concerned with short-term satisfaction, you’ll be more inclined to dig in and focus on your long-term goals. Under the Capricorn new moon’s watchful eye, you’ll find that discipline comes more naturally to you. It’s as if you’ve got an inner drill sergeant gently nudging you toward doing the right thing, even when no one’s looking. It’s time to button up, show up, and take care of business with a newfound sense of duty to your responsibilities and living with ethics and integrity. This new moon in Capricorn marks the last lunar cycle of 2024, a time to muster your discipline and turn your professional aspirations into tangible actions. If you’ve been vying for a fresh start in your career or a renewed sense of direction in life, consider this phase as your cosmic green light. When the new moon cozies up in Capricorn, it’s like a cosmic signal for you to embrace your inner boss.
The Grounding Energy Of Capricorn
Capricorns is said to have a grounded, practical spirit. It is a sign associated with stability, groundedness, determination, hard work, and ambition. Capricorns are the last earth sign of the zodiac, and are said to embody the stable and nurturing qualities of their element while being adaptable to reach their mountaintop no matter what. When the moon is in Capricorn it becomes a time to really ground into who you are, the direction you want to go, the path you will take, and duty to the world around you. Deeply caring and grounded, Capricorn’s energy adjusts how it moves through the world to make sure you are taken care of. It ebbs and flows, finding the pace and pulse of those around it
Capricorn the master builder and architect
This cardinal earth sign knows how to control and shape earth, building bricks and steps towards goals with ceaseless perseverance. Capricorn is the builder of the zodiac here to master tangible reality – yet in its most true essence it is guided deeply by this unseen realm. We cannot meet our mountains without soul. We cannot build with integrity, truth, and service without imbuing the Sacred into every movement. And we cannot live in this tangible world without getting lost in it, consumed by it, illusioned by it, without this guiding connection from the unseen. Like all earth signs, Capricorn has a connection to the rhythms of life, a gentle but unshakable ability to adapt and build with purpose. When the New Moon shines in Capricorn, it’s a call to honor this flowing yet steady energy. This isn’t about rigid schedules or forcing things to happen. Instead, Capricorn encourages us to tune into what feels right, to listen to our inner wisdom, and to move forward with both intention and grace. Building something meaningful doesn’t mean abandoning intuition, it’s about letting your instincts guide you as you create strong foundations, step by thoughtful step.
What to be cautious of with the Capricorn new moon
We may feel easily overwhelmed by responsibilities we have right now. We can feel the weight of them pushing us down, and we need to work on managing them better. We may need to work on saying no more, and leaving room for small breaks where we can.
We also need to be aware of stubbornness right now. Persistence can often become a double-edged sword and turn into stubbornness. While it empowers us to stand our ground it may make us resistant to alternative viewpoints or new directions. Capricorns’ unwavering commitment to high standards may also force us to be over critical, making it challenging for us to accept imperfections in ourselves and others right now.
Capricorn energy can sometimes be overprotective of itself as well. Being cautious with expression of words or emotions, in fear of moving away from the perfect ideal image of the all powerful leader that it deeply craves to embody. So, be cautious of that coming up right now and remember that a true leader is authentic in who they are and not in an image they want others to see.
The last thing to worry about with the Capricorn energy and this moon is keeping a lid on your ego. Capricorn energy being the mythical seagoat and the height of the zodiac has quite a level of confidence. They really stand at the top of their mountain and look down on all the other signs residing below them. So, be careful that you don’t let your ego get out of control to the point you unintentional tear down the ones you love and are around when building yourself up.
Capricorn New moon and duality
Since, I am a grey witch every single energy I work with I look for the duality in that energy and how I can connect to it. This includes the new moon and the energy of the zodiac sign it currently is in. First, the energy of Capricorn we see duality not only in it’s symbol the sea goat but, also in one of the main themes Capricorn represents; ambition. The sea goat like we talked about earlier is a mythical being that literally represents the duality of the material realm and the emotional or mythical realm. Others even believe the sea goat represents the duality of human existence through evolution, starting in the sea and than moving upwards onto land. Than there is the duality of ambition. While ambition is a very wanted thing. It is pivotal to our motivation, getting things done, and thriving in our life. But, on the other hand it also can cloud our mind, narrow our view/vision, damage our relationships, and lead to burn out by not caring for ourselves properly.
Second, the new moon itself is all about duality and illuminating the night sky in both light and shadows. The new moon is all about rebirth, renewal, and the beginning of a new cycle, which puts you in a transitional liminal space, energy, and time. In order for you to be in a space to begin again, to transition, and be reborn you had to just come from an ending and death.
This new moon in Capricorn has another layer of duality with it being the last one of the year. This new moon in Capricorn ushers us across a threshold holding us in a unique pocket of liminal space. A pocket of time when we are still in one year but, just about to move to another year. From 2024 to 2025. From closing to opening. Ending to new beginning. Guiding us towards a new cycle and turning of the wheel to begin. Balancing us in both the seen and unseen, in frequency and matter, and the psychic and the physical as we do.
Correspondences for the Capricorn new moon
First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like for Capricorn, I will list below for you to use. Remember to follow your intuition with the correspondences you choose to work with and that you can always use any that correspond to the moon itself as well.
Ruling House-10th house of career, public image, and duty
How to connect to the Capricorn new moon
Now, that we have talked about the themes of this hard working, goal orientated, committed, responsible, duty driven, fertile, Capricorn new moon and how it is going to affect you let’s talk about how you can specifically connect to and work with this moon.
First, make sure to do all of your staples that your learned in the previous blog post on the new moon and the moon in general like, charging your crystals, making moon water, and resetting your altar.
With this moon there are certain spells and rituals that will help connect you to this moon in the most effective way. With the Moon in Capricorn, magic associated with career, ambition, abundance, goals, grounding and politics is highlighted now. You can also perform magic associated with abundance, vitality, fertility, and the new year to amplify those workings right now. Remember these are just some of the many ideas, follow your intuition and the energy of this moon. You can find more ways to connect to the moon and more information on many of these forms of magic on my Pinterest page here and my Facebook here.
Shadow work based on ambition, goals, direction, success ,and releasing perfectionism. If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; or you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.
Do self reflection on the past year and for the future year ahead using shadow work and mirror magic
Define your ambitions, goals, and dreams
Shadow work questions for the Capricorn new moon
Like, we have talked about a lot in this post Capricorn is the sign of the mythical seagoat with a unique attachment to the spiritual and unseen realm. Which makes it a really potent time to do some reflective work with shadow work and asses how we have been showing up wit our integrity, morals, and work ethic. The energy of a New Moon always invites us to plant seeds of intention, but this Capricorn New Moon emphasizes the importance of authenticity. It’s time to stop chasing goals that don’t feel true to us and instead focus on the dreams that ignite our passion and purpose. This is the new moon to sit in the silent introspection of winter and get grounded and authentic about the goals you really want to set. Imagine this new moon as your personal catalyst for change, reaching your dreams, and prompting you to plant the seeds of intention to reach the top of the highest mountain by the full moon. We can take the time to reflect, do shadow work, and visualize the intentions we are about to set. Use the prompts and questions below in whatever way that feels right to free for your soul.
If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.
What have you been yearning to create but telling yourself you can’t?
How can I be more disciplined with my commitment to my goals?
What are the necessary steps I can take right now to work towards my goals and dreams?
How do I want to rebuild my life in this new year?
What does being successful and achieving my dreams look like to me?
What does aligning with my soul purpose mean to me?
What accomplishments from the past year are you proud of and how can you build on them more?
What new habits can I integrate into my life to make room for more discipline towards my goals?
How can I bring more structure into my life?
How is my higher self and wisdom guiding me to restructure my life?
What do I truly value and want to bring more of into my life during this next year?
How do I need to reclaim my inner power and authority?
What boundaries do I need to set to take back my power and control of my life?
How can I create more stability in my life?
In what ways can I ground in my authenticity?
How am I letting societal expectation and definitions of the norm dictate what I do and how I make my dreams come true?
Where do I need to be honest with myself about my work ethic and commitment to my goals?
What from my past or with my ancestors do I need to remember now to help me achieve my goals?
What do I need to heal and leave in the past year to climb to the summit of the mountaintop?
Grow financial stability seed Spell
To help you harness the power of Capricorn Moon Energy for financial stability and abundance this is the spell I am bringing to you. These rituals can help you to plant seeds for financial growth, attract wealth, improve luck in business, and increase overall financial luck. Not only that, it will allow you to releases the blockages in your current abundance flow that have been holding you back. so it is wide open and endlessly flowing during the entire next year allowing you to nurture it as it grows.
What you will need:
a quiet space
two pieces of paper
a pen
a few bay leaves
some crushed eggs shells
a seed
a small pot with soil
a green or gold candle
How to perform this spell:
Find a quiet and peaceful area where you can perform the ceremony. Try to make sure you are in the moonlight or even better get outside in the winter landscape. Once you are there get yourself into sacred container. Take your candle of choice and place it in front of you and then light your green or gold candle to represent wealth and abundance being ignited in your life during this new moon in Capricorn. Next, take a deep breath and take as much time as you need to meditate while looking at the flame asking for the blockage to your abundance flow to be revealed to you here and now. Whether they be lack of connect to source, not feeling deserving, or something else. Once it is clear and revealed to you take your pen and write down your abundance blocks on your piece of paper. As you hold the paper, visualize each block being dissolved and replaced with positive beliefs and energy. Visualize the endless flow of universal abundance reconnecting to you in the next year. Once you feel connected that flow and your blockage being released, burn the paper in the flame of the candle, symbolizing the release of your abundance blocks. As the paper burns, say a simple affirmation such as, “I release my abundance blocks and open myself to financial prosperity to grow and flourish in the next year to come.”
Next, take your bay leaves and write the dollar amount you wish to receive this next year in either your business, career, or side hustle. Once you have the dollar amount written on the bay leaves hold them in your hand and visualize that dollar amount coming to you. Once you feel set in that image and intention bury the bay leaves in the soil to speed up your spell tonight. Next, take a piece of paper, write down your specific financial intentions for the coming year. Be as clear and detailed as possible. Fold the paper towards you and then hold it in your hand while you hold your plant seed in your hand. The represents the growth of your financial intentions set this night. As you visualize what you wrote on your paper coming to you recite this small abundance spell. ” Money flow quickly, money flow swiftly, money flow quickly, money flow to me. Every penny I ask for here will come to me. ” Then take your folded paper and seed and bury it in the soil of the small pot. Next, take your crushed eggshells and sprinkle them into the soil asking them to increase the fertility of the soil now growing your abundance in this seed for the coming year. Water the seed with nourishment and energy, and place the pot in a location where it will receive ample sunlight. As the seed grows, nurture it and continue to visualize your financial intentions growing and manifesting in your life.
Final thoughts
During the Capricorn New Moon, it’s the ideal time to set the stage for new beginnings especially during this new moon with he new year just ahead. This moon phase is all about structure, discipline, and long-term goals, making it the perfect moment for a new moon ritual that grounds your ambitions. Whether you’re setting financial intentions, planning your career, or simply organizing your life, the Capricorn New Moon offers the stability you need to succeed. So, as you move through this new moon, embrace this opportunity to align with Capricorn’s grounded energy and start fresh with purpose and clarity. By harnessing the disciplined and practical energy of Capricorn, we can lay the foundation for our aspirations and take practical steps towards achieving our dreams. The Capricorn new moon invites you to reflect on your ambitions, evaluate your responsibilities, and create a plan for success. Embrace the transformative energy of the new moon in Capricorn and watch as your career takes flight, you start having great success, and reach the highest mountain you have to climb.
Come join me the first Saturday of January to revolutionize how you set your goals for 2025. Let me show you hand in hand how to create my personal development plan. You will leave with your entire years worth of SMART goals planned, a way to keep yourself accountable, and have a clear path on how you meet every goal you set. https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/4ZKQ6FXMUGGEJ
Have you been feeling stuck, emotionally unstable, missing joy in your life, or having a hard time connecting to yourself and your magic? Do you want to start the new year from a different headspace? I have the answer for you to start out this new year from a place feeling grounded, present, and ready to manifest your dream life. Come join me for this special one time only two day event teaching you how to integrate the practice of Mindfulness to your magic and life!
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Santa Claus, a beloved symbol of the holiday season, and one of the most well known mythical beings today. He has captured the hearts of people around the world. But who is Santa Claus? Santa Claus hasn’t always been the jolly, red-suited, rotund, grandfatherly gift-giver with a reindeer-drawn sleigh we all know and love. Depictions of Santa have evolved over time, influenced by stories and legends about St. Nicholas, Sinterklaas, and Father Christmas, and perpetuated by centuries of gift cards, stories, advertisements, posters, and movies. Let’s sled into the glittering, snow covered, mythical roots and global legacy of Santa Claus together in this blogpost and article.
Who is Santa?
To most Santa, is the jolly old man of winter, who has been bringing cheer and joy to the world for centuries. From the North Pole, he sets off each year on a magical journey, spreading happiness and gifts to the young and old alike. Santa is a radical optimist with a big heart. He sets his sights on not only his biggest dream but, those of every small child on Earth. He does this and trusts that it will all work out just fine year after year. His idealism is matched by his unstoppable energy and passion to get so much done all for the joy of everyone else. He is encouraging, loving, and supportive of children’s wishes. While the looming threat of a coal-stained stocking is still there encouraging them to behave. Santa is the joy and comfort and motivating them with love and encouragement. His friendly nature, open mind, and energetic spirit help make the holiday season the joyful time it is while reminding us of the importance to give.
Other names for Santa
Saint Nicholas
Saint Nick
Father Christmas
Kris Kringle
What does Santa look like?
Santa is generally depicted as a pot bellied, jolly, white-bearded, grandfatherly man, often with spectacles, wearing a red coat with white fur collar and cuffs, white-fur-cuffed red trousers, a red hat trimmed with white fur, a black leather belt and boots, carrying a bag full of gifts for children. In many of the depictions now, we also see him in his reindeer drawn sleigh flying across the winter night skies. This modern image of Santa Claus most us know now was influenced by Clement Clark Moore’s 1822 poem “A Visit from St. Nicholas” and the illustrations of Haddon Sundblom for The Coca-Cola Company. But, NO Coca-Cola does not OWN the image of Santa exclusively nor did they create him. Let’s talk about where his ancient and many origins and possible influences actually do come from next.
Santa as Odin
Although Santa Claus is primarily based upon St. Nicholas, a 4th-century Christian bishop from Lycia (now in Turkey)which we will talk about next. The oldest origin of Santa I can find goes as far back as 2 b.c.e., and is also strongly influenced by the white bearded, old man, flying across the sky on an 8 legged steer during winter time; the Norse all father Odin. Already doesn’t that sound familiar? Not only do they look similar but, quite a few of their legends and myths are similar as well. Let’s talk about them below!
Let’s start with their steeds. Many believe Odin may be where Santa gets his reindeer inspiration from. Since, Odin was often depicted as leading a hunting party through the skies ( the wild hunt), during which he rode his eight-legged horse, Sleipnir.
Next, during the winter solstice when the wild hunt would roar across the skies, the Norse and Germanic children placed their boots near the chimney, filling them with carrots or straw as a gift for Sleipnir. Quite similar to children doing the same for Santa’s reindeer today or leaving our milk and cookies for Santa Claus. Plus some believe this may even be where the tradition to hang stockings above the fireplace comes from.
Lastly, with the wild hunt coming by one way to protect would be wassailing or singing songs to Odin when going from door to door or in orchards. Sound familiar again? It’s quite common to go caroling welcoming Santa on Christmas night.
