We have entered a new lunar phase today, the full moon and this full moon in February is bringing us into the practical, productive and nurturing energy of Virgo. This Virgo full moon arrives to bring a balance of order, logic, and grounding. The Virgo Full Moon makes you aware of the state of your mental, emotional and physical health, thus may lead to changes in your lifestyle and getting the support you need to release old hurts.
This sign gets a lot of crap in the zodiac and many do not like to work with it and we see often people talking about how this is their most hated sign and energy to work with. For me this moon is one of my favorites every time it comes around. Maybe, it’s because I not only am a Virgo moon and rising, but I have Virgo in 9 of my houses so, when this moon comes around I personally am amplified.
Or, maybe it’s because this energy is so dense and steeped in duality and movement that I just simply can not wait to see what I can accomplish and get done in it.
Let me show you in this post the many reasons the Virgo energy should be your favorite energy to embrace instead of one of the most hated in the zodiac.

First, What is the Full Moon
Over the centuries, the Moon has played a significant role in different cultures and traditions. The full moon simply put is when the moon is completely illuminated in the sky and it has reached it’s peak in this lunar cycle in the sky. When the moon is completely illuminated it’s time for all to reach full expression. The full moon is the most powerful and potent time of the entire lunar cycle.
A full moon occurs when the transit (moving) Sun and Moon are in the exact opposite positions in the Zodiac (called an opposition). The full moon greatly affects humans and it’s no wonder it does because, there’s a scientific reason for this – we are made up of 60% or more of water.
Full Moons are the peak point of the lunar cycle: at this time of the month, the light of the Sun is fully illuminating the Moon, and the luminaries are exactly opposing one another from our perspective on Earth. This potent alignment offers us opportunities to gain more awareness about what is moving in our inner and emotional world, and information previously uncertain or hidden could be revealed at this time.
There are so many ways to work with the full moon, to learn more how to work with the full moon energy check out my blog post here; https://modgepodgemystic.com/working-with-the-full-moon/
But, remember each full moon will be slightly different and have different practices to add and different ways to do it based on which zodiac sign the full moon is currently in at the time.

So, who is Virgo?
Who is Virgo in the Zodiac? Virgo is represented by the virgin or maiden archetype and is deeply connected to the element of earth and a mutable sign. Virgo is an Earth sign so it’s practical, but it’s also related to Mercury which means it has an active mind and related to communication as well. Virgo reminds us of the importance of maintaining a solid connection with the Earth and encourages us to connect with sparks of divine order amidst the vast universal chaos.
Virgo is also the sign of health, so we may focus on trying to work on health issues. This can be a good time to eliminate a bad habit, to quit something that is causing us harm, and we can be more dedicated to this.
Virgo can also be seen across many pantheons as a key representation to the seasons, duality, and a key part to the divine feminine energy we all are connected to. Virgo representing the maiden and virgin energy makes her vital to the triple goddess representation of the divine feminine energy.
She represents and connects us to the first pivotal transformation and shift we go thru in our lives moving from child to a maiden before the next phase into the mother energy of our lives. You see this energy and representation with goddesses like Persephone and her story of transformation to power thru duality.

Virgo the Practical and analytical mind
Virgo is deeply connected to our practical and analytical side of our mind and it is heightened with it’s connection to mercury as well. With it being so analytical this energy can cause us to go deep into our minds and reflect. The Virgo Full Moon highlights the invitation to notice in what areas of our lives we need more discernment, better boundaries, and a stronger connection with the Earth.
Virgo likes to cut through the noise and get to the good stuff — constantly sorting out thoughts, feelings, and everything around them. Leave it to Virgo to figure out what’s useful or useless, what’s true or not true, what’s right or wrong. It’s not surprising that this sign’s motto is “I analyze.”
The Virgo Full Moon offers us chances to see where better standards may be needed, where we may be ungrounded or excessively idealistic, and what needs to be differently structured or organized for the sake of better functionality or health. This lunation also invites us to refine our capacity to discern between the whispers of our intuition and the voice of our fears and insecurities. Take the time to really focus on differentiating between those voices especially in this energy and don’t allow the analytical energy of Virgo to turn into ruminating thoughts which it can very easily do.

