Every single month has it’s own energy, and frequencies we can connect to that are unique. When we connect to the month’s energy and frequencies we can find ourselves living a much more aligned, and magical life. We have the ability to amplify our magical workings, intentions, and manifesting. Let’s talk about how to do that with the month of May.
May is a vibrant, energetic, creative, lustful, fertile, and compassionate month marked by the celebration of Beltane and the height of spring’s fertility. It’s a time to honor the Earth’s abundance, to embrace the energy of growth and renewal, and connect with the magic of the natural world all around us in the passionate cosmic dance of the co-creators. An explosion of vitality floods the Earth this month. And that joy of living is transferred to the spirit in everything all around us like; in the activities of humans, the full hustle and bustle in nature, and even in celebrations this month like Beltane and Mother’s day. Love is around every corner in May; sexual love as well as self-love and motherly love. Use this flaming energy to add motivation to your goals and dreams to bring them into reality.
In the month of May we see some themes from both April and March continued as well like fertility, growth, prosperity, and abundance. This month continues to be a time to focus on positive change, growth and new opportunities. This month is a time to truly focus on aligning ourselves with the natural rhythms of the Earth and the turning of the wheel. It’s a month to take the time to go deep into the caverns of who you really are and make sure you are living life truly in your purpose and intentions. Make sure to use those energies and themes to nourish your seeds planted in March, and that you watered in April. Focus on making sure you are really putting the movement, passion, and nutrients into your manifestations, intentions, and goals for the year to really take root, flourish, and begin to multiply in the coming months bursting forth with vitality and passion.
History Of The Month Of May
The word “may” comes from the ancient Greek goddess Maia, who was the goddess of growth and mother of Hermes, the messenger of the gods. Her name translates to “mother, nurse, midwife” or “good mother”. Maia is also the Greek goddess of growth and fertility, and is associated with renewal, joy, and magic. The Romans also had a goddess named Maia, who was associated with fertility and spring. The month is also said to be a time for freedom, adventure, and creativity, and to explore new opportunities and spur dreams.
May is the fifth month of the year according to both the Gregorian and the Julian Calendars. May was the third month in the early Roman calendar. People born in the month of May are born under the Sun Sign of either Taurus or Gemini.

Sacred Days And Celebrations In May
Every Single month has sacred and important days and celebrations to help you connect to the energies of the month. Plus they usually are a lot of fun to take part in! Let’s talk about a couple of the important and sacred days and celebrations for the month of May.
One of the most well known and important sacred days in May is Beltane. Beltane is a celebration of the earth and nature and marks the start of the traditional planting season. Beltane is the pagan Celtic fire festival dating back to ancient times. In fact, the name Beltane is derived from the name of the Celtic god Belenes, or Bel, and the word tene meaning “fire”. The earliest mention of the holiday was in an Irish medieval text known as Sanas Cormaic, written by Cormac mac Cuilennáin king-bishop of Munster sometime before the year 908. The word Beltane, which in traditional Irish is spelled Bealtaine, means “Fire of Bel” or “Great Fire”.
It occurs officially upon moonrise on April 30th, lasting through the next day, May 1st, in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, the dates are reversed: so it begins October 31st and lasts through November 1st.Although Beltane is Celtic in origin, there are literally hundreds of other fire and fertility festivals celebrated around the world at this time. In England, Beltane is known as May Day. In Germany, it’s Walpurgisnacht (aka the Witches Night). Beltane is the festival that honors the change from winter to summer and the union of the god and goddess. It is a time of fertility, growth, and new beginnings.
Beltane is the time when the Earth is literally buzzing with fertility. Spring is in full swing, flowers are blooming, the birds are building nests for their young, many animals are seeking mates, and farmers are planting their fields in preparation of the abundant Summer months. It is time to celebrate the fertility and prosperity of the world during this warm time of growth, abundance, and transformation. It is time to connect to the duality of the sacred dance between the co-creators; that seed all of life. It is a time when our souls are lit with a burning blaze of passion, creativity, and sexuality to allow us to transform into our true forms this coming season. To learn more about this sacred day and celebration you can read all about it in my previous blog post here.