Santa and Saint Nicholas
Many elements of Santa Claus, especially his reputation as a secret giver of gifts, can originate back to Saint Nicholas, a real historical figure and human being that walked this realm.
The name Santa Claus, which was first used in 1773, is a variant on Sinterklaas, the Dutch name for Saint Nicholas. ( we will talk about him later) He was known in his own lifetime as Nikolaos of Myra. Nikolaos was born on March 15, 270 AD, to a well-off Christian Greek family living in a region of the Roman Empire that is part of modern Turkey. While historians and scholars don’t agree on all parts of his biography, he was definitely a bishop who is best known for his role in the First Council of Nicaea. He was known for his deep generosity as well, with some believing he gave away his entire inheritance left to him by his wealthy Christian Greek parents when they died during an epidemic. It’s said he did this believing it was the way Jesus truly wanted us to live. He also was known for giving generous gifts in secret. Supposedly, Nikolaos would throw toys into children’s windows and leave coins in their shoes.
Nicholas who was later elevated to a saint is said to have lived a life of prayer, generosity, and fought in strong defense of the Christian faith in the name of the Catholic church. He was even imprimisoned by the Roman emperor Diocletian around the year 300. Some even consider him a martyr when he died around the year 343. Within a century of his death he was elevated to Sainthood and celebrated as a saint. Today he is venerated in the East as wonder, or miracle worker and in the West as patron of a great variety of persons-children, mariners, bankers, pawn-brokers, scholars, orphans, laborers, travelers, merchants, judges, paupers, marriageable maidens, students, children, sailors, victims of judicial mistakes, captives, perfumers, even thieves and murderers! He is known as the friend and protector of all in trouble or need. Some connect him solely to Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church, while others see him more as an ascended master and universal energy.
Myths of Saint Nicholas
Saint Nicholas was known for being a very kind man and had a reputation for helping the poor and giving secret gifts to people who needed it. There are several legends about St. Nicholas, but kindness and generosity is a common theme among them all. He is also seen as patron and protector of many including the little children everywhere we hold so dear. First up, the most famous story about St. Nicholas some believe is another version of where we get the custom of hanging up stockings to put presents in first started! It goes like this:
There was a poor man in a small village who had three daughters. The man was so poor that he did not have enough money for a dowry, so his daughters couldn’t get married. (A dowry is a sum of money paid to the bridegroom by the bride’s parents on the wedding day. This still happens in some countries, even today.) One night, Nicholas secretly dropped a bag of gold down the chimney and into the house . this meant that the oldest daughter was then able to be married. Unintentionally, the bag fell into a stocking that had been hung by the fire to dry. When the family woke and found the coins they were overjoyed and the oldest daughter was married off right away. But, the father wanted to know who it was he could thank. Soon, it was time for the second daughter to be wed. The same thing happened again with the second daughter. Again the family was thankful and the second daughter was married off with joyful hearts right away. Finally, determined to discover the person who had given him the money, the father secretly hid by the fire every evening until he caught Nicholas dropping in a bag of gold for his third daughter to be wed. Nicholas begged the man to not tell anyone what he had done, because he did not want to bring attention to himself. But of course the father did keep quiet and soon the news got out and when anyone received a secret gift, it was thought that maybe it was from Nicholas himself.
Another story tells of three theological students, traveling on their way to study in Athens. A wicked innkeeper robbed and murdered them, hiding their remains in a large pickling tub. It so happened that Nicholas was traveling along the same route, and stopped at this very inn. (Synchronicity maybe?) In the night he dreamed of the crime, got up, and summoned the innkeeper to his room. Where he asked him about the incident, when the innkeeper denied anything Nick fell to his knees to begin to pray. As Nicholas prayed earnestly to God the three boys were restored to life no longer chopped into pieces even and fully whole. In France the story has a little bit of a different version. It is told about three small children instead of theological students. The three small children, were wandering around as they played until they got lost. Then as they were stumbling around trying to find their way they were lured, and captured by an evil butcher. St. Nicholas appears suddenly, finding the boys bodies sealed in barrels . He then appeals to God to return them to life and to their families, which he does.
One of the oldest stories showing St. Nicholas as a protector of children takes place long after his death. The townspeople of Myra were celebrating the good saint on the eve of his feast day when a band of Arab pirates from Crete came into the district. They stole treasures from the Church of Saint Nicholas and left to bring them back to their ship as booty. As they were leaving town, they snatched a young boy, Basilios, to make into a slave as well. The emir, or ruler, selected Basilios to be his personal cupbearer. So, for the next year Basilios waited on the king, bringing his wine in a beautiful golden cup. During this entire time Basilios’ parents, devastated at the loss of their only child spent filled with grief. As the next St. Nicholas’ feast day approached, Basilios’ mother decided she would not join in the festivity, as it was now the year mark of a day of tragedy. However, she was persuaded to have a simple observance at home—with quiet prayers for Basilios’ safekeeping. Meanwhile, at the same time Basilios was fulfilling his tasks serving the emir, when all of a sudden he whisked up and away. St. Nicholas appeared to the terrified boy, blessed him, and set him down at his home back in Myra. This is known as the first story told of St. Nicholas protecting children.
Patron of Sailors
Several stories tell of Nicholas and the sea. When he was young, Nicholas sought the holy and to be close to the divine by making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. There as he walked where Jesus walked, he sought to more deeply connect to the experience of Jesus’ life, passion, and resurrection. Returning by sea, a mighty storm threatened to wreck the ship. Nicholas calmly prayed. The terrified sailors were amazed when the wind and waves suddenly calmed, sparing them all. Another legend argues that sailors on their way to the Holy Land were caught in a horrible storm and prayed to St. Nicholas. They then saw an image of him in the clouds and the storm ended. Either way, St. Nicholas is the patron of sailors, dockworkers, and others involved with the sea for this reason.
Saint Nicholas Day
Otherwise I have found places celebrating him on the eve of Saint Nicholas day during Krampusnacht while celebrating Krampus. This day is a holiday honoring the historical figure Saint Nicholas, a bishop known for his secret acts of generosity, particularly towards children in need. After his death in 343, it became traditional to observe Saint Nicholas’s Day on December 6 by giving gifts. People also often celebrate by leaving out shoes or stockings on the eve of the holiday to find small gifts like sweets, coins, or oranges inside, symbolizing the story of St. Nicholas leaving gold coins in the stockings of poor girls to help them get married we talked about above.
Other ways to celebrate
Attend a Saint Nicholas day parade if you can
Hang a socking over a mantle or place a boot in front of a fireplace and hearth
Give gifts to a an unmarried women- In Italy, children aren’t the only ones receiving gifts on Saint Nicholas’ Day, unmarried women make the list. Across Italy, unmarried women might attend a special mass on St. Nicholas’ Day to participate in Rito delle nubili, a ritual where they turn a column seven times to help change their luck in finding a spouse. This is because Saint Nick is also the Patron saint to protect virgins.
Host and have a Saint Nicholas day feast
Work with and celebrate Krampus his companion bring in another side to protection this holiday season.
Dress as a bishop: In Germany and Poland, boys traditionally dress as bishops and collect money for the poor
Study and read about Saint Nicholas’s life and myths
If you practice Christianity attend a church service
Be generous and give to others. You can do this by donating your things, time, or money. Hold a food or clothing drive. Volunteer your time to an organization or cause that means a lot to you.
Ways to celebrate Sinterklaas
Built around the image of Saint Nicholas, the patron saint of children, Sinterklass (the name resulting from the contraction of Sint Nikolaas) is a legendary Christmas figure celebrated and loved in the Netherlands. Although similar to Santa Claus in that he is an older man with a full, white beard who wears a red outfit, Sinterklass is a more serious figure, donning a bishop’s headdress and carrying a long, curled golden shepherd’s staff. The Dutch celebrate the Feast of Sinterklaas honoring the life of St. Nicholas. Sinterklaas arrives in the Netherlands by boat from Spain on December 5th, the eve of Saint Nicholas’ feast day. He rides a white horse and carries a book that tells him which children were good or bad that year. Sinterklaas brings gifts to good children, and sometimes a switch to bad children. The tradition of “putting your shoe” involves children leaving their shoes out for Sinterklaas to fill with gifts. After England conquered the city in the 17th century, Sinterklaas gradually became Santa Claus.
Read poems outloud
Sing songs
Attend a Parade in Holland that occurs annually on December 6th
A knock on the door at night, letting children open it to find a pile of gifts
Gift people with a “surprise”. The “surprise,” is a homemade gag gift that hides another present inside.
Participate in Secret Santa in your home, your work, or your school or kids school
Use kitchen magic to bake Sinterklaas deserts, baked goods, and candies
Leave shoes near your front door, hearth, or chimney
Santa and Christmas
We can’t talk about Santa whose influenced is heavily based on a Catholic Saint who followed Christianity without talking about Christmas. He is considered by many far and wide to be the traditional patron of Christmas especially in the United States and other countries. To those who celebrate Christmas he is a legendary figure who is widely recognized as the gift-giver on Christmas Eve, embodying the spirit of generosity and joy associated with the holiday.
So, what is Christmas in case you don’t practice Christianity or celebrate this holiday in your part of the world. Christmas is celebrated on the 25th of December. It is a holiday to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who, according to the Christian religion, is the son of God. The name is a joining of “Christ” and “mass” which means the holy mass (supper, celebration or festival) of Christ. Christmas is a time to exchange gifts with family and friends. It’s also a time to give thanks for the love, hope, and joy found in Jesus. Many things that Christians do at Christmas come from earlier Pagan festivals like Saturnalia, the winter solstice, and Yule.
Father Christmas
Father Christmas is the traditional English name for the personification of Christmas. Although now known as a Christmas gift-bringer, and typically considered to be synonymous with Santa Claus, he was originally part of a much older and unrelated English folkloric tradition. Until Victorian times, Father Christmas was concerned with adult feasting and merry-making. He had no actual connection with children, or with the giving of presents, night time visits, stockings, chimneys or reindeer. But as later Victorian Christmases developed into child-centric family festivals, Father Christmas became a bringer of gifts. Then the popular American myth of Santa Claus arrived in England in the 1850s and Father Christmas started to take on Santa Claus’s attributes and often times the two are now referred to interchangeably.
Other Entities associated with Santa
We can’t talk about Santa without talking about the legion of mythical characters surrounding him and that even live in his home. He lives at the North Pole with not only his wife Mrs. Claus, but also his elves who make the toys, and his reindeer who pull his sleigh. Let’s explore the magic of each of these more next.
His Reindeer
I think almost every child spends Christmas night lying in bed listening for the magical hoofbeats of Santa’s reindeer landing up above. Santa’s reindeer are magical creatures that live at the North Pole and help Santa. On Christmas Eve, Santa and his reindeer embark on their most important mission of the year: delivering presents to all the children of the world in one night.They visit every house where there are children who believe in Santa Claus, regardless of their location, culture or religion.
The idea of Santa’s reindeer flying through the sky in a sleigh was popularized by Clement Clark Moore’s 1823 poem, A Visit from St. Nicholas. The imagery in the poem may have been influenced by Norse and Germanic mythology, where Thor, the God of Thunder, soared through the sky in a chariot pulled by two magical goats. It described how St Nicholas arrived on a sleigh pulled by eight reindeer named Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donder (later changed to Donner) and Blitzen.
The most famous of the reindeer is Rudolph who was introduced in 1939 by Robert L May, an employee of Montgomery Ward department store. He wrote a story about a young reindeer who had a shiny red nose that glowed in the dark. In it, Rudolph was teased for being different by the other reindeer and then one foggy Christmas Eve, he was asked by Santa to lead the sleigh and help guide him in the night. Rudolph went on to be a hero – and accepted by his fellow reindeer. The story was printed as a booklet and distributed to millions of children as a promotional gift by the store. In 1949, May’s brother-in-law Johnny Marks wrote a song based on the story; Rudolph the red nosed reindeer, and it later became a hit record by Gene Autry.
In English-speaking cultures, Christmas elves are a huge part of the Christmas holiday. They live with Santa Claus at the North Pole and act as his helpers. In many of the songs, poems, and stories, Santa’s elves are often said to make the toys in Santa’s workshop and take care of his reindeer, among many other tasks. Christmas elves are usually depicted as green- or red-clad, with large, pointy ears and wearing pointy hats. They are most often depicted as humanoids, but sometimes as furry mammals with tails. They were first introduced in literature by Louisa May Alcott in 1856. The image of the elves in the workshop was popularized by Godey’s Lady’s Book, with a front cover illustration for its 1873 Christmas issue showing Santa surrounded by toys and elves. The origins of the elf are thought to have been derived from Norse mythology, which refers to the álfar, also known as huldufólk ‘hidden folk’ who are similar to the Celtic fae. The elf character is most likely to have been created from a combination of this Norse legend with the house spirits named brownies in Scottish mythology and legends.
Mrs. Claus
Mrs. Claus is the wife of Santa Claus. Her role and character traits vary, but she is generally depicted as a kind, nurturing, and a supportive partner who helps Santa manage the operations at the North Pole. This includes taking care of the elves, managing the toy production, and sometimes baking cookies. She is often portrayed as a maternal figure with a warm personality, enhancing the festive and family-oriented atmosphere of Christmas lore. Mrs. Claus has become an integral part of holiday traditions and stories, particularly in American and European Christmas culture. The first time that there is reference to Santa having a wife is not until in an 1848 short story called “The Christmas Legend” by a writer called James Rees. In the story, two elderly strangers, who turn out to be Mr and Mrs Claus, seek shelter at a house on a long journey. After Mrs Claus asks some questions, they find out that one of their daughters had died. The next morning, they wake to find a house full of presents.
In the chilly shadows of European winter folklore (primarily Germanic), the figure of Krampus emerges, distinct with his horns, terrifying hairy body and sinister snarling face. Krampus is a terrifying winter devil who accompanies Saint Nicholas. Krampus punishes the naughty children with spankings, and sometimes his punishments are so severe he even drowns, eats, or carries them off to Hell. While St. Nicholas (St. Nikolaus in Germany) is famous for giving gifts and rewards to the righteous, it’s Krampus’s job to strike fear into the hearts of the wicked. To learn all about Krampus check out my previous blogpost here.
Santa and duality
Since I am a grey witch every single energy I work with I look at how it can help me maintain balance and how it can represent the cosmic energy of duality. Not gonna lie this was a hard one for a bit for me to be able to look into the spirit of Santa and see the duality. But, after some time working with him in the shadows of the holiday season I was finally able to understand the essence of duality he offers us to see. While Santa is a spirit of happiness and kindness, and he represents a loving feeling that comes from being together and doing kind things for each other. He is that reminder at the end of one year closing and a new one unfolding of how important sharing kindness with others is to not only us but, the collective as well. While that reminder can lead to some increased feeling of love , joy and community it can also cause guilt and point out our major flaws in society as well. We can feel guilty for what we do have that others don’t or we can feel guilty for not doing enough during the entire year. It can also show us just how harsh and lacking our world we live in can be to so many of those around us that we usually choose not to see. Lastly, he may make you feel lacking in abundance if you are in a circumstance in life where you aren’t able to give the gifts you’d like to those you love during this holiday season. Especially if you have little ones in your home.
Correspondences to connect with Santa
First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently, or like a figure like Santa, I will list below. Follow your intuition and use what speaks to you!