Virgo the sign of the working mind and heightened productivity
The Virgo Full Moon is often a time of heightened productivity. Virgo is the sign of work, and Full Moons rule endings, so we’re working hard to get things done. The urge to finish your to do lists is going to be overwhelming and you may become very hyper focused on them. We can tackle projects, tasks, and chores at home or at a job, and we want to feel we’re getting all of the little things out of the way.
Virgo is very detailed orientated, and thrives in order and cleanliness. So, when we are in this energy we can be focused and pay close attention to detail, and end up getting many things off of our list of things to do. We can get hyper focused on tidying things up in our physical space by spring cleaning or reorganizing our home.
With the extra attention to detail we can take a look at all areas of our life to see where it can use some more structure and order to lead to the productivity. I know for me I end up redoing my bullet journal, my family binder, my schedule, my sons schedule, the list could go on. I end up endlessly planning and rearranging things but, in a very reflective way with purpose and drive for long term goals.
This is also an excellent time to work on any projects as this diligent sign has an uncanny ability to analyze the critical details most of us would miss!
Virgo always being of service to others
Virgo is the sign of service to others and is overflowing with nurturing energy that simply wants to help anyone and everyone they see that needs it. Virgo is literally the healing energy of the cosmos and the energy that will help you with anything you need help with. Virgo takes deep happiness from helping others as well. You see this with many of your nurses, doctors, lawyers and social workers being from this sign.
Since, Virgo loves to lend a helping hand, so don’t be surprised if you are the first person to volunteer when a friend asks for a favor right now. But, don’t be mistaken — you won’t feel obligated in the least bit. Because Virgo loves to pitch in, you’ll not only want to come to someone’s aid, but you’ll also get extreme satisfaction from it.

Things to look out for with Virgo
So, let’s talk about the reasons why this sign tends to be so hated and what to look our for yourself with the Virgo energy. Since Virgo is so attached to your analytical side and so detail orientated it can come off as and be very critical at times of others. So, try and slow down and be clear with your communication with others during this time. Let them know you are coming from a place of caring, and simply wanting to help.
With it being critical one thing this energy may do is cause your reflection and analysis to get very critical and harsh with yourself and cause some perfectionism to take over. So, remember to harness in on the part of the Virgo energy that is nurturing and helping to others and extend it to yourself. And remember Virgo is the sign of health so physical self care can really build self compassion and help keep your critical thoughts at a productive level and not a harmful one.
Remember how Virgo brings heightened productivity and a push to get stuff done? That can sometimes go into overdrive with the Virgo energy. It can become so strong you simply want to go, go, and go. You may feel the need to get so much done you push yourself to burn out.
During this time remember that the only way you can continue to be productive is by taking those breaks now and than when you need them. So take them! Set yourself some reminders in your phone even if you have to. Nothing, feels worse than doing a massive amount of work to watch it all backslide because you burn yourself put and can’t follow through.
Use Virgo to release perfectionism
Full Moon in Virgo highlights the need to resolve imbalances, connect with a deeper sense of harmony, and gain a better understanding of how, where, and when we tend to get polarized or tempted to adopt a “one size fits all” approach. This energy helps us create a balance between the emotional and the practical.
Virgo reminds us of the dangers of idealization, it reminds us that perfection is a trap, and also that remaining stuck in fantasy doesn’t allow us to appreciate and be present with what is already available to us.
The Virgo Full Moon is a powerful time to release our attachment to ideas of how something should be, unfold, or look like, making sure we keep our feet on the ground, practicing self-compassion, and learning to love both ourselves and others in our humanness.