The 5/5 Portal Of Abundance
Certain dates hold a special significance in the terms of celestial alignment and they create a portal through which we can access heightened energies, spiritual insights, and opportunities for growth. The 5th of May is a really important date as it is the 5th day of the 5th month of the year. This is known as the 5/5 portal. The May 5 Portal, is also known as the 5/5 Gateway or the Beltane Portal, and it occurs annually on May 5th. This date holds significance in various spiritual traditions, including astrology, numerology, and indigenous cultures as a time of heightened spiritual activity and cosmic alignment. It’s often thought that at this time, the veil between the physical and spiritual realms is thinner, putting the collective in a liminal space allowing us to access higher frequencies of energy to receive guidance, and blessings from the divine. This portal creates a powerful alignment of cosmic forces that opens a gateway to transformation, renewal, manifestation, abundance, and purpose. The energy will be ripe on 5/5, the ultimate portal of change, enlightenment, and finally seeing elements in your life “as they are” and not what you perceive. It is the portal that unlocks the door for us to begin a deep manifestation journey. To learn more about this portal and how to work with it you can read all about it in my previous blog post here.

Mother’s Day
Mother’s day is another well known day of celebration that happens during the month of May. Not only is a day to honor mothers of all kinds but, there is a much deeper meaning to mother’s day as well. The deeper meaning of Mother’s Day is to not only honor our mothers for giving us life physically, but also to honor our true Parent, the goddess and source, who gave us life at all levels: physically, intellectually, and spiritually. When we remember our mothers, we should also remember the goddess and source for creating us. Mothers Day is a chance for each of us to consciously reconnect with the principle of the Divine Feminine within ourselves, which is where the true Power Unconditional Love resides, waiting to embrace and nurture us. Celebrate the Divine Feminine this Mothers Day and notice how loved you really are.
Other Important Dates
- Beltane is celebrated on the first of May.
- The Bona Dea festival was celebrated in ancient Rome on the first of May.
- May 1st was also Vinalia.
- May 9th is the Roman festival of Lemuria.
- May 15th is the birthday of the Roman God Mercury or Mercuralia
- May 21st is the Roman festival Vejovis.
- May 23rd is the Roman festival Rosalia
- Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May.
- Memorial Day is celebrated on the last Sunday in May.
- Armed Forces Day is the third Sunday in May.
- May 5th is Cinco De Mayo, commemorating the Mexican defeat of the French at Puebla
- It is said that King Arthur died on May 30 542
- Joan of Arc died on May 30, 1431
May Magical And Witchcraft Themes
In witchcraft, May is often celebrated as a time of fertility, growth, and abundance. As spring reaches its peak in the Northern Hemisphere, witches embrace the energy of the season to nurture their intentions and projects. They take the time to go into the depths of nature to understand who they truly are and where their deepest desires and passions lie. Many witches celebrate and honor Beltane, a traditional Celtic festival celebrating the union of the god and goddess and the flourishing of life. It becomes a time to relish in the cosmic dance of the divine co-creators. Witches may participate in rituals and ceremonies honoring fertility, love, and the blooming of the natural world; as well as perform potent sex magick during this time of the year. They may also work with symbols such as flowers, maypoles, and bonfires to harness the potent energies of May.

The Gods And Goddesses Of May
With every season and month there are certain themes, magic, and energies we have the ability to connect to including deities. Everyone works with and views deity energy a little differently. Whether you view them as archetypes of the human consciousness, representations of the source energy, or as being entities on their own, there are certain deities that now is the time to connect to and honor them in the most sacred and amplified way.
During this month a few deities take center stage because they have festivals or sacred days during this month to help you connect with them in a very intimate way. The deities that are going to be the best for you to connect to right now are going to be those who represent spring, fertility, abundance, sex, love the divine co-creators, maternal love, nature, and any deities connected to Beltane. Below we will talk about some of the deities you can work with this month.

Iris, is the Greek Goddess of the Rainbow and Messenger of the Gods, and she has an important place in Greek mythology. Known for her vivid look and elegant presence, Iris is the divine connection between gods and mortals. But Iris is more than a messenger. She symbolizes the radiance, brilliance, and enchantment of rainbows, a sight that humans have been charmed by for a long time. Iris is different from other goddesses. Other gods sometimes meddle with human affairs out of fun or interest. But Iris is devoted to her mission. She shows loyalty and adherence to duty, never stopping in her mission to keep communication between Olympus and Earth open.
Even though she is most well known as the goddess of rainbows and messenger to the gods; she is also known as a goddess of the sea and sky. In some regions she is depicted as a virgin goddess and was believed by the coastal-dwelling Greeks to replenish the rain clouds with water from the sea. She was often described as Hera’s personal messenger and one of her handmaidens. To learn more about her you can read all about her in my previous blog post here.