If after reading this blog post and learning all about the cheerful, and generous Santa. and you want to work with him this holiday season. Especially after learning he is actually based on a human being who either ascended or at the very least was elevated to Sainthood among the church. You can start by adding him to your holiday celebrations this year by celebrating any of the holidays he is associated with like Saint Nicholas day and Christmas. Next, simply work with him by performing acts of kindness that embody the spirit of giving like Santa does; essentially, bringing joy and generosity to others during the holiday season. Otherwise you can also try some of these things in your life and home below. Just remember when you are working with him just like with any other entity you need to do so from a place of reverence and respect.
Study, get to know him
As with every entity I have ever written about or taught about, The first way to get to know them specifically a being like Santa; is to study all you can about him. Look at the different versions of his origin, and how the catholic church paired him with Krampus. You can even, study the evolution of his history and how he shows up in different parts of the world. Plus don’t forget there are modern interpretations of him as well in movies, t.v. shows, poems, pieces of art and books you can look into. The more you study and learn the better! When working with any entity it is all about building a true relationship with them and you do this first by getting to know who they are.
Leave offerings out for him
Even though he is the embodiment of the spirit of gift giving, it doesn’t mean you can’t give him some gifts in gratitude as well. If you love getting gifts for all of your hard work and kindness from time to time why not do the same for Santa as well. They can even be seen as way for him to refuel and continue to be motivated on h is very busy and long night. Visiting each house around the world with children inside. Below you will see a list of some ideas for offerings you can leave for him on either Saint Nicholas day, Christmas eve night or Christmas day.
Rice pudding
grain mix/straw
Glass of sherry or other alcohol
Mince pie
poems or drawings
Gift giving
Don’t just give Santa gifts in the form of offerings but, do it for others as well. Really embody the main spirit of Santa by giving gifts to others. So, spread cheer, joy, and kindness to others by giving gifts to your loved ones that come from the heart, thought went into them, and they are special, You can even hand out random gifts to strangers, make gift bags to donate to a shelter, or participate in a secret Santa at your work.
Volunteer your time, or donate money and things to those in need
Even though the gift giving part of Santa is full of joy and holiday cheer. The core of Santa and the energy he embodies is the importance of being generous and kind to those in need. So, one of the best ways to work with Santa is to volunteer or participate in activities that spread Christmas cheer. Some ways to do this could be helping with charity drives, organizing toy drives, volunteering at a local shelter or charitable organization, be part of a meal train, visit a nursing home, or pay off a random strangers bill or tab. Just make sure you are simply performing acts of kindness that embody the spirit of giving like Santa does; essentially, bringing joy and generosity to others during the holiday season.
Do things that help and protect children
Another core element to Santa and who he is; is being the patron protective saint of children. Another way to connect to him and work with him i s by doing things that embody this as well. You can cast spells to protect children in your family and home. Some of my favorites is creating protective charms for my son to wear, drawing sigils on his clothes, or using his stuffies to turn them into protective poppets. Or take it a step further and extend your protection to those who are being harmed by others and are in need of justice and help in the world. You can also spend your time at places like domestic violence shelters or foster homes this holiday season to help spread some love , cheer, and a safe place to a child who may need it desperately right now from you.
Other ways to work with and connect to Santa
Celebrate Saint Nicholas day on December 6th in any of the ways we talked about above
Add images of Santa to your yule tree and holiday decorations
Create a sigil out of his name and use it spells or add it to cookies you bake with kitchen magic to offer him
cleanse and purify your chimney and hearth he will come down on Christmas eve night
Celebrate Christmas eve or Christmas day
Attend a holiday, Christmas, saint Nicholas day, or Santa parade if there is one near you
Sing song about him when you go caroling
Wish magic
Leave offering for woodland creatures and his reindeer
Go on a mindful winter nature walk
Work with the elves, fae, and brownies in your magic
Work with his colors red, black , and white in color magic
elemental magic with element of fire with a bonfire
dress up as Santa or better yet become a professional Santa
Work with the divine masculine and ascended master energy
Read about Jesus Christ prior to the king James version of the bible whom Saint nick worshipped
Volunteer to read stories to children at the library or book store as a Santa or an entity related to him
Invite others into your home for a holiday feast and secret Santa gift giving game
Do shadow work and journal about how kind you are during the rest of the year and how you may or may not need to change it in the coming year.
Cast spells to fulfill wishes with snowflake magic
Write a manifestation letter to Santa, read it out loud on Christmas ever night as Santa flies by, and bury it in the snow to have it manifest in the next year for you as gift from Santa
Cast spells for peace, harmony, joy, and good will
Random acts of kindess
Help with Santa’s workshop by donating toys
Participate in community holiday events where you can visit and see Santa in person
Why work with Santa?
Santa Claus is someone who will remain in the hearts of children forever and linger in our memoires of past cherished and festive times as adults.. While some may only consider him to be a mythical person who brings toys and good tidings to children at Christmas. As we grow older we see him as the special symbol of good will and selfless giving that he is. Every holiday season he rides through the night skies. Visiting each house to remind us of the importance to be genuinely kind to those in need and to give to our community.
To expand your knowledge about him and his magic or if you’d rather listen than read; you can watch my free class with Divination Academy on YouTube all about him below!
Yule may be the most well-known pagan celebration of the Winter season, but it is certainly not the only one nor in my opinion is the most fun of them all. That would be The Saturnalia Festival. The Saturnalia Festival l is an ancient Roman holiday that mainly celebrated the Winter sowing season, as well as honored the god Saturn. The actual dates vary but most scholars agree it was once celebrated between December 17th and the 23rd OR December 25th through the 31st, depending on the calendar that was used. Saturnalia was a jovial time for the entire city of Rome because, everyone in ancient Rome participated in the excitement. Saturnalia was a day when all work came to halt for everyone from the emperor to slaves. This meant even the courts of law were closed. Saturnalia was a time of revelry and social upheaval in Roman society, characterized by indulgence, merrymaking, and the suspension of norms.
When was Saturnalia?
The Saturnalia Festival is an ancient Roman holiday that mainly celebrated the Winter sowing season, as well as honored the god Saturn. The actual dates vary but most scholars agree it was once celebrated between December 17th and the 23rd OR December 25th through the 31st, depending on the calendar that was used. What we know for sure is it that it was observed around Midwinter a.k.a. the Winter Solstice and when the Norse celebrated Yule. Saturnalia is thought to have lasted for up to seven days, this was followed by the celebration of the winter solstice and birth of the the sun god, Sol Invictus, on December 25th , an occasion marked by the city wide chariot races.
History of Saturnalia
Saturnalia started out as a one-day farmers’ festival on 17th December each year. As you might have guessed by the name, the festival was to honor Saturn – the god of farming and the harvest. Over the centuries, the festival grew, eventually becoming a seven-day event culminating on December 23rd with Sigillaria – a day of gift-giving. During this period, Romans celebrated the completion of the planting season and honored Saturn, thanking him for the promise of bountiful harvests to come. The festival brought warmth and light to the darkest days of the year and most of all gratitude to the god of agriculture Saturn.
Saturnalia a time to shake up societal norms
My all time favorite Ancient Roman tradition comes from this festival. One of Saturnalia’s traditions consisted of allowing people to revel in a role reversal of sorts. The social norms on Saturnalia were lifted. Slaves were treated as equals, allowed to wear their masters’ clothing, and be waited on at meal time in remembrance of an earlier golden age thought to have been ushered in by the god. Not only that but, it was a time of participating in indulgences we normally wouldn’t get to partake in like orgies, and cross dressing.
Saturnalia a time of Liberation
Saturnalia was even called a “feast of liberation.” Enslaved people were temporarily liberated. Moral rules were loosened, so activities like gambling , swearing in public and cross dressing were allowed on Saturnalia. The strict city dress code enforced upon all was even lifted meaning no more togas during this festival. Instead bright clothes were worn by all. Allowing others to freely be themselves and express themselves in ways that normally are not allowed giving them liberation they don’t normal get to feel the rest of the year round.
Saturnalia a golden era of abundance
At the heart of Saturnalia was a celebration for Saturn, the god of a the best time for humanity, called the Golden Age. This was a time when everything was plenty and peaceful. It was like a magical time with lots of resources, where everyone got along well, and the earth gave abundance without anyone having to work too hard. This time was full of lots of good things and happiness, and life was easy and free. The time when Saturn was in charge was like the beginning of a world that was full of peace and freedom. This is the time we remember and try to receive from the god Saturn again during Saturnalia.
Saturnalia a time when the veil is thinned
Like their Northern European neighbors who celebrated Yule, the ancient Romans believed the spirits and ghosts from the underworld were active during the Winter season and holidays like Saturnalia. Saturnalia, was a time when the spirits of the dead were honored and the boundaries between social classes were temporarily overturned including those between the living and the dead.
Common Traditions
Saturnalia was generally considered a merry festival, with lots of feasting and exchanging of gifts. Many of the common traditions we see during the winter solstice were seen during this festival as well. In Rome, the holiday was kicked off with a religious ceremony in the Temple of Saturn, followed by a free public banquet open to all. Along with the other common traditions below.
Unbinding of Saturn’s feet
The statue of Saturn’s feet, typically bound the rest of the year, were freed from their bindings during the festival. This symbolized the freedom and liberation of the gods, people, and earth. This was done within the temple of Saturn and by most accounts I can read the priest’s was even allowed to uncover his face.
Drinking, feasting, and revelry
Saturnalia was definitely a time of merriment full of Bacchus level style of partying. Drinks were flowing, bellies were full, and voices of laughter and singing were heard throughout every street. Sources say traditional foods included roast boar, cakes, walnuts, honey, grapes, fermented fish, figs, apples and of course, wine. In addition to the role reversals, large parties were had that involved orgies, fertility rites, gambling, and games of many kinds. cross-dressing was a common tradition and enlivened the atmosphere with joy as well.
Gift giving and gag gifts
Gift-giving, still common during the Winter holiday season today, was incredibly prominent in ancient Rome as a Saturnalia tradition. Gifts were given to children and gag gifts between friends. The gag gifts were called sigillaria and were typically wax dolls and figurines made to resemble gods, mythical heroes, and even grotesque monsters. These were typically sold during a Saturnalia market traditionally held during the holidays. Some believe the figurines are a nod to ancient times when human sacrifices might have been made. I wonder if this is where the roots to the famous gag gifting game, the white elephant game, gets it’s roots from.
The king of Saturnalia
The King of Saturnalia was a man chosen in each household to represent the leader of Saturnalia or Lord of Misrule. The King of Saturnalia would then cause mischief or misrule in the household and more specifically at parties and feasts. By playing pranks, telling jokes, chasing the women, etc. Even having the role creating chaos, by yelling commands that other partygoers had to obey. I consider this tradition as a way to create a character or “spirit” of the season. When I read about this common tradition it gives me a very Loki, causing Mischief kind of feel.
Saturnalia and the god Saturn
Saturn, and his consort Ops (Opis) were both worshiped on Saturnalia. To the Ancient Romans, Saturn wasn’t just the god of karma time and boundaries, but he was also an agricultural god and the ruler of a great Golden Age, a time of abundance and perfect peace. He taught the people about agriculture and how to save their money, so they might never experience hunger or poverty again. He taught them the payout of discipline and restraint. Offerings and sacrifices were made to both the god and his goddess in hopes of protecting the Winter-sown crops. Saturn, also called Father Time and Seed-Sower, is the Roman god of agriculture, prosperity, time and fertility. In one of the myths, Saturn is a haggard wanderer who eventually is given the job of door guardian. Tasked with guarding Rome’s immense wealth. Let’s be honest we all know how much Rome loves their money and gold. Which places him as one of the most important gods to Rome of all, outside of their founders whom we celebrate soon during Lupercalia.
Saturnalia and the goddess Ops
Saturn wasn’t the only deity honored during the days of the Saturnalia Festival but, so was his consort Ops. On, December 19th is Opalia, the feast day of Ops. Ops is the goddess of peace, plenty, and protection. She specifically is invoked to guard one’s home against fires and to extinguish fires that have gone out of control. Interestingly, her name influenced the word opulence, which means great wealth or luxuriousness.
Saturnalia Vs the Winter solstice and Yule
While both Saturnalia and the Winter Solstice happen to be festivals that take place around the same time as each other they are quite different with different core meanings. Saturnalia was a time of revelry and social upheaval in Roman society, characterized by indulgence, merrymaking, and the suspension of norms. In contrast, Yule carried a deep reverence for the natural cycles, focusing on the return of light and the cosmic order. While both Saturnalia and Yule involved feasting and joyful gatherings, their underlying philosophies and significance varied. Yule centered on the sun’s rebirth and spiritual renewal, whereas Saturnalia was more associated with social liberties and honoring Saturn as an agricultural deity.
Themes of Saturnalia
Every season and every pagan holiday has certain concepts and magical themes. Which means, depending on your tradition and needs, you can weave one or more of these themes into your personal celebrations. This festival perform spells to harness the energies of the harvest, abundance, expression, gratitude, liberation, accessing our deepest desires, and merriment. This is also a time to reflect on the past year, but in a way to be present. To truly let go and celebrate the hard work you did during the planting and harvest season. Saturnalia is a time to break down walls, let go of fear, and allow ourselves to express ourselves freely. To no longer let the expectations, and rules of societal norms hold us in shackles anymore. On Saturnalia, we see the following magical rituals and spells below as well. Remember these are just some of the themes and energies you can connect to and work with on Yule.
Role reversal
The Harvest
Saturnalia and Duality
Since, I am a grey witch I look for the duality in every single energy I work with including sacred times like the ancient Roman Festival of Saturnalia. This festival and holiday is time full of merriment, revelry, and honestly down right debauchery. Allowing us to express ourselves freely. For this one time during the year not be bound by societal norms giving us a taste of true authentic freedom. This may make some think this holiday is only about positive and wanted energies. But, that is not the case. To truly be free, to feel full liberation and be present in true debauchery you have to allow yourself to face your repressed feelings, inner shame, and let go of fear and control. You must be willing to let go of all fears and take a massive leap of faith in yourself, your partner, and the community you have made. You have to be willing to remove any masks you have in place so you can be truly present to feel all the pleasure liberation has for you to taste.
Correspondences of Saturnalia
First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for A holiday or sacred time like Saturnalia. I will list below for you to use. Remember this is not an all encompassing list and there may be other correspondences to use. Just follow your intuition and use what calls to you.
Planet- Saturn
Animal- pig/ boar
Element- Earth
colors- red, green, gold, white
Herbs/flowers-spruce, fir, holly, bay laurel, cinnamon, pumpkin, mint, cumin, peppercorn, coriander, fennel, Rue
Stones/ crystals- Iolite, Sapphire, Moldavite, Black obsidian, Shungite, Smoky quartz, Spirit quartz, Onyx, pyrite, black tourmaline, Jet, blue kyanite, carnelian, ruby, garnet, malachite, clear quartz, Lapis Lazuli
Deities-Saturn and Opis. Also Janus, and Bacchus
Symbols-decorated trees, evergreen garland, wreaths, gilded ornaments, the sun face, candles, Sigillaria, coins
Whether you choose to weave Saturnalia traditions into your Winter holidays OR full-on embrace the ancient Roman festival, there are many festive ways to do so. First, In your everyday life, you can work with any affirmations, mantras, and visualization work for liberation, freedom, sexual desires, abundance, and wealth. Check out below more ways to work with and celebrate this Ancient roman holiday into your holiday season even now!
Switch up the roles in your home
One of the most popular traditions and my personal favorite was the role reversal. So, why not do the same in your life during this festival to honor that as well. Now, you may not be able to do this in your entire life because, it isn’t something that is widely celebrated like it was during ancient times in Rome. But, you can do it in your own home at least. So if you are normally the one managing the home while someone else gets a more laid back role. For these few days switch those roles. Allow each other to understand how the other feels to create more harmony in your home from this day on.
