Have you ever wanted to learn more about shadow work? Have you ever wanted a guided experience through many different kinds of shadow work? Have you wanted to learn how to create your own shadow work sessions?
Are you ready to find your own unique authentic voice and identity in life? Are you ready to radically accept your past traumas and pain? Are you ready to take that pain and alchemize it into magic and power? Are you ready to meet all parts of you waiting in the shadows and hold them in compassion?
Come Join me for my first 6 month extensive guided course Embrace your shadow self to learn how to do all of that with shadow work.
What is shadow work and why should you register for this course series?
Carl Jung first introduced the concept of the shadow, and he believed that our unconscious contains aspects of ourselves that we often reject or deny. These aspects are often referred to as the “shadow self.”
Exploring our shadow self, we can identify and release limiting beliefs, heal past traumas, and find new sources of power and creativity. Shadow work helps us to understand the patterns and beliefs that are driving our thoughts and actions. It also just helps us create space for our deeper darker sides and acknowledge ourselves as complete, complicated, and multi-faceted beings.
In witchcraft, shadow work is seen as a way to tap into the power of the unconscious mind and to understand the patterns and beliefs that are driving our thoughts and actions. By exploring our shadow self, we can identify and release limiting beliefs, heal past traumas, and find new sources of power and creativity. When we fully integrate, we can tap into our full power and magical potential. Until we do, we can access only a small portion of our personal power. Magic requires both light and dark, and an understanding and mastery of both within ourselves
Embrace your shadow self workshop will teach you how to identify your shadow shelf, and teach you many different ways to use shadow work for many purposes most importantly for healing and magic expansion.
Why work with me in the shadows and shadow work?
I have overcome a pretty immensely trauma filled life starting at a very young age. I have been able to take that trauma filled life full of darkness and learn the benefit of it. To understand the duality of it and alchemize that suffering and pain into my very own authentic identity by going into the shadows every single day. That Identity I have created I have no problem standing in and being exactly who I am.
This is what makes me a very unique guide because I am able to teach you to embrace your shadows with compassion. I teach you how to this in a raw, emotional, and deeply authentic way. I teach you to integrate and alchemize your shadows into your life not to change them or make them disappear.
All of this is why my regular clients keep coming back because of this.
In this new special 6 month shadow work program I will help you realign your inner world, discover all the versions of you in the shadows, and show you how to integrate your shadows into your own authentic identity.
When you purchase and register for this 6 month course you will get pre-recorded lessons, eBooks, journal prompt workbooks, weekly guided sessions, ( with one week off for integration) one womb healing session, and access to a discord chat for all those who are taking the course with you.
We begin the last Monday of February for orientation week and then session for courses start the first Monday of March! There will be limited spots so hurry and register today!
When you register with purchase you will receive in email within 1 business with all the details, how to join the discord, and links to the first meet up for course!
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