Bel or Belenos
Bel or Belenos is a Celtic fire god who may have been the catalyst for this sabbat thousands of years ago. When we translate Bel’s name, we get “Shining One”. Not only was Bel associated with fire and fertility, he was also a well-loved healing god whose cult stretched all the way from Italy to the British Isles, at its peak. Bel was also a sun god who rode the sun like a chariot across the sky each day, led by his sacred, most powerful totem – horses. There are those who believe Beltane originates in honor of Bel, and those who disagree.

Artemis, the Greek goddess of hunting and nature, was born as the daughter of Zeus and Leto. Artemis, was the twin sister of Apollo. Their mother, Leto, faced numerous struggles during her pregnancy, as she was relentlessly pursued by the jealous Hera. Artemis helped her mother give birth to her brother Apollo, earning her reputation as the goddess of childbirth. Artemis would establish herself as the revered goddess of hunting, protector of young girls, and a powerful force in Greek mythology. Associated with various spheres of influence, she protected young girls and women and favored the Trojans in the ancient Greek literature. Depictions of Artemis show her with sacred symbols like the bow and arrow, a quiver, and her sacred animal, the deer. Stories of her wrath, such as the myth of Artemis and Actaeon, highlight her powerful vengeance.
Artemis is widely recognized as the virgin goddess in Greek mythology, embodying chastity and purity. Revered for her unwavering dedication to remaining unmarried and abstaining from romantic relationships, she symbolizes the ideal of a self-sufficient and independent woman. As the goddess of the hunt and nature, Artemis was revered as a role model for young girls and women. Her commitment to virginity set her apart from other deities and granted her a unique status within the Greek pantheon. Worship of Artemis played a significant role in ancient Greek society with numerous temples and rituals dedicated to her.

The horned god of the forest, Cernuous is a powerful deity associated with Beltane. He is often invoked for protection and blessings of abundance. Cernuous is an ancient Celtic god who was known for his power over wild nature. He was often depicted in art as a horned figure with antlers, embodying the balance between life and death. Cernuous can be seen by many as a symbol of power and transition – from death to rebirth. He teaches us the importance of understanding our place in Nature and how to connect with it – learning from nature’s ebbs and flows, respecting its cycles and giving back when possible

Part man and part goat, Pan was the Greek god who was patron of shepherds and hunters, who watched their flocks. Pan was the Greek god of nature and the untamed wilderness. PAN was the god of the meadows and forests of the mountain wilds. His unseen presence aroused panic in those who traversed his realm. He was even thought to be the cause of the musical sound of the wind through the trees. He was Associated with music, fertility, and spring. In ancient Greek art, he was often depicted as a horned man with the legs of a goat; he was the chief of the satyrs, who were similar in appearance and character to Pan.
Pan, ruled over nature and pasturelands. Pan is essentially the father of the wild things. He is frequently depicted in literature and artworks. Although he is not one of the major gods of Ancient Greece, he is one of most often referenced figures in Greek mythology. Pan has come to represent the unstoppable power of nature throughout the ages and still today. To learn more about pan and how to connect to him you can do so in my previous blog post here.

The Aztec goddess Xochiquetzal was one of the most important goddesses in the Aztec pantheon. She was associated with most of the aspects relating to women and femininity: she was the deity who presided to fertility and pregnancy, but also to handicrafts traditionally linked to women, such as weaving. Her most important characteristic was surely her strongly accentuated sensuality: she was the only Aztec goddess to be represented as a young woman, all the others being usually portrayed as mature ladies. Because she was represented as a young woman, the Aztec goddess Xochiquetzal was also the goddess of eroticism. According to this fact, she was thought to have had relationships with many among the most important gods of the Aztec religion. The most renowned was surely Tezcatlipoca, the omniscient god of the night sky and one of the creators of the world.
It is known that the Aztec goddess Xochiquetzal, often revered as the goddess of love and fertility, had a twin brother, or alternatively a male counterpart: a god named Xochipilli who was associated with dance, games, and the arts. Xochiquetzal, also recognized as the Mexican goddess of love, was thought to have been born in Tamoanchan, one of the thirteen heavens of the Aztec cosmos, from a couple of hairs on the head of her first husband, Piltzintecuhtli. She would have been the mother of the god of corn, Cinteotl, further cementing her role as a fertility goddess.