During Saturnalia, a time of jovial merrymaking, many social norms were relaxed and inverted. Gambling, normally outlawed, was allowed in public. According to some accounts, you were only supposed to gamble for nuts, not money, to recreate the golden age of Saturn
Abundance and Sharing Celebrations
Host a feast that’s all about gratitude and generosity. Share your blessings with others, perhaps through a community meal where everyone contributes, or by donating to those in need. You can also cast abundance and wealth spells for not only you but, also for others. One of my favorites to do is to make abundance spell bags, or packets and gift them to friends, family members, and even strangers on the street.
Gift giving
Embrace the joy of giving with thoughtful, perhaps handmade, gifts. Acts of kindness, personalized letters, or DIY crafts can be more meaningful than store-bought presents.
Other ways to celebrate
Decorate with Evergreens
Carry On the Saturnalia Tree Tradition
Purification and cleansing Rituals
host a Saturnalia Feast
Dress in bright and lively clothing
add Saturnalia Decorations to your altar
Honor Saturn with prayer and offerings
Work with some chaos magic to cause a little mischief
Designate someone in your home as the king of Saturnalia
Throw a Big Party full of dancing, singing, drinking, and feasting
Shadow work focused on freedom, liberation, and what you view as societal norms holding you back. If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.
Study and learn about the history and practices of Saturnalia
While Saturnalia seems to be lost to the ancient past by many, its lessons feel timeless. It teaches us to pause, reflect, and connect—to honor the cycles around us and revel in life’s fleeting joys. The Romans embraced Saturnalia as a way of restoring balance, gaining perspective, and finding unity, whether its by serving another or sharing a warm laugh . Follow your intuition and honor Saturnalia however feels right. That could be through sharing gifts, hosting a festive feast, or simply taking a moment to connect with your loved ones beyond the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Saturnalia reminds us to honor both the light and the shadow, to plant seeds for future harvests, and to bask in the merriment of community. It reminds us of the true freedom and liberation we get to feel when we embrace our authenticity and live outside of societal norms no matter what others feel and think.
The last full moon of 2024 graces the night skies on December 15th. The Moon ending her cycle in the curious and communicative sign of the Twins will stir our minds, increase our desire for variety, and we will thirst for information. Allowing us to shift our perspectives and awaken our urge to connect with others. The Full Moon in Gemini puts the already emotional full Moon in the sign of the mind and expression. Gemini Full Moons are usually times where we express what we’re feeling more easily, and we can say what we mean and mean what we say. We can be authentic and open. This is a time when we can fulfill our desire to feel deeply understood. With the adaptable and curious Gemini energy guiding you this full moon, you’re encouraged to embrace change and let go of what no longer serves you, opening space for fresh ideas and perspectives to emerge. This full moon is a pivotal moment allowing you to explore new perspectives and consider changes that can lead to breakthroughs in your life. This Gemini Full Moon invites us to bridge the gap between mind and heart, thought and feeling. Are your thoughts aligned with emotional truth? Are your feelings guiding you toward your highest good? This lunar moment calls for balance, curiosity, and inspired action
First, What is the Full Moon
Over the centuries, the Moon has played a significant role in different cultures and traditions. The full moon simply put is when the moon is completely illuminated in the sky and it has reached it’s peak in this lunar cycle in the sky. When the moon is completely illuminated it’s time for all to reach full expression. The full moon is the most powerful and potent time of the entire lunar cycle.
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). The full moon greatly affects humans and it’s no wonder it does because, there’s a scientific reason for this – we are made up of 60% or more of water. Full Moons are the peak point of the lunar cycle: at this time of the month, the light of the Sun is fully illuminating the Moon, and the luminaries are exactly opposing one another from our perspective on Earth. This potent alignment offers us opportunities to gain more awareness about what is moving in our inner and emotional world, and information previously uncertain or hidden could be revealed at this time.
With the moon being fully illuminated it creates this portal to some of the most potent energy to connect to for us to manifest our desires and dream life. This portal creates a connection to our peak creative energy and the deep seated creative passions we all have within us. This creative energy and power is the energy we need to actually do and create the things and lifestyle we need to manifest what we desire. With the new moon phase being about planting the seeds of what you want to manifest, the full moon is about actually doing the work and moving the energy to make your manifesting happen. The full moon allows you to bridge the connection between these energies and themes and bring them into your life while reminding you how important it is to have them in your life not only when the moon is illuminated in the sky for you to see.
There are so many ways to work with the full moon, to learn more about the basics of working with the full moon energy check out my blog post here and you can watch my class all about lunar magic. But, remember each full moon will be slightly different and have different practices to add and different ways to do it based on which zodiac sign the full moon is currently in at the time.
The cold moon
During December the harsh bitter cold of winter sets in dropping to temperatures we can feel chilling us to the bone especially in my part of the world. This is why the full moon of December is known as the cold moon. This final full moon of the year arrives at the beginning of winter’s stillness and illuminates dark winter nights. Pulling us into the stillness of long winter nights for introspection, rest, and fresh starts as we conclude our annual trip around the sun. The Cold Moon’s energy aligns us with Winter’s dormant energy , stillness, and rebirth coming in the new season. Nature may appear dead and lifeless, right now but looks can be deceiving. Deep beneath the surface, it’s brimming with life and endless potential just waiting to show its new form with the suns return to full light come spring. I know when I go out to the woods during the cold winter months there is so much wisdom to be whispered in the woods. Use the Cold Moon as a wintery guide to “freeze and hibernate” as well. Slow down and be fully present in activities that truly bring you joy and pleasure. This is a magical lunar cycle full of transformation and deep internal work. It’s a chance to recharge and reconnect with yourself and your loved ones.
As with most pagan names there will be different ones for each culture so below I listed any of the other names for the cold moon I could find across the Earth. The common themes for these moons are, stillness, introspection, renewal, rebirth, and connecting to the harsh cold of the long winter months ahead.
Long Night Moon (Mahican Native American origins)
Yule month (Ýlir) Norse origins
Little Spirit Moon (Manidoo-Giizisoons)
Oak Moon (Celtic origins)
Dead of Winter Moon (Ukiugraq) Inupiat Language, North Slope, Alaska
Springbok Moon (Antelope) South African origins
Sun Has Traveled Home to Rest (ik’ohbu yachunne) Zuni Native American origins
Bitter Moon (Chinese Origins)
Winter Moon (Tahch’asap’ara) Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana
Evergreen Moon (Comanche Native American origins)
When the Deer Shed Their Antlers (Dakota)
Little Spirit Moon (Anishinaabe)
Frost moon
Drift Clearing Moon (Cree)
Frost Exploding Trees Moon (Cree)
Moon of the Popping Trees (Oglala)
Who is Gemini?
Like, I said before each full moon will be amplified and influenced by the zodiac sign we find it in and this time the full moon is in the sign of Gemini. So who is Gemini? Gemini is known for being curious, communicative, and intellectual, and is the third sign of the zodiac. An air sign, Gemini is the zodiac sign that isn’t afraid of change and will adapt easily when they need too. Represented by twins, this sign is deeply independent, but their dualistic nature still has them in search of a lifelong partner.
Gemini constellation
The Gemini constellation is a group of stars in the northern hemisphere that’s known for its two brightest stars, Castor and Pollux and is located between Taurus and Cancer in the zodiac. According to Greek mythology the constellation of Gemini is made up of two twins: Castor and Pollux. Castor was the mortal son of King Tyndarus, while Pollux was the immortal son of Zeus. Both Castor and Pollux, being identical twins, were inseparable in their looks and actions. Castor was great horseman and Pollux was a great fighter. Together, they went with Jason on the Argo and saved the ship from a terrible storm. When Castor was killed in battle, Pollux pleaded with Zeus to bring him back. Zeus agreed to immortalize both Castor and Pollux, if they spend half of their time on the Earth and the other half amongst the stars in the heavens. Since then, when sailors saw these two stars together, they knew their journey would be prosperous. However, seeing only one star foretold bad luck. In Roman mythology, the constellation Gemini represents Romulus and Remus, the twins who founded Rome that we celebrate during Lupercalia.
In Babylon they were known as the Great Twins. The Twins were regarded as minor gods and were called Lugal-irra and Meslamta-ea, meaning respectively “The Mighty King” and “The One who has arisen from the Underworld.” They were regarded as guardians of doorways and may have originally been envisioned as a set of twins guarding the gates of the Underworld, who chopped the dead into pieces as they passed through the gates.
This constellation is a very special one as well since, it is the only one mentioned in Norse mythology among the Eddas.It is a story of how Þjazi, anglicized as Thiazi, Thjazi, Tjasse or Thiassi was a Frost Giant and a shapeshifter and how their eyes made it into the skies. The story goes; One day, while on a journey, Odin, Loki and Hœnir set up an earth oven to cook an oxen they just hunted. After a while they found that it would not cook. They found out that Þjazi in the form of a great eagle, stopped the oven from heating and demanded a part of the oxen. When the oxen was cooked, Þjazi ate so much of it that Loki became angry, grabbed his long staff and attempted to strike him, but the weapon stuck fast to Þjazi’s body and he took flight, carrying Loki up with him. As they flew across the land Loki shouted and begged to be let down as his legs banged against trees and stones, but Þjazi would only do so on the condition that Loki must lure Iðunn, the goddess of youth out of Asgard with her apples of youth, which he solemnly promised to do. Later, Þjazi, again in the form of an eagle, carried Iðunn and her apples away and the gods, deprived of Iðunn’s apples, began growing old and grey. Loki was going to bring back Iðunn. He borrowed a magical coat from Freyja, transformed into a falcon, flew to the hall of Þjazi, transformed Iðunn into a nut and carried her back to Asgard. When the other gods saw Þjazi in close pursuit of Loki, they lit a fire which burned Þjazi’s feathers, causing him to fall to the ground where he was killed. When Þjazi’s daughter Skadi came to avenge her father, the gods offered her atonement and compensation. She was given the hand of Njord in marriage and Odin took Þjazi’s eyes and placed them in the night sky as stars.
Gemini The Sign Of The Mind And Shifting Perspectives
During the Gemini full Moon we are guided to change our thoughts, and examine our current beliefs to let go of ones that no longer resonate with us. The Gemini full moon calls for us to let go of the need to know, and opens us up to the ways in which our trust in life needs to grow. It opens us up to relooking at how we see ourselves and the world around us allowing us to possibly, completely shift our perspectives for major growth and transformation. This enthusiastic energy allows us to embrace uncertainty. To walk through the different doorways of opportunities without fear or anxiety. Now is also a very good time for grounding or earthing, and for finding our way back to the path of our hearts and maybe even going a different direction to get there/ Doing this may allow you to see some new things. Our minds are a gift, a powerful tool that we can guide and use in whatever direction and purpose we desire. And so it’s time to use our minds for a higher purpose and for the highest purpose of humanity. Gemini, the mutable air sign known as the sign of the twins, brings a lively, adaptable energy to the Full Moon. With Gemini’s influence, you’re encouraged to keep an open mind and embrace curiosity as a tool for growth. The Full Moon in Gemini is a powerful moment to identify and release outdated thought patterns and limiting beliefs that have been holding you back. This phase invites you to clear mental clutter, opening up space for fresh perspectives and new possibilities.
Gemini the sign of communication
Gemini is an air sign and ruled by the planet Mercury, it’s about communication and trying different things in life, being adventurous, socializing, and using language as a tool. Take this time to bring out your strengths in the way you communicate with others and how you take the time to listen to others in your life as well. This is the time to set boundaries and let go of toxic ties and relationships that no longer serve you. If you’d like to improve communication in your life with the people around you, communication is ruled by Gemini and this is your time to do it. So, go inwards and ask yourself are there any ways that you communicate that are outdated and cause issues in your relation ships and then commit to let those patterns go.
Gemini The Sign of Learning
In astrology, Gemini is associated with learning and is said to be a sign of intellectual prowess. Gemini is said to be quick at learning, curious, versatile, and have a thirst for knowledge. Therefore, learning is ruled by Gemini. This is the sign to strengthen your mind and become a better learner. Gemini activates the thinking realms, the imagination and the mental channels, seeking patterns, connection and purpose. It’s a really highly mental energy that stimulates ideas and creativity. Gemini energy is also highly intelligent, which makes it a good time for studying or learning a new course or skill. Now is the time to look into subjects that require thinking and discussing ideas, including literature, science, philosophy, art, and more.
Themes for the Gemini full moon
This time, we experience the New Moon in emotional, Open minded, Witty, Social, Flirty, Distracted, Adaptable, Intellectual, dualistic, Expressive, and perspective shifting Gemini. When the Full Moon in Gemini graces the sky, it offers cosmic guidance for us to examine our patterns and release the thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve our highest good. Let’s explore some of the themes and energies of Gemini deeper below. The Gemini full moon is a powerful moon that amplifies the dualistic energy of Gemini allowing us to shift our perspective and learn new ways of being in this world.
Keep in mind that the full Moon relates to the continuation of your journey to manifest your desires and dreams. This will be especially strong this full moon being in the sign of the twins who day dream about the life you wish to create all the time. So, try and have any of your workings based on these topics, and be willing to be adaptable with those seeds of intention you had planted on the new moon. Don’t forget this full moon is layered with many energies for you to connect to as well like the harsh cold of winter’s approach, and the introspection of the winter solstice and yule.
What to be cautious of this Gemini full moon
We may be a little bit more scattered when this sign is aligned with the moon. the Gemini Moon personality can at times be easily distracted it’s hard to focus when there’s always something else that could use our attention or our heads are up in the clouds.. So, do your best to use skills that can help you focus like making to do lists, and grounding or centering often. We also need to be careful about the intensity level for how we react to things. When Gemini is affecting the moon each and every event no matter how small seems like it’s the most significant thing to happen to us. It’s important to take the time to check the facts with your emotions and reactions to make sure you are reacting to things with the valid intensity. Be careful to not catastrophize things.
Gemini and duality
Since, I am a grey witch every single energy I work with I look for the duality in that energy and how I can connect to it. This includes the full moon and the sign it currently is in; Gemini. This month’s full moon might seem pretty obvious to you; that it is literally the definition of dualistic energy to work with. First let’s talk about the duality of Gemini; the sign of the twins and aka the sign of duality in the zodiac. Gemini focuses on duality which means; the relationship between opposites. Logic and emotion, creator and created, “good and evil”, Wanted and unwanted, masculine and feminine, conscious and subconscious etc. and the union that exist between them. All of these are topics we can reflect on and work with using Gemini energy including using grey magic.
Gemini, represented by the twins, is all about the duality within us. Whether you call the two competing voices within the Ego and Soul, Higher Mind vs Lower Mind, or Inner critic vs Inner cheerleader, these dual voices exist within us all, and our role is to learn how to balance them out and keep them lovingly communicating with each other. This full Moon is less about manifesting new “things” and more about letting go of thoughts that no longer support us emotionally. This requires us to change our minds in order to change the thought patterns that aren’t currently supporting us and allowing us to truly be in alignment with our intentions. Gemini reminds us that duality is a natural expression. YES, unity may be a goal, but duality is our reality on this planet right now, and to feel that internally is normal. The energy of duality allows us to be flexible, change our mind, go new directions and be multifaceted with our thoughts, reactions, and how we interact with others. If you’re feeling the tug between opposites, it’s actually okay.
