
Come work with me !

I am dedicated to the restoration, and re-enchantment of Magic.

I do this by guiding you on your personal journey to understanding your unique magic. I facilitate this for you through embracing your shadow, duality and living in energetic balance.

This is because I live my life as a grey witch, striving to always be in duality which makes me a very unique guide to help you in life.

When you work and learn from me you do so from your “darkness” as much as your “light” and in a way to truly harness and accept it not to just go thru it on the way to your light. But, I teach you how to truly embrace it, work with it, and use it alongside your light as a partner. You will learn how to truly live in duality and energetic balance to allow growth, and alignment with your sacred contracts and purposes.

To see everything I offer go to my shop below! I can not wait to be a guide for you to expand your magic, your personal development, and align you with your sacred purposes through duality and balance.

To book any service or reading email [email protected], Click any of the registration links or payment links in description or book through facebook

All payments must be paid at the time of booking through paypal and will be refunded if service and reading is cancelled at least 2 hours prior to booked appointment.

Enrolled students at divination will receive a discount at booking!

All services will be over google meet unless you are in the St.Cloud Mn area

Disclaimer!!- I believe education should be free and accessible to all. So every single service I am offering here, I am also offering you free classes, free support groups, free resources, free study guides, and non stop free information and learning for each and every one of these services and topics. I will ALWAYS give you the tools and resources to do these things on your own and I will ALWAYS encourage you to learn how to do them on your own and to use that knowledge to do them on your own. These services are for if you want more guidance and 1:1 help and attention along the way from me!

Upcoming live events and workshop series

Come join me to work with the balancing energy of Libra to tip the scales of your life and your chakras. Allow me to guide you through one of my unique chakra balancing sessions. During this session You will learn how to use your own body as an energy balancing pendulum. Allowing you to read your own chakras for blockages and how they are currently flowing. This session will bring the scales of Libra into the center of your heart space with us to balance yourself, your relationships, and your life. To join me for this session register by sending me your payment below!

Learn how to create a spell jar to devote yourself to a dark goddess this spooky season as you work with the thinning veil to guide you through the shadows deep within your soul.
This class I will show you how to create a spell to devote yourself to the dark goddess Hecate and you will leave with an ebook full of recipes for other dark goddesses you can work with on Samhain or halloween night! Register for one of the limited spots for this event below!

During spooky season with halloween, samhain, and the day of the dead all happening around the same time using their energy to pull back the veil. Tarot readings at this time of the year are quite potent, full of clarity, and very powerful. With the veil thinned the messages from our guides, deities, and ancestors are much clearer for us to see and receive. Join me for a free hour of tarot card readings on halloween night and see what messages are waiting for you from behind the veil.

New workshop series is now available for pre-registration, we begin on Wednesday October 23rd! Only 10 spots will be available to claim! Be kind to you mind is a 6 week workshop series to teach you how to bring mindfulness to each and every day of your life! Have you been feeling stuck, emotionally unstable, missing joy in your life, or having a hard time connecting to yourself and your magic?
Come join me for this in depth look into the practice of Mindfulness! Mindfulness is the practice of purposely bringing one’s attention to the present moment without judgment. It allows you to move from just existing in life to thriving, get back to wise mind, create a place to heal and grow in, align you with joy and so much more! Join me in this workshop series for weekly meetings, pre recorded classes, ebooks, guided work and more! To register for one of the only 10 spots click the link below.

Workshop Bundles-Prerecorded

In this 6 week course you will get access to classes that aim to help strengthen and/or begin your journey into witchcraft. You will get access to recorded classes to do at your own pace and Ebooks to go with each section as well. You get an added guided meditation session as well that is prerecorded. You end up with a total of 6 classes, 6 ebooks, and 12 guided meditations sessions. The topics covered are:Energy work,grounding and centering,Building your intuition thru your clares,Shadow work journey thru the darkness,Building your inner sacred temple,Introduction to deity work. You can purchase this workshop bundle here;

To book any service or reading email [email protected] or book through facebook no payment needed to book there. Or send payment to this link with description of what you would like to book. I offer payment plan options as well on paypal and if you send me a message directly. At times scholarships are available as well.