I saved the goddess the month is named after for last; the Greek goddess Maia. Maia is a Greek goddess associated with various aspects of mythology and culture. As one of the Pleiades, she resides in the constellation of the same name. Maia is known as the mother of Hermes, the messenger of the gods. Maia, a prominent figure in Greek mythology, and holds a significant place among the pantheon of gods and goddesses. Her story begins as the daughter of Atlas and Pleione, and she resides in a deep and shadowy cave atop Mount Cyllene in Arcadia. Often depicted as a shy and reclusive deity, Maia captivates with her enigmatic presence. Her connection to the natural world, particularly the earth, is a prominent aspect of her character, leading some texts to identify her as Gaia, the goddess of the Earth. In Greek Mythology her role was as a mother and caretaker, and her symbolic association with the Earth and growth.

Correspondences For May
First, what is a correspondence? A correspondence is an item or symbol that is meant to connect you to a specific energy thru it’s representation. It is seen also as an item to respect, honor, and venerate that energy as well whether it be a deity, an archetype energy, the zodiac energy the moon is currently or for time of the year like a month, which I will list below for you to use.
- Planet-Earth
- Animal-Lynx, leopards, birds, cats, snakes, hares, bees, doves, swan
- Element- Earth and Fire
- colors- Green, pink, yellow, red
- Chakra- Root and heart
- Herbs- Hawthorn, roses, lilac, jasmine, catnip, thyme, mint, elder flower, iris flowers, lily of the valley, cinnamon, mugwort, yarrow, magnolia, sandalwood, foxglove
- Stones/ crystals- Emerald, rose quartz, moonstone, malachite, carnelian, Moss agate, Sunstone, serpentine, chrysoprase,
- Deities- bel, pan, Artemis, iris, Hera, cernuous, Xochiquetzal, Xochipilli, flora, Aine, Apollo, The Green Man, Maia, Bast, Aphrodite, Venus, Diana, Faunus, the horned god
- Symbols- Maypole, flowers, bonfires, ribbons, the goddess, the phallus, flower moon, fairies, elves
- Zodiac- Taurus, Gemini
- Trees- hawthorn, apple
- Themes- Fertility, love, abundance, growth, sex, grounding, personal growth, duality, creativity, passion, lust, grounding, nature, desire, blooming world, the divine cocreators, healing, spiritual growth, balance, maternal love

How To Connect To The Magic Of May
We’ve talked a lot about all the different types of energies the month of May has and gives us access to work with. So, how can you specifically connect to those energies? In your every day life you can make sure your affirmations and manifestation work align with the energies of abundance, prosperity, love, desire, passion, maternal love, creativity, and nourishment. You can celebrate and honor any of the sacred days and holidays like Beltane, and work with the season of spring and the soon to be here Summer.
Some Rituals and spell workings during this time that will be really intensified will be based on prosperity, wealth, growth, and fertility. You can do things like create a lucky money bag, a prosperity bowl, or perform some spells using egg magic. May is a time of the year where many witches are able to get back into nature, using this time to physically reconnect with nature through all kinds of nature magic, earthing, grounding, and elemental magic. If you were not able to plant your garden last month this is a perfect time to do so and to perform some seed magic at the same time.
Other rituals and spell workings that would be powerful to perform during the month of May; will be based on passion, lust, sex, and desire. The month of May starts with a fiery and passionate blaze of sex and cocreation with Beltane and that energy is felt throughout the entire month. You see it in nature even as the bees are busy pollinating flowers, the animals are mating, and humans are much more active in nature as well. So, take the time to really allow yourself to access your true desires and passion, this month by doing some sex magick rituals or spells.
With May being about passion that also opens us up to the energy of expansion. You can access this a few different ways; by casting spells based on transformation or by doing shadow work. Another way you can access the energy of expansion is through the expression of creativity. To access this expression you can mindfully make art and give it as an offering to a deity or place it at your altar, you can move you body especially by moving your hips, go on an adventure, and you can cast any spells to enhance and boost your creativity. This month is the perfect month to really let your expression of expansion run free and work on new projects and ideas you really want to bring to life this year.
Spell and Ritual Ideas
- Create a spell jar for the month of may
- Refresh your altar
- Connect to any deities of the month
- Cast a sex spell or ritual
- Perform flower magic
- Fertility Spells
- Chakra balancing– the root, sacral, and heart chakra
- Perform Green witchcraft
- Make a simmer pot to call in passion or creativity
- Add art to your altar
- Make sun water
- Spend time in Nature grounding and/or earthing
- Do elemental magic with the element of fire
- Shadow work based on; true passion and desire, self worth, manifestation, and abundance
- Work with both the divine feminine and divine masculine
- Dance, move and open up your hips
- celebrate Beltane