Second, the full moon itself is all about duality as it is another time of transformation, transition, and rebirth. During this time we are pushed into a liminal space that forces us to look at the things, people, and places that have been obstacles or holding us back. This can be a thing of beauty and hope as well as a thing of pain and darkness which forces us into duality.
Correspondences for the Gemini full moon
First, what is a correspondence? ,A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like I will list below for you to use. Remember to follow your intuition with the correspondences you choose to work with and that you can always use any that correspond to the moon itself as well.
Now, that we have talked about the themes of this Gemini full moon and how it is going to affect you let’s talk about how you can specifically connect to and work with this moon. In magical practices, Gemini’s influence is often utilized for spells and rituals that foster communication, intellectual growth, and adaptability in various situations. Moon phases during Gemini, such as the full moon are ideal times for conducting rituals that leverage Gemini’s energy for learning, networking, and skillfully navigating social situations.
First, make sure to do all of your staples that your learned in the previous blog post on the full moon and the moon in general like, charging your crystals, making moon water, and resetting your altar.
With this moon there are certain spells and rituals that will help connect you this moon in the most effective way. The Gemini Moon is a good time to work on divination and prophecy, wishing spells, luck in gambling, communication, working for positive reception of manuscripts, articles and term papers, increasing web traffic, success in school, getting into the school of your choice. Remember these are just some of the many ideas. Follow your intuition and the energy of this moon. Below is a more extensive list of ideas on how to connect to and work with the Gemini full moon.
Daydream Meditation-With the Gemini full Moon let your imagination run wild. Take time to daydream. Let your mind wander and tune into all the crazy ideas that crop up. Write about them. Keep it simple, seeing where it leads you. What are you passionate about or inspired by? Write about your full Moon goals and engage all of your senses “as if” you’ve already achieved it. Be creative and free flow with journaling, allowing yourself to dream a new reality.
Set goals using Smart goals– To learn more about what SMART goals are and how to use them you can read about here in my previous blog post.
Abundance spells-You can learn how to connect to abundance with my in depth guide here
Meditation and Visualization
Create and set new firm boundaries in your life
Cast a chord cutting for toxic relationships that no longer serve you
Divination– Try divination associated with the element air; Aeromancy. Which is a form of divination that involves using the state of the air or atmospheric substances to predict the future
Self reflection– You can do this through mirror magic.
Cleansing, and purification magic to release stale and stagnant energy
Protection magic and spells– To learn more about how to do protection magic you can watch part 1 and part 2 of my classes with Divination academy on YouTube
Add winter symbols to your altar when you refresh it
Reflection questions and topics for Gemini full moon
Every full moon is a great time for reflecting on those seeds you had planted during the new moon and how they are doing now at the end of the lunar cycle and how you can celebrate your success and adjust the future for even greater success. Whether you do it thru meditation, shadow work, or divination like tarot; below is a list of prompts and topics to connect with the energy of the cold full moon in Gemini. If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.
What beliefs and ideas about the world no longer serve me am I ready to release?
What new ideas or insights have surfaced for me recently?
Where in my life do I need to be more adaptable?
How can I improve my communication with those around me?
What old beliefs or patterns about myself am I ready to release?
How do I handle uncertainty, and how can I approach it with more curiosity?
What conversations have I been avoiding, and how can I address them?
In what areas of my life do I feel stuck, and what small changes can I make to move forward?
How can I bring more playfulness and lightness into my daily routine?
How can I shift my inner self talk to being more self loving?
How can I better balance my need for social interaction with time for myself?
Are there any outdated communication styles or patterns I have that need to be released?
What areas of my life do I need shift my perspective to see something clearly?
What successes have I had recently do I need to celebrate?
What stories do I tell myself about who I am are no longer true?
Where i n my life am I resisting change? How can I become more adaptable?
What relationships and ties have become toxic and no longer serve me?
How can I assert better boundaries in my life and with who?
Have I been authentic and impeccable with my words lately? how can I be more intentional with my words this lunar cycle?
How can I use this full moon to deepen my understanding of my interconnectedness with others?
Full moon Prayers and affirmations
Some prayers or affirmations you can state with the full moon are:
I release all that does not serve my highest good.
I illuminate the things blocking my path to my desires.
I release all negative energy, feelings and thoughts that are not serving me.
I release the belief that I am not worthy or capable of manifesting anything that I want.
I call in the energy of the full moon to cleanse my field of anything that is not aligned with my higher purpose.
Some prayers or affirmations you can state with Gemini are:
I am open to infinite possibilities and am willing to walk any path
I invite new ways of thinking into my life and release old thought patterns that no longer serve me
I open myself to the magic and miracles that are available to me each day.
I courageously follow the path of my heart.
I let go of toxic thoughts and feelings not supporting my highest good.
I am ready to accept change
I let go of all toxic and unbalanced relationships and ties that no longer server me
I don’t take things to seriously and know when to enjoy life
I communicate with others clearly and respectfully
I free myself from limitations of the mind and my current perspective
Candle Spell For Learning During Gemini Full Moon
Do you want to strengthen your mind and be able to absorb knowledge better? Do you struggle with focus and attention when you are trying to learn? This spells purpose is to do just that during a full moon in Gemini. All you will need is yourself, a quiet area, and a yellow candle. To make this spell more potent you can also hold selenite and then keep it on you when you are studying or learning the rest of the lunar cycle.
How to do spell:
Find a place you can be alone for a little bit undisturbed, and in quiet. Then put yourself into your sacred container connecting to the energy of knowledge, learning, studying and Gemini. You can do this by meditating, grounding, calling your energy back, or doing breathing techniques like boxed breathing.
Once you feel anchored to the energy of learning and Gemini. Light a yellow candle for mental clarity. If you’d like, you can hold a piece of selenite in your non-dominant hand as you write down the ways you want to improve your learning. Visualize yourself learning easily, taking in new ideas and being receptive to lessons you can learn. Once you vision seems clear recite this spell out loud; “I am open to learning anything and everything there is to learn. I learn easily and quickly. My mind works perfectly.” Blow out the candle when you are done and come place in your favorite place to study and learn.
Final thoughts
As the Full Moon in Gemini illuminates the sky, it brings a unique opportunity to embrace change, explore new ideas, and strengthen your connections with others. This is a time to be curious, communicate openly, and adapt to whatever comes your way. By aligning with Gemini’s vibrant energy, you can gain clarity, release what no longer serves you, and pave the way for fresh perspectives and personal growth.The Gemini Full Moon is an invitation to deepen our understanding of how our upbringing, education, and culture continue to shape our mindset, worldviews, and perceptions. It is an opportunity to remember that our mind is meant to be a tool we have full control over, not something we are enslaved by. Embrace this moment as a turning point in your journey, allowing the light of the Full Moon to guide you toward new possibilities.
Don’t forget to make preparations for your full moon hangover you may experience after this lumination. If you don’t know what a full moon hangover is or how to deal with one you can read all about it in my previous blog post here!
Certain dates hold a special significance in the terms of celestial alignment and they create a portal through which we can access heightened energies, spiritual insights, and opportunities for growth. The 12th of December is a really important date as it is the 12th day of the 12th month of the year and for many it is the most potent day to set intentions for the upcoming new year. The 12/12 portal invites you to expand, elevate, and anchor yourself in the higher frequencies that will shape the year ahead. If you have read my previous 11/11 portal articles, you will know that portals facilitate the clearing of our internal energy, so there’s major letting go that is going to happen around this time for us. The 12/12 Portal is not merely a date on the calendar but a moment of divine clarity and an opportunity to manifest your deepest desires while stepping boldly into a new chapter of life.
First, What is a portal?
A portal is an energetic gateway or doorway that creates a powerful opportunity to connect with higher energies. We can make the most of each portal if we work with the incoming energies and channel, anchor, and integrate them.
The importance of numbers In numerology, every number from 0 to 9 is a symbol and is therefore highly significant. Symbols are the language of the soul and patterns of numbers work together like a code. We can use days like these to connect more fully and readily with our higher nature and choose to elevate our consciousness.
In numerology, the number 1 represents the beginning of all creation. Then the number 11 is very unique number being a “Master Number” and it’s one of only three. A master number, which means it has a unique vibration and a high level of spiritual significance. It’s believed to represent a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. 11 itself is associated with intuition, spiritual awakening, and enlightenment.
The meaning of the 12/12 portal
Every year on December 12, a powerful spiritual and energetic doorway known as the 12/12 portal is believed to open. This date carries profound significance in numerology as it features the repetition of the master number 12, which symbolizes spiritual growth, completion, and alignment with higher consciousness. The number 12 often represents completion and cosmic order—it’s the number of months in a year, zodiac signs, and even hours on a clock. People often describe the 12/12 portal as a time when the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is thinner. It’s an invitation to step into alignment with your highest self, shed old patterns, and set powerful intentions for the future. Many people use this period to meditate, heal, and connect with their higher selves. Your dreams are evolving as you grow, so set intentions for the future on 12/12, knowing the Universe supports you. This is a moment to harness the portal’s energy and propel yourself towards a brighter, more fulfilling future.
The 12/12 portal and duality
Since, I am a grey witch every single energy I choose to align myself with I look for how I can connect to it in the sense of duality and balance. With this portal it may seem like, there is no way an energy swirling with abundance, wealth, manifestation, transformation, and all your dreams coming can be anything but, a wanted thing and a wanted energy? Well, every single energy we work with is dualistic and this energy is no different.
When we are putting our energy, faith, and hope behind a wish to manifest and make our dreams come true, we must first go into the dark. We must first go into the shadow of our soul to figure out what we are missing. We have to go into the shadows to see what it is we are lacking. In order for us to be clear in the wish and intention we set today we have to fist experience the duality of our reality. This isn’t always a wanted, fun, and cheery place to be. It opens us up to being open and honest with ourselves about what we have and what we don’t. But, than moving through the darkness, and place of lacking into an energy of deserving and bringing it to you. The other part of the duality to this portal is having to work with fear. When we truly let go and give the universe our faith to make our dreams come true we have to be willing to dive into the unknown and not know exactly where we are going to go.
How To Work With Portals In General
Portal days are a prime opportunity to refocus on ourselves. Below are some ways you can do that with portals in general on portal days when they are open and active.
Listen to your gut feeling: Portal days are not the time for overthinking decisions. Instead, listen to your intuition and trust the inspirations that come to you on these days.
Movement:Energy needs to flow, so make sure you get enough exercise on portal days. For example, you could start the day with some yoga or plan a walk during your lunch break. This will ground you and sharpen your focus at the same time.
Get enough sleep: In order to be as physically and mentally prepared as possible, healthy sleep is essential. Portal days demand a lot from you, so make sure you get enough sleep or take short rest breaks in between.
Journaling and manifestation: Hold on to your thoughts and ideas by visualizing them on a goal board or writing them down in your journal. This not only prevents you from forgetting them again, but also brings order to your potential chaos of thoughts.
Create rituals: Everything has a more intense effect on portal days. This includes the opportunity to create new rituals, reinforce existing ones or overhaul old ones. Rituals ensure consistency and can help us to really put our new insights into practice and integrate them permanently into our everyday lives.
How to use the 12/12 portal Specifically
If you’re looking to make the most of the 12/12 portal, you can start by reflecting on the past year. Get out your journal, or open a Google doc, and jot down what was great, what you learned, what you might like to change or let go, and what you’d like to pursue. From here, you can start setting intentions for your next year. In fact, instead of setting your resolutions in the new year, December 12 is actually much better timing for meaning it’s the perfect time do it! So do things to set intentions, and manifest your dreams before the new year, setting you up for success.
Ways to work with the 12/12 portal
Use the 369 Manifestation Method
This method involves writing down your desires three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times in the evening. This repetition helps rewire your brain, focusing your energy on what you want to manifest. Use a journal or sticky notes to write down your desires, feeling the emotions of excitement and gratitude as you do so. Start this method today and then keep it going until the new year to see your dreams be brought to you!
12/12 candle manifestation spell
This one is my favorite one to do this time of the year. Light 12 candles at either 12:12 PM or 12:12 AM. Write your goals on a piece of paper and place it beneath the candles. Focus on your desires and visualize them becoming reality. Allow the candles to burn for 12 minutes to activate your intentions.
Other ways to connect to this portal
Write a gratitude list and read out loud in thanks for what you already have
Sex magic either solo or with a partner is very potent for manifestation today
chord cuttings to release toxic, old, and unwanted patterns
Shadow work to release manifestation blockages and to find your true dreams. If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.
Bay leaf 11/11 wish ritual
If you want to maximize your manifestation, perform your ritual on 12/12 at 12:12 am or pm. This is the ideal pocket of time to get clear on what you want and ask the universe for whatever your heart desires. Call in your ideal life and the experiences you wish to have. Once you have a clear idea of what you truly want, you can use this bay leaf manifestation ritual below to usher it into existence.
What you will need:
A fire safe bowl, bay leaves, a pen, a lighter or matches
How to perform:
5-10 minutes before 12:12pm or pm, take the time to get yourself into sacred container focusing on the energy of manifestation, your dreams coming true and your the deepest wish in your heart for this year. The amplified energy of this date is thought to enhance the manifestation process, aligning your desires with the flow of the universe. Remember, the more specific and intentional you are, the more powerful the outcome can be. Once you feel set in that intention take your bay leaf and pen and on one side of the bay leaf write that manifestation and wish on it. Then flip it over and on the other side write 12 12. Next, focus again on your wish and intention and right at 12:12 light your bay leaf on fire releasing this wish to the multiverse with the energy of the master number behind it.
Final thoughts
There are many ways to work with the 12/12 portal like, ritual, ceremony, meditation, prayer, channeling, or sacred gatherings. These practices serve to amplify our intentions, deepen our connection to the divine, and align us with the transformative energies of the portal. We can use our own unique way to honor the 12/12 Portal and embrace its gifts of manifestation, new beginnings, and all of our dreams coming true in the next year. Embrace this sacred time as an opportunity for growth, healing, and spiritual evolution, trusting in the guidance of the multiverse/cosmos and the wisdom of our own inner knowing/ intuition. When this portal opens up to you, you can walk through to a new reality of unlimited abundance, bliss, and peace. This portal is an opportunity to tap into your inner strength, overcome challenges, and create space for new opportunities to emerge. By embracing the energy of 12/12, you can harness your intuition and feelings to guide you towards a brighter future. Allowing you to shoot for the stars and make all of your dreams come true.
We all know about the white bearded old man in a red suit Santa Claus, and his wife, Mrs. Claus. But most of us can’t say the same for Krampus the Christmas Devil. Krampus is a central figure in the Germanic Holiday season and he is more than a mere monster or Santa Claus’s antihero. Krampus takes center stage specifically during Krampusnacht. Krampusnacht literally meaning German for Krampus’ night, occurs annually on the night of December 5th, the night before the Feast of Saint Nicholas. It’s the night when Krampus comes to punish bad kids and some of those punishment’s are quite gruesome. Let’s sit around the Yule log and listen for the sound of chains and bells as we wait for Krampus to run through the streets of your town.
Who is Krampus?
In the chilly shadows of European winter folklore (primarily Germanic), the figure of Krampus emerges, distinct with his horns, terrifying hairy body and sinister snarling face. Krampus is a terrifying winter devil who accompanies Saint Nicholas. Krampus punishes the naughty children with spankings, and sometimes his punishments are so severe he even drowns, eats, or carries them off to Hell. While St. Nicholas (St. Nikolaus in Germany) is famous for giving gifts and rewards to the righteous, it’s Krampus’s job to strike fear into the hearts of the wicked.
What does Krampus look like?