Chakra Reading session– $26 This will be a 30 minute 1:1 session with me over google meet. We will use your own body as a pendulum while working thru some shadow work prompts and questions bases on each of your chakra points while I assess your flow of energy for blockages and how it moves in response to each question. You will leave with insight, and the tools to begin to work thru those chakra blockages and transform your life

Cleansing– $26 This will be a 30 minute 1:1 session with me over google meet to cleanse any unwanted energies and attachments to you and your life.

Energy & path reading session– $26 This will be a 60 minute session with me in sacred space, with your permission I will guide you thru a shamanic/ meditative journey to help you find your own energy, intuition, and to discuss different magic paths to take and you are curious in

Sacred contract auto writing session- $35 This will be a 45 minute session with me in sacred space as I guide you through an auto writing session into your sacred space, to help you uncover aspects of your sacred contract(s) with your guides and the Akashic records.

Womb healing sessions- $26 or $53 This will be 1:1 on google meet for 30 or 60 minutes based on which session you book. Embarking on a journey of womb healing offers a profound opportunity to reconnect with your body’s wisdom and nurture a harmonious balance within. The womb is a powerful and magical place, where all life begins and that holds intuitive wisdom and creative vitality. The womb, as well as our body goes through the cycles of life and each month through the cycle of the moon. The womb can also be a place where traumas, emotions and pain, numbness and disconnection can be stored. 

Build your Sacred Space- $35 This will be a 1:1 on google meet for 60 minutes with me. Everyone needs to have a deep sacred inner space to be able to retreat to and call about to stay in wise mind, to grow and be centered in your magic and self. Sometimes this can be hard to maintain even after years of practice and sometimes it is hard to build at first. Let me help you in whatever way I can through

Guided Deity Channeling- $26 or $53 This will be a 1:1 on google meet for 30 or 60 minutes depending on what you book. Many witches and pagans work with deities. They are astounding entities to work with. Sometimes it can be hard to know who is calling to you, it may be hard to connect to and/ or communicate with them. Or maybe you feel a calling and want to meet them for the first time. Let me guide you through a 1:1 channeling with that deity to either introduce you or deepen an already existing relationship. I have a long list of deities I can connect you to and help you learn to connect to in your life and practice. Before this session we will have a free 30 minute 1:1 session on google meet to discuss which deity you would like me to channel and your personal connection to them.

Personalized guided meditation session- $26 or $53 This will be a 1:1 on google meet for 30 or 60 minutes depending on what you book. Prior to this session we will have a free 30 minute 1:1 session to get to know each other and what type of guided meditation will be best suited to help you move through to your next stage of evolution. Options for your guided meditation could range from inner child work, akashic record work, trauma work, mental health, daily life, grounding, finding your own magic, and so much more!

Guided Shadow work session- $26 or $53 This will be a 1:1 on google meet for 30 or 60 minutes depending on what you book. Prior to this session we will have a free 15 minute 1:1 session to get to know each other and what type of shadow work prompts and guidance will be best suited to help you move through to your next stage of evolution.

Shadow work is necessary if you wish to grow spiritually and personally. It will help you better understand yourself, your traumas,
and the old wounds you are carrying. Not to mention, help you better understand other people.
Other benefits include:

Tarot & Oracle Card Readings

I am now offering many different Tarot Card Reading services. I have been working with Tarot cards for years now and would love to help you be able to receive and interrupt messages from the Universe and source using myself and the cards as tools to express it to you. I have many different types of readings I can assist you with and a few different decks to choose from one of my favorites being the deep, dark and dangerous deck based on monsters, dark goddesses and the creatures that go bump in the night. If you have any questions about the type of spread you should book send me a message and I can help you figure that out! To book a session today go to my facebook page and click book now and/or send me a Direct message to book today!

