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Working with the magic of March; Rebirth, planting seeds, and purification

The snow is beginning to melt, the scent of decay is all around as the plants unthaw and use the nutrients they’ve been hibernating in to come back to life. We hear the chirping of birds and critters running around among the foliage. All around us we see the awakening of the earth from its winter slumber and the emergence of new life sprouting. March is a time to focus on renewal, rebirth, fertility, growth, prosperity, and fruitfulness. March is the month we welcome the first rays of sunshine of spring and we begin to feel the harsh Winter start to dissipate. It’s the month we stop going inwards to look behind us and instead we look ahead with hope. We begin to prepare for planting our crops, and the return of the beloved Sun and the Spring. This is the most fertile time of the year to plant seeds of intention for manifestation for the rest of the year. Lay them in the ground that has been hibernating soaking up nutrients all winter long. March is the month when we watch as Winter slowly fades off, the days become noticeably longer, and spring is waving at us just over the horizon. March is a month of deep, profound, transformational change. Let’s spring into March and look at all the ways you can connect to the energy of March to allow yourself, your magic, and your intentions to really bloom and blossom this year.

History In The Month Of March

The month of March is the 3rd month of the Julian and Gregorian Calendars but was originally the first month of the Roman calendar year, called Martius named for Mars, one of the most important Gods of the Roman state. This month later took on a little more significance in history when it became known for the Ides of March. Also known as March 15th, the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44BC and later making it considered an unlucky day by many and for some still today it is considered an unlucky day.

Zodiac signs for the month of March

Those born in March are said to be born under either the sign of the two fishes Pisces or the headstrong ram Aries.

Those under the sign Pisces are typically born between February 18th and March 20th. Pisces is, fittingly, a water sign, represented by the sign of the two fishes. They’re all known for being emotionally fluid, vacillating between feelings, and being very in tune with their feelings and those of others. Pisces are typically loyal, intuitive, and creative, and they are very sociable.

Those under the sign of Aries are typically born between March 21st and April 19th. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac which makes it fittingly represented by the sign of the ram. They’re are known for being headstrong , bold, and ambitious. They love to charge a head into any situation without fear and fiery courage. Aries lights up the room with their vibrant and enthusiastic confidence.

Sacred Days And Celebrations In March

Every Single month has sacred and important days and celebrations to help you connect to the energies of the month. Plus they usually are a lot of fun to take part in! Below you will find a list of the sacred days and celebrations for the month of March! The common themes you will find are fertility, new beginnings, the welcoming of spring, the rebirth of the sun, renewal, and hope. Also take note how this month has a lot of really important holidays taking place all around the rebirth of the sun. Plus all the ideas of hope, joy , and celebration of surviving the long harsh, cold winter together. But, first we are going to talk about a few that take centerstage during this month like the hope in new beginnings with the spring equinox and Ostara.

The Spring Equinox and Ostara

The Spring Equinox is celebrated with many different holidays and traditions like the most common one being Ostara on the wheel of the year. This time is ripe with fertile energy all about growth, rebirth, planting seeds for harvest, and duality. The Spring Equinox aka Vernal Equinox, is the time when day and night are equal. During this time, the direct rays of the sun hit the equator, making day and night equal in length. The most important part of the day is when the sun hits its zenith, the precise moment when the sun is perfectly lined up with the equator. This moment marks the first day of spring, with the light triumphing over the darkness. Which is why we see so many cultures celebrating it with festivals like Ostara. Ostara is the celebration of rebirth and renewal, it is the Sabbat; a holiday marked on the pagan wheel of the year. Ostara is one of the eight Sabbats in the Wheel of the Year calendar. Ostara, is the dawn of the fertile season on the Wheel of the Year. The word Ostara comes from the Anglo-Saxon goddess name, Eostre. Eostre represented spring and new beginnings. It marks the start of the astrological year as well and is considered the New year for many different cultures and tribes around the world as they welcome back the sun. If you want to learn more about this sacred day you can read my guide all about it HERE.

St. Patrick’s day

The month of March later became even more significant with the arrival of St. Patrick’s Day in 461 BC. St. Patrick’s day is on March 17 which refers to the anniversary of Saint Patrick ‘s death in the year 461. Still considered Ireland’s patron saint to this day, Saint Patrick was born in the 4th century in Great Britain. Now, this holiday is packed with parades, good luck charms, and all things green. The event started as a religious holiday, but over time it’s become a celebration of Irish culture and excessive drinking. Now, keep in mind there are a lot of myths around this day and a lot of misrepresented history. Like some saying the “snakes” he drove out were pagans and others arguing that is untrue and being used to oppress them even today. I might be writing an article covering all the different stories around this holiday but, until then I recommend to look at all the different stories surrounding this holiday.

Other sacred days and holidays

  • Nowruz -Persian New Year
  • Easter Sunday
  • Hilaria
  • Purim
  • Anthesteria- a Greek festival of Dionysus
  • Holi
  • Eid al-Fitr
  • Good Friday
  • Pal m Sunday
  • passover
  • Shunbun no Hi- Shintoism celebration of the spring equinox
  • International Women’s day
  • Anna Perenna March 15th
  • Mamuralia March 14th or 15th
  • Lady Day – March 25
  • The Ides of March – March 15th, the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44BC and considered an unlucky day by many
  • Liberalia- Roman festival of the God of Liber
  • Māgha Pūjā: This Theravādin Buddhist holiday is observed on the first full moon day of March
  • The Borrowing Days – March 28, 29, 30
  • Sikh: Hola Mohalla
  • Women’s history month
  • Mardi Gras

March Magical & Witchcraft Themes

In magic and witchcraft, March is often associated with themes of rebirth, renewal, and transition to name just a few. As the month marks the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, it symbolizes the awakening of the earth from its winter slumber and the emergence of new life. With March being named after and associated with the planet mars it is deeply connected to vitality, fertility, and the movement of energy in getting things done. This makes it one of the most fertile months for manifestation, growth, and planting new seeds.

With March being the bringer of spring, the bringer of new life; it is the ideal time for us to literally plant seeds in the ground for us to harvest in the fall to feed our families through the long harsh winter. This makes it a month not only about the fertility and potential waiting in the ground but, also a month that allows us to look forward to the year ahead. A month to welcome in joy, hope, and endless possibilities with the rebirth of the Sun. This month is ripe with the energy of fertility, new beginnings, and possibilities. This energy of new beginnings also comes with a sense of cleanliness, the need to purify. Channel into this energy when setting intentions, doing manifestation work, and your magical workings this month and watch them bloom like never before.

Another key theme with spring and the point of the wheel of the year we are tuning our energies into with the month of March is renewal, rebirth, and transition. These themes make it a very key time to be willing to go deep within yourself to connect to your true creative force. To figure out how to awaken that force within you that makes the courageous moves towards making your goals and dreams come true. Now that the earth is unthawing from the Winter. It is a month to maintain balance, and to work with your duality and shadow. When doing this you allow yourself to be open to the massive amount of transformational, transitional, and renewing energy this month has to offer.

The Gods And Goddesses Of March

With every season and month there are certain themes, magic, and energies we have the ability to connect to including deities.Everyone works with and views deity energy a little differently. Whether you view them as archetypes of the human consciousness, representations of the source energy, or as being entities on their own, there are certain deities that now is the time to connect to and honor them in the most sacred and amplified way.( Don’t forget to grab my eBook in the shop to help you explore this)

During this month a few deities take center stage because they have festivals or sacred days during this month to help you connect with them in a very intimate way. The deities that are going to be the best for you to connect to right now are going to be those who represent spring , the changing of the seasons, and the sun; like Persephone and Demeter. Especially since this is the time of the year those two are together on Earth. Deities that can connect you to fertility, fruitfulness, and growth are also great to call to this time as well. Don’t forget one of the most pivotal moments of this month is when the sun is reborn with joy and hope. So, don’t be afraid to connect with deities of the sun as well!

This time is also a very liminal time. This month gives us access to one of the two times during the year the veil is the thinnest, and we can have access to other realms and the crossroads with much more ease. Deities that have the ability to bring you wisdom, guidance, and access to you shadow shelf like Hecate, the Morrigan, and Persephone are amazing to call to and work with during this time. Being guides with you along the road to renewal as the season change to spring preparing you for fresh new growth. Below we will talk about some of the deities you can work with this month. I could never list them all here.


First up, the goddess who has held my heart for many years. The one I rejoice during this month as I greet her again as she returns from her quality time with her beloved Hades; Persephone. In Greek mythology, Persephone is the goddess of agriculture, the spring, the Underworld, duality, and the wife of Hades. Prior to her marriage with Hades she was known as Kore, which means “daughter” or “maiden”. I find this to be crucial to her story and representation of rebirth, because, before she grabbed power in her marriage to Hades, the gods hadn’t even given her a name or her own place of power. Which makes no sense to me because she was born from two of the most powerful deities. Persephone is the daughter of Zeus, the chief god, and Demeter, the goddess of agriculture. For her to have such little power, be sheltered, and not have her own place of power within the pantheon was in injustice she would rectify through the power of rebirth and duality by becoming Hades wife. As the wife of Hades, Persephone governs the realm of the dead by his side with grace, compassion, and might. Persephone’s presence in the Underworld brings a sense of balance between life and death. While Samhain marks Persephone’s descent into the underworld when she ascends to her throne as the queen of the underworld. Spring marks her journey and ascent, some say guided by the torch light of Hecate back to Earth. To spend her agreed upon quality time with her mother. With her return we also see the return of lush green grasses, plentiful fields of grains, and sweet smelling flowers decorating the landscape as they bloom. Persephone’s return is associated with the fertility of the earth and the abundance of the harvest, signifying a time of growth, vitality, and the fulfillment of potential. Her story during this month reminds us of the need for balance between life and death, darkness and light, and the constant cycle of change that occurs in nature and in our own lives. Allowing us to move forward from the darkness and introspection into a place blooming with growth and the life of new beginnings. She encourages us to embrace change and new beginnings to fully claim the power that was always rightfully ours. To learn all about this alluring, intriguing, and transitional goddess, and see her story in a whole new light. Plus meet her in a guided meditation you can watch my class all about her here! Plus I promise you will be getting a guide to work with her soon!

Next up we have one of the most important goddess of spring is; Eostre. She is the Germanic goddess of fertility, rebirth, and dawn. Sometimes referred to as the goddess Ostara, this deity was associated with springtime because this was the season when the days began to lengthen and the sun became stronger. She was also associated with the hare and the egg, which were symbols of fertility and new life. Unfortunately, we don’t know much else about her or how she was worshipped since we only really see her name in passing outside of one text. She’s mentioned in the writings of an 8th century monk known as Venerable Bede, who reported that pagan Anglo-Saxons in medieval Northumbria held festivals in her honor during the month of April.

Inanna -Ishtar

Inanna is a primal ancient goddess who emerged from the Cradle of Civilization as we know it now; Mesopotamia. Some know her as Ishtar while others know her as Inanna-Ishtar. Inanna is the Goddess of Fertility, Love, Procreation, War, Death, and Spring: she is a complex Goddess embodying ALL aspects of the divine feminine. Ancient peoples who went against the gender-binary were cult members. She is a goddess who brings self-empowerment, protection, love, strength and abundance. She will aid in your spiritual endeavors and will also help heal and bring to light your shadows. Inanna is a fierce goddess who dominated the gods’ realms, boldly journeyed through the Underworld, and acquired her innate wisdom from the god Enki. Her worship involved celebrating the spring equinox and the renewal of life. She is even featured in the Epic of Gilgamesh, Inanna and the Huluppu-Tree, and The Descent of Inanna. Plus the “Ishtar Gate” was part of Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon. While she is a goddess of ancient Sumerian origin, her worship eventually spread throughout the ancient Middle East to Akkadia, Assyria, Greece and Phoenicia (among others). Her name means “Lady of Heaven”, derived from ancient Sumerian word nin-a-nak. She is often portrayed as a beautiful young woman with a pair of wings. Her sacred animal, the lion, accompanies her in her travels. Inanna carries her symbol, the eight-pointed star, in most manifestations. The Queen of Heaven sits upon a lion throne and holds a snake-scepter. Working with her this month allows you to connect to one the most primordial energies we have representing the return of Spring.


Last up, we have the deity this month is named after; the Roman god of war and protector of crops Mars. He is a powerful deity associated with military power, aggression, and conflict. Mars is the Roman God of war, and one of the most important Gods in ancient Rome, second only to his father Jupiter. One of his most important festivals kicks off this month on the first; Feriae Marti. He is the son of Jupiter and Juno. Plus the father of Romulus and Remus, the legendary founders of Rome; whom we just celebrated last month during Lupercalia. By the way he fathered with the priestess Rhea Silvia by rape. This is why many Romans considered themselves the sons of Mars. Mars represents strength, courage, and the relentless pursuit of victory, often depicted with symbols like the spear, shield, and the wolf or woodpecker, animals sacred to him Since he represented the virtue and strength of nature and youth, he was often part of rituals dedicated to military practice. Especially, the ancient Italian practice of Ver Sacrum, the Sacred Spring: when citizens made the sacred decision to remove the new generation from the territory as soon as it became adults .Essentially sending them out to found new communities and military strongholds. It was though that, Mars welcomed the expelled young people under his tutelage and protected them until they founded a new community. Working with him this month allows you to connect with the energy of renewal with a bold strength and boundless courage.

The Correspondences For March

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for time of the year like a month, which I will list below for you to use. Remember this is just a start to the list for you. You can use any correspondences that connect the magical themes and energies of March. Just follow your intuition on what you choose to work with!

  • Planet-Mars & Neptune
  • Animal-Rabbit, Hedgehog, Cougar, Crow, Lamb, Fish, deer, birds
  • Element- water & Fire
  • colors- Light greens, Lights blues, Light pinks, pastels
  • Chakra- Solar plexus/ root
  • Herbs- clover, Chamomile, Daffodil, dogwood, violet, honeysuckle, Irish moss
  • Stones/ crystals- Aquamarine, Amethyst, Opal, Carnelian, Bloodstone, Diamond
  • Deities- Mars, Tyr, Hecate, Persephone, Demeter, Isis, Athena, The Morrigan, Ostara, Minerva, Inanna
  • Symbols- Leprechaun, Pot of Gold, rainbow
  • Zodiac- Aries & Pisces
  • Celebrations- St. Patrick’s Day, The Ides of March, Pi Day, Mothering Sunday, Ostara, Spring Equinox
  • Trees- Alder & Ashe

How To Connect To The Magic Of March

We’ve talked a lot about all the different types of energies the month of March has and gives us access to work with. So, how can you specifically connect to those energies? In your every day life you can make sure your affirmations and manifestation work align with the energies of growth, prosperity, hope, renewal, new beginnings, the Sun, and fruitfulness. Allow yourself to wake up from your months of deep introspection and welcome the reborn Sun with hope and anticipation. You can also celebrate and honor any of the sacred days and holidays like Ostara, the spring equinox and Nowruz with renewal rituals, planting seeds of manifestation, and welcoming in the season of spring.

Some Rituals and spell workings during this time that will be really intensified will be based on renewal, new beginnings, rebirth, and manifestation. Other spells that will have some significant meaning right now and help you connect to the energy of March should be centered around planting new seeds, fertility, and manifestation. While using the boldness of this month to make fearless steps towards your goals. This month is another month when you can really get some clear and transformative messages from your guides. As we are in a liminal time of transition welcoming the birthing moment of the Sun once again. As we emerge from the dark, cold, harsh days and nights of Winter. You can do this through any means of divination you prefer but, fire gazing is one to think about to align with the correspondences of this month.

Don’t forget to connect to the magic of March by centering their rituals, and spell workings around the themes of cleansing and purifying as well. Since, this theme is central to the month as nature goes through it’s own cleansing as it awakens from it’s slumber. Try connecting to this purifying energy by taking a ritual bath, doing a cleansing floor wash, or smoke cleansing your home with an herb bundle. Rituals and spell workings during this time that will be really intensified will be based on prosperity, wealth, growth, and rebirth. You can do things like create a lucky money bag, a prosperity bowl, cast abundance spells or perform some spells using egg magic. Egg magic is very potent this month connecting you to one of the universal symbols of rebirth in throughout the world. To learn more about egg magic check out my guide HERE.

  • Elemental magic with the element of water and fire. You could even work with the element of Earth when you start planting
  • Seed magic
  • Simmer pot for cleansing, renewal, removing unwanted energies
  • Purification and cleansing rituals and spells using water
  • Start collecting magical dirt to be used for magicl purposes
  • Transformation and transition spells and rituals
  • Shadow work based on transition, fertility, new beginnings, welcoming the light.  If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here; and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here. Plus don’t forget to head to the shop and register for my new course that is beginning at the end of this month!
  • Abundance, good luck, and fertility spells; egg spells are especially potent this month
  • add the symbol of the hare to your altar or spell workings
  • plan and prep for your garden. Maybe even begin planting it if you can
  • go on a mindful and intentional walk in nature to take in the sights, smells, and sounds of the landscape and critters awakening from their winter slumber
  • celebrate the spring equinox with any of the holidays across the Earth like Ostara
  • Set SMART goals and intentions for your manifestations for the spring
  • Ritual bath for purification, cleansing, and renewal
  • work with deities of fertility, Spring, and the Sun
  • Divination like fire gazing or water scrying
  • Make some sun water and use it in kitchen magic, cleansing, and to amplify spell work
  • Perform some solar magic
  • Create a spell jar for self confidence, new beginnings, attracting happiness, hope
  • Creativity spells
  • go on a shamanic journey with the hare, the lamb or any of this month’s animals
  • work with the divine feminine during womb healing
  • Work with the snake in your workings and rituals since this whole year is the year of the snake
  • create an altar for the month
  • Reset your month with some Spring cleaning
  • work with milk in your spells and ritual
  • Get outside and do some grounding or earthing
  • Start a new project, new business, new lifestyle, new routine, new health plan
  • Cast garden growth spells
  • Give offerings to the fae or create a fairy house for your garden. Better yet plant and create an entire fairy garden
  • Weather magic
  • Make some worry water while in Pisces season to release past wounds and pent up emotions
  • Pick up your sword and go to war for causes you care about by casting some Justice, revenge, or karma spells
  • do journaling and inner work to look at your mother daughter relationship like Demeter and Persephone
  • Use the fertility of this month for potent womb healing
  • celebrate St. Patrick’s day by studying it’s history and Irish culture
  • feed local foxes or volunteer at a local rescue
  • Learn more about green magic and perform some

Duality and the month of March

Since, I am a grey witch I look for the duality in every single energy I work with including sacred times like a month of the year like the one we are currently in, March. This month is a really easy one for me to connect to the duality of it. As the phrase goes “March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb”. It is a month that starts with a fierce, bold, strength as we will still have the last few stormy weeks of Winter left. Then it ends with the caring, gentle, and welcoming embrace of the blooming Spring. As we walk around in nature we see the duality in stark clarity as well. As we take in the snow not yet melted on the ground, the scent of death from the plants just beginning to peak out , the sound of bird chirping as they jump from tree to tree, and the air no longer has a stinging cold bite. This month also marks the duality of the transition point we all experience when the sun is reborn on the March Equinox. The March equinox marks the solar waxing energies of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the waning energies of Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere happening simultaneously. No matter where we are in the world we can tap into the duality that expresses itself in so many ways on this sacred day. This includes: Yin and Yang, waxing and waning, giving and receiving, Ascent and descent, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, light and dark, beginnings and endings, (re)birth and death (embodied in tales such as that of Persephone and Inanna). Not only that in many religions and cultures around the world, their God is reborn or rises at Spring like with Jesus in Christianity and Osiris in Egypt. Lastly the dualities of this month are seen in the Seed itself that we plant during this month. The seed which manifests in both Spring and Autumn in different ways. While also representing the cyclical nature of life and death itself that permeate the month of March as well.

Spring Forward With March To Bloom The Rest Of The Year

We talked about many things in this blogpost including the history, some celebrations, the different energies and magical themes we can work with during this month. Along with how to connect to those energies, deities we can honor and worship, and how to work with the magic of March. March is a uniquely magical time that invites everyone to plant the seeds for hope with the arrival of spring. While also reminding us of the harshness of Winter sill surrounding us with snow storms that we have to be resilient and get through. However you choose to connect to the many energies March has to offer you; from rebirth, fertility, growth, fruitfulness, cleansing and wealth enjoy how the refreshing energy of spring will bring a new sense of life to you and your magic. And watch things bloom throughout the year like they never have before.

In this new special 6 month shadow work program I will help you realign your inner world, discover all the versions of you in the shadows, and show you how to integrate your shadows into your own authentic identity. When you purchase and register for this 6 month course you will get pre-recorded lessons, eBooks, journal prompt workbooks, weekly guided sessions, ( with one week off for integration) one womb healing session, and access to a discord chat for all those who are taking the course with you. We begin the last Monday of March for orientation week and then session for courses start the first Monday of April! There will be limited spots so hurry and register today.

About Me : I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years. First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration, and re-enchantment of Magic in society, across this realm, and in each and every soul I come across in life! I am here to create a container that promotes healing, duality, and raw authenticity. I do this by guiding you on your personal journey to understanding your unique magic and sacred contracts. I facilitate this for you through embracing your shadow, duality and learning to live in energetic balance while not wearing a mask. When you work and learn from me you do so from your “darkness” as much as your “light” and in a way to truly harness and accept it not to just go thru it on the way to your light. But, I teach you how to truly embrace it, work with it, and use it alongside your light as a partner. I hold up a mirror for you to be able to see your authentic reflection looking back. Then have the courage to take the next step and do the uncomfortable but vital inner work to completely remove your mask. By facing all of your past wounds, traumas, and hurts. Allowing you to see both the dark and light within your story and take each chapter and alchemize it into something that is so powerful. your unique internal flame will shine so bright you will always be able to go within and find it on a dark cold night. You will learn how to truly live in duality and energetic balance to allow growth, and alignment with your sacred contracts and purposes. to finally move on and truly let the things that hold you back in this life from healing and manifesting go. To see everything I offer; like personalized shadow work sessions, womb healing, eBooks for you to work through on your own, Tarot sessions for guidance and more! Go to my shop!

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Use SMART Goals To Up-level Your Life Today!

I have been feeling this strong pull to talk about goals all week now. Maybe it’s because we entered March this month and by now at least 43% of us who set goals around the New Year have already given up on them or hit huge obstacles to deter us. Maybe it’s because, I have had to do so much adjusting to my own goals already this year because, of life changing, my family needing different levels of my time and support now, and honestly I really was unprepared for what my new goals were actually going to entail and how much my life was going change with it all. I have had to rewrite, and re-evaluate my goals and personal development plan many times already this year to make sure they are still SMART goals for me.