Krampus is a creature often described as half-goat and half-demon with cloven hooves, razor-sharp fangs, large horns protruding from his head, an abnormally long and forked tongue, and dark fur depicted as either black or brown all over his body. Krampus carries a basket on his back (to put naughty children in) and either chains or bundles of birch branches. The chain tradition is to “bind the devil” and the birch switches are to swat the evil out of children.
Origin and history of Krampus
Just like with almost every other Christmas tradition, many believe Krampus comes from ancient pagan times. While he’s called the Christmas Devil today, many believe he was once a horned fertility god. There’s an uncanny resemblance between Krampus, Pan, fauns and the Celtic horned deity Cernunnos. But, as with pretty much every single pagan entity there is never an agreement on his origins. We will take a look at a few of them below.
Krampus and his connection to Frau Perchta
The roots of Krampus most likely derive from Frau Perchta (pronounced perk-tah), a Winter Germanic goddess who is a mix of “good” and “evil”. She can appear in two different forms. To well-behaved children, she appears as a beautiful and kind woman who leaves silver coins in their shoes. However, for children who misbehave, she manifests as a terrifying hairy demon who would slice open children’s bellies, extract their innards, and replace them with hay, dirt, trash, or rocks. Then she would stitch their bellies closed again. Stories tell of her breath being so foul that it causes blindness.
Krampus the daughter of Lady Hel
Others claim Krampus has Norse origins, stating he’s the son of Norse Goddess Hel. However, I couldn’t find a credible source for this. Many websites, and blogs mention this without listing their sources. I believe this detail is from a fictional book by Brom called Krampus: The Yule Lord. If you find credible sources saying otherwise, I’m open to reviewing them. The only reason I find this to be interesting and have a bit of validity to it is because of Krampus’s link to saint Nicholas aka Santa. Many believe Santa’s origins come from Odin himself (I am one of them) . So, if Santa is Odin that would make Krampus Loki. But, Loki is Hel’s father so, if this theory to his origin is correct in anyway then he would be Hel’s father not her son.
Krampus post-Christianity
As Christianity spread, Krampus moved from being a Winter Solstice fixture to being a part of Christmas. The Catholic Church didn’t like that too much, and they tried to ban him, but the people wouldn’t have it. Instead they continued the traditions of Krampus Night and Krampus Run, and in some cases, these traditions became larger as a result of the Church’s warnings. This is also when we see Krampus being linked to Saint Nicholas. They tried to ban Krampus but, were never able to do it fully, so instead the Catholic Church “embraced” him by pairing him with Saint Nicholas to frame him as the Christian devil.
What is Krampusnacht?
The number one way to worship Krampus is through celebrating Krampusnacht. Krampusnacht, German for Krampus’ night, occurs annually on the night of December 5th, the night before the Feast of Saint Nicholas. Traditionally it’s the night when Krampus comes to punish bad kids. Krampus accompanies Saint Nicholas in processions. He carries his birch switch, a basket or pack on his back, and often wears bells and/or rattling chains. In addition to swatting the “naughty ones”, Krampus’ presence is supposed to scare children into behaving in the coming year. His pack on his back is believed to hold the children who have been particularly naughty, and he’s also said to give out coal instead of candy. Then the next day, on the Feast of Saint Nicholas, the good children are gifted and the bad children nurse their Krampus-wounds.
What is Krampuslauf?
Sometimes Krampuslauf is held on Krampusnacht. Krampuslauf is the name for the Krampus parades most of us see all over social media. They are held mainly throughout Central and Eastern Europe. These parades are particularly popular in Bavaria and Austria. Krampuslauf’s festivities are spreading throughout the world, with Krampus parades becoming an annual tradition in Washington DC, Illinois, Texas and Ohio, U.S. As well as other places in Europe.
During the Krampuslauf, men and women dress up as Krampuses and run around town swatting others with branches during the procession. There’s quite a bit of drinking and debauchery during Krampusnacht, and it’s likely that we are just carrying on the older pagan traditions in our revelry. I say this because, the practices of this parade like the swatting of the branches is so similar to the fertility rituals done in Rome during Lupercalia.
Krampus and Duality
Since I am a grey witch every single energy I work with I look at how it can help me maintain balance and how it can represent the cosmic energy of duality. You may not think there is duality in the energy of Krampus since he exists to terrify, and punish children but, I find duality in the essence of protection he can bring. While his energy is about terrifying children into behaving and I don’t agree with parenting like that. I can see that it could be done in a way to protect your children and keep them safe from making decisions that could hurt them or worse. Protection is something we will all need from time to time in our lives and I don’t find that to necessarily be an unwanted energy. But, one that can provide comfort and safety instead. This is why I work with Krampus and why I feel he is getting so popular again. Most of those I know that work with him do so for his protection that he can bring to them and their homes especially those in marginalized or oppressed communities.
Correspondences to connect with Krampus
First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently, or a deity, like I will list below for you to use with Lakshmi .Follow your intuition and use what speaks to you!
Themes- punishment, protection, winter, rebellion, parenting, duality of Christmas
Herbs- Cinnamon, Frankincense, Fir, Juniper, Birch, Orange, holly berries, Myrrh, black pepper, chili crisp
Stones/ crystals- black obsidian, onyx, Smokey quartz, carnelian, malachite, pyrite, hematite, black tourmaline
Ways to work with Krampus
If after reading this blog post and learning all about the terrifying monster that is Krampus and you want to work with him and his protective energy. By adding him to your holiday celebrations this year try some of these things in your life and home below. Just remember when you are working with him just like with any other entity you need to do so from a place of reverence and respect.
Study, get to know him
As with every entity I have ever written about or taught about, The first way to get to know them specifically a being like Krampus; is to study all you can about him. Look at the different versions of his origin, and how the catholic church paired him with Saint Nicholas. You can even, study the culture and region, of the people of Germany, Austria, and central Europe. Plus don’t forget there are modern interpretations of him as well in movies, t.v. shows, and books you can look into. The more you study and learn the better! When working with any entity it is all about building a true relationship with them and you do this first by getting to know who they are.
Go to a Parade If you live in Europe, near Germany, Austria, or Switzerland, you might be able to find one close to you there, as well. Krampus parades are even popping up all over the United States now as well, with big ones in Washington D.C and Texas. Check your local cities and take the family to a Krampus parade this Christmas. Or get creative and start your own in your town or home.
Dedicate Altar Space
Set aside some space in honor of Krampus specifically for him. This can be an elaborate large altar or as simple as a small shelf or corner of a counter. Place a representation of Krampus there; be sure to cleanse the space before you invite him in. Include his colors black and red, his symbols, and representations of punishments like birch branches. Plus add any of his other correspondences you can use to connect to him. This will be a container that reminds you to connect with him and his energy. To allow you a container of order, protection, and punishment towards those who are wicked. I also recommend adding bells and chains to this altar as well.
Leave out offerings for Krampus
If Santa Claus loves cookies and milk, what does Krampus like on his special night? It really depends on what you want to leave out. But, one thing I can tell you for sure, make to leave him one more then what you want to leave him. He never seems to be satisficed with what you want to leave him and comes back asking for more. He always haggles with me so, I have learned throughout the years to always leave him one more of what I originally intended to for him. That means one more pour or cup of whatever liquor I am leaving him or an extra tobaccos leaf. I like to take a shoe and leave it outside my threshold and fill it with candy and then place my shot glasses, tobacco leaves, and cigars around the boot for him to enjoy. Below you will see a list of some ideas for offerings you can leave for him on Krampusnacht night. I also leave mine out for most of the holiday season and refresh every Saturday night.
Gingerbread cookies
Stollen (German fruitcake)
Peppermint Schnapps
Tobacco leaves and cigars
red meats
baked breads
Black and red candles
Ring Krampus bells
You can also ring Krampus bells! Traditionally, the Perchten and Krampuses are known to wear or carry bells with them during the parade through town. This custom wards off evil and purifies the town. So, why not add this own tradition to your home to add some needed protection during this holiday season as you have people coming and going over your threshold more often. Grab some bells and ring them over your threshold especially on December 5th night, to allow Krampus to protect your home and keep those with ill intentions out. To boost the potency of those bells don’t be afraid to add a sigil associated with Krampus to it as well. I like to put mine on the inside of the bell to maximize the potency of the vibration when it is activated.
Use a birch bundle as a tool
Go outside gather some birch sticks and branches to use in your offerings and spell workings during this Krampusnacht season. This bundle can be placed at your front door to ward off unwanted entries and bring in prosperity. Or make a small bundle and place it somewhere in your Yuletide tree or on your altar in honor of Krampus.
Get or make a Krampus costume
Krampusnacht in its hometown is all about the masks and costumes. Many of these are family heirlooms and have been passed down through families for decades. But, if you are reading this you most likely don’t have access to any like that. So, you can either go and purchase one or you can get really creative and make your own! You can even add sigils for protection to it on the inside as well.
Add Krampus to your holiday decorations
Instead of having your holiday decorations this year have Santa or angelic figures as the focal point of your decorations why not have Krampus be instead. Work with him and bring his energy into your home by changing up your holiday decorations by adding his image to your tree, your wreaths, and even change up the color of your tree themes to black and red. Don’t forget to use birch branches, bells and maybe even replace your tinsel with some chains as well. Get as creative as you want its really up to you!
Use his colors black and red in color magic
A simple way to add Krampus to your holiday season this year would be to use his colors black and red in color magic. Color magic is simply using the colors that correspond to an energy or entity like Krampus to represent them in your spell workings, rituals, or just your every day life. So, there really are endless ways you can use his colors in color magic during this holiday season from using them in your decorations, wearing clothes, using spell bags or candles in your spells, painting your nails, and anything else you can think of! One thing that most people really love about color magic is it can be as loud or as subtle as you want to be. So, if you aren’t quite ready to let others know you are working with Krampus this may the best way for you to go.
Use him as a way to discipline children
I am going to preface this by saying I have NEVER worked with Krapmus like this nor do I support it. I don’t agree with parenting through fear tactics and intimidation. But, one of the ways I keep reading about working with him is by using him to parent unruly and rowdy children. I’ve come across spells invoking him to make a child behave a certain way and I’ve seen spells invoking him to punish and discipline a child as well. Some homes in regions of Austria are even known to paint birch tree branches gold and keep them around the home all year to encourage their children to behave. If you want to work with Krampus this way you could do the same.
Call on Krampus to remove toxic people from your life
One of my personal favorite ways to work with Krampus is calling on him to aid in protection spells especially those aimed towards removing someone unwanted, harmful, or toxic from my life. What is Krapmus’s purpose? To punish those who are wicked. So, why not ask him to help you do the same when you need to get rid of someone from your life. Whether it is someone who abused you, a nasty neighbor, a bully, someone who broke your heart, or someone you need to cut ties with. You can do this by invoking him in your spells by using his name, adding his sigils, or using any of his correspondences as spell ingredients. My favorite type of protection spells to ask for his aid in are things like freezer spells, bindings, banishing, justice spells, and hexes.
Why work with Krampus?
Other then the fact that he is just a really fascinating character why not make sure to work with all aspects of the holiday season. Don’t just focus on the tidings and good cheer but, also on the dark side of winter. Even though he can be harsh with his tactics he does force children to go inwards and reflect on their actions. Calling on him can help you do the same as well during the month and season all about introspection. Don’t forget, Civilization is also about order, and Krampus is most certainly a lover of order. His job is to maintain order by scaring children into behaving properly. He shows up in December and reminds the little ones not to stray too far outside what is acceptable. So, call on him to help bring order to your life and maintain it in society as well. Listen for the sound of chains and bells as we wait for Krampus to run through the streets of your town this holiday season.
December is a time of reflection, renewal, stillness, rest, introspection, hope, celebrating community and our own uniqueness. The magic of December calls us inward for deep introspection to be a catalyst of rebirth and growth to bloom. Now is the time when we rest while we wait for the spring when the ground thaws and life begins again. In December the energy is focused on the journey deep within as the spirits from the other world are held off by the wild hunt and Odin seated upon Sleipnir. December calls us to focus on transformation, shadow work, releasing the past, and choosing the goals we will focus on this coming year to create the life we truly want. December is associated with Yule and the winter solstice marking the rebirth of the sun and the return of light after the longest night of the year. It’s a time to celebrate the return of light to the world next to the glowing hearth with our family and friends. It is a time to set intentions for the coming year, and reflect on the past year’s experiences. This month envelopes us in the duality and magic of winter. By showing us the introspection in dark nights and the hope of day light finally getting longer again. During December in the stillness and silence as the snow falls, and the ground freezes profound secrets of wisdom are whispered with each inhaled breath. Come join me in this blogpost to learn all about the magic falling down in each silent snowflake covering the realm during the month of introspection, rest, and rebirth; December.
History of December
December is the 12th month of the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The name December comes from the Latin word decem, which means “ten”. This is because it was originally the tenth month of the year in the Roman calendar, which began in March. December has marked the end of the year and the start of winter since the ancient Romans created their first calendar.
Zodiac Signs For The Month Of December
Those born in December are said to be born under either the sign of the archer Sagittarius or the mythical seagoat Capricorn.
Sagittarius are typically born between November 22 and December 21. Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac, and is represented by an archer. They are known for being self-sufficient, independent, free and are a one-of-a-kind, and wise beyond their years. Sagittarius, is the learned healer whose higher intelligence forms a bridge between Earth and Heaven.
Capricorn are typically born between December 22 and January 19. Capricorn’s symbol is a sea-goat, a mythical creature that is part goat and part fish. This is representative of Capricorn’s ability to navigate both the material and emotional realms. Capricorns are said to be hardworking, honest, loyal, and persistent. They are also known for being determined, responsible, and focused.
Sacred Days And Celebrations In December
Every Single month has sacred and important days and celebrations to help you connect to the energies of the month. Plus they usually are a lot of fun to take part in! Below you will find a list of the sacred days and celebrations for the month of December! The common theme you will find is connection to family, our homes, light vs dark and rebirth. But, first we are going to talk about a few that take centerstage during this month having us focus on the introspection in dark nights and the hope of day light finally getting longer.
First up, one of my favorite festivals and holidays to read about in December because, it just sounds like so much fun; Saturnalia. The Saturnalia Festival is an ancient Roman holiday that mainly celebrated the Winter sowing season, as well as honored the god Saturn. The actual dates vary but most scholars agree it was once celebrated between December 17th and the 23rd OR December 25th through the 31st, depending on the calendar that was used. What we know for sure is that it was observed around Midwinter a.k.a. the Winter Solstice. Saturnalia was a jovial time for the entire city of Rome because, everyone in ancient Rome had off of work and participated in the excitement. Especially the most interesting tradition of this festival when the social norms of society were lifted. For example, slaves were able to be the masters and masters turned into the slaves. Women could switch roles with the men and vice versa. It was a true time of merriment and debauchery for all.
Krampusnacht, or Krampus Night
Krampusnacht, or Krampus Night, is a holiday celebrated on December 5th to celebrate the horned, cloven-hoofed companion to St. Nicholas; Krampus. Krampus is a terrifying winter devil who accompanies Saint Nicholas in Eastern and Central European Christmas parades. You’ll find him in Bavaria, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, and parts of Croatia and Northern Italy. Krampus is said to punish children who misbehave, while St. Nicholas rewards the good ones. Krampus is said to have been part of pagan rituals for the winter solstice and is thought to be the son of Hel, the Norse god of the underworld. There’s also an uncanny resemblance between Krampus, Pan, fauns and the Celtic horned deity Cernunnos. But as with almost every pagan entity he Christianity came along and he became associated with Christmas despite efforts by the Catholic church to ban him.