Other Ways To Celebrate And Work With May
When we want to use the energy around us to affect our magical practices and rituals we can amplify that by doing things in our every day life to align with the energy as well. You can align with the energy of abundance, lust, sex, passion, compassion, fertility, expansion and creativity with affirmations, mantras, intentions, goal setting, being in nature, and adding the passion of fire to our lives with candles, lit fireplaces, and bonfires.
The month of May is a month full of love starting from the first day of the month with passionate and fiery Beltane, then the maternal love of mothers day and the love of gratitude and loss with memorial day. This month take the time to focus on the energy of love for yourself, and others in all ways and really explore all facets of the energy of love this month. You can do things like making sure you get yourself outside breathing the fresh air and getting in touch with the earth. You can also make sure to nourish yourself and show yourself some self love by taking a self love ritual bath. Lastly, take some time to look at your relationship with your mother, and with the divine mother to determine if you have a mother wound that you may need to work on healing this month.
If you didn’t start working with them last month in April don’t worry; May is also the perfect month and time to start working with the Fae and the Faery realm. You can start doing this by planning and than planting your Faery Garden so your flowers will start blooming in the next month. Some things I recommend to have for your faery garden will be listed below and keep a look out for a blogpost coming to go in depth on adding one of these to your yard and practice.
- Plant Foxglove and Pansies
- Make sure to have plenty of small plants and flower bushes
- Have small mirrors laying around
- Decorate with shiny crystals likes quartz and agates
- Plant roses
- Plant berry bushes for offerings
- Build a Fairy House
- Include moss and mushrooms
- Include a butterfly feeder and water station
- Plant Nectar producing flowers and plants

Duality And The Month Of May
Since, I am a grey witch I look for the duality in every single energy I work with including sacred times like a month of the year like May. May is burning with duality, in the sense of looking at the divine masculine and feminine. These are two forces that coexist and intermingle in the cosmos and we are made of both of these energies no matter the gender we identify with or are physically born into it. May starts off with Beltane which is the sacred day that represents these two forces. It allows us to look into the flames of our souls and connect these two forces existing within us. In my opinion it is the day of the year we can connect to the duality of them the most when we experience the intense heat of the flames when they come to together in union. That cosmic unions energy is present during the entire month allowing us to access such dualistic energies like sex, lust, passion, desire, creativity, and expansion.
Let The Passion, Creativity, And Abundance Of May Nourish Your Blossoming Intentions
We talked about many things in this blogpost including the history, some celebrations, the different energies and magical themes we can work with during this month, how to connect to those energies, deities we can honor and worship, and how to work with the magic of May. No matter how you choose to work with the energies and magic of May make sure to be focused on continuing your rebirth for this year, abundance, and nourishing yourself and the seeds your planted a few months back. Making sure those seeds that are now blossoming truly have all they need for the nutrients to continue to bring you creativity, passion, and your truest desires and passions into your life. If you do this your life will become so much more magical and aligned. All the nourishment you give your seeds that are now plants this month will allow you to bloom the rest of the year.
[…] the vibrant blossoms of spring and right before the heat and activity of summer. This month in May we find the full moon in the adventurous, expansive, visionary, idealistic and freeing sign of […]
[…] month of June continues the fiery and passionate energy of May with the sun intensifying that energy and the days beginning to get longer. The month of June is […]