Goals have many benefits to having them intentionally in your life. I know some people reading this blogpost will know what goals are and already use them intentionally pretty often in their lives by using things like bullet journals, vision boards, and creating 5 year plans. While others reading this post will know what goals are but, loosely use them by having goals; as in some day dreams, like some day I want to own my own business or own a home etc. And others even yet may not use goals at all. That can happen for many reasons, not knowing what you even want, mental health issues, etc.

No matter what your current relationship is with goals this will benefit you. I was a person who did all the things like bullet journaling, setting goals for the day, week, month, year, etc, having a goal board. I loved having goals in my life but, even than I would have a lower success rate than I would like and lower follow through than I was proud of. Than I was taught this skill in DBT and all of that changed! My life completely up leveled. ( I Still have some major set backs I am navigating through) but, I set over 150+ goals last year and I met all, but about 20 of them by the end of last year. Continue reading to learn all about this skill and how to have it do the same for and your life!

First, What Are The Benefits of Goals

I touched on it earlier that there are many benefits to setting goals so what are they? First, the benefits really can be endless. Because, each goal you choose to set is going to have it’s unique set of benefits it will bring you personally when you achieve it. There, are some overarching benefits you can experience every time you set and achieve a goal we can take a look at next.

One of the many benefits goals can bring to you and your life is providing you with a sense of direction, and something to actually strive and work for. In a way our goals guide our sense of purpose and being and fuel our motivation for life in general. For myself, personally when I don’t intentionally have goals I am working on, and I have a plan on how I will achieve them my depression, my bpd. and my overall mood stability is honestly, just shit. When I don’t have a goal/s I am working on actively, is one of the times when I will completely disappear and sink into the depths my emotions can at times drown me in. If you have nothing you are striving for it can make it hard to want to be an active participant in your life.

Another benefit you can experience by intentionally having and using goals in your life is the mental health benefits you get from achieving a goal like the sense of building mastery. Building Mastery is when you do something that causes you to feel a rush of pride and a sense of accomplishment. You are doing something completely, fully and that you are literally able to master as you are doing this. I get this sense of feeling every time I achieve a goal I have set and honestly it can get quite addictive at times and it really does help keep my emotions stable.

The last benefit I will talk about is how setting goals and having them be an intentional part of your life is how you create a life worth living, how you get anything you want, and how you find happiness. If you want to get anything in life you have to actually do something to obtain it or achieve it. This is just simply how the universe we exist in works. It is how energy works and its one of the keys to manifestation I feel many miss. We can’t just put the energy out into the universe with our thoughts, You can dream, and tell yourself some day you will have the life that makes you feel fulfilled and is your soul purpose. But, how you actually make that happen is by deciding what you want to achieve, making a plan how to use them using SMART goals and than you follow thru with your plan.

What are SMART Goals?

We have spent some time talking about the benefits of using goals in general and what they can possibly bring to your life. Now, let’s talk about what are SMART goals specifically. First, SMART is an acronym that stands for S-specific, M-measurable, A-Attainable, R-Relevant, and T-Timely, but, we are going to break down what each of those means in a just a little bit.

SMART goals are a very detailed, layered, and specific way to set your goals so that you can attain them with ease and have a much higher chance of success. I really look at SMART goals as goals on steroids with purpose and intention. When you set your goals using this method you are creating a very clear image of what your goals are, how you are going to achieve them, when you will achieve them and how you will keep yourself accountable and motivated. Now, let’s look at what each step in SMART goals stands for and how to do it to achieve your goals.

S Stands For Specific- Be As Specific As You Can Be

The S stands for specific. When it says be specific it means be as specific as you possibly can be. You need to be very clear about what it is that you want to accomplish and achieve. Every part of the goal you need to be able to visualize, know in and out, and know what it is you want out of it. The clearer you are about what it is you truly want to achieve the more you will be able to plan, the more you be able to manifest and the more motivated you be to follow through with your plan to achieve your goals to build a life worth living. It really just is easier to achieve and accomplish your goals when you are specific when you set them.

M Stands for Measurable- Make Your Goal Trackable

The second letter in SMART for SMART goals stands for Measurable. What this means is making your goal when you are setting it measurable in some way. Giving yourself a way to know when you have actually accomplished. This also is a way to add urgency behind your goals and takes them out of a place of being a some day goal, a dream, or wish and makes them actually become reality. It keeps you accountable to yourself as well knowing you will be coming back to your goal at that time to take stock and see what you have been able to accomplish.

A Stands for Attainable-Make Your Goal Realistic

The third letter in SMART for SMART goals stands for Attainable. I personally really need this letter in the acronym and I feel most of us overlook this letter too often when we are setting goals both intentionally and unintentionally. There are times I use to set goals I knew there was most likely no way I was going to achieve them and set way too many at once for many reasons; perfectionism, my OCD, and I simply always have a million and one things I want to get done. When you get to this letter though it is to make sure you are being intentional with setting your goals to set yourself up for success to achieve them. Remember one of the main reasons to set goals is to achieve them and create a life worth living for. Why wouldn’t we want to make sure we are setting ourselves up for the highest level of success by making sure it is something we can actually realistically do.

R Stands For Relevant- Make Sure This Goal Is Something You Should Be Working On

The fourth letter in SMART for SMART goals stands for Relevant. This step in goal setting is when you take a moment and you reflect on the goal you are setting and working towards. You reflect to determine if this goal is currently relevant to your life right now. For example, if one of your goals for the year is to start a garden in your backyard but, you live in Minnesota like I do and the ground is frozen still. This may not be the relevant and right time to be setting and working towards this goal. Some other things to reflect on with your goals to make sure they are relevant are.

T Stands For Timely- Set A Time You Will Achieve It By

The fifth and final letter in SMART for SMART goals stands for Timely. This letter is all about putting urgency into achieving your goals. This is when you set a very clear and specific time you will meet your goal by. Whether you set a specific date or you state you will achieve this goal within 30 days, 90 days or whatever it is you choose. But, it needs to be a very clear and specific timeframe you pick. When you set a specific and clear timeframe you will achieve your goals by, you are putting energy into your manifestation and making it a priority for you brain to focus on accomplishing it. This also creates a sense of accountability for your goals as well you will either be coming back to it in celebration or to reevaluate your plan, make adjustments and keep working towards your goal if needed.

What Does A SMART Goal Look like put all together?

Now that you know what SMART stands for and you have a detailed break down of what each letter means and how it can really impact your goal setting. Let’s take a look at what this looks like when you actually set a goal using the SMART goals method. Below I will list some of my own personal smart goals I had set this last year in my personal development plan and you can see how specific and detailed it is when you write your goals out this way.

  • I will complete my Diary card for DBT treatment every day at 10 pm as part of my night time routine for 30 days in a row. After 30 days I will do so until I graduate DBT
  • I will take my prescribed medications every morning as part of my morning routine for the next 30 days. After 30 days I will continue to do so until they are no longer prescribed.
  • I will create a detailed smart goal board by January 1st in my office based on my completed personal development plan.
  • Every Sunday I will either find or create affirmations for me to use every day of the week. After creating my affirmations I will recite and/or write my affirmations every day as part of both my morning and night routine.
  • I will meditate daily during Olyver’s nap as part of my daily routine.
  • I will cleanse, and purify our entire home every single Sunday as part of my weekly cleaning reset routine
  • I will eat three meals a day for 7 days in a row when my body tells me I am hungry. I will track this in my bullet journal. After 7 days in a row I will eat three meals a day for 3 weeks in a row, than 30 days.
  • I will track my family’s spending daily in our budget planner workbook as part of my nightly routine before bed.
  • I will particpate and observe in every new moon and full moon of the year as part of my biweekly routine and my spiritual practice. I will do this by following all the steps in my book of shadows.
  • I will read from a book for at least 30 minutes every single day after I put Olyver to bed.
  • I will update and create this year’s family binder by the end of January.
  • I will write in my gratitude log twice daily as part of my morning and nightly routine.
  • I will participate in all required sessions for my DBT program weekly until I graduate the treatment program.
  • I will go back and re-evaluate, and update or modify my goal board and personal development plan to make sure my goals still are current SMART goals for me.

Ways To Implement SMART Skills

We have talked about the benefits of SMART goals, what they actually are, how to set them, and what they look like so, now let’s talk about how we can take SMART goals and implement them in different way and different skills in our life to be able to really specifically assist us with our mental health and our lives as a whole.

Accumulating Positive Emotions; Long Term

There is a core DBT skill we can use to help us make sure we are working towards creating a life worth living and maintaining our values and goals while doing so, and it is called Accumulating positive emotions for the long term. This skill is really about making changes in your life so that positive events will occur in the future. This skill implements your SMART goals and the values and morals you used to create your smart goals. I personally use this skill whenever I am feeling like life is becoming to much and I can’t catch a break. Or when I am just having a hard time with a sense of direction due to overwhelm. Let’s walk thru how to implement your SMART goals while using this skill.

  • Avoid avoiding- Start now to do what is needed to build the life you want. If you are not sure what to do than you follow all the steps below
  • Identify Values that are currently important to you- Ask yourself what Values currently mean the most to you in your life right now?
  • Identify ONE value to work on NOW- What is really important to me, right now to work. This one is important for me and a huge reason why I use this skill. It really allows my focus and get myself into a positive and productive state.
  • Identify a few goals related to this value- This is where you will come back to your smart goals you created earlier and identify what goals you have created that are related to this value.
  • Choose one goal to work on now- Do a pros and cons list or a priority ranking if necessary to select which goal it is you want to work on.
  • Identify small actions steps towards your goal- Ask yourself what small steps can you take to get to your goal?
  • Take one action step now- It is exactly what it says. Pick one of those small action steps you brainstormed and go and do that action step.

Below I have a blank example of the DBT worksheet to use when using this skill and an example of me using this skill as well

Create A Personal Development Plan

The second way that you can take your SMART goals and implement them in your life to help you up-level your life is by creating a personal development plan. A personal development plan is something I came up with while in DBT treatment and learning how to set SMART goals and the accumulating positive emotions for the long term skill. As I have touched on many times before I have OCD so I get obsessive, I plan all the time, and I over do it with the amount of tasks I take on which leads to massive burn out and often. It had become common for me to have so many goals and so many projects I was working on I never could fully finish or get things to my vision because I wasn’t setting clear enough goals. I also loved how much joy, building mastery, and productivity in peace it brought me.

So, I sat down for a month straight every single night and every moment I had to create this personal development plan which combines those two skills SMART goals and getting from values to specific actions steps ( the breakdown of Accumulating positive emotions for the long term) and I took it and amplified it and wrote out a breakdown of every single goal I wanted to meet last year. Every single one. I created every step it would take to meet the goal, ranked its priority and made sure they fit the values and pillars of my life I wanted to focus on and that were important to me. My overall goal while creating this one was to completely overturn my life and create a life I wanted to stay alive for.

When creating your personal development plan there are some questions you want to focus on as you create it with your SMART goals. These questions help you create the plan as a whole and they help you make sure it truly is created based on your SMART goals. Below is the list of questions to use when creating your personal development plan with SMART goals.

Once you have those questions in the forefront of your mind and you feel ready to really plan with SMART goals its time to create your personal development plan. Let’s talk about how we do that, the steps to do that and what each step looks like. I will even show you some pages of each step of my own personal development plan as we go.

Step 1- Decide on your Values/Pillars of you plan. The first step to creating a personal development plan is to help create focus and guidance with your plan and to make sure your SMART goals are in alignment with your core values. What you do here is decide on the core values/pillars/categories you want to focus on and your goals to be based on. The amount of this can be whatever it is you would like it to be from 3- 19, mine had the later. Do whatever is going to work for you that doesn’t lead to any unwanted feelings like overwhelm, shame, or judgement. Below is the list of the values/pillars/categories I focused on last year.

Step 2- Brain dump. This step for me is honestly the hardest because, I want to control the amount of the things on it, or to make it even and sometimes it can be difficult for me to release the judgement as I am brain dumping and letting things come to as they come. What you do here is you let your mind run wild, you let go, and you intuitively write any and all goals you could think of you would want to accomplish that fit into those values you had picked out just before this.

Step 3- Evaluate your brain dump. The third step to creating your personal development plan is taking a look at your brain dump and simply eliminating anything that may not be realistic or just doesn’t fit your priorities or values. There is no need to judge yourself for having written it down just simply acknowledge it and decide to save it for a different time or that it doesn’t fit your values and that’s okay.

Step 4- SMART goals. The next step in creating your personal development plan is either adding in SMART goals you had previously written out and created or you create them now. Don’t forget to follow all of the steps to create SMART goals we talked about above.

Step 5- Priority Rankings. This step helps you create some order to your SMART goals. In this step you will literally go through and rank the order of priority each goal has to me of importance to complete. When it comes to importance that can mean different things; so think about whether it is more urgent because of time and season, the level of happiness it could bring you, or if there would be negative consequences if you do not achieve that goal. You can even use pros and cons lists if you need here to help you rank them.

Step 6- SMART GOAL action steps. The sixth step in creating a personal development plan is writing out and planning all of the action steps you will need to take to achieve and meet your SMART goals. It really is that simple, you will write out every single action step you will have to take to meet your goal. This helps you in so many ways. It helps eliminate overwhelm, creates structure, and sets you up for success by having a clear vision of what to do.

Step 7- Plan when you achieve your goals. The final and last step of creating your personal development plan is planning when you will achieve them. This step gives you a sense of urgency, a deadline, and a schedule for your plans. I also personally love this step because, it helps me remember that my personal development plan is all about getting the life I want by the end of the year. It is about progress and not perfection and building things one day at a time. When it comes to planning it will be up to you what that schedule looks like. If you are only planning for 1 month, 3 months, or 6 months that is totally fine. I just did a year because that was the purpose of my personal development plan.

Those are all the steps to creating your personal development! Now you can use this help you up-level your life and create a life that is worth living for you. Here are a few other extra tips to help make creating your personal development plan a little easier. Use a bullet journal or something that is durable and that you can come back to over and over again. When you are creating your plan color coordinate your plan through each step by categories. Having things color coordinated just makes it easier and quicker when you are sorting through all the information and creating each step of your plan.

Create A Goal Board

If you don’t want to get as detailed as a personal development or if you want a visual representation of your personal development plan for you to see in your physical space often; you can create a goal board. Some people like to also refer to these as vision boards and other names as well. For me, I just do not vibe with calling it a vision board. A vision board doesn’t have the energy of action behind it. It feels like a lofty someday dream. And when I goal set and plan I want to do so in conviction, determination and with active movement of energy behind it. Creating a goal board can look quite literally whatever you can come up with that motivates you, draws your eye to it and that works with the space you have. Do whatever is going to work best for you to serve as visually reminder of your SMART goals. I personally love being able to visually see when they checked off or are moved to they accomplished section it definitely gives you a special kind of rush!

Things To Be Cautious About With SMART Goals

We have spent a lot of time talking about the many benefits and positive aspects to SMART goals. Well because, they really truly are an amazing thing to do and a great way to really up-level your life and create one that is worth living for. With that being said there are some things to keep in mind when you are using SMART goals intentionally in your life and when you are creating them.

Be aware of Tunnel vision. What I mean by this is when you are working very intentionally with SMART goals in your life sometimes they become all you can see. They become your focus, and the main thing you care about. You can become obsessed. Which can lead to some damaged interpersonal relationships, missed opportunities, failed responsibilities, and neglecting some of your other values.

Be aware of Inflexibility. When working with SMART goals sometimes you can get rigid, and very set with sticking to the plan you created to meet it. I mean why wouldn’t we want to? We took the time to actively plan ahead and create a way we are pretty confident will help us achieve our goals. One of the main points of creating SMART goals is this very thing. Even with that being the case sometimes things just don’t work as well as we thought they would, or our lifestyle changes, or there are things going on in the world that change how we have to function in it. Whatever it is don’t allow yourself to be unwilling to change and adapt your SMART goals and how you will achieve them instead of being so loyal to them you choose to not meet or achieve them at all.

Be aware of Perfectionism. This one is really one I personally have to make sure I check in on often. I really struggle with this one and the cycle it can cause, especially with goals. When working with SMART goals intentionally in your life, it may be very hard to work on goals at all if you aren’t perfect and if you make mistakes. For example, if you do really well working towards a goal every single day for two weeks and than for some reason like mental health, or your schedule you miss one day and the shame spiral begins. For me if it gets bad enough I will walk away from a SMART goal completely. Be aware of this need and desire for perfectionism and remember it is all about progress not perfection. It’s about creating a life worth living by the end of your SMART goal not the entire time you are working on it.

Using SMART Goals Can Shift Your Alignment And Manifestation

We have talked a lot about SMART goals the many mental health benefits and how they can help you create a life worth living by creating very specific and detailed goals. Let’s talk about one last and final reason you really should start using SMART goals in your life today and that’s the benefits it can bring to your manifestation and alignment. Using smart goals will automatically shift you into a more aligned mindset to connect to the energies and frequencies you are seeking to connect to. When you are aligned with those frequencies your ability to manifest a life worth living and your dreams becomes much easier to do.

When you use smart goals you also put the movement and energy needed to make your manifestations come to fruition. SMART goals help you ensure that you are not missing the crucial part of your manifestation which is active movement of energy behind your manifestation. You can not only align your thoughts and words for manifestation through shadow work, and/or affirmations but, you still have to do the actions, put in the work and move the energy. SMART goals really just forces you to do that. You can’t achieve your SMART goal if you don’t follow through with your steps and plan.

Start Using SMART Goals Today

I have walked you through many reasons why you should use SMART goals in your life, What a SMART goal is, how to use them in your life, and the benefits using them can bring to you. SMART goals have literally changed my life in more ways than I can even begin to list. They have helped me bottom line shift my perspective and my life to one that I find worth living each and every day and that is the best reason of all to add SMART goals to your life today. Now that you know how to from this article you can go and do the same! Intentionally live with smart goals to create a life worth living!

Come join me the first Saturday of January to revolutionize how you set your goals for 2025. Let me show you hand in hand how to create my personal development plan. You will leave with your entire years worth of SMART goals planned, a way to keep yourself accountable, and have a clear path on how you meet every goal you set.

Have you been feeling stuck, emotionally unstable, missing joy in your life, or having a hard time connecting to yourself and your magic? Do you want to start the new year from a different headspace? I have the answer for you to start out this new year from a place feeling grounded, present, and ready to manifest your dream life. Come join me for this special one time only two day event teaching you how to integrate the practice of Mindfulness to your magic and life!

What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the practice of purposely bringing one’s attention to the present moment without judgment. It allows you to move from just existing in life to thriving, get back to wise mind, create a place to heal and grow in, and most important of all, align you with joy while creating a life where you truly thrive! This skill is a core skill in DBT, the therapy that changed my life! To register for this special two day event visit the link below!

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The Magic Of Casting A Circle

The magic circle — also known as the magic circle of protection, ritual circle, witch’s circle, and even sacred circle — is one of the most iconic trademarks of magic. You hear over and over again about how we should know how to do one and when you attend ceremonies and rituals you hear the facilitator/ practitioner use one often but, do you really know why we cast a magic circle and what one really is?

What is a magic circle?

A magic circle is a sacred space that practitioners of magic believe contains energy. The magic circle is an area of non-physical space created and constructed of personal power. It creates an energetic and psychic container – a safe, protected space – for magic and healing to take place. When you cast a circle, you are said to be in a space between worlds – void space, magic space, liminal space, grey space, spiral space beyond linear time. It’s a magical environment in which the deities are welcomed and celebrated, and where rituals and magical workings take place.

Many magical practitioners create a circle as part of their magical ritual. The circle may first be marked out with chalk or paint, or drawn in salt or, more usually, it is visualized with no physical representation of the circle at all. All of the participants may stand around the perimeter of the circle or may stand in the center.

A solo practitioner generally stands in the center. The circle is established using the energy of the practitioner(s) using means specific to their tradition. The energy encircles the area horizontally as well as vertically, creating something more like a sphere or bubble of spiritual energy.

There are two main types of magic circles used.  Those formed by ceremonial magicians are designed to protect the magician from the forces that he or she raises.  While those formed by witches and wiccans, are mainly used to create sacred space in which to meet and commune with the Goddess, God and Spirits. The magic circle is essentially a magical seal or sigil. Circles may or may not be physically marked out on the ground, and a variety of elaborate patterns for circle markings can be used. A castor may even add tools, candles, and other items as well. 

When it comes to casting a circle there really are endless possibilities to how you choose to cast one, when you choose to cast a circle, and what/if you call in to add energy to your circle as you cast it as well. Continue to read to learn all about the history of casting a magic circle, why you should use and when, and some of the many ways you can cast a magic circle and decide if this staple of magic workings will be added to your practice.

A Circling Group

A group of witches or magic users may sometimes refer to themselves as a Circle or Circling group rather than a coven. A coven implies the group’s shared set of beliefs and oaths. Using the term Circle to describe a group of magical practitioners implies that while the group performs magic together and gathers for some spiritual and social occasions, they do not necessarily share the same belief system and owe each other no oaths.

Circles are often formed for training purposes or for family groups and general fellowship and Circle members may be involved with other groups as well.

History of casting a circle 

Manly P. Hall once said, “The most primitive and fundamental of all symbols is the dot [circle].”

They considered geometry holy teaching in antiquity. Scholars and wise men of old deemed the circle sacred and studied it along with other divine natural sciences in studying the stars and mathematics. At the time, they saw mathematics as a discipline to aid in communication with their gods. Ritual magicians utilized solving geometric equations like squaring the circle. We see this in the mystical teachings by Pythagoras.

Circle casting has been around for 1000s of years. We see evidence of it as far back as Sumerian culture.  Evidence of its practice can be found in texts like the Lesser Keys of Solomon as well. It is mentioned in other “high magick” grimoires; many of dubious origin. In this early metaphysical literature, casting a circle was a means of containing spirits and energies conjured during complex rituals of evocation. The means of conjuring these spirits was risky to all involved and it’s easy to imagine that many spirits were not too happy with the mages doing the summoning. Circles also functioned as a way to protect the humans performing the ritual and were often combined with sigils. 

Over time, the reason for casting a circle has changed. Most contemporary witches who cast circles do so to create a sacred space or vortex of power that sits between and connects the physical world with the spiritual. In this space, the witch is free to work with the energies they choose to evoke. The circle, no longer just a means of protection, has become an energetic focus and sphere of unadulterated power when properly created. This modern idea of circle casting began with the work of traditional English witches in the early 1900’s and was popularized afterward by Gerald Gardner, the creator of the Wiccan religion.

Mesopotamian Magic

In Mesopotamia, called by some the cradle of civilization, most people created rituals. Both individually and as a community. The Sumerians called the use of ritual circles Zisurrû.

Sumerians used a common technique in casting ritual circles. They drew the circle with flour or chalk. They spread the flour around figurines of deities and figures of protection entities. For example, I, An, and Enlil who were all gods of Mesopotamia and are within the seven gods. Sumerians believed they attributed to the gods with this ritual.

The type of flour was crucial as different grains held unique properties. Wheat flour specifically invoked deities. Barley encircled beds to protect against disease-causing demons, and šemuš-flour repelled ghosts.