This special session will be an hour long and include spreads to guide your through love, career, family, show you upcoming obstacles, and where your healing journey is headed during each month of the next year! Register and claim one of the limited spots today!

Ebooks Available for purchase

All Ebooks are only $3.50 to purchase!

In this eBook you get her extensive history, how to work with her, guided journal prompts and shadow work prompts to help you work thru traumas, and liberate every sense of yourself especially your sexual energy and divine feminine.Get your copy at the link below!You will receive your link to download within 1 business day!

Spell jars might look simple, but the magic they hold is powerful. And they’ve never been more popular in the world of magic and witchcraft. Spell jars have been a part of various spiritual practices for centuries. They serve as a powerful tool for manifesting intentions and desires. Whether you’re new to the world of spell jars or a seasoned practitioner, this eBook aims to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of what spell jars are, their types, ingredients, and their growing popularity. You can purchase at this link;

This eBook will walk you thru the different ways to view deities, what a deity can be, and the basics to start building a deep meaningful relationship with one. You can purchase the eBook here;

Many of us have altars and physical spaces that either are, or we create them to be, sacred containers for us. Containers that allow us to step away from the physical world, and step into a place of magic and spirit. They are containers that create a trigger for our mind and our soul so we can experience beyond the tangible world and the earthly realm. But, we also have our inner temple and sacred container that I would argue is much more important for us to develop, build and maintain. This eBook walks you thru what an Inner temple and sacred container is and how to begin to build yours! You can purchase this here;

The clair senses are types of psychic abilities that correspond with the five senses of seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting. This ebook helps you learn what the clairs are, how to recognize them, and how to begin to develop and use them!You can purchase my new eBook at the link here

In witchcraft, shadow work is seen as a way to tap into the power of the unconscious mind and to understand the patterns and beliefs that are driving our thoughts and actions. By exploring our shadow self, we can identify and release limiting beliefs, heal past traumas, and find new sources of power and creativity. When we fully integrate, we can tap into our full power and magical potential. Until we do, we can access only a small portion of our personal power. Magic requires booth light and dark, and an understanding and mastery of both within ourselves. Embrace your darkness through shadow work is an eBook that will help guide your through what shadow work is, it’s many benefits, and guide you through intimates ways to begin the long journey to embrace your darkness through shadow work. You can purchase this ebook here;

Grounding is a term used to help center and calm a person’s energy and emotions. It is a process that helps us to energetically and physically connect deeper to the healing frequencies of the Earth and puts us more in a present state of awareness. For some people, grounding simply means ensuring that your Soul and awareness is more present in your body. For others, grounding is about coming to that place of absolute calmness that resides within the center of your heart or core of your being. This ebook will help walk you through the enchanting practice of rooting to who you are through grounding. It will show you what grounding is, how to practice it, the benefits of it, and give you intimate ways to do so as you move through the eBook. You can purchase this ebook at the link here;

The purpose of inner child work is to resolve and heal the emotions and trauma hidden within you from your childhood. Integrating this type of work into your daily life is an important factor in the healing process. This ebook is a guide to help show you how your inner child can affect you, how to meet your inner child, how to heal your inner and be given ways to intimately help you heal your inner child. A transformative step in any healing process! You can purchase this ebook here;

Energy! Nothing is solid; Everything is made up of energy. Me. You. Your family. The chair you’re sitting on. Your bed. The ground you walk on. That’s why energy work is so important. The language of our higher self is spoken to us through our intuition and intuition communicates with us through the language of energy. It allows us to understand the world around us, both in practical everyday matters and in the mystical and sacred stuff! This ebook aims to give you a comprehensive understanding of energy, different energy systems, and how to maintain healthy energy hygiene. You can purchase this ebook here;

After working through this workbook you will feel much more connected to your divine feminine by going deep within yourself to take a look at topics like sex, communication with your partner, your current relationship with the divine feminine, and acknowledging any traumas you may need to work thru. You can purchase this ebook here;

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