Evolve yourself, your magic and your life!
I am dedicated to the restoration, and re-enchantment of Magic in everyone’s life!
About Me
My Name is Kalsee kohs and I am here to tell my story, and pass along the many lessons and golden nuggets of wisdom this life has taught me along the way so far.
I am many things a stay at home mom,(homeschooling mom) political organizer, pagan professor, spiritual guide, mystic, Grey witch, founder of a pagan temple, bisexual woman, married and with my husband for 13 years, and I have navigated life with more than one mental health illness including DID, OCD, BPD and a few more.
I have survived many traumas including childhood abuse, my home burning down ( twice) homelessness, my mother in prison, sexual assault, narcist abuse and more.
My many identities and my intense trauma filled life has given me a very unique perspective about the multiverse, this planet, and our roles as souls on this plane. This has caused me to study and go looking for answers and wisdom from anywhere. Let me share it with you!
What my intention and deepest wish for this blog is to give you as many tools as possible to help you navigate any area of your life. Whether it be your spiritual practice, marriage/ relationships, parenting, keeping your home, magic/witchcraft, finances, mental health or personal development. I want to help you navigate it all! While at the same time create a safe space for you to feel understood and not alone because I have been there before or still am right there with you!
In my free time I am a massive nerd who loves to watch anime, write, read, play pokemon TCG, and researching ancient history/cultures/religions/alternative history and conspiracy theories. I love to have vivid fun hair and change it often!
In each individual section of this blog/ site I break down in more detail who I am in that regards, parts of my story and what I can help you with!
My mental health resume- When it comes to mental health and what knowledge I have to offer I will list the illnesses I spend my life living with and what treatments/ trainings I have used and/or completed to help pass on knowledge to you. I also talk about it in more detail in the personal development section. When it comes to the mental heath illnesses that are apart of my wiring and my life include, Borderline personality disorder (BPD), Bipolar I disorder (BP), Post Traumatic Stress disorder (PTSD), Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), Dissociative identity disorder (DID), and Binge eating disorder. I have been in and out of Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for at least 10 years now and also a handful of times when growing up as a child and a teen. I have completed a year and half long Dialectical behavior therapy ( DBT) outpatient program and graduated in 09/2023. This program consisted of individual dbt therapy once a week, a weekly 2 hour skills group training group session, daily emotion and goal tracking, daily behavior modification, weekly and daily skills homework, and (PE) Prolonged Exposure Trauma Therapy.
DiviNation is a pagan academy. Our philosophy is that education should be free and accessible to all.
I am a professor and admin here. I teach many classes and will have them and my study guides linked to this page for everyone to have access to!
Please please go to the links and enroll to support this amazing community, resource and the academy director!
Our volunteer-led Reproductive Freedom Action Network (RFAN), works to expand abortion access, reproductive freedom and education, and create community.
I am the founder and leader of this chapter and would love your support while we continue to protect abortion access in MN