Archaeologists have also discovered the use of magic circles. Similarly, not on the ground but in pottery. Written on the bowls, called “incantation bowls.” In spirals were magical words of invocation, multiple names of deities, and seemingly “nonsense” words that hold mystical power.

Greek Magic

In Greece, Magic circles were protective necessities. However, this motif of the circle as protection against negative spirits is a constant theme in all cultures.

The ancient Greeks used prayers from priests as a spoken magic circle.

Charles Stewart, the author of Magic Circles, says,

“An exorcism prayer for clearing a space of evil spirits describes how the priest’s blessing establishes a circular ‘boundary of fire’ within which all terrestrial, aerial, and astral spirits will be bound and rendered subordinate to Christ and the saints.”

Hermetic Magic, Golden Dawn, Thelema, and Others

A significant tradition exists within the magical Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. They named this tradition the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram or LBRP.

Physically, you will draw out pentagrams representing the four cardinal directions. The archangels are usually the magic circle and will not have markings. The figures you draw and envision form a protective circle around you.


In the early 1900’s and was popularized afterward by Gerald Gardner, the creator of the Wiccan religion.

In Wicca, a magic circle is typically nine feet in diameter, though the size can vary depending on the purpose of the circle, and the preference of the caster.

Some varieties of Wicca use the common ceremonial color attributions for ‘quarter candles’: yellow for air in the east, red for fire in the south, blue for water in the west and green for earth in the north (though these attributions differ according to geographical location and individual philosophy).

Have you ever been told that you can’t enter a circle or leave a circle once it has been cast? That is a wiccan belief and actually doesn’t spread across all castors when it comes to magic circles. This is because wiccans believe the barrier is believed to be fragile, so that leaving or passing through the circle would weaken or dispel it. This is referred to as “breaking the circle”.  It is generally advised that practitioners do not leave the circle unless absolutely necessary.

In order to leave a circle and keep it intact, Wiccans believe a door must be cut in the energy of the circle, normally on the east side. Whatever was used to cast the circle is used to cut the doorway, such as a sword, staff or knife (athame), a doorway is cut in the circle, at which point anything may pass through without harming the circle. This opening must be closed afterwards by reconnecting the lines of the circle. The circle is usually closed by the practitioner after they have finished by drawing in the energy with the athame.


Casting a circle can have many purposes to benefit your magical workings and practices. What purpose you are meaning to use it for as well will help you determine when and how to cast one in your magical workings, practices and even in your daily life. 

Create Intentional Space

Part of casting a circle is about mindset. It allows us to shift out of the mundane world and into the sacred. As you get used to casting a circle, it will start to signal to your body and brain that you’re entering into a ritual space, and your energy will likely begin to shift automatically. Your body, brain, soul, and spirit will automatically shift into a more grounded, mindful, and energetic state.


When you open yourself up to working with energy, it’s important to protect yourself from unwanted energies. Working with magic and ritual, especially any astral or Akashic work, it can leave us vulnerable to unwanted energies coming in. When you cast a circle you are creating a potent extended barrier of energy around you and your space to help you filter the energies you are allowing in. It can be even more potent if you add deities, other entities, guides, the watch towers, elements, and more. 

Focus the energy of your workings

Casting a circle isn’t just about keeping unwanted energy out; it’s also about keeping the desired energy in. Our magic is more powerful when we can focus it in a specific direction, rather than let it scatter and diffuse. An energetic circle helps us gather and concentrate more energy to support the purpose of our magical workings!

When to cast a circle

So, when should you cast a circle you ask? Again, the possibilities really are endless and there isn’t just one answer to when you should be casting a magic circle. For example, you can cast a magic circle of protection around yourself before you leave on a long trip in your car or flying in a plane. Or you can do one when you are taking a ritual bath, calling down the moon, creating a spell jar, on Samhain, and even during meditation.  The list really is endless. You can cast a circle whenever you feel you need to use its magical and energetic purposes in your life. Here is a list of some more idea below;

  • Any pagan holidays or festivals
  • When honoring the Wheel of the year
  • When doing divination
  • While calling down the moon
  • Shadow work
  • During cleansing
  • Meditation
  • Spell work/ Casting
  • When working with a deity
  • Coven/ group work
  • When in need of protection 
  • When you need to focus
  • For amplification purposes
  • Astral travel
  • Akashic/ Spirit Work
  • As Protection magic
  • When working with the Elements and/or planets
  • property/home magic

Where to Cast a Circle

I feel like I am going to sound like a broken record here but, guess what guys? Your possibilities for where to cast a circle are again going to be endless. You can cast one one your way to work in your car to help you with dealing with coworkers, you can cast one in your living room, your front yard, your bedroom for enhanced sex magic, literally the list could go on. It all just depends on the purpose you are using the circle for, the time you have to cast it, and how you want to do it. Then you just make sure your location fits all of those needs. 

Do you have to cast a circle?

Is casting a casting a circle you have to do each time you cast, or do deity work, or celebrate Samhain? No, you don’t. Casting a circle is completely up to you. You can choose when you cast a circle, and if you even cast a circle at all. Most of the times when I am working with a deity I cast a circle but, not every time.  Other magic workings like when I am making spell bags I have never cast a circle when doing. This is going to all be up to you and what you decide. One of the many beauties of this path.

What you’ll need to Cast a Circle

Depending on your practice, purpose, and space this could mean many different things.  You could need nothing to cast your circle but yourself and a quite space alone or in a group. Or you may need representations of the four elements, a deity, the four directions, and the list could go on. So, this is really going to be up to you. 

Some common items you may need when casting a circle will be listed.

  • A bowl of salt or herbs to represent earth
  • A chalice of Water
  • A wand or Athame
  • Incense or feather to represent Air
  • Candles to represent fire
  • Crystals
  • Images of deities
  • Statues of deities
  •  Offerings
  • Anything you can use to outline your physical circle if you choose to like flowers, salt, flour, branches, rocks, etc.

Prep for your circle

So, you know you’re going to be casting a magic circle. Is there any prep for casting one? Yes, for every type of circle casting there is at least a little bit of prep. I say this because, even if you are doing a quick one in your car or a daily one in the mirror at home you still have some prep work.

Your prep work for casting a circle will look different every time as a whole but, each time you need to decide what is the purpose of your circle you are going to cast, do you need to cleanse and prep your space, will you be physically drawing your circle and do you need any tools? Once you answer those questions then you do what needs to be done. You decide the purpose, you grab any tools if needed and you cleanse the space if you need to. If you decide to cleanse I like just doing a simple smoke cleanse with incense or an herb bundle.  After that your next step to prep work is to go to your chosen space, physically draw your circle if you chose and than get grounded, enter sacred space, take some deep breaths and get ready for your visualization and circle casting.

How to Cast Circle

There are so many ways to cast a circle. It’s my belief that magical practice is always more powerful when it is YOURS. When you take the time to study it, sit with it, experiment with it and develop it to be your own personal magic and style. However you choose to cast your circle, one thing is common: you’ll work with visualization and energy. 

Below is one example of how to cast a circle using the four directions and elements;

  • Center yourself with a few deep, grounding breaths. 
  • Let your eyes close and start to call on the elements. 
  • Starting in the East, with the element of Air, speak aloud to invite the energy of Air, of breath, of voice, of mind, to hold the circle. 
  • Then turn your focus to the South, the element of Fire, and speak aloud to invite the energy of Fire, of transformation, of passion, of the sun, to hold the circle. 
  • Turn your focus again to the West, the element of Water, and speak aloud to invite the energy of Water, of feeling, of surrender, of the ocean, to hold the circle with you. 
  • Lastly, turn your focus to the North, to the element of Earth, and speak aloud to invite the energy of Earth, of holding, of soil, of forests, to hold the circle. 
  • Feel the shift in your body and your space as the circle forms. Visualize a golden circle of light around you, supported by the powerful energy of each of the elements, holding a sacred and safe container for you.
  • When you feel ready, say out loud: “The circle is now cast.”

When you need a quick circle for protection in public places, here’s how to cast a simple circle:

  • Relax your body and mind as much as possible.
  • Cleanse your body with 5 deep breaths and allow the tension to leave your body.
  • Close your eyes (if you can) and visualize a bright white light bursting from the top of your head.
  • Continue visualizing – this white light now showers over your body, forming a circle from head to feet.
  • Hold the image of an impenetrable, shining white bubble. This circle protects from energetic intrusion. Hold the image as long as you can and it will protect you for the day.

How to Cast a Circle for Pagan Rituals (AKA Calling the Quarters)

For pagan rituals and sabbats, after cleansing and preparation

  • Stand at the North point of the circle (have your wand/athame ready, if you use one.) Turn and draw a circle with your wand, ending where you are standing in the north.
  • Then, take a breath and envision a cave of impenetrable crystals encircling you.
  • Face the north, raise both arms, and say, “I call on the element of Earth. Nourish and protect us this magical night.”
  • Walk towards the east. Envision a powerful, illuminated wind encircling you.
  • Face the East and say, “I call on the element of Air. Inspire and guide us this magical night.”
  • Turn from the east and walk towards the south. Envision a fire that ignites passion and power from deep within you.
  • Stand facing the south and say, “I call on the element of Fire. Ignite our spirits and empower us this magical night.”
  • Now turn and walk towards the west. Envision a gentle rain falling all around.
  • Stand facing the west and say, “I call on the element of Water. Give us powers of dream and intuition and purify us this magical night.”
  • Next, stand in the middle of the circle and visualize a white bubble of light where you walked the circle. This circle isn’t just one dimensional – it reaches above your head and below your feet forming a perfect sphere.
  • At this point, you may call the ancestors or gods of your choice (this is optional).
  • Say, “The circle is cast. Let no one enter or leave the circle until it is released.” Proceed with the ritual.

An example of one of my circle Castings

My circle castings change every single time I do one. When I am casting for my home and property I will physically create one with the points of my property and items, when I do shadow work I at times will invoke deities, sometimes I use just my energy and others I use crystals and all the elements. I follow my intuition and the purpose I have for this particular circle. 

Below is a short example of what I usually include in a circle casting in most of classes and rituals; ( Each element part changes each time)

I call to the spirit and guides to each and every soul in this circle. 

I ask that you encircle us in protection, guidance, connection, and wisdom.

I call to guardians and gatekeepers of the four directions and I thank you ever so much for turning your gaze towards us and I ask for you to join us.

I call to the direction of east and the element of Air

For you are the breath in my lungs the reason I can breath 

You bring transformation and wisdom on your wides of change each time you blow through my life. 

I honor your breath, your power of change and that you are my breath of life. 

I ask you element of air to hold the eastern gateway

I call to the direction of south and the element of fire.

You are my passion, my spark, and the ember in my soul for motivation.

You teach me to blaze and burn brightly to be a guide in the dark and warmth to those who seek my shelter. 

To have passion and desire and also to know when to use my flames to burn those who need to be taught a lesson

I ask you element of fire to hold the southern gate. 

I call to the guardians and gatekeepers of the direction of west and the element

Of water.

You teach me water that your depths are vast and deep and moving in your tides can cause your to drown or float just like our emotions. 

You teach me to swim with grace when I need to and float when your depths call.

You are the life force for each living being and the reason earth is so very unique. 

I call to you element of water and ask you to hold the western gate this evening.

I call to the guardians and gatekeepers of the direction of north and the element of Earth. 

You are the home of every living being. 

You are the resting place of every ancestor of every line and every generation. 

You are where we all begin and where we all end. 

You are the populated cities and the vast uncharted territories yet to be found.

I call to you element of earth and ask you to hold the northern gateway.

I call to the guardians and gatekeepers, spirit guides, inter dimensional beings, elementals, any deities, and all other entities willing to protect, guide and assist of both above and below and thank you so very much for holding those gateways. 

Amen. Aho. So mote it is

Other ways to Enhance a Circle

You can make casting a circle as simple or as complex as you’d like. Here are some other ways you can choose to enhance and cast your circle. 

  • Place your Ritual Deck element or direction cards around you in each of the corresponding directions.
  • Place physical items representing each of the elements around in the corresponding directions. Learn more about how to represent each of the elements here.
  • Place four crystals around you in each of the corresponding directions. Hematite or snowflake obsidian work well for Earth/North, amethyst or kyanite for Air/East, citrine or pyrite for Fire/South, and moonstone or carnelian for Water/West. 
  • Place four lighted candles around you in each of the corresponding directions. A black or brown candle for Earth/North, a yellow or purple candle for Air/East, a red or orange candle for Fire/South, and a blue silver candle for Water/west
  • Walk the circumference of the circle.
  • Use a wand or athame (ritual knife) to draw the circle around you.
  • Physically draw your circle using salt, sugar, or flour
  • Add offerings and image of deities or other entities
  • Add sigils at the four directions and/or corners

The Elements Vs. The Guardians of the Watchtowers

Some people prefer to invoke the elements when casting a circle, while others call on the guardians of the watchtowers. What’s the difference between the two? When the elements earth, air, fire, and water are invoked to cast a circle, we are calling those elements specifically and the energy they bring. When the guardians of the watchtowers are called, we invoke the highest beings that watch over each directional point and related element. These are sometimes seen as gods and goddesses, sometimes seen as angels.

Breaking a Circle

Have you ever been told you can’t enter a circle once the castor has begun or that if you leave you can not re enter or you will be ending the circle for everyone? Are these things true? I am not going to say it’s a definite no. For some the answer is yes. For others like many wiccans, you have to open a door by cutting one in the circle using your left hand and athame. For others like myself I don’t think it is true unless I make the decision for it to be true. I believe your circle is being constructed with your energy which means you get to decide if no one else can enter, if they can under certain circumstances, or if anyone can enter at anytime.

Closing Your Circle

You cast your spell, meditated for shadow work, focused your energy, or cast protection now what? Now, you have to make sure to do one more important thing, close your circle. Your circle is a sacred energetic space you created and you are also energetically keeping it in existence. When your circle has served its purpose and intention do not forget to thank your circle for how it assisted you and then ask it to be released/ dispelled and your energy to come back to you or go to where it came from. 

Wrap Up

Casting a circle in magic has a long history across many cultures and practices and how you choose to cast yours is up to you. Remember it may change each time as well. Experiment with it and decide what works best for you, using the elements, tools, the directions, a deity, or just yourself. It really is up to you! And remember you can decide to never cast one as well and that’s okay though I really think you should give it a try the benefits are worth it!

To expand your knowledge about this magic or if you’d rather listen than read; you can watch my free class with Divination Academy on YouTube below!

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Working With The Creative, Compassionate, Spiritual Pisces Super New Moon

We are entering a new lunar phase this week; the New moon. As the Moon changes signs approximately every 2-3 days, we feel her influence over our moods and intuition shift. This new moon we will find ourselves in the creative, spiritual, compassionate, empathetic, and dreamy sign of Pisces. Pisces is the clairvoyant of the zodiac. It is a sign with a deep sensitivity to those around them and heightened sense of intuition. The new moon in Pisces is an opportune time to initiate change, take action towards goals, and renew oneself. The Moon beginning her cycle in the whimsical sign of the Fish stirs our passions and imbues us with courage to pursue our desires.

New moons are an opportunity to start fresh, plant seeds, and envision your future—and this month’s new moon in Pisces happens to be the last new moon of the astrological year. In other words? Consider it time to set your “New Year’s” resolutions for the astrological year. For me this is the third time during the year I set year long resolutions.

You may find that you feel this particular transit more intensely than others ( I know I am) as this New Moon is a Super New Moon – the point where the Moon is at its closest point to Earth. Super Moons tend to amplify the impacts we might ordinarily feel. Now have this moon be in Pisces and you can expect this Moon to be an intensely emotional one. This is also the second Super New Moon in a line up we are about to experience over the coming months.

Keep reading to learn all about this Pisces new moon, how it will affect you, and how you can harness it in your life and magical practice. 

New moon What is it and why we honor it? 

First, let’s talk about the new moon in general before we dive into the depths of what a Pisces moon can do for you and your life. The new moon is the time to reflect and cleanse your energy. It is a time to  set your intentions for what you wish to attract this lunar cycle. Every  intention set requires action and energy from your part as well.

The new  moon energy is there to support you in manifesting what you want. The  new moon is a time to allow new ideas and energy to flow with you. It is a  time to honor new beginnings, and the turning over of a cycle. Think of these  intentions as seeds you are planting for this lunar cycle to be ready to harvest by the full moon.

Use this time to  rest, reflect, and plant what you will grow just as your ancestors across  many cultures did while there was little light in the night sky for them to  use. Each New Moon is unique, offering its own magic within each month.

To learn more about the foundations of working with the new moon, and how it affects you, read more here in my previous blog post.

Themes Of The Pisces New Moon

Every New Moon contains its own themes, which are related to the sign that it falls under. This time, we experience the New Moon in the dreamy, creative, and spiritual Water sign Pisces. Pisces is also a Mutable sign, the most adaptable and flexible of the signs. That means that you’ll be better equipped to handle any of the emotional sensitivity or mood swings that typically accompany a New Moon. You’ll also be better prepared to find creative solutions to any challenges or issues you’ve been facing because you’ll feel both more creative and better able to go with the flow.

If the Pisces fish can teach us anything, it’s that there are no wrong paths. The two fish of Pisces swim in opposite directions, and yet, their journey is a circle meaning they will eventually both land in the same place.

Pisces The Most Potent Time To Manifest

Pisces is the last Zodiac sign, so we may also take some time to clear things out and make room for anything new to come. We can also reflect more on the past, but in a less emotional way, and get more understanding. This New Moon activates a deep desire to take a leap of faith and accept life’s imperfections to make our wildest dreams a reality. We are living through a powerful time period when all planets are direct until the end of April. There is a sense of things finally beginning to move forward after a prolonged period of stagnation.

The New Moon in Pisces is a time of healing, a time of magic, and most importantly, one of the most potent times to practice manifestation work. That’s because Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the planet of imagination and mysticism, which means you’ll not only be more connected to your creativity but also your spiritual center. You have the opportunity to slip into the flow of life now. When that happens, you want what is happening and what is happening is what you want. Your manifesting is working perfectly

Pisces The Sign of Creativity

The Pisces New Moon can be a great time for creativity since Pisces rules imagination and fantasy, and we can get lost in daydreams. This can be channeled into creative projects and ventures, and we can get inspired more easily. The energy of Pisces guides us to go with the flow, to be less concerned with planning and plotting, and instead, to bring ourselves into the present moment. While we may not have all the answers and be in a state of unknowing, this New Moon reminds us that this is where our creative powers lie.

Pisces The Sign of Compassion and Empathy

Pisces is a compassionate sign, so empathy and understanding can also be strong with the New Moon. We may want to be of help in new ways, and focus on trying to help those who can’t help themselves. At the center of the Pisces New Moon lie themes of healing, kindness, and sensitivity. This lunar phase invites us to nurture our emotional well-being, cultivate compassion for ourselves and others, and embrace the healing power of love and forgiveness. You can utilize the energy of this New Moon to create a better relationship with yourself, which is the jumping-off point of confidence and success.

Pisces The Sign of Spirituality

Pisces is the sign of spirituality, so this can be a time to start new spiritual ventures. We can make more time to connect with our intuition and subconscious mind, and we can feel more in tune with the subtle energies all around us. It is an energetic frequency that dissolves boundaries, allowing us to tap into the collective consciousness and access deeper layers of intuition.

Pisces The Ruler of What’s Hidden

Pisces rules what’s hidden, so we may become aware of something that has been hidden, some sort of secret, and can work well alone. While we may want to be of help, we can also find we do our best on our own, in the background, and behind the scenes. It encourages us to tap into the realm of dreams and imagination, to envision a future aligned with our soul’s purpose. Pisces inspires us to imagine the future we want.

What To Be Cautious Of With The Pisces New Moon

Amidst the beauty of this lunar energy, there may also be feelings of emotional overwhelm. Pisces energy can easily blur the boundaries between fantasy and reality, leading to confusion and escapism. It is essential during this time to stay grounded, to honor our emotions without becoming overwhelmed by them, and to cultivate practices that promote inner peace and clarity.

How to Connect to Pisces Energy

Now, that we have talked about the themes of this Pisces new moon and how it is going to affect you let’s talk about how you can specifically connect to and work with this moon.

First, make sure to do all of your staples that your learned in the previous blog post linked here for you like, charging your crystals, making moon water, and resetting your altar.

With this moon there are certain spells and rituals that will help connect you this moon in the most effective way. Remember these are just some of the many ideas follow your intuition and the energy of this moon.

  • Dream work
  • Divination
  • Water therapy/ Worry water
  • Scrying
  • Spirit work
  • Astral work
  • Creativity spells and expression
  • Crystal Healing
  • Writing
  • Vision Work
  • Auto Scripting
  • Ritual Bath
  • Shadow work
  • Manifestation work
  • Cleansing
  • Daydream
  • Write down and plan your smart goals
  • Rest
  • Chakra healing and alignment

Correspondences Of The Pisces New Moon

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like I will list below for you to use.

  • planet-Neptune/ Jupiter
  • Animal-Fish/dolphin
  • Element- water
  • Sex- Feminine
  • Modality- mutable
  • Symbol- the fishes
  • colors- Sea green, blue, lavender
  • Phrase/motto- I Believe
  • Chakra- Sacral/
  • Herbs- sea weed, Irish moss, Jasmine, Gardenia, Lotus, chamomile
  • Stones/ crystals- Aquamarine, Amethyst, Pearl, moonstone, Ruby, Ocean Jasper, blue lace agate
  • tarot- the moon
  • Deities- Aphrodite, Eros, Isis, Neptune, Poseidon

Manifestation Topics and Questions for Pisces New Moon

Every new moon is a great time for manifesting and planting seeds of intention to bloom during this lunar cycle. You will want to try and align your manifestations, intentions, and goals around the themes of the Pisces fishes to reap the maximum benefits and rewards from this lunar cycle in the seeds you choose to plant now. Try and focus on things like your biggest dreams, balance in your emotions, your creative expression and artistic endeavors, expanding your intuition and listening to your hearts true desires. Whether you do it thru meditation, goal setting, journaling, shadow work, or divination like tarot; below is a list of prompts and topics to connect with the energy of the Pisces new moon

To learn more about how to do detailed shadow work you can learn more watching my class here! You can also book a 1:1 guided session with me on my site in the readings and services section or on Facebook.

Release Your Emotions With Worry Water

The ritual I am brining to you for this emotional, expressive, and intuitive new moon in watery Pisces is a simple one it may seem, but it is a favorite of mine to do whenever we are in a water sign no matter the lunar phase. Water signs open up such a deep, potent portal to our emotions in the most intuitive and compassionate way. This portal allows us to view some emotions we may not have been able to see in the depths before Pisces floats them up to the surface for us to see. This ritual even has more power behind it with Pisces being the sign of hidden things in the depths of our subconscious.