Winter Solstice
The Winter Solstice, occurring around December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere, is the moment when the sun takes its lowest arc across the sky, marking the longest night and the shortest day.The Winter Solstice is a special event that occurs when the Earth tilts farthest away from the sun. It is the shortest day and the longest night of the year. It’s a special day when one part of the Earth, where you might live, gets the least amount of sunlight in a whole year. The Winter Solstice has been important to many cultures and religions throughout time. It represents a moment of stillness, reflection, and gratitude amidst the busyness of our day-to-day activities.
As the days draw short and the nights grow long, there are celebrations full of cheer as well as a tinge of fear in the cold, crisp air as Yule is celebrated far and wide. Yule is one of the oldest winter solstice festivals, with origins among the ancient Norse thousands of years ago. Yule or Jol is believed to be first an ancient Germanic holiday season. The name Jol is believed to come from a name for Odin himself – JÓLFAÐR, which translates to Yule Father. Some say Yule lasted for 12 days, from the Winter Solstice forward, while others say the festivities lasted an entire two months. From December through January, if we’re looking at a modern calendar. At this time of year, people are experiencing both the height of darkness and the knowledge and hope that the light and warmth will return. Yule is a time for people to rest, enjoy good food and drink, and turn their thoughts to the gods and ancestors. Plus during this time it was thought that Odin seated upon Sleipnir stampeded across the sky leading the wild hunt keeping the spirits on their side of the veil.
The Celts also celebrated Yule, but their focus was on the rebirth of the sun and the coming of a new year. They believed that the burning of the Yule log was a way to symbolize the sun’s return and that the exchange of gifts was a way to honor the gods and ask for their favor in the coming year. Some mark the holiday with reenactments of the battle between the Holly King (representing darkness) and the Oak King (representing light) of Celtic legend.
Other sacred days and celebrations
Saint Nicholas’ Day – December 6
Egil Skallagrimsson’s Day – December 9
Human Rights Day – December 10
Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe – December 12
Saint Lucia’s Day – December 13
Festivus – December 23
HumanLight – December 23
Yule – December 21
Christmas – December 25
Hanukkah- December 25- January 2
Boxing Day – December 26
Kwanzaa – December 26 – January 1
Dies Natalis Solis Invicti – December 25
Saturnalia – December 17
Holy Innocents Day – December 28
New Year’s Eve – December 31
Yalda Night
Toji (shinto)
Dong Zhi
Magical And Witchcraft Themes For December
During this month the darkness and silence calls to us to take a break from everything. We have put in the hard work all year, reaped what we have sown during the harvest festivals and now is the time to turn inward and rest. Between Samhain and Yule during the month of December, can be an ideal time for shadow work, working on anything that you want to heal, and release. Allowing for a profound rebirth and personal growth. Leaving room this month to focus on the next year ahead and what intentions you wish to set. To begin our new year with an inner flame of power that is burning bright all year long. Lighting the way for a year to manifest all that we truly desire. Performing intention setting and goal rituals during December will have a lasting affect on what you manifest in the year ahead. Don’t forget to cast fire spells as well during this month to bring you heat and warmth during the cold winter months. As well as connecting you to the hope of brighter and warmer days soon to come. I love to perform fire magic via candles during this month to create a beacon of light and hope for my mental health during the darkest days ahead. Lastly, if you live in a part of the world that freezes during the winter with frozen water ways and falling snow, binding and banishing magic can be extremely powerful and protective right now. Use the power of the alchemy in ice and snow to banish things from your life you need to let go, or to bind someone or something in place that no longer serves you in a wanted way.
The gods and goddesses of December
This month is a good time to get to know the winter goddesses that rule at this time. Some are associated with the dark goddess aspect as of the divine feminine as well. Allowing for a powerful portal to ancient wisdom and magical knowledge during this month as the snow falls. Everyone works with and views deity energy a little differently. Whether you view them as archetypes of the human consciousness, representations of the source energy, or as being entities on their own, there are certain deities that now is the time to connect to and honor them in the most sacred and amplified way.( Don’t forget to grab my eBook in the shop to help you explore this)
During this month a few deities take center stage because they have festivals or sacred days during this month to help you connect with them in a very intimate way. The deities that are going to be the best for you to connect to right now are deities connected rest, rebirth, protection, winter, snow, renewal, darkness, reflection, wisdom, and the winter solstice. Below we will talk about some of the deities you can work with this month. I could never list them all here. Plus take note how most of them are dark goddesses as well.
Hestia– Greek goddess
The first deity I want to talk about I personally feel is overlooked far too often especially during the cold winter months. December is the month that ushers in the winter season. Which means we need warmth and heat for us to survive and thrive. Which is why I always feel pulled to her during this time. Especially living in Minnesota I need her to bless my hearth with continuous heat during the long winter months. Not only that, but she can make your home extra cozy during this month while you spend more quality time with your family. Hestia is the sole attendant to the celestial hearth of the gods. As the goddess of the hearth, she personified the fire burning in the hearths of every home in Greece. On a very tangible level, Hestia rules the domain of fire. This means that she is directly responsible, at least according to the Greeks, for the fire, the stove, and the heat in your home. Honoring her during December, the first month of winter when the temperatures begin to drop, and snow begins to flitter down. She will bless your hearth as she stokes and fuels the flames all winter long. Don’t forget all month long to present her and your hearth with the first offering sacrificed to keep those flames burning strong.
To learn more about and meet Hestia, you can come join me in my upcoming class all about her with Divination academy on Sunday December 15th @ 2:pm CST
Odin-Norse god
Odin is a Norse god who rules over wisdom, war, magic, and sovereignty. Odin is known by many many names. Wodan, Wotan, All Father, One-Eyed Seeker are but just a few. He is the ruler of the Aesir and steward of Asgard. In Germanic lore, it is said he leads the Wild Hunt while being seated upon Sleipnirs back. This hunt is a spiritual parade of sorts that flies through the sky on Winter nights. Sometimes the Wild Hunt collects lost souls and sometimes a person joins the Wild Hunt in their sleep. In Nordic countries, the people gave sacrifices to Odin in the Winter months to ensure safety from them and prosperity. Including the children leaving hay in their boots by the hearth for Sleipnir to snack on as he flew by. Does this sound familiar to you at all? A white bearded old man, riding across the sky with a stead bringing blessings to those as he goes by? Many believe Odin is the actual inspiration for modern day santa claus? Check out my class all about this on YouTube here and decide for yourself.
Skaði (Skadi / Skathi) – Norse goddess
Skaði is a Norse goddess, often called the “Winter Queen,” associated with the mountains, hunting, skiing, and the wild, primarily known as a giantess (jötunn) who married the sea god Njörðr. Daughter of a fallen giant, Skadi walks the windswept mountains, a huntress sculpted from ice and legend. Her eyes, sharp as glaciers, scan the frozen realm. Bow in hand, she glides through the snow on swift skis, a predator born of the wilderness. Tales paint her as fierce, her spirit forged in the fires of vengeance and tempered by the unforgiving cold. She is mistress of the mountains, where the sun dances on glacial edges and the howl of the wolf echoes through empty valleys. But beneath the hardened exterior lies a yearning for connection. A goddess caught between two worlds – Asgard, home of the gods, and the wild embrace of the giants. Skadi’s place in Norse mythology is multifaceted and we see this as she is featured in stories with Odin, Loki, and Njordr among others. She’s even associated with snowshoes, and in later stories is said to have married Odin and bore him many children. She is the embodiment of both the untamed wild and a yearning for understanding. She is a warrior queen, a skilled hunter, and a goddess who walks the line between two worlds. Her story reminds us of the power of resilience in the face of loss, the importance of honoring our true nature, and the ever-present tension and duality between harmony and conflict.
Boreas-Greek God Boreas is the Greek God of the North wind, winter and ice. He’s also known as The Devouring One. He is the spirit of Winter and can be both violent and benevolent. Depending on the person and situation. The Greeks believed he came from the North, being the North Wind, and because of this was considered Thracian in origin. He is often depicted as a powerful, bearded man with wings, with two faces – one in front and one in back. He is the son of the Titan Astraeus and Eos, the goddess of the dawn, and brother to Zephyrus (the West Wind) and Notus (the South Wind). He is said to be the one who brings cold winter weather and is known for his violent temper, most famously abducting the Athenian princess Oreithyia to become his wife.
Cailleach – Celtic / Scottish
Cailleach stands as a prominent figure in Celtic mythology, embodying the essence of wisdom, transformation, and the cycles of nature. Her presence is deeply rooted in the folklore and traditions of Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man. She is a divine figure often depicted as a weathered, old woman wielding a staff or a wand. This staff is said to have mystical powers for when she slams it on the ground winter will freeze all the land. She represents the embodiment of winter, sovereignty, and the primal forces of the natural world. Since, the ancient Celts celebrated two seasons only, her reign bringing cold all over the land began on Samhain. So, take your time this month to connect to her allowing you a smoother and blessed time during the long cold winter months ahead as the snow begins to really fall and the temperatures freeze the ground.
Baba Yaga
The next goddess we have gives me a very similar energy and feel when I work with her as the goddess we just talked about above; Calileach. To modern witches and Slavic pagans, Baba Yaga is a witch goddess who lives deep in a birch forest moving from place to place among the trees in her hut she calls home on top of giant chicken legs. From time to time when she needs to gather more supplies you might catch a glimpse of her flying by up in the sky from her magical mortar and pestle. She’s a wild and untamed old woman, often seen as a hag or crone, but can transform herself into a beautiful woman to manipulate or trick someone if she desires. Baba Yaga is a goddess of wisdom, healing, transformation, death, rebirth, renewal and autumn/winter. When healing is needed, whether it’s from colds/flu or emotional healing, Baba Yaga can offer healing often in the form of herbal teas brewed by herself. Calling on her during this December can lead you through the forest now frozen and blanketed in snow, to her skull fenced lined home. To peer into the darkness of her cauldron and gain the most ancient wisdom from the darkness of the cosmos that she guards. To learn more about her you can read my previous post here.
Correspondences For The Month Of December
First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for time of the year like a month, which I will list below for you to use. Remember this is just a start to the list for you. You can use any correspondences that connect the magical themes and energies of December. Just follow your intuition on what you choose to work with!
Animal- stags, bears, owls,
Element- fire and earth
colors-Red, green, gold, silver
Symbol-Evergreen trees, candles, yule log, stars, bells, krampus, santa claus
Deities-Dagda, Cernunnos, Odin, Thor, Freyr, Morigan, Cailleach, hestia, Baba yaga, Amaterasu, Skaði, Mithras, Sol Invictus, Alcyone, Baldur, Holda, Bona Dea, Dionysus, Helios, Osiris, Sunna, Nyx, Isis, Freya, Apollo, the oak king, the holy king
Zodiac- Sagittarius and Capricorn
Themes-Rebirth, renewal, light, generosity, reflection, darkness, stillness, silence, coldness, introspection, to endure, wisdom, Personal alchemy, Spiritual paths, Purification, Meditation, banishing, binding, cleansing, home and hearth, family, shadow work, healing, transformation, duality, balance, goals, intentions, new beginnings, endings
How to connect to the magic of December
We’ve talked a lot about all the different types of energies the month of December has and gives us access to work with. So, how can you specifically connect to those energies? In your everyday life you can make sure your affirmations , intentions, and manifestations align with the energies of renewal, reflection, healing, new beginnings, and aligning ourselves with the cycles of the natural world with the darkest nights and coldest days ahead of us in this month. Make sure to grab onto the energy of warmth in the fire crackling in your hearth and home as well as you let go of the past year and head into new beginnings with hope as the next one unfolds. You can celebrate and honor any of the sacred days and holidays this month like Saturnalia, Yule, and many of the celebrations to honor the winter solstice and turning of the wheel.
Some Rituals and spell workings during this time that will be really intensified will be based on cycles of the seasons, rest, reflection, the winter, stillness, silence, and the darkness of the shadows surrounding us. Other spells that will have some significant meaning right now and help you connect to the energy of December should be centered around new beginnings. Setting intentions for you to manifest the life of your dreams in the new year to come. This month is another month when you can really get some clear and transformative messages from your guides. through any means of divination you prefer but, fire gazing or Cryomancy ( snow and ice divination)are some to think about to align with the correspondences of this month.
December creates a very potent liminal pocket of time that is teeming with duality, balance, and the power of transition from not only one season to the next but, from one year to the next.. It’s a month that really pulls us to go deep within ourselves in the darkness, stillness and silence for introspection, reflection, self awareness, and growth. This makes it a great month to do any work on transformation, reflection and preparation for dark times through shadow work. Allowing the energy of the frozen winter in the final days of the year to prep you for the long introspective months of winter ahead. If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.
Since, I am a grey witch I look for the duality in every single energy I work with including sacred times like a month of the year like the one we are currently in, December. I’m going to be honest until this year I really struggled with the duality of this month. I used to hate the bitter cold, and the wetness that chills to the bone with falling snow. All I would focus on was the untold stories and lost dreams frozen in silence all around me. I would let the harshness of this month drown me in the things of the past and let the darkness hold me back. But, now this year I am able to see clearly the other side to this month. There is absolute beauty in the pure whiteness of the snow blanketing the world right now. It washes all of nature in a cleansing and healing way as it goes into a deep rest to hibernate. Waiting to awaken when the ground thaws and spring begins to bloom as new being that was able to get the rest it needs to reflect. The silence and wisdom you find whispered in the creaks of trees is profound as each breath you take in reminds you of being alive with a bitter bite. The duality of this month send us into, what I am coming to learn may be the most liminal pocket of time in the entire year. Allowing us to be reborn by the sunrise of the brand new year when the solstice blesses us with hope as the days get longer and bright again.
Final Thoughts
We talked about many things in this blogpost including the history, some celebrations, the different energies and magical themes we can work with during this month. Along with how to connect to those energies, deities we can honor and worship, and how to work with the magic of December. December is a uniquely magical time that invites everyone to plant the seeds for hopes and dreams. December reminds us that even in the darkest nights, in the harshest conditions, and the coldest times we can still find hope and light. It’s the month that shows us the depth of our resilience and our willingness to thrive in harsh conditions. December invites you to let go and open up, to give out of yourself and to receive. It asks you to look within and tend to our inner garden. It asks you to weed out the old that no longer fits, and to make room for the new that holds endless magical possibilities. December shows us that just like nature we have the ability to every year become a blank canvas. Ready for us to paint and create something brand new and beautiful again. As the snow falls and blankets nature December’s magic brings the promise of rest, introspection, new beginnings, and endless possibilities.
Autumn is a magical time, perfect for witchcraft, as we approach the latter half of the year and the long, dark, cold, months of Winter drawing near. In witchcraft we use many things in our lives as tools for our spell work from nature or our home, like one of the most popular symbols and flavors of fall; Pumpkins. Pumpkins are synonymous with the autumn season we see them everywhere; especially around Halloween / Samhain and carrying through the month of November until Thanksgiving here in the USA. But, Pumpkins and gourds have been used for centuries in magic though as a form of protection, a connection to abundance and fertility, a boost to love and more. Let’s take a look at the biggest fruit, full of seeds of potential inside, who takes center stage during the spooky and fall season; the pumpkin in this blogpost.
Pumpkins what are they?