How to Connect to the Virgo Full Moon
Now, that we have talked about the themes of this Virgo full moon and how it is going to affect you let’s talk about how you can specifically connect to and work with this moon.
First, make sure to do all of your staples that your learned in the previous blog post linked here https://modgepodgemystic.com/working-with-the-full-moon/ for you like, charging your crystals, making moon water, https://modgepodgemystic.com/moon-water-a-magical-staple/ and resetting your altar.
With this moon there are certain spells and rituals that will help connect you this moon in the most effective way. Remember these are just some of the many ideas follow your intuition and the energy of this moon.
- Reflect on your daily routine
- clean and cleanse your physical space
- Grounding
- Earth/green magic
- Create an earth altar
- Worship Persephone or any goddess that represents the maiden energy
- Reorganize your home
- Cast a spell for personal growth
- Create a sacred safe space in your home
- service to others
- Do shadow work to release unrealistic expectations and perfectionsim
- Cast any physical health spells
- Do binding, banishing, or chord cutting for any unwanted habits
- Start a bullet journal for planning and routine
- divination
- Create a self care routine
- Create a self care altar or spell jar

Correspondences for the Virgo full moon
First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like I will list below for you to use.
- planet-Mercury
- Element- Earth
- Sex- Feminine
- Modality- mutable
- Symbol- the maiden/virgin
- colors- green, light blue, black
- Phrase/motto- I Analyze
- Chakra- Throat and root
- Herbs- poppy, rosemary, vine, fennel
- Stones/ crystals- amethyst, citrine, fluorite, lapis lazuli, green aventurine
- tarot- the hermit

Reflection topics and questions for Virgo Full Moon
Every full moon is a great time to for reflecting on those seeds you had planted during the new moon and how they are doing now at the end of the lunar cycle and how you can celebrate your success and adjust the future for even greater success. Whether you do it thru meditation, shadow work, or divination like tarot; below is a list of prompts and topics to connect with the energy of the Virgo full moon.
- What physical and mental spaces can I clean up and declutter?
- Where in my life needs to be more organized?
- What areas in my life am I being too self critical and why?
- How can I care for my physical health better?
- Where can I let go of unrealistic expectations in my life?
- What areas of my life do I need to be more productive in?
- How can I balance my emotion mind and logic mind?
- Who in my life have I been too critical of and why?
- How can I show others in my life more compassion?
- How in my life can I be of more service to others around me?
- What does self care look like for me and how will I make it a priority in my routine?
- How do I feel when I make a mistake and why?
- What did I accomplish this lunar cycle I can be proud of?

Ritual to Declutter and Reorganize your life with the Virgo full moon
I use this ritual all the time to help me declutter my to do list, refocus my priorities and to help me realize my expectations may be a little unrealistic and cause burn out and lower self esteem by setting myself up to fail. This ritual I created with a combination of therapy skills I learned to help manage my OCD which if you think about it, is very much the essence of Virgo energy as well.
All you will need is something to write with, a white candle and some post it notes.
How to perform
Get into sacred space. Light your candle and use the flame to focus your breath and your attention. As you are breathing in and out you want to focus on calming energy filling your space in a bright yellow color. Once you feel surrounded in that calming yellow energy you are going to let your mind focus on the things you have been avoiding or procrastinating getting done. Once you have things coming to your mind you will than take your pen and on one post it note at a time you will write a task out. Do this until no more tasks come to your mind. Once you feel all tasks have been emptied from your mind. Take a few minutes in sacred space to reflect on what you have written on your post its and decided if the amount may be too overwhelming to work with. If the answer is yes stay in sacred space and reflect until you know which tasks to eliminate now. Once you feel grounded in your number of tasks you can blow out the flame of your candle and release your calming yellow energy.
Now, take your post it’s and place them on your fridge or somewhere front and center in your home to remind you to complete them. And every time you complete one take the post it and burn it in gratitude and leave the ashes on your altar or release them to the Earth.

Bay Leaf Release Ritual for Virgo Full Moon
I love this simple release ritual especially during the Virgo moon. The items I usually always have on hand and it just fits well with the energy of Virgo. You get to have the element of earth represented in the bay leaves and with it being so simple it really pulls you out of the analytical energy of Virgo and simply let’s you release based on intuition.
All you will need are as many bay leaves as you want, a white candle and a pen.
How to perform
With your bay leaf, pen, and candle ready.
Get into sacred space, light your candle and visualize what or who it is you want to release. How does it feel to completely release the thing, event, or person? Once you feel that vision is grounded in your mind’s eye take your pen and write 1 word or a sentence of what you want to release
Once written burn the bay leaf in the candle flame while visualizing the energy completely releasing to the universe and the energetic chord dissipating