Even though this is a new moon and about planting our seeds of intention and setting us up for manifestation I feel it’s always important and crucial to maintain balance and do a little bit of release work when you want to manifest or plant intentions. That way you have a clear image to visualize and focus on what you want to manifest. So, let’s learn how to release our emotions by making worry water.

All you will need for this is a bowl of water its best if it is in a clear bowl and bonus energy if it is moon water. And than a quiet space you can be alone and uninterrupted for a little while. If you like to have candles, crystals, incense, or tools when you enter sacred space those are optional for you to use here as well.

How to perform this ritual and make worry water

  • Go to the spot you can get into sacred space. Get into a comfortable position with your bowl of water in front of you.
  • If you are using extra tools like candles you set up your tools now and light candles or incense if need to.
  • Take some deep breaths in and out as you began to visualize protective, compassionate, expressive, energy entering your space and enveloping you.
  • As you feel that energy around you look into the bowl, you can even touch the water or pick the bowl up if you feel the desire to, than speak, whisper, or even yell all of your stresses, worries, fears, secrets, hidden emotions and hardships into your bowl of water.
  • Allow the element of water to absorb all those feelings, those unwanted energies and things, and hidden emotions you may have rushing thru yo. Allow it to transmute those emotions into healing, growth, and awareness.
  • Once you feel you have released all the emotions you need to into your bowl of water you can thank it for being a place to absorb and transmute all of this for you, than take your bowl of water and either dump it down the drain, flush it down the toilet or pour it out to the earth if you can.

If you would like more ideas for rituals you can check out my Pinterest page, my Facebook page, and watch any of my previous moon celebrations here; and you can read more in a previous blog post here

However you choose to connect to this new moon and work with its energy be prepared to experience the depths of your emotions, and allow yourself to go with flow of where they lead you to unlock your intuition, compassion, creativity and your wildest of dreams.

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How to reset your life completely with this monthly guide!

There are so many reasons your life, your home, or you could need a complete reset. It could be simply because it’s the end of or beginning of the month. I personally do one of these at the beginning of every month and am even writing this blog post for all of you as I work through mine. I just feel so much more organized ( my OCD needs this), refreshed, grounded, motivated and prepared to head into whatever the new month may be bringing me.

But, like I said there are so many reasons to do one and sometimes this happens once a week in my home even. It could be you have visitors coming soon and would just feel more comfortable doing one prior. For me, it’s not about worrying about how they will view me or my home it’s about making sure I have nothing but, positive and lively energy in my home/ safe space BEFORE I allow others into it.

It could also be for mental health reasons; maybe you just got behind on your daily or weekly tasks and now the only way to begin is to simple reset it all.

Or, maybe you have a really busy schedule coming up for the next few weeks and you just want to feel prepared and ready and get as much done beforehand to make it a little less stressful.

No, matter the reason why you, your home, or your life may need an entire top to bottom reset it doesn’t matter but, this guide is for you! Keep in mind this is tailored to myself, my needs, my brain, my family, and my lifestyle so, ALWAYS tailor it to fit YOU. Take what you need and leave what you don’t. I know not all of this will be for everyone. I have OCD and DID so, I am both obsessive and have memory issues so , I do some things a couple different ways to ensure it is all done correctly. My entire family of 3 are also all Neurodivergent so some things not every family will need.

The purpose of doing a reset

I touched on earlier that there are many reasons why you may be wanting to do one but, what’s the purpose and what benefits do you get from doing one?

First, organization no matter how organized of a person you are you, your system will need a revamp, a declutter, and a reboot from time to time to remain efficient because, you, your life, and your family are constantly changing. Also a HUGE part of being organized is using systems and schedules and resets have to be apart of that sense we reset in so many ways in our lives from weekly, monthly, seasonally, yearly and so on.

Second, doing this brings you so many different mental health benefits. From building mastery, using smart goals, boosting self esteem, confidence, lessoning anxiety, gaining motivation and helping you build a life worth living.

Third, it’s honestly the best cope ahead plan you could ever create for yourself and consistently use. It helps you make sure you are prepared, have a plan in place and are set up in the best way possible for success including having ways to cope with obstacles affectively. If you want to learn more about how to create a cope ahead plan you can read more here in my previous blog post.

The Checklist

We have talked about what it is, how it can benefit us so how do we do one? I have a master checklist for this in a few places, my family binder, my bullet journal (BUJO), and in my personal development plan (PDP). You can choose to do it however works best for you!

I love bullet journals though mainly because they are so customizable. You get to make them exactly what you want, you can buy them in different sizes and you can use so many different kinds of writing utensils as well.

Once you decide where you want to create your master check list next is adding your items on it. Below I will walk you through what is on mine and later we will go into detail of what I do specifically for each one.

  • Brain dump
  • Budget
  • Personal Organization
  • Reflection of the past month
  • Family Organization
  • Clean Home
  • Set this Month’s Goals and Intentions
  • Schedule (s)
  • Take some time to Rest
  • Self-Care
  • Choose your pillar(s) for the month

If this looks like a lot or overwhelming for you, you can always take out things you don’t feel you need. Also remember this isn’t something that you have to do in one day either. Some times I get it all done in a Day, sometimes in 2 or 3, and sometimes I plan it out and spend and entire week doing this, usually it is during the last week of the month or the first.

Let’s break down the Checklist

Let’s get down to the nitty gritty details of each thing on my master checklist, what that category or thing means, how I do and what benefits I get from doing it!

Brain dump

If you have never done one of these before or heard of what they are it really is exactly what it sounds like. It’s sitting down and literally dumping everything out of your brain for a given topic or purpose. This time you will be using it to brain dump your master Ta Da list or as others call it a To list. I personally just don’t like the To Do List it makes it seem so much more of a dreaded forced obligation so I call them Ta da lists. As a way to go ” Ta Da” I did it and congratulate myself for getting it done. Whichever you choose to call it or even something else that is how you are going to approach this brain dump.

Here is how you are going to do it. I try my best to do these when my son is napping or asleep and my husband is preoccupied so, I can have the ability to be in my own space and not be interrupted. I like to make sure my brain dumps get all of my attention when I am doing them for a few reasons. One, so I don’t forget anything and another reason sometimes things come up for me that I need to do that I either didn’t know at all or I didn’t realize how important they were to me.

Once, I am in my own quiet space or sometimes I listen to music as well to help my brain focus so if you need that it’s okay too. I grab my bullet journal, you can use whatever it is you want to; a notebook, a pad, a piece of paper, a post it note, whatever it is you want to use. But, once I have my bullet journal I set up my pages the way I like to with my 4 categories. You don’t have to do this, a lot of people suggest not having any categories at all and just writing whatever it is that comes to you with no structure at all. For me, due to my OCD in order for my brain to even be able to express itself enough to know what it wants at all it needs some type of structure. Without it, leads to chaos, massive anxiety and dissociation. My 4 categories sometimes change but, typically it’s some version of this Admin, projects, cleaning, and goals setting. You can pick whatever you need for your categories and how many as well. For me, four honestly is picked because that is how many I can fit evenly on my page layout.

When, I have my categories written in and my page set up drawn in. I take a few deep breaths and I go through and write whatever comes to me in each category. I pick one category at a time and focus on that but, if you just want to write whatever comes to you and jump around you can too. Follow your brains direction. Do this until you are done. Once you feel you got it all out, take a look at all you have written this brain dump, just became your new Ta Da list. The next step is to plan out how, and when you will get things done and in what order. If you need help on how to do that I highly suggest using the Post It method I take about in this article it just is going to be on a grander scale.

Otherwise, you can just simply rank them in priority one a piece of paper based on level of importance, how they make you feel when you will complete them, how much time they will take, if it is something you can complete now or need to prep for, do you have all the items needed to complete it if it needs some and anything else you may need to consider. Than use your plan your created to complete your Ta da list and enjoy the overflowing of emotions your will be flooded with when you build this level of mastery.


Even though this item would also be on my ta da list from my brain dump under the admin section it’s so important I feel it needs it’s own stand out section. Now as a preface, by no means am i well off, nor am I the best at money and some fininacial guru. I actually am not the best with it. I have a lot of intellectual knowledge I have learned since becoming and adult but, for many reasons I’ve spent majority of my adult life in poverty. My family as I am writing this is struggling quite badly financially for many reasons. We have dealt with eviction, homelessness, and also having more money than we need and renting a fairly nice new home and leasing brand new cars.

With, all that being said I still no matter how little money my family is going to have or how much; write out and create a budget for the month at least and sometimes for the week. At times I even go as far as tracking and writing one out daily. If you have no idea of what your finances even look like there is no way to even begin to plan what the rest of your life is going to look like. I know I hate it too. But, there are things about the world and society that in order to thrive in it we do have to accept and come into some kind of alignment with and at least creating a budget and having a view of what it will look like gives you a bridge and opportunity to do that. Below is one of the planner pages I like to use and this is a budget book I have been using for a few years now

Personal Organization

This will look different for everyone so, make sure you do whatever it is that speaks to you and makes your soul happy and feel organized and ready to take on life. When it comes to what personal organization is and should be. It’s whatever you need to do for yourself to keep you personally on track and living the life you want to live. If you have a family and/or kids it’s not their schedules or home school lesson plans. It’s YOUR personal schedule, your personal goals, your personal development tools, your self care needs, and so much more.

My personal organization is really centered around my bullet journal. I create Daily, weekly, and monthly spreads. I create habit trackers, self care trackers, any checklists I need for any of my own projects I do for me that don’t involve the family like my teaching schedule, RFAN agendas, content scheduling for her and so on. I even take the time here to pick out or create affirmations and put them in my bullet journal for me to come to when I may need them later and as reminders to. If you needs ideas for inspiration Pinterest is my favorite place to get inspiration for bujo spreads from. Let me know in the comments to if that’s something you want to see a future blog post about as well.

Reflection of the Past Month

This step is one of the most important ones for me and I hope it becomes that way for you as well. It is so important to me because doing this helps give me direction for my next month, helps me realize what worked and what didn’t in my planning from the previous month or reset, and it grounds me in my reality.

When you do this you are essentially taking stock, and holding yourself accountable. You are evaluating your plan from before and finding what worked that you can use this time and what didn’t that may need to be changed. You are forcing yourself to really look at truly where are in at in both your life and your goals. Which makes sure you are grounded fully in what your reality is. Sometimes this affect is not what we want especially if we are stuck in a cycle of avoidance and it can be overwhelming but, it’s also what we really need as well if we are seeking a reset to begin with.

How I choose to reflect usually looks like me leafing through my bullet journal and looking to see what is I had accomplished and what I had not. What I had decided to no longer pursue and why. Did I make and leave any notes for myself to come back to? Than I end up in Meditation, and doing other things like going thru my personal development plan for that month and year, my goal board and other things. Once I have done all that I typically have a pretty clear vision of what it is I want my life to look like by the end of this reset and how I can make that happen.

Family Organization

No matter what family looks like for you, you and a pet, your partner and yourself, a single parent, or a family with multiple generations in one home when it comes to a monthly reset you have to consider them in your reset. They affect your schedule, how you can organize, how much time you have and what goals you can have the ability and freedom to set for yourself. However it looks to you make sure you don’t forget this. For me, this is updating my family binder, my family command center, double checking my son’s and husbands schedules like medical appointments, creating our home school lesson plan, and planning any family outings we may be doing that month. If you want to learn more about creating a family binder or command center don’t worry I have blog post coming soon to break those down into much more detail.

Deep clean your entire home

When I say deep clean I mean you are going to go thru each and every room top to bottom and clean all of it, reorganize anything that needs it, you can even redecorate it if you need to, and declutter. If you don’t need any planning tools to accomplish just go ahead and get it all done and this list should be coming from you brain dump as well. So, don’t forget to include any cleaning tasks that had come up for you when you had been making that earlier. If you want a little more structure you can always create a master checklist that you keep in your bullet journal and/or your family binder. My check list breaks it down to the cleaning deep cleaning tasks, decluttering, and reorganization.

Doing this as part of your reset may seem like not that big of deal but, if your environment isn’t set up for you to grow, and flourish in no matter how hard you try to, you won’t get as tall and beautiful as you were meant to be. Deep cleaning your home sets your environment up to be in energetic alignment with the life you are trying to create with this reset. It builds mastery, it cleanses out old, stagnant and unwanted energy, and it sets you up for success in the rest of your plans and goals going forward.

Set this month’s goals

So far a lot of what we have talked about has been about getting ready for your next steps, your next, the next month etc. But, what is it you are actually doing this all for? Well your goals of course! The things that are going to make your soul sing with joy, and make your life worth living for. So, now is the time to set those goals and I bet if you go back and look at that brain dump you did it will help spark some ideas for you on what you want you goals to be if you are struggling to think of some.

One thing I want to talk about briefly is how to actually set active goals that you will accomplish is making sure to use the DBT skill SMART goals. It’s an acronym for an effective, and detailed way to set goals and actually achieve them. I Talk about it in a few of my previous blog posts in the personal development section of the site and I do plan on talking about it in much more detail in another blog post coming up.

So, what does smart stand for; S-specific, M-measurable, A-attainable, R-relevant, T-timely. If you follow this template for creating your goals it makes it very difficult to fail actually. You can also create a PDP using this skill and than make to use things like reminders, and affirmations to help you meet your goals if that is something that works for you. It does for me so no shame in it at all.


When it comes to doing a reset on your life a crucial part to doing that is knowing where your time is going to be spent and how much of it you have to spend on each one of your goals or that you can dedicate to achieving them. So, make sure to take the time to get your schedule in order. Whether that means you need to break down your daily schedule by the hour and write it out in your bullet journal like I do, or simply syncing up your google or apple calendar on your phone, or filling in a physical calendar for your home, or redoing your calendar for your command center.

Do whatever it is you need to do to get your schedule organized and in some place for you to easily access it when you need it. Like I said I am obsessive so, I use a bullet journal daily schedule spread, my google calendar, a family command center and a weekly schedule board. I also make sure to include my son’s schedule and my husband since I am the keeper of that in our home.

Take Some Time to Rest

The whole point of a reset is to make sure you are completely refreshed, reenergized, motivated, prepared, and just ready to take on anything this next phase and time frame will be throwing at you. And to set you up to meet all of your goals you have set. How can we do that if we are tired, and have a depleted battery. So, make sure to take time while you are doing this to rest, relax, recharge, take care of yourself, and do things that replenish your desire. If you need some ideas on how to do this thru the act of self love you can check you my previous blog post on the topic here for loads of ideas.

Self Care Prep

For some this may not be a thing that is need for you. For me, I need to plan and prep for many reasons, it also is an act of self care for me as well. I have to plan out my self care. I have to pick what I am going to be doing and when. One thing I do for self care is play video games and every single day I have blocks of time in my schedule to make that happen. As in literally written into my schedule. I also have to create affirmations, quotations, and reminders for myself to be in my bullet journal and around my house, including a self care habit tracker for my bullet journal. So, for my prep for my reset I take the time to create those reminders, get any items I may need restocked, and make sure I have it planned into my schedule.

Choose your Pillar(s) for the month

What do I mean by this? I took a seminar a few years ago I believe with Sisters Enchanted. If you have never checked them out you can do so here; and their was a huge golden nugget I took away from it that I now use in so many different ways in my life. She talked about how in life we get really overwhelmed and dissatisfied and try to do so many things at once, and have our focus in so many different places all the time. If you know me at all this is like the state of being I naturally live in. If you are just now finding me and starting to get to know me. Take a look at my site and you will see I have my hands in a lot of things and I often hear that people are inspired by my and admire me for how much I get done. I often hear how they don’t know how I get done what I get done and how I am involved in so many different things.

And than she talked about having pillars in life, our goals, and the things we focus our minds and energy on. And how in life she had learned that no matter how hard she tried to have more she could only ever realistically focus on three at a time. That only three areas or things of your life will you be able to focus your attention on and actually bring to fruition to it’s fullest and how you truly intend to. This really spoke to me. I still want to fight it all the time and do more than 3. So, that is why I can’t set pillars for an entire year but, I do them for each reset, and month typically. So, each month I focus on 3 specific areas of my life.

I also have teachers that have taught about focusing on 1 area at a time and having one pillar or word you focus on. So, pick which one is going to fit best for you or modify it to something different if you want to. I recommend though don’t try to go past 3, every time I do I end up with either a chaotic time period or half manifested intentions.

Reap the benefits

We have talked about why you should do a complete reset, the many benefits of doing one, what should be on your checklist, how to do each thing on that checklist and now it is time for you to go and do one! Take everything that you learned from this post, tailor what you need to and go and create your very own master check list and completely reset your life. You could have it done by this weekend even! The benefits you would get our numerous and honestly I can’t speak to what it does for me personally each and every time I do one. Enjoy alignment, manifestation of your desires and intentions, meeting your goals, having a clean and organized home, and truly living a life worth living you are excited to wake up to and participate in each and every day.

Come join me the first Saturday of January to revolutionize how you set your goals for 2025. Let me show you hand in hand how to create my personal development plan. You will leave with your entire years worth of SMART goals planned, a way to keep yourself accountable, and have a clear path on how you meet every goal you set.

Have you been feeling stuck, emotionally unstable, missing joy in your life, or having a hard time connecting to yourself and your magic? Do you want to start the new year from a different headspace? I have the answer for you to start out this new year from a place feeling grounded, present, and ready to manifest your dream life. Come join me for this special one time only two day event teaching you how to integrate the practice of Mindfulness to your magic and life!

What is mindfulness? Mindfulness is the practice of purposely bringing one’s attention to the present moment without judgment. It allows you to move from just existing in life to thriving, get back to wise mind, create a place to heal and grow in, and most important of all, align you with joy while creating a life where you truly thrive! This skill is a core skill in DBT, the therapy that changed my life! To register for this special two day event visit the link below!

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Dark Goddess of Liberation Lilith; A Guide to Who She is and How to Work with Her

Why I’m writing about Lilith

Why am I hosting a workshop on Lilith soon? Why did I already teach a class on her last year and summon her? Why did I create a study guide already for her? Why am I writing this blog post for you all now? Many reasons! The main reason, I teach and work with the “dark” goddesses and she is the number one goddess I get questions about.

Lilith has become a popular goddess for witches to want to work with for many reasons, the ” dark” feminine is becoming more popular for witches and pagans to be willing to work with for one. Second, many people, women especially are starting to do the very challenging work of healing journeys related to sexual trauma. I want to take a moment here as well. In case no one has said it to you; and you are on that journey; I am so very sorry you have that journey to take in your life. But, Lilith is one of the best choices of a deity to have with you for assistance and guidance on that journey. I personally know this myself and you can find and read many many stories saying the same.

Other than that she is just all around an astounding deity to work for liberation of yourself in almost every way and area of life. How you see yourself, your connection to magic, your connection to the collective, truly connecting to your “dark”/ Shadow self, and allowing you access and permission to enact justice when it is needed.

My journey with her has been a long one crossing many paths, working with many different faucets of her and delving into untying her extensively knotted and complicated history. She has been a staple in my practice for many years now and has a place on one of my altars often. So, if you have ever been curious about her, if she has ever called to you in the night or during some of your darkest times, if you are a student who was in my class last year and have been craving more this blog post is for you!

Keep reading to go on a journey through her darkness and duality. Learn about who she is, her extensive history, how she affects us today, how to work with her, how to honor her, and so much more! This post will not be the only one either as there is just no way to encompass all that she is in one blog post so this is just the beginning of our journey with her! Let’s start with who Lilith is.

Who is she?

Lilith is a “Dark” Goddess, she is one of incredible power, charisma, and persuasion. She is a mistress of the divine feminine and a true seductress. She is a Queen of Darkness and understands the powerful energies that sleep in the night and can bend them to her will.  She hears the dark whispers of the forgotten night.  The sleeping Dark mother who calls to the creatures of the nights and nurtures them in blankets of moonlight. She is Lilith, the Dark Mother and the Dark Queen of the Night. She is incredible to work with!

She is a healer and a lover and one who can provide comfort and support to those in need.  Her night energies provide rest and comfort and she can inspire those who work with her with dreams. She empowers those she works with.  She can awaken our power and help us to claim who we are and our space and become the people we desire to be.  She reminds us of our truth and the powerful individuals that we are.

She is very pro-independence and helping people to rise up in their power and increase their self-image and self-confidence. She is the protector of women and children (especially babies) and helps to empower people in all areas. She seeks justice and abhors slanderous gossip and bullying. She is gifted on the areas of divination, healing, black magic, necromancy, and bending dark energies to her will. She knows how to work with the energies of blood and the life force contained and can assist anyone who is called to work with her in learning these skills.

Her power and radiance shine on those who work with her and she has learned about the feminine archetypes and is empowerment for women, she understands greatly the darkness of all sides of these energies, the great empowered darkness. Her feminine energies though are not vindictive or damaging in any way to the masculine energies.

She is balanced and beautiful. She is one who seeks to empower women while still allowing them to be women. She can be vicious and violent, one who will defend herself and her family and one who will not let anyone push her around. She rises to the challenge presented to her and she will defend herself with the sheer might of the goddess she is.

She is all this and More. Lilith has incredible power and ability to see through illusions and uncover the truth of false accusations. She is a very powerful sexual and bold goddess who can work powerful sex magicks and sex rites.

Lilith, Feminism, Sexual Liberation and Witches

Let’s first touch on one of the ways that Lilith affects the collective as a whole; Lilith is an icon, symbol and representation of a dark goddess and feminine identity, feminine sexuality, liberation and empowerment. As the first woman of Adam (the first man – which in biblical Hebrew “Adam” אדם means “man”), Lilith has been forced to feel the pain of rejection, oppression and scorn for seeking equality and being denied to fully express herself, her true nature.

Lilith is like many dark goddesses who have been viewed to be feared, seen as hag-like, demons and scary, but rather this intense raw energy as a dark goddess can be “owned” and use protectively; a weapon that was once used against the Dark Goddess is now in her hands to defend herself.

Lilith may speak and come forth to women, but she may also come forth to men if she feels necessary. Anyone regardless of gender who feels a strong connection or the call of Lilith to awaken and liberate their sexuality, to revive or unleash their feminine side, can work with Lilith. Lilith (like many dark goddesses) may choose someone to work with when she feels the time is right; this may be at a younger age in your 20s or later in your 40s or 50s, whenever Lilith decides will be the right time.

Lilith’s extensively long history

Lilith has a long history that dates back far into Jewish mythology, Sumerian and Mesopotamia; a history that has often been cruelly unfair to a goddess and figure such as Lilith. I am going to do my best to sum up her very extensive history for you in this blog post, there really truly is so much to her history and so few know even half of it. If you want the entire detailed history you can watch my two part class I taught with DiviNation Academy here.

For 4,000 years Lilith has wandered the earth, figuring in the mythic imaginations of writers, artists and poets. Her origins lie in Babylonian demonology, where amulets and incantations were used to counter the sinister powers of this winged spirit who preyed on pregnant women and infants. Lilith next migrated to the world of the ancient Hittites, Egyptians, Israelites and Greeks. She makes a solitary appearance in the Bible, as a wilderness demon shunned by the prophet Isaiah. In the Middle Ages she reappears in Jewish sources as the dreadful first wife of Adam.