The pumpkin, Cucurbita pepo, is a type of Winter Squash though technically it is classified as a berry! The name pumpkin originated from the Greek word Pepõn, which means large melon. Most pumpkins are typically large, round and ribbed and of a distinctive orange color. However, they can also be white, green, yellow and other shades depending on the cultivar, as there are 3 or 4 different kinds of pumpkins overall. Harvested in October, this nutritious and versatile orange fruit features flowers, seeds and flesh that are edible and rich in vitamins. The pumpkin, though popular in many places throughout the world today, is native to North America and Mexico and has been cultivated since at least 7000 BCE. They were even a common crop to be planted and grown before beans and corn.
Medicinal properties of Pumpkins
Rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, pumpkins aren’t just the most popular fall flavor and a common witches’ tool set out on our front doorsteps but, they are incredibly healthy for us as well. Pumpkins are loaded with nutrients that can boost your immune system and help you stay healthy like vitamin C, E, and A. Pumpkins are also high in carotenoids, which are compounds that can function as antioxidants and some believe may help protect against certain cancers like, stomach, throat, pancreas and breast cancers. The health benefits keep rolling in with them being high in potassium, vitamin C and fiber, which have been linked to having heart benefits. Plus these popular fruits can help you stay looking younger since they are loaded with nutrients that are great for your skin. Pumpkin seeds can also help boost your mood. They contain tryptophan which helps boost serotonin.
Magical themes of Pumpkins
In witchcraft every single ingredient and tool we use in our spells and rituals has magical themes and energies it can align with and be used for. Pumpkins are no different. They can be used in spells, rituals, or charms to enhance your fertility, boost your manifestation, and connect you to the gratitude of the harvest. They can be utilized to attract wealth, success, and opportunities for financial growth. Don’t forget the most common magical use of all; calling on them to aid in protecting your home and guarding your threshold. Take a look below for some more themes you can use pumpkins for in your magical workings, spells, and rituals. . Don’t forget you can use all parts of the pumpkin too! Especially the seeds for potent fertility spell workings.
Good health
The harvest
Good luck
The dead
Love and matters of the heart
Pumpkins in myths and lore
Pumpkins are a true symbol of Autumn and spooky season, most likely because, that’s when they are harvested. We’ve also seen them as part of Fall and spooky season festivals and celebrations for thousands of years across cultures especially during Samhain. Below are a few myths and common lore we have involving pumpkins.
The Origin of carving pumpkins
The act of carving faces into a vegetable originates with the Scots and Irish but they didn’t carve pumpkins in ancient times, they carved vegetables like turnips or potatoes. Later on, after the Scotts-Irish migrated to the New World, they brought their Samhain traditions with them but, started to use the native fruit of the land pumpkins instead. The frightening faces carved into pumpkins were thought to serve as guardians. People believe these glowing, eerie faces could scare away malevolent and confused spirits, and other dark entities, keeping homes safe during the Samhain season when the veil is pulled back from the other side.
The origin of the Jack o lantern
The term Jack o lantern actually originated in England and is linked to a supernatural phenomenon called Ignis Fatuus or “foolish fire”. This is an eerie, spectral light that sort of bobbs and dances. It seduces people off the beaten path and often to their death. In addition to the jack o’ lantern being a spook light, the name also has a couple legends behind it and refers to a character or man named jack or stingy jack who made a deal with the devil. Because of this deal with the devil, he is not permitted to go to Heaven or Hell and is doomed to wander the earth forever with a glowing carved turnip ( now pumpkin) as his head.. And apparently he amuses himself and passes the time by leading people to their doom down dark and haunted paths on Halloween night.
Other mentionings of pumpkins
According to a Huron creation story, pumpkins arose when a divine woman died in childbirth. All of the plants necessary for life sprang up from her body: Beans grew from her legs, corn sprang from her body, and pumpkin vines grew from her head.
In religions that sprang from the Africa, pumpkins are associated with several major deities, particularly Oshun and Shango. Oshun is a goddess of rivers, love, and fertility, which echoes the connections between pumpkins, the element of Water, and the concepts of fertility and abundance as seen in other cultures and traditions.
Duality and Pumpkins
Since, I am a grey witch I look for the duality in every single energy I work with including the tools and spell ingredients I use. Pumpkins are full of duality in the properties they represent and energies they allow us to work with. On one hand they are a symbol of prosperity and abundance. Connecting us to the unlimited and generous flow of abundance calling it INTO our lives. While on the other hand they connect us to the energy of death and protection. Being a common symbol sitting at our front doors protecting our homes and threshold by keeping unwanted entities and spirits OUT.
We can’t forget that the most popular time to work with this tool is in the fall when they are being harvested and there are plenty to go around. The fall season is a really unique pocket of liminal space and time for us to connect to duality. We get to be surrounded by the bounty and abundance of the fall harvest and all the joy, celebration and gratitude that brings. While we are also confronted with the reality of nature beginning to die around us and the dark cold winter that is very soon going to be upon us.
Correspondences for the Pumpkin
First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for a magical tool/ fruit the pumpkin, which I will list below for you to use. Remember this is just a start to the list for you. You can use any correspondences that connect the magical themes and energies of the pumpkin. Just follow your intuition on what you choose to work with!
Holidays- Lughnasadh, Diana’s Festival, Mabon, Samhain, the fall harvest, Alfablot
Zodiac-Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio
Ways to work with the pumpkin
We’ve talked a lot about pumpkins in this post so far, including the magical themes associated with them. Those themes are the energies we can connect to with Pumpkins. They are how we can use them to build our spells and rituals. You have many options on how you want to include them in your spells and rituals and many different ways to work with them. Below you will find a list I put together of some ideas for spells, rituals, and ways you can work with them using the themes and magic we can harvest in each rounded and fruitful one.
Use their seeds as a spell ingredient for potent fertility spells in spell packets, spell jars, offerings at altars and more
Save their stems and grind them up to add to wish spells and manifestation magic
Hold a small pumpkin while working on balancing and aligning your sacral chakra
Get 3 smaller pumpkins and paint or carve symbols of fertility on them. Then mediate while focusing on them and thinking about what you would like to bring into life
Take a carved pumpkin and place a wish written on a bay leaf inside the pumpkin and bury it in the ground before sunrise
Pumpkin Scrying with water
There are countless forms of divination across the Earth using many different tools. Pumpkins can be powerful tools for divination, particularly in the practice of scrying due to their connection to transformation. Scrying is a form of divination that involves gazing into a reflective or translucent surface to receive visions or insights. Using pumpkins for scrying combines the seasonal magic of autumn with ancient divination practices.
How to perform pumpkin scrying
Hollow Out the Pumpkin- Cut off the top of the pumpkin and scoop out the seeds and pulp. Save the seeds for fertility magic spells for later Smooth the Interior- Scrape the interior walls until they are smooth. Create a Reflective Surface- place a small mirror at the bottom of the pumpkin before adding water. This enhances the reflective quality of the water.
Fill the Pumpkin with Water-Pour clean water into the hollowed-out pumpkin, filling it to about three-quarters full. Create sacred container- Do this in any way that works for you but, I recommned lighting black and white candles and setting them around the pumpkin to enhance the reflection
Gaze into the Water-Look into the surface of the water, allowing your gaze to soften. Don’t force any images to appear; simply observe and remain open to any visions or impressions. Interpret Your Visions-Take note of any shapes, symbols, or scenes that appear in the water. Trust your intuition to interpret their meanings.
Samhain Pumpkin Protection Spell
Like we talked about above pumpkins were thought to be used as very strong symbols of protection during the fall especially when the veil was it’s thinnest during Samhain. While the veil is pulled back and entities, spirits, and the dead walk among us and come out to play. Don’t forget to protect your threshold. Making sure only those you wish to cross it on that hallowed eve are the ones who can. Try this protection spell using a carved pumpkin on that night to give those unwanted spirits ghosts and entities a fright! I will even pull this spell out during different times of the year if my home ends up with an increased about of spirit activity for some reason.
What you will need:
A carved pumpkin, white candles, bay leaves, rosemary, sage, coriander, cloves
How to perform:
First take your white candles and set them in your pumpkin envisioning them bringing protection and being the guardian of your home this hallowed night. Next add your herbs of protection and connection to the dead to your pumpkin leaving out the bay leaves. Then take your bay leaves and add them one by one while saying out loud the names of the passed loved ones you would like to be able to cross your threshold and enter your home this hollowed night. After that take the top and with a deep breath seal the spell inside. Knowing this pumpkin will be the one now to decide who will come into your home on this hallowed night.
Kitchen Magic; Baking a pumpkin pie to bless your home
Kitchen magic is a very powerful type of magic that fills up the walls of your home. Allowing you to bless those you love while you can also create memories together and then fill their bellies with food. One common item to be baking right now especially with Thanksgiving at the end of this month when families will gather for a meal is a pumpkin pie. The entire process of making and baking the pie becomes a magical ritual. The spices used have their own magic properties helping you create your spell. You can then draw sigils or symbols in the pie crust before baking to add more magic and blessings for those you choose to serve it too.
Pumpkin Prosperity spell
Pumpkins are a significant sign of abundance and fertility for the fall. Think about when you cut open a pumpkin, it’s absolutely packed with seeds, each representing the possibility of new life and expansion. They can also be used to represent long term abundance as pumpkins can be kept for a long time before they start to decay. Another reason why they are plentiful for the fall harvest during this time right now. Try this prosperity spell using the very fertile and abundant pumpkin and watch your money flow get so much richer.
What you will need: A piece of pumpkin 3 bag leaves A pen A piece of twine A dollar bill 7 pumpkins Cinnamon- abundance Sugar- to sweeten the results and add speed Rosemary-connection the dead Basil-abundance/wealth Nutmeg-abundance
How to perform: Get yourself into sacred container focusing your energy and breath on abundance, prosperity and what it feels like to have more than all your needs met. Then take your piece of pumpkin and sprinkle each one of your herbs on the entire thing continuously focusing on abundance and prosperity. Next take your bay leaves and write the dollar amount you wish to receive on each of the three. Take your pumpkin piece in your hand and as you envision that dollar amount coming to you freely grab it, the dollar bill and your three leaves and use the twine to bind and wrap the money to you and your family securely around your bright golden piece of pumpkin. Once securely tied with the magic of a binding knot and your hand go outside somewhere you can bury it into the land. When you have your spot take your spell in your hand and recite out loud as you bury it into the ground. ” Pumpkin, pumpkin tightly bound bring your prosperity to me from the ground. Pumpkin, pumpkin rich and bright bring this prosperity to me day and night.”
Now watch the money amount you requested begin to flow to you and your home.
With Pluto leaving Capricorn and entering Aquarius today (Nov 19th) we as a collective are about to undergo a deep internal transformation that will ripple into every area of our lives. We will be asked to face our shadow and challenged to release patterns and attachments that no longer serve us. Leading to breakthroughs across the collective and allowing us the ability to connect to our dreams and be reborn into a new reality through innovation and creativity. With these shifts, we are breaking down barriers, while fighting for freedom and the reinvention of established societal norms. Pluto entering Aquarius also hits us on a psychic level, working on the deeper layers of our being allowing it’s energy to reshape the collective completely. Which may be why so many have reaching for this time calling it the Age of Aquarius and the age of awakening. Let’s break down why this cosmic energy shift is such a transformational event for each one of us in the collective.
Pluto’s energy
Pluto, the smallest planet in our solar system that also sits the furthest from the sun, is quite a power player in astrology. Because, it’s the furthers from the sun it takes the longest to make its rounds around it, spending up to three decades in one sign at a time. Pluto oversees heavy themes, such as control, death and rebirth, transformation, power and the shadow or underbelly side of life. Pluto is really the force of evolution, the catalyst of the deepest transformations and alchemical processes. Pluto is the planet of the underworld and death and where we find refuge in the shadows to be reborn. Pluto guides us on a journey through darkness and challenges us to make the unconscious conscious through sincere and consistent commitment to getting to the bottom of everything and facing the truth, no matter how dark, ugly, and uncomfortable it may be. Transits of Pluto mark generational cycles and collective dynamics with breakthroughs into new realities. When Pluto leaves a sign to enter a new one it is a huge cosmic event, one we won’t experience again in our lifetime. We ALL feel the shift. Which is why this is such a an important and potent cosmic event. Ultimately, Pluto influences big shifts in society, especially around power and control, setting the tone for the world at large depending on which sign it’s in.
Aquarius energy
Next, Aquarius energy is all about breaking free from both external and internal limitations and reclaiming our uniqueness and individuality. Aquarius is the energy of rebellion and liberation from the past, allowing us to release generational patterns, and wounds to truly move on from the past creating the reality we have always seen in our dreams. Aquarius is an energy that allows us to detach from our human self more and step outside of ourselves to look at things from a bird’s eye view. To see things from different perspectives and look at things without personal biases allowing us to come together as we reshape the collective through new ideas, innovation, and creativity. Aquarius energy is also the energy that is future minded and focused on the long term impact of our actions and how the affect those around us. During this time will be way more future-minded, and way more focused on how what we do now impacts us for decades to come and beyond. This isn’t just a concern for the present anymore. What about the future? What about the society we are leaving for the generations to come behind us? This feels like a critical deciding point for the collective that will have resounding and lasting impacts.
A Potent time for shadow work
Pluto in Aquarius will invite us into the depths of our souls and into the shadows, calling for total transformation in our lives. Unconscious material is surfacing for the purpose of looking the hidden parts of ourselves in the eyes and liberating them through healing and creative expression. This work is intense but deeply necessary on our spiritual path as we pursue healing within the collective right now. So, we can reinvent societal norms, fight for justice, and become a more cohesive collective. One of the best ways we can do this and meet this cosmic shift head on is through shadow work. There are so many ways to do shadow work from being in a meditative state, journaling, working in a liminal space, death walking and so much more. Below you will find some shadow work prompts specific to this revolutionary, transformative, and awakening cosmic shift to use in your own unique, creative, and liberating way. If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here.
What does freedom look like to me?
What new version of myself do I want to step into?
What in my life do I need to be liberated from?
How can I help reshape societal norms during this cosmic shift?
What hidden things are coming to the surface that I fear, I am ready to release as I step in to this new era?
In what ways do I need to be more creative and innovative in my life?
What hidden parts of myself do I need to face to be liberated to create the reality of my dreams?
How do I wish to see the collective transform and change? How can I be apart of that transformation and change?
What mysteries do I want to reveal and have come to light about myself and the world?
How can show up for my community in a new way?
How am I hiding my true nature from others out of fear of being judged by others? How can I liberate myself from this fear?
How can my healing as an individual help the collective healing happening now during this cosmic shift?
How can I step more into my authenticity to claim my power and creativity?
How can I become more unified with myself and the collective?
Other ways to work with this energy shift
Divination like tarot, water scrying, and fire gazing
Transformation, rebirth, and renewal spells
Express yourself creatively
look at your creative passions and find a way to use them to help the collective
Write a list of the things you wish to let go and read it out loud releasing it to the universe
Create a spell jar combining both energies and place it on your altar
Key magic to unlock hidden doors in your soul during shadow work
Create a simmer pot to enhance your physic connection and intuition
Use correspondences for Pluto and Aquarius in your spell work
Wrap up
Pluto in Aquarius wants to liberate us from the shackles of our conditioning, from the burden of society’s expectations, from the weight of tradition. Allowing us to bloom into authenticity with courage to reshape our reality into the things of our dreams as we tap into our true creativity. With Pluto moving into forward-thinking, humanitarian and innovative Aquarius, it’s time for us to leave Capricorn’s traditional and serious vibes behind. To be creative and allow our minds to look for new and innovative ways to reshape society and our own realities. When Pluto enters Aquarius you get a period of massive transformations and changes that propel you into the future.
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