In the Renaissance, Michelangelo portrayed Lilith as a half-woman, half-serpent, coiled around the Tree of Knowledge. Later, her beauty would captivate the English poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti. “Her enchanted hair,” he wrote, “was the first gold.”1 Irish novelist James Joyce cast her as the “patron of abortions.”2
Modern feminists celebrate her bold struggle for independence from Adam. Her name appears as the title of a Jewish women’s magazine and a national literacy program. An annual music festival that donates its profits to battered women’s shelters and breast cancer research institutes is called the Lilith Fair.
In most manifestations of her myth, Lilith represents chaos, seduction and ungodliness. Yet, in her every guise, Lilith has cast a spell on humankind.

Lilith in Sumerian and Mesopotamia

The ancient name “Lilith” derives from a Sumerian word for female demons or wind spirits—the lilītu and the related ardat lilǐ. The lilītu dwells in desert lands and open country spaces and is especially dangerous to pregnant women and infants. Her breasts are filled with poison, not milk. The ardat lilī is a sexually frustrated and infertile female who behaves aggressively toward young men.

The earliest surviving mention of Lilith’s name appears in Gilgamesh and the Huluppu-Tree, a Sumerian epic poem found on a tablet at Ur and dating from approximately 2000 B.C.E. The mighty ruler Gilgamesh is the world’s first literary hero; he boldly slays monsters and vainly searches for the secret to eternal life. In one episode, “after heaven and earth had separated and man had been created,”3 Gilgamesh rushes to assist Inanna, goddess of erotic love and war. In her garden near the Euphrates River, Inanna lovingly tends a willow (huluppu) tree, the wood of which she hopes to fashion into a throne and bed for herself. Inanna’s plans are nearly thwarted, however, when a dastardly triumvirate possesses the tree. One of the villains is Lilith.

Lilith in the bible and Talmud

She than makes her way into Judaism and Christianity. Over time, people throughout the Near East became increasingly familiar with the myth of Lilith. In Judaism she is the most notorious demon. In the Bible, she is mentioned only once, in Isaiah 34. The Isaiah passage lacks specifics in describing Lilith, but it locates her in desolate places. The Bible verse thus links Lilith directly to the demon of the Gilgamesh epic who flees “to the desert.” The wilderness traditionally symbolizes mental and physical barrenness; it is a place where creativity and life itself are easily extinguished. Lilith, the feminine opposite of masculine order, is banished from fertile territory and exiled to barren wasteland.

While Lilith is not mentioned again in the Bible, she does resurface in the Dead Sea Scrolls found at Qumran. The Qumran sect was engrossed with demonology, and Lilith appears in the Song for a Sage, a hymn possibly used in exorcisms: “And I, the Sage, sound the majesty of His beauty to terrify and confound all the spirits of destroying angels and the bastard spirits, the demons, Lilith. . ., and those that strike suddenly, to lead astray the spirit of understanding, and to make desolate their heart.”7

Centuries after the Dead Sea Scrolls were written, learned rabbis completed the Babylonian Talmud (final editing circa 500 to 600 C.E.), and female demons journeyed into scholarly Jewish inquiries. The Talmud (the name comes from a Hebrew word meaning “study”) is a compendium of legal discussions, tales of great rabbis and meditations on Bible passages. Talmudic references to Lilith are few, but they provide a glimpse of what intellectuals thought about her. The Talmud’s Lilith recalls older Babylonian images, for she has “long hair” (Erubin 100b) and wings (Niddah 24b).8 The Talmud’s image of Lilith also reinforces older impressions of her as a succubus, a demon in female form who had sex with men while the men were sleeping. Unwholesome sexual practices are linked to Lilith as she powerfully embodies the demon-lover myth.

Lilith in The Alphabet of Ben Sira

Until the seventh century C.E., Lilith was known as a dangerous embodiment of dark, feminine powers. In the Middle Ages, however, the Babylonian she-demon took on new and even more sinister characteristics. Sometime prior to the year 1000, The Alphabet of Ben Sira was introduced to medieval Jewry. The Alphabet, an anonymous text, contains 22 episodes, corresponding to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The fifth episode includes a Lilith who was to tantalize and terrify the population for generations to come. To some extent, The Alphabet of Ben Sira shows a familiar Lilith: She is destructive, she can fly and she has a penchant for sex. Yet this tale adds a new twist: She is Adam’s first wife, before Eve, who boldly leaves Eden because she is treated as man’s inferior.

Ben Sira cites the Bible passage indicating that after creating Adam, God realizes that it is not good for man to be alone (Genesis 2:18). In Ben Sira’s fanciful additions to the biblical tale, the Almighty then fashions another person from the earth, a female called Lilith. Soon the human couple begins to fight, but neither one really hears the other. Lilith refuses to lie underneath Adam during sex, but he insists that the bottom is her rightful place. He apparently believes that Lilith should submissively perform wifely duties. Lilith, on the other hand, is attempting to rule over no one. She is simply asserting her personal freedom. Lilith states, “We are equal because we are both created from the earth.”10

The struggle continues until Lilith becomes so frustrated with Adam’s stubbornness and arrogance that she brazenly pronounces the Tetragrammaton, the ineffable name of the Lord. God’s name (YHWH), translated as “Lord God” in most Bibles and roughly equivalent to the term “Yahweh,” has long been considered so holy that it is unspeakable. During the days of the Jerusalem Temple, only the High Priest said the word out loud, and then only once a year, on the Day of Atonement.

In The Alphabet, Lilith sins by impudently uttering the sacred syllables, thereby demonstrating to a medieval audience her unworthiness to reside in Paradise. So Lilith flies away, having gained power to do so by pronouncing God’s avowed name. Though made of the earth, she is not earthbound. Her dramatic departure reestablishes for a new generation Lilith’s supernatural character as a winged devil.

In the Gilgamesh and Isaiah episodes, Lilith flees to desert spaces. In The Alphabet of Ben Sira her destination is the Red Sea, site of historic and symbolic importance to the Jewish people. Just as the ancient Israelites achieve freedom from Pharaoh at the Red Sea, so Lilith gains independence from Adam by going there. But even though Lilith is the one who leaves, it is she who feels rejected and angry.

The Almighty tells Adam that if Lilith fails to return, 100 of her children must die each day. Apparently, Lilith is not only a child-murdering witch but also an amazingly fertile mother. In this way, she helps maintain the world’s balance between good and evil.
Three angels are sent in search of Lilith. When they find her at the Red Sea, she refuses to return to Eden, claiming that she was created to devour children. Ben Sira’s story suggests that Lilith is driven to kill babies in retaliation for Adam’s mistreatment and God’s insistence on slaying 100 of her progeny daily.

To prevent the three angels from drowning her in the Red Sea, Lilith swears in the name of God that she will not harm any infant who wears an amulet bearing her name. Ironically, by forging an agreement with God and the angels, Lilith demonstrates that she is not totally separated from the divine.

Lilith in the Zohar

The next milestone in Lilith’s journey lies in the Zohar, which elaborates on the earlier account of Lilith’s birth in Eden. The Zohar (meaning “Splendor”) is the Hebrew title for a fundamental kabbalistic tome, first compiled in Spain by Moses de Leon (1250–1305), using earlier sources. To the Kabbalists (members of the late medieval school of mystical thought), the Zohar’s mystical and allegorical interpretations of the Torah are considered sacred. The Lilith of the Zohar depends on a rereading of Genesis 1:27 (“And God created man in His image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them”), and the interpretation of this passage in the Talmud. Based on the shift of pronouns from “He created him” to the plural “He created them,” in Genesis 1:27, the Talmud suggests that the first human being was a single, androgynous creature, with two distinct halves.

Centuries later the Zohar elaborates that the male and female were soon separated. The female portion of the human being was attached on the side, so God placed Adam in a deep slumber and “sawed her off from him and adorned her like a bride and brought her to him.” This detached portion is “the original Lilith, who was with him [Adam] and who conceived from him” (Zohar 34b). Another passage indicates that as soon as Eve is created and Lilith sees her rival clinging to Adam, Lilith flies away.
The Zohar, like the earlier treatments of Lilith, sees her as a temptress of innocent men, breeder of evil spirits and carrier of disease: “She wanders about at night time, vexing the sons of men and causing them to defile themselves [emit seed]” (Zohar 19b).

The passage goes on to say that she hovers over her unsuspecting victims, inspires their lust, conceives their children and then infects them with disease. Adam is one of her victims, for he fathers “many spirits and demons, through the force of the impurity which he had absorbed” from Lilith. The promiscuity of Lilith will continue until the day God destroys all evil spirits. Lilith even attempts to seduce King Solomon. She comes in the guise of the Queen of Sheba, but when the Israelite king spies her hairy legs, he realizes she is a beastly impostor. The Zohar’s final innovation concerning the Lilith myth is to partner her with the male personification of evil, named either Samael or Asmodeus.

Lilith in Luciferian Witchcraft and Luciferianism

She encompasses the spectrum of divine feminine energies. She is the consort and lover of Samael who holds the title of Adversary. Many people think that Samael and Satan are the same being, but they are not. Samael is not a demon, he is an Angel, a dark angel and one who is not aligned with the group of Holy Angels.

He works with the Darker beings of the Outer Spiritual world, most specifically the creatures of the night and has deep connections and affiliations with those beings who are of darkness. He embraces and understands the darkness and is aligned with it. That is where his energy resides and he is the consort and lover of Lady Lilith and her King. He is not Satan.

Samael and Lilith have MANY children together, in fact, Lilith is the first of her kind and the mother of many offspring that are like her. She is a beautiful and incredible goddess of lust, passion, seduction, and pleasure.

Lilith in the Outer spiritual world was one who suffered great abuse and left what she knew. She ventured out into the world on her own relying only on her skill and ability. She met the Angel Samael, and they were smitten with each other. She grew and was infused with the power of the Dark Goddess. They completed each other’s energies and she embraced her empowered feminine qualities and stepped into the powerful Goddess and Queen that she is today.

In this eBook you get her extensive history, how to work with her, guided journal prompts and shadow work prompts to help you work thru traumas, and liberate every sense of yourself especially your sexual energy and divine feminine. You will get this ebook in a downloadable link upon purchase.

Honoring The Darkest Aspects Of Lady Lilith

Lady Lilith, the enigmatic and powerful goddess, is a multifaceted being whose mythology encompasses both light and shadow. While she is revered as a symbol of independence, liberation, and empowerment, there are darker aspects to her lore that speak to the complex and often misunderstood nature of her essence.

As a figure who defies easy categorization, Lilith embraces the duality of creation and destruction, nurturing and wrath, desire and fear. In this section, we will delve into the darkest aspects of Lady Lilith, exploring her role as a succubus, a torturer of men, and a stealer of infants. It is through honoring and understanding these aspects that we can fully appreciate the depths of Lilith’s mysteries.

Lilith as Succubus: In some legends, Lady Lilith is depicted as a succubus, a nocturnal entity that seduces and bewitches those who cross her path. Her allure is both intoxicating and perilous, leading to both pleasure and ruin.

Lilith as Torturer of Men: In tales of retribution and justice, Lilith is known as a punisher of men who have wronged women or abused their power. As a goddess who refused to be subjugated by Adam, Lilith holds a mirror to patriarchal oppression and seeks to redress the imbalance. Lilith has a fierce determination to challenge tyranny and inequality.

Lilith as Stealer of Infants: One of the most fearsome aspects of Lilith’s mythology is her association with the stealing of infants. In ancient lore, Lilith was believed to be a child-snatcher, preying on the vulnerable and innocent. While this aspect is often viewed as malevolent, it may also be seen as a manifestation of Lilith’s wild, untamed nature that defies societal norms and conventions.

Lilith’s darkness is a reminder that we each possess both light and shadow, and that embracing our wholeness is an integral part of our spiritual journey. Allow Lilith’s complexity to inspire you to explore your own depths, to confront your fears, and to discover the hidden facets of your soul.

Lilith in Astrology

Lilith gives you the power you need to be YOU.
For women, Lilith can show you how you can be your true independent self and find that power within you as a woman. For everyone, she’s your ability to think for yourself and say it. Your inner Lilith – the person who has their own mind and own power independent of anyone else – can be a source of hidden power that helps you become a stronger version of YOU. That makes Lilith an incredibly empowering position!

In practice, I also find people with strong Lilith in their charts tend to:
be super feminists (girl power!)
be super mystics (Lilith is a little – or lot – witchy)
there’s usually a difficult relationship with the mother (perhaps linking to the “demon” and stealing babies part of the mythology)

What is Lilith, technically?
Black Moon Lilith (BML) is the point in the Moon’s orbit that is farthest from Earth (the apogee). There are two versions of BML, Mean and True or Oscillating. The movement of BML is not too stable, so the Mean position averages out the movement, while the True or Oscillating position gives the actual position. You can look up both positions in your natal chart and see which position, Mean or True/Oscillating, resonates stronger for you personally.

Technically, in astrology, there are three different Liliths (just to make it confusing!): Black Moon Lilith, Dark Moon Lilith (also called Waldemath Moon), and asteroid Lilith (the only physical body of Lilith). Dark Moon Lilith tends to be a little darker while asteroid Lilith to be more symbolic of the story of Lilith. I personally mostly just use Black Moon Lilith unless one of the other two is super strong in a natal chart.

How can I find my Lilith positions?
To find the locations of your Liliths for free, you can use Click on ‘My Astro’ in the upper right, choose to use as a guest or create an account (to save your information), then input your birth data (date of birth, time of birth, and place of birth).

​You should be directed to the ‘Free Horoscopes’ page; click on ‘Extended Chart Selection’, then click on Additional Objects, and then click on Lilith in the menu (gives the Mean BML position), and in the Manual entry box, type in h13 (Oscillating BML), h58 (Waldemath), and 1181 (asteroid Lilith), then generate your chart (hit the button ‘Click here to show the chart >>’).

Working with Lilith in Witchcraft

Working with Lilith in witchcraft can be for different reasons connected to who Lilith is and what she represents. In Luciferian Witchcraft and Luciferianism (a form of Theistic Satanism), Lilith is honoured as the consort of Samael. However, you don’t have to practice Luciferianism or Luciferian Witchcraft to work with or be called upon to work with Lilith. Lilith can be worked with to reawaken your feminine sexuality, your passion for life, to reclaim your personal power when you feel small or that the world is overbearing and looming over top of you.

If you feel that you have given away your power or that you feel victimized in any way, Lilith screams back that you have the power to stand tall in the face of anyone encroaching on your space.
Here are a few ideas for witchcraft spells and magick involving Lilith or simply to work with Lilith:

  • Improving sexual relationships (to create balanced relationships)
  • Healing sexual trauma
  • Asserting independence and women/women’s rights
  • Fighting patriarchy/oppression/sexism placed on women
  • Boosting self-confidence and sensuality
  • To gain respect and/or recognition for contributions
  • Exploring and/or awakening your sexuality (especially if experiencing low libido)
  • Sex magick (feminine dominance)
  • Healing and/or managing menstrual issues and/or working menstrual magick
  • Working with the feminine shadow self or healing feminine shadow issues
  • Reclaiming your personal power and strengthening your voice
  • Handling or managing pre-menopause, peri-menopause or menopause symptoms
  • Feminine reproductive issues (especially with PMS, PMDD or other hormonal/mood swing problems)
  • Womb healing

Correspondences to Connect to Lilith

First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be he zodiac energy the moon, an archetype energy , or a deity like I will list below for you to use.


Owl- Wisdom, intuition, connection with Lilith
Serpent- Rebirth, transformation, feminine power
Black Moon- Mysticism, hidden knowledge, Lilith’s energy
Apple- Forbidden knowledge, temptation, femininity
Crescent Moon- Goddess energy, intuition, feminine cycles
Screech Owl- Night vision, divine guidance, Lilith’s presence
Black Rose- Mystery, seduction, Lilith’s essence
Bat- Transition, rebirth, connection with the night
Dark Water- Depths of emotions, divine feminine energy

red jasper
red carnelian
black moonstone
black tourmaline
clear quartz
All dark crystals (black and red) will work for connecting with Lilith.
Clear quartz can be effective if no other crystal is available.

belladonna (caution: poisonous)
nightshade (caution: poisonous)
hemlock (caution: poisonous)

Air (this is best utilized as incense)


Symbols Associated with the divine feminine

The Venus Symbol: Representing femininity and the divine feminine, the Venus symbol is a circle with a cross below it. This iconic symbol reflects Lilith’s role as a champion of women’s rights and a guardian of the feminine spirit.

The Raised Fist: A symbol of resistance and solidarity, the raised fist has been used by feminist movements around the world to signify strength and unity. Including a depiction of the raised fist on your altar honors Lilith’s revolutionary nature and her call for liberation and equality.

The Triple Moon: Comprising a waxing crescent, a full moon, and a waning crescent, the Triple Moon symbolizes the phases of a woman’s life—maiden, mother, and crone. It also reflects Lilith’s deep connection to the moon and her association with transformation and cycles of change.

The Equal Sign: Simple yet powerful, the equal sign stands for gender equality and the belief that all individuals deserve equal rights and opportunities. Placing this symbol on your Lilith altar reaffirms your commitment to justice and fairness.

The Snake: As a symbol of wisdom, rebirth, and healing, the snake is often associated with Lilith, who is said to have taken the form of a serpent in some tales. The snake also represents the shedding of societal constraints and the embracing of one’s true self. If you want to slither into the depths of the energy of the snake and its magic checkout my guide here.

The Wild Rose: The wild rose, with its untamed beauty and resilience, symbolizes Lilith’s free spirit and her defiance of patriarchal norms. It also serves as a reminder of the beauty and strength inherent in all women.

(Best) Day(s)

From just before sunset on Friday to the first three stars in the sky on Saturday evening is Shabbat in Judaism.
Depending on your belief, cultural background or how you modernize the Jewish creation story, it may be personally decided to honor (or not) Lilith during the time of Shabbat.
This may seem heretical, so you may choose whether Lilith can be honored before or after Shabbat is over depending on your belief. This is a personal choice and only taking into consideration the cultural history and origin of Lilith.

(Best) Time of Day

witching hour (this can mean midnight or the time between 3 am and 4 am depending on your definition)
(Best) Moon Phase

dark moon
new moon

Sacred Days

Beltane / May Day (because of the sexual theme of the holiday)
October 24 – some sources state this day as the day Lilith left the Garden of Eden and also as a Sumerian holiday to mark the end of the harvest
February 29 (Leap Year every 4 years) – said to be the day when women can be loose/free to break (traditional) norms (e.g. old fashioned customs) and ask men out on dates; may not be so applicable in modern times, but can be in a sense a liberating day for forthrightness and breaking social limitations placed on women.

Ways to work with Lilith

Embrace the Moonlit Path
Lilith, the Goddess of the Night, draws her strength from the moon’s luminous energy. To connect with her, bask in the moonlight, whether it’s under the silver glow of the full moon or the gentle embrace of the crescent. Engage in moon rituals, meditations, or simply spend time in contemplation under her celestial guidance. As you align with the lunar cycles, you will tap into the depths of your intuition and unleash the hidden aspects of your being. To learn more about working with the moon you can check out my entire page all about the moon and lunar magic here.

Invoke the Queen of Shadows
To work with Lilith, embrace your own shadows and fears. Light a black candle and call upon her as the Queen of Shadows. Confronting and accepting your inner darkness allows you to integrate and transmute these energies, empowering you to walk the path of self-discovery and empowerment. Trust in Lilith’s guidance as you navigate the depths of your subconscious, for within the darkness, you shall find your true strength.

 If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here;  and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here. And don’t forget to register for new 6 month course Embrace your shadow self here!

Celebrate the Wild Feminine
Lilith embodies the untamed, wild, and unapologetic aspects of femininity. Celebrate and honor your feminine power by embracing your authenticity and standing unyielding in the face of adversity. Engage in activities that help you connect with your feminine essence, such as dance, art, or nature walks. Embody the Goddess of the Night within you, and let her energy inspire you to reclaim your sovereignty.

Create a Lilith Altar
Design a sacred space dedicated to Lilith, adorned with dark-colored crystals, moon symbols, and images representing the night. Place offerings of dark fruits, red wine, or pomegranate seeds as a tribute to her essence. Meditate at this altar, seeking her guidance and strength, and watch as her energy infuses your life with purpose and resilience.

Dance with Fire and Air
In ritual and celebration, dance under the moonlit sky, invoking Lilith’s spirit within you. Let the flames of fire and the whispers of the wind be your companions in this dance. Moving your body to the rhythm of the elements, you connect with the primal force of Lilith, igniting your passion and embracing the free-spirited aspects of your soul.

Invoke Lilith in Dreams
Before sleep, set the intention to meet Lilith in your dreams. Keep a journal by your bedside to record any visions, messages, or encounters you experience. Working with Lilith in the realm of dreams can provide profound insights, healing, and guidance as you navigate your waking life.

Explore Divination and Tarot
Turn to divination and tarot as tools to communicate with Lilith and gain deeper understanding of your inner self. Choose tarot decks that resonate with the themes of the night, the moon, and feminine power. Engage in regular readings, seeking Lilith’s wisdom to illuminate the paths that lie ahead. Don’t forget to head to my shop and book me for some tarot readings and help you connect with her adn receive her wisdom.

Confront Patriarchal Conditioning
Lilith’s story challenges patriarchal constructs, making her a symbol of resistance against oppressive systems. Reflect on the ways patriarchal conditioning has influenced your life and choices. By dismantling these patterns and embracing Lilith’s essence, you empower yourself and support the collective shift towards equality and liberation.

Call on Lilith for Protection
Invoke Lilith as a guardian and protector, especially during moments of vulnerability or when you seek strength in challenging times. Her fierce energy can shield you from harm and guide you through adversity, reminding you of the power you hold within.

Commune with Nature
Spend time in nature to connect with Lilith’s primal energy. Seek solace in forests, beside flowing rivers, or under the open night sky. As you immerse yourself in the natural world, you become attuned to the rhythms of life and Lilith’s ancient wisdom.

If you want to start a journey or expand your knowledge on elemental magic and how to work with the elements I have a class coming up in mid march on this topic thru Divination Academy. Check it out at the link Here!

Work with Lilith in Ritual Magick
In your magical practice, incorporate Lilith’s sigils or symbols to amplify your intentions and spells. Seek her presence as you explore the mysteries of the night and harness her transformative energy to manifest your desires.

Honor Lilith in Rituals and Festivals
Celebrate Lilith’s presence during seasonal festivals, such as the Samhain or Beltane, when the veil between worlds is thin. Light candles and offer prayers to honor her role as the Goddess of the Night, inviting her blessings and guidance into your life.

Mirror Scrying: Gazing into the Veil of the Night
Embrace the ancient art of mirror scrying to connect with Lilith, the Goddess of the Night. Instead of staring at your reflection, dedicate a mirror specifically for scrying purposes. Call upon Lilith’s spirit as you peer into the depths of the mirror, allowing her to guide your divination sessions. Through this mystical practice, you can unveil hidden truths, receive insights from the otherworldly realms, and tap into the wild energy that Lilith bestows upon her devotees.

If you want to know more about working with mirrors and mirror scrying you can check you my previous post at this link here!

Air Element Magick: Embrace the Wild Winds
Harness the untamed energy of Lilith by incorporating air element magick into your practice. Work with the wind’s flow by making and burning incense, engaging in smoke and cloud scrying, or crafting powerful storm magick rituals. As the spirit of the wind, Lilith’s essence is intertwined with the breath of life, and through these practices, you can attune to her primal force and explore the mysteries of the unseen world.

The Owl Familiar Spirit: Commune with Lilith’s Sacred Messenger
The owl, synonymous with Lilith’s name in Hebrew, serves as a sacred animal and messenger of this enigmatic goddess. Connect with the owl familiar spirit or the Owl spirit guide in your practice to honor Lilith and delve into the occult mysteries she holds. The owl’s wisdom and intuitive prowess will aid you in understanding the deeper layers of the night and the secrets that lie within. If you want to learn more about owls my patreon community has spent a few weeks talking about them. Come join us and get access!

Sex Magick: Embrace the Lustful Enchantress
Explore the domain of sex magick, ruled by the intensely lustful nature of Lilith. Whether in personal or partnered encounters, learn to manifest your desires and tap into the transformative power of sexual energy. Engaging in sex magick rituals can provide profound insights into your own sensuality and desires, fostering a deep connection with the Goddess of the Night and the alluring mysteries she embodies. If you want to learn more about Sex Magic you can watch my class here.

The Daughters of Lilith: Becoming One with the Enchantress
In her demon form, Lilith is said to lead a horde of spirits known as the Daughters of Lilith. Delve into the study of this unique group of spirits and consider embracing your identity as a Daughter of Lilith, which is synonymous with being a witch. By aligning with this mystical lineage, you can connect with the ancient, powerful energies that flow through Lilith and explore the paths of witchcraft and the arcane arts.

Read about Lilith: Unveiling the Enigmatic Goddess
Embark on a journey of knowledge by immersing yourself in reading about Lilith. Delve into a wealth of resources, from ancient folklore and religious texts to modern interpretations and archaeological discoveries. By diving into the depths of Lilith’s story, you will gain a profound understanding of her multifaceted nature, her significance in diverse cultures, and the wisdom she bestows upon those who seek her guidance.

Final Musings

In the tapestry of history and myth, the name “Lilith” weaves a mesmerizing thread, connecting ancient civilizations to modern seekers of wisdom. As we embrace her enigmatic essence, she reminds us of the eternal truths found within the depths of the night—the beauty of embracing our shadows, the strength in claiming our sovereignty, and the power in honoring the wild and authentic self.

Lilith, the Goddess of the Night, beckons us to wander through the realms of our own souls, fearlessly exploring the depths of our desires, fears, and dreams. She stands as a beacon of feminine strength and empowerment, encouraging us to reclaim our voices, defy societal constraints, and dance boldly under the moon’s gentle glow.

She is incredibly powerful and healing for feminine energies and as a Queen in her own right, helping both men and women to feel comfortable with their bodies and embrace themselves and their truth. She is a Divine Goddess and one of abundance and empowered feminine archetypes. She is incredible and beautiful to behold. She is a goddess of women embracing their femininity.

Lilith is a guardian of the night, an embodiment of the shadowy and mysterious aspects of femininity. She reigns over the realms of darkness and dreams, where the subconscious mind roams free and untamed. As a goddess of the moon, she presides over its phases, from the new moon’s hidden embrace to the full moon’s radiant splendor. Her lunar influence connects her to cycles of life, death, and rebirth, a symbol of eternal renewal.

She is balanced and beautiful. She is one who seeks to empower women while still allowing them to be women.

She can be vicious and violent, one who will defend herself and her family and one who will not let anyone push her around. She rises to the challenge presented to her and she will defend herself with the sheer might of the goddess she is.

In her divine form, Lilith exudes an air of untamed sensuality and allure. She is the enchantress who bewitches mortals with her captivating gaze and seductive charm. Yet, her allure extends beyond mere physical beauty; it emanates from her deep connection to the primordial forces of creation. Lilith represents the life-giving aspects of femininity—the generative power that births both galaxies and ideas alike.

As the embodiment of feminine sovereignty, Lilith challenges conventional notions of subservience and patriarchy. She stands tall and unyielding, refusing to be confined by societal norms. The goddess Lilith is the epitome of independence, self-reliance, and courage. She empowers those she works with. She can awaken our power and help us to claim who we are and our space and become the people we desire to be. She reminds us of our truth and the powerful individuals that we are.

If you want to learn some more advanced ways of working with her like; how to Summon her, how to do tantric prayer to invoke her, working with her sigils and womb healing You can purchase my eBook about her in the shop.

To expand your knowledge about her further and meet her in a guided mediation or if you’d rather listen than read; you can watch my free class with Divination Academy on YouTube below!

Suggested Reading:

The Black Moon Lilith series:
​Black Moon Lilith in the Zodiac Signs
Progressions & Black Moon Lilith
Natal Planets Conjunct Black Moon Lilith
That Dark Lady, Lilith
Intro to Black Moon Lilith
Lilith the Witch
Transit Black Moon Lilith
Black Moon Lilith & Love Astrology
Prominent Natal Black Moon Lilith
When You’re Cut Off From Black Moon Lilith
Houses Ruled by Black Moon Lilith
Transit Black Moon Lilith in the Houses & Aspects

Resources sited:
a. See Tzvi Abusch, “Gilgamesh: Hero, King, God and Striving Man,” Archaeology Odyssey, July/August 2000.
b. But see David R. Freedman, “Woman, a Power Equal to Man,” BAR, January/February 1983.

  1. Dante Gabriel Rossetti, “Body’s Beauty,” in The House of Life: A Sonnet-Sequence (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Univ. Press, 1928), p. 183.
  2. James Joyce, Ulysses, chap. 14, “Oxen of the Sun.”
  3. All Gilgamesh quotations are from Samuel N. Kramer, Gilgamesh and the Huluppu-Tree: A Reconstructed Sumerian Text, The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago Assyriological Studies 10 (Chicago: Univ. of Chicago, 1938).
  4. Translated by Theodor H. Gaster in Siegmund Hurwitz, Lilith—The First Eve (Einsiedeln, Switzerland: Daimon, 1992), p. 66. Another translation does not mention Lilith’s name and reads, “Be off, terrifying ones, terrors of my night.”
  5. Unless otherwise indicated, all Bible quotes are from TANAKH: The Holy Scriptures (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1985).
  6. These items may arise from Lilith’s association with darkness. Some translators and commentators have mistaken the etymology of Lilith’s name. Lilith, lylyt [tylyl], was not derived from the Hebrew word for night, lylh [hlyl], as they supposed. Instead, Lilith’s name originated in her depiction as a mythic Mesopotamian fiend and foe of Gilgamesh.
  7. 4Q510. See Joseph M. Baumgarten, “On the Nature of the Seductress in 4Q184,” Revue de Qumran 15 (1991–1992), pp. 133–143.
  8. All talmudic references are to The Babylonian Talmud, trans. Isidore Epstein, 17 vols. (London: Soncino, 1948).
  9. Raphael Patai, The Hebrew Goddess, 3rd enlarged ed. (Detroit: Wayne State, 1990), p. 226.
  10. The translation is my own. The full Hebrew text of The Alphabet of Ben Sira is found in Ozar Midrashim: A Library of Two Hundred Minor Midrashim (New York: J.D. Eisenstein, 1915), vol. 1, pp. 35–49.
  11. All references to the Zohar are to the edition translated by Harry Sperling and Maurice Simon, 2nd ed. (London: Soncino, 1984), vol. 1.
  12. David Stern and Mark Jay Mirsky, eds., Rabbinic Fantasies (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1990).
  13. Joseph Adler, “Lilith,” Midstream 45:5 (July/August 1999), p. 6.
  14. Rossetti, “Eden Bower,” in Poems (Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1873), pp. 31–41.
  15. Judith Plaskow Goldenberg, “Epilogue: The Coming of Lilith,” in Religion and Sexism, ed. Rosemary Radford Ruether (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1974), pp. 341–343.
  16. Pamela White Hadas, “The Passion of Lilith,” in In Light of Genesis (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1980), pp. 2–19.

Sex has to be apart of our spiritual and magical practices.
Not in an obscene way, not in a repressed way, but in an intimate, respected and spiritual way.
Sex not only connects us to the creative force we are born from and in but, it allows us to connect to another soul while existing outside of all barriers of the ego.
When we are in the throes of the sacred dance nothing else exists, not the past petty arguments, betrayals, past traumas, or the stress from day to day living. Sex allows to move beyond our human suffering. It all melts away as you enter the very fertile sacred container sex creates. We enter a state of communion, immense pleasure, and presence in the here and now.
So, use the most powerful force in existence that creates life and connects our human body to our souls in your life from here on out.
Use your orgasms to be in the present state and manifest the life you want to make.
Use orgasms to release blockages and move stagnant energy out of your life.
Use orgasms to ground back to yourself and the energy at the center of all life.
Use orgasms to heal yourself from past trauma and shift your perspective of life.
Use orgasms to see more clearly the intimate connections you make.

When you register for this event you will learn

Sex magic techniques to increase pleasure, create more presence in the moment, manifest your desires through organisms, and strengthen your connection through timeless intimacy! Let me show you how something as simple as the right energy, intention, and breathing technique with your blowjobs can heal years of trauma for your partner even!

Plus you will leave with an eBook full of sex magic spells you can do on your own and journal prompts to help unlock more of your sexual prowess, desires, and release blockages holding you back in bed. If you have ever wanted to learn how to make sex apart of your magic and spiritual life this event is for you! We begin at 6:30pm CST- 8:30pm CST on Wednesday February 11th in google meet. To register for this event purchase today! Claim one of the limited spots!

About Me : I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years. First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration, and re-enchantment of Magic in society, across this realm, and in each and every soul I come across in life! I am here to create a container that promotes healing, duality, and raw authenticity. I do this by guiding you on your personal journey to understanding your unique magic and sacred contracts. I facilitate this for you through embracing your shadow, duality and learning to live in energetic balance while not wearing a mask. When you work and learn from me you do so from your “darkness” as much as your “light” and in a way to truly harness and accept it not to just go thru it on the way to your light. But, I teach you how to truly embrace it, work with it, and use it alongside your light as a partner. I hold up a mirror for you to be able to see your authentic reflection looking back. Then have the courage to take the next step and do the uncomfortable but vital inner work to completely remove your mask. By facing all of your past wounds, traumas, and hurts. Allowing you to see both the dark and light within your story and take each chapter and alchemize it into something that is so powerful. your unique internal flame will shine so bright you will always be able to go within and find it on a dark cold night. You will learn how to truly live in duality and energetic balance to allow growth, and alignment with your sacred contracts and purposes. to finally move on and truly let the things that hold you back in this life from healing and manifesting go. To see everything I offer; like personalized shadow work sessions, womb healing, eBooks for you to work through on your own, Tarot sessions for guidance and more! Go to my shop!

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Mirror, Mirror on the wall whose the most Magical of them all? A guide to Mirror Magic

“Mirror, mirror on the wall…..” A  famous Phrase many  know but, did you know that you can use  mirrors for more than just seeing your own reflection, putting on makeup and asking them “who’s the fairest of them all” ?  Mirrors can be used in many different kinds of magical ways in your practice and in your life. The connection between mirrors, your identity, reality, your self, and your self-image are strongly tied together.

Of all the spiritual methods of inner work available to us in the 21st century, mirror work is one of the simplest and most powerful.

Unlike many pathways to inner growth out there, you don’t have to go out and splurge large amounts of money or time.

Thankfully, mirror work is a practice that is freely available to anyone – all you need is a mirror! And nearly all of us already have access to one.

If you’re looking for a simple, practical, and deeply transformative practice that can become a daily habit of self-love, look no further than your bathroom mirror.

Read this blog post to learn all about how you can become the most magical of them all with the many uses of mirrors. 

My love for mirrors

I Personally deeply love mirrors especially as a grey witch and mystic who thrives in the liminal space and duality. Mirrors have this very mesmerizing way of pulling you into a portal of your own reflection and into a new reality. Which really is what is happening when you look into a mirror from a scientific perspective. Every time we look into a mirror it’s our perspective of reality that is being reflected back to us. 

When you think about this from a spiritual and magical perspective it’s both terrifying and exhilarating. To know what you are seeing and in a mirror is both real and unreal at the same time. It opens up this mindset that allows you to dive head first into the portal of reflection for some of the deepest shadow work you can experience and journey to fully understanding your identity and soul contracts. 

This deep pool of reflection a mirror opens you up to also has this amplifying effect to your magic and the messages you receive through many forms of divination as well.

Magic mirrors as a tool

Mirrors are both simple and complicated tools of magic. Through ages, they have been used for scrying, searching for the truth, finding your personal unknown – and as portals. 

They have also been  used in protection spells to reflect unwanted energy back to its sender, or keep entities out of your home or sacred space as well. They can be used as an amplifier to your magical workings as well. There is also the concept of the black mirror we will dive into as well. 

A mirror can be such a handy tool to use because they are relatively easy to get your hands on. You can use your bathroom mirror, a full length mirror, a compact mirror really anyone  you choose to use. Keep in mind depending on the use and workings you are doing with it you may need to make sure you have cleansed and charged the mirror prior.  I also find I have much clearer results when I am using one of my own mirrors instead of someone else’s or one outside of my home, though you can do that if you need to.

Is a Mirror “evil”?

The quick answer, like any other type of magic yes/ and no. 

Can it be used for malicious intent? Sure, it can. But, any magic and practice can be. Just like mirror magic can be used for really useful, helpful and beneficial intent as well. It all is up to the practitioner ; how they are using it, and their intent each time they use it.  It also depends on your view on good and evil. For a practitioner like myself who doesn’t believe in that viewpoint the answer is of course no; always. To read more about my viewpoint you check out a previous post here. and here

But, many do not see it as I do, so let’s talk about the negative superstitions and ideas that surround mirrors in both the magical/ pagan community and in society as a whole.

 Mirror magic can actually be a pretty controversial topic and practice when you bring it up. Usually, when I do  I am hit with so many reasons for why I should not be using it and I see witches all the time on social media asking if it is okay to even have mirrors in their homes, near their altars or near their beds. I even see other witches scaring them completely away from them with many different superstitions and beliefs.  

Now, everyone can have their own belief and superstitions from their cultures and I respect that but, we also need to be willing to look at other viewpoints and beliefs as well and understand not everyone will believe any or all of the common superstitions and beliefs I will list below and being willing to do this is how we truly stop gate keeping. 

List of negative beliefs and superstitions about mirrors;

  • did you know that if you stare into a mirror too long the DEVIL will appear behind you
  • Everyone’s heard the one about breaking a mirror and bringing bad luck for seven years
  • some cultures take it a step further and believe that breaking a mirror doesn’t just mean bad luck, but is an omen for death in the household!
  • It’s said that souls can become trapped in mirrors
  • The fae can kidnap you to their realm by pulling you thru one
  • The bloody Mary myth
  • you can even summon demons and vengeful spirits by calling them forth in mirrors… and then, I guess, be trapped in a bathroom with them
  • If you keep one by your altar you will allow evil spirits to possess you
  • Mirrors facing out in our home are a portal into your home for demons

Honestly the list could go on. Some of these beliefs have cultural aspects behind them like with the one concerning the fae. Others are just scare tactics in my opinion from one specific church *cough, cough * Christianity to keep us away from a true tool to amplify our power and remind us that we are divine beings ourselves and not just God and Jesus. 

Mirror work; what is it?

Mirror Work was a method originally developed by inspirational teacher Louise Hay as a way of getting in touch with the inner self. The primary purpose of mirror work is to develop self-love, self-care, and a more meaningful relationship with others.

By simply looking into the mirror for a certain amount of time each day and gently talking to yourself, you can foster a more compassionate and forgiving connection with yourself.

Mirror work can make us feel initially uneasy because it exposes our inner critic in plain daylight.

Suddenly everything we feel about ourselves that we might not be aware of comes to the surface. And if you haven’t developed a compassionate relationship with yourself, you might be prone to believing all the nastiness whispered in your ear by your inner critic.

Of all the spiritual methods of inner work available to us in the 21st century, mirror work is one of the simplest and most powerful.

Unlike many pathways to inner growth out there, you don’t have to go out and splurge large amounts of money or time.

Thankfully, mirror work is a practice that is freely available to anyone – all you need is a mirror! And nearly all of us already have access to one.

If you’re looking for a simple, practical, and deeply transformative practice that can become a daily habit of self-love, look no further than your bathroom mirror.

Spiritual Awakening & Mirror Work

As a symbol of truth and clarity, mirrors are one of the most ancient and direct ways of accessing self-realization.

Some of the earliest uses of mirrors date back to Anatolia (now called Turkey) from 6,000 to 8,000 BC. These ancient mirrors were made out of obsidian, which itself is a stone symbolic of psychological purification, shadow integration, and protection.

By using a mirror to consciously access the inner layers of our being, we gently remove the blocks and untie the knots preventing our ability to grow and evolve. Mirror work can facilitate a deepening of our spiritual awakening process.

Mirror work and the inner child

Mirror work is an intensely effective way of helping us to re-establish a connection with this delicate part of ourselves.

When looking into the mirror and trying to reconnect with the inner child, it’s not unusual to feel waves of sadness wash over you. You may also experience unexpected bubbles of excitement or joy. But typically, it’s common to experience heavier and more uncomfortable emotions first.

Although this kind of mirror work can be upsetting and unpleasant at times, these feelings point to deeper work that is alchemizing at a subconscious level.

Simply gazing at yourself in the mirror and comforting your inner child can be a tremendously healing practice and a powerful form of inner child work. The more emotions you experience, the more a sacred kind of purging and transformation is happening.

Mirror Work; portal to the soul

The eyes are the mirrors to the Soul as the old saying goes, and mirror work gives you direct access to this core part of your being.

However, it’s not always possible to directly connect with your deeper Self. Most people first experience a harsh inner critic that arises and serves as a doorkeeper to the deeper psyche.

To make it past that harsh doorkeeper, you must learn to disarm it through mindfulness and self-compassion. It’s at this point where inner work practices such as self-love become vital to work through your insecurities and self-resentments.

How to do Mirror work

There are no official methods of doing mirror work – although you can try the 21-day practice developed by Louise Hay in her book.

Personally, I prefer to tailor mirror work to myself and my own needs. Here are some of the fundamental principles of mirror work that you might like to keep in mind if you want to create your own practice:

Use affirmations that feel authentic to you (I’ll explain this more below)

Dedicate at least two minutes every day

Do mirror work in private so that you aren’t disturbed (or feel the need to keep your guard up)

It’s okay to feel emotional – let yourself feel whatever comes up

Keep a journal where you record any notable experiences (I’ll explain this more below)

With that being said, here’s a simple step-by-step guide to mirror work that you can use and adapt to your own needs:

1. Commit yourself

2. Think about the best time of day

3. Choose or create your own affirmation

Why use affirmations, you might wonder? Affirmations counteract the negative self-talk that runs through our heads – they also help to reprogram our minds.

4. Repeat your affirmation (with feeling)

5. Embrace any emotions that arise

6. Place a hand over your heart

7. Record your discoveries

How to use mirrors Magically in spells and rituals

There are so many ways to use them to amplify your magical workings, spells, rituals, and your life. Let me walk you through some of them now, and remember I may miss some and if I do always comment and let me know so, I can grow my knowledge and find a new way to use them.

Amplifying Magic

I mentioned above about leaving mirrors on the altar for this purpose ( we will go in depth more later too), but mirrors can be set up for any spell to significantly boost the power of individual elements! Strategically placing mirrors around whatever aspect you want amplified (candles, stones, yourself) will have the most impact and I recommend using multiples of three when deciding how many mirrors to use.

Breaking Mirrors

People have major reservations about breaking mirrors and this superstition goes back a long way. Symbolically, breaking a mirror can represent breaking some aspect of yourself or “breaking through” to an enlightenment.

For spells involving moving past old obstacles, breaking bad habits or cycles of behavior, you can look into the mirror and tell yourself what you want to change, what habits are coming to an end, then put the mirror into a cloth bag and break it (safely). These pieces can then be discarded or used in a larger self-altering ritual.  

Bridging Worlds

 Mirrors are sometimes seen as windows into other dimensions or a way to look in on others without their knowledge. This made mirrors tools of divination. It was believed that your reflection was your soul and therefore when used for scrying or divination, you could theoretically ask your soul-self questions or ask to see something happening elsewhere. Black scrying mirrors are actually less reflective so you don’t see yourself as clearly. The reason for this being that your own reflection was considered a distraction from whatever you’re actually hoping to find in the mirror’s surface. We will go over them in more detail later though.

Scrying with a  mirror; Catoptromancy

Scrying is one of the best known forms of divination, and can be done in a variety of ways. And when I say a variety I mean a variety from using raindrops, snow, ice, bread, smoke, and so many more if you want me to do a post on more ways to scrying let me know in the comments.

Catoptromancy (Greek: κάτοπτρον, katoptron, “mirror,” and μαντεία, manteia, “divination”) is a form of mirror magic. It’s technically scrying done with mirrors. Scrying is a relative of clairvoyance, augury, or divination and it refers to the practice of looking at an object to receive a message or vision. In scrying, the intention is to “see deeper”, to get visions or messages, or to gain inspiration, guidance, and revelation. You can use a black mirror or a regular mirror as well. 

A couple things on this; some think the mirror is the one proving the answers and the messages and others like myself see the mirror simply as the conduit and tool that is allowing me to receive the message in a more clear way for me to understand. 

Beauty Magic

Get your favorite color of lipstick or if you are like me and do not use it you can use chapstick as well, and a bowl of rose petals. Stand in front of your bathroom mirror, or use a handheld one, and place the lipstick in the bowl of rose petals. Say Beauty within and outside of me, beauty I feel and what others now see. Luscious color to last a while, on my spirit and on my smile. Apply the lipstick, blow yourself a kiss in the mirror, and admire how awesome you are. Keep your lipstick handy for touch-up applications as it wears off during the day. When you go to bed at night, keep the lipstick in the bowl of rose petals beside your mirror.

Protection Magic

Mirrors can be used for protection and binding spells. They send evil deeds and negative energies back to their senders. Think about it like light: when a light hits a mirror, the mirror reflects the light back. The principles of protective mirror magic are similar: the mirror acts as a shield that reflects the energy back.

Protecting from negative energy attacks

When you feel something is threatening you, your property or anything very close to you, place mirrors on every window of your home, facing out. The mirrors will reflect any negative energy sent to you, back to its sender.

Protection from lies

When you are about to go into a tough situation where you feel you might be lied to, bring a small hand mirror with you. Hold it in your hand, mirror side facing your opponent. It doesn’t matter if the person spots it – you can always say that you have it for some other purpose. If you want this magic to be even more effective, make your opponent look in the mirror.

Super simple defensive spell

Fogging up a mirror and reciting an incantation is said to reveal to you those who seek to harm you.

Repelling unwanted energies

In the bowl, facing the mirror, place something that represents your target – the person who is cursing you. This can be a photo, a business card, a small doll, an item that they own, or even their name written on a piece of paper. This will reflect that individual’s negative energy back to them.

You can also create a mirror box. It works on the same principle as a single mirror, but uses several mirrors to line the inside of a box. Just hot-glue them in place so they don’t move around. Once you’ve done so, place a magical link to the person inside the box, and then seal the box. You may use black salt if you wish to add a little more magical oomph.

One of my favorite methods of making a mirror box is to incorporate the shards of a mirror you’ve smashed with a hammer while chanting the person’s name. This can be such a big release for you mentally and energetically and than you add all that release to the spell when you use the shards in the box.

Suspended binding

One way to bind using mirrors is to place a picture of your target between two separated mirrors, usually performed in a hallway, symbolically holding the target in suspended animation.

Simple binding with mirrors

I suggest getting a tube (from a toilet paper roll, for example), securing a small poppet in the middle of this tube and then slot two mirrors on each end of the tube. Paint the tube black or wrap a black cord around it, then pop it in the freezer. If you wish, you could also place a clear quartz in with the poppet to amplify the binding.

Shattered sanity hex

So, you really want to shake someone’s balance. Well, then, load a mirror with magic. The mirror should be big enough to be broken easily, and if possible, frameless.

Get a taglock from your target, such as one string of hair, and glue it on the other side of the mirror. Or, write the exact name and birthdate of your target on the back of the mirror (you probably want to be very subtle with this).

Meet your target. Present the mirror to them and make them look at themselves by complimenting their eyes and asking them to look at a detail in their iris (such as a dot, shape, color, or the dark ring of the iris). The longer you can make them look, the better.

Arrange it so that the person turns away. Then, “accidentally” break the mirror so that the person sees it.

*This one I got from a blog quite a few years back, added it to my book of shadows and can’t find the name anymore so once I find it I will update this to add a link to them 

Mirrors and the altar

I touched on it earlier that you can have mirrors at your altar, let’s talk about the two different reasons why, defense/ protection and amplification. 

The first one I want to talk about is amplification. 

Amplify your altar

Think of it like this, when the sun hits a mirror what happens? The beam of light gets reflected back brighter as it’s absorbed into the reflective surface and then bounced back. (That part we will talk about in a minute.)

That part where the beam of light gets brighter as it’s absorbed into the surface, that’s the effect a mirror can have on your altar. I do this by having a mirror placed at the back end of my altar facing it wide open to see every part of my altar, and myself when I come to it for prayer, spell workings, or rituals.  

Defending your altar

We talked about how it can amplify your altar now let’s talk about how it can defend your altar. Do you remember when I sad we would talk about the bounce part of the sun bean hitting a mirror. 

Well that bounce back is how a mirror protects your altar. By doing just that not only does it bounce and reflect back the unwanted energies or attacks it sends it back already amplified as well. 

One tip with this though, I felt it was confusing and a little chaotic to have a mirror on my altar for each intention.  So, to fix that I started drawing protection sigils on the one for that specific intention to make it  much more clear intention. 

Black Mirror

We can’t talk about mirrors without talking about black mirrors.

A black mirror is a tool that is used for example in scrying, Goetic rituals for evocation, and searching for your personal “unknown”. Some consider it to have a bit of controversial nature, but I think it’s still pretty common magic.

A black mirror often is a plate of glass that is painted glossy-black from the other side. It can also be made from black glass completely. The main point is to look into the dark reflection. Not just a couple of minutes. But a session with black mirror gazing could take for example 20 minutes. What most of the people can expect to start seeing is how their face starts to morph.

An ideal black mirror has enough size so that if you hold it and place it arm’s length away, you can still see your face clearly. Smaller than this may not reveal enough, and larger than this pulls your focus on a wider area. But, it depends on your skills and purpose. Same as with size, goes with the shape: A round black mirror holds some traditional worth, but I wouldn’t worry about the shape too much.

Protecting your mirrors

If you choose to use your mirrors as a magical tool you’re going to want to treat it just like every other magical tool, by cleansing them, consecrating them and protecting them.  You can do this several different ways. 

Let’s talk cleansing first;

Smoke Cleansing 

Smoke cleanses a space of negative energy. You can use any incense for cleansing, but some incense that corresponds to cleansing are:






Choose from these options, or you can even mix up your own incense with protective herbs and resins.

Cleanse With Essential Oils

A few drops of sage essential oil or any other protective essential oil can be rubbed onto the mirror. Leave the oil on for a few minutes, and then wipe it away.












Moon Or Sun Cleansing

Putting your mirror out to be exposed to fresh air and sun or moonlight is a powerful way to cleanse it of all negative energy. Nothing can fight the power of the sun and moon, not even the most powerful spirits and demons.

You can choose to use either celestial body; it’s up to you and which energy you prefer to work with. Leave the mirror exposed to whichever light you choose for at least 4 hours.

Once it has been cleansed now here is how you can protect it from unwanted energies.

Drawing A Pentacle On It

Drawing a pentacle on your mirror is an easy way to protect it from being possessed. The pentacle will stop anything bad from going in or coming out of your mirror.

You can also create your own protection sigil or rune to draw on it as well.

Sprinkle salt water 

Salt water is boosted with both protection and purification properties which makes it a great and usually easy way to add some protection. 

Place protective crystals around it

Crystals of all kinds can be used for protection and you can add their protection to your mirrors by placing them near them in front of them is the best.

Alternative Mirror

If you can’t get past the legends, superstitions or beliefs about mirrors, water is an alternative you can use for any of these methods and magics. Water was the first reflective surface we used to see ourselves and lots of superstitions and lore cropped up about what this reflection truly meant. If the water rippled while you were looking into it, well, that was bad news because whatever happened to your mirror self would obviously happen to you (not sure why ripples were bad for you… they sound kind of fun). You could become transfixed by your reflection like Narcissus, or unwillingly invite cruel spirits through. Water, though, is a very gentle mirror and conducts energy well. Remember what I said about trapping? You can use the water’s smooth surface in the same way, and then have a more tangible ingredient for spells. Witches have used water for divination just as they have used mirrors and if you’re more comfortable using water, then it’s a perfect alternative.

Wrap up

Mirror work is deceptively simple but tremendously empowering. So much healing work can be done by simply looking at yourself in the mirror and expressing self-loving affirmations.

One of the most amazing side benefits of mirror work is how it impacts your relationships. By learning how to love yourself more, life becomes more harmonious and your connections with others blossom and flourish.

And finally, mirror work helps to facilitate and deepen our spiritual awakening, aiding us in gaining clarity and inner illumination.

Today using mirrors isn’t as common as it used to be, so experiment to find the best way to incorporate mirrors into your craft and revive this ancient and effective practice! Mirrors are a brilliant tool for many kinds of magic. They offer an interesting tool to explore the depths of your mind. Let me know what they help you uncover when you explore with them!

To expand your knowledge about this type of magic or if you’d rather listen than read; you can watch my free class with Divination Academy on YouTube below!

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Leap Into The Rest of 2024 with the Magic of the Leap Year

It’s a day that comes around once every four years so of course there is going to be some boosted magical energy for us to harness for ourselves and our lives. Leap Year is a rare moment to step out of the ordinary flow of time. It’s an opportunity to recalibrate, reflect, and realign with the Earth’s natural cycles.

Leap Year is a potent day for deep magic and transformation since it’s a day out of time, offering a powerful energy boost for spells and rituals. If you want a change in your life this year, then there’s no better time for doing spell work than on February 29th.

So, let’s leap into the rest of 2024 with magic, motivation, and confidence together in this blogpost.

What Leap Year Means

With its extra day, Leap Year is a way of syncing our calendar with Earth’s orbit around the sun. It’s like the universe’s version of a time-out, giving us a moment to align more closely with celestial rhythms. Leap Year happens because our calendar year (365 days) is shorter than a solar year (about 365.24 days). Julius Caesar, back in 46 BCE, introduced the leap year as part of the new Julian calendar.

Traditions and Superstitions

Leap Day is associated with various customs, traditions, and superstitions that have evolved over time. One of the most well-known traditions is that women can propose to men on Leap Day—a practice believed to have originated in Ireland during the 5th century. According to legend, St. Bridget struck a deal with St. Patrick to allow women to propose on Leap Day, leading to the tradition of “Bachelor’s Day” or “Leap Year Proposals.”

Superstitions surrounding Leap Day include the belief that it is an unlucky day for weddings like in Greece. In some cultures, Leap Day is also associated with unusual weather patterns, strange phenomena, or mystical occurrences.

February 29th is a liminal day

Occurring as it does once every four years, February 29th is a rare day. It exists, that much is true, but the fact that it does so on such an infrequent basis makes a highly charged, unique and powerful day that exists both in and betwixt the realms.

It is a liminal time, not completely unlike periods such as those surrounding Samhain and Beltane, respectively, when the veil is especially thin.

February 29th is a day and time on the edges and periphery. A brief period of once-ever-four-years time that quickly transforms into the more commonplace occurrence of March 1st.

The Numerology of Leap Day 2024

Numerology is a practice that believes every number has a special spiritual meaning and significance. Like observing the planets in astrology, we can track the patterns in numbers to find clarity and enrich our everyday lives. Every number, including dates on the calendar, carries a unique blend of energy that can be used to align our lives with the cosmos.

This year’s leap day has a numerological meaning of 3. Here’s how the numbers break down: 2/29/2024 = 2 + 2 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 21, which turns into 2 + 1 = 3. The number 3 in numerology is significant in influencing communication, curiosity, and creativity. Today is the perfect opportunity to focus on a project close to your heart and watch it flourish.

Leap days are also special in numerology because they hold the power of Master Number 11 within them. Because leap day always falls on February 29 (2 + 9 = 11), you can also expect a deeper connection with your intuition and spirit guides.

In numerology, Master Number 11 is intuition, connection, sensitivity, and oneness. It’s considered one of the most powerful numbers in numerology, designed to clear and align. Master Number 11 invites us to be at one with the universe. Take advantage of this moment to indulge in new ways of seeing and appreciating the world.

Realignment Spells

Leap Years are necessary to synchronize our modern-day calendar with the Earth’s movement around the Sun. You should perform realignment spells if you need to adjust something in your career, your family, marriage, or yourself. The key is to take a little step back and see what needs to be tweaked a little from all aspects of your life. If you’ve already identified this, then get set for February 29th for a very strong realignment spell. Realignment essentially means saying goodbye to the old ways and to make way for the new.

One form of a realignment spell is using banishing magic. Leap days come and then they vanish just as quickly. A banishing spell cast on this day will be extra potent, as it will carry the transience of the day in its very essence. I am especially fond of doing banishing work involving written messages or intentions and burying them outdoors at either 4 am or 4 pm on February 29th (the hour of four-o-clock corresponding to the fact that leap years generally transpire once every four years).

Spirit work

Leap days heighten psychic abilities and break down barriers. This makes leap days perfect for divination, scrying, and spells that connect to the spirit world. Follow your intuition and listen to whatever method is calling to you and be open to any messages you may receive. But, don’t forget to protect yourself with your basics as well.

Fae work

Leap Day is the other day of this year where you can easily access the world of faeries, sprites, elves, and other spirits of the woods. Like the spirit world, the realm of fairies is easier to access on days when the veil between worlds thins. Use leap day magic to contact the fairy realm. If you want to ask something to those belonging to this realm, opening channels of communication on February 29th is ideal.

Long Term goals and Intentions spells

Since leap days only happen every four years, they are wonderful for spells that take longer to come to fruition and spells that you need to unfold over time. Use leap day magic to solidify long-term goals and set lasting intentions. This spell is part of laying the groundwork for your future undertakings. Just like building your network or ensuring sustainability for your business, doing a long-term spell on Leap Day will ensure that whatever plan you carry out is insured with prosperity and good fortune.

Spells for Courage, bravery, and Self Confidence

Leap days are traditionally days where the mundane is replaced by the unexpected. This is a great day to be bold and try something new. Cast a spell of courage, daring, or passion. Turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Love Magic

Love magic to help you find, if desired, a long-term partner (you can also perform friendship magic to help bring new long-term friends into your life as well – keep in mind that love magic does not have to strictly be romantic by any means; plutonic love is highly important in most peoples’ lives as well).

Other long term spells and rituals to do

-Banishing work.

-Beginning a new journal, Book of Shadows, Grimoire or other personally meaningful spiritual or magickal related record.

-Breaking bad/negative/unwanted habits.

-Bringing your deepest, most poignant dreams into reality.

-Burry, in either a more literal or a figurative or representative way, aspects of your life, magick practice, and spiritual journey that no longer serve you well or which are holding you back from blossoming in the ways that you need and want.

-Committing yourself to thoroughly learning a subject, art, technique, etc that pertains to your magickal practice.

-Engaging in long-term shadow work.

-Fertility magick.

-Health, wellness, and fitness-related workings and goals.

-Launching new projects, such as a business, blog or website, volunteer endeavor, or doing home renovations.

-Planting/starting a new garden or a brand new section of an existing garden.

Shorter-term magic for the leap year

If you’re feeling drawn towards shorter-term magic and spiritual undertakings, here are some useful suggestions that you may wish to put into practice specifically on the last day of this February.

-Astral projection and lucid dreaming.

-Courage magick to help you do something that you’ve been struggling to muster the gumption needed to undertake.

-Curse and hex breaking (or placing, if that’s up your alley).

-Doing twelve-month tarot and oracle card spreads to help provide you with a clearer picture of your life over between now and next February.

-Finding lost objects. February 29th is “hidden” for a few years at a time, when it reappears, jump at the chance to use its powerfully unique energy to aid you in locating missing or lost items.

Leap Year Correspondences

-Trees: Cedar, pine, rowan, cypress, and laurel.

-Herbs, spices, and flowers: Hyssop, bay leaves, anise, myrrh, sandalwood, frankincense, pine needles and pine resin, cinnamon, nutmeg, ylang-ylang, mint, rosemary, balm of Gilead, sage, thyme, basil, tansy, wisteria, jasmine, heliotrope, palmarosa, lemon balm, primrose, heather, snowdrops, and patchouli.

-Colours: White, blue, violet, purple, grey, light yellow, pale green, pink, red, brown, silver and gold.

-Crystals and stones: Clear quartz, diamonds, rose quartz, citrine, amethyst, fluorite, silver, pyrite, angelite, aquamarine, ruby, garnet, jasper (including dalmatian jasper), ammolite, bloodstone, turquoise, black tourmaline, onyx, and selenite.

-Animals: Sheep, cows, foxes, rabbits, hares, bears, deer, otters, groundhogs, prairie dogs, eagles, robins, owls, chickadees, blue jays, and unicorns.

-Gods and Goddesses: Brigit, Kuan Yin, Diana, Eros, Persephone, Aphrodite, Demeter, Venus, Selene, The Muses, Mars, Pan, Boann, Shakti, Branwen, Parvati, and Bast.

Nature spirits: The fae, including faeries who are connected to the home, one’s property and garden.

-Foods: Those associated with Imbolc and the end of the winter, with an emphasis on warm spices, fresh citrus fruits, grains, seeds, breads, potatoes, and most types of fresh and dried green herbs.

-Magickal supplies: Candles, salt, dried herbs (including those listed above), tools made out of silver and silver-tone metals, altar tiles, crystal wands, and ogham runes.

-Elements: Air and water, though fire is an important element for February as well, particularly as it relates to Imbolc.

-Astrological sign: February 29th falls during the time of Pisces, whose ruling element is water. Pisces is ruled by Neptune and is represented by a fish.

Spell to Manifest on Leap year

What you will need; some bay leaves, pen, and a candle.

With your bay leaf, pen, and candle ready.

Make sure to do this ritual either at 4am or 4pm on February 29th.

Get into sacred space.

Take several deep, soothing breaths in and out, and focus on your surroundings. As you do so, think about an area in your life that you’ve been struggling to overcome or more past.

This could be just about anything. From ditching an unwanted habit to working up the courage to ask for a raise at work to finally standing up for yourself with your family.

Light your candle and visualize what or who it is you want to release. How does it feel to completely release the thing, event, or person?

Once you feel that vision is grounded in your mind’s eye take your pen and write 1 word or a sentence of what you want to release

Once written focus your energy on the leaves and envision the strength that you need to overcome this issue in your life entering your body. Scrunch up the leaf/leaves and throw them away from you. While visualizing the energy completely releasing to the universe and the energetic chord dissipating


Leap with Confidence

However you chose to connect to it this year do so with intention and confidence to carry with you the through the rest of 2024! Leap Year is a rare moment to step out of the ordinary flow of time. It’s an opportunity to recalibrate, reflect, and realign with the Earth’s natural cycles. The first two months for me this year were more challenging than I was prepared for so, I plan to harness the magic and energy of this day as much as can and I hope you do too!

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How to Regain Control Of your Life in One Day After Being Overwhelmed

Being overwhelmed is something we all experience at times in our lives. Some much more than others. ( My hand is definitely raised) With the current state of the world and the collective I feel myself and others are hitting their thresholds much quicker than usual or than we would like to be. Feeling overwhelmed has unwanted side effects and consequences for everyone us even though it may look different. I know for myself it may even look different from day to day.

Usually though when I am overwhelmed I get very snippy with my husband, and even passive aggressive. I have much lower patience with my son and end up not following my parenting philosophy when he is struggling and I make it worse. I will cancel things I had planned and avoid contact with others.

And if it gets bad enough I will start to avoid everything. I won’t do anything and will cancel everything. I will dissociate from myself and reality and in some of the worst cases another personality takes complete control of me for awhile and depending on which one, it can have even worse consequences than just being overwhelmed.

So, what can we do about?

I said we all experience it at times so we can’t avoid it. It will happen no matter what your best intentions are, how organized you are, or how well you maintain boundaries. This will happen no matter what simply because we are humans and living life and life is overwhelming at times and so are other humans. So, it’s unavoidable. But, even with that being true there are things we can do both before it happens to prepare and things we can do when it’s happening.

Before it happens

Before we ever even get overwhelmed and start to spiral we can have one of my favorite DBT skills created and on hand for us to use when this happens, called the cope ahead plan.

What is a cope ahead plan?

It is exactly like it sounds. It is a plan you create before a situation happens for how you will cope effectively if/when it does happen. In other words this is your cheat sheet/ to do list you pull out that tells you what to do when your emotions may be making it difficult to problem solve, cope, or be in wise mind.

Another benefit to creating one of these plans is the sense of ease and confidence it gives you that allows you to stop ruminating about things that haven’t happened yet. As someone with OCD I use these plans to even help me break free from routines that get triggered unintentionally. I even use these to make me able to be around other people especially family.

So, how do you create one?

First thing you do is DESCRIBE. You describe the situation that is likely to happen get very detailed about the situation. You check the facts with what you are describing and make sure you are being justified with your description and not letting emotions influences the description but, do note what emotions you are feeling

Second, DECDE what problem solving or coping skills you want to use for this specific situation. What skills will assist you the best with the specific feelings this situation is making you feel. Be detailed!

Third, IMAGINE THE SITUATION in your mind as vividly as possible. Imagine and immerse yourself in the situation as if it is happening now in the present.

Fourth, REHEARSE IN YOUR MIND COPING EFFECTIVELY. This one is the most important part of the skill and the part I feel most forget, myself included at times. When it says rehearse it means rehearse. You fully act out your actions, you say the words you want to say, you respond emotional the way you want to respond, you rehearse every part of what you coping effectively will look and feel like to you. You do this as many times as you need to. Until you feel prepared and any anxiety or unwanted feelings dissipate.

Fifth, PRACTICE RELAXATION AFTER REHEARSING. It is exactly what is says. Go and do something relaxing to bring your emotions back to wise mind after rehearsing.

After doing all those steps you now have a cope ahead plan. I recommend writing out this plan on a sheet of paper especially what you want to say. It makes rehearsing it easier to do and you can come back to it over and over again if its a situation you have to cope ahead for often in your life.

So, what skills for coping should you put in your cope ahead plan?

Every single cope ahead plan will look different for each person and situation but, let me give you some ideas of what can go in your cope ahead plan for when you are just feeling overwhelmed with life, you have been down, off track, and avoiding things/events/others. The list I will go over below is not all inclusive and some things may not work for you change it up to fit your needs.

1. Get ready for the day

When I am overwhelmed in life whether it be due to metal health, a busy schedule or just life being life one of the first things to go for me is personal hygiene. I don’t shower for days, brush my teeth, my hair ends up in a ponytail nonstop, and I only change my clothes if they get wet from doing the dishes or something. So, for me to get back any sense of control and joy I force myself into the shower, I put clothes on that make me feel joy not just simply comfortable, I brush my teeth, do my hair and anything else I haven’t done in awhile. Every time I always surprise myself by how much more rejuvenated I feel after doing this and how much of the fog lifts.

2. Declutter

Another thing for me that will start to go is cleanliness of my physical space. Even though I am aware for me something not being clean is extreme and most would think it is still perfectly clean. It still affects me, my mental health and my emotions if it isn’t as clean as my brain would like it to be. So, I start to declutter. I tell myself to just focus on decluttering so I don’t swing to far one way and go from avoiding things by doing nothing to avoiding things by distraction and doing way to much. That just creates a different type of overwhelm to now be coping with. So, be careful and mindful of that.

3. Get outside

Even if it is just for 1 minute step outside in some way. I know that it isn’t always ideal or safe to do. I live in Minnesota and sometimes it’s just too damn cold to go outside and it hurts. Not only because I am a witch and pagan so, for me it’s spiritual and religious self care but, there is actual science behind it! When we go outside and make contact with the earth we get an influx in energies we need that cause us to reset and cleanse. Plus the fresh air in our lungs is invigorating and gives you more energy as well.

4. Build mastery

What this means is doing something completely that makes you feel like an absolute master at that skill when you are done. Whether it be something like sweeping your kitchen floor, making your bed, washing your hands, writing your grocery list or creating something. Doing this helps you feel self esteem and confidence and reminds your brain what it feels like to accomplish something while reminding you that you can still accomplish things even when feeling unwanted emotions.

5. Organize some part of your life

Whether it be your schedule for the week, your to do list, a meal plan or anything else you need to organize, plan, and schedule some part of your life. Doing this again helps you feel a sense of accomplishment, self esteem, and makes you feel like there is a little less for you to have to worry about and feel overwhelmed over. Doing this can also help you with checking the facts of why you became overwhelmed in the first place.

6. Do some type of self care activity

It does not matter what type of self care you do, physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, etc. you simply just need to do whatever your intuition is calling you to do that is all about taking care of you. It is about recharging your battery. Connecting you to joy. And reigniting your flame of desire.

7. Do a brain dump

This one might not work for everyone it is really going to depend on your brain and your own needs for order and organization. For some doing a brain dump will only overwhelm them more and for others like me it helps keep me realistic and it stops my brain from thinking it is never ending. Seeing it all written down on one page makes my see that there is an end in sight and that it is tangible for me to reach and the sense of overwhelm will subside and a sense of motivation starts to take over.

8. Use the Post it Method

This is a skill one of the DBT therapist taught us in group one day as bonus skill. I modified it for my own use so I will tell you both ways to use this one.

The first one is using to get you to do things. What you do is you grab some sticky notes and a pen and you get yourself in wise mind and you ask yourself what are the top ( however many you choose) things you have been avoiding and procrastinating doing? You write them on a post note and place them somewhere you will have no choice but, to see them to use as motivation to get you to complete the task. Once you do you get to remove the post it note and feel another boost of accomplishment, self esteem, and confidence to further enhance your motivation.

The second one, is using it to restrict how many things you do. This for me was way more important for my OCD. My issue isn’t really not doings things. It’s taking on and doing to many things. So, how I modified this was when it came to getting my posts it I limited the number I was allowed to write. I picked a number and I could only choose that many task to get done and do that day. And when I had completed them all I wasn’t allowed to go and create new ones and add more. If they were gone it meant I had to relax and no longer work on my to do list.

Again, this helps give you that sense of accomplishment and it gives a structure on how you will do it. You also get that visual reinforcement as well that you have a skill to use to cope effectively.

9. Spend some extended time in Wise mind

Everyone has different skills and ways they get themselves into wise mind. If you don’t know what wise mind is; it’s using both your emotional mind and reasonable mind to access the wisdom within you. It’s seeing value and in both your reason and your emotions. It’s bringing your left brain and your right brain together. It’s walking the middle path and existing and thinking in duality.

It’s our goal to be in this state of mind as often as we can be and to try and make most if not all of our decisions from this place so we can live a life worth living. Spending some extended time in this state of mind can help us to check the facts, realign, and be able to move forward in an effective way. So do this however you need to. Again it will look different for all of us whether it’s meditating, using the stone flake on the lake technique, the spiral staircase, or breathing techniques.

Create your Cope ahead plan to fit you and your needs

The list and ideas in this blog post are just the very beginning of the options you have to put in them and it doesn’t even include all of them I use for this specific situation either because, it can change time to time. So, use this as a starting place, experiment and create a cope ahead plan that will best benefit you when you feel overwhelmed. No matter how that looks, by avoiding things, doing to much or something else entirely. Keep that plan in a safe spot and pull out any time you need it remembering you created it just for that moment and feeling to help you.

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Baba Yaga; The Hag Goddess of Wisdom

Baba yaga is an incredibly fascinating witch and goddess. Her name alone just draws you in to learn more about her and pulls you into the slavic forest in search of her wandering hut on chicken legs. She will pull many in to learn about her but very few will actually learn her magic and walk her path with her.  Some view her as simply a folklore character, others a witch, some a hag, and to others she is seen as an ancestral figure to honor as a goddess. 

We can learn much from her when we are open to her wisdom. Her light is that of our ancestors, whose flame has been burning for generations. Death and rebirth are the domains of Baba Yaga, the Slavic goddess of regeneration.

Baba Yaga is staple of Slavic lore. She can be found in stories across several countries as a specific character, not just an archetype. What I find most interesting about her is that she is portrayed, almost equally, as a villain and a benefactor.

Who is she?

Baba yaga is seen in many folklore tales throughout the Slavic and Russian culture. Like I touched on before many see her as just that. A folklore character that has many myths and legends surrounding her of her doing dark things like eating children who wander into the woods.  But, many others view her as a divine ancestor, a powerful spirit, an ancient earth goddess. Though her lineage is unknown and we do not know where or who she came from or her parents which is a reason she is seen as primordial energy and not being of this world of the underworld. She is also referred to as the keeper of the waters of life aka the fountain of youth and when I have worked with her she has shown me a door that only she has the key to and explained all knowledge of time is within it.

Her importance during ancient times

In ancient cultures, older women were seen as the keepers of family or tribal wisdom and tradition, and they were revered as such.

These knowing women were thought to be familiar with the mysteries of birth and death; as a result, they were qualified to care for the sick and dying, and they were endowed with the function of bringing life and death.

Her name

The first part Baba translates to old woman or grandmother. Depending on the region and people, this can be a term of endearment or even an insult. It essentially points to the fact that the woman is in her elderly years and may even be ugly or misshapen, to some. Which is where we see the connection and description of her being a hag goddess being so common. To others, it gives the woman a certain power and wisdom

Yaga,  this part of her name is a little harder to translate and understand. There have been literally dozens of translations looking at various languages in Eastern Europe and Russia. Some include terror, horror, serpent, chill, witch and even dryad or wood nymph.

An Introduction to working with pagan deities
To get help with your journey with deities and delve into how you view them and would like to work with them check out my eBook today! This eBook will walk you thru the different ways to view deities, what a deity can be, and the basics to start building a deep meaningful relationship with one. You can purchase the eBook below!

Her many images

Baba Yaga isn’t just one thing. She’s many: a monster, witch, hag, villain, divine grandmother, earth goddess, forest spirit, shapeshifter, light bringer, and to some she’s even considered a hero. According to Judika Illes, while Baba is of Slavic prominence, she may have once been the Scythian goddess of the hearth Tabiti. Though, I believe we can see her as many of the deities of the hearth. Including Hestia of Greek origin and Holda and Berchta of Germanic origin. We also can draw a connection to her and the celtic goddess Cerridwen with what she has to offer and her connection to herbal knowledge.  

To modern witches and Slavic pagans, Baba Yaga is a witch goddess who lives deep in a birch forest. She’s the keeper of herbal and healing wisdom and grants her knowledge to those who are worthy and of whom seek initiation.

Baba Yaga’s myths over the centuries have turned her into the wicked witch of the forest, seen as ugly and old. This is more commonly a societal view of how many see elderly women set in their ways and often shunned by younger generations who value beauty and youth over age and experience.

The tales say Baba is an old woman with iron teeth like boar tusks. She has bear claws and wears a necklace of skulls, smokes a pipe, and sometimes has a golden or iron foot. In other belief, she’s a snake from the waist down. Some say she wears an apron and holds a key to life’s mysteries. She flies about in a mortar, holding a pestle. Sometimes she holds a broom with which to sweep away any signs she’s been about.

When she’s first documented in 1755 (that we know of), the writer says Baba has bony legs, iron teeth, and refers to misshapen or repulsive features. Including the old woman’s nose, breasts, buttocks and vulva. Baba appears in a list along with other Slavic deities, with all of the others compared to Roman deities. But not Baba she’s on her own. Which shows her sovereignty and power.

Baba Yaga is associated with the dark forests, death, rebirth, sickness, dying, but also healing, renewal, sage wisdom and advice that comes from experience and a long life.

Her wise grandmother’s energy is strict and harsh, but for your own well being.

Her energy is most strongly felt in the autumn, leading up to Mabon and Samhain as the leaves change color and the temperatures begin to get cooler.

Baba yaga and the liminal space

Baba Yaga is not quite of this world and the next as she remains otherworldly between the physical world and the spirit world/underworld.

A crone witch and often referred to as a goddess, Baba Yaga can be considered part of the dark goddess archetype.

She is seen as a liminal witch and not quite of this world due to her magical hut which is central to her mythology and who she is. Baba Yaga is found between the worlds, not exactly of the spirit world or the underworld and not quite of this world either.

Her connection to death, mortality, fraility can be connected to the same as ghosts who roam the Earth and the magick of the mythological forest creatures such as the Rusalka (русалка) and Leshy (леший). 

However,  even with Baba Yaga as a dark/crone goddesss she doesn’t reside in the underworld, but she is connected to what it represents.

Baba yaga’s hut

Baba Yaga’s home is strongly connected to her mythology, which is also associated with the familiarity of the home and our ancestral connections. 

 So, where is Baba Yaga’s house and what does it look like? 

The tales say Baba Yaga’s house is deep in a birch forest. And that it sits atop a pair of giant chicken legs. Because it has legs, it can move. In other tales, her cabin sits atop the legs of a goat or spindle wheels.

Around Baba Yaga’s house, there’s a fence with skulls that sit on top. These skulls glow at certain times. And in her cabin, there’s a large oven akin to a cauldron. Baba Yaga is said to stretch out on top of this oven to warm herself, and in some tales, she’s so large that she can reach both corners of her home as she stretches out atop it. The cauldron in her home screams of Baba’s domain over magic, regeneration, ancestral wisdom and initiation into the magical arts and is where we see Cerridwen popping up again. During the day, a white horse and a red horse may be seen outside her hut. And at night, a black horse. It may also be surrounded by other wildlife including birds, squirrels, snakes, etc.

Baba yaga and Vassalissa the wise

Vassalissa the Wise may be the most well-known story featuring Baba Yaga.

One of the more famous of the Baba Yaga stories features the main character not as the old woman herself but a young maiden named Vasalisa. 

In the tale of Baba Yaga and Vasalisa the Wise, Baba takes on her typical personality as the fearsome witch in the wood. The young maiden, Vasalisa, is sent away by her evil stepmother and stepsisters. They selfishly and sadistically hope that Vasalisa will die in the cold, dark forest. But instead, Vasalisa comes to the hut of Baba Yaga, and the old woman offers her life as well as shelter and food in return for Vasalisa’s hard work around the house. And any other duties the old woman might require.

For three whole days, Vasalisa toils over the chores (without complaint) and cooks the old woman her meals. With the help of a poppet she holds in her pocket that is a vessel for her dead mother’s soul. And each day Vasalisa is met with 3 horses on the old woman’s property whom she also saw while traveling in the forest before coming to the hut. There’s a white and red horse that appear during the day, and a black horse that appears at night. Baba also threatens to put Vasalisa in her cauldron if she doesn’t complete her chores each day. On the third day, Vasalisa is brave enough to ask Baba Yaga a question. Vasalisa asks about the three horses, to which the old woman replies:

“The white horse is my bright day;

the red horse is my red, round sun;

And the black horse is my black, dark night.”

At the end of the three days, Vasalisa is granted her desire to return home. Baba Yaga gifts her a skull that lights up to light her way home. When Vasalisa returns home with the skull, she sets it in her stepmother’s hearth. Immediately, the stepmother and stepsisters are so taken with the skull that they can’t break eye contact. In turn, this turns them to ash and Vasalisa is free from their evil ways. She takes the skull and returns to Baba Yaga in the woods. Upon which Baba Yaga invites her to learn her ways.

Take aways from this myth:

Sacred Number 3: birth, death, rebirth; night, dawn, day; maiden, mother, crone

Cauldron of regeneration and initiation

The blood red horse may be akin to a woman’s menstruation and initiation into womanhood

Ancestral magic: Vasalisa holds a poppet in her pocket with the energy or spirit of her dead mother that guides and helps her throughout her trial with the old woman in the woods

Birch forest: also a symbol of regeneration and renewal, as well as of the Goddess in many European traditions

Initiation process: successfully completing an ordeal that tests one’s patience and brings one to death’s door and back again


First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy , or the zodiac energy the moon is currently in like I will list below for you to use.

  • Sign- scorpio
  • Colors- red, white, black
  • Animals- snakes, horses, chickens, creatures of the forest, cat
  • Archetype- crone
  • crystals/gemstones-Garnet, bloodstone, tourmaline, smoky quartz
  • Epithets- Baba, Boba, Baba Den, Jezi Baba
  • herbs/flowers- nightshade, patchouli, sandalwood, geranium
  • Season- autumn and samhain
  • Tree-birch
  • symbols-mortar and pestle, broom, cauldron, skulls, flame 

When to work with Baba yaga

  • Advice
  • Guidance
  • Healing (physical ailments)
  • Wildcrafting
  • Herbalism
  • Relationship advice
  • Hedge Witchcraft

Baba Yaga gives straight-forward advice, knowledge and wisdom to those who respectfully request and want to improve their witchery skills.

Her witchery expertise is in areas of herbology and wildcrafting (using wild and natural items found in nature and forests), along with hedge witchcraft. Baba Yaga can help to give wisdom and teachings when it comes to witchcraft (folk magick) and healing.

She uses natural items in forests and nature that bring healing in herbal salves, ointments and teas and herbs that can be used in folk magic.

If you work with herbs in your practice, you can work with Baba Yaga to help you perfect your craft and improve your skills and knowledge with herbs and healing with herbs.

In meditation, Baba Yaga can offer healing teas and herbs that can work to help ease discomfort and minor ailments such as upset stomach, minor colds, seasonal allergies, rashes/hives, headaches, etc.

If you’re looking for the right herb for a spell or natural healing, you can call on Baba Yaga to guide you to the right resources or materials.

How to know if you should work with her

“Be prepared. Baba Yaga is not an easy teacher. And she is definitely no pushover. She will challenge you, she will test you, and she will push you farther than you ever believed you could go. But, like a tough coach or a domineering drill sergeant, perhaps it’s because she believes in you more than you may believe in yourself. To work with her takes courage, intelligence, resourcefulness, and even a little bit of moxie, but if you’re ready for the challenge, you’ll reap incredible rewards—climbing higher, going farther, and doing more than you ever thought possible.” ~ Madame Pamita, author of Baba Yaga’s Book of Witchcraft.

You’ll know if Baba Yaga is calling you to her house and to her craft. But if you’re unsure, here’s a few signs she might send you:

The Birch tree keeps showing up in books, TV, etc.

You see Baba Yaga’s name everywhere online, movies, books, etc.

You’ve had a vision, dream or meditation in which Baba Yaga approaches you or you find her house in the birch forest

Three horses come to you as an omen (and an even bigger sign if there’s one white, one red and one black)

You might see a cauldron, broom, or spinning wheel as signs

Dreaming of skulls along a fence-line or in the hearth

If you’re going through an initiation process in life, at work, in a skill or spiritually

In this 6 week course you will get access to classes that aim to help strengthen and/or begin your journey with pagan deities. You will get access to recorded classes to do at your own pace and eBooks to go with each section as well. You get an added guided meditation session as well that is prerecorded. You end up with a total of 6 classes, 6 eBooks, and 6 guided meditations sessions.

How to work with her

Here are just a few ideas of how to work with her and always remember it may look different and feel different for each and every one of us so just follow your intuition and your call. 

1. Read and Research

The first thing I always recommend when getting to know a deity is to read as much as you can about them. If you’re not a reader, watch documentaries. Listen to audiobooks and podcasts. Whatever you can find about Baba Yaga will be helpful in getting to know her from a respectful, cultural perspective. She is featured in many fairy tales, movies, poems, and even in children’s books. Some books written from a modern witchcraft perspective include Madame Pamita’s Book of Witchcraft, Baba Yaga by Natalia Clarke, and a fun read called Ask Baba Yaga: Otherworldly Advice for Everyday Trouble by Taisia Kitaiskaia.

Some common myths to look into about her will be Maria Morevna, where she makes a deal to help Prince Ivan find his bride, only to sabotage his effort to keep his end of the bargain, which would have resulted in his death. And The Black Geese, where her only goal is to capture and eat children.

2. Set Up An Altar for Baba Yaga

Every deity and spirit appreciates their own space. Baba is no different. If you have a mantle or space near a wood stove, this is the perfect spot for her as she’s highly linked to the hearth in Russian lore.

When working with Baba Yaga, offerings of thanks should be made each time after making a connection with Baba Yaga or asking for her advice, guidance or help.

If you know some poetry or words in Ukrainian, Russian, Polish or any Slavic language, you can give thanks to Baba Yaga in these languages.

At your altar, you can leave tokens of appreciation and thanks to Baba Yaga such as:

Include objects that make her feel at home: a cauldron, broom, or mortar and pestle for example.

Tobacco / cigarettes


Food: kovbasa, borshch, patychky, varenyky (pierogis), bread (хліб), potato pancakes (картопяні млинці)

Decoration: wheat, traditional embroidery or rushnyky (traditional embroidered towels/rugs), matroshka (nesting dolls), pysanky (decorated Ukrainian eggs), skull decorations, bones (ethically gathered or sourced), images or statues of Baba Yaga and/or her house.

These offerings can also be left in forests at the foot of a tree or a special area that you dedicated outside for Baba Yaga.

3. Initiation Process

Baba will take you on a road to initiation deep in her forest. This process will be different for every devotee. You may be required to perform acts of service in her name, perhaps by aiding in preservation of the earth, forest, or wildlife. Perhaps through herbal studies. And she may even quiz you with riddles. Be open to learning, being patient, and working hard. Ask Baba Yaga how you can learn from her.

4. Work with herbs

Baba yaga is a master with herbs and plants as she is so at home in the forest. She has so much knowledge on herbal remedies and usages for alignments. Working with herbs and studying them especially the more dangerous one like Nightshade are a great way to connect to her and learn from her.

5. Shadow work 

Since Baba yaga resides in the Liminal space, and is so connected to the primordial wisdom of the earth and our ancestors she makes one of the perfect goddesses to call on for shadow work. She is intense though one of the most intense goddesses I have ever called in during a shadow work session. When you enter her hut for a shadow work session you will go deep in the liminal space and be pushed further than have before to really get the answers the forest and your ancestors from the beginning of time have to offer you. So, be prepared for this journey with her she will push you and she will show you everywhere you made a mistake and caused your own suffering to get worse. 

If you would like to learn more about shadow work you can purchase my eBook here; you can book me for a 1:1 session as your guide here;  and you can watch my free class previously taught on it through Divination here. 

6. Call to her for discipline

Something I don’t see often from other witches is using her for discipline and structure. Baba Yaga is that overbearing, strict, I will slap your hand away grandmother type energy. Due to this attitude of strictness she has she is perfect to call on for situations where you need a little more discipline like quitting a bad habit or maintaining your schedule. You can do this by calling to her in spells and invocations when setting intentions for discipline and even calling to her while binding or banishing a habit you wish to stop. She suggests that when doing this you spin in a circle to signify and understand the difficulty it takes to break free of a cycle.

7. Work with her as the triple goddess

 It is said that Baba Yaga has two other sisters, who are also Baba Yagas who live in Her hut. Baba Yaga becomes a Triple Goddess in this fashion, embodying the Virgin, Mother, and Crone. The “Keeper of the Water of Life and Death” is another name for Baba Yaga. So, if you work the triple goddess archetype you can use her as the crone representation alone or as all three. I have seen and done both myself. 

8. Guided meditation to meet her

The purpose is to meet Baba Yaga so you my get to know the true Goddess. This meditation is best done during the dark moon. It is a solitary medition best done alone. Cast a circle if you like or just get comfortable in you favorite meditation position. Make sure the room is dark and you will not be disturbed

. Now let us begin.

You have entered a thick forest, but some how you know your way. You reach an opening in the trees. There before you is the home of the Goddess Baba Yaga. The fence is made of bones topped with human skulls. The house dances on chicken legs. It is a fearsome sight, yet you know there is nothing to fear. You reach the gate and ring the bell for her. In a harsh voice she asks what you want. With a pure heart you tell her why you wished to meet her. She flies out of her house in her mortar to greet you. How are you feeling? What are your impressions? Baba Yaga approaches and asks you to come with her for a ride. Do you hesitate? Go with her. Fly through the air in the mortar with Baba Yaga. Take note to where she takes you and what she tells you. Enjoy the feeling of flying! Baba Yaga will know when it is time to come back. When you return to her home, thank her and give her a gift. Does she give you a gift? If so, what is it? You know your way back through the woods.

 Now you know the way and can visit Baba Yaga when needed.

Note: When I rode with Baba Yaga in her mortar the first time she ground me up into little pieces with her pestle. She then sprinkled the waters of life on me and I was back to myself. I felt refreshed, as if the unneeded traits were ground away. Baba Yaga came to me as a healer. She taught me all healers must be intimately familiar with the cycles of life and death. She remains guardian of both the underworld and the fountain of the waters of life

No matter how you choose to work with her if you even do just remember to show her respect, understanding and to express gratitude for all the wisdom she brings to you no matter how harsh of way she does it in. I will leave you with this poem written about her to help you connect and  decide if she is a goddess you would like to work with. 

Baba Yaga

Wild Woman

I walk in the forest

and speak intimately with the animals

I dance barefoot in the rain

without any clothes

I travel on pathways

that I make myself

and in ways that suit me

my instincts are alive and razor sharp

my intuition and sense of smell are keen

I freely express my vitality

my sheer exuberant joyfulness

to please myself

because it is natural

it is what needs to be

I am the wild joyous life force

Come and meet me

By Amy Sophia Marashinsky

To expand your knowledge about her and meet her in guided meditation or if you’d rather listen than read; you can watch my free class with Divination Academy on YouTube below!

In this new special 6 month shadow work program I will help you realign your inner world, discover all the versions of you in the shadows, and show you how to integrate your shadows into your own authentic identity. When you purchase and register for this 6 month course you will get pre-recorded lessons, eBooks, journal prompt workbooks, weekly guided sessions, ( with one week off for integration) one womb healing session, and access to a discord chat for all those who are taking the course with you. We begin the last Monday of February for orientation week and then session for courses start the first Monday of March! There will be limited spots so hurry and register today!

About Me : I have been a solitary grey magic practitioner for 15 + years. First and foremost, I consider myself a mystic and seeker of all knowledge. I am dedicated to the restoration, and re-enchantment of Magic in society, across this realm, and in each and every soul I come across in life! I am here to create a container that promotes healing, duality, and raw authenticity. I do this by guiding you on your personal journey to understanding your unique magic and sacred contracts. I facilitate this for you through embracing your shadow, duality and learning to live in energetic balance while not wearing a mask. When you work and learn from me you do so from your “darkness” as much as your “light” and in a way to truly harness and accept it not to just go thru it on the way to your light. But, I teach you how to truly embrace it, work with it, and use it alongside your light as a partner. I hold up a mirror for you to be able to see your authentic reflection looking back. Then have the courage to take the next step and do the uncomfortable but vital inner work to completely remove your mask. By facing all of your past wounds, traumas, and hurts. Allowing you to see both the dark and light within your story and take each chapter and alchemize it into something that is so powerful. your unique internal flame will shine so bright you will always be able to go within and find it on a dark cold night. You will learn how to truly live in duality and energetic balance to allow growth, and alignment with your sacred contracts and purposes. to finally move on and truly let the things that hold you back in this life from healing and manifesting go. To see everything I offer; like personalized shadow work sessions, womb healing, eBooks for you to work through on your own, Tarot sessions for guidance and more! Go